Usenet 1994 January
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!gatech!udel!news.intercon.com!panix!netnews!slinky.cs.nyu.edu!slinky!chenguo
From: chenguo@slinky.cs.nyu.edu (Guoying Chen)
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex,news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: TeX-FAQ-supplement (part 3 of 3)
Followup-To: poster
Date: 16 Jul 93 02:01:14
Organization: New York Univ., Courant Inst., Ultracomputer Research Lab
Lines: 779
Sender: chenguo@slinky.cs.nyu.edu
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Message-ID: <CHENGUO.93Jul16020114@slinky.cs.nyu.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: slinky.cs.nyu.edu
Summary: TeX, FAQ, supplement files
Keywords: STI, tex, TeX, FAQ, supplement
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.text.tex:33300 news.answers:10419 comp.answers:1319
Archive-name: tex-faq-supplement/part3
Version: STI.1993.07
Last Modified: 07/15/1993 by chenguo@lab.ultra.nyu.edu (Guoying Chen)
(c)Copyright by Guoying Chen. All rights reserved. 1992-1993
Old English ymir.claremont.edu by Julian Bradfield
Optical Character Recognition
ymir.claremont.edu [anonymous.tex.mf]
Oriya (an Indian script) under development
OzTeX midway.uchicago.edu v1.42 by Andrew Trevorrow pub/OzTeX
OzTeX watmsg.waterloo.edu by Andrew Trevorrow
OzTeX giza.cis.ohio-state.edu directory pub/oztex
OzTeX jade.unine.ch directory pub/mac/oztex
OzTeX is a free version TeX for the Macintosh.
OzTeX uses standard pk fonts and tfm filesand creates standard dvi files.
Includes a DVI previewer, and PostScript driver.
For rudimentary support and additional information, send mail to
OzTex sol.bucknell.edu pub/mac
p2c csvax.caltech.edu Pascal to C translator
(What's this doing here? for tex?)
PasTeX ftp.uni-passau.de version 1.2a by Georg Hessmann pub/amiga/tex
PasTeX ab20.larc.nasa.gov version 1.2a by Georg Hessmann incoming/amiga/TEX
PasTeX is a implementation of TeX 3.1 for the Amiga. Also includes
a DVI previewer and some printer drivers.
PC_DVIWARE Ninord.shsu.edu at [.DVI_DVIWARE]
includes various DVI tools which have been ported to
MS-DOS and are not part of a distribution, such as emTeX
pcwritex.arc wsmr-simtel20.army.mil by Peter Flynn
A print driver for PC-Write that "prints" a PC-Write v2.71 document
to a TeX-compatible disk file.
pcwtex.zoo wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
pcwtex is a program to semiautomate translation of PC Write files to TeX.
The author concedes that it is bit crude but it does most of the hard work,
and that some fiddling by hand afterwards is usually required.
Parsi-TeX: see ArabTeX
PGFRAME niord.shsu.edu pageframe doc style by Cameron@symcom.math.uiuc.edu
in dir [.PGFRAME]
phone.tex sun.soe.clarkson.edu by Dan Greening.
typesets a mini telephone directory
phone.tex posted by em@dce.ie (Eamonn McManus)
typesets a mini telephone directory
physe ymir.claremont.edu PHYSE macro package
phyzzx ymir.claremont.edu PHYZZX macro package
PicTeX ymir.claremont.edu [l]
PicTeX a.cs.uiuc.edu
PicTeX june.cs.washington.edu
PicTeX sun.soe.clarkson.edu
PicTeX svax.cs.cornell.edu
The PicTeX manual is not available in electronic form (at least, not
legally). Manual can be obtained from TUG. Contact Tug@Math.AMS.com
for more information.
If you have a copy of the file pictex.dvi at your site, delete it now.
Printing of that file is a violation of international copyright law.
Funds from the sale of the PiCTeX manual are the only renumeration Michael
Wichura (author of the package) gets for his work, and by illegally copying
the manual, you not only deprive him of income he deserves, but also
decrease the possibility of his releasing future macro packages under terms
similar to those of PiCTeX.
