Usenet 1994 January
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C/C++ Source or Header
711 lines
#define PARSE
#include "dink_sym.h"
#include "dink_glb.h"
#include <string.h>
void parse()
/* */
/* --- English Language Parsing Subroutine --- */
/* */
/* This subroutine parses a sentence of up to nineteen */
/* words and decodes the words into integers and passes */
/* a twenty element vector back to the calling */
/* program. The digit 0, implies an unused word. The */
/* digit -1 (V_LINE_END), indicates end of sentence. */
/* */
/* Program by Gary A. Allen, Jr. 5 March 1990 */
/* (c) Copywrite 1990 by Gary A. Allen, Jr. */
/* */
#ifdef __TURBOC__
char getche(void) ;
void purge(int, int*) ;
register int i, j ;
int m, n, j_point, jacc, i_ws, sw_adverb, sw_purge, j_purge, sw_punct ;
int sw_movement, sw_adverb_fnd ;
int j_old = 0 ; /* this is to keep Lint happy */
/* a sentence can have 19 words of 15 letters */
char words[20][15], word[15] ;
char letter ;
/* flush the "sent vector" */
for (i=0; i<=19; i++) sent[i]=0 ;
/* flush the tag vector */
for (i=0; i<= tag_max; i++) tag[i] = FALSE ;
/* Parse and load in the words */
sw_punct = FALSE ;
for (i=0; i <= 18; i++) {
for (j=0; j <= 14; j++) {
#ifndef __TURBOC__
letter = getchar() ;
#ifdef __TURBOC__
letter = getche() ;
switch (letter) {
case '\n':
case 13 :
if ((i == 0) && (j == 0)) goto input ;
words[i][j] = '\0' ;
goto decode;
case 8:
if (sw_punct) {
if (--i < 0) i = 0 ;
j = j_old ;
sw_punct = FALSE ;
else if (--j < 0) j = 0 ;
--j ;
continue ;
case '\"':
case ' ':
case ',':
case '.':
case ';':
case ':':
case '?':
case '!':
case '&':
case '{':
case '}':
case '[':
case ']':
case ')':
case '(':
case '\'':
case '`':
case '\t':
words[i][j] = '\0' ;
sw_punct = TRUE ;
j_old = j ;
words[i][j] = letter ;
sw_punct = FALSE ;
continue ;
break ;
if (j > 14) {
printf("\nYou're saying nonsense! Type the sentence again. \n");
break ;
if (j == 0) i-- ;
if (i > 18)
printf ("\nYour sentence is too long. Type something shorter! \n") ;
#ifndef __TURBOC__
/* Purge the input buffer */
for (;;) if ('\n' == getchar()) break ;
goto input;
/* decode the words from the known vocabulary */
#ifdef __TURBOC__
goto input;
/* decode the words from the known vocabulary */
printf("\n") ;
m=i ;
for (i=0; i<=m; i++) {
for (j=0; j<=14; j++) {
word[j] = words[i][j] ;
for (j=0; j<=letmax; j++) {
n = strcmp (word,vocab[j]);
if (n == 0) {
if ((j>9)&&(j<20)) j -= 10;
sent[jacc++]=j+1 ;
if (jacc == 0) {
printf ("Nothing you said was understandable! Try again. \n");
goto input;
/* mark last word */
sent[jacc] = V_LINE_END ;
/* Check to see if this is a simple move command */
if (sent[0] <= 10) {
tag[V_MOVE] = TRUE ;
verb = sent[0] ;
return ;
/* adjective and "in/out" preposition scan */
sw_purge = FALSE ;
for (j = 0; j <= jacc-1; j++) {
/* check for adjectives*/
for (i = 0; i <= adj_max; i++) {
if (sent[j] == adjective[i][Aj_adj]) {
/* does a noun have to be ignored ? */
if (adjective[i][Aj_adj_cmd] == F_ignore) {
if (adjective[i][Aj_trig_noun] != sent[j+1]) break ;
/* does a noun have to be replaced? */
if (adjective[i][Aj_adj_cmd] == F_replace) {
if (adjective[i][Aj_trig_noun] == sent[j+1]) {
sent[j+1] = adjective[i][Aj_act_noun] ;
sw_purge = TRUE ;
j_purge = j ;
/* purge processed adjective from sentence */
if (sw_purge) purge(j_purge, &jacc) ;
/* Verb grammer check */
/* see if the sentence is of a command sentax */
for (i = 0; i <= verb_max; i++) {
if (sent[0] == verb_table[i]) goto synonym ;
/* the first word is --not-- a verb, so one must be swapped in */
if (jacc != 1) for (j = 1; j <= jacc-1; j++) {
/* Check to see if the word is a move command */
if (sent[j] <= 10) {
tag[V_MOVE] = TRUE ;
i_ws = sent[0] ;
sent[0] = sent[j] ;
sent[j] = i_ws ;
goto synonym ;
/* if not a move command then check the verb table */
for (i = 0; i <= verb_max; i++) {
if (sent[j] == verb_table[i]) {
i_ws = sent[0] ;
sent[0] = sent[j] ;
sent[j] = i_ws ;
goto synonym ;
/* Check to see if this is a "question" sentence */
for (i = 0; i <= quest_max; i++) {
if (sent[0] == quest[i]) {
/* shift the sentence over and load in "question" */
for (j = jacc; j >= 0; j--) sent[j+1] = sent[j] ;
sent[0] = V_QUESTION ;
if (++jacc == 2) {
/* Sentence is a one word command */
tag[sent[1]] = TRUE ;
verb = V_QUESTION ;
return ;
goto synonym ;
/* Verb error routine */
