Usenet 1994 January
Text File
761 lines
| Ogresmasher | War hammer | 5 0 | (ogres) | L |
| Orcrist | Two handed sword | 5 0 | (orcs) | L |
| Snickersnee | Katana | 0 8 | | L |
| Sunsword | Long sword | 5 0 | (undead) | L |
| Sting | Elven dagger | 5 0 | warn (orcs) | L |
| Stormbringer | Broadsword | 5 2 | defend, drain level | C |
| Trollsbane | Morning star | 5 0 | (trolls) | L |
| Werebane | Long sword | 5 0 | (weres) | L |
These are the special abilities:
cold - The extra damage done is cold damage, and as a result will
not affect cold resistant creatures.
defend - This will defend you against whatever special attack type the
artifact has. Excalibur and Stormbringer defend against
level draining attacks (even though Excalibur can't drain
levels itself), Frost brand defends against cold cold based
attacks and Fire brand defends against fire based attacks.
drain level - This will drain a level from the creature attacking,
effectively making it less powerful as well as removing eight
hp from it.
fire - The extra damage done is fire damage, and as a result will
not affect fire resistant creatures.
search - Will aid you in searching, much as a ring of searching.
seek - This should "aid you in seeking objects." I'm not sure what
exactly this does, and have doubts as to whether it has
actually been implemented yet.
shock - The extra damage done is electrical damage, and as a result
will not affect shock resistant creatures.
warn - Will warn you when more monsters more powerful than you are
around, much as a ring of warning.
Name Prob Wt Nutr. Special effects
| apple | 10 | 1 | 50 | |
| banana | 7 | 1 | 80 | |
| candy bar | 7 | 1 | 100 | |
| carrot | 15 | 1 | 50 | Cures blindness |
| cram ration | 20 | 3 | 600 | |
| cream pie | 25 | 1 | 100 | Throw to blind monsters |
| clove of garlic | 5 | 1 | 40 | Scares off vampires |
| dead lizard | 35 | 1 | 40 | Stops petrification |
| egg | 75 | 1 | 80 | Could be deadly! |
| food ration | 385 | 4 | 800 | |
| fortune cookie | 55 | 1 | 40 | Gives hints, some true |
| K-ration | 0 | 1 | 400 | |
| lembas wafer | 20 | 1 | 800 | |
| lump of royal jelly | 0 | 1 | 200 | Increases strength & fixes bad legs |
| melon | 7 | 1 | 100 | |
| orange | 7 | 1 | 80 | |
| pancake | 40 | 1 | 200 | |
| pear | 7 | 1 | 50 | |
| slime mold | 75 | 1 | 250 | |
| tin | 75 | 1 | 0 | Spinach increases strength* |
| tripe ration | 150 | 2 | 200 | Feed to pets |
* These may also be a monster type: i.e. floating eyes will give esp.
The following abbreviations are used under the "Effects" section:
aggr monst - You gain the intrinsic aggravate monster.
halluc xxx - You hallucinate for xxx turns.
stun xxx - You are stunned for xxx turns.
The following effects can also be gained by eating certain monster corpses.
