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- Subject: UUNET comp.sources.misc Archives
- If you have questions about the structure of articles posted to c.s.misc,
- please retrieve a current description and policy INF posting. To do this
- via the netlib email server:
- echo "send volume41/intro41 from comp.sources.misc" | mail netlib@uunet.uu.net
- The following volumes are available. The current volume is 41.
- Directories:
- volume1 volume2 volume3 volume4 volume5 volume6
- volume7 volume8 volume9 volume10 volume11 volume12
- volume13 volume14 volume15 volume16 volume17 volume18
- volume19 volume20 volume21 volume22 volume23 volume24
- volume25 volume26 volume27 volume28 volume29 volume30
- volume31 volume32 volume33 volume34 volume35 volume36
- volume37 volume38 volume39 volume40 volume41
- Files:
- index index.1-20 shareware
- UUNET archives do not archive Shareware postings. You will not find them here.
- To get a list of shareware posted to comp.sources.misc:
- echo "send shareware from comp.sources.misc" | mail netlib@uunet.uu.net
- The Archive-name is what the moderator has named the posting and reflects
- the location of the packages within the volume they are listed.
- Due to the size of the index I have had to split it into two different
- files so that they can make it through the email systems. This file
- contains volume index information for volumes 12 and up. The other
- index file, index.1.20 contains the index for the first 20 volumes.
- For ftp access ...
- Please access the archives via ftp.uu.net. cd to the appropriate volume
- directory and "get" the file you want. The archives on uunet are compressed
- so you might want to assure binary mode is enabled prior to the get (default).
- For email access via netlib....
- A mail message containing the following two lines as the body will get
- the complete index sent back via email.
- send index from comp.sources.misc
- send index.1-20 from comp.sources.misc
- Each volume directory contains a file named "index". index is a listing of
- the individual issues posted and archived within the volume. If you need to
- get an index listing for a specific volume mail a request of the type..
- send volume41/index from comp.sources.misc
- NOTE: For netlib access, you need to prefix the filename of the issue
- you are requesting with the volume number. E.g.
- For example, to get a copy of lc, searching for lc in the following index
- shows that there are 2 parts in volume 14 and 2 patchs in volume16.
- Send a mail message to netlib@uunet.uu.net (or uunet!netlib) with the
- following as the body of the message.
- send volume14/lc/part01 from comp.sources.misc
- send volume14/lc/part02 from comp.sources.misc
- send volume16/lc/patch1 from comp.sources.misc
- send volume16/lc/patch2 from comp.sources.misc
- Good luck and if you have archive access questions or problems, send mail to
- kent@uunet.uu.net. If you have software problems with the retrieved software,
- unless I wrote it, send mail to the author or /nev/dull :-).
- -Kent+
- kent@uunet.uu.net
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume21 (Period: 19 Jul 91 - 11 Aug 91)
- cloops/part[01-03] cloops - Livermore Loops in C
- ecu/part[01-37] ecu - ECU async comm package rev 3.10
- ecuman/part0[1-4] ecuman - Manual for ECU comm package rev 3.10
- gensys/part01 gensys - automate Cnews sys file generation
- inactive/part01 inactive - program to find inactive accounts
- indent/part[01-03] indent - BSD Indent with C++ support
- intro21 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx21v1-7 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume1 through Volume7
- indx21v8-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume8 through Volume14
- indx21v15-20 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume20
- gnuchess/patch02 gnuchess - gnuchess version 3.1+
- libiexec/part01 libiexec - `#!' support for non-BSD systems'
- lprps/part01 lprps - interface lpr to a PostScript printer
- mailmerge/part01 mailmerge - Mailmerge written in awk
- malloc-debug/part01 malloc-debug - Debugging malloc package
- mced/part01 mced - C-shell history command line editor
- midilib/part[01-02] midilib - Read and write MIDI files in MMA standard format
- msort/part01 msort - A flexible sort in perl
- newmat02/part[00-03] newmat02 - A matrix package in C++
- newspack/part01 newspack - Perl checkgroups and sendbatches, for C News
- patchlog21 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- pscmenu/part[01-02] pscmenu - tty based menu system v2.0
- procmail2.10/patch01 procmail2.10 - mail processing program v2.10
- remind/patch02 remind - A replacement for calendar
- rayshade/part[00-19] rayshade - A raytracing package for UNIX
- rotate_log/patch02 rotate_log - logfile management utility
- sipp/part[01-08] sipp - A 3D rendering library v2.1
- thought/part0[1-2] thought - A replacement for 'fortune'
- uoodoo/part01 maintain directory of symlinks to home directories
- wacco/patch02 wacco - A C++ LL parser generator
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume22 (Period: 12 Aug 91 - 20 Sep 91)
- XlsX/part0[1-2] XlsX - Maintain archive description files
- aff/part01 aff - Inspirational Shell utility
- agetty/part01 agetty - SysVR2/SunOS4 smart getty command
- archie/part0[0-4] archie - A Prospero client for archie
- average/part01 average - average data in multiple input files
- back-prop/part0[1-4] back-prop - Fast Backpropagation
- beav/part0[1-9] beav - Binary file editor and viewer
- bibleref/patch01 Word and passage retrievals from King James Bible
- bigb/part01 bigb - A security daemon for SCO Unix
- cdmount/part01 cdmount - Giving general users access to CDROM
- cdmount2/part01 cdmount2 - Giving general users access to CDROM
- crack/part0[1-4] crack - The Password Cracker, version 3.2a
- crefine/part0[1-4] crefine - C-Refine preprocessor
