Usenet 1994 January
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C/C++ Source or Header
848 lines
#define LONG_DESCP
#include "dink_sym.h"
#include "dink_glb.h"
void long_descp(n)
/* long description routine */
int n ;
#ifdef __TURBOC__
void boom(void), describe(int), ender(int) ;
if (((object[O_torch][J_loc] == B_have)&&object[O_torch][J_property])||
(n < 186)||(n > 202)) {
/* See if player entered the killing passage in the end game */
if ((n >= 218)&&(n <= 227)) {
printf("As you're walking down the passage you feel the slight\n") ;
printf("tug of a trip wire on your leg. Out the corner of your\n");
printf("eye you see the trip wire is connected to an olive green\n") ;
printf("cylinder attached to the wall of the tunnel....\n\n") ;
boom() ;
printf("\nIn case you're wondering that was a booby trap which you\n") ;
printf("set off!\n") ;
ender(F_died) ;
/* Select individual rooms */
switch (n) {
case R_river: /* drowing in the river description */
printf ("As you approach the edge of the dike, there is a small\n");
printf ("earth slide which pitches you into the river. You\n");
printf ("flounder around in the water for a short while. Luckily\n");
printf ("before you have the chance to drown, a crocodile pulls\n") ;
printf ("you under, bringing you to a rather quick though painful\n");
printf ("end. \n") ;
return ;
case R_bunyip: /* getting eaten by the bunyip */
printf ("The slimey tentacle suddenly tightens around your leg, and\n");
printf ("the water in the billabong starts to churn furiously. Then\n");
printf ("surfaces the one thing that all Australians fear the most...");
printf ("\n\nBefore you stands an enormous sickly green Queensland\n") ;
printf ("Bunyip in all its awesome horror. It does not make a quick\n");
printf ("end of you.... Such is not the way of Bunyips. First it \n");
printf ("peels off your skin as if you where a banana. After much\n");
printf ("fearful agony, comes release as you pass into death.\n");
return ;
case R_taipan: /* getting bitten by a taipan */
printf ("As you wander aimlessly in the grass, you accidently step\n");
printf ("upon a taipan which is perhaps the most poisonous of Oz's \n");
printf ("snakes. The snake strikes upwards and bites you in the\n");
printf ("worst possible place. You thrash around for a short while\n");
printf ("and then the venom takes hold. Your body begins to decompose");
printf ("\nbefore your very eyes. Death comes only after an hour \n");
printf ("of the worst possible agony. \n");
return ;
case R_mine_head: /* Front of ACME Mine */
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf ("East of you is a large iron open truss tower, topped with \n");
printf ("two rusting wheels holding a pair of thick steel cables. \n");
printf ("This is the head gear of the once highly successful ACME \n");
printf ("Gold Mine, which now is completely mined out. Where \n");
printf ("there were once rich veins of gold is now a honeycomb of \n");
printf ("tunnels and caverns. There are stories about strange \n");
printf ("events in the old tunnels of the ACME mine and only fools \n");
printf ("or reckless adventurers would dare explore them. \n");
printf ("To the north is the old office building. Rumor has it \n");
printf ("the safe in this building once had millions of dollars in \n");
printf ("gold processed from the rich ore of the ACME mine. To \n");
printf ("the south is the mine lift, which once transported up to \n");
printf ("twenty miners at a time down the long mine shaft to the \n");
printf ("working tunnels deep under the earth below \n");
return ;
case R_office_mang: /* Manager's office */
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_action_obj ;
printf("You are in the Manager's office of the ACME Mine. In \n");
printf("former times this room saw many lively meetings between \n");
printf("the Site Manager and Shift Bosses. Fixed to the wall are\n");
printf("old production schedules and organizational charts. In\n");
printf("the middle of the room is a beautiful silky oak desk.\n");
printf("Unfortunately it is too heavy to move. Attached to\n");
printf("the far wall is a curious picture of a platypus wearing a \n");
printf("hat with old wine corks dangling from the hat's brim. The\n");
printf("only exit is to the south.\n\n") ;
return ;
case R_geo_w: /* Geologist's office */