In general, the higher the monster's level, the greater the chance of gaining
an intrinsic. Also, only one of these can be gained per corpse, in the order
they are listed:
teleport - Gain intrinsic teleport
tel cont - Gain intrinsic teleport control
fire res - Gain intrinsic fire resistance
cold res - Gain intrinsic cold resistance
pois res - Gain intrinsic poison resistance
shock res - Gain intrinsic shock resistance
sleep res - Gain intrinsic sleep resistance
disin res - Gain intrinsic disintegration resistance
Name Weight Nutr. Effects
| ant, giant | 1 | 10 | |
| ant, fire | 3 | 30 | fire res |
| ant, soldier | 2 | 20 | pois res |
| ape | 50 | 500 | |
| ape, carnivorous | 55 | 550 | |
| baluchitherium | 80 | 800 | |
| bat | 2 | 20 | stun 30 |
| bat, giant | 3 | 30 | stun 60 |
| bat, vampire | 3 | 20 | |
| bee, killer | 1 | 10 | pois res (25%) |
| bee, queen | 1 | 10 | pois res (25%) |
| beetle, giant | 1 | 10 | pois res |
| blob, acid | 3 | 30 | stops from turning to stone, sleep res |
| blob, quivering | 20 | 200 | pois res |
| bugbear | 25 | 250 | |
| cat, housecat | 20 | 200 | aggr monst |
| cat, kitten | 15 | 150 | aggr monst |
| cat, large | 25 | 250 | aggr monst |
| centaur, forest | 55 | 600 | |
| centaur, mountain | 55 | 500 | |
| centaur, plains | 50 | 500 | |
| Cerberus | 50 | 350 | fire res |
| chameleon | 10 | 100 | polymorphs you |
| cobra | 15 | 100 | pois res |
| cockatrice | 3 | 30 | turns you to stone |
| demilich | 30 | 100 | cold res |
| demon | 80 | 800 | |
| dog | 20 | 200 | aggr monst |
| dog, large | 25 | 250 | aggr monst |
| dog little | 15 | 150 | aggr monst |
| dragon, baby, all | 50 | 500 | |
| dragon, black | 150 | 1500 | disint res |
| dragon, blue | 150 | 1500 | shock res |
| dragon, green | 150 | 1500 | pois res |
| dragon, gray | 150 | 1500 | |
| dragon, orange | 150 | 1500 | sleep res |
| dragon, red | 150 | 1500 | fire res |
| dragon, white | 150 | 1500 | cold res |
| dragon, yellow | 150 | 1500 | stops from turning to stone |
| dwarf, all | 30 | 300 | |
| elf, all | 35 | 350 | aggr mons (if elf), sleep resistance |
| ettin | 50 | 500 | gain strength |
| floating eye | 1 | 10 | telepathy |
| freezing sphere | 1 | 10 | cold res |
| gelatinous cube | 30 | 300 | fire res, cold res, shock res, sleep res |
| giant | 75 | 750 | gain strength |
| giant, fire | 75 | 750 | gain strength, fire res |
| giant, frost | 75 | 750 | gain strength, cold res |
| giant, hill | 70 | 700 | gain strength |
| giant, stone | 75 | 750 | gain strength |
| gnome | 10 | 100 | |
| gnome king | 20 | 150 | |
| gnome lord | 15 | 120 | |
| gnomish wizard | 15 | 120 | |
| goblin | 10 | 100 | |
| gray ooze | 50 | 500 | pois res |
| gremlin | 10 | 30 | |
| hell hound | 30 | 300 | fire res |
| hell hound pup | 20 | 200 | fire res |
| hobbit | 20 | 200 | |
| hobgoblin | 20 | 200 | |
| homunculus | 20 | 200 | pois res, sleep res |
| human | 40 | 400 | aggr monst |
| imp | 1 | 10 | |
| jabberwock | 60 | 600 | |
| jackal | 25 | 250 | |
| jaguar | 30 | 300 | |
| jelly, blue | 2 | 20 | cold res, pois res |
| jelly, ochre | 2 | 20 | stops from turning to stone |
| jelly, spotted | 2 | 20 | stops from turning to stone |
| keystone kop, all | 45 | 200 | aggr monst |
| kobold | 10 | 100 | |
| kobold, large | 15 | 150 | |
| kobold, lord | 20 | 200 | |
| kobold, shaman | 15 | 150 | |
