Usenet 1994 January
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C/C++ Source or Header
684 lines
#define MNSTR
#include "dink_sym.h"
#include "dink_glb.h"
void monster(i_n, old_n)
/* */
/* --- The Monster Subroutine --- */
/* */
/* monster_flag is a global variable input parameters */
/* */
/* Software by Gary A. Allen, Jr. 7 Sept. 1989, Version: Mk 1.5 */
/* (c) Copyright 1989 by Gary A. Allen, Jr. */
/* */
int *i_n, *old_n ;
#ifdef __TURBOC__
void ender(int), long_descp(int), hold_it(void), boom(void) ;
register int i, j ;
int n, sw_chasing, sw_local, j_chase, j_local ;
static int sw_snaked = FALSE, sw_hoop = FALSE, bear_flag = 0 ;
static int old_n_1, old_n_2, sw_replaced = FALSE, sw_wombat = FALSE ;
static int sw_nogo = FALSE, sw_guarded = TRUE, sw_letter = FALSE ;
static int count_down = 0 ;
/* set up some of the input variables */
n = *i_n ;
sw_chasing = FALSE ; /* turn off the chasing monster switch */
sw_local = FALSE ; /* turn off the local monster switch */
/* There can be no active monsters while in the closet */
if (n == R_closet) {
monster_flag = F_no_monster ;
if (sw_letter == TRUE) {
sw_letter = FALSE ;
sw_nogo = TRUE ;
printf("\nYou hear a loud \"BOOM!\" from the Prayer Room followed\n");
printf("by the sounds of people shouting and cursing in Farsi. I\n");
printf("think it is definitely time that we leave.\n") ;
return ;
/* scan the enemy table for the local and/or chasing monsters */
for (j = 0; j <= enemy_max; j++) {
if (enemy[j][E_location] == n) {
sw_local = TRUE;
j_local = j ;
else if (enemy[j][E_status] != F_asleep){
if ((N_mullah == j)||(N_guards == j)||((N_ned == j)&&
(enemy[j][E_status] == F_stealing))) continue ;
sw_chasing = TRUE;
j_chase = j ;
/* see if the monster is local */
if (sw_local) {
/* deal with case of being chased by monster to another monster */
if (sw_chasing) {
switch(j_chase) {
/* Mutant wombat scares off the local monser */
case N_wombat:
/* put the local monster to sleep and swap location with wombat */
enemy[j_local][E_status] = F_asleep ;
enemy[j_local][E_location] = enemy[N_wombat][E_location] ;
goto chaser ;
/* Hoop Snake breaks off the chase */
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
printf(" ---- What a relief!! ---- \n") ;
printf(" The dreaded hoop snake has broken off pursuit.\n");
printf(" But what is this!!\n\n") ;
printf("You see yet another terrible creature!\n");
sw_replaced = TRUE ;
break ;
/* put the chasing monster to sleep */
monster_flag = F_no_monster ;
enemy[j_chase][E_status] = F_asleep ;
sw_chasing = FALSE;
/* local monster routines */
j = j_local ;
switch(j) {
/* Revolutionary Guard local (only) behavior */
case N_guards:
monster_flag = F_monster_active ;
/* guards always kill after the letter bomb has exploded */
if (sw_nogo) {
printf("\nWith you are three men dressed in ripped and shredded ");
printf("clothes which have\nbeen blackened by an explosion. They ") ;
printf("are armed to the teeth and insane\nwith rage. They take ");
printf("one look at you and proceed to cut you to pieces with\n");
printf("their automatic weapons!\n\n");
ender(F_died) ;
/* guards always kill if they see a rifle */
if (object[O_rifle][J_loc] == B_have) {
printf("With you are four men dressed in rather shabby clothes. ");
printf("Three of them\nare clutching AK-47 assault rifles while ");
printf("the fourth one is holding an Uzi\nmachine gun. They ") ;
printf("take one look at the M-16 rifle which you are clutching,\n");
printf("point their own weapons at you and proceed to hose you ");
printf("with a hail of\nlead! Ten seconds later you look like ");
printf("a piece of Swiss cheese.\n\n") ;
ender(F_died) ;
switch (enemy[N_guards][E_status]) {
case F_asleep:
enemy[N_guards][E_status] = F_passive ;
