Usenet 1994 January
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!usc!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!munnari.oz.au!metro!seagoon.newcastle.edu.au!scorch!glencoe!news
From: chris@glencoe.apana.org.au (Chris Baird)
Newsgroups: alt.tv.simpsons,alt.answers,news.answers
Subject: alt.tv.simpsons Changes to Frequently Asked Questions
Summary: Changes to the Simpsons FAQ.
Keywords: simpsons faq Simpsons FAQ
Message-ID: <atsfaqdiffs1093@glencoe.apana.org.au>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 08:37:30 GMT
Expires: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 00:00:00 GMT
Reply-To: simpsons-faq@glencoe.apana.org.au
Followup-To: poster
Organization: Honorary Abject Admirers of Lisa Simpson
Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
Supersedes: <atsfaqdiffs0993@glencoe.apana.org.au>
Lines: 524
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.tv.simpsons:21007 alt.answers:960 news.answers:13001
Archive-name: simpsons/diff
*** faq0993 Sun Sep 05 13:16:12 1993
--- faq1093 Thu Sep 29 22:41:40 1993
*** 1,3 ****
! [Last modified: 5 Sep 93]
--- 1,3 ----
! [Last modified: 29 Sep 93]
*** 45,48 ****
--- 45,49 ----
3.5) Where is Springfield?
3.5a) What is the Simpsons' Home address?
+ 3.5b) And their phone number?
3.6) What does the ``J'' stand for in Homer J. Simpson?
3.6a) How about Bartholomew J. Simpson?
*** 307,311 ****
(I will not fake seizures) [Everyone 'cept Maggie cartwheel
into position {see 8F10}]
! 8F24 Kamp Krusty <09/24/92>
(This punishment is not boring and [Guest appearance by the
meaningless) Flintstones]
--- 308,312 ----
(I will not fake seizures) [Everyone 'cept Maggie cartwheel
into position {see 8F10}]
! 8F24 Kamp Krusty <09/24/92, 09/16/93>
(This punishment is not boring and [Guest appearance by the
meaningless) Flintstones]
*** 370,374 ****
"spud head.")
{The premiere US airing used an intro swiped from 8F04}
! 9F14 Duffless <02/18/93>
(Goldfish don't bounce) [Homer, Marge and Bart overshoot
the couch {see 9F02}]
--- 371,375 ----
"spud head.")
{The premiere US airing used an intro swiped from 8F04}
! 9F14 Duffless <02/18/93, 09/23/93>
(Goldfish don't bounce) [Homer, Marge and Bart overshoot
the couch {see 9F02}]
*** 392,402 ****
take the couch {see 9F09}]
9F19 Krusty Gets Kancelled <05/13/93>
! (I will not charge admission to [They step into a trap
the bathroom) {see 9F11}]
! - Season Five (starting September 30th) -
! 9F21 Homer's Barbershop Quartet
! 9F22 Cape Feare (Sideshow Bob Returns)
1F01 Rosebud
1F02 Homer Goes to College
--- 393,404 ----
take the couch {see 9F09}]
9F19 Krusty Gets Kancelled <05/13/93>
! (I will not charge admission to [They step into a trap.
the bathroom) {see 9F11}]
! - Season Five -
+ 9F21 Homer's Barbershop Quartet <09/30/93>
+ 9F22 Cape Feare <10/07/93>
1F01 Rosebud
1F02 Homer Goes to College
*** 406,411 ****
1F06 Boy-Scoutz N The Hood
1F07 The Last Temptation of Homer
! 1F08 $pringfield (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love
! Legalized Gambling)
1F09 Homer the Vigilante
1F10 Homer and Apu
--- 408,413 ----
1F06 Boy-Scoutz N The Hood
1F07 The Last Temptation of Homer
! 1F08 $pringfield (or, How I Learned to Stop
! Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)
1F09 Homer the Vigilante
1F10 Homer and Apu
*** 413,431 ****
1F12 Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
1F13 Deep Space Homer
1F14 Homer Loves Flanders
1F15 Bart Gets an Elephant
1F16 Burns's Heir
1F17 Lisa's Rival
! 1F18 (Bart and Principal Skinner)
! 1F-- Lisa's Hockey Team
! 1F-- (Homer and Marge's Marital Problem)
! 1F-- Bart Gets a Girlfriend
! 1F-- Grampa Falls in Love with Grandma Bouvier
! (And a possible 23rd and 24th, if required.)