| leocrotta | 50 | 500 | |
| leprechaun | 30 | 300 | teleport |
| lich | 30 | 100 | cold res |
| lich, master | 30 | 100 | fire res, cold res |
| lizard | 1 | 40 | stops from turning to stone |
| long worm | 50 | 500 | |
| long worm, baby | 25 | 250 | |
| lurker above | 40 | 350 | |
| medusa | 45 | 400 | turns you to stone |
| mimic, giant | 60 | 500 | you mimic a pile of gold for 50 turns |
| mimic, large | 40 | 400 | you mimic a pile of gold for 40 turns |
| mimic, small | 20 | 200 | you mimic a pile of gold for 20 turns |
| minotaur | 70 | 700 | gain strength |
| mold, brown | 5 | 30 | cold res, pois res |
| mold, green | 5 | 30 | stop from turning to stone |
| mold, yellow | 5 | 30 | hall 200, pois res |
| mold, red | 5 | 30 | fire res, pois res |
| mumakil | 70 | 500 | |
| mummie | ** | ** | |
| naga, black | 60 | 400 | stop from turning to stone, pois res |
| naga, golden | 60 | 400 | pois res |
| naga, guardian | 60 | 400 | pois res |
| naga, hatchling | 20 | 100 | same as adult (black won't stop stoning) |
| naga, red | 60 | 400 | pois res, fire res |
| nurse | 40 | 400 | aggr monst, hp maxed |
| nymph, all | 40 | 400 | teleport |
| ogre | 60 | 500 | |
| ogre king | 70 | 750 | |
| ogre lord | 70 | 700 | |
| Olog-hai | 40 | 400 | |
| orc | 15 | 150 | |
| orc, captain | 35 | 350 | |
| orc, hill | 20 | 200 | |
| orc, Mordor | 30 | 300 | |
| orc, shaman | 30 | 300 | |
| owlbear | 70 | 700 | gain strength |
| piercer, iron | 40 | 300 | |
| piercer, rock | 20 | 200 | |
| pit viper | 5 | 60 | pois res |
| python | 15 | 100 | pois res |
| pudding, black | 50 | 500 | pois res, cold res, shock res |
| pudding, brown | 50 | 500 | pois res, cold res, shock res |
| purple worm | 70 | 700 | |
| purple worm, baby | 25 | 250 | |
| quantum mechanic* | 20 | 200 | toggles speed (fast/normal) |
| quasit | 20 | 200 | pois res |
| rat, giant | 3 | 30 | |
| rat, rabid | 3 | 10 | |
| rat, sewer | 2 | 20 | |
| rock mole | 3 | 30 | |
| rothe | 10 | 100 | |
| rust monster | 50 | 500 | |
| scorpion | 10 | 100 | pois res (25%) |
| snake | 10 | 80 | pois res |
| snake, garter | 5 | 60 | |
| spider, cave | 5 | 50 | pois res |
| spider, giant | 10 | 100 | pois res |
| stalker | 40 | 400 | *** |
| tengu | 30 | 300 | teleport, tel cont, pois res |
| tiger | 30 | 300 | |
| titan | 90 | 900 | gain strength |
| titanothere | 65 | 650 | |
| trapper | 40 | 350 | |
| troll | 40 | 400 | |
| troll, ice | 40 | 300 | cold res |
| troll, rock | 40 | 300 | |
| troll, water | 40 | 400 | |
| umber hulk | 50 | 500 | |
| unicorn | 30 | 300 | pois res |
| Uruk-hai | 30 | 300 | |
| vampire | 40 | 400 | |
| violet fungus | 10 | 100 | hall 200, pois res |
| warg | 35 | 350 | |
| water moccasin | 10 | 100 | pois res |
| werejackal | 45 | 400 | lycanthropy (werejackal) |
| wererat | 45 | 400 | lycanthropy (wererat) |
| werewolf | 45 | 400 | lycanthropy (werewolf) |
| wolf | 25 | 250 | |
| wolf, winter | 30 | 300 | cold res |
| worm, long | 50 | 500 | |
| worm, purple | 70 | 700 | |
| wraith | 1 | 10 | gain level (max. level 30) |
| wumpus | 50 | 500 | |
| xan | 30 | 300 | pois res |
| xorn | 70 | 700 | |
| yellow light | 1 | 10 | stun 60 |
| yeti | 70 | 700 | cold resistance |
| zombie | ** | ** | |
| zruty | 60 | 600 | |
* Just for the physics types, these are the names of the Quantum Mechanics.
How many do you know?