- ecu/patch01[a-c] ecu - ECU async comm package rev 3.10
- ecu/patch02 ecu - ECU async comm package rev 3.10
- ecu/patch03[a-c] ecu - ECU async comm package rev 3.10
- ecu/patch04[a-b] ecu - ECU async comm package rev 3.10
- ecu/patch05[a-e] ecu - ECU async comm package rev 3.10
- ecu/patch06 ecu - ECU async comm package rev 3.10
- envelope/part01 envelope - Perl Envelope Addresser tool
- fir/part01 fir - FIR Linear Phase Filter Design
- ftape/part01 ftape - fast 'end user' tape program for ISC Unix wt-driver
- intro22 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx22v1-7 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume1 through Volume7
- indx22v8-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume8 through Volume14
- indx22v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- iozone/part01 iozone - sequential file I/O benchmark
- gademo/part01 Genetic Algorithm for unconstrained nonlinear maximisation
- gnuchess/patch03 gnuchess - gnuchess version 3.1+
- m2latex/part0[1-3] m2latex - Generate LaTex source from Pascal or Modula-2
- mailclean/part01 mailclean - Unix mail spool management package
- mntdisk/part0[1-3] mntdisk - Allow general users to mount disks
- n3emo-orbit/patch02 n3emo-orbit - track earth satellites
- newsbreak/part01 newsbreak - unpack source and binary group postings
- nfsxopen/part01 nfsxopen - NFS secure exclusive open lib v1.1
- omfdump/part01 omfdump - Intel object file analyzer
- oraperl/patch02 oraperl - Extensions to Perl to access Oracle databases
- parseargs/patch08 parseargs - functions to parse command line arguments
- patchlog22 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- perl_archie/part01 perl_archie - an archie client in perl
- popi/part0[1-9] popi - The Digital Darkroom
- prtscrn/part01 prtscrn - screen dump utility for SCO UNIX/XENIX
- pscmenu/part0[1-2] pscmenu - tty based menu system v2.1
- psutils/part0[1-2] psutils - Postscript document manipulation tools
- remind/patch03 remind - A replacement for calendar
- rndname4/part01 rndname4 - Random name generator for RPGs, Version 4
- sc/patch01[a-b] sc - The SC Spreadsheet, release 6.16
- sc/patch02 sc - The SC Spreadsheet
- smount/part01 smount - secure mounting
- smount1.1/part01 smount1.1 - secure mounting
- thought/patch0[1-2] thought - A replacement for 'fortune'
- u386mon/part0[1-7] u386mon - Sys V Rel 3.x Performance Monitor rev 2.40
- u386mon/patch01 u386mon - Sys V Rel 3.x Performance Monitor rev 2.40
- unpackmaps/part01 unpackmaps - A secure comp.mail.maps unpacker
- wp2x/part0[1-03] wp2x - WordPerfect4.2 to Whatever converter
- bsnews/part01 bsnews - Bootstrap News v2.1
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume23 (Period: 20 Sep 91 - 23 Oct 91)
- afio/part0[1-2] afio - Manipulate CPIO-format archive and files
- asp/part0[1-2] asp - The .plan description language
- crack/part0[1-5] crack - The Password Cracker, version 3.3c
- intro23 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx23v1-7 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume1 through Volume7
- indx23v8-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume8 through Volume14
- indx23v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx23v22 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22
- ison/part01 ison - be informed when a user logs on
- log_tcp/part01 log_tcp - Package to monitor TCP/UDP connections
- jgraph/patch06[a-b] jgraph - A filter for plotting postscript graphs
- jgraph/patch06.1 jgraph - A filter for plotting postscript graphs
- lyapunov/part01 lyapunov - Calculate maps of lyapunov space
- pascal/part0[1-3] pascal - Public domain Pascal Compiler and Interpreter
- patchlog23 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- pbm.repost pbm.repost - Problems with pbmplus postings
- pbmplus/part0[1-24] pbmplus - Extended Portable Bitmap Toolkit
- pbmplus/patch05oct91 pbmplus - Extended Portable Bitmap Toolkit
- psutils/patch01 psutils - Postscript document manipulation tools
- quranref/part0[1-8] quranref - Holy Qur'an word and passage based retrievals
- rayshade/patch0[1-2] rayshade - A raytracing package for UNIX
- rc/part0[1-6] rc - A Plan 9 shell reimplementation
- sc/patch03 sc - The SC Spreadsheet
- sigrnd/part01 sigrnd - signature randomizer v4.0
- smiley/part01 smiley - smiley server, version 4
- texindex/part01 texindex - generate index for LaTeX
- tin/part0[0-9] tin - threaded full screen newsreader v1.0 PL2
- tin/patch03[a-d] tin - threaded full screen newsreader
- tin/patch04[a-b] tin - threaded full screen newsreader
- tin/patch05[a-d] tin - threaded full screen newsreader
- tua/part0[1-5] tua - The Uucp Analyzer
- ufc-crypt/part0[1-2] ufc-crypt - fast crypt/fcrypt routines
- unproto/part0[1-2] unproto - ANSI C to old C
- xenix-gnu/part0[1-3] xenix-gnu - Xenix 386 patchkit for GCC / GAS and GDB
- zip/part0[1-9] zip - Portable zip v1.0
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume24 (Period: 24 Oct 91 - 02 Nov 91)
- bsnews/patch01 bsnews - Bootstrap News v2.1
- dvorak/part01 dvorak - MS-DOS TSR for Dvorak keyboard
- gnucalc/part[01-56] gnucalc - GNU Emacs Calculator, v2.00
- gnuplot3/part[01-26] gnuplot3 - interactive function plotting utility
- intro24 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx24v1-7 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume1 through Volume7
- indx24v8-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume8 through Volume14
- indx24v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx24v22-23 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume23
- mced/part01 mced - C-shell history command line editor v2.0
- patchlog24 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- zsh2.1/part[01-19] zsh2.1 - The Z shell
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume25 (Period: 02 Nov 91 - 16 Nov 91)
- QBATCH/part0[1-6] QBATCH - a queued batch processing system for UNIX
- QBATCH/patch01[a-b] QBATCH - a queued batch processing system for UNIX