Note also that numerous bugs have been found in the LaTeX parts.
As of 4 Oct 90, the most recent version is available only from ymir.
The bug fixes will be included on future disks shipped by TUG.
pictures in LaTeX, how to include by Paul Fishwick
bikini.cis.ufl.edu cis/tech-reports/tr91/tr91-003.ps.Z
Plain NFSS ftp.uni-stuttgart.de /soft/tex/plain-macros/plain-nfss/*
Wayne Sullivan's interface between the New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS)
and plain TeX.
pmC blackbox.hacc.washington.edu poor man's Chinese and
pmJ Japanese TeX. BETA VERSIONS.
Unless you are a reasonably experienced TeX user, a systems
analyst/maintainer, or other reasonably serious jock, don't
try now: we'll have it easier to do in a few months.
Those taking copies of pmC or pmJ should send me e-mail
notifying me that you are testing so that I may maintain a list
for future notifications.
-- ridgeway@blackbox.hacc.washington.edu (Thomas Ridgeway)
pmC extensions crl.nmsu.edu by Mark Leisher and Thomas Ridgeway
pmC extensions ftp.math.psu.edu by Stephen G Simpson 11 November 1991
Pointing hands ymir.claremont.edu by Georgia Tobin
poster poster.tex/poster.sty tvz@zandtwerk.Princeton.EDU
a macro for making posters and banners with TeX
ftp avail at @Princeton.EDU ?
posters comp.text.tex payne@stsci.edu
four postings (March 31, 1992)
(ftp site??)
postscript mimsy.umd.edu by Louis Mamakos and Chris Torek
another dvi-to-postscript converter
Preview argon.rti.org VAXStation previewer
by Randy Buckland
ps2eps duteela.et.tudelft.nl PS -> EPS
[ ] pub/ps2eps.tar.Z
ps2pk ftp.urc.tue.nl /pub/tex
Ps2pk is a tool that converts a PostScript type1 font into a
corres-ponding TeX PK font
psbox cs.nyu.edu [p] [] at pub/tex/psbox/psboxall.tex
a UNIVERSAL MACRO to include EPSFiles into TeX/LaTeX
authored by Jean Orloff (orloff@surya11.cern.ch)
note: psboxall.tex itself is a MACHINE-INDEPENDENT archive utility
written in TeX.
psfig linc.cis.upenn.edu by Trevor Darnell
psfig labrea.stanford.edu psfig.tar.Z
psfig-tex comp.sources.unix Including PostScript/Mac figures
Volume 8
See also "Including Macintosh graphics in LATEX documents",
TUGboat, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 194.
psfrag isl.stanford.edu by craig@isl.stanford.edu (C. Barratt) /pub/boyd/psfrag/psfrag.tar.Z
LaTeX macros for overlaying postscript figures with LaTeX.
Each piece of text in a postscript figure (eg, from xfig, idraw,
freehand, matlab, xmath, or mathematica) can be selectively replaced
with high-quality LaTeX formatted equations, text, or pictures, when
it is included in a LaTeX document.
pslatex mushroom.cs.man.ac.uk /pub/tex/pslatex
set math in PS in PSNFSS by Mario Wolczko (mario@cs.man.ac.uk)
psnup wsmr-simtel20.army.mil prints nonconforming PostScript n-up
psnup comp.sources.misc
Volume 16
psroff gatekeeper.dec.com by Chris Lewis lets you uses TeX fonts with troff
psroff ftp.cs.toronto.edu pub/psroff-3.0/psroff.tar.Z
PSTricks princeton.edu /pub/pstricks.tar.Z
by Timothy Van Zandt(tvz@Princeton.EDU)
a collection of PostScript macros and compatible
with most TeX macro packages, including Plain TeX , LaTeX and AmS-LaTeX.
Included are macros for color, graphics, rotation and overlays.
-- also avail at Niord.SHSU.EDU at dir [.PSTRICKS].