printf("With you are four men dressed in rather shabby clothes. ");
printf("Three of them\nare clutching AK-47 assault rifles while ");
printf("the fourth one is holding an Uzi\nmachine gun. They ") ;
printf("search you but find nothing that is obviously a\n") ;
printf("weapon. They are in a quandary on what to do with ") ;
printf("you, since you\nliterally appeared out of thin air.\n");
return ;
case F_passive:
if (enemy[N_mullah][E_status] == F_asleep) {
printf("\nThe four men have concluded that the best thing to do\n");
printf("with you is to take you to their superiors. Two of the men\n");
printf("roughly grab hold of you and fling you bodily through the\n");
printf("doorway to the east.\n\n") ;
*i_n = R_prayer;
long_descp(R_prayer) ;
goto tossed ;
if (sw_guarded) {
printf("\nAll of the guards are currently in the prayer room.\n") ;
sw_guarded = FALSE ;
return ;
case F_aggressive:
enemy[N_guards][E_status] = F_killing ;
printf("\nThe four guards grab you by the arms and legs, and frog\n");
printf("march you back into the prayer room.\n");
*i_n = R_prayer;
return ;
case F_killing:
printf("\nThe guards are tired of fooling with you. One of them\n") ;
printf("hits you on the head with the butt of his rifle. Then the\n");
printf("other two guards drag you outside where you are executed\n");
printf("before a jeering mob of 30,000 people!\n\n") ;
ender(F_died) ;
} /* end of the Guards local routine and switch block */
/* Chief Mullah local (only) behaivor */
case N_mullah:
switch (enemy[N_mullah][E_status]) {
case F_asleep:
printf("\n") ;
hold_it() ;
enemy[N_mullah][E_status] = F_aggressive ;
enemy[N_guards][E_status] = F_aggressive ;
printf("The chief Mullah (or whatever he is) who is sitting on the\n");
printf("dias glares in your direction and begins expounding in a\n");
printf("long monologue in Farsi. One of his Revolutionary Guards\n") ;
printf("starts translating the Mullah's words into fairly good\n");
printf("English (with an American accent!). Here is what he said:\n") ;
printf("\n\"I can see by your slouch hat, singlet and short pants\n");
printf("that you are a good-for-nothing satanic Australian. I am\n");
printf("compelled to point out that your sort is most unwelcomed in\n");
/* see if the user has any valuables or the letter */
for (i = 0; i <= objcnt; i++) {
if ((object[i][J_loc] == B_have)&&
((O_letter == i)||(object[i][J_value] > 0))) {
/* Player has something the Mullah wants, so he lives */
printf("this holy precinct. Unless you can provide some good\n");
printf("reasons (preferably financial ones) to the contrary, I\n");
printf("shall order you to be executed immediately for the\n");
printf("amusement and edification of the local populace!\"\n") ;
count_down = 0 ;
return ;
/* Player has no valuables and doesn't have the letter so he dies */
printf("this holy precinct. Since you have nothing of value, our\n");
printf("usual practice would be to take you hostage and extract a\n");
printf("ransom from your government. However the Ozzie Dollar\n") ;
printf("doesn't buy all that much anymore, so we'll just execute\n");
printf("you and leave it at that.\"\n") ;
goto mullah_kills ;
case F_aggressive:
if (object[O_letter][J_loc]==R_prayer) goto see_letter;
count_down++ ;
switch(count_down) {
case 1:
printf("\nThe mullah is waiting for you to give him something.\n") ;
return ;
case 2:
printf("\nThe mullah is becoming quite impaitent. You had better\n") ;
printf("do something soon!\n") ;
enemy[N_mullah][E_status] = F_killing ;
return ;
case F_passive:
count_down++ ;
switch(count_down) {
case 1:
printf("\nThe mullah is examining the envelope of Muammar's letter.\n");
return ;
case 2:
printf("\nThe mullah has turned the envelope over and is just\n") ;