Max (Born) Niels (Bohr)
Wolfgang (Pauli) Paul (Dirac)
Louis (Broglie) Pascual (Jordan)
Erwin (Schroedinger) Dick (Feynman)
Werner (Heisenberg) Sam (Beckett)
** Depends on the values of the original creature
Name Color Prob Wt Value
| amber | yellowish brown | 11 | 1 | 1000 |
| amethyst | violet | 19 | 1 | 600 |
| aquamarine | green | 10 | 1 | 1500 |
| blue glass | blue | 131 | 1 | 0 |
| diamond | white | 4 | 1 | 4000 |
| dilithium crystal | white | 3 | 1 | 4500 |
| emerald | green | 7 | 1 | 2500 |
| fluorite | violet | 22 | 1 | 400 |
| garnet | red | 17 | 1 | 700 |
| green glass | green | 131 | 1 | 0 |
| jade | green | 23 | 1 | 300 |
| jasper | red | 21 | 1 | 500 |
| loadstone | gray | 10 | 50 | 1 |
| luckstone | gray | 10 | 1 | 60 |
| opal | white | 15 | 1 | 800 |
| red glass | red | 131 | 1 | 0 |
| ruby | red | 5 | 1 | 3500 |
| sapphire | blue | 6 | 1 | 3000 |
| topaz | yellowish brown | 13 | 1 | 900 |
| turquoise | green | 8 | 1 | 2000 |
| violet glass | violet | 131 | 1 | 0 |
| white glass | white | 131 | 1 | 0 |
| yellowish brown glass | yellowish brown | 131 | 1 | 0 |
Note: the color of certain gems are randomly changed as appropriate (although
they will all be the same in any given game). For instance, aquamarines can
be either blue or green.
Name Prob Cost
| blindness | 45 | 150 |
| booze | 45 | 50 |
| confusion | 45 | 100 |
| enlightenment | 20 | 200 |
| extra healing | 50 | 100 |
| fruit juice | 70 | 50 |
| gain ability | 45 | 300 |
| gain energy | 45 | 150 |
| gain level | 20 | 300 |
| hallucination | 45 | 100 |
| healing | 65 | 100 |
| invisibility | 45 | 150 |
| levitation | 45 | 200 |
| monster detection | 45 | 150 |
| object detection | 45 | 150 |
| paralysis | 45 | 300 |
| restore ability | 45 | 100 |
| see invisible | 45 | 50 |
| sickness | 45 | 50 |
| speed | 45 | 200 |
| water (clear) | 125 | 100 |
Cur = cursed potion (unless specifically mentioned, same as regular)
Reg = regular potion quaffed
Bls = blessed potion (unless specifically mentions, same as regular)
Cnf = potion quaffed while confused
Bld = potion quaffed while blind
Hal = potion quaffed while hallucinating
Reg - You become blind for a random time period.
"A cloud of darkness falls upon you."
Hal - "Bummer! Everything is dark! Help!"
Bls - No effect.
Reg - You are confused for a random time period.
"Ooph! This tastes like liquid fire!"
Cur - Knocks you unconscious for a time.
"You pass out. You awake with a headache."
Hal - "Ooph! This tastes like furniture polish!"
Reg - You are confused for a random time period.
"Huh, What? Where am I?"
Hal - "What a trippy feeling!"
Cur - No effect.
"You have an uneasy feeling."
Reg - Know intrinsics.
"You feel self-knowledgeable..."
Bls - Know intrinsics and adds one to Int and Wis.
Extra healing
Reg - Heals you (or adds 2 points to max. if at max.), and cures blindness
and sickness.
"You feel much better."
Bls - Heals you (or adds 5 pts. to max if at max), and cures blindness and
Fruit juice
Cur - "Yecch! This tastes rotten."
Reg - Gives small amount of sustenance.
"This tastes like [fruit] juice."
Hal - "Yecch! This tastes overripe."
"This tastes like 10% real [fruit] juice all-natural beverage."
Gain ability
Cur - No effect.
"Ulch! That potion tasted foul!"
Reg - Adds one to random stat.
Bls - Adds one to all stats.
Gain energy
Cur - Removes energy points.
"You feel lackluster."
Reg - Adds to max energy points.
"Magical energies course through your body."
Gain level
Cur - Raises you through the ceiling to the level above.
"You rise up, through the ceiling!"
Unless you are on level one and don't have the Amulet, or are in the
endgame, in which case...
"You have an uneasy feeling."
Reg - Adds one level (up to max. of level 30)
"You feel more experienced."
