Usenet 1994 January
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C/C++ Source or Header
332 lines
/* help.c -- help functions for the bridge program.
! Copyright (C) 1990-1992 by Matthew Clegg. All Rights Reserved
! OKbridge is made available as a free service to the Internet.
! Accordingly, the following restrictions are placed on its use:
! 1. OKbridge may not be modified in any way without the explicit
! permission of Matthew Clegg.
! 2. OKbridge may not be used in any way for commercial advantage.
! It may not be placed on for-profit networks or on for-profit
! computer systems. It may not be bundled as part of a package
! or service provided by a for-profit organization.
! If you have questions about restrictions on the use of OKbridge,
! write to mclegg@cs.ucsd.edu.
! DISCLAIMER: The user of OKbridge accepts full responsibility for any
! damage which may be caused by OKbridge.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifndef SEEK_SET
#define SEEK_SET 0
#include "types.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "display.h"
/* char *help_file_name = "okbridge.help"; */
#include "helpfile.h"
extern strcasecmp (), fseek ();
extern int errno;
extern char *sys_errlist[];
extern char *strdup();
extern char *getenv ();
extern char *malloc ();
extern int input_help_topic ();
typedef struct help_entry_struct {
char *topic;
char *description;
long int file_offset;
struct help_entry_struct *next;
} *help_entry;
static help_entry main_topic = NULL;
FILE *help_file = NULL;
long int current_page = -1;
/* The offset into the help file of the current page being displayed,
or -1 if we are not displaying any page. */
void display_topics (message)
char *message;
/* Displays the list of topics, with the given message as the top line.
. Does not display the main topic.
int i;
help_entry e;
char msg_buf[80];
clear_screen ();
print (1,1,message);
if (main_topic == NULL) {
print (3,1,"The help system is empty.");
} else {
i = 3;
for (e = main_topic->next; e != NULL; e = e->next) {
if (strcasecmp(e->topic, "slam")) {
sprintf (msg_buf, "%-10s -- %s",e->topic,
print (i++, 1, msg_buf);
static int read_help_line (buf, buflen)
char *buf; int buflen;
/* Reads a line from the help file. Returns the number of characters
read of -1 if EOF is encountered. Skips lines beginning with a '#'.
int i, ch;
do {
ch = getc(help_file);
i = 0;
while ((ch != '\n') && (ch != EOF)) {
if (i < buflen-1) buf[i++] = ch;
ch = getc(help_file);
buf[i] = '\0';
if (ch == EOF) return (-1);
while ((i > 0) && isspace(buf[i-1])) buf[--i] = '\0';
} while (buf[0] == '#');
return (i);
static void display_help_entry (e)
help_entry e;
/* Displays the help_entry e. */
char line[81];
int lines_on_page, log;
lines_on_page = 0;
current_page = e->file_offset;
fseek (help_file, e->file_offset, SEEK_SET);
log = read_help_line (line, 81);
while ((log >= 0) && strcmp(line, "--")) {
if ((lines_on_page > terminal_lines-2) || (line[0] == '^')) {
Press_Return_to_Continue ("");
current_page = ftell (help_file);
clear_screen ();
lines_on_page = 0;
if (line[0] == '^') line[0] = ' ';
print (++lines_on_page, 1, line);
log = read_help_line (line, 81);
Press_Return_to_Continue ("");
static FILE *open_helpfile ()
/* Tries to open the helpfile with given name from the help_directory.