printf("about to open it.\n") ;
return ;
case 3:
boom() ;
printf("The mullah opened the letter. Needless to say, the letter\n") ;
printf("was a bomb. The good news is the nasty old mullah died.\n");
printf("The bad news is you died in the explosion as well!\n\n") ;
ender(F_died) ;
case F_killing:
if (object[O_letter][J_loc]==R_prayer) goto see_letter;
printf("\"You are a brainless idiot!\" screams the Mullah!\n") ;
goto mullah_kills ;
} /* end of mullah status switch block */
/* The mullah sees Gaddafi's letter */
printf("\nThe Mullah gives the letter a casual glance, then\n");
printf("suddenly his face lights up and he claps his hands with\n") ;
printf("glee.\n\n") ;
printf("\"It's a letter from my old friend Muammar!\", he exclaims!\n");
printf("\"This is an occasion for much jubulation. As a token of\n");
printf("my esteem take this ancient gong clapper made of gold and\n");
printf("ivory. It was recovered from the personal collection of\n") ;
printf("the deposed Shah. It once belonged to the ancient Persian\n") ;
printf("King Cyrus and is priceless!\"\n\n") ;
printf("With this glad tiding the Mullah hands you the ancient\n") ;
printf("clapper and then reaches down to pick up the letter from\n") ;
printf("his old friend.\n") ;
enemy[N_mullah][E_status] = F_passive ;
enemy[N_guards][E_status] = F_passive ;
object[O_letter][J_loc] = B_destroyed ;
--room[R_prayer][M_obj_cnt] ;
object[O_clapper][J_loc] = B_have ;
object[O_detector][J_loc] = R_guard ;
++room[R_guard][M_obj_cnt] ;
sw_letter = TRUE ;
count_down = 0 ;
return ;
/* end of the mullah local behavior routine */
/* Ned Kelly local behavior */
case N_ned:
if (monster_flag == F_no_monster) {
printf("\nAs you approached the entrance of Ned Kelly's hide out, a ") ;
printf("man walked out\n") ;
printf("the front door and prevented you from entering. He is ");
printf("wearing an iron\n") ;
printf("helmet with thin eye slits which completely covers ");
printf("his head. He has\n") ;
printf("body armour made of thin sheets of iron that covers ");
printf("his chest and abdomen.\n") ;
printf("He is holding a 12 guage double barrel shotgun ");
printf("and has a pistol on\nhis hip. ") ;
printf("I could be wrong but I think this is Ned Kelly!\n\n");
*i_n = R_hideout_entr ;
monster_flag = F_monster_active ;
enemy[N_ned][E_status] = F_passive ;
return ;
else {
if (enemy[N_ned][E_status] == F_killing) goto ned_kills ;
printf("\nNed is not about to allow you to enter his hide out. He ");
printf("is now expressing\n") ;
printf("his displeasure with your continued presence by cocking both ");
printf("of the hammers on\n") ;
printf("his shotgun and pointing it at your head. I believe it is ");
printf("time to go!!\n\n") ;
*i_n = R_hideout_entr ;
enemy[N_ned][E_status] = F_killing ;
return ;
/* Mutant Wombat monster behavior */
case N_wombat:
sw_replaced = FALSE ;
if (monster_flag == F_no_monster) {
printf("\n ----- OH NO!! -----\n") ;
printf(" You are in ***SERIOUS TROUBLE*** !!!\n") ;
printf("Forget about hoop snakes, and forget about drop bears. This ");
printf("is the WORST\n") ;
printf("thing that can be found in the ACME Mine. You see before ");
printf("you the awful\n") ;
printf("spawn of the Pommy nuclear weapon's tests. Its ancestors ");
printf("were inoffensive\n") ;
printf("creatures, but gamma radiation has transformed this into...\n");
printf(" The Dreadful Mutant Wombat!! \n") ;
printf("Normally I would advise you to run for your life. However ");
printf("there's really\n");
printf("no point. You can not out run this thing, and it's almost ");
printf("impossible to\n");
printf("kill. You might as well just stand here and let it finish ");
printf("you off as\n") ;
printf("quickly and painlessly as possible.\n\n") ;
