Usenet 1994 January
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Comments on the Revised Version of Dinkum
5 January 1993
This version of Dinkum (Ver. 2.3) has several slight improvements
perceptible to the user and significant improvements perceptible to the
programmer. Because the improvements are slight from the user's
perspective, a non-programming user should not delete the older version
of Dinkum until it has been established that this newer version will
compile on the user's computer. The user will notice some minor bugs
corrected and there being more "Australia content" in the above ground,
pre-game component of Dinkum. There were some fairly glaring omissions
in the earlier version of the game concerning Australia content, i.e.
there is a road in Dinkum but the earlier version had no road trains or
dead kangaroos (the two most striking characteristics of Australian
roads). Many people complained about the lack of a Save command in
Dinkum. My original omission of the Save command was deliberate. The
two main reasons why people play a text adventure game is either to be a
an active participant in an action/fantasy story or to experience
communicating through natural language to a computer. Both of these
aspects are defeated by using a Save command. However my impression is
that many people insist on having a Save command and won't play the game
if it isn't there. Consequently I've come up with a compromise. If you
start the game by typing "dinkum -s" rather than simply "dinkum" then the
game creates a "data recorder" which appears in the beginning of the
game. The data recorder acts like a tape recorder allowing the user to
save moves and play them back in the current or later games. The
generated file is in ASCII format and can be edited after finishing
Dinkum. Type "examine recorder" after having taken it and Dinkum will
explain how to use it. This data recorder has a couple of important
limitations: Unlike most adventure games, Dinkum is dynamic, viz. the
game changes every time you play it. So if you record a script for a
game which takes you to a room where you find a weapon and then to
another room where you find a monster, then the next time you use that
script you may find the monster where you previously found the weapon
(leading to a fairly short game). The other limitation of the data
recorder is if you use the "dinkum -s" switch then you will not be
admitted into the end game with the consequence being that "winning"
Dinkum is impossible. To win Dinkum you must play it "on your own"
without the unfair advantage of script files and a data recorder.
In the "dinkum -h" help description I have a strict "NO MODIFICATION"
rule for Dinkum. This rule is to protect myself against people hacking
on Dinkum and releasing to the public indecent or buggy versions of the
game with my name on it. Despite this rule I strongly encourage people
to hack on Dinkum provided they comment all of their modifications and
don't release their hacked versions directly to the public. If you think
you have an improvement to Dinkum then please send me a copy and if I
agree that it benefits the game then I'll incorporate it into the next
release with suitable acknowledgements to yourself.
I've significantly improved the coding style of Dinkum from the earlier
version, i.e. you won't find a single "goto" in Dinkum. Dinkum is much
better structured than it was before and makes better use of the C
programming language. Dinkum has lots of scope for improvement and is
still full of blemishes. However I would like to limit the scope of
modifications to Dinkum in some significant ways: First, no enhancement
to Dinkum can be allowed that reduces portability. If anything
portability needs to be enhanced. Dinkum is designed for both the Unix
and DOS operating systems. Dinkum will presently compile without
warnings in DOS/TURBO-C Ver. 2, Sun OS, IBM RISC/6000, 386BSD and on the
SGI Iris. The Dinkum executable must remain a single file and be small
enough that the uncompressed DOS executable can fit on a double sided,
double density floppy disk. This insures naive DOS users with old PCs
can easily use Dinkum. The central layout of the game from the user's
perspective should remain unchanged. Improvements should focus instead
on enhancing natural language recognition, for example: Dinkum can not
currently support compound sentences, i.e. "Take the whidjitty grub after
lifting the rock and eat the grub". Dinkum does not really support
questions, i.e. a character appears and the user asks the character "How
do I unlock the door?". Questions represent an entirely different syntax
from imperative commands. Also question answering capability would allow
for inclusion of an ELIZA type subroutine for responding to questions not
accounted for in the game's context. This could allow for the game going
through many question/answer cycles before failing the Turing test.
There are many words and synonyms that Dinkum does not recognize even
though these words appear in the game. Anyway these are the improvements
I would like to see in Dinkum and over the years will probably write them
in myself if someone else doesn't beat me to it. Any suggestions or
software contributions along these lines would be gratefully received.
I hope you enjoy playing Dinkum. If you succeed in winning at Dinkum (it
isn't easy) then please let me know, my address appears if you type
"dinkum -h".
Gary A. Allen, Jr.