Public TeX, Public MF
ftp.uni-stuttgart.de []
at /soft/tex/machines/pc/public-tex/*.zip or via
listserv@dhdurz1.bitnet or listserv@vm.urz.uni-heidelberg.de
r2b comp.text.tex Dana Jacobsen (jacobsd@cs.orst.edu)
posted on 28 May 92 16:59:04 GMT
refer --> bibtex package in perl
r2bib UNIX TeX tape tex82/contrib/rusty/r2bib
refer to BibTeX conversion
Rail ftp.cs.kun.nl Version 1.0.0 by Luc Rooijakkers /pub/Rail/rail.1.0.tar.Z
Composes ``railroad diagrams'' (computer language syntax diagrams).
REDIS ymir.claremont.edu [p] Jacques Goldberg's Hebrew fonts
REDIS listserv@taunivm [p] Jacques Goldberg's Hebrew fonts
(not an FTP site)
REDIS yallara.cs.rmit.oz.au Jacques Goldberg's Hebrew fonts
A sans-serif Hebrew font in three faces, including italics.
refer-to-bibtex ftp.ai.mit.edu A collection of programs
ref2bib ftp.ai.mit.edu /pub/refer-to-bibtex/ref2bib.shar
Ricoh fonts ftp.eb.ele.tue.nl /pub/tex/fonts/300WWdpi
mode_def posted by tasayco@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Maria Tasayco)
rtf2TeX astro.princeton.edu version 1.01 by Robert Lupton pub/rtf2TeX.tar.Z
Works, more-or-less, but it ignores a good fraction of RTF commands.
Most of the hard stuff is done.
rtf2tex tex.ac.uk RTF --> [La]TeX conversion package
rtf2latex ftp.vmars.tuwien.ac.at /pub/misc/rtf2LaTeX.tar.z
rtf-tools indri.primate.wisc.edu v1.04 by Paul DuBois pub/RTF/RTF-1.04.shar
Generic RTF-to-whatever conversion. See rtf2TeX for [La]TeX conversion.
ruled.tex lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu Macros for making tables by Eric Myers (myers@emx.utexas.edu)
RUNOFF-to-TeX peter@dit.lth.se by Peter Vanroose
(address of author) in VMS Pascal
s2latex UNIX TeX tape tex82/contrib/van/s2latex
scribe to LaTeX conversion
sauter ftp.cs.umb.edu packaging for Unix of John Sauter's Metafont files to make Computer Modern
fonts at any point size
ask karl@cs.umb.edu for info
SBTeX eedsp.gatech.edu in subdirectory TeX, get the file readme.tex before beginning
SBTeX venus.ycc.yale.edu MS-DOS TeX by Wayne Sullivan
SBTeX wsmr-simtel20.army.mil MS-DOS TeX by Wayne Sullivan
Schoepf macros ftp.cs.ruu.nl [p] Macro packages by
ymir.claremont.edu [p] Reiner Schoepf
Scientific Word -- [C]
a TeX/LaTeX based wordprocesser with a WYSIWYG editor.
in USA: TCI Software Research, Inc.
1190 Foster Rd
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001-3739 USA
Phone: (800) 874-2383 (505) 522-4600
Fax: (505) 522-0116
email: tcihelp@tcisoft.com
in Germany: contact
RFI Elektronik | Phone: +49
2161 655-0
Dohrweg 63 | FAX: +49 2161 655-111
4050 Moenchengladbach
scmac202.tex network.ucsd.edu by Na Choon Piaw
for television scripts
scribe2latex wsmr-simtel20.army.mil by Van Jacobson pd2:<unix-c.textproc>
script letters by Ralph Smith (rasmith@ucsd.edu)
as used in math and physics looking for an ftp site to house it
ScriptTeX ymir.claremont.edu v1.00 by Adrian McCarthy
for scripts and screenplays
SeeTeX foobar.cs.colorado.edu by Dirk Grunwald
Seminar Niord.shsu.edu Timothy Van Zandt's <tvz@Princeton.EDU>
in dir [.SEMINAR]
SEMINAR is a package for making slides in LaTeX
SPFONTWARE Niord.SHSU.edu by walsh@cs.umass.EDU
convert Hewlett-Packard softfonts to and from TeX PK/TFM format.
two packages avail: SFPTOPKB and PKTOSFPB
It's Beta test version is also avail at [.SPFONTWARE.BETA]
SLaTeX titan.rice.edu Scheme typesetting, by Dorai Sitaram
SliTeX ymir.claremont.edu directory [anonymous.tex.inputs.slitex]
spideryweb princeton.edu Spidery WEB, by Norman Ramsey
Design-your-own-WEB for any language.