! 1F-- [to be written by John Swartzwelder]
! 1F-- (Summer Swimming Pool/Rear Window Parody)
--- 415,430 ----
1F12 Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
1F13 Deep Space Homer
1F14 Homer Loves Flanders
1F15 Bart Gets an Elephant
1F16 Burns's Heir
1F17 Lisa's Rival
+ 1F18 Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baddasssss Song
+ 1F19 Hotel Homer
+ 1F20 (Homer and Marge's Marital Problem)
+ 1F21 (Grampa & Grandma)
+ 1F22 (Summer Swimming Pool/Rear Window Parody)
! [Season five will consist of these 24 episodes]
*** 453,458 ****
! Doris Grau Della (Lionel Hutz's secretary) [7F10]
! Lunch Lady Doris [8F05]
the chapel clerk [8F10]
Lurleen Lumpkin [9F10]
--- 452,457 ----
! Doris Grau Lunch Lady Doris
! Della (Lionel Hutz's secretary) [7F10]
the chapel clerk [8F10]
Lurleen Lumpkin [9F10]
*** 528,532 ****
Christopher Guest Nigel Tufnel (Spinal Tap) [8F21]
Neil Patrick Harris himself (as Bart) [8F03]
! Chuck Hearn Lakers' announcer (himself) [8F04]
Hugh Hefner himself [9F19]
Dustin Hoffman Mr. Bergstrom [7F19]
--- 527,532 ----
Christopher Guest Nigel Tufnel (Spinal Tap) [8F21]
Neil Patrick Harris himself (as Bart) [8F03]
! George Harrison himself [9F21]
! Chick Hearn Lakers' announcer (himself) [8F04]
Hugh Hefner himself [9F19]
Dustin Hoffman Mr. Bergstrom [7F19]
*** 611,630 ****
Shorts from the Tracey Ullman Show [ullman_shorts]
- Brian Howard (bhoward@neon.stanford.edu)
- Bart's telephone pranks
- - Don Patrick (syslep@pro-lep.cts.com)
- ``Treehouse of Horror'' Tombstones
- - Curtis Hoffmann (currmann@pnet51.org.mn.org)
- ``Treehouse of Horror'' Details [treehouse_details]
- - Matt Stum (00MJSTUM@bsu-ucs.bsu.edu)
- States with a Springfield
- - Eddie Anthony & Andrew Tannenbaum (trb@ima.isc.com)
- Miniature golf course in ``Dead Putting Society'' [golf_course]
- - Gregg Townsend
Simpsons Who's Who [cast_list]
- Chip Page (chip@cs.widener.edu) & Raymond Chen
- Marge's Itchy & Scratchy list [marge_list]
- - Jon Byrd (jon@apollo.med.utah.edu)
- Homer's "Dumb Things I Gotta Do Today" [dumb_things]
- - Mike Straub (mikes@hcx3.ssd.csd.harris.com)
Simpsons Trading Cards info [card_list]
- Brendan Kehoe (brendan@cygnus.com)
--- 611,616 ----
*** 632,637 ****
- Steve Baumgarten (sbb@panix.com) &
Joe Reeves (jreeves@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu)
! Simpsons Quiz [quiz] & [quiz_answers]
! - John R. Donald (jdonald@oracle.com)
Excerpts from the Simpsons postcards [post_cards]
- Tom Wilson (wilson@osceola.cs.ucf.edu)
--- 618,624 ----
- Steve Baumgarten (sbb@panix.com) &
Joe Reeves (jreeves@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu)
! Simpsons Quiz (50 questions) [quiz] [quiz_answers]
! Simpsons Quiz II (100 questions) (quiz.txt) (answers.txt)
! - John R. Donald (jdonald@oracle.com)
Excerpts from the Simpsons postcards [post_cards]
- Tom Wilson (wilson@osceola.cs.ucf.edu)
*** 645,654 ****
Abstracts of alt.tv.simpsons discussions from
December 1992 until mid March 1993
! The Australian Air Dates listing
Butchered in Australia (changes made by Network 10 [butchered_aussie]
to the first two seasons)
Simpson House Floor Plan [floor_plan]
! The Simpsons Voicing Credits
! Writers & Directors [writers_directors]
- All from Chris Baird (cbaird@scorch.apana.org.au)
Assorted lists and quizzes: Homer's Mmmmm's & Ohhhh's,
--- 632,641 ----
Abstracts of alt.tv.simpsons discussions from
December 1992 until mid March 1993
! The Australian Air Dates listing (oz_air.txt)
Butchered in Australia (changes made by Network 10 [butchered_aussie]
to the first two seasons)
Simpson House Floor Plan [floor_plan]
! The Simpsons Voicing Credits (voice.txt)
! Writers & Directors (writers.txt)
- All from Chris Baird (cbaird@scorch.apana.org.au)
Assorted lists and quizzes: Homer's Mmmmm's & Ohhhh's,
*** 659,663 ****
Eloquent Maggie S., The Last Word
Bart vs. the Space Mutants summary [bart_v_mutants]
! Collected wisdom on `Where is Springfield?'