monster_flag = F_monster_active ;
enemy[N_wombat][E_status] = F_aggressive ;
old_n_1 = n ;
old_n_2 = 0 ; /* zero out the previous location */
*old_n = old_n_2 ;
return ;
else {
if (enemy[N_wombat][E_status] == F_aggressive) {
printf("\nThe wombat is approaching you. Its mouth is wide open ") ;
printf("showing its\n") ;
printf("enormous canines. Its claws are fully extended. The ") ;
printf("wombat sees\n") ;
printf("you as an easy meal and is preparing to feast.\n") ;
enemy[N_wombat][E_status] = F_killing ;
return ;
if (enemy[N_wombat][E_status] == F_killing) goto wombat_kills ;
/* Drop Bear monster behavior */
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
sw_replaced = FALSE ;
if (monster_flag == F_no_monster) {
switch(bear_flag) {
case 0:
printf("\nAs you walk in, you see something that looks vaguely like") ;
printf(" a koala bear\n") ;
printf("sitting in the middle of the floor. However this \"koala\"") ;
printf(" has vampire\n") ;
printf("teeth and blood drooling down the sides of its mouth. The") ;
printf(" bear takes\n") ;
printf("one look at you and climbs up the wall onto the ceiling.") ;
printf(" It \n") ;
printf("clings to the ceiling much like a fly and seems to be") ;
printf(" positioning\n") ;
printf("itself to be directly over you. I could be wrong but I") ;
printf(" think this is\n") ;
printf("the deadly DROP BEAR! \n\n") ;
bear_flag = 1 ;
break ;
case 1:
printf("\nJust as you walk in, a drop bear flashes by and hits") ;
printf(" the ground with\n");
printf("a THUNK. That was close! Had it hit you, and caught ") ;
printf("hold with its\n");
printf("claws, you would have been finished. The dreaded ");
printf("beast is now\n") ;
printf("running up the wall towards the ceiling to give it ") ;
printf("another go. I\n");
printf("think we had better leave and soon!\n\n") ;;
bear_flag = 2 ;
break ;
case 2:
printf("\nAs you walk in, you see a drop bear lounging lazily in") ;
printf(" the middle of\n");
printf("the floor. It rolls over and takes one look at you, ") ;
printf("runs towards\n");
printf("the wall and scampers up to the ceiling. It is now ");
printf("positioning\n") ;
printf("itself to be directly over you.\n\n") ;
bear_flag = 1 ;
monster_flag = F_monster_active ;
enemy[j][E_status] = F_aggressive ;
return ;
else {
if (enemy[j][E_status] == F_aggressive) {
printf("\nThe drop bear is now positioned directly above you. It is") ;
printf(" hanging batlike\n") ;
printf("by its rear paws, with its front arms reaching out with");
printf(" claws fully \n") ;
printf("extended. Its mouth is wide open with its vampire teeth ");
printf("clearly visible.\n") ;
printf("I think this thing means business! Let's make a hasty ");
printf("departure!!\n") ;
enemy[j][E_status] = F_killing ;
return ;
if (enemy[j][E_status] == F_killing) goto bear_kills ;
/* Hoop Snake monster behavior */
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
if (monster_flag == F_no_monster) {
if (sw_replaced) {
sw_replaced = FALSE ;
printf("\nA new and rested hoop snake rolls into view. The ");
printf("snake sees you, lets go of\n") ;
printf("its tail and starts slithering towards you with fangs ");
printf("at the ready. \n\n");
else {
if (!sw_hoop) {
printf("\nSomething that looks vaguely like a barrel hoop rolls into ");
printf("the passage. You \n") ;
printf("suddenly realize to your horror that this is no hoop but a ");
printf("snake biting its \n") ;
printf("own tail. The snake lets go of its tail and starts to ");
printf("slither towards you \n") ;
printf("like a regular, highly aggressive snake. \n\n");
sw_hoop = TRUE ;
else {
printf("\nA hoop snake rolls towards you. It lets go of its ");
printf("tail and starts slithering\n") ;
printf("in your direction. \n\n");