StTeX dsrgsun.ces.cwru.edu TeX for Atari ST by Jwahar Bammi
Tamil fonts UNIX TeX tape TeX3.14/MFcontrib/metafonts/washington/tamil
T2T Text2TeX, still under development
by ucssph@ucs.uwplatt.edu (Samuel P. Howard)
tbefiles ymir, shsu, aston macros from Arvind Borde's book
stuttgart TeX By Example
TeluguTeX blackbox.hacc.washington.edu pub/tex/telugu
enables you to typeset Telugu text using TeX/LaTex family of software
Tengwar ymir.claremont.edu by Mike Urban
Tengwar jcb@cs.edinburgh.ac.uk by Julian Bradfield (email)
tex--xet ftp.uni-stuttgart.de
( at /soft/tex/tex-sources/tex--xet
and Niord.SHSU.edu
contains the code necessary for mixed left-to-right and
right-to-left typesetting.
TeX labrea.stanford.edu directory "tex"
TeX science.utah.edu
TeX phoibos.cs.kun.nl for the Archimedes (from Acorn)
TeX atari.archive.umich.edu for Atari ST, TeX 3.1
TeX ifi.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de for Atari ST, TeX 3.1
TeX forwiss.uni-passau.de for Atari ST, TeX 3.1 pub/atari/tex
TeX tek4310.kent.edu for ESIX by Yasir Doleh
TeX me10.lbl.gov for HP-UX, TeX 3.0 pub/tex3.0
TeX UNIX TeX tape for UNIX
TeX freja.diku.dk for UNIX
TeX june.cs.washington.edu for UNIX
TeX math.berkeley.edu for 386 machines running UNIX
Version 1.1
TeX ymir.claremont.edu [p] for VMS
TEXT1 cougar.csc.wsu.edu TeX related macros package
in [anonymous.text1]
(also avail at ymir.claremont.edu)
tex.dif ymir.claremont.edu description of TeX 3.0 cf 2.99...
texchk comp.sources.unix LaTeX syntax checker
Volume 3
texchk ifi.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de pub/TeX/texchk.tar.Z
TeXChord comp.text.tex posted in April, 1993
contact joel@wam.umd.edu (Joel M. Hoffman)
TeXdraw aldebaran.EE.McGill.CA in dir: pub/texdraw
a set of macro definitions for the TeX typesetting programs,
allowing the user to produce PostScript drawings from within TeX.
texdraw.lzh forwiss.uni-passau.de Picture drawing for Atari-ST
Program and dox are in German. Jeff Long (longj@lonex.radc.af.mil) says,
``This thing is so impressive, I may learn to read German just to use it!''
texdvi2lj comp.sources.unix TeX DVI driver for LaserJet+
Volume 6
texdvi2tty comp.sources.unix TeX DVI driver for TTY's, etc.
Volume 7
TeXhax archive june.cs.washington.edu
TeXhax archive labrea.stanford.edu directory "texhax"
TeXhax archive ymir.claremont.edu
TeXhax archive tex.ac.uk DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.TEXHAX.90]
texi2roff comp.sources.unix GNU Texinfo to troff translator
Volume 16
texi2roff ftp.cs.toronto.edu GNU Texinfo to troff translator
by Beverly Erlebacher
texindex comp.sources.unix Make an index from a LaTeX .idx file
Volume 4
texindex2 comp.sources.unix AAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!! Bugs in texindex!!!
Volume 4
texindex comp.sources.misc Makes an index from a LaTeX .idx file.