* If an error, prints an error message and returns NULL. Otherwise,
* returns a pointer to the opened file.
char filename_buf [80], msg_buf[80], *envhelpdir;
FILE *fp;
if ((envhelpdir = getenv("OKBRIDGE_HELPFILE")) != NULL)
sprintf (filename_buf, "%s", envhelpdir);
sprintf (filename_buf, "%s", help_file_name);
fp = fopen (filename_buf, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
fp = fopen ("okbridge.help", "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
sprintf (msg_buf, "Error opening helpfile %s", filename_buf);
print (3, 1, msg_buf);
sprintf (msg_buf, "System reports error: %s",
print (4, 1, msg_buf);
Press_Return_to_Continue ("");
return (fp);
static help_entry find_help_topic (topic)
char *topic;
/* Looks for the help entry with the associated topic. If it is found,
* returns a pointer to the corresponding record. Otherwise, returns NULL.
help_entry e;
e = main_topic;
while (e != NULL) {
if (!strcasecmp(e->topic, topic))
return (e);
e = e->next;
return (e);
static help_entry read_new_help_entry ()
/* Reads a help entry from the help_file. Allocates a help_entry record
. and records the pertinent information in that record. Returns the
. allocated record or NULL if the end of file is reached.
char line_buf[81];
help_entry e;
char *curpos, *keypos, *descpos;
int log;
log = read_help_line (line_buf, 81);
if (log < 0)
return (NULL);
for (keypos = line_buf; isspace(*keypos); keypos++);
for (curpos = keypos;(*curpos != '\0') && !isspace(*curpos);curpos++);
for (descpos = curpos; isspace(*descpos); descpos++);
e = (help_entry) malloc(sizeof(struct help_entry_struct));
*curpos = '\0';
e->topic = strdup (keypos);
e->description = strdup (descpos);
e->file_offset = ftell (help_file);
e->next = NULL;
log = read_help_line (line_buf, 81);
((log >= 0) && strcmp(line_buf, "--"));
return (e);
void initialize_help_system ()
/* Called once at the beginning of the program to read the file of help
* topics.
help_entry e;
help_file = open_helpfile ();
if (help_file == NULL) return;
e = main_topic = read_new_help_entry ();
while (e != NULL) {
e->next = read_new_help_entry ();
e = e->next;
void Browse_help_topics ();
void display_help (topic)
char *topic;
/* Displays help on the given topic. This consists of looking up the
* help file associated to this topic and displaying the contents of this
* file on the screen. If the topic string is empty, then displays first
* the contents of the main topic file, and then displays a list of the
* topics. If there is no help on the given topic, then displays a list
* of topics.
help_entry he;
char line_buf[81];
if (main_topic == NULL)
clear_screen ();
if (strlen(topic) == 0) {
display_help_entry (main_topic);
} else if ((he = find_help_topic(topic)) != NULL)
display_help_entry (he);
else {
sprintf (line_buf, "%s %s",
"There is no help for this topic.",
"The available topics are");
display_topics (line_buf);
Press_Return_to_Continue ("");
void browse_help (topic)
char *topic;
/* Displays help on the given topic. Afterwards, displays a list of
* topics along with a request to enter the name of a new topic.
help_entry he;
char line_buf[81];
int no_topic = 0;
if (main_topic == NULL)
clear_screen ();
if (strlen(topic) == 0) {
display_help_entry (main_topic);
} else if ((he = find_help_topic(topic)) != NULL)
display_help_entry (he);
no_topic = 1;
display_topics ("LIST OF HELP TOPICS");
print (terminal_lines-1, 1, "HELP");
Refresh_Status_Display ();
if (no_topic) {
sprintf (line_buf, "THERE IS NO HELP FOR THE TOPIC %s", topic);
print (terminal_lines-2, 1, line_buf);
ring_bell ();
void Refresh_Help_Display ()
/* Redisplays the current screen of help information. */
char line[81];
int lines_on_page, log;
if (current_page < 0) {
display_topics ("LIST OF HELP TOPICS");
lines_on_page = 0;
fseek (help_file, current_page, SEEK_SET);
log = read_help_line (line, 81);
while ((log >= 0) && strcmp(line, "--")) {
if ((lines_on_page > terminal_lines-2) || (line[0] == '^'))
print (++lines_on_page, 1, line);
log = read_help_line (line, 81);
void Clear_Help_Display ()
/* Returns the help system to its initial state. */
current_page = -1;