monster_flag = F_monster_active ;
enemy[j][E_status] = F_aggressive ;
old_n_1 = n ;
old_n_2 = 0 ; /* zero out the previous location */
*old_n = old_n_2 ;
return ;
else {
if (enemy[j][E_status] == F_aggressive) {
printf("\nThe hoop snake is coiling up in front of you and ") ;
printf("hissing very aggressively. \n") ;
printf("Venom is dripping from its sharp fangs and seems ") ;
printf("to be burning holes into\n") ;
printf("the stone floor.\n\n") ;
printf("I think it would be wise for us to leave.... Quickly!!\n") ;
enemy[j][E_status] = F_killing ;
return ;
if (enemy[j][E_status] == F_killing) goto snake_kills ;
} /* end of the local monster switch group */
/* chasing monster routines */
j = j_chase ;
switch(j) {
/* Ned Kelly */
case N_ned:
if (n == R_hideout_entr) {
if (enemy[N_ned][E_status] == F_passive) {
printf("\nNed Kelly is standing in front of you and is holding a ");
printf("12 guage shotgun\n") ;
printf("in a rather menacing manner. This guy is really game!\n\n") ;
printf("I suggest we leave..... and quickly!!\n\n") ;
enemy[N_ned][E_status] = F_aggressive ;
return ;
if (enemy[N_ned][E_status] == F_aggressive) {
printf("\nNed seems to be getting impaitent with you. He is now ");
printf("expressing his\n") ;
printf("displeasure with your continued presence by cocking both ");
printf("of the hammers on\n") ;
printf("his shotgun and pointing it at your head. I really think ");
printf("we should be\n") ;
printf("making a hasty departure!!\n\n") ;
enemy[N_ned][E_status] = F_killing ;
return ;
if (enemy[N_ned][E_status] != F_killing) break ;
else goto ned_kills ;
else break ;
/* Mutant wombat chases */
case N_wombat:
if (n == R_lift_inside) {
printf("\nYou run as fast as you can into the lift. You've made it,") ;
printf(" you're in the\n") ;
printf("lift! However as you turn around, you realize to your horror") ;
printf(" that the\n") ;
printf("wombat has also made it inside the lift, and the door ");
printf("is closing!!\n\n") ;
printf(" Ah, Stuff of Nightmares!!!\n") ;
printf(" ---Trapped in a Lift with a Mutant Wombat!!!---\n\n");
printf("This is just too horrible. Let it suffice... You died. \n");
ender(F_died) ;
if (n == old_n_2) {
printf("The wombat is in that direction. You can't go that way!\n");
*i_n = old_n_1 ;
return ;
if (!sw_wombat) {
printf("\nAs you flee down the passage, you hear the ");
printf("\"THUD, THUD, THUD\" of the wombat\n") ;
printf("trudging down the passage. The horrible thing is after") ;
printf(" you! Give up\n") ;
printf("all hope! The wombat is driven by nuclear energy and") ;
printf(" will never stop.\n\n") ;
sw_wombat = TRUE ;
else {
printf("\nThe wombat is still chasing you and not tiring. \n") ;
monster_flag = F_monster_active ;
enemy[j][E_status] = F_aggressive ;
--room[enemy[j][E_location]][M_monster] ;
++room[n][M_monster] ;
enemy[j][E_location] = n ;
old_n_2 = old_n_1 ;
old_n_1 = n ;
*old_n = old_n_2 ;
return ;
/* Hoop Snake chases */
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
if (n == R_lift_inside) {
printf("\nYou seek refuge from the hoop snake by fleeing into the ") ;
printf("lift. Just as you\n") ;
printf("enter the lift, its door begins to close. Unfortunately the") ;
printf(" hoop snake\n") ;
printf("rolls in the instant before the door is fully closed.\n\n") ;
printf("We will not describe the unpleasant events that occur behind");
printf(" the closed door\n");
printf("of the lift. However one can hear screams, curses, futile ");
printf("banging on the\n");
printf("lift door and loud snake hissing. After a few minutes ");
printf("there is again silence.\n");
printf("The lift door opens and the hoop snake rolls out and away. ");
printf("A peek inside the\n");