Volume 23 by Thomas Koenig, a shell script
uses expand, sed, (old)awk, sort
texindex ftp.th-darmstadt.de DOS version
texinfo.tex prep.ai.mit.edu Version 2.12.1 pub/gnu/lpf/texinfo.tex
texinfo2troff prep.ai.mit.edu Rumored to exist
TeXMaG archive ymir.claremont.edu [ANONYMOUS.TEX.PERIODICALS.TEXMAG]
TeXMaG archive sun.soe.clarkson.edu pub/texmag
TeX/Mathematica chem.bu.edu Mathematica plots in (La)TeX, and more pub/tex-mathematica
TeXmenu ftp.informatik.uni-muenchen.de:/pub/next/Text/tex
a unified NeXTSteP front end for TeX.
by schlangm@informatik.uni-muenchen.de
texsgi ftp.brl.mil TeX with previewer for PI's (SGI) (src) info-iris/tex
TeXShell ftp.uni-stuttgart.de at:/soft/tex/machines/pc/emtex-texshell
or sun.rz.tu-clausthal.de at:/pub/tex/emtex/texshell
TeXShell is an user interface for all emTeX programs.
runs only under MS-DOS, but it comes with an OS/2 utility
(OS2EXECD.EXE) allowing it to start native OS/2 programs.
TeXShell noa.huji.ac.il at tex/texshell
TeXsis lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu v2.14, macros for physics papers by Eric Myers (myers@emx.utexas.edu)
TeXsis admin: texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu
TeXsun part of SeeTeX previewer for Sunview by Dirk Grunwald
TeXsun a.cs.uiuc.edu previewer for Sunview by Dirk Grunwald
textools comp.sources.unix A collection of tools for TeX users
Volume 7 (including detex)
textool2 comp.sources.unix A collection of tools for TeX users
Volume 8 (including detex)
textr research.att.com version 0.5 by Kamal Al-Yahya
Troff-to-TeX converter, 16-Oct-86.
textyl venus.ycc.yale.edu by John Renner
TeXtyl in C ftp.cs.cornell.edu beta version
TeXtyl is a DVI postprocessor that converts TeXtyl \specials in
the document into characters from vector fonts, allowing one to print
vector graphics on devices without graphical capabilities.
TEXUT-TP ftp.uni-stuttgart.de []
in /soft/tex/machines/pc/utilities: see directory for details
and listserv@dhdurz1.bitnet or listserv@vm.urz.uni-heidelberg.de
send mail: GET PC-MSDOS FILELIST for details
a collection of TeXware and MFware utilities, such as
DVITYPE, GFTOPK, GFTODVI, PATGEN and many more implemented for
DOS and Turbo Pascal by Peter Breitenlohner, Munich.
TEXWIPE comp.text.tex gerry@seq1.keele.ac.uk (G.D.Pratt)
posted on 19 May 92 08:58:00 GMT
TEXWIPE: clean up after TeX, LaTeX and BibTeX
tgrind UNIX TeX tape tex82/contrib/van/tgrind
Pretty-printing C
tgrind ftp.ee.lbl.gov by Van Jacobson
tgrind venus.ycc.yale.edu by Jerry Leichtner
includes VMS binary
allows type-setting source files that have not been specifically
prepared to use TeX. Works with command-line options on
source for FORTRAN, Basic, C, Pascal, TeX, can be modified for
tgrind for MS-DOS ftp.th-darmstadt.de []
Thai font ymir.claremont.edu two versions
theapa ftp.cc.utexas.edu pub/young
APA macros (theapa.sty, theapa.bst, theapa.tex)
tib minos.inria.fr James Alexander's "tib" bibliography pub/tib
tr2latex Niord.SHSU.edu [.TR2LATEX.FTP] TR2LATEX-*.TAR_Z, *.BCK, *.ZIP
New version of tr2latex by Christian Engel (version 2.2)
posted to comp.text.tex 4/27/92
tr2latex comp.sources.unix Translate troff to LaTeX
Volume 10
tr2latex tupac-amaru.informatik.rwth-aachen.de version 1.4
tr2tex DECUS TeX tape (q.v.)