Bls - Takes you halfway to next level as well (or adds xp at level 30)
Reg - You hallucinate for a random time period.
"Oh wow! Everything looks so cosmic!"
Reg - Heals you (or adds 1 point to max. if at max.) and cures blindness.
"You begin to feel better."
Bls - Heals you and cures blindness and sickness.
Cur - Aggravates monsters.
"For some reason, you feel your presence is known."
Reg - Makes you invisible for a random time period.
"Gee! All of a sudden you can't see yourself."
Bls - Player's choice whether permanent or not.
Bld - "You feel rather airy."
Hal - "Far out, man! You can see right through yourself!"
Cur - Bumps your head on the ceiling
Bls - Asks number of turns (1-300) to levitate.
Hal - "You're floating in the air!"
Monster detection
Reg - You are shown where monsters are on level.
"You sense the presence of monsters."
"You feel threatened." (if no monsters on level)
Cur - They know where you are.
Object detection
Cur - All mimics disguised as objects know where you are.
Reg - You are shown where objects are on level.
"You sense the presence of objects."
"You have a strange feeling." (if no objects on level)
Reg - You are paralyzed for a random time period.
"Your feet are frozen to the floor!"
Unless you are levitating, in which case...
"You are motionlessly suspended."
Restore ability
Cur - No effect.
"Ulch! This makes you feel mediocre!"
Reg - One stat restored.
"Wow! This stuff makes you feel good!"
Bls - All stats restored.
"Wow! This stuff makes you feel great!"
See invisible
Cur - "Yecch! This tastes rotten."
Reg - Cures blindness, see invisible for a random time.
"This tastes like [fruit] juice."
Bls - Intrinsic see invisible.
Hal - "Yecch! This tastes overripe."
"This tastes like 10% real [fruit] juice all-natural beverage."
Reg - Stats lost, sickness, and lose hp.
"Yech! This stuff tastes like poison."
If poison resistant, or a healer, lessened effects.
"But in fact it was biologically contaminated [fruit] juice."
"Fortunately, you have been immunized."
Bls - Does 1 hp damage to you.
"But in fact it was mildly stale [fruit] juice."
Hal - Stops hallucination.
"You are shocked back to your senses."
Reg - Heals wounded legs and doubles movement rate temporarily.
"You are suddenly moving much faster."
"Your legs gain new energy." (if already fast)
Cur - Unholy water. Will curse items #d)ipped in it.
"You feel full of dread."
If undead, demon, or chaotic you gain 2-12 hp:
"You feel quite proud of yourself."
If lawful, you lose 2-12 hp:
"This burns like acid!"
Reg - Reduces hunger. Will erase scrolls if #d)ipped in it.
"This tastes like water."
"This tastes like impure water."
Bls - Holy water. Cures sickness. Will bless items #d)ipped in it.
"You feel full of awe."
Cures lycanthropy:
"Your affinity to [jackals/rats/wolves] disappears!"
"You feel purified."
If undead, demon, or chaotic you lose 2-12 hp:
"This burns like acid!"
All = monster hit with a cursed, regular, or blessed potion
Cur = monster hit with a cursed potion
Reg = monster hit with a regular potion
Bls = monster hit with a blessed potion
Bld = monster hit with a potion thrown while blind
All - The monster hit becomes temporarily blinded.
All - The monster hit becomes confused.
All - The monster hit becomes confused.
Extra healing
All - The monster hit is healed up to maximum hit points.
"The [monster name] looks sound and hale again."
Bld - No message.
Gain ability
All - The monster hit is healed up to maximum hit points.
"The [monster name] looks sound and hale again."
Bld - No message.
All - The monster hit is healed up to maximum hit points.
"The [monster name] looks sound and hale again."
Bld - No message.
All - The monster hit becomes invisible.
All - The mosnter hit becomes paralyzed for 1-25 turns.
Restore ability
All - The monster hit is healed up to maximum hit points.
"The [monster name] looks sound and hale again."
Bld - No message.
All - Hit points and maximum hit points of monster hit are halved.
"The [monster name] looks rather ill."
Bld - No message.
All - Slow monsters hit become normal, while normal monsters become fast.
Cur - Adds 2-12 hit points to undead or demons when hit.