printf("lift reveals your corpse which is in the early phases of ");
printf("rigor mortis.\n") ;
ender(F_died) ;
if (n == old_n_2) {
if (enemy[j][E_status] == F_killing) {
printf("The hoop snake is in that direction. ") ;
printf("You can't go that way!\n");
*i_n = old_n_1 ;
return ;
else {
printf("You have run back the way you came and passed the hoop ");
printf("snake, which\n") ;
printf("is still biting its tail and rolling like a hoop. The ") ;
printf("vile creature\n") ;
printf("hisses in frustration and does a U-turn to continue ") ;
printf("the chase.\n\n") ;
else {
if (!sw_snaked) {
printf("\nAs you flee down the passage, you hear the characteristic ") ;
printf("sound of reptilian\n") ;
printf("scales rubbing the stone floor. You look over your shoulder") ;
printf(" and see the\n") ;
printf("hoop snake is rolling along right behind you! The dreaded") ;
printf(" thing is chasing you!!\n\n") ;
sw_snaked = TRUE ;
else {
printf("\nThe hoop snake is rolling along behind you, and still") ;
printf(" in hot pursuit!\n\n") ;
monster_flag = F_monster_active ;
enemy[j][E_status] = F_aggressive ;
--room[enemy[j][E_location]][M_monster] ;
++room[n][M_monster] ;
enemy[j][E_location] = n ;
old_n_2 = old_n_1 ;
old_n_1 = n ;
*old_n = old_n_2 ;
return ;
} /* end of the chasing monster switch group */
/* player has fled the monster, so turn it off */
monster_flag = F_no_monster ;
enemy[j][E_status] = F_asleep ;
return ;
/* Ned Kelly kills the player */
printf("\nWith an air of professional detachment, Ned Kelly pulls ");
printf("both triggers\n") ;
printf("on his shotgun and blows your head clean off your ") ;
printf("shoulders. \n\n") ;
ender(F_died) ;
/* The Mutant Wombat kills the player */
printf("\nThe obscene creature has grasped you with its terrible ");
printf("claws! First the\n");
printf("wombat rips off your right arm with a single jerk and ");
printf("tosses it down its\n");
printf("throat like it was an appetizer (which it was!). Next ");
printf("the monster studies\n");
printf("you for a moment and then twists off your left leg and ") ;
printf("chews on it like\n") ;
printf("a turkey drumstick. After savoring your left leg, it ");
printf("opens its mouth wide\n");
printf("and stuffs you in head first! Your last memory was ") ;
printf("hearing the crunching\n");
printf("of your own bones as the wombat's jaws clamped down!\n") ;
ender(F_died) ;
/* The Hoop Snake kills the player */
printf("\nThe hoop snake strikes and bites you right on the nose!") ;
printf("\n\nYou begin to thrash around ") ;
printf("like a Baygon sprayed cocky. The nerve poison \n") ;
printf("makes you jerk around onto your back with your arms and ") ;
printf("legs flailing about\n") ;
printf("in the air. With time your spasmodic twitching reduces") ;
printf(" in frequency. You\n") ;
printf("slowly grind down to a halt with the coming of death. \n") ;
ender(F_died) ;
/* The drop bear kills the player */
printf("\nThe drop bear drops on top of you. First it grabs hold ") ;
printf("of you with its \n") ;
printf("sharp claws that sink deep into your flesh. Then it bites ");
printf("into your neck \n") ;
printf("at the jugular vein and begins sucking your blood. You ");
printf("try desperately \n") ;
printf("to pull the horrible monster off, but it only clamps on ");
printf("harder and sucks \n") ;
printf("more vigorously. Soon you grow weak from lack of blood, ");
printf("and lapse into death. \n") ;
ender(F_died) ;
/* The Mullah kills the player */
printf("\nWith that pronouncement, the chief Mullah claps his hands\n");
printf("twice. Two Revolutionary Guards drag you outside where you\n");
printf("are executed before a jeering mob of 30,000 people!\n") ;
ender(F_died) ;
} /* --- end of the "monster" subroutine --- */