Usenet 1994 January
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/* nation.c -- commands needed to remember changes to a nation;
basically a lot of routines to parse the exec file
* Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Written by the dominion project.
* This file is part of dominion.
* dominion is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "dominion.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "army.h"
extern Sworld world;
extern int debug;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
struct exec_cmd { char name[NAMELEN]; int (*func)(); };
int cmd_amove(), cmd_astat(), cmd_aflag_set(), cmd_aflag_clear(),
cmd_flag_set_sector(), cmd_flag_clear_sector(),
cmd_acargo(), cmd_sname(), cmd_aname(), cmd_charity(),
cmd_taxrate(), cmd_desig_sector(), cmd_amake(),
cmd_cpeople_sector(), cmd_cowner_sector(), cmd_csoil_sector(),
cmd_cmetal_sector(), cmd_cjewels_sector(), cmd_caltitude_sector(),
cmd_cmoney(), cmd_cmetal(), cmd_cjewels(),
cmd_cur_tech_money (), cmd_cur_mag_money (), cmd_cur_mag_jewels (),
cmd_cur_tech_metal (),
cmd_cur_spy_money (),
cmd_cspell_pts(), cmd_ctech_skill(), cmd_cmag_skill(),
cmd_cfood(), cmd_tech_money(), cmd_tech_metal(),
cmd_mag_money(), cmd_mag_jewels(), cmd_cmine(), cmd_cfarm(),
cmd_cspeed(), cmd_nation_name(), cmd_nation_leader(), cmd_nation_order(),
cmd_nation_mark(), cmd_set_npc(), cmd_clear_npc(), cmd_npc_param(),
cmd_ccombat(), cmd_cattack(), cmd_cdefense(), cmd_crepro(), cmd_cmortality(),
cmd_cintel(), cmd_cmag_apt(), cmd_cstrength(),
cmd_new_army_type(), cmd_aincrease(), cmd_amerge(), cmd_asplit(),
cmd_cabonus(), cmd_cfort_sector(), cmd_croads_sector(), cmd_cpass(),
cmd_destroy(), cmd_acastle ();
static struct exec_cmd commands[] = {
{"AMOVE", cmd_amove} , {"ASTAT", cmd_astat} , {"AMAKE", cmd_amake} ,
{"AFLAG_SET", cmd_aflag_set} , {"AFLAG_CLEAR", cmd_aflag_clear} ,
{"FLAG_SET_SECTOR", cmd_flag_set_sector} ,
{"FLAG_CLEAR_SECTOR", cmd_flag_clear_sector} ,
{"ACARGO", cmd_acargo} ,
{"SNAME", cmd_sname} , {"ANAME", cmd_aname},
{"DESIG_SECTOR", cmd_desig_sector} ,
{"CHARITY", cmd_charity} , {"TAXRATE", cmd_taxrate},
{"CMONEY", cmd_cmoney} , {"CJEWELS", cmd_cjewels}, {"CMETAL", cmd_cmetal},
{"CUR_MAGR&Dmoney", cmd_cur_mag_money},
{"CUR_TECHR&Dmoney", cmd_cur_tech_money},
{"CUR_TECHR&Dmetal", cmd_cur_tech_metal},
{"CUR_MAGR&Djewels", cmd_cur_mag_jewels},
{"CUR_SPYR&Dmoney", cmd_cur_spy_money},
{"CSPELL_PTS", cmd_cspell_pts}, {"CTECH_SKILL", cmd_ctech_skill} ,
{"CMAG_SKILL", cmd_cmag_skill} ,
{"CFOOD", cmd_cfood} , {"TECHR&Dmoney", cmd_tech_money} ,
{"TECHR&Dmetal", cmd_tech_metal} , {"SPYR&Dmoney", cmd_spy_money} ,
{"MAGR&Dmoney" , cmd_mag_money} , {"MAGR&Djewels" , cmd_mag_jewels} ,
{"CMINE" , cmd_cmine} , {"CFARM" , cmd_cfarm} , {"CSPEED", cmd_cspeed} ,
{"NATION_NAME", cmd_nation_name} , {"NATION_LEADER", cmd_nation_leader} ,
{"NATION_ORDER", cmd_nation_order} , {"NATION_MARK", cmd_nation_mark} ,
{"SET_NPC", cmd_set_npc} , {"CLEAR_NPC", cmd_clear_npc} ,
{"NPC_PARAM", cmd_npc_param} ,
{"CATTACK" , cmd_cattack} , {"CDEFENSE" , cmd_cdefense} , {"CCOMBAT" , cmd_ccombat} ,
{"CREPRO" , cmd_crepro} , {"CINTEL", cmd_cintel} ,
{"CMAG_APT", cmd_cmag_apt} , {"CSTRENGTH", cmd_cstrength} ,
{"CMORTALITY" , cmd_cmortality} , {"CPEOPLE_SECTOR" , cmd_cpeople_sector} ,
{"COWNER_SECTOR" , cmd_cowner_sector} , {"CSOIL_SECTOR", cmd_csoil_sector} ,
{"CMETAL_SECTOR", cmd_cmetal_sector} ,
{"CJEWELS_SECTOR", cmd_cjewels_sector} ,
{"CALTITUDE_SECTOR", cmd_caltitude_sector} ,
{"NEW_ARMY_TYPE", cmd_new_army_type} , {"AMERGE", cmd_amerge} ,
{"AINCREASE", cmd_aincrease},
{"ASPLIT", cmd_asplit} , {"ADISBAND", cmd_adisband} ,
{"CABONUS", cmd_cabonus} ,
{"CFORT_SECTOR", cmd_cfort_sector} , {"CROADS_SECTOR", cmd_croads_sector} ,
{"CPASS", cmd_cpass} , {"DESTROY", cmd_destroy},
{"ACASTLE", cmd_acastle}
/* gets nation data for nation 'id', put it into '*np' */
/* takes in an integer nation id, and a pointer to a */
/* nation structure. */
load_nation(id, np)
int id;
Snation *np;
FILE *exec_file;
struct argument args[N_EXEC_ARGS];
char filename[NAMELEN];
int argc, i;
extern Suser user;
*np = world.nations[id];
user.np = np; /* hmm.. must cleanup use of "Suser" in update */
/* remember what the initial values were, before reading the exec file */
user.init_money = user.np->money;
user.init_metal = user.np->metal;
user.init_jewels = user.np->jewels;
user.init_food = user.np->food;
user.id = np->id;
sprintf(filename, "exec/exec%d", np->id);
exec_file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!exec_file && np->npc_flag == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Nation %d (%s) did not move this turn.\n", np->id, np->name); }
else {
while (argc = getexec(exec_file, args) != -1) {
run_exec_line(np, args);
if (exec_file != NULL) { fclose(exec_file); }
/* this takes a pointer to the exec file and a pointer to an */
/* array of argument structures. The structures are filled in */
/* with the arguments of the next line of the file. The */
/* function returns an integer which is the number of arguments */
int getexec(fp, args)
FILE *fp;
struct argument args[];
char buff[EXECLEN];
if (fp == NULL) {
return (-1);
if (fgets(buff, EXECLEN, fp) != NULL) {
parse_exec_line(buff, args);
else return(-1);
/* this takes the exec line args (already parsed) and runs it */
run_exec_line(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int i, found = 0;
for (i=0; i < sizeof(commands)/sizeof(struct exec_cmd); i++) {
if (!(strcmp(commands[i].name, args[0].data.str))) {
found = 1;
(*commands[i].func)(np, args);
if (!found) {
printf("Error: exec command <%s> not implemented\n", args[0].data.str);
#ifdef AMIGA
#define sscanf sscanf2
sscanf2(data, terminate, result)
char *data, *terminate, *result;
int i;
terminate += 3;
for (;;) {
for (i=0; i<strlen(terminate); i++)
if (*data == terminate[i]) return;
*result = *data;
*result = '\0';
/* this parses a single exec line */
parse_exec_line(line, args)
char line[];
struct argument args[];
char cmd_str[NAMELEN], arg_tmp[NAMELEN];
int count = 0, place;
/* make sure there is a newline at the end of this line */
if (line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n') {
line[strlen(line)+1] = '\0'; /* extend the string */
line[strlen(line)] = '\n'; /* put the newline in */
sscanf(line, "%[^:]", args[0].data.str);
place = strlen(args[0].data.str)+1;
args[0].type = TXT;
do {
sscanf(&line[place], "%[^:\n]", arg_tmp);
place += strlen(arg_tmp)+1;
if (isdigit(arg_tmp[0]) || (arg_tmp[0] == '-')) {
args[count].type = NUM;
args[count].data.num = atoi(arg_tmp);
else {
args[count].type = TXT;
strcpy(args[count].data.str, arg_tmp);
} while (place+1 < strlen(line));
/* this takes the name of a nation (a pointer to an array of */
/* characters) and returns the id number of that nation. */
int get_nation_id(name) /* finds id, given name */
char name[];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < world.n_nations; ++i) {
if (!strcmp(world.nations[i].name, name)) {
return i; /* found it! */
return -1; /* it's not there */
/* rename a sector */
cmd_sname(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int x, y;
char name[NAMELEN];
x = args[1].data.num;
y = args[2].data.num;
strcpy (name, args[3].data.str);
if (debug) printf ("Naming sector %d,%d as %s.\n", x, y, name);
strcpy(world.map[x][y].name, name);
/* rename an army */
cmd_aname(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int id;
char *name;
Sarmy *ap, *get_army();
id = args[1].data.num;
name = args[2].data.str;
if (ap = get_army(np, id)) {
if (debug) printf ("Naming army %d as %s.\n", id, name);
strcpy(ap->name, name);
} else {
printf("funny: cannot find army %d\n", id);
/* Move an army... change it's move points to the move points left, which
is given in the exec string. */
cmd_amove(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Sarmy *armypt;
Ssector *sp;
int a, x, y, fm;
a = args[1].data.num; /* army number */
x = args[2].data.num; /* new x coordinate */
y = args[3].data.num; /* new y coordinate */
fm = args[4].data.num; /* final moves */
armypt = np->armies;
while (armypt->id != a && armypt->next != NULL) armypt = armypt->next;
if (armypt->id == a) {
if (debug) {
printf ("Moving army %d from %d,%d to %d,%d\n", a, armypt->pos.x,
armypt->pos.y, x, y);
sp = &(world.map[armypt->pos.x][armypt->pos.y]);
delete_army_sector(sp, armypt);
armypt->pos.x = x;
armypt->pos.y = y;
armypt->mvpts = fm;
sp = &(world.map[x][y]);
insert_army_sector(sp, armypt);
else printf ("Error! Could not find army!\n");
/* Change status of an army... if the army is being changed to OCCUPY mode,
and it is _already_ in occupy mode, DO NOT change it's move ratio!
Otherwise set the move ratio, change the moves left to zero, and
change the status. */
cmd_astat(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int a, s;
Sarmy *armypt, *get_army();
a = args[1].data.num;
s = args[2].data.num;
if (debug) printf ("Changing status of army %d to %d\n", a, s);
armypt = get_army(np, a);
if (armypt) {
if (s == A_OCCUPY && armypt->status != A_OCCUPY) {
armypt->mvratio =
(int)(100 * (float)(armypt->mvpts) / basic_move_rate(np) );
armypt->mvpts = 0;
armypt->status = s;
} else {
printf("Trying to change status on army %d which does not exist\n", a);
/* Set/clear a flag of an army, such as AF_HIDDEN, AF_FLIGHT and so on... */
cmd_aflag_set(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int id, flag;
Sarmy *armypt, *get_army();
id = args[1].data.num;
flag = args[2].data.num;
if (debug) printf ("Setting bit %x of army %d\n", flag, id);
if (armypt = get_army(np, id)) {
armypt->flags |= flag;
cmd_aflag_clear(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int id, flag;
Sarmy *armypt, *get_army();
id = args[1].data.num;
flag = args[2].data.num;
if (debug) printf ("Clearing bit %x of army %d\n", flag, id);
if (armypt = get_army(np, id)) {
armypt->flags &= ~flag;
/* Set/clear a flag of a sector, such as SF_HIDDEN, SF_BUBBLE and so on... */
cmd_flag_set_sector(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int x, y, flag;
Ssector *sp;
x = args[1].data.num;
y = args[2].data.num;
flag = args[3].data.num;
sp = &world.map[x][y];
sp->flags |= flag;
cmd_flag_clear_sector(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int x, y, flag;
Ssector *sp;
x = args[1].data.num;
y = args[2].data.num;
flag = args[3].data.num;
sp = &world.map[x][y];
sp->flags &= ~flag;
/* Change cargo of an army */
cmd_acargo(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int id;
Sarmy *armypt, *get_army();
id = args[1].data.num;
if (debug) printf ("Changing cargo of army %d\n", id);
if ((armypt = get_army(np, id)) != NULL) {
armypt->cargo.money = args[2].data.num;
armypt->cargo.metal = args[3].data.num;
armypt->cargo.jewels = args[4].data.num;
armypt->cargo.food = args[5].data.num;
armypt->cargo.people = args[6].data.num;
armypt->cargo.army = args[7].data.num;
armypt->cargo.title.x = args[8].data.num;
armypt->cargo.title.y = args[9].data.num;
} else {
printf("[%s] Could not find army %d, nation %d\n", args[0].data.str,
id, np->id);
cmd_taxrate(np, args)
struct argument args[];
Snation *np;
int t;
t = args[1].data.num;
if (debug) printf ("Taxes changed from %d to %d.\n", np->taxes, t);
np->taxes = t;
cmd_charity(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int c;
c = args[1].data.num;
if (debug) printf ("Charity changed from %d to %d.\n", np->charity, c);
np->charity = c;
cmd_desig_sector(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int x, y, d;
Snation *owner_np;
x = args[1].data.num;
y = args[2].data.num;
d = args[3].data.num; /* the new designation */
owner_np = &world.nations[world.map[x][y].owner];
if (debug) printf ("Redesignating %d,%d to %d.\n", x, y, d);
world.map[x][y].designation = d;
/* special case for capital: */
if (d == D_CAPITAL) {
owner_np->capital.x = x; /* make sure Gamemaster does not get it */
owner_np->capital.y = y;
cmd_amake(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Sarmy army, make_army();
Ssector *sp;
int a, no_sold, x, y;
char *type, *name;
a = args[1].data.num; /* army number */
no_sold = args[2].data.num; /* number of soldiers drafted */
x = args[3].data.num; /* x coordinate where army is drafted */
y = args[4].data.num; /* y coordinate where army is drafted */
type = args[5].data.str; /* army type */
name = args[6].data.str; /* army name */
sp = &(world.map[x][y]);
army = make_army(type,name,no_sold,A_DEFEND,np->id,sp->loc);
/* army.id = free_army_id(np); */
army.id = a;
army.next = NULL;
if (debug) printf("Permanently drafting army #%d\n",army.id);
if (np->armies == NULL) {
np->armies = (Sarmy *) malloc(sizeof(Sarmy));
*(np->armies) = army;
} else {
insert_army_nation(np, &army, a);
insert_army_sector(sp, &army);
cmd_cmoney(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int change, nat_id;
nat_id = args[1].data.num;
change = args[2].data.num; /* changed money */
np = &world.nations[nat_id];
np->money = np->money + change;
if (debug) printf("New nation money (after difference of %d) = %d\n",
cmd_cmetal(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int change, nat_id;
nat_id = args[1].data.num;
change = args[2].data.num; /* changed money */
np = &world.nations[nat_id];
np->metal = np->metal + change;
if (debug) printf("New nation metal (after difference %d) = %d\n",
cmd_cjewels(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int change, nat_id;
nat_id = args[1].data.num;
change = args[2].data.num; /* changed money */
np = &world.nations[nat_id];
np->jewels = np->jewels + change;
if (debug) printf("New nation jewel (after difference %d) = %d\n",
cmd_cspell_pts(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int change, nat_id;
nat_id = args[1].data.num;
change = args[2].data.num; /* changed money */
np = &world.nations[nat_id];
np->spell_pts = np->spell_pts + change;
if (debug) printf("New nation spell pts (after difference %d) = %d\n",
change, np->spell_pts);
cmd_ctech_skill(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int change, nat_id;
nat_id = args[1].data.num;
change = args[2].data.num; /* changed money */
np = &world.nations[nat_id];
np->tech_skill = np->tech_skill + change;
cmd_cmag_skill(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int change, nat_id;
nat_id = args[1].data.num;
change = args[2].data.num; /* changed money */
np = &world.nations[nat_id];
np->mag_skill = np->mag_skill + change;
cmd_cfood(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int change, nat_id;
nat_id = args[1].data.num;
change = args[2].data.num; /* changed money */
np = &world.nations[nat_id];
np->food = np->food + change;
if (debug) printf("New nation food (after difference %d) = %d\n",
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
np->tech_r_d = args[1].data.num;
if (debug) printf("Tech R&D money changed to %d\n",np->tech_r_d);
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
np->tech_r_d_metal = args[1].data.num;
if (debug) printf("Tech R&D metal changed to %d\n",np->tech_r_d_metal);
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
np->spy_r_d = args[1].data.num;
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
np->mag_r_d = args[1].data.num;
if (debug) printf("Magic money changed to %d\n",np->mag_r_d);
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
np->mag_r_d_jewels = args[1].data.num;
if (debug) printf("Magic jewels changed to %d\n",np->mag_r_d_jewels);
cmd_cmine(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
np->mine_skill += args[1].data.num;
cmd_cfarm(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
np->farm_skill += args[1].data.num;
cmd_cspeed(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
np->race.speed += args[1].data.num;
cmd_nation_name(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Snation *changed_np = &world.nations[args[1].data.num];
strcpy(changed_np->name, args[2].data.str);
cmd_nation_leader(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Snation *changed_np = &world.nations[args[1].data.num];
strcpy(changed_np->leader, args[2].data.str);
cmd_nation_order(np, args) /* change magic order */
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Snation *changed_np = &world.nations[args[1].data.num];
strcpy(changed_np->mag_order, args[2].data.str);
cmd_nation_mark(np, args) /* change a nation's mark */
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Snation *changed_np = &world.nations[args[1].data.num];
changed_np->mark = args[2].data.str[0];
/* set and clear the npc flag on a nation */
cmd_set_npc(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Snation *changed_nation = &world.nations[args[1].data.num];
changed_nation->npc_flag = 1;
cmd_clear_npc(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Snation *changed_nation = &world.nations[args[1].data.num];
changed_nation->npc_flag = 0;
cmd_npc_param(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Snation *changed_nation = &world.nations[args[1].data.num];
changed_nation->npc_agg = args[2].data.num;
changed_nation->npc_exp = args[3].data.num;
changed_nation->npc_iso = args[4].data.num;
/* change in a nation's fight bonus */
cmd_cattack(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
np->attack += args[1].data.num;
cmd_cdefense(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
np->defense += args[1].data.num;
cmd_ccombat(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
np->attack += args[1].data.num;
np->defense += args[1].data.num;
cmd_crepro(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
np->race.repro += args[1].data.num;
cmd_cmortality(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
if ((np->race.mortality += args[1].data.num) < 1) {
np->race.mortality = 1;
cmd_cintel(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
if ((np->race.intel += args[1].data.num) < 1) {
np->race.intel = 1;
cmd_cmag_apt(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
if ((np->race.mag_apt += args[1].data.num) < 1) {
np->race.mag_apt = 1;
cmd_cstrength(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
if ((np->race.strength += args[1].data.num) < 1) {
np->race.strength = 1;
/* change the number of people in that sector */
cmd_cpeople_sector(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Ssector *sp;
int x, y;
x = args[1].data.num;
y = args[2].data.num;
sp = &world.map[x][y];
sp->n_people += args[3].data.num;
/* change the owner in that sector */
cmd_cowner_sector(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Ssector *sp;
int x, y;
x = args[1].data.num;
y = args[2].data.num;
sp = &world.map[x][y];
sp->owner = args[3].data.num;
addsector(&world.nations[sp->owner], x, y);
if (debug)
printf("sector (%d,%d) owned by %s\n", x, y,
/* change the soil in that sector */
cmd_csoil_sector(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Ssector *sp;
int x, y;
x = args[1].data.num;
y = args[2].data.num;
sp = &world.map[x][y];
sp->soil += args[3].data.num;
/* change the metal in that sector */
cmd_cmetal_sector(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Ssector *sp;
int x, y;
x = args[1].data.num;
y = args[2].data.num;
sp = &world.map[x][y];
sp->metal += args[3].data.num;
/* change the jewels in that sector */
cmd_cjewels_sector(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Ssector *sp;
int x, y;
x = args[1].data.num;
y = args[2].data.num;
sp = &world.map[x][y];
sp->jewels += args[3].data.num;
/* change the altitude in that sector */
cmd_caltitude_sector(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Ssector *sp;
int x, y;
x = args[1].data.num;
y = args[2].data.num;
sp = &world.map[x][y];
sp->altitude += args[3].data.num;
/* adds a new type of army to the nation's list of available army types */
cmd_new_army_type(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Savail_army *aa;
extern Suser user;
int falready=0;
/* Check to see that they don't already have the army type */
aa = user.avail_armies;
if (aa != NULL) {
do {
if (!strcmp (aa->type, args[1].data.str)) {
falready = 1;
} while (aa->next && (aa=aa->next));
if (aa == NULL) {
aa = (Savail_army *) malloc (sizeof(Savail_army));
strcpy (aa->type, args[1].data.str);
} else if (!falready) {
do { ; } while (aa->next && (aa = aa->next));
aa->next = (Savail_army *) malloc (sizeof (Savail_army));
aa->next->next = NULL;
strcpy(aa->next->type, args[1].data.str);
/* allows nation to construct a new type of object, such
as increasing roads in a sector, or making land into water
or vice-versa, or ships, or caravans.
cmd_new_construct(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
/* adds the first army to the second. Requires the two army ids. */
cmd_amerge(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Sarmy *ap, *ap2;
Ssector *sp;
ap = get_army(np, args[1].data.num);
ap2 = get_army(np, args[2].data.num);
sp = &world.map[ap->pos.x][ap->pos.y];
ap2->n_soldiers += ap->n_soldiers;
ap2->sp_bonus = min(ap->sp_bonus, ap2->sp_bonus);
ap2->mvpts = min(ap->mvpts, ap2->mvpts);
ap2->mvratio = min(ap->mvratio, ap2->mvratio);
delete_army_sector(sp, ap);
delete_army_nation(np, ap);
/* increases the army (of given id) by the given number of people */
cmd_aincrease(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Sarmy *ap;
ap = get_army(np, args[1].data.num);
ap->n_soldiers += args[2].data.num;
ap->mvpts = 0;
ap->mvratio = 0;
/* splits an army up. requires armyid and number of men to split */
cmd_asplit(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Sarmy *ap, army2, make_army(), *get_army();
ap = get_army(np,args[1].data.num);
army2 = make_army(ap->type, "", args[2].data.num, ap->status,
ap->owner, ap->pos);
ap->n_soldiers -= args[2].data.num;
army2.mvpts = ap->mvpts;
army2.mvratio = ap->mvratio;
army2.flags = ap->flags;
army2.sp_bonus = ap->sp_bonus;
army2.money_maint = ap->money_maint;
army2.metal_maint = ap->metal_maint;
army2.jewel_maint = ap->jewel_maint;
army2.spell_pts_maint = ap->spell_pts_maint;
sprintf(army2.name, "%s", army2.type, army2.id);
insert_army_nation(np, &army2, -1);
insert_army_sector(&world.map[army2.pos.x][army2.pos.y], &army2);
/* to give them a name, we must know their id *after* they are inserted */
ap = get_army(np, army2.id);
sprintf(ap->name, "%s", army2.type, army2.id);
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Sarmy *ap;
Ssector *sp;
ap = get_army(np,args[1].data.num);
sp = &world.map[ap->pos.x][ap->pos.y];
/* you don't get the population back from a spirit */
if (!is_spirit(ap) && !is_in_transport(ap)) {
sp->n_people += ap->n_soldiers;
delete_army_sector(sp, ap);
delete_army_nation(np, ap);
cmd_cabonus(np,args) /* give an army more/less special bonus */
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Sarmy *ap;
int bonus_change;
bonus_change = args[2].data.num;
if (ap = get_army(np,args[1].data.num)) {
ap->sp_bonus += bonus_change;
/* change fortification level of a sector */
cmd_cfort_sector(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Ssector *sp;
int x, y;
x = args[1].data.num;
y = args[2].data.num;
sp = &world.map[x][y];
sp->defense += args[3].data.num;
/* change number of roads in a sector */
cmd_croads_sector(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Ssector *sp;
int x, y;
x = args[1].data.num;
y = args[2].data.num;
sp = &world.map[x][y];
sp->roads += args[3].data.num;
cmd_cpass(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
Snation *dest_np;
int id;
char *new_pass;
id = args[1].data.num;
new_pass = args[2].data.str;
dest_np = &world.nations[id];
strcpy(dest_np->passwd, new_pass);
cmd_cur_mag_money (np, args)
Snation * np;
struct argument args [];
np->cur_mag_r_d = args[1].data.num;
cmd_cur_tech_money (np, args)
Snation * np;
struct argument args [];
np->cur_tech_r_d = args[1].data.num;
cmd_cur_mag_jewels (np, args)
Snation * np;
struct argument args [];
np->cur_mag_r_d_jewels = args[1].data.num;
cmd_cur_tech_metal (np, args)
Snation * np;
struct argument args [];
np->cur_tech_r_d_metal = args[1].data.num;
cmd_cur_spy_money (np, args)
Snation * np;
struct argument args [];
np->cur_spy_r_d = args[1].data.num;
cmd_destroy(np, args)
Snation *np;
struct argument args[];
int id;
id = args[1].data.num;
cmd_acastle (np, args)
Snation * np;
struct argument args [];
int army_id;
Ssector * sp;
Ssector * capital = &world.map [np->capital.x][np->capital.y];
Sarmy * ap;
army_id = args[1].data.num;
if ((ap = get_army (np, army_id)) == NULL) {
printf ("funny, can't find army %d\n", army_id);
sp = &world.map [ap->pos.x][ap->pos.y];
delete_army_sector (sp, ap);
ap->pos.x = capital->loc.x;
ap->pos.y = capital->loc.y;
insert_army_sector (capital, ap);
/* read in the exec file for the master nation; this is done by all
users, in case the master has changed things for them. It is not
done by the master nation, since that happens automaticaly.
int argc;
Snation *np = &world.nations[0];
FILE *exec_file, *fopen();
struct argument args[N_EXEC_ARGS];
char filename[NAMELEN];
sprintf(filename, "exec/exec%d", np->id);
exec_file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!exec_file && np->npc_flag == 0) {
/* printf("Nation %d (%s) did not move this turn.\n", np->id, np->name); */
} else {
while (argc = getexec(exec_file, args) != -1) {
run_exec_line(np, args);
if (exec_file != NULL) { fclose(exec_file); }