Usenet 1994 January
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!pad-thai.aktis.com!pad-thai.aktis.com!not-for-mail
From: ld231782@longs.lance.colostate.edu (L. Detweiler)
Newsgroups: misc.writing,rec.arts.prose,rec.arts.sf.written,misc.answers,rec.answers,news.answers
Subject: the Internet Writer Resource Guide
Supersedes: <writing/resources_754722013@GZA.COM>
Followup-To: poster
Date: 22 Dec 1993 00:00:25 -0500
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Expires: 26 Jan 1994 05:00:10 GMT
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Archive-name: writing/resources
Version: 1.3
Last-modifed: 93/11/11
Internet Writer Resources
Compiled/Edited/Maintained by L. Detweiler
This is document is primarily a list of magazines and newsletters accepting
submissions by email, and branching out into Internet resources for the
writer in general. Thanks to everyone who has responded. This list will
be updated and maintained as long as *you* send in updates and
improvements. See the bottom for information on distribution.
- How to Submit
- Electronic Submissions List
- MCI Mail Magazine addresses
- A Note to Writers
- A Note to Editors
- Other Electronic Resources
- Most Wanted List
- Credits
- Change History
- Distribution
How to Submit
These addresses are provided through the courtesy of the publisher for
the purpose of submitting queries or complete manuscripts. In all cases it
is best to first *query* the publisher with a short description of your
article idea or outline of an already-written article. In your query, you
should address how your article fits in with the magazine's scope and
focus. If you are querying multiple editors, do this for each. Make sure
that you are familiar with their general magazine content enough to avoid
wasting their time with irrelevent pieces or ones that have just recently
been covered. If the entry states that the magazine has writer's
guidelines, ask the editor for those first and adhere to them.
Multiple submissions: in general, if you want to adhere to the utmost
standards of politeness, avoid multiple simultaneous submissions.
Particularly with email you generally receive a very rapid turnaround,
so that the necessity of multiple submissions is decreased. If you
absolutely must attempt simultaneous submissions, and one editor accepts
an article, immediately email to all others that you are withdrawing the
article. Explicitly noting the status of your submission as exclusive
or simultaneous is a good idea. Do not carbon copy send a single article
with no individual attention to the receiving editors.
If you learned of the email address from this source, please tell the
editor that. It will encourage the editor to maintain the capability,
spur other editors to set up their own email addresses, and in turn
help expand your own list of possible and alternative outlets for your
Electronic Submissions List
These magazines are published monthly unless otherwise noted. The
`content' category describes the general content and requested writing.
`compensation' describes the remuneration policies (if any). `rights'
describes the rights to the material that are sold to the publisher.
`contact' is the email address of the publisher, editor, or the general
submission address.
Note: the accuracy of this list is not guaranteed. In particular, the
rights involved in a particular `sale' may be variable or negotiable. Make
sure you understand the terms of the arrangement with the publisher. If you
are interested in only certain kinds of contracts (such as retaining the
copyright, which is usual the usual case but not guaranteed) be sure to
tell the editor.
- The Blind Spot
Type: small press 'zine (?)
Content: Duke's fantasy, SF, and horror fiction. 10K words or
less. Artwork.
Compensation: $10 plus contributors copies.
Rights: (?)
Contact: awhit@acpub.duke.edu (Andy Whitfield)
- Circlet Press
Type: small press 'zine, published anthologies (?)
Content: Erotic science fiction and fantasy. Short stories primarily
under 10K words. Anthologies. Other subcategories.
Compensation: half-cent per word. Royalties for single-author anthologies
negotiated on cases by case basis.
Rights: one-time anthology rights.
Comments: Write for guidelines or booklist. Query first.
Contact: ctan@world.std.com
- Claustrophobia
Type: small press newsletter
Content: social issues, privacy (?)
Compensation: no money, but `credit, exposure, samples for
Rights: nonsimultaneous publication.
Contact: dbruedig@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Type: small press magazine
Content: ``Covering the major commercial online services,
Internet/Usenet and smaller Bulletin Board System networks, CONNECT
focuses on telecommunications from a user-oriented perspective.''
Compensation: ``Authors are paid a flat rate of $75 for mini-reviews.
Authors are paid between $100 and $300 for feature articles, depending on
the length, subject matter and newsworthiness of the article. The longer
the article and the more complex the subject matter, typically, the more
the payment for the submission.''