- crack/part0[1-5] crack - The Password Cracker, version 4.0a
- dvi/patch02 dvi - C++ DVI filter for HP LaserJets
- freeze/part0[1-2] freeze - Freeze/melt compression program
- genmake/part01 genmake - automatically generate a Makefile
- genmake/patch0[1-2] genmake - automatically generate a Makefile
- intro25 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx25v1-7 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume1 through Volume7
- indx25v8-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume8 through Volume14
- indx25v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx25v22-24 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume24
- input-edit/part01 C input functions for line editing with history
- iozone/part01 iozone - sequential file I/O benchmark, v1.12
- ison/part01 ison - Be informed when a specified user logs on
- ixobeeper/part01 ixobeeper - Talk to alpha-numeric pager from Unix
- jgraph/patch06.2 jgraph - A filter for plotting postscript graphs
- login/part0[1-2] login replacement for Interactive or AT&T SysV/386
- newsbreak/part01 newsbreak - unpack source and binary group postings
- oraperl/patch03[a-b] oraperl - Extensions to Perl to access Oracle databases
- patchlog25 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- pbmplus/patch30oct91 pbmplus - Extended Portable Bitmap Toolkit
- pclcomp/part0[1-2] pclcomp - HP-PCL Compression Filter
- pdksh/part0[1-9] pdksh - Public Domain Korn Shell, v4
- perl/patch1[1-9] perl - The perl programming language
- procmail/part0[1-4] procmail - mail processing program v2.31
- remind/patch04 remind - A replacement for calendar
- shql/part01 shql - Interactively read and execute SQL commands
- st01scsi/part0[1-2] st01scsi - DOS SCSI Driver for the Seagate ST-01, v2.0
- sybperl/part01 sybperl - Sybase DB-Library extensions to Perl
- tcl/part[01-33] tcl - tool command language, version 6.1
- ted/part0[1-7] ted - Terminfo/termcap test program
- unidiff/part01 unidiff - Unified diff utilities version 1.1
- wacco/patch03 wacco - A C++ LL parser generator
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume26 (Period: 16 Nov 91 - 23 Dec 91)
- QBATCH/patch02 QBATCH - a queued batch processing system for UNIX
- QBATCH/patch03[a-b] QBATCH - a queued batch processing system for UNIX
- archie/part0[1-5] archie - A Prospero client for Archie, v1.2
- asciixmas/part01 asciixmas - a curses Christmas card
- beav/part0[1-9] beav - Binary file editor and viewer, v1.32
- beavdoc.tex/part0[1-2] beavdoc.tex - LaTeX User Guide for BEAV Binary Editor
- beavdoc.tex/patch01 beavdoc.tex - LaTeX User Guide for BEAV Binary Editor
- bintools/part01 bintools - binary mail/post tools
- c++2latex/part0[1-3] c++2latex - a C++ to LaTeX converter
- crack/patch01 crack - The Password Cracker, version 4.0a
- em/part01 em - expire mail messages
- feedpipe/part01 feedpipe - feed a process to a pipe
- freeze/patch01 freeze - Freeze/melt compression program
- freeze/patch01.1 freeze - Freeze/melt compression program
- gnucalc/patch01 gnucalc - GNU Emacs Calculator
- hp2pbm/part0[1-3] hp2pbm - HP PCL to Portable Bit Map converter
- intro26 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx26v1-7 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume1 through Volume7
- indx26v8-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume8 through Volume14
- indx26v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx26v22-25 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume25
- input-edit/patch01 input-edit - C input functions for line editing with history
- login/patch01 login - login replacement for Interactive or AT&T SysV/386
- newmat04/part0[1-5] newmat04 - A matrix package in C++
- oraperl/patch04 oraperl - Extensions to Perl to access Oracle databases
- parseargs/patch09[a-b] parseargs - functions to parse command line arguments
- parseargs/patch10 parseargs - functions to parse command line arguments
- patchlog26 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- pbmplus/patch10dec91/part0[1-5] pbmplus - Extended Portable Bitmap Toolkit, Patch10dec91
- pdksh/patch01[a-b] pdksh - Public Domain Korn Shell, Version 4
- pico/part01 pico - A picture editor for SGI, Sun
- psimail/part0[1-2] psimail - UNIX-VMS PSI Mailer
- pstext/part01 pstext - a small ascii to postscript converter
- scamper/part[01-10] scamper - Cellular Automata Simulator
- shadow/part[01-11] shadow - Shadow Password Suite
- shadow/patch01 shadow - Shadow Password Suite
- tcl/patch01 tcl - tool command language, version 6.1
- tclx/part[01-23] tclx - extensions and on-line help for tcl 6.1
- tin/patch06[a-e] tin - threaded full screen newsreader
- tin/patch07[a-b] tin - threaded full screen newsreader
- unproto/part0[1-2] unproto - compile ANSI C with old C compiler
- wroff/part0[1-5] wroff - text formatter for HP LaserJet with PDS 25-font cartridge
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume27 (Period: 23 Dec 91 - 29 Jan 92)
- archie/part0[1-6] archie - A client to query the Archie FTP databases, v1.3.1
- bam/part0[1-2] bam - Open Look Menu System for GNU Emacs
- center/part01 center - Center text on stdout
- center.pl/part01 center.pl - Center text on terminal in perl
- dmake/part[00-41] dmake - dmake Version 3.8
- dmake_post dmake_post - Trouble posting dmake version 3.8
- gcom/part0[1-7] gcom - GEDCOM genealogical database merge utility, v1
- genmake/part01 genmake - automatically generate a Makefile, v1.1
- gnuplot3/patch01 gnuplot3 - interactive function plotting utility
- hp2pbm/patch01 hp2pbm - HP PCL to Portable Bit Map converter
- intro27 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx27v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume1 through Volume7
- indx27v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume8 through Volume14
- indx27v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx27v22-26 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume26