"The [monster name] looks healthier."
Reg - No effect. In a future version will cause gremlins to multiply.
Bls - Does 2-12 hit points of damage to undead or demons when hit.
All = cursed, regular, or blessed potion vapor inhaled
Cur = cursed potion vapor inhaled
Reg = regular potion vapor inhaled
Bls = blessed potion vapor inhaled
Bld = potion vapor inhaled while blind
All - Blinds you for 1-5 turns.
"It suddenly gets dark."
All - Causes you to be confused for 1-5 turns.
"You feel somewhat dizzy"
All - Causes you to be confused for 1-5 turns.
"You feel somewhat dizzy"
Extra healing
All - Increases current hit points by one if under maximum.
Gain ability
Cur - No effect.
"Ulch! That potion smells terrible!"
Reg - Increases a random stat by one if that stat is under maximum.
Bls - Increases each stat by one if that stat is under maximum.
All - No effect.
"You have a vision for a moment."
All - Increases current hit points by one if under maximum.
All - No effect.
"For an instant you could see through yourself!"
All - Paralyzes you for 1-5 turns.
"Something seems to be holding you."
Restore ability
Cur - No effect.
"Ulch! That potion smells terrible!"
Reg - Increases a random stat by one if that stat is under maximum.
Bls - Increases each stat by one if that stat is under maximum.
All - Decreases current hit points to 1 if current hit points are under 5.
Otherwise, decreases current hit points by 5.
All - Speeds you up for 1-5 turns.
"Your knees seem more flexible now."
There are several ways of identifying potions, mostly based upon the messages
listed above. If you quaff a potion, you should be able to tell what it was
from the info in the quaffing section. Throwing a potion at a monster will
often tell you what it was from the effects on that monster (especially if you
have a stethescope to examine it with). Finally, potions can often be
identified by breaking them and observing the vapor effect. Set the potion
down and kick it until it smashes. Then pay close attention to what happens.
Oh, and remember - when that red dragon breathes fire at you and your potion
boils and explodes, all is not lost. You still get the vapor effect, so you
can figure out what the next one like that will do.
Name Cost
| adornment | 100 |
| aggravate monster | 150 |
| cold resistance | 150 |
| conflict | 300 |
| fire resistance | 200 |
| gain strength | 150 |
| hunger | 100 |
| increase damage | 150 |
| invisibility | 150 |
| levitation | 200 |
| poison resistance | 150 |
| polymorph | 300 |
| polymorph control | 300 |
| protection | 100 |
| protection from shape changers | 100 |
| regeneration | 200 |
| searching | 200 |
| see invisible | 150 |
| shock resistance | 150 |
| stealth | 100 |
| teleport control | 300 |
| teleportation | 200 |
| warning | 100 |
Note that all rings except +0 rings increase your food consumptions to
varying degrees.
Will raise your charisma by the bonus on the ring.
Cold resistance
You become invulnerable to cold, including backblasts from the wand and
freezing spheres.
Causes monsters to attack each other instead of you if they are next to
each other.
Fire resistance
You become invulnerable to fire, including backblasts from the wand and
(red) dragon's breath.
Gain strength
Increments (or decrements if cursed) your strength by the appropriate
Increase damage
Increases the damage you do to monsters when hitting them.
Poison resistance
You are invulnerable to poison (including poisonous corpses, but not rotted
ones, and all poison stings, bites, and potions).
Will occasionally cause you to randomly polymorph into another creature.
Polymorph control
Allows you to choose what monster you turn into if you get polymorphed.
Increases your armor class and (probably) your saving throws by the
appropriate amount. (Or decreases if cursed.)
Protection from shape changers
Forces chameleons and other shape changers to take on their true form.
Replenishes HP at about 1 a move, but increases food consumption a lot.
Will automatically look for hidden traps/doors.
Shock resistance
Lightning/other electrical resistance.
Monsters don't wake up when you enter a room.
Teleports you randomly around every once in a while.
Teleport control
Gives you control of teleport destination, no matter what does the
teleporting. If you try to teleport into a wall or monster, you get a
random teleport.
Will glow different colours when different monsters are near.