printf ("If there was a verb in that sentence, I didn't understand ") ;
printf ("it.\n") ;
goto input ;
/* prescan for verb connected movement commands */
switch(sent[0]) {
case V_go:
case V_move:
case V_walk:
case V_run:
case V_jump:
case V_bop:
case V_hop:
case V_stroll:
case V_saunter:
case V_swagger:
sw_movement = TRUE ;
break ;
sw_movement = FALSE ;
/* adverb scan, sent[0] is the verb */
sw_adverb = FALSE ;
sw_adverb_fnd = FALSE ;
for (i = 0; i <= adv_max; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= jacc-1; j++) {
/* see if this is an adverb */
if (sent[j] == adverb[i][Av_adv]) {
j_point = j ;
sw_adverb = TRUE ;
/* does the sentence have the companion verb? */
if (adverb[i][Av_verb_old] == sent[0]) {
sent[0] = adverb[i][Av_verb_new] ;
sw_adverb = FALSE ;
sw_adverb_fnd = TRUE ;
/* purge processed adverb from sentence */
purge(j, &jacc) ;
/* purge unprocessed adverb from sentence */
if (sw_adverb && (!sw_movement)) purge(j_point, &jacc) ;
/* scan the sentence for the movement direction */
if ((!sw_adverb_fnd) && sw_movement) {
for (j = 0; j <= jacc-1; j++) {
if (sent[j] <= 10) {
tag[V_MOVE] = TRUE ;
verb = sent[j] ;
return ;
if (sent[j] == V_LINE_END) break ;
printf("Where to? In what direction?\n") ;
goto input ;
tag[sent[0]] = TRUE ; /* activate the tag for the verb */
if (jacc == 1) {
/* Sentence is a one word command */
verb = sent[0] ;
if (sent[0] <= 4) return ; /* first 5 elements are reserved */
return ;
/* Load the "tag" matrix for detected words and synonyms */
for (j=1; j <= 19; j++) {
if (sent[j] == V_LINE_END) break ;
if (sent[j] <= 10) tag[V_DIRECTION] = TRUE ;
if (sent[j] <= 4) continue ; /* first 5 elements are reserved */
tag[sent[j]] = TRUE ; /* activate an element for each word */
/* Deal with synonym nouns */
switch(sent[j]) {
case V_automatic:
case V_AUTO:
tag[V_auto] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_bar:
tag[V_gold] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_beer:
case V_fourex:
case V_Fourex:
tag[V_can] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_cockroaches:
tag[V_PLURAL] = TRUE ;
tag[V_cockroach] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_diamond:
tag[V_ring] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_doormat:
tag[V_mat] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_drop:
tag[V_bear] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_everything:
tag[V_all] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_lager:
tag[V_bottle] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_fuse:
tag[V_cap] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_gleeps:
tag[V_PLURAL] = TRUE ;
tag[V_gleep] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_hoop:
tag[V_snake] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_M16:
case V_m16:
case V_gun:
tag[V_rifle] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_kangaroos:
tag[V_PLURAL] = TRUE ;
tag[V_kangaroo] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_magazine:
case V_ammo:
tag[V_clip] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_mail:
case V_envelope:
tag[V_letter] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_matches:
tag[V_PLURAL] = TRUE ;
tag[V_match] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_Ned:
case V_kelly:
case V_Kelly:
tag[V_ned] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_off_q:
tag[V_off] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_on_q:
tag[V_on] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_plan:
tag[V_map] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_painting:
tag[V_picture] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_doors:
tag[V_PLURAL] = TRUE ;
tag[V_door] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_pills:
case V_packet:
tag[V_PLURAL] = TRUE ;
case V_atropine:
tag[V_pill] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_safety:
case V_SAFE:
tag[V_safe] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_silver:
tag[V_coin] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_spinifexes:
tag[V_PLURAL] = TRUE ;
tag[V_spinifex] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_stick:
tag[V_dynamite] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_switch:
tag[V_button] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_treasure:
tag[V_all] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_I:
tag[V_single] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_III:
tag[V_triple] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_zero:
tag[V_0] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_forty_nine:
tag[V_49] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_sixty_seven:
tag[V_67] = TRUE ;
continue ;
case V_eighty_two:
tag[V_82] = TRUE ;
continue ;
continue ;
} /* end of sentence tag word scan */
verb = sent[0] ;
return ;
} /* --- end of "parse" subroutine --- */
void purge(k_start, k_finish)
/* */
/* Sentence Purging Subroutine */
/* */
/* Version: Mk 1.0 3 March 1990 */
/* */
int k_start, *k_finish ;
register int k ;
int k_end ;
k_end = *k_finish ;
for (k = k_start; k <= k_end-1; k++) sent[k] = sent[k+1] ;
*k_finish = --k_end ;
} /* --- end of "purge" subroutine --- */
void filler()
/* */
/* Looker Subroutine */
/* */
/* Version: Mk 1.0 18 August 1989 */
/* */
if (tag[V_VERB_ONLY]) {
printf("Fill what?\n") ;
return ;
if (tag[V_can]) {
if (object[O_can][J_loc] != B_have)
printf("You don't have the Fourex can in your possession!\n") ;
else printf("I can't do it! There's a hole in the can's bottom.\n") ;
return ;
if (tag[V_bottle]) {
if (object[O_bottle][J_loc] != B_have)
printf("You don't have the bottle in your possession!\n") ;
else printf("I can't do it! The bottle has a crack in it's bottom.\n");
return ;
printf("I can't fill that!\n") ;
} /* --- end of the "filler" subroutine --- */
void looker(n)
/* */
/* Looker Subroutine */
/* */
/* Version: Mk 1.0 18 August 1989 */
/* */
int n ;
#ifdef __TURBOC__
void long_descp(int), describe(int), objlooker(int), gleeper(int) ;
void actor(int), rdtxt(int) ;
int m ;
/* an isolated "look" means to just look at the room */
if (tag[V_VERB_ONLY]) {
/* goto long description test*/
if ((room[n][M_rm_type] == T_was_long)||(n == R_lift_inside))
else describe (n) ;
objlooker(n) ; /* Check if there are objects in the room */
gleeper(n) ; /* check for gleeps and update the gleep count */
/* describe unmovable action objects and status */
if (room[n][M_rm_type] == T_action_obj) actor(n) ;
return ;
/* Gleep tank */
if (tag[V_tank]) {
if (n == R_gleep_tank) {
printf("You look inside the gleep tank and see a blue fluid which\n") ;
printf("smells of chlorine") ;
if (gleep_score == 0) {
printf(".\n") ;
return ;
if (gleep_score == 1) {
printf(" and a single gleep submerged in the fluid.\n") ;
return ;
printf(" and %d gleeps submerged in the fluid.\n",
gleep_score) ;
return ;
else {
printf("There is no gleep tank here!\n") ;
return ;
/* wall safe */
if (tag[V_safe]) {
if ((n == R_office_mang)&&
(room[R_office_mang][M_rm_status] >= S_revealed)) {
m = O_safe ;
else printf("I see no safe here for me to describe.\n");
return ;
for (;;) {
/* map from the manager's office */
if (tag[V_map]) {
m = O_map_frag ;
break ;
/* Fourex can */
if (tag[V_can]) {
m = O_can ;
break ;
/* Atropine pills */
if (tag[V_pill]) {
m = O_pills ;
break ;
/* Qadaffi's letter bomb */
if (tag[V_letter]) {
m = O_letter ;
break ;
/* paper from the safe */
if (tag[V_paper]) {
m = O_paper ;
break ;
/* ammo clip */
if (tag[V_clip]) {
m = O_clip ;
break ;
/* orange clip */
if (tag[V_org_clip]) {
m = O_org_clip ;
break ;
/* rifle */
if (tag[V_rifle]) {
m = O_rifle ;
break ;
/* Semtex detector */
if (tag[V_detector]) {
m = O_detector ;
break ;
/* Deal with unreadable objects */
printf("There is nothing more that I can describe about it.\n");
return ;
} /* end of infinite for block */
if (object[m][J_loc] == B_have) rdtxt(m);
printf("I can examine an object only if it is in my possession.\n");
} /* --- end of the "looker" subroutine --- */
void pass()
/* */
/* Password Subroutine */
/* */
/* Version: Mk 1.0 29 July 1989 */
/* */
#ifdef __TURBOC__
void exit(int);
char getch(void) ;
register int i ;
char chr ;
static char *passwd = "2Xngootx7Ysd4Du9" ;
/* Request password */
printf("Enter password: ") ;
#ifndef __TURBOC__
for (i = 2; i <= 7; i++) {
chr = getchar() ;
if (chr+i-1 != passwd[i]) exit(0) ;
if (getchar() != '\n') exit(0) ;
printf(".\n") ; /* indicate that the password was accepted */
#ifdef __TURBOC__
for (i = 2; i <= 7; i++) {
chr = getch() ;
if (chr+i-1 != passwd[i]) {
for (;;) if (getch() == 3) break ;
printf("\r \n") ;
exit(0) ;
printf("\r. \n") ;
sw_wizard = TRUE ; /* toggle wizard switch */
} /* --- end of the "pass" subroutine */