- oraperl/patch05 oraperl - Extensions to Perl to access Oracle databases
- patchlog27 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- pp-6.0/part[00-42] pp-6.0 - Message Transfer Agent
- psf3/part0[0-9] psf3 - Postscript print filter system, v3
- regexpr/part01 regexpr - regexp library compatible with gnu regex
- reroute/part01 reroute - HDB uucp mail rerouting program
- sfs/part[01-21] sfs - Space Flight Simulator
- unproto/part0[1-2] unproto - ANSI C with traditional UNIX C compiler
- xtink/part01 xtink - tinkbell for X systems
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume28 (Period: 31 Jan 92 - 22 Mar 92)
- advise/part0[1-2] advise - Attach to another user, v2.0
- assistant assistant - Encryption Sources and the New Backup Moderator
- astrolog/part0[1-6] astrolog - Generation of astrology charts v2.10
- backprop/part0[1-4] backprop - Fast Backpropagation
- cdreader/part01 cdreader - Audio CD player for SGI's
- cdreader/patch0[1-2] cdreader - Audio CD player for SGI's
- cfx/part0[1-2] cfx - Cp/m File eXpress, v1.1.0
- cproto/part0[1-2] cproto - generate C function prototypes v3
- cproto/patch01 cproto - generate C function prototypes v3
- crack/part0[1-5] crack - The Unix Password Cracker, version 4.1
- crc16/part01 crc16 - Generate 16-bit CRC checksums
- ephem/part0[1-9] ephem - an interactive astronomical ephemeris, v4.28
- freeze/patch02 freeze - Freeze/melt compression program
- freeze/patch03 freeze - Freeze/melt compression program vers. 2.3
- gnufusers/part01 gnufusers - a program to keep an eye on people
- hp2pbm/patch02 hp2pbm - HP PCL to Portable Bit Map converter
- inpdos/part01 inpdos - inpaths for MS-DOS/unix
- intro28 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx28v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume1 through Volume7
- indx28v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume8 through Volume14
- indx28v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx28v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- input-edit/part01 input-edit - C input functions for line editing with history
- iozone/part01 iozone - IOzone V1.14 - file I/O benchmark
- jgraph/patch07.[0-3] jgraph - A filter for plotting postscript graphs
- #
- # So as not to confuse you... There was no jgraph/patch07.4.
- # It went from patch7.3 to patch7.5.
- #
- jgraph/patch07.5 jgraph - A filter for plotting postscript graphs
- ldb/part0[1-5] ldb - Play backgammon by e-mail
- librb/part01 librb - red-black tree data structure routines
- mbase/part0[1-5] mbase - Multiuser C database engine v4.0
- mksheet/part0[1-4] mksheet - GURPS PS character sheet maker v2.0
- mksheet/patch01a mksheet - GURPS PS character sheet maker v2.0
- mksheet.err mksheet patch01 posting error
- mush/patch04[a-b] mush - Mail User's Shell
- mvalloc/part01 mvalloc - matrix/vector allocator in C
- notation/part0[1-4] notation - chess preprocessor v3.9
- patchlog28 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- perlref/part0[1-3] perlref - Perl Reference Guide 4.019.1
- psf3/patch01[a-b] psf3 - Postscript print filter system
- psf3/patch02 psf3 - Postscript print filter system
- procmail/part0[1-5] procmail - mail processing program v2.61
- rayshade/patch0[3-6] rayshade - A raytracing package for UNIX
- rec/part01 rec - Format recipes in LaTeX
- screen-3.2/part[01-11] screen-3.2 - multiple windows on an ASCII terminal
- shadow/patch0[2-3] shadow - Shadow Login Suite
- ssh/part01 ssh - Split & Strip appended shell archives
- ssh-1.2/part01 ssh-1.2 - Split & Strip appended shell archives
- ssh-1.3/part01 ssh-1.3 - Split & Strip appended shell archives
- sybperl/part01 sybperl - Sybase DB-library extensions to Perl
- ticktalk/part01 ticktalk - display time in English, French or Afrikaans
- tin/part[01-11] tin - threaded full screen newsreader v1.1
- ufc-crypt/part0[1-2] ufc-crypt - fast crypt/fcrypt routines
- unproto/patch01 unproto - ANSI C with traditional UNIX C compiler
- uureroute/part01 uureroute - Reroute HDB queued mail
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume29 (Period: 22 Mar 92 - 20 May 92 )
- archie/patch01 archie - A client to query the Archie FTP databases
- cproto/part0[1-2] cproto - generate C function prototypes v3PL2
- cproto/patch03 cproto - generate C function prototypes v3
- descore/part01 descore - high performance DES core routines
- gs45/part01 gs45 - driver for Genius GS4500 hand scanner under SysV/386
- hp2pbm/patch03 hp2pbm - HP PCL to Portable Bit Map converter
- intro29 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx29v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume1 through Volume7
- indx29v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume8 through Volume14
- indx29v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx29v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- indx29v28 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume28
- jpeg/part[01-18] jpeg - JPEG image compression
- libdes/part0[1-4] libdes - DES encryption library
- libdes/patch0[1-2] libdes - DES encryption library
- loancalc/part01 loancalc - a loan calculator
- ls_archive/part01 ls_archive - produce ls-like (but better) listings of archives
- mbox/part[01-10] mbox - A Bulletin Board System for UNIX and MINIX
- nruff/part01 nruff - text formatter for KXP-1124
- parseargs/part[00-10] parseargs - functions to parse command line arguments
- patchlog29 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- pdksh/patch02[a-b] pdksh - Public Domain Korn Shell, v4
- pdksh/patch03[a-e] pdksh - Public Domain Korn Shell, v4
- pdksh/patch0[4-5] pdksh - Public Domain Korn Shell, v4
- persim/part0[1-3] persim - Single-Layer Perceptron Simulator
- procmail/part0[1-5] procmail - mail processing program v2.70
- psutils/patch02 psutils - Postscript document manipulation tools
- regex-glob/part01 regex-glob - A *IX sh style REGEX Globber