Description of the Simpsons arcade video game [video_game]
Descriptions of the Franklin Mint collectors' plates
--- 646,650 ----
Eloquent Maggie S., The Last Word
Bart vs. the Space Mutants summary [bart_v_mutants]
! Collected wisdom on `Where is Springfield?' (sprinfo.txt)
Description of the Simpsons arcade video game [video_game]
Descriptions of the Franklin Mint collectors' plates
*** 676,683 ****
2.1) The Simpsons Archive
! *** Notice ***
! * Complications at the Widener site have postponed any updates for the
! * time being, but an alternative Simpsons archive (although as of this
! * moment, not as complete) exists at busop.cit.wayne.edu [].
An FTP site is being maintained at ftp.cs.widener.edu []
--- 663,670 ----
2.1) The Simpsons Archive
! ### Notice ###
! # Complications at the Widener site have postponed any updates for the
! # time being, but an alternative Simpsons archive (although as of this
! # moment, not as complete) exists at busop.cit.wayne.edu [].
An FTP site is being maintained at ftp.cs.widener.edu []
*** 775,791 ****
both have pigs' snouts)?
... Homer works in Sector 7-G at the power plant?
- ... according to ``Itchy & Scratchy & Marge'', Kent Brockman got the
- Emmy he was after in ``Bart vs Thanksgiving''?
... Dr. Hibert and his family are strikingly similar to the Huxtables
from ``The Cosby Show''?
- ... that Mr. Burns lives at the corner of Croesus & Mammon? [Mammon,
- whose name implies "riches", was a daemon of "cupidity" made by
- the fallen angel Milton; Croesus was a king of Lydia in the 6th
- century B.C. and was well-known for his vast wealth. -- Gerald
- Hough <libros@maxwell.physics.purdue.edu>]
... whenever there's an establishing shot of the nuclear plant, you
hear a crow call?
- ... attempting to find a sequence that the episodes occur to is an
- entertaining but futile endeavour?
[in the title sequence]
--- 762,769 ----
*** 796,805 ****
... that the cash register says Maggie costs $847.63?
... Lisa's saxophone solo varies during the third and fourth seasons?
- ... that the ad on the side of the bus [in the first season] was for
- none other than Duff Beer?
... that Marge runs through a stop sign?
- ... that no adequate explanation has been given to why Lisa's
- saxophone [in the first season] was strapped to the back of her
- bike inside a banjo case?
... that different things happen when the family runs to the couch?
--- 774,778 ----
*** 807,812 ****
... that Lisa now plays a baritone sax instead of a tenor?
! ... that Marge is reading ``Mom Monthly'' at the checkout?
! And the issues of ``Feeble'' magazine behind her?
... all the stuff that flashes by in the very fast pan of Springfield?
(Regards to Raymond Chen and David Tamkin)
--- 780,785 ----
... that Lisa now plays a baritone sax instead of a tenor?
! ... that Mr. Burns shakes his watch when the 5:00 whistle blows at 3:00?
! (Homer leaving at 3 is how he and Bart end up at home at the same time)
... all the stuff that flashes by in the very fast pan of Springfield?
(Regards to Raymond Chen and David Tamkin)
*** 840,863 ****
error -- see ``Itchy & Scratchy & Marge''), and there's
an empty shelf.