TransFig ftp.cs.cornell.edu pub/fig/transfig.tar.Z
[p] most recent version 2.1.4 patchlevel 1
TransFig is the back end used to print figures generated by the XFig
graphics editor.
Patchlevel 1 extends the support of ISO encoding of text in the PostScript
driver, and includes a complete new driver for IBMGL (IBM Graphics language)
which is used by IBM plotters.
TransFig export.lcs.mit.edu /contrib/transfig.*.tar.Z
TransFig sun.soe.clarkson.edu pub/transfig
TransFig tex.ac.uk [tex-archive.utils.transfig]
tree1 uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu linguist/tree1.1.tar.Z
For drawing hierarchical tree diagrams. Very flexible.
Can take advantage of Postscript capability.
tree macros (posted to comp.text.tex)
by hwb@texnix.stgt.sub.org
TreeTeX by Univ. Waterloo
For drawing hierarchical trees.
troff-to-latex.tar-Z by Kamal Al-Yahya at Stanford
wsmr-simtel20.army.mil pd2:<unix-c.textproc>.
troff-to-latex recognizes most -ms and -man macros, plus most eqn and
some tbl commands.
TUGboat files labrea.stanford.edu directory "tugboat"
TurboTeX[C] TeX for Windows, DOS, UNIX, OS/2)
Publisher Address: The Kinch Computer Company
501 South Meadow Street
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA
(voice)607-273-0222 (fax)607-273-0484
Turkish font june.cs.washington.edu tex/turkish.tar.Z
up osu-cis (?) by J. Greely
print Postscript n-up
Utah dvi driver family
ctrsci.utah.edu v10.1 by Nelson H. F. Beebe
in directory PS1:[TEX.DVI]
Utah dvi driver family
science.utah.edu v10.1 by Nelson H. F. Beebe
( MS-DOS versions
in aps:<tex.dvi>dviexe.arc
Vietnamese font blackbox.hacc.washington.edu /pub/testviet
wd2latex.zip wsmr-simtel20.army.mil by Connor J Thomas
wd2latex.zip ymir.claremont.edu by Connor J Thomas
A bare-bones MS-Word-to-LaTeX converter. Written in Turbo Pascal 5.0,
but comes with an MS-DOS binary.
web2c june.cs.washington.edu v2.20
web2c uunet.uu.net
web2c ics.uci.edu by Karl Berry (karl@cs.umb.edu)
[] pub/TeX/{web,web2c}.tar.Z
web2c ftp.cs.umb.edu by Karl Berry
[] pub/tex/{web,web2c}.tar.Z
WEB-TP ftp.uni-stuttgart.de []
in /soft/tex/machines/pc/web: tangle.zip, weave.zip, web-tp.doc
listserv@dhdurz1.bitnet or listserv@vm.urz.uni-heidelberg.de
A WEB system for DOS and Turbo Pascal by Peter Breitenlohner, Munich.
wp2latex ai.uga.edu /ai.tex (for DOS)
Word Perfect 5.1 to LaTeX converter. by E. C. Houtepen,
further modified by Glenn Geers and then by Michael A. Covington
wp2latex ftp.cs.ruu.nl Handles WordPerfect 5.0 pub/TEX/wp2latex.arc
wp2latex ymir.claremont.edu in directory [anonymous.tex.ibm_pc.
WordPerfect users should also consult TUGboat issues 10#1 and 10#4.
wp2latex.zip wsmr-simtel20.army.mil pd1:<msdos.tex>
A PC program (Turbo Pascal) by R. C. Houtepen at the Eindhoven University
in the Netherlands. Pascal source is included. Users find it
"helpful" and "decent" in spite of some limitations. It gets high
marks for handling font changes. Limitations include no indices,
table of contents, margins or graphics. It also won't handle the new
features of WordPerfect 5.1, in particular the equation formatter.
wp2latex ymir.claremont.edu C version by Glenn Geers [anonymous.tex.ibm_pc.front_ends.wp2latex]
wp2x comp.sources.misc by Raymond Chen
Volume 22 convert WP4.2 to TeX/LaTeX/troff/etc.