Rights: (?)
Comments: seeks articles and reviews.
Contact: pegasus@grex.ann-arbor.mi.US
Type: electronic magazine
Content: ``News and Views of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Universe
carries interviews, feature articles, and lots'o'news on current happenings
on the science fiction, fantasy, animation, and comics genres.''
Compensation: ``Right now we cannot pay our writers, but we are trying to
line up a publisher for a paper version, and once that happens we will be
attempting to pay people.''
Rights: ``We "buy" one-time rights, but the remuneration policy may change at
any time.''
Comments: ``We are seeking articles and interviews from writers who can be
fun without being long-winded. Write for guidelines, but in the meantime a
query is preferred to an article.'' See etext.archive.umich.edu:
/pub/Zines/Cyberspace.Vanguard for past issues.
Contact: Submissions should be send to xx133@cleveland.freenet.edu. Other
correspondence should be sent to cn577@cleveland.freenet.edu.
- FringeWare Review
Type: electronic magazine
Content: ``Our centroid (th/m)eme [is] "Building Community around a Fringe
Marketplace'' ``sidebars, tutorials, interviews and reviews, with tasty,
mind-twisting fiction as synthesis''
Compensation: ``We pay up to US$0.03 per word plus byline and two copies
of each issue in which you appear. We pay the full amount for work we
choose to run which: (a) hasn't appeared elsewhere, (b) fits within our
issues' themes, (c) and meets word count criteria; also, you must provide
an email address for the byline. Otherwise, we'll negotiate. We pay US$20
per page for artwork and comix, or do trade-outs as mentioned above. In
the case of comix, we do not need the work to be first run.''
Rights: (?)
Comments: ``We limit our magazine to 48 pages, at least 35% of which contains
catalog, subvertising, editorials, letters and administrivia, so writers
only have 25-odd pages, less artwork and comix, in which to express their
collective brilliance. We seek terse, opinionated, first-person,
active-voice, period.''
Contact: <fringeware@wixer.bga.com>
Type: electronic magazine
Content: a magazine of poetry, prose, essays and articles
Compensation: (?)
Rights: (?)
Comments: Well-crafted prose, experimental prose, discussions of network
prose, interactive/collaborative language, all considered and solicited
for publication. FTP or Gopher to etext.archive.umich.edu/pub/Poetry/Grist
Contact: mail subscriptions and work submissions to <fowler@phantom.com>.
- The Lighthouse
Type: monthly magazine, email version
Content: focuses on various forms of contemporary Christian music (Rock
to Rap to Metal to Adult Contemporary to Alternative to Dance). Artist
spotlights and album reviews. The ministry of Christian music.
Compensation: `A BIG thank you'
Rights: no exclusive rights requested
Comments: write for more details and text-only email version.
- Paladin Science Fiction Group
Type: anthologies and novels
Content: ``Fiction anthologies in science fiction, fantasy, and horror
for mature readers; erotic science fiction, fantasy, and horror for
adult readers. Length: supershort to novella. Maximum 10K words.
Novels in science fiction, fantasy and horror 40K-60K words for
general to mature audience.''
Compensation: One cent per word, two copies for poetry.
Rights: (?)
Comments: Do not submit without reading guidelines first. Both
electronic queries and simultaneous submissions OK. No electronic
submissions in North America.
Contact: S G Johnson <corsair@camelot.com>
- Quanta
Type: online magazine
Content: `science fiction by amateur and professional authors around
the world and across the net.'
Compensation: publication & exposure to ~2200 subscribers
Rights: (?)
Comments: ASCII and Postcript versions. See ftp.eff.org:
Contact: submissions to <quanta@andrew.cmu.edu>.
- Sixth Dragon (prev. Mushroom Opera)
Type: student-run magazine published twice a year at Michigan State
U. at Lansing
Content: generally science fiction and fantasy
Compensation: contibutor's copy
Rights: (?)
Contact: David Scott Martin <martind@student.msu.edu> or
- Sound News and Arts
Type: local small press 'zine
Content: ``Accept writing of ALL types, mainly about arts, music and
interviews with interesting and innovative people. Also accept
poetry, short stories and artwork. SOUND is a local publication and
is pretty open content-wise. Geared toward the younger, more
energetic crowd.''
Compensation: ``No payment as of yet (save for a few free issues),
planned payment in late '93.''