- ... that Mr. Burns shakes his watch when the 5:00 whistle blows at 3:00?
- (Homer leaving at 3 is how he and Bart end up at home at the same time)
- ... in ``Do The Bart, Man'' that the line is
- "I'm the one who made delinquency an art" ?
- (he didn't put the "C" in anything)
! [if your fingers do the walking ...]
! ... Homer's phone numbers, according to Principal Skinner's rolodex card,
! are:
! Before ``Simpson & Delilah'' After
! Home: 555-6528 555-6832
! Work: 555-7334 555-6754
! and that you can reach Moe's Tavern at 555-1239 (happy "hour"
! is from 5:00 to 5:30.) ?
! ... the phone numbers from Homer's television debut in ``Mr. Plow''
! Home: 555-3223
! Business: 555-3226
[in Life in Hell ...]
--- 813,821 ----
error -- see ``Itchy & Scratchy & Marge''), and there's
an empty shelf.
! [in ``Do the Bart, Man'' ...]
! ... that the line is "I'm the one who made delinquency an art" ?
! (he didn't put the "C" in anything)
[in Life in Hell ...]
*** 925,933 ****
3.5) Where is Springfield?
! `Springfield' is a fictional location. MG says he chose the name
! because it is one of the most common city names and the setting of
! the antithesis to the Simpsons, ``Father Knows Best''. Indeed, from
! Groening's childhood perspective, that Springfield was `the next town
! over' from his home in Portland, Oregon.
Further evidence points at the fictitious nature of Springfield:
--- 883,891 ----
3.5) Where is Springfield?
! `Springfield' is a fictional location. The name was chosen because it is
! one of the most common city names and the setting of the antithesis to
! the Simpsons, ``Father Knows Best''. MG has admitted that from his
! perspective, that Springfield was always `the next town over' from his
! childhood home in Portland, Oregon.
Further evidence points at the fictitious nature of Springfield:
*** 938,957 ****
As far as we know, no state in the USA has these properties.
- The employee information sheet in ``Simpson and Delilah'' had been
- incorrectly cited by many people giving Homer's place of birth as
- `NC'. Not until recently did someone notice the last letter was
- actually an epsilon-ish `E'. The guess is this is a play on words,
- representing `Any' state.
- Others talk about the zip code in ``Principal Charming'' (90701) as
- being in Artesia, California; some have suggested this is simply
- because MG lives in the area, and isn't a clue that the Simpsons live
- in CA. (Sacramento looks nothing like Capital City, to begin with.)
- [Even-more-eagle-eyed viewers will notice that on the box for `sex',
- Homer checked `F', then erased it and marked `M'. And super-sharp-
- eagle-eyed viewers will notice that he filed the Employee Copy of the
- form! What a Homer!]
3.5a) What is the Simpsons' Home address?
--- 896,899 ----
*** 968,972 ****
--- 910,925 ----
Republicans. The others were undoubtedly inspired by MG's alma mater.)
+ 3.5b) And their phone number?
+ According to Principal Skinner's rolodex card:
+ Before ``Simpson & Delilah'' After
+ Home: 555-6528 555-6832
+ Work: 555-7334 555-6754
+ The numbers shown with the family's television debut in ``Mr. Plow''
+ Home: 555-3223
+ Business: 555-3226
3.6) What does the ``J'' stand for in Homer J. Simpson?
*** 995,999 ****
Second City (Chicago), The Tracey Ullman Show,
The War of the Roses, an even longer endless list
! of television commercials
Julie Kavner Alice, Awakenings, Crimes and Misdemeanors,
Hannah and Her Sisters, Katherine, No Other Love,
--- 948,952 ----
Second City (Chicago), The Tracey Ullman Show,
The War of the Roses, an even longer endless list
! of television commercials, and heaps of cartoons.
Julie Kavner Alice, Awakenings, Crimes and Misdemeanors,
Hannah and Her Sisters, Katherine, No Other Love,
*** 1049,1054 ****
Springfield's Spanish TV show starring a guy in a bumblebee costume
reminds us of `Lo Mejor De Chesperito' from the Miami-based Univision
! network. The town's 24 hour all-talk radio station (callsign `KBBL')
! has referred to itself as `K-Babble'.
