Usenet 1994 January
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Text File
78 lines
(c) Copyright 1990,92 by Klaus Hartnegg, D-7835 Teningen
This programs is part of my CRLF package. It simply strips all
carriage return or line feed characters out of a text-file. This is
useful when transferring a file to a mainframe computer where lines of
text are separated by line feed or carriage return only. On MS-DOS
text lines are ended with a Cr Lf pair.
Either specify one or two file names or use the program as a filter
(piping the text through). If you specify one file name only, this
file will be overwritten with the modified text.
You have to specify the character to be removed as option: either /CR
or /LF (of course -cr and -lf will work too). You can specify the
option anywhere on the command line.
If you don't want to specify this option all the time, issue these two
commands to create two small batch files StripCR and StripLF:
ECHO strpcrlf %1 %2 /cr >stripcr.bat
ECHO strpcrlf %1 %2 /lf >striplf.bat
Note however that DOS does not allow to use batch files as filters.
If you want to pipe a file through such a batch file, you have
to use this construction: type test.txt | command /c stripcr
instead of type test.txt | stripcr
of course you can also use type test.txt | strpcrlf /cr
This is a restriction of DOS, not one of StrpCrLf.
Known Bugs
Processing a file with both /cr and /lf in sequence will make it
nearly unreadable, also this conversion is irreversible!
As pointed out in the documentation to the CRLF package (in the file
CRLF.DOC), this program is shareware. You are free to distribute it
as long as all files of this package are distributed together.
You are allowed to try these programs without paying for a maximum
of 14 days. If you continue to use them, you must register for usage.
See the separate file ORDER.FRM.
You don't need a separate licence for StripCrLf:
the program will accept the same key-file as CrLf.
Klaus Hartnegg
Kleist-str. 7
D-7835 Teningen
This software is under development. Error reports and other comments are
welcome. Please do not hesitate to use electronic mail for communication.
(these addresses may be valid only until end of 1992)
Bitnet : hartnegg@dfrruf1
Internet : hartnegg@ibm.ruf.uni-freiburg.de