- regexpr/patch01 regexpr - regexp library compatible with gnu regex
- remind/patch05 remind - A replacement for calendar
- rkive/patch02 rkive - Usenet sources archiver
- shadow/patch04[a-c] shadow - Shadow Login Suite
- ssh-1.3/patch01 ssh-1.3 - Split & Strip appended shell archives
- therm/part01 therm - simple ASCII graphic display of numerical data
- tin/part[01-12] tin - threaded full screen newsreader v1.1P1
- tin/patch02[a-d] tin - threaded full screen newsreader v1.1 PL2
- unzip/part[01-12] unzip - Info-ZIP's portable UnZip v4.2
- zsh2.2/part[01-17] zsh2.2 - The Z shell
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume30 (Period: 20 May 92 - 06 Jul 92)
- ascgif/part01 ascgif - ASCII gif viewer for mainframes
- astrolog/part0[1-8] astrolog - Generation of astrology charts v2.25
- bintools/part01 bintools - binary mail/post tools
- cproto/patch04 cproto - generate C function prototypes v3
- fplan-1.3/part0[1-4] fplan-1.3 - Fplan 1.3 (Flight Planner)
- freeze/patch04 freeze - Freeze/melt compression program v.2.3
- icontact/part01 icontact - perl script to create contact sheets of images
- indent/part0[1-4] indent - C/C++ indent for UNIX, OS/2 and MSDOS
- intro30 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx30v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume1 through Volume7
- indx30v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume8 through Volume14
- indx30v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx30v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- indx30v28-29 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume28 through Volume29
- iozone/part01 iozone - IOzone V1.15 benchmark of sequential file I/O
- gnuplot3/patch02[a-g] gnuplot3 - interactive function plotting utility
- langmml/part01 langmml - turn Language List into a Framemaker document
- life/part01 life - fast pixel-level life for b&w Sun screen
- linkedlist/part01 linkedlist - Generic Linked List Tool
- log_tcp/part0[1-2] log_tcp - TCP/IP daemon wrapper
- log_tcp/patch01 log_tcp - TCP/IP daemon wrapper
- mibcc/part0[1-2] mibcc - SNMP MIB Compiler
- mserv-3.0/part0[1-4] mserv-3.0 - Squirrel Mail Server Software
- netvote/part01 netvote - USENET Newsgroup Voting Software
- oraperl-v2/part0[1-5] oraperl-v2 - Extensions to Perl to access Oracle database
- oraperl-v2/patch01 oraperl-v2 - Extensions to Perl to access Oracle database
- parseargs/patch1[2-3] parseargs - functions to parse command line arguments
- patchlog30 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- pclcomp/part0[1-2] pclcomp - HP-PCL Compression Filter
- pcmail2/patch04 pcmail2 - PC-MAIL release 2
- perl/patch[20-34] perl - The perl programming language
- prtscrn2/part01 prtscrn2 - screen dump utility for SCO UNIX/XENIX
- psf3/patch03[a-d] psf3 - Postscript print filter system
- qdos_utils/part01 qdos_utils - Sinclair QL (QDOS) utility sources
- radio2.0/part0[1-2] radio2.0 - Broadcast FM/AM over Local Area Network
- rc/part0[1-7] rc - A Plan 9 shell reimplementation, v1.4
- sc/patch04[a-b] sc - The SC Spreadsheet
- sendopr/part01 sendopr - Send messages to the operator
- shadow/patch05 shadow - Shadow Login/Password Suite
- sybperl/patch05 sybperl - Sybase DB-library extensions to Perl
- tin/part01 tin - threaded full screen newsreader
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume31 (Period: 06 Jul 92 - 02 Sep 92)
- backprop/part0[1-4] backprop - Fast Backpropagation
- bam/part0[1-7] bam - [OpenLook|Athena] menu system for [GNU|Epoch|Lucid] Emacs
- bsnews/part01 bsnews - Bootstrap News v2.2
- cmdline/part0[0-7] cmdline - C++ Library for parsing command-line arguments
- dlhunter/part01 dlhunter - news binary extraction utility v2.02
- editline/part01 editline - Small line-editing library
- flow/part0[1-5] flow - Fortran Structure Analysers
- freeze/patch05 freeze - Freeze/melt compression program 2.3
- gothic/part01 gothic - Print gothic text v1.6
- horton-1.8/part01 horton-1.8 - whois server & directory builder
- intro31 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx31v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume01 through Volume07
- indx31v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume08 through Volume14
- indx31v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx31v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- indx31v28-30 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume28 through Volume30
- jgraph/part0[1-7] jgraph - A filter for plotting postscript graphs v8.0
- jgraph/patch01 jgraph - A filter for plotting postscript graphs v8.0
- lc/part0[1-2] lc - Categorize and List Files In Columns
- lc/patch01 lc - Categorize and List Files In Columns
- log_tcp/patch02 log_tcp - TCP/IP daemon wrapper
- lprps/part0[1-2] lprps - interface lpr to a PostScript printer
- mbox/part[00-11] mbox - A BBS for UNIX and MINIX v1.6 PL10
- mkskel/part01 mkskel - create a skeleton for commonly used files
- options/part0[1-2] options - C++ library for parsing Unix-style command-lines
- patchlog31 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- pdksh/patch06[a-b] pdksh - Public Domain Korn Shell
- pdksh/patch07 pdksh - Public Domain Korn Shell
- petags/part01 petags - generate emacs TAGS for arbitrary file types
- pgnews/part01 pgnews - Perl NNTP client to save articles into mailbox
- pgnews2/part01 pgnews2 - Perl NNTP client to save articles into mailbox
- plotfoil/part0[1-3] plotfoil - Plot curves (airfoils) using PostScript
- procmail/part0[1-5] procmail - mail processing program v2.71
- tags++/part0[1-3] tags++ - etags/ctags for C and C++, version 1.1
- tin/part[01-15] tin - threaded full screen newsreader v1.1 PL4
- tin/patch05[a-g] tin - threaded full screen newsreader v1.1
- unzip50/part[01-14] unzip50 - Info-ZIP portable UnZip, version 5.0
- var/part0[1-2] var - a C++ string class library
- versions/part01 versions - version number report generator v3.5