wp2x uses a configuration file to control how WP codes are translated.
xdvi export.lcs.mit.edu contrib/xdvi.tar.Z Patchlevel 17
xdvi for DOS ftp.math.niu.edu compiled by Eric Ho using djgpp
xdvik ftp.cs.umb.edu karl@claude.cs.umb.edu's version of xdvi
( at pub/tex/xdvik.tar.Z
xetal spi.ens.fr a detexifier
( at pub/unix/tex
xfig cayuga.cs.rochester.edu
xfig export.lcs.mit.edu
xgnuplot export.lcs.mit.edu contrib/gnuplot-2.0-X11.tar.Z
X-windows front-end for GNUplot
Xgraph comp.sources.unix
Volume 3
xlatdvi comp.text.tex by Alex Lopez-Ortiz
Post Dec 19. 1991 alopez-o@neumann.waterloo.edu
(compile and view automatically
a (La)TeX file
xppt diku.dk (Demark) a doc style for AmS-TeX
[] by Kristoffer H. Rose <kris@diku.dk>
(AMS-TeX amsppt style enhancements,
currently in beta-test)
xtex foobar.cs.colorado.edu xtex previewer by Dirk Grunwald pub/SeeTeX
Version 2.17.0
XY-pic diku.dk (Denmark) (macros for typesetting diagrams) pub/TeX/misc/xypic*.tar.Z
(by kris@diku.dk)
xyps ftp.diku.dk by ross@macadam.mpce.mq.edu.au
PostScript extensions to XY-pic
YARB contact the author directly
YARB is an Arabic font by Yannis Haralambous (yannis@frcitl81.bitnet)
Universite de Lille 1 / 59655 Villenueve d'Ascq / France. Cost
is one postcard, plus cost of transport. When writing, please enclose
postal coupons for the reply.
zip.tex posted to comp.text.tex by dsmith@applga.aa.cad.slb.com (J. Daniel Smith)
Prints bar codes for USPS ZIP codes.
[unnamed] dsrgsun.ces.cwru.edu Previewer for Atari ST by Robert Stabl
[unnamed] foobar.cs.colorado.edu BDF format font files for X
by Dirk Grunwald
[unnamed] listserv@mammutti.utu.fi
Amiga CommonTeX?
[unnamed] mims-iris.waterloo.edu fonts
[unnamed] phoibos.cs.kun.nl dvi previewer for the Archimedes (Acorn)
[unnamed] science.utah.edu Hershey fonts
[unnamed] ftp.cs.ruu.nl diagram macros by Francis Borceux
[unnamed] sun.soe.clarkson.edu DVI driver standards committee digests
[unnamed] sun.soe.clarkson.edu fonts for Canon printers
[unnamed] terminator.cc.umich.edu Atari TeX stuff
[unnamed] ux.acss.umn.edu archives for Atari ST
[unnamed] godzilla.cgl.rmit.oz.au TeX with previewer for PI's (sgi) (binaries)
[$\omega$] History and Acknowledgements
The original list is due to Ed Vielmetti (emv@ox.com). The information
was originally sorted by site. Until 31-Dec-91, the document was
maintained by Raymond Chen (rjc@math.princeton.edu). Thanks for their good
work. Since Jan. 1, 1992, this document has been owned to Guoying Chen
(chenguo@lab.ultra.nyu.edu), the document structure was re-organized in June, 1992.
Thanks to all the people whose articles in comp.text.tex I've ruthlessly
excerpted. Opinions are those of the original authors (even though I've
lost many of the attributions), but if you want to blame me for them,
go ahead.
Thanks also to all the people who've sent me corrections, to the
authors of all the software, and to the many nameless administrators
which keep FTP sites up and running.
------------------------ end of the file -----------------------------
Guoying Chen, NYU Ultracomputer Lab. Email: chenguo@lab.ultra.nyu.edu
715 Broadway,10th Floor,NY,NY 10003 Phone: 212-998-3365
$C_oU(r)a_n(t)$ -- our institute T-shirts.