The most comprehensive register of ``Springfield's Who's Who'' is
--- 1002,1006 ----
Springfield's Spanish TV show starring a guy in a bumblebee costume
reminds us of `Lo Mejor De Chesperito' from the Miami-based Univision
! network.
The most comprehensive register of ``Springfield's Who's Who'' is
*** 1096,1106 ****
3.12) Which episodes have been released on video?
! A set of first season episodes (7g02, 7g03, 7g04, 7g05, 7g06, 7g07,
! 7g09, 7g11) were released in Britain, New Zealand, and Australia during
! October 1991. The collection was distributed on four PAL-encoded VHS
! tapes that sold for 10 pounds apiece in the UK. In North America, only
! the Christmas special (7g08) has made it to the stores. (And the
! frequent demands for the immediate release of the entire Simpson
! archives on LD don't appear to be getting anywhere, sigh.)
3.12a) And when will the show appear in syndication?
--- 1048,1058 ----
3.12) Which episodes have been released on video?
! Australia, New Zealand, and possibly other countries that use "PAL"
! televisions can boast the release of the first and some second season
! episodes on VHS cassette -- check this out with your favourite video
! library. In North America, only the Christmas special (7g08) has made
! it to the stores. (And the frequent demands for the immediate release
! of the entire Simpson archives on LD don't appear to be getting
! anywhere, sigh.)
3.12a) And when will the show appear in syndication?
*** 1201,1214 ****
A few of the acronyms in popular use within the newsgroup:
! OFF Our Favorite Family -- The Simpsons, of course.
DYN Didja (Did You) Notice
- UFA The Simpsons Uncensored Family Album -- a reference
- from Groening Inc. of somewhat questionable accuracy.
- LIH Life in Hell -- another agent for MG's notoriety.
FF Freeze-Frame Fun
! AG Animation/continuity Goof -- no one's perfect.
SI Simpsons Illustrated
TRMO That Reminds Me Of... -- for allusions to a genre or
whatever else causes the random firing of brain cells.
7G01, 8F21, ... The unique FOX production codes seen during the
closing credits of each half-hour episode.
--- 1153,1168 ----
A few of the acronyms in popular use within the newsgroup:
! AG Animation/continuity Goof -- no one's perfect.
DYN Didja (Did You) Notice
FF Freeze-Frame Fun
! LIH Life in Hell -- another agent for MG's notoriety.
! OFF Our Favorite Family -- The Simpsons, of course.
SI Simpsons Illustrated
+ SLH Santa's Little Helper -- the family dog.
+ SNPP Springfield's Nuclear Power Plant
TRMO That Reminds Me Of... -- for allusions to a genre or
whatever else causes the random firing of brain cells.
+ UFA The Simpsons Uncensored Family Album -- a reference
+ from Groening Inc. of somewhat questionable accuracy.
7G01, 8F21, ... The unique FOX production codes seen during the
closing credits of each half-hour episode.
*** 1265,1269 ****
network, former executive producers Al Jean and Mike Reiss are at work
on an animated series called `The Critic'. The best reports mention a
! debut in early 1994.
--- 1219,1226 ----
network, former executive producers Al Jean and Mike Reiss are at work
on an animated series called `The Critic'. The best reports mention a
! debut in early 1994. And Film Roman (who've produced the animation for
! the show since the fourth season) is involved with another new animated
! prime-time adult comedy series `Duckman', based on the underground comic
! `Dark Horse' by Everett Peck.
*** 1272,1276 ****
lists of scripts
! Since Twentieth-Century Fox explicity forbids any retransmission or
duplication of scripts for the show, it would be illegal.
--- 1229,1233 ----
lists of scripts
! Since Twentieth-Century Fox explicitly forbids any retransmission or
duplication of scripts for the show, it would be illegal.
*** 1279,1283 ****
summaries and interesting newsgroup remarks and discussions from *all*
the half-hour and Tracey Ullman Show cartoons. (The most recent set of
! capsules are avaliable from the Busop archive.)
current lists of newspaper interviews, ISBN numbers for Simpson books, etc.
--- 1236,1240 ----
summaries and interesting newsgroup remarks and discussions from *all*
the half-hour and Tracey Ullman Show cartoons. (The most recent set of
! capsules are available from the Busop archive.)
current lists of newspaper interviews, ISBN numbers for Simpson books, etc.