- wizunzip/part0[1-6] wizunzip - Info-ZIP WizUnZip v1.2 (MSWindows add-on to UnZip 5.0)
- zcrypt19/part01 zcrypt19 - Info-zip portable zip/unzip (encryption code)
- zip19/part[01-11] zip19 - Info-ZIP portable Zip, version 1.9
- zip19/patch01 zip19 - Info-ZIP portable Zip, version 1.9
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume32 (Period: 02 Sep 92 - 16 Oct 92)
- acronyms/part0[1-4] acronyms - Acronym Database with lookup script
- dbmalloc/part[00-10] dbmalloc - Debug Malloc Library PL14
- detex/part01 detex - filter to strip TeX commands from a .tex file
- ecu/part[01-40] ecu - ECU Asynchronous Communications v3.20
- ecu/patch0[1-3] ecu - ECU Asynchronous Communications v3.20
- ecuman/part0[1-5] ecuman - Manual for ECU comm package rev 3.20
- envelope/part01 envelope - Perl Envelope Addresser tool, v2
- gaps/part01 gaps - The Get and Put System v5.01
- intro32 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx32v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume01 through Volume07
- indx32v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume08 through Volume14
- indx32v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx32v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- indx32v28-31 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume28 through Volume31
- ioccc.1992/part0[1-5] ioccc.1992 - 1992 International Obfuscated C Code Contest winners
- ison/part01 ison - Be informed when a specified user logs on
- jgraph/patch02 jgraph - A filter for plotting postscript graphs v8.0
- lprps/patch01 lprps - interface lpr to a PostScript printer
- mush/patch05[a-c] mush - Mail User's Shell
- oraperl-v2/patch02 oraperl-v2 - Extensions to Perl to access Oracle database
- patchlog32 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- perlref/part0[1-4] perlref - Perl Reference Guide 4.035.1
- pol/part01 pol - a poll() and select() for System Vr3
- qsearch/part01 qsearch - fast substring matching in either direction
- radio2.0/patch01 radio2.0 - Broadcast FM/AM over Local Area Network
- re_strcmp/part01 re_strcmp - extened egrep pattern matching v1.0
- shadow/patch06[a-c] shadow - Shadow Login/Password Suite
- shlm/part01 shlm - shell layer manager, console dump/restore
- sigvi/part01 sigvi - text corruption filter
- tbtree/part01 tbtree - Display directory tree
- waituser/part01 waituser - user logon detector
- wmap2ps/part01 wmap2ps - WorldMap goes PostScript
- xv_ping/part01 xv_ping - OpenLook interface to pinging hosts
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume33 (Period: 16 Oct 92 - 29 Nov 92)
- anon/part01 anon - Anonymous contact system, a short work in 8 shell scripts
- archie/part0[1-7] archie - A client to query the Archie FTP databases, v1.4.1
- bwbasic/part[01-11] bwbasic - Bywater BASIC interpreter version 1.10
- delete/patch15 delete - MIT Athena delete/undelete programs
- ecu/patch04 ecu - ECU Asynchronous Communications v3.20
- flow/patch01 flow - Fortran Structure Analysers
- gaps/part01 gaps - The Get and Put System
- hebcal/part01 hebcal - A Jewish calendar generator
- hebcal-1.2/part01 hebcal-1.2 - A Jewish calendar generator
- icontact/part0[1-2] icontact - perl script to create contact sheets of images
- icontact/patch01 icontact - perl script to create contact sheets of images
- intro33 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx33v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume01 through Volume07
- indx33v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume08 through Volume14
- indx33v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx33v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- indx33v28-32 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume28 through Volume32
- iozone/part01 iozone - IOzone V1.16 sequential file I/O benchmark
- mailagent/part[01-17] mailagent - Rule Based Mail Filtering
- mbase/part0[1-8] mbase - MetalBase 5.0, Portable database engine
- nhup/part01 nhup - another nohup program
- patchlog33 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- pdcurses/part[01-11] pdcurses - Public Domain curses library for DOS and OS/2 v2.0
- problem/part0[0-7] problem - A Problem Database Manager
- problem1.1/part0[1-7] problem1.1 - A Problem Database Manager
- prtscrn2/patch01 prtscrn2 - screen dump utility for SCO UNIX/XENIX
- remind/part[01-12] remind - A replacement for calendar
- tarmail-2.3/part01 tarmail-2.3 - mail files with CRC checking
- tarmail-2.3/patch0[1-2] tarmail-2.3 - mail files with CRC checking
- u386mon/part0[1-9] u386mon - SVR3 performance/status monitor v2.60
- var/part0[1-2] var - C++ class library "var" (v1.1) and "VarMap" (associative arrays)
- vilearn/part01 vilearn - tutorial for vi, v1.0
- xcb-2.1/part01 xcb-2.1 - X cut buffers, v2.1
- xvi/part[01-18] xvi - portable multi-window vi-like editor
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume34 (Period: 29 Nov 92 - 19 Jan 93)
- calgen/part01 calgen - postscript calendar generator
- cproto/patch0[5-6] cproto - generate C function prototypes v3
- fformat/part01 fformat - C++ class for formatting floating point numbers
- flogger/part0[1-2] flogger - Sort Flogger v0.0
- freeze/part0[1-3] freeze - Freeze/melt compression program vers. 2.4
- freeze/patch01 freeze - Freeze/melt compression program vers. 2.4
- fsp/part0[1-4] fsp - Internet archive server and client software
- getwxmap/part01 getwxmap - Retrieve and display Weather satellite maps
- hebcal/part01 hebcal - A Jewish calendar generator
- hpcdtoppm/part01 hpcdtoppm - convert Photo-CD file into portable pixmap v0.3
- iformat/part01 iformat - Fast C++ class for formatting integer numbers
- imagemagick/part[00-26] imagemagick - X11 image processing and display v2.2
- imagemagick/patch01[a-c] imagemagick - X11 image processing and display v2.2
- imagemagick/patch0[2-5] imagemagick - X11 image processing and display v2.2