Rights: (?)
Comments: uuencoded or FTPed submissions to sunsite.unc.edu in the
/pub/multimedia/pictures/OTIS/Incoming directory). Submissions should
be in ASCII text format (or TIF, GIF or JPEG for pictures.
Contact: sound-na@unomaha.edu (or ed@sunsite.unc.edu)
- Wilde Oaks
Content: South Bay (San Jose, CA) Lesbian and Gay Community Center literary
journal. Accepts fiction (less than 6K words preferred), prose, poety,
photography, and artwork from gay, Lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or
supportive people. Erotica is okay, but no pornography. Submission
guidelines are available.
Compensation: One contributor copy
Rights: One-time publication rights
Contact: jrd@frame.com (Jim Drew)
Type: monthly national magazine
Content: Cutting edge computer technology, `techno-culture
and hardware' (?)
Compensation: (?)
Rights: (?)
Comments: Write for guidelines.
Contact: submissions@wired.com, editor@wired.com
MCI Magazine Addresses
The following entries were retreived from the public MCI electronic yellow
pages. They are being included in this FAQ with *no* prior warning to the
publishers. The FAQ author has emailed a few of them with no result. `Your
mileage may vary.' The author would greatly like to receive more information
(contents, compensation, rights, comments) on these outlets to move the
entries into the previous section, and hear of any `success stories' in
receiving *any* response (even simple submission guidelines) from these
To send mail to these addresses from the internet, use the form
[x]@mcimail.com where [x] is the ID given below. DO NOT INCLUDE THE HYPHEN
in the address.
(Generated ~8/93)
`MAGAZINE' search
MCI ID Name Organization Location
596-6620 Avionics Magazine Avionics Magazi Potomac, MD
371-5189 Biotechnology Magazine Nature Publishi New York, NY
250-0135 BYTE Magazine Peterborough, N
411-2547 C Magazine Softbank Corp JAPAN
323-9250 CIO Magazine CIO Magazine Framingham, MA
379-1932 Computer Graphics World Ma Computer Graphi Westford, MA
324-3008 Computer Shopper Magazine Computer Shoppe Titusville, FL
393-3639 ComputerLand Magazine Pleasanton, CA
339-5237 CPI Purchasing Magazine Cahners Publish Newton, MA
280-8275 Data Based Advisor Magazin Data Based Advi San Diego, CA
416-2157 Data Communications Magazi McGraw Hill New York, NY
335-7244 DBMS Magazine DBMS/PCA San Mateo, CA
477-1898 Dyna Magazine Softbank Corpor JAPAN
391-5774 EDN Magazine EDN Magazine BLANK
427-6021 Electronic Products Magazi Electronic Prod Garden City, NY
582-3736 Epicurean Magazine Epicurean Magaz San Fernand, CA
601-1044 Food Product Design Magazi Food Product De Northbrook, IL
312-3728 Foreign Policy Magazine Foreign Policy Washington, DC
313-3729 Foreign Policy Magazine Foreign Policy Washington, DC
598-8565 Fortune Magazine Fortune Magazin San Francis, CA
442-3685 Frequent Flyer Magazine Frequent Flyer New York NY
312-4471 IN Magazine MCIC Washington DC
319-3071 Interior Design Magazine Interior Design New York, NY
376-9627 Interiors Magazine Interiors Magaz New York, NY
REMOTE 567-3913 LAN Magazine Computer Pubs AUSTRALIA
503-2941 Laser Focus World Magazine Laser Focus Wor Westford, MA
422-5920 MacUser Magazine MacUser Foster City CA
355-9510 Maintenance Technology Mag Maintenance Tec Barrington, IL
564-3622 Metroland Magazine Metroland Magaz Albany, NY
387-0963 Modern Motor Magazine Modern Motor Ma Australia
445-5851 NewMedia Magazine San Mateo, CA
318-3782 Omni Magazine New York, NY
468-2934 Packaging Magazine Cahners Publish Des Plaines IL
157-9301 PC Magazine PC Magazine New York, NY
447-7466 Popular Science Magazine Popular Science New York Ny
413-3658 Prepared Foods Magazine Prepared Foods Chicago, IL
392-5775 Purchasing Magazine Purchasing Maga BLANK
514-3313 Risk Magazine Ltd. Risk Magazine L Chicago, IL
500-0238 Sail Magazine Cahners Newton MA
317-3309 Smithsonian Magazine Smithsonian Mag Washington, DC
277-9362 Software Magazine Software Magazi Westboro, MA
556-3896 Solutions PC Magazine PC Magazine New York NY
103-5034 Teleconnect Magazine New York, NY
494-4254 Telephony Magazine Chicago, IL
402-6156 The Kfar Chabad Weekly Mag Tzeirei Chabad ISRAEL
519-6247 Treasury Magazine Treasury Magazi Boston, MA
380-3905 Turbo Magazine Kipp E. Kington Huntington Beac
424-1434 Variety Magazine Variety Magazin Lakebluff IL
MCI ID Name Organization Location
527-0613 A I Publishing A I Publishing Japan
586-1732 American International Pub American Int'l Harrison, NY
471-0440 Axel Springer Japan Publis Tokyo
543-0709 Bloc Publishing Bloc Publishing Coral Gables, F
561-9762 Brana Publishing Brana Publishin Pacific Pal, CA
594-5629 Cardmember Publishing Corp Stamford, CT
531-2388 CFO Publishing Corp. CFO Publishing Boston, MA
583-9841 Clark Publishing Inc. Clark Publishin Lexington, KY
458-2083 Cowles Publishing Company Cowles Publishi Spokane, WA
589-5427 First Image Demand Publish Norcross, GA
572-8673 HHO Publishing HHO Publishing Los Angeles, CA
220-0783 Hitchcock Publishing Co. Hitchcock Publi Carol Stream IL
497-2767 Hortideas Publishing Gravel Switch
581-6677 Indemp Publishing Indemp Publishi Casa Grande, AZ
294-3992 Information Publishing Cor Info Publishing Houston, TX
293-5313 Isthmus Publishing Company Isthmus Publish Madison, WI
422-1911 Kluwer Academic Publishing Kluwer Academic Norwell, MA
266-2543 Kohgaku-Sha Publishing Co. Kohgaku-Sha Pub JAPAN
380-2809 Laurin Publishing Co., Inc Laurin Publishi Pittsfield, MA
583-5230 Linmore Publishing Inc. Linmore Publish Barrington, IL
399-2652 Macmillan Computer Publish Macmillan Compu Carmel, IN
452-8706 Malakoff Publishing Malakoff Publis Shepherdstown
605-4375 Meister Publishing Meister Publish Willoughby, OH
273-9287 M.M. Cole Publishing Co. M.M. Cole Publi Chicago, IL
557-0450 Mondadori Publishing Mondadori Publi New York, NY
294-3756 M&T Publishing Administration Redwood City
292-3754 M&T Publishing Pete May Redwood City
489-8359 Nelson Publishing Nokomis, FL
350-9803 Olympia Publishing, Inc. Olympia Publish Little Rock, AR
332-7597 Phillips Publishing - Potomac, MD
542-5761 Phillips Publishing Phillips Publis Potomac, MD
245-8579 Pinpoint Publishing PINPOINT Publis Glen Ellen, CA
602-7175 Pinpoint Publishing Santa Rosa, CA
297-6976 Roger Wagner Publishing. I Roger Wagner Pu Santee, CA
340-4180 Rush Franklin Publishing Rush Franklin P Douglaston, NY
289-9011 Software Publishing Corpor P.R. Dept. Mt. View
273-0600 Software Publishing Corpor Quarterly Rept. Mt. View CA
264-0158 Software Publishing Corpor Software Publ Mt. View
566-5907 Spencer & Associates Publi Spencer & Assoc Melville, NY
426-7566 Step-By-Step Publishing PEORIA, IL
586-7891 Surburban Publishing Surburban Wayne, PA
493-3568 The Wichita Eagle & Beacon Wichita, KS
581-5678 Troy Publishing Troy Publishing Troy, NY
559-7594 UpClose Publishing El Granola, CA
509-3687 Walsworth Publishing Co., Marcelini, MO
240-3935 West Publishing Company St. Paul Eagan, MN
241-3936 West Publishing Company St. Paul Eagan, MN
242-3940 West Publishing Company St. Paul Eagan, MN
243-3938 West Publishing Company St. Paul Eagan, MN
243-3941 West Publishing Company St. Paul Eagan, MN
244-3942 West Publishing Company St. Paul Eagan, MN
245-3927 West Publishing Company St. Paul Eagan, MN
245-3930 West Publishing Company St. Paul Eagan, MN
246-3928 West Publishing Company St. Paul Eagan, MN
247-3932 West Publishing Company St. Paul Eagan, MN
248-3933 West Publishing Company St. Paul Eagan, MN
249-3918 West Publishing Company St. Paul Eagan, MN
273-5540 West Publishing Company Schoolbooks St. Paul, MN
284-6776 West Publishing Company West Publishing St. Paul, MN
314-0105 West Publishing Company West Services, Seattle, WA
326-8021 West Publishing Company COP-Collections St. Paul, MN
543-3405 Western Publishing Racine, WI
218-4001 WGE Publishing, Inc. Hancock, NH
173-2546 Wordware Publishing, Inc. Wordware Publis Plano, TX
350-2648 Ziff Davis Publishing PC Computing Boston, MA
`PRESS' search
MCI ID Name Organization Location
597-3297 Capra Press Capra Press Santa Barba, CA
259-0558 Clarity Press, Inc. Atlanta, GA
593-8735 Daily Press Dow Jones & Co, NEWPORT NEWS, V
507-9207 Global Financial Press Global Financia NY, NY
403-1178 Gum Tree Press Cowles Magazine Unionville PA
582-3930 Islamorada Free Press Islamorada Free Islamorada, FL
584-5231 Long & Strider Press Long & Strider Scottsdale, AZ
574-6460 Magnetic Press, Inc. Magnetic Press New York, NY
587-6181 Micro Pro Litera Press Micro Pro Liter San Francis, CA
263-5152 Microsoft Press Redmond, WA
381-5247 New York Press New York Press New York, NY
533-9561 The Mercantile Press, Inc. Mercantile Pres Wilmington, DE
295-9492 University of California P University of C Berkeley, CA
517-0393 Western Computer Press Tualatin, OR
546-5105 Westview Press Boulder, CO
A Note to Writers
Email submissions have many advantages. In addition to the fast and
reliable transmission, the editor may give more rapid turnaround to
email inquiries. The opportunity for writer-editor communication and
feedback is increased. The ability to find the specific outlet for
a particular piece is improved. Also, in comparison to the telephone,
people can read their mail whenever they want instead of at random
interruptions. They can measure their responses carefully and archive
them for future reference. For submissions, the intermediate step of
rekeying typewritten text is largely eliminated.
Please treat this capability of email submission with the utmost respect.
If you abuse it you may jeopardize your own and fellow writer's future
opportunities. An editor may decide capriciously that only junk comes
in electronically, and ignore or remove the capability. Or, the editor
may pay special attention to all the gems of articles that can be
discovered and polished there. Always treat the editor with kind
regard. If an article is rejected, simply resubmit elsewhere, make
changes, or abandon it. The email address is *not* a hotline to flame
or harass editors.
Whenever you hear of a new address, please inform the author of this
list. You do not gain anything by withholding it from your fellow
writers. Everyone benefits when the list is thorough and complete.
A comprehensive list of outlets encourages competition between them
for your writing based on rights and remuneration policies, similar
to an electronic Yellow Pages.
Also, feel free to approach editors you know about the idea of setting
up the service of internet email submission addresses. Tell them that
their competitors have set up the system and that there are many
potential benefits, perhaps ultimately eliciting improved reader
satisfaction and interest.
A Note to Editors
From the current perspective, you are in one of two categories: a
backward Luddite or a visionary pioneer, depending on whether you have
never heard of internet email or are utilizing it and supporting
submissions through it. (That is a joke.) Sincerely however, in the
near future conducting writing transactions over the internet may
become the medium of choice for many markets. Of course, there
are disadvantages along with the grand incentives to support
this capability. Many editors however have found the ability
to receive submissions and queries via email to be immensely
valuable in cultivating future issues' articles. In some cases, you
may be competing with them directly for knowledgeable and interesting
articles and writers. If a writer sees two outlets with similar content
but one with more ideal rights or remuneration arrangements, which will
s/he submit to?
The author of this list strongly encourages you to support and solicit
articles via email. It may allow you to interact and direct your
writers more effectively and less stressfully. It may allow you to
improve the quality of submissions by expanding the available pool and
increasing the target and focus of individual pieces. Ultimately it
may make you more responsive to readers than your competition.
Potentially, both the writer, editor, and reader benefit from the
dynamic arrangement. All this is written in speculative terms, however,
because it is not guaranteed. You may find that irrelevant or useless
queries increase, but even so a wider selection pool may render that
Other Resources
Journalists and journalism students.
alt.prose, alt.prose.d
Predecessors to rec.arts.prose, lower distribution. Disscussion in
alt.prose.d only.
`zines' or small low-circulation low-cost newsletters of fringe
Accomplished and beginning writers. Submissions, queries, markets,
Posted fiction for review. Discussion of posted articles.
Posting and discussion of original poetry.
Written science fiction. Great authors. Writing style. (?)
Magazines (?)
Fantasy and science fiction discussion, movies and television (?)
Mailing Lists
Topics: ``Expert opinion or help from established scholars and
professionals. Covering the history, current state and future
prospects of the American Magazine, and issues related to magazine
publishing. Primary focus is journalistic, but also addresses other
magazine-publishing matters of economic (management, marketing,
circulation, production, research), technological, historical and
social importance.''
Subscription: send JOIN MAGAZINE <YourFirstName> <YourLastName> in
message body to <COMSERVE@VM.ITS.RPI.EDU> or (BITNET)
Moderator: David Abrahamson <ABRAHAMSON@ACFCLUSTER.NYU.EDU>
- Small Press Mailing List
Topics: ``Concerns of authors and editors involved with the small
press, both of books and of magazines. Printers and services,
announcements, calls for submissions, bookstores, discussion of
acceptance and rejections, book and signing events,readings,
`war stories', advice for writers, editors, self-publishers.''
Subscription: send your human-readable *request* to join or leave to
<small-press-request@world.std.com>. *Posts* to the list go to
Moderator: <ctan@world.std.com> (Cecilia M Tan)
- Writer's Workshop
Topics: ``Although started for discussion of writing, submissions,
critiques, various mind-joggers, and exercises also are passed
among the participants. All postings are archived and available to
Subscription: The workshop is self-serve - send email to
<listserv@vm1.nodak.edu> (or <listserv@ndsuvm1.bitnet>) with the
message SUBSCRIBE WRITERS <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>.
- Fiction and Writing lists
Topics: Fiction Writers Workshop. Fiction list is for submissions and
critiques, Writing list is for general discussions, new member
introductions, and announcements of various sorts. Tone is
professional. Most members actually pursue publication. Usually in
science fiction or fantasy genres.
<NOVELS-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU> for novels and and non-fiction and poetry
- Poetry list
Topics: ``This list is designed to be a forum where original poetry
(either complete or in progress) may be posted by members
interested in critique-style discussion, examination, and
analysis of their work. ...It is assumed that all members will at
some point post an original piece, and not merely assume an
exclusively responsive role.''
Subscription: <POETRY@GONZAGA.EDU>
- Screen Writing Discussion List
Topics: ``a discussion list of the joy and challenge of screen writing
for film and TV ... Any topic of interest to writers or potential
writers is appropriate (i.e. format, story ideas, dialogue,
characters, agents, producers, directors, actors, studios, problems
and/or solutions).''
- Creative Writing Pedagogy for Teachers and Students
Topics: ``a place to discuss how and why creative writing is being
taught at colleges and universities, including the role it plays
in the curriculum, the history of creative writing programs, the
shape and flavor of creative writing courses, and the influence
it has or should have on students' lives''
Subscriptions: <CREWRT-L@MIZZOU1.BITNET>
- Megabyte University
Topics: ``an unarchived list primarily for professors, teachers,
graduate students and administrators involved in teaching composition
using computers.topics of discussion have included software
descriptions and comparisons for use in teaching composition,
determining real audience for composition students, and
announcements of upcoming conferences, both actual and virtual.
Many of the members of this list also participate in the MediaMOO
weekly online conferences and other activities''
Subscriptions: <MBU-L@TTUVM1.BITNET>
Moderator: Fred Kemp
- The Composition Digest
Topics: ``a weekly newsgroup for the study of computers and writing,
specifically writing instruction in computer based classrooms."
Subscriptions: <COMPOS01@ULKYVX.BITNET>
- Purdue Rhetoric
Topics: ``Rhetoric, Professional Writing, and Language Discussion
Group - a scholarly forum for discussion of rhetoricand composition,
professional writing, and language research.
- English Forum
Topics: ``An archived discussion forum on electronic communication in
instruction and research of English, writing, and literature.''
Subscriptions: <ENGLMU-L@MIZZOU11.BITNET>
Topics: Writing Intensive Online Learning Environment, an archived
list for writing instructors.
Subscriptions: <WIOLE-L@MIZZOU1.BITNET>
- Writing Center
Topics: ``A discussion list for directors of academic writing centers,
including evaluating software for writing instruction, use of tutors,
and other issues specific to writing centers.''
Subscriptions: <W-CENTER@TTUVM1.BITNET>
FTP sites
A large collection of electronic `zines' and other miscellaneous
electronic text files can be found on the University of Michigan
archives, etext.archive.umich.edu.
Other writing-related FAQs can be found on rtfm.mit.edu:
A more accurate list of electronic `zines' is posted intermittently
to alt.mag, alt.zines, posted by John Labovitz <johnl@netcom.com>.
``Electronic Writers' Workshops and Online Education in Creative
Writing'' (Bowers & Butcher, 1993) is available from gwuvm.gwu.edu:
/WRITERS.RESOURC. Compilation of resources for writers and for
writing teachers on the national network services, part 1. Part 2,
virtual classrooms and tools for collaborative writing projects.
Part 3, `a new breed of literatary magazines that are written,
published, and read exclusively by network users...finding a
readership beyond the best hopes of many professional and academic
literatary magazines' editors.' Part 4, copyrights, what constitutes
publication in the electronic realm, antidotes to `remarkable
examples of misinformation'.
Most Wanted List
This list can grow and prosper if you help keep it updated, use the
information herein wisely, and help recruit new sources. Please do
NOT send random editor email addresses unless those editors specifically
approve of advertising them. Currently most wanted:
- More popular newstand magazines, esp. paying ones. Asimov's, Analog,
- Old discussion on MAGAZINE email list about email submission
- FTP sites.
- any elaboration on places with `(?)'
When submitting updates to the list, PLEASE include all known information
in the categories recorded. That is: email address, description of the
general content of the outlet, remuneration policies, and the rights
involved. The editor of this list prefers outlets that are `well
established' and are not likely to disappear. Also, another list by J.
Labovitz better tracks electronic `zines'. See `Other Resources' above.
Send comments to <ld231782@longs.lance.colostate.edu>.
Special thanks to the following people for contributing especially
valuable information to this list:
Kyle Conway <kconway@nyx.cs.du.edu>
Ed Stastny <ed@cwis.unomaha.edu>
Cecilia M Tan <ctan@world.std.com>
David Abrahamson <ABRAHAMSON@ACFcluster.NYU.EDU>
Laura Packard <ae099@freenet.buffalo.edu>
John Bowers <JBOWERS@gwuvm.gwu.edu>
Special thanks to the forward-seeing editors who have the patience,
vision, and expertise to support email submissions.
Change History
v1.3 (11/93)
Grist addition. Fix of the Lansing vs. Ann Arbor (thanks many
people!) Fringware Review. Fiction & Writing lists. Bowers papers
on cyberspatial writing resources FTP pointers (highly recommended).
Poetry list. Screen Writing list. Creative Writing Pedagogy list.
Megabyte University. Composition Digest list. Purdue Rhetoric list.
Writing Intensive Online Learning Environment list. Writing Center
list. (New mailing lists added are from Bowers paper, thanks!)
v1.2 (9/93)
MCI Mail magazine addresses included. Posting frequency changed.
Glitch that posted to `misc.writers' oblivion instead of
v1.1 (8/93)
Writer's Workshop list, Cyberspace Vanguard added.
v1.0 (8/93)
Wilde Oakes, Lighthouse added. Posted to *.answers groups &
archived at rtfm.mit.edu.
v0.6 (8/93)
Added `rights,' `comments,' `type' categories. Reordered
list categories. Added small-press list. Paladin and Circlet added.
v0.5 (7/93)
Basics of email address, newsgroup list, editor & writer notices,
submission protocol, etc. in place after initial query on
This FAQ is available from the standard FAQ server rtfm.mit.edu via
FTP in the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/writing/resources
Email requests for FAQs go to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with commands
on lines in the message body, e.g. `help' and `index'.
This FAQ is posted every 21 days to the groups misc.writing,