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_unmovable_obj ;
printf("As you entered this room, huge cockroaches scuttled off ");
printf("in every \n");
printf("direction. On the far wall is a rather tasteless poster ");
printf("depicting \n");
printf("an extremely well endowed (unclad) young woman holding a ");
printf("mining \n");
printf("drill. This office was once occupied by the mine ");
printf("geologist. One \n");
printf("can still see traces of the office's former occupant. ");
printf("There are only \n");
printf("two doors to this room. Both go to the north. You entered ");
printf("through \n");
printf("the west door. However there is another door in ");
printf("the eastern section \nof the office. \n");
return ;
/* lift compartment */
case R_lift_inside:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_action_obj ;
printf("You are inside the lift, which has only one ");
printf("entrance doorway to the west. \n");
printf("To the left of the door is a panel of buttons. Most of ");
printf("the buttons are \ninoperative with tape over them. However ");
printf("there are four buttons \nthat still work. Each of the four ");
printf("buttons have a number stamped on them. \nThe numbers are ");
printf("zero, forty-nine, sixty-seven, and eighty-two. \n \n");
return ;
case R_hideout_entr: /* Ned Kelly's Hide Out */
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
if (monster_flag == F_no_monster) {
printf ("Before you is a Queensland house with large verandas. ") ;
printf ("The front of\nthe house is to the east. The house ") ;
printf ("is painted fluorescent orange.\nOn the roof of the house is ");
printf ("a large, bright flashing neon sign which reads: \n\n");
printf("| |\n");
printf("| Ned Kelly's ---SECRET--- Hide Out |\n");
printf("| Policemen, troopers, law enforcement officers and all |\n");
printf("| other minions of the law and public decency are advised |\n");
printf("| to look else where for bush rangers, thieves, and other |\n");
printf("| larrikins, since ***only*** honest, law abiding |\n");
printf("| Australians (loyal to Queen and Country) live here. |\n");
printf("| |\n");
else describe(n) ;
return ;
case R_foreman:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You have entered the office of the Level #67 Foreman. In ");
printf("the middle of the\nroom is the Foreman's large and immovable ");
printf("desk. To one side can be seen an\nempty file cabinet and ");
printf("a series of pidgeon holes for holding mine worker's\nmail. ");
printf("The only exit is to the west.\n\n") ;
return ;
case R_no_treasure:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You are in a tunnel going east and west. Crude letters have\n");
printf("been scratched into the wall of the tunnel. The following\n") ;
printf("was written:\n\n") ;
printf("Dear Treasure Hunter:\n") ;
printf("There was lots of treasure on this level when I first\n") ;
printf("discovered this mine. However I have since carted it all\n") ;
printf("away. You might try looking on another level.") ;
printf("\n\n Good Luck!\n") ;
printf(" Dr. I. Jones, Ph.D.\n\n") ;
return ;
case R_gleep_tank:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You have walked into a room with a large plastic tank set ");
printf("in the middle.\nThe tank is about two meters deep and ");
printf("full of dark blue liquid which\nsmells strongly of chlorine.");
printf(" The words \"Gleep Tank\" have been crudely\n");
printf("spray painted on the wall.\n") ;
return ;
case R_ufo_e:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You crawl under a long thin sting that projects from the ");
printf("front of the\nspacecraft. It's made from a different metal ");
printf("(stainless steel?), and appears\nto have been retractable. ");
printf("This was probably a Mach probe for measuring flight\n") ;
printf("speed. You can go north or south.\n") ;
return ;
case R_ufo_w:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("Before you is perhaps the real reason why the ACME Mine ");
printf("was closed. You see\nthe bent and twisted remains of what ");
printf("could only be an ancient spacecraft. It\nsits ") ;
printf("embedded within a gold bearing");
printf(" reef of conglomerate stone from the\nPrecambrain Period ");
printf("(hundreds of millions of years old). The old spacecraft\n") ;
printf("was based on a delta wing design which the miners had ");
printf("chiped free from\nthe rock. You can see clearly the interior ");
printf("of the engine exhaust ducts. The\nvehicle has air inlets ");
printf("so it must have been air breathing when it flew in\nthe ");
printf("atmosphere. ") ;
printf("The edges of the ducts appear to be made of titanium ");
printf("and are\nabout six centimeters thick. No wonder it could ");
printf("survive millions of years\nunder tons of stone. ") ;
printf("This spacecraft is literally built like a battleship!\nYou ") ;
printf("can climb over the vehicle to the north or go south.\n\n");
return ;
case R_ufo_n:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You're now doing a tight squeeze between the tunnel wall ");
printf("and the leading\nedge of the wing. You can see the titanium");
printf(" surface is covered with many\nregularly placed little ");
printf("holes, each about half a millimeter in diameter.\nThis ");
printf("was probably part of the wing's cooling system for ") ;
printf("atmospheric entry\nfrom orbit. You can go south-east or ");
return ;
case R_ufo_s:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You're crawling under the wing and next to the spacecraft's ");
printf("landing gear.\nThe landing gear strut is almost snapped ");
printf("off. The tyre has long ago turned\nto dust, but the tyre ");
printf("rim is still in place. The braking system used is\nquite ");
printf("odd. The brake rotor is basicly a ring being gripped by ");
printf("a caliper with\nconcave brake pads. You ") ;
printf("can go north-west or north-east.\n") ;
return ;
case R_ufo_ne:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You are now near the nose of the derelict spacecraft. You ");
printf("see a quartz\nwindow in the side of the vehicle. It has been");
printf(" so scratched by the\ncenturies that it is now opaque. ");
printf("You can go north-west or south.\n") ;
return ;
case R_ufo_nw:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("As you scrambled over the old derelict, you passed under ");
printf("the vertical\nstabilizer which centuries of geological ") ;
printf("forces had bent into what\nlooks like a sagging shark's ");
printf("fin. You can go south or do a tight squeeze\nto the ");
return ;
case R_ufo_se:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You are under the forward section of the spacecraft. ");
printf("Above you is an\nopened access hatch which leads into the ");
printf("dark interior of the derelict.\n");
printf("You can go north, up or crawl under the wing to the ");
printf("south-west\n") ;
return ;
case R_ufo_sw:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You are hunching over as you scramble underneath the ");
printf("spacecraft's wing.\nNear the trailing edge of the wing ");
printf("you can see what is left of the\nwing flaps. The flap ");
printf("was actuated by a very conventional hydraulic system.\n");
printf("Some of the metal tubing for the actuaters are still in ");
printf("place, though\nthe hydraulic fluid has long since ") ;
printf("fossilized into stone. You can\ngo north or south-east.\n") ;
return ;
case R_air_lock:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You are inside what is obviously an airlock. There are ");
printf("two hatchways\ninto this airlock. One leads to the exterior ");
printf("while the other goes into\nthe spacecraft's interior. Both ");
printf("hatches appear to have originally been\nleft open and not ");
printf("forced by the miners (the hinges are immovable). ");
printf("It\nappears that the ship's crew left in a hurry. ") ;
printf("You can go north or down.\n") ;
return ;
case R_ship_passage:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You've entered the intercompartment access passage. To the ") ;
printf("south is an\nopen air tight door leading to the airlock. ");
printf("The access door to the east\nis open and recessed into the ");
printf("wall. The access door to the west has been\nforced open ");
printf("with a cutting torch and folded back with a pneumatic\n") ;
printf("hammer (obviously the work of the miners). ") ;
printf("The passage itself has about\nten centimeters of silt on the") ;
printf(" bottom and has the appearance of ancient\ndilapidation.\n") ;
return ;
case R_flight_deck:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You have made it to the flight deck. Unfortunately ");
printf("it's not much to\nwrite home about. Since the access door ");
printf("was open, this area has been full\nof water and silt for ");
printf("millennia. The miners have shoveled out most of it.\nOnce ");
printf("the wall panels were covered with some kind of plastic which");
printf(" has long\nsince turned to dust. There are three corroded ");
printf("frames which were once crew\nseats. The beings that flew ") ;
printf("this machine were taller and wider than humans\nbut they ");
printf("had anthropoid form. The flight controls are still here");
printf(" but they\nare so heavily corroded that they can no longer ");
printf("be moved. The only way out\nis to the west.\n\n") ;
return ;
case R_panel:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You are in a compartment that seems brand new, which is ");
printf("unbelievable. Perhaps\nthe machinery in this ship was once ");
printf("self repairing. Before you is a control\npanel with CRT type");
printf(" displays and buttons that still work. Beneath each button\n");
printf("is a description written in a strange alien script ");
printf("vaguely like Sanskrit.\nI wouldn't dare ") ;
printf("press any button except one glowing pale green. Beneath\n");
printf("this button is some masking tape that was obviously placed ") ;
printf("here by the miners.\nSomeone has written \"TEHR.\" on the ") ;
printf("masking tape with a pencil.\n\n") ;
return ;
case R_transport:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You have walked into an elevated chamber with strange ") ;
printf("glowing hexagons on\nthe floor which are about half a ") ;
printf("meter across. The hexagon pattern on the\nfloor is ");
printf("matched by one on the ceiling which is also glowing.\n\n") ;
return ;
case R_prayer:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You are in a large and very grand room with walls made of\n");
printf("polished mahogany, and crystal chandeliers hanging from an\n");
printf("ornate ceiling. There is a mihrab incongruously set in the\n");
printf("western wall of the building. Also there are quotations\n");
printf("from the Quram written in golden letters along the top of\n") ;
printf("the walls near the ceiling. On the floor are sumptuous\n") ;
printf("cushions made of silk and fine green velvet. Sitting on the\n");
printf("cushions are old men wearing black pajamas with white\n");
printf("towels wrapped around their heads. In the middle of the\n");
printf("floor is a raised dais, upon which is sitting a rather\n");
printf("stately old man wearing similar clothing. In the far corner\n");
printf("of the room is standing a wax dummy of the Ayatolla\n") ;
printf("Khomeini. His right arm is upright much like the Statue of\n") ;
printf("Liberty and in his right hand is a glowing 100 watt light\n") ;
printf("bulb. I think this is the prayer room for the Iranian\n") ;
printf("Parliament! You'll have to go west if you wish to leave.\n") ;
return ;
case R_guard:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You are in a rather small room with a table in the ");
printf("middle that is covered\nwith half filled cups of tea, dirty ") ;
printf("ash trays, and a newspaper written in\nwhat appears to be ") ;
printf("Arabic. There is ") ;
printf("a brightly coloured poster on the\nwall depicting the Kaba ") ;
printf("Stone of Mecca with a calendar below it. The only\n") ;
printf("exits are through an open doorway to the east and through");
printf(" a curtain covered\ndoorway to the south.\n\n") ;
return ;
case R_closet:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You are in a closet full of grubby, nondescript things not\n") ;
printf("worth taking. The closet stinks of moth balls. The only way\n");
printf("out is through a curtain covered doorway to the north.\n\n");
return ;
case R_gong:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You have entered an enormous room which is walled with\n");
printf("polished black granite supported by vast curving arches\n");
printf("much like a gothic cathedral. The cavernous room is\n");
printf("octogonal in layout with huge flaming torches set in brass\n");
printf("holders in every corner of the room. In the flickering\n");
printf("light of the torches you see an enormous silver gong\n");
printf("weighing at least a ton. The huge gong is suspended from\n");
printf("a finely polished red cedar frame, the top of which is\n");
printf("about four meters above the floor. The room is deathly\n");
printf("quiet like an ancient tomb. The only sound you can hear is\n");
printf("your own heart beating.\n") ;
return ;
case R_warning:
room[n][M_rm_type] = T_was_long; /* turn off long description */
printf("You have entered a passage with exits to the north, south,\n");
printf("and west. There is a poster glued to the wall which reads:\n");
printf("| |\n");
printf("| |\n");
printf("| ON STRIKE!! |\n");
printf("| |\n");
printf("| The Loyal Brotherhood of Australian Miners and Under- |\n");
printf("| ground Workers is on strike against Acme Mines Ltd. due |\n");
printf("| to unfair treatment of its workers. Our Union demands |\n");
printf("| the following: Worker's wages be increased by 30%%, the |");
printf("\n") ;
printf("| week shall have only 4 working days, the working day |\n");
printf("| shall be reduced to 5 hours, triple wages for overtime |\n");
printf("| work and immunity from sacking for all Union members. |\n");
printf("| To discourage scabs and other strike breakers from |\n");
printf("| working during the strike, we have planted booby traps |\n");
printf("| through out the tunnels on this level. We do hope you |\n");
printf("| don't mind the mine being mined so it won't be mined. |\n");
return ;
else describe(n) ;
} /* end of long_descp subroutine */
void pusher(n_arg)
/* */
/* --- The Pusher Subroutine --- */
/* */
/* Software by Gary A. Allen, Jr. 14 June 1989, Version: Mk 1.2 */
/* (c) Copyright 1988 by Gary A. Allen, Jr. */
/* */
int *n_arg ;
register int i ;
int n ;
/* pass the room pointer */
n = *n_arg ;
/* reject an isolated "push" command */
if (tag[V_VERB_ONLY]) {
printf ("What exactly do you want me to push? \n");
switch (n) {
/* Lift entrance at the ground level */
case R_lift_entr:
if (tag[V_green_button]) goto no_green ;
if (!tag[V_button]) {
if (!tag[V_blue_button]) {
printf ("I don't see why I should push that! \n");
return ;
else goto nothing ;
if (room[R_lift_entr][M_rm_status] == S_flashing ) {
printf ("You push the call button and there is a loud \"whirr\" from ");
printf ("an electric motor. \nThe massive steel doors slide open ");
printf ("revealing a huge lift that could hold \ntwenty men at once. ");
printf ("The way is now open for you to enter. \n");
room[R_lift_entr][M_rm_status] = S_open ;
room[R_lift_entr][2] = R_lift_inside ;
break ; }
else {
printf("You pushed the lift call button, but nothing happened.\n");
printf("I think the electrical power has been turned off at the\n") ;
printf("circuit breaker.\n") ;
break ; }
/* Lift Compartment */
case R_lift_inside:
if (tag[V_green_button]) goto no_green ;
/* scan push sentence */
/* zero level */
if (tag[V_0]) {
if (room[R_lift_inside][M_rm_status]== S_L0) {
printf ("You pushed the flashing button, but nothing happened.\n");
break ; }
printf ("The steel doors slam shut and you feel heavy as the lift ");
printf ("accelerates \nupwards. Finally the lift jerks to a halt ");
printf ("and the doors whirr open. \nSunlight is streaming in. ");
printf ("Once again you are breathing the fresh air.\n");
room[R_lift_inside][M_rm_status] = S_L0;
room[R_lift_inside][3] = R_lift_entr;
room[R_lift_inside][7] = R_lift_entr;
return ;
/* forty-ninth level */
if (tag[V_49]) {
if (room[R_lift_inside][M_rm_status]== S_L49) {
printf ("You pushed the forty-nine button, but nothing happened.\n");
return ;
room[R_lift_inside][M_rm_status] = S_L49 ;
room[R_lift_inside][3] = R_L49_entr;
room[R_lift_inside][7] = R_L49_entr;
printf ("The steel doors slam shut and you feel the vibration of ");
printf ("the lift \nmoving in its shaft. Finally the lift jerks ");
printf ("to a halt and the doors whirr open. \n");
return ;
/* sixty-seventh level */
if (tag[V_67]) {
if (room[R_lift_inside][M_rm_status]== S_L67) {
printf ("You pushed the sixty-seven button, but nothing happened.\n");
return ;
room[R_lift_inside][M_rm_status] = S_L67;
room[R_lift_inside][3] = R_L67_entr;
room[R_lift_inside][7] = R_L67_entr;
goto decp2 ;
/* eighty-second level */
if (tag[V_82]) {
if (room[R_lift_inside][M_rm_status]== S_L82) {
printf ("You pushed the eighty-two button, but nothing happened.\n");
return ;
room[R_lift_inside][M_rm_status] = S_L82;
room[R_lift_inside][3] = R_L82_entr;
room[R_lift_inside][7] = R_L82_entr;
printf ("The steel doors slam shut and you feel a sense of ");
printf ("weightlessness as \nthe lift plummets down the mine shaft. ");
printf ("Finally the lift comes to a halt \n");
printf ("and the doors whirr open. \n");
return ;
if (tag[V_blue_button]) goto nothing ;
printf ("This lift can go only to levels 0, 49, 67, or 82 \n");
return ;
/* inside the closet at the Iranian Parliament */
case R_closet:
if (tag[V_green_button]) goto no_green ;
if (tag[V_blue_button]||tag[V_button]) {
/* Is the command for the black cube */
if (object[O_cube][J_loc] != B_have)
goto no_switch ;
printf("There is a bright flash of light! Then suddenly you are\n");
printf("back in the hexagon chamber of the ancient spaceship.\n\n");
*n_arg = R_transport ;
return ;
else goto no_switch ;
/* the transporter control panel room */
case R_panel:
if (tag[V_button]) {
printf("Which button do you want me to push? \n") ;
if (tag[V_blue_button]) {
if (object[O_cube][J_loc]==B_have) goto cubic ;
else goto no_cube ;
if (tag[V_green_button]) {
if (sw_transport != TRUE) {
printf("Lots of the \"Sanskrit\" text is flashing by on the display\n");
printf("panel's CRTs. There is a whirring noise coming out of the\n");
printf("equipment around you which is increasing in both loudness\n");
printf("and pitch. You've turned something on, that's for sure!\n") ;
sw_transport = TRUE ;
return ;
else goto nothing ;
/* Semtex explosive detector */
if (tag[V_detector] || tag[V_yellow_button] ||
((object[O_cube][J_loc] != B_have) &&
(object[O_detector][J_loc] == B_have))) {
if (object[O_detector][J_loc] == B_have)
goto semtex ;
else {
printf("You don't have the detector in your possession.\n") ;
return ;
/* Transporter return device */
if (object[O_cube][J_loc] == B_have) {
if ((object[O_detector][J_loc] == B_have) &&
goto which_button ;
goto cubic ;
if (tag[V_blue_button]) goto no_cube ;
if (tag[V_green_button]) goto no_green ;
printf ("You can push as much as you like, but nothing will happen.\n");
} /* end of the switch block */
/* press Semtex detector button */
printf("You press the button on the Semtex explosive detector and\n");
for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) if ((n == i+207)||(n == i+228)) {
if (room[227-i][M_rm_type] == T_lethal) {
printf("hear a \"beep, beep, beep\".\n") ;
return ;
printf("the yellow light flashed.\n") ;
/* press cube button in wrong place */
printf("You press the button on the cube but nothing happens.\n");
/* no switch */
printf("There is nothing here with a push button switch.\n");
/* no cube */
printf("You don't have the cube with the blue button in your") ;
printf(" possession!\n") ;
/* no green button */
printf("I see no green button to push!\n");
/* black cube in wrong room routine or green button pushed twice */
printf("Nothing happens!\n");
} /* --- end of the "pusher" subroutine --- */
void switcher(n)
/* */
/* --- The Switcher Subroutine --- */
/* */
/* */
/* Software by Gary A. Allen, Jr. 29 October 1989 Version: Mk 1.4 */
/* (c) Copyright 1988 by Gary A. Allen, Jr. */
/* */
int n ;
int flag_switch, flag_rifle_md ;
#ifdef __TURBOC__
void dialer(int) ;
/* deal with single verb commands */
if (tag[V_VERB_ONLY]) {
if (tag[V_turn]) printf("Turn what?\n") ;
if (tag[V_set]) printf("Set what?\n") ;
if (tag[V_select]) printf("Select what?\n") ;
if (tag[V_switch]) printf("Switch what?\n") ;
return ;
/* Deal with changing the safety on the rifle */
if (tag[V_safety]) {
if (object[O_rifle][J_loc] == B_have) {
if (tag[V_off]) {
rifle_flag = F_single ;
printf("The M16 rifle is set to single shot mode ") ;
printf("with the safey off.\n") ;
return ;
if (tag[V_on]) {
rifle_flag = F_safety ;
printf("The M16 rifle's safety has been turned on.\n") ;
return ;
printf("How do you want the safety set?\n") ;
else printf("You're not holding the rifle!\n") ;
return ;
/* deal with special case "turn (safe) dial 0 49 67 82" */
if (tag[V_turn] && tag[V_dial] && (!tag[V_rifle])) {
dialer(n) ;
return ;
/* deal with special case "turn safe ..." */
if (tag[V_turn] && (!tag[V_dial]) && tag[V_safe]) {
if (n != R_office_mang) {
printf("There is no safe here to turn!\n") ;
return ;
printf("Since the safe is set in a concrete wall, turning it would\n");
printf("be rather difficult! Perhaps I should turn the safe's\n") ;
printf("dial instead?\n") ;
return ;
/* initialize the local switches */
flag_switch = F_no_argument ;
if (tag[V_on]) flag_switch = TRUE ;
if (tag[V_off]) flag_switch = FALSE ;
if (verb == V_light) flag_switch = TRUE ;
flag_rifle_md = F_no_argument ;
if (tag[V_safe]) flag_rifle_md = F_safety ;
if (tag[V_triple]) flag_rifle_md = F_triple ;
if (tag[V_single]) flag_rifle_md = F_single ;
if (tag[V_auto]) flag_rifle_md = F_auto ;
if ((flag_switch == F_no_argument)&&(flag_rifle_md == F_no_argument)) {
printf("You will have to be a little more specific than that. \n") ;
return ;
/* see if it is a simple "on/off" power equipment switch command */
if ((!tag[V_torch])&&(!tag[V_rifle])&&
(flag_rifle_md == F_no_argument)) {
if (n == R_store_room) {
/* The circuit breaker is switched off */
if (flag_switch == FALSE) {
if (room[R_store_room][M_rm_status] == S_off) {
printf ("The circuit breaker is already turned off! \n");
return ; }
else {
printf ("As you pull the switch lever, there is a bright blue \n");
printf ("arc and then all of the lights go out. \n");
room[R_store_room][M_rm_status] = S_off ;
room[R_lift_entr][M_rm_status] = S_closed ;
return; }
/* The circuit breaker is switched on */
if (flag_switch == TRUE) {
if (room[R_store_room][M_rm_status] == S_on) {
printf ("The circuit breaker is already turned on! \n");
return; }
else {
printf ("As you pull the switch lever, there is a loud \"CLUNK\" \n");
printf ("and you see a POWER ON light glowing. \n");
room[R_store_room][M_rm_status] = S_on ;
room[R_lift_entr][M_rm_status] = S_flashing ;
return; }
goto garbage_cmd ;
} /* end of the simple "on/off" switch group */
/* the switch command is to select an M16 rifle firing mode */
if (tag[V_rifle]) {
if (object[O_rifle][J_loc] == B_have) {
/* turn the rifle on naively */
if ((flag_switch==TRUE)||
((flag_rifle_md==F_safety)&&(flag_switch==FALSE))) {
if (rifle_flag != F_safety) {
printf("The rifle's safety is already off! \n") ;
rifle_flag = F_single ;
printf("The M16 rifle has been set to single shot mode. \n") ;
return ;
/* turn on the safety */
if ((flag_switch==FALSE)||
(flag_switch==F_no_argument)))) {
if (rifle_flag == F_safety) {
printf("The rifle's safety is already on! \n") ;
rifle_flag = F_safety ;
printf("The M16 rifle's safety has now been turned on. \n") ;
return ;
/* select single shot mode */
if (flag_rifle_md == F_single) {
if (rifle_flag == F_single) {
printf("The rifle has already been set to single shot mode.\n");
rifle_flag = F_single ;
printf("The M16 rifle has been set to single shot mode. \n") ;
return ;
/* select triple fire mode */
if (flag_rifle_md == F_triple) {
if (rifle_flag == F_triple) {
printf("The rifle has already been set to triple fire mode.\n");
rifle_flag = F_triple ;
printf("The M16 rifle has been set to triple fire mode. \n") ;
return ;
/* select to fully automatice mode */
if (flag_rifle_md == F_auto) {
if (rifle_flag == F_auto) {
printf("The rifle has already been set to fully automatic.\n");
rifle_flag = F_auto ;
printf("The M16 rifle has been set to fully automatic. \n") ;
return ;
/* This is the rifle nonpossession error handler */
else {
printf("You don't have a rifle in your possession! \n") ;
return ;
} /* end of the rifle mode switching block */
/* the switch command is to turn the torch off or on. */
if (tag[V_torch]) {
if (object[O_torch][J_loc] == B_have) {
/* "switch torch on" command */
if (flag_switch==TRUE) {
if (object[O_torch][J_property]) {
printf("The torch is already turned on.\n") ;
return ;
printf("An intense beam of light is projected from the torch.\n") ;
object[O_torch][J_property] = TRUE ;
return ;
/* "switch torch off" command */
if (flag_switch==FALSE) {
if (!object[O_torch][J_property]) {
printf("The torch isn't switched on.\n") ;
return ;
printf("The torch switches off with a \"click\".\n") ;
object[O_torch][J_property] = FALSE ;
return ;
printf("You don't have a torch in your possession to switch! \n") ;
return ;
/* Deal with a garbage command */
garbage_cmd :
printf("I don't understand what you want me to switch. \n") ;
return ;
} /* --- end of the "switcher" subroutine --- */
void new_score()
/* This subroutine calculates the score based on treasure in the safe */
int i ;
score = 0 ;
for (i = 0; i <= objcnt; i++) if (object[i][J_loc] == B_in_safe) {
score += object[i][J_value] ;
} ;
} /* --- end of the "new_score" subroutine --- */