- intro34 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx34v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume01 through Volume07
- indx34v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume08 through Volume14
- indx34v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx34v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- indx34v28-33 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume28 through Volume33
- ison/part01 ison - Be informed when a specified user logs on
- jpeg/part[01-18] jpeg - JPEG image compression
- mailagent/patch1[3-6] mailagent - Rule Based Mail Filtering
- mserv/part0[1-6] mserv - Squirrel Mail Server Software, version 3.1
- mserv/patch01 mserv - Squirrel Mail Server Software, version 3.1
- ncftp/part0[1-3] ncftp - Alternative User Interface for FTP
- ncftp/patch01 ncftp - Alternative User Interface for FTP
- netuse/part0[1-6] netuse - A Network Host Usage Monitoring System
- newmat06/part0[1-7] newmat06 - A matrix package in C++
- newmat07/part0[1-8] newmat07 - A matrix package in C++
- oraperl-v2/patch03 oraperl-v2 - Extensions to Perl to access Oracle database
- patchlog34 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- pdksh/patch08 pdksh - Public Domain Korn Shell, v4
- remind/patch01[a-b] remind - A replacement for calendar
- rfcget/part01 rfcget - RFC retrieval mechanism
- rfcget/patch01 rfcget - RFC retrieval mechanism
- shareware shareware - Its status in comp.sources.misc
- shql/part01 shql - Interactively read and execute SQL commands, v1.1
- splash/part0[1-3] splash - Small Perl-like List And String Handling class lib, v1.8
- starhp/part0[1-2] starhp - HP-GL/2 StarChart driver
- synclockd/part01 synclockd - Clock synchronization daemons
- unpackmaps/part0[1-2] unpackmaps - A secure comp.mail.maps unpacker
- unzip50/patch01 unzip50 - Info-ZIP portable UnZip, version 5.0
- u386mon/patch01 u386mon - SVR3 performance/status monitor v2.60
- vesa_lib/part01 vesa_lib - A Simple VESA BIOS interface library
- vms_rtl_kbd/part0[1-2] vms_rtl_kbd - single keypress under VMS
- xvertext/part01 xvertext - painting vertical text in an X Window
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume35 (Period: 19 Jan 93 - 4 Mar 93)
- bitio/part0[1-3] bitio - portable bit stream function library
- choosenews/part01 choosenews - Script to select newsgroups to subscribe to
- describe/part0[1-3] describe - File Descriptions
- dis/part0[1-3] dis - SPARC/SunOS disassembler
- ee/part0[1-5] ee - Easy Editor, a simple editor for UNIX
- ee/patch01 ee - Easy Editor, a simple editor for UNIX
- fill/part01 fill - text formatting for your editor
- freeze/part0[1-3] freeze - Freeze/melt compression program, v2.5
- getlongopt/part01 getlongopt - a C++ class for parsing long options
- getwxmap/part01 getwxmap - Retrieve and display Weather satellite maps
- hebcal/part01 hebcal - A Jewish calendar generator, v2.0
- hp4laser/part01 hp4laser - LaserJet II-IV SYSV lp spooler interface for PCL or PS
- intro35 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx35v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume01 through Volume07
- indx35v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume08 through Volume14
- indx35v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx35v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- indx35v28-33 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume28 through Volume33
- indx35v34 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume34
- ipick/part0[1-5] ipick - an interactive filter to pick lines
- lprps/patch02 lprps - interface lpr to a PostScript printer
- mailagent/patch1[7-9] mailagent - Rule Based Mail Filtering
- makepatch/part01 makepatch - Generate patch kits, version 1.6
- mbox/part[01-15] mbox - ix/Mbox, A BBS for UNIX and MINIX v1.6 PL10j7
- m2-splay22/part01 m2-splay22 - Modula-2 splay tree library
- ncftp/part0[1-4] ncftp - Alternative User Interface for FTP
- patchlog35 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- plod/part01 plod - keep track of the work you do
- pnmnlfilt/part01 pnmnlfilt - A nonlinear area filter for the pbm package
- procmail/part[00-11] procmail - mail processing package v2.80
- prpp/part01 prpp - Prototype Pre-processor
- psf3/patch04 psf3 - Postscript print filter system
- psutils/part0[1-4] psutils - Postscript document manipulation tools, v1.7
- psutils/patch01 psutils - Postscript document manipulation tools
- remind/patch02[a-c] remind - A replacement for calendar
- procmail/patch01[a-b] procmail - mail processing package v2.80
- remind/patch03 remind - A replacement for calendar
- splash/patch01 splash - Small Perl-like List And String Handling class lib, v1.8
- split.c/part01 split.c - A version of split.c for non-UNIX systems
- ss/part[01-11] ss - Simple Spreadsheet program, v1.2b
- wave/part01 wave - 3D-sird-image 24bit frame generator
- xcalendar+/part01 xcalendar+ - XCalendar tool
- xvi/patch01[a-g] xvi - portable multi-window vi-like editor
- zsh/part[01-22] zsh - The Z Shell, version 2.3.1
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume36 (Period: 5 Mar 93 - 23 April)
- chiaro/part[01-18] chiaro - Image Utilities
- cmdline/patch01[a-b] cmdline - C++ Library for parsing command-line arguments
- formes/part0[1-3] formes - French verb drill v1.5
- friends/part01 friends - list on-line friends
- getwxmap/patch01 getwxmap - Retrieve and display Weather satellite maps
- hancal/part01 hancal - Chinese calendar generator
- hodge-c/part[00-33] hodge-c - An implementation of Gerhard & Schuster's hodge-podge machine
- intro36 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx36v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume01 through Volume07
- indx36v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume08 through Volume14
- indx36v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx36v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- indx36v28-33 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume28 through Volume33
- indx36v34-35 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume34 through Volume35
- jobs/part0[1-2] jobs - misc.jobs Employment Search toolkit
- ldb/part[01-12] ldb - Play backgammon by e-mail, v1.3
- libtouch/part01 libtouch - Make utility to touch archive elements
- log_tcp/part0[1-3] log_tcp - TCP/IP daemon wrapper, v5.0
- log_tcp/patch01 log_tcp - TCP/IP daemon wrapper, v5.0
- msend/part0[1-2] msend - a write/wall/rwall/talk replacement, v1.2
- mserv/patch02 mserv - Squirrel Mail Server Software, version 3.1
- options/patch01 options - C++ library for parsing Unix-style command-lines
- patchlog36 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- phone-nums/part01 phone-nums - C++ Anagram for Phone numbers
- port-lpr/part0[1-3] port-lpr - "portable" lpr client for UNIX, VMS
- psutils/patch0[2-3] psutils - Postscript document manipulation tools
- remind/patch04[a-c] remind - A replacement for calendar
- securelib/part0[1-3] securelib - Shared library control for network daemon access
- slurp/part0[1-2] slurp - A passive NNTP transfer client, v1.05
- tcx/part0[1-2] tcx - Transparent Compressed Executables, v1.02
- translit/part[01-10] translit - transliterate foreign alphabets
- uqwk/part01 uqwk - a QWK "door" for Unix
- uqwk/patch0[1-2] uqwk - A QWK "door" for Unix
- unpost/part0[0-7] unpost - Smart multi-part uudecoder v2.1.2
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume37 (Period: 23 Apr 93 - 5 Jun 93)
- aimm-demo/part0[1-3] aimm-demo - ANSI/AIIM Image File Program and Sources
- annote/part0[1-3] annote - BibTeX styles supporting annotations
- assist7g/part0[1-2] assist7g - 7th Guest Assistant programs
- astrolog/part[01-12] astrolog - Generation of astrology charts v3.05
- b1ff/part01 b1ff - clueless newbie text filter
- buffer/part01 buffer - Very Fast Tape Writer
- buffer1.16/part01 buffer1.16 - Very Fast Tape Writer, v1.16
- cproto/patch07 cproto - generate C function prototypes v3
- deaf/part0[1-3] deaf - Directory Editor + Archie + Ftp
- ed/part0[1-3] ed - POSIX-compliant line editor
- ftpcat/part01 ftpcat - Cat an anon-FTP'd file
- ftpmail/part0[1-2] ftpmail - Automatic Email to FTP Gateway
- ftpmail/patch0[1-2] ftpmail - Automatic Email to FTP Gateway
- intro37 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx37v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume01 through Volume07
- indx37v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume08 through Volume14
- indx37v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx37v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- indx37v28-33 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume28 through Volume33
- indx37v34-36 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume34 through Volume36
- input-edit/part01 input-edit - C input functions for line editing with history
- ixobeeper/part0[1-2] ixobeeper - Talk to alpha-numeric pager from Unix
- linkedlist/part0[1-2] linkedlist - Generic Linked List Package
- linkedlist/patch01 linkedlist - Generic Linked List Package
- lout/part[01-30] lout - Lout document formatting system, v2
- magiccube/part0[1-5] magiccube - a cube simulator for X11/Motif
- magiccube/patch0[1-2] magiccube - a cube simulator for X11/Motif
- newing/part0[1-3] newing - interface for your program
- patchlog37 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- perlref/part0[1-3] perlref - Perl Reference Guide 4.036.1
- phone2alf/part01 phone2alf - guess sensible words from a phone number
- remind/patch05[a-c] remind - A replacement for calendar
- remind/patch06 remind - A replacement for calendar
- rslink/part01 rslink - recursive symbolic link, shadow directory trees
- sybperl/part0[1-2] sybperl - Sybase DB-library extensions to Perl, v1.6
- syfre/part01 syfre - Syfre 1.1: data encryption utility
- tclm/part0[1-5] tclm - TCL extensions for MIDI file manipulation
- ulayers/part0[1-3] ulayers - Unix/X client to MacLayers
- uqwk/patch03 uqwk - a QWK "door" for Unix
- vim/part[01-24] vim - Vi IMitation editor v1.27
- xd/part01 xd - Hexadecimal dump/load/edit filter
- xdrum/part0[1-2] xdrum - create and edit drum patterns
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume38 (Period: 5 Jun 93 - 16 Aug 93)
- annote/part0[1-4] annote - BibTeX styles supporting annotations, v1.5.1
- awdc/part01 awdc - sector level floppy disc copy
- buffer/part01 buffer - Very Fast Tape Writer, v1.17
- cdplay/part01 cdplay - Simple Audio cd-player for Toshiba CD-ROMS for UnixWare
- chrootuid/part01 chrootuid - run servers in a restricted environment
- cie/part0[1-2] cie - C++ In Emacs v1.0
- cracklib/part0[1-2] cracklib - CrackLib: A ProActive Password Security library
- deaf/patch01 deaf - Directory Editor + Archie + Ftp
- dmdtet/part01 dmdtet - Tetris for the 630 MTG terminal
- ee/patch02 ee - Easy Editor, a simple editor for UNIX
- fixdepend/part01 fixdepend - Fix dependencies from makedepend to reference library objects
- hlgrep/part01 hlgrep - a highlighting grep
- ibpag2/part0[1-4] ibpag2 - Icon-Based Parser Generator
- input-edit/patch01 input-edit - C input functions for line editing with history
- intro38 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx38v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume01 through Volume07
- indx38v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume08 through Volume14
- indx38v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx38v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- indx38v28-33 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume28 through Volume33
- indx38v34-37 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume34 through Volume37
- lic/part[01-10] lic - LLNL Line Integral Convolution, v1.2
- libftp/part01 libftp - A C library interface for the FTP protocol
- linkedlist/part0[1-2] linkedlist - Generic Linked List Package
- lