Usenet 1994 January
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C/C++ Source or Header
874 lines
/* command.c -- Command processor for communications between client
* and server.
! Copyright (C) 1990-1992 by Matthew Clegg. All Rights Reserved
! OKbridge is made available as a free service to the Internet.
! Accordingly, the following restrictions are placed on its use:
! 1. OKbridge may not be modified in any way without the explicit
! permission of Matthew Clegg.
! 2. OKbridge may not be used in any way for commercial advantage.
! It may not be placed on for-profit networks or on for-profit
! computer systems. It may not be bundled as part of a package
! or service provided by a for-profit organization.
! If you have questions about restrictions on the use of OKbridge,
! write to mclegg@cs.ucsd.edu.
! DISCLAIMER: The user of OKbridge accepts full responsibility for any
! damage which may be caused by OKbridge.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define PROTOCOL
#include "types.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "state.h"
#include "parser.h"
#ifdef GCC
extern sscanf ();
Parse_ack (),
Parse_alert (),
Parse_begin (),
Parse_bid (),
Parse_board (),
Parse_claim (),
Parse_claimreq (),
Parse_claimresp (),
Parse_cc (),
Parse_comment (),
Parse_connerr (),
Parse_deal (),
Parse_echo (),
Parse_email (),
Parse_end (),
Parse_fullname (),
Parse_hello (),
Parse_mode (),
Parse_name (),
Parse_ping (),
Parse_play (),
Parse_playreq (),
Parse_quit (),
Parse_reconnect (),
Parse_record (),
Parse_registry (),
Parse_reset (),
Parse_seat (),
Parse_seaterr (),
Parse_seatpos (),
Parse_seatreq (),
Parse_servereq (),
Parse_score (),
Parse_skip (),
Parse_skipack (),
Parse_spec (),
Parse_table (),
Parse_tablereq (),
Parse_talk (),
Parse_userec (),
Parse_wakeup (),
Parse_who (),
Parse_whois (),
Parse_whoresp ();
static Command_Descriptor Commands [] = {
{"ACK", {{F_NAME, "<player-name>"},
{"ALERT", C_KEY("OPP|ALL"), Parse_alert},
{"BEGIN", C_EMPTY, Parse_begin},
{"BID", {{F_BID, "<bid-name>"}, {F_KEYWORD | F_OPTIONAL, "ALERT"},
NOP}, Parse_bid},
{"BOARD", {{F_NAME, "<board-name>"}, {F_INT, "<board-number>"}, NOP},
{"CC", C_PARAM(F_STRING, "<convention-card>"), Parse_cc},
{"CLAIM", C_INT("<no-tricks>"), Parse_claim},
{"CLAIMREQ", C_INT("<no-tricks>"), Parse_claimreq},
{"CLAIMRESP", C_KEY("REJECT|ACCEPT"), Parse_claimresp},
{"COMMENT",C_STRING("<message>"), Parse_comment},
{"CONNERR",C_STRING("<error-message>"), Parse_connerr},
{"DEAL", C_EMPTY, Parse_deal},
{"ECHO", C_PARAM(F_NAME, "<ping-source>"), Parse_echo},
{"EMAIL", C_STRING("<email-address>"), Parse_email},
{"END", C_EMPTY, Parse_end},
{"FULLNAME", C_STRING("<full-name>"), Parse_fullname},
{"HELLO", {{F_NAME, "<version>"}, {F_NAME, "<player-name>"},
{"NAME", C_PARAM(F_NAME, "<new-player-name>"), Parse_name},
{"PING", C_EMPTY, Parse_ping},
{"PLAY", C_PARAM(F_CARD, "<card-name>"), Parse_play},
{"PLAYREQ", {{F_CARD, "<card-name>"}, {F_INT, "<sequence-number>"}, NOP},
{"QUIT", C_EMPTY, Parse_quit},
{"RECONNECT", {{F_NAME, "<ip-number>"}, {F_INT, "<port-number>"},
{F_KEYWORD, PARSER_SEATS}}, Parse_reconnect},
{"RECORD", {{F_NAME, "<board-name>"}, {F_INT, "<board-number>"}, NOP},
{"REGISTRY", C_PARAM(F_NAME, "<identification>"), Parse_registry},
{"RESET", C_EMPTY, Parse_reset},
{"SCORE", {{F_STRING, "<current-scores>"}, NOP, NOP}, Parse_score},
{F_NAME, "<player-name>"}}, Parse_seat},
{"SEATPOS", {{F_KEYWORD, PARSER_SEATS}, NOP, NOP}, Parse_seatpos},
{"SEATREQ", C_SEAT, Parse_seatreq},
{"SERVEREQ",C_PARAM(F_STRING, "<server-command>"), Parse_servereq},
{"SKIP", C_EMPTY, Parse_skip},
{"SKIPACK",C_EMPTY, Parse_skipack},
{"SPEC", C_EMPTY, Parse_spec},
{"TABLE", C_INT("<table-number>"), Parse_table},
{"TABLEREQ", C_INT("<requested-table-number>"), Parse_tablereq},
{"TALK", {{F_KEYWORD, "LHO|RHO|OPPS|SPEC|ALL"}, {F_STRING, "<message>"},
NOP}, Parse_talk},
{"USEREC", {{F_STRING, "<player-names>"}, NOP, NOP}, Parse_userec},
{"WAKEUP", C_PARAM(F_NAME, "<player-name> | ALL"), Parse_wakeup},
{"WHO", C_EMPTY, Parse_who},
{"WHOIS", C_PARAM(F_NAME, "<player-name>"), Parse_whois},
{"WHORESP",{{F_NAME, "<recipient>"}, {F_STRING, "<ident>"}, NOP},
static char send_buffer [132];
static player_command p;
void Send_ack (t, player_name, pos)
Table_ptr t; name_buffer player_name; int pos;
sprintf (send_buffer, "ACK %s %s", player_name,
(pos < 4)? seat_names[pos]: "");
send_message (t, CMD_ACK, send_buffer);
void Send_alert (t, notify_partner)
Table_ptr t; int notify_partner;
sprintf (send_buffer, "ALERT %s", notify_partner? "ALL": "OPP");
send_message (t, CMD_ALERT, send_buffer);
void Send_begin (t)
Table_ptr t;
send_message (t, CMD_BEGIN, "BEGIN");
void Send_bid (t, bid, alert)
Table_ptr t;
int bid;
int alert;
sprintf (send_buffer, "BID %s %s", bid_names[bid], alert? "ALERT": "");
send_message (t, CMD_BID, send_buffer);
void Send_board (t, b)
Table_ptr t; board_ptr b;
Message m;
sprintf (send_buffer, "BOARD %s %d", b->source, b->serial_no);
m = send_message (t, CMD_BOARD, send_buffer);
m->p.data.board.record = b;
if (client_mode)
Transmit_board (t, b);
void Send_claim (t, no_tricks)
Table_ptr t; int no_tricks;
sprintf (send_buffer, "CLAIM %d", no_tricks);
send_message (t, CMD_CLAIM, send_buffer);
void Send_claimreq (t, no_tricks)
Table_ptr t; int no_tricks;
sprintf (send_buffer, "CLAIMREQ %d", no_tricks);
send_message (t, CMD_CLAIMREQ, send_buffer);
void Send_claimresp (t, resp)
Table_ptr t; int resp;
sprintf (send_buffer, "CLAIMRESP %s", resp? "ACCEPT": "REJECT");
send_message (t, CMD_CLAIMRESP, send_buffer);
void Send_cc (t, convention_card)
Table_ptr t; char *convention_card;
sprintf (send_buffer, "CC %s", convention_card);
send_message (t, CMD_CC, send_buffer);
void Send_comment (t, comment)
Table_ptr t; message_buffer comment;
sprintf (send_buffer, "COMMENT %s", comment);
send_message (t, CMD_COMMENT, send_buffer);
void Send_deal (t)
Table_ptr t;
send_message (t, CMD_DEAL, "DEAL");
void Send_echo (t, ping_source)
Table_ptr t; name_buffer ping_source;
sprintf (send_buffer, "ECHO %s", ping_source);
send_message (t, CMD_ECHO, send_buffer);
void Send_email (t, email_addr)
Table_ptr t; char *email_addr;
sprintf (send_buffer, "EMAIL %s", email_addr);
send_message (t, CMD_EMAIL, send_buffer);
void Send_end (t)
Table_ptr t;
send_message (t, CMD_END, "END");
void Send_fullname (t, fullname)
Table_ptr t; message_buffer fullname;
sprintf (send_buffer, "FULLNAME %s", fullname);
send_message (t, CMD_FULLNAME, send_buffer);
void Send_hello (t, version, player_name, seat_pos)
Table_ptr t; name_buffer version, player_name; int seat_pos;
sprintf (send_buffer, "HELLO %s %s %s", version, player_name,
(seat_pos < 4)? seat_names[seat_pos]: "OBS");
send_message (t, CMD_HELLO, send_buffer);
void Send_mode (t, m)
Table_ptr t; int m;
switch (m) {
send_message (t, CMD_MODE, "MODE CLUB");
send_message (t, CMD_MODE, "MODE PRACTICE");
send_message (t, CMD_MODE, "MODE FORMAL");
void Send_name (t, n)
Table_ptr t; char *n;
sprintf (send_buffer, "NAME %s", n);
send_message (t, CMD_NAME, send_buffer);
void Send_ping (t)
Table_ptr t;
send_message (t, CMD_PING, "PING");
void Send_play (t, play)
Table_ptr t; int play;
sprintf (send_buffer, "PLAY %s", card_names[play]);
send_message (t, CMD_PLAY, send_buffer);
void Send_playreq (t, play, playno)
Table_ptr t; int play, playno;
sprintf (send_buffer, "PLAYREQ %s %d", card_names[play], playno);
send_message (t, CMD_PLAYREQ, send_buffer);
void Send_quit (t)
Table_ptr t;
send_message (t, CMD_QUIT, "QUIT");
void Send_reconnect (t, c, ip, port, seat)
Table_ptr t;
Connection c;
char *ip;
int port;
int seat;
sprintf (send_buffer, "RECONNECT %s %d %s", ip, port, seat_names[seat]);
send_private_message (c, send_buffer);
void Send_record (t, b, p)
Table_ptr t;
board_ptr b;
play_ptr p;
Message m;
sprintf (send_buffer, "RECORD %s %d", b->source, b->serial_no);
m = send_message (t, CMD_RECORD, send_buffer);
m->p.data.record.play = p;
if (client_mode)
Transmit_play_record (t, p);
void Send_registry (t, id)
Table_ptr t; char *id;
sprintf (send_buffer, "REGISTRY %s", id);
send_message (t, CMD_REGISTRY, send_buffer);
void Send_reset (t)
Table_ptr t;
send_message (t, CMD_RESET, "RESET");
void Send_score (t, above, below)
Table_ptr t; int above[]; int below[];
sprintf (send_buffer, "SCORE %d %d %d %d",
above[0], above[1], below[0], below[1]);
send_server_message (t, CMD_SCORE, send_buffer);
void Send_seat (t, oldseat, newseat, name)
Table_ptr t; int oldseat, newseat; char *name;
sprintf (send_buffer, "SEAT %s %s %s", seat_names[oldseat],
seat_names[newseat], name);
send_message (t, CMD_SEAT, send_buffer);
void Send_seaterr (t, message)
Table_ptr t; message_buffer message;
sprintf (send_buffer, "SEATERR %s", message);
send_message (t, CMD_SEATERR, send_buffer);
void Send_seatreq (t, seat)
Table_ptr t; int seat;
sprintf (send_buffer, "SEATREQ %s", seat_names[seat]);
send_message (t, CMD_SEAT, send_buffer);
void Send_servereq (t, request)
Table_ptr t; char *request;
sprintf (send_buffer, "SERVEREQ %s", request);
send_message (t, CMD_SERVEREQ, send_buffer);
void Send_skip (t)
Table_ptr t;
send_message (t, CMD_SKIP, "SKIP");
void Send_skipack (t)
Table_ptr t;
send_message (t, CMD_SKIPACK, "SKIPACK");
void Send_spec (t)
Table_ptr t;
send_message (t, CMD_SPEC, "SPEC");
void Send_table (t, c, table_no)
Table_ptr t;
Connection c;
int table_no;
sprintf (send_buffer, "TABLE %d", table_no);
send_private_message (c, send_buffer);
void Send_tablereq (t, table_no)
Table_ptr t;
int table_no;
sprintf (send_buffer, "TABLEREQ %d", table_no);
send_message (t, CMD_TABLEREQ, send_buffer);
static char *talk_rcpts [] = {"LHO", "RHO", "OPPS", "SPEC", "ALL"};
void Send_talk (t, destination, message)
Table_ptr t; int destination; message_buffer message;
sprintf (send_buffer, "TALK %s %s", talk_rcpts[destination], message);
send_message (t, CMD_TALK, send_buffer);
void Send_userec (t, n, e, s, w)
Table_ptr t;
char *n;
char *e;
char *s;
char *w;
sprintf (send_buffer, "USEREC %s %s %s %s", n, e, s, w);
send_message (t, CMD_USEREC, send_buffer);
void Send_wakeup (t, p)
Table_ptr t; char *p;
sprintf (send_buffer, "WAKEUP %s", p);
send_message (t, CMD_WAKEUP, send_buffer);
void Send_who (t)
Table_ptr t;
send_message (t, CMD_WHO, "WHO");
void Send_whois (t, p)
Table_ptr t; char *p;
sprintf (send_buffer, "WHOIS %s", p);
send_message (t, CMD_WHOIS, send_buffer);
void Send_whoresp (t, r, i)
Table_ptr t; char *r, *i;
sprintf (send_buffer, "WHORESP %s %s", r, i);
send_message (t, CMD_WHORESP, send_buffer);
void Parse_ack (player_name, pos)
char *player_name; int *pos;
p->command = CMD_ACK;
Lcopy (player_name, p->data.ack.player_name, NAME_LENGTH);
p->data.ack.position = (pos == NULL)? 4: *pos;
void Parse_alert (notify_all)
int *notify_all;
p->command = CMD_ALERT;
p->data.alert = *notify_all;
void Parse_begin ()
p->command = CMD_BEGIN;
void Parse_bid (bid, alert)
int *bid, *alert;
p->command = CMD_BID;
p->data.bid.level = *bid;
p->data.bid.alert = (alert == NULL)? 0: 1;
void Parse_board (name, no)
char *name; int *no;
p->command = CMD_BOARD;
Lcopy (name, p->data.board.board_name, NAME_LENGTH);
p->data.board.board_no = *no;
void Parse_cc (convention_card)
char *convention_card;
p->command = CMD_CC;
Lcopy (convention_card, p->data.cc, MESSAGE_LENGTH);
void Parse_claim (no_tricks)
int *no_tricks;
p->command = CMD_CLAIM;
p->data.claim.no_tricks = *no_tricks;
void Parse_claimreq (no_tricks)
int *no_tricks;
p->command = CMD_CLAIMREQ;
p->data.claimreq.no_tricks = *no_tricks;
void Parse_claimresp (resp)
int *resp;
p->command = CMD_CLAIMRESP;
p->data.claimresp = *resp;
void Parse_comment (message)
char *message;
p->command = CMD_COMMENT;
Lcopy (message, p->data.comment, MESSAGE_LENGTH);
void Parse_connerr (message)
char *message;
p->command = CMD_CONNERR;
Lcopy (message, p->data.connerr, MESSAGE_LENGTH);
void Parse_deal ()
p->command = CMD_DEAL;
void Parse_echo (ping_source)
char *ping_source;
p->command = CMD_ECHO;
Lcopy (ping_source, p->data.echo.ping_source, NAME_LENGTH);
void Parse_email (email_addr)
char *email_addr;
p->command = CMD_EMAIL;
Lcopy (email_addr, p->data.email.addr, MESSAGE_LENGTH);
void Parse_end ()
p->command = CMD_END;
void Parse_fullname (fullname)
char *fullname;
p->command = CMD_FULLNAME;
Lcopy (fullname, p->data.fullname.name, MESSAGE_LENGTH);
void Parse_hello (version, player_name, pos)
char *version, *player_name; int *pos;
p->command = CMD_HELLO;
Lcopy (version, p->data.hello.version, NAME_LENGTH);
Lcopy (player_name, p->data.hello.player_name, NAME_LENGTH);
p->data.hello.seat_req = (pos == NULL)? 4: *pos;
void Parse_mode (m)
int *m;
p->command = CMD_MODE;
p->data.mode = *m;
void Parse_name (c)
char *c;
p->command = CMD_NAME;
Lcopy (c, p->data.name.new_name, NAME_LENGTH);
void Parse_ping ()
p->command = CMD_PING;
void Parse_play (play)
int *play;
p->command = CMD_PLAY;
p->data.play = *play;
void Parse_playreq (play, seqno)
int *play, *seqno;
p->command = CMD_PLAYREQ;
p->data.playreq.card = *play;
p->data.playreq.play_no = *seqno;
void Parse_quit ()
p->command = CMD_QUIT;
void Parse_reconnect (ip, port, seat)
char *ip; int *port; int *seat;
p->command = CMD_RECONNECT;
Lcopy (ip, p->data.reconnect.ip, NAME_LENGTH);
p->data.reconnect.port = *port;
p->data.reconnect.seat = *seat;
void Parse_record (name, no)
char *name; int *no;
p->command = CMD_RECORD;
Lcopy (name, p->data.record.board_name, NAME_LENGTH);
p->data.record.board_no = *no;
p->data.record.play = NULL;
void Parse_registry (id)
char *id;
p->command = CMD_REGISTRY;
Lcopy (id, p->data.registry.id, MESSAGE_LENGTH);
void Parse_reset ()
p->command = CMD_RESET;
void Parse_seat (old, new, name)
int *old, *new; char *name;
p->command = CMD_SEAT;
p->data.seat.old_pos = *old;
p->data.seat.new_pos = *new;
Lcopy (name, p->data.seat.player_name, NAME_LENGTH);
void Parse_seaterr (free0, free1, free2)
int *free0, *free1, *free2;
p->command = CMD_SEATERR;
p->data.seaterr.free_seats[0] = (free0 == NULL)? 4: *free0;
p->data.seaterr.free_seats[1] = (free1 == NULL)? 4: *free1;
p->data.seaterr.free_seats[2] = (free2 == NULL)? 4: *free2;
void Parse_seatpos (s)
int *s;
p->command = CMD_SEATPOS;
p->data.seatpos = *s;
void Parse_seatreq (s)
int *s;
p->command = CMD_SEATREQ;
p->data.seatreq = *s;
void Parse_score (current_scores)
char *current_scores;
p->command = CMD_SCORE;
sscanf (current_scores, "%d %d %d %d",
p->data.score.above + 0, p->data.score.above + 1,
p->data.score.below + 0, p->data.score.below + 1);
void Parse_servereq (request)
char *request;
p->command = CMD_SERVEREQ;
Lcopy (request, p->data.servereq.command, MESSAGE_LENGTH);
void Parse_skip ()
p->command = CMD_SKIP;
void Parse_skipack ()
p->command = CMD_SKIPACK;
void Parse_spec ()
p->command = CMD_SPEC;
void Parse_table (table_no)
int *table_no;
p->command = CMD_TABLE;
p->data.table = *table_no;
void Parse_tablereq (table_no)
int *table_no;
p->command = CMD_TABLEREQ;
p->data.tablereq = *table_no;
void Parse_talk (recpts, message)
int *recpts; char *message;
p->command = CMD_TALK;
p->data.talk.recipients = *recpts;
Lcopy (message, p->data.talk.message, MESSAGE_LENGTH);
void Parse_userec (player_names)
char *player_names;
char north_buf[80], east_buf[80], south_buf[80], west_buf[80];
p->command = CMD_USEREC;
sscanf (player_names, "%s %s %s %s", north_buf, east_buf,
south_buf, west_buf);
Lcopy (north_buf, p->data.userec.north, NAME_LENGTH);
Lcopy (east_buf, p->data.userec.east, NAME_LENGTH);
Lcopy (south_buf, p->data.userec.south, NAME_LENGTH);
Lcopy (west_buf, p->data.userec.west, NAME_LENGTH);
void Parse_wakeup (c)
char *c;
p->command = CMD_WAKEUP;
Lcopy (c, p->data.wakeup.recipient, NAME_LENGTH);
void Parse_who ()
p->command = CMD_WHO;
void Parse_whois (n)
char *n;
p->command = CMD_WHOIS;
Lcopy (n, p->data.whois.name, NAME_LENGTH);
void Parse_whoresp (r, i)
char *r, *i;
p->command = CMD_WHORESP;
Lcopy (r, p->data.whoresp.recipient, NAME_LENGTH);
Lcopy (i, p->data.whoresp.message, MESSAGE_LENGTH);
int Parse_Command_for_Client (pc)
player_command pc;
int i, n;
p = pc;
switch (p->command_text[0]) {
case 'N':
p->player_no = PLAYER_NORTH; break;
case 'E':
p->player_no = PLAYER_EAST; break;
case 'S':
p->player_no = PLAYER_SOUTH; break;
case 'W':
p->player_no = PLAYER_WEST; break;
case 'M':
p->player_no = PLAYER_SERVER; break;
case 'O':
p->player_no = PLAYER_OBS; break;
p->command = CMD_ERROR;
sprintf (p->data.error.message,
return (-1);
i = 2;
while ((p->command_text[i] != '\0') && !isspace(p->command_text[i])) i++;
while ((p->command_text[i] != '\0') && isspace(p->command_text[i])) i++;
n = 0;
while (p->command_text[i] && !isspace(p->command_text[i])) {
if (n < NAME_LENGTH-1)
p->player_name[n++] = p->command_text[i];
p->player_name[n] = '\0';
if (Parse_Command (Commands, CMD_MAX-1, p->command_text+i)) {
p->command = CMD_ERROR;
Lcopy (Parser_Error_Buf, p->data.error.message, MESSAGE_LENGTH);
return (-1);
return (0);
int Parse_Command_for_Server (pc)
player_command pc;
int i, n;
p = pc;
i = 0;
while ((p->command_text[i] != '\0') && isspace(p->command_text[i])) i++;
n = 0;
while (p->command_text[i] && !isspace(p->command_text[i])) {
if (n < NAME_LENGTH-1)
p->player_name[n++] = p->command_text[i];
p->player_name[n] = '\0';
if (Parse_Command (Commands, CMD_MAX-1, p->command_text+i)) {
p->command = CMD_ERROR;
Lcopy (Parser_Error_Buf, p->data.error.message, MESSAGE_LENGTH);
return (-1);
return (0);
void Initialize_protocols ()
/* Initializes the array of message attributes. */