To figure out what a ring is, again start by figuring out if the ring is
cursed or not. If the ring is cursed, don't throw it away! It's a prime
candidate for identification through the first method: chuck it down a sink,
and see what happens. See the SINK EFFECTS section for more information about
what happens when various ring types are thrown down a sink. If the ring
isn't cursed, it probably is somewhat beneficial. Try it on. If something
happens immediately, you'll know what it is (levitation, for example). Some
rings can only be identified after being worn for a while - for example, a
ring of polymorph will only polymorph you every once in a while, and a ring of
teleport also only works now and then. Other rings can only be guessed at -
for instance, if you suddenly can find secret doors easier than you have been,
it might be a ring of searching. If you suddenly are killing monsters more
easily, it might be a ring of increase damage.
Name Prob Cost
| amnesia | 35 | 200 |
| blank paper | 28 | 60 |
| charging | 15 | 300 |
| confuse monster | 53 | 100 |
| create monster | 45 | 200 |
| destroy armor | 45 | 100 |
| enchant armor | 63 | 80 |
| enchant weapon | 85 | 60 |
| fire | 48 | 100 |
| food detection | 25 | 100 |
| genocide | 15 | 300 |
| gold detection | 33 | 100 |
| identify | 185 | 20 |
| light | 95 | 50 |
| magic mapping | 45 | 100 |
| punishment | 15 | 300 |
| remove curse | 65 | 80 |
| scare monster | 35 | 100 |
| taming | 15 | 200 |
| teleportation | 55 | 100 |
Cur = cursed scroll (unless specifically mentioned, same as regular)
Reg = regular (uncursed) scroll
Bls = blessed scroll (unless specifically mentioned, same as regular)
Bld = messages given while blind (yes, believe it or not, they provide for
the possibility that you may be blind, even though you can't read
scrolls while blind...)
Hal = messages given while hallucinating
Cur - Complete loss of map and spells.
Reg - Partial loss of map and spells.
"Thinking of Maud you forget everything else."
"Who was that Maud person anyway?"
"As your mind turns inward on itself, you forget everything else."
(if your character's name is Maud)
Bls - Partial loss of map, no loss of spells.
Hal - "Your mind releases itself from mundane concerns."
Blank paper
Reg - No effect.
"This scroll seems to be blank."
Reg - Charges item to original charges (can charge magic lamps)
Bls - Charges item to maximum charges (can charge magic lamps)
Confuse monster (effects are cumulative)
Cur - You become confused for 1 to 100 turns.
"You feel confused."
Reg - The next monster you hit will become confused.
"Your hands begin to glow red."
Bls - Next 2-9 monsters hit will become confused.
"Your hands glow a brilliant red."
Bld - "Your hands begin to tingle."
"Your hands tingle very sharply."
Create monster
Cur - Creates 13 to 17 random monsters.
Reg - Creates 1 to 5 random monsters.
Destroy armor
Cur - Same as regular, unless outermost armor is also cursed, in which case
you are stunned for 11-20 rounds.
"Your [armor name] vibrates."
Reg - Outermost armor you are wearing is destroyed.
"Your shield crumbles and turns to dust."
"Your helmet turns to dust and is blown away."
"Your gloves vanish."
"Your boots disintegrate."
"Your skin itches." (if no armor is being worn)
Enchant armor*
Cur - Takes 1 point off bonus and curses random armor you are wearing.
"Your [armor name] glows black for a moment."
Reg - Adds +1 to bonus and uncurses random armor you are wearing.
"Your [armor name] glows silver for a moment."
"Your skin glows then fades." (if no armor is being worn)
"Your [armor name] glows violently silver for a while, then
evaporates." (if enchantment fails)
Bls - Adds +1-3 to bonus and blesses random armor you are wearing.
"Your [armor name] glows silver for a moment/while."
Bld - "Your [armor name] feels warm for a moment."
"Your skin feels warm for a moment." (if no armor is being worn)
"Your [armor name] violently vibrates for a while, then evaporates."
(if enchantment fails)
Enchant weapon**
Cur - Takes 1 point off bonus of weapon you are wielding.
"Your [weapon name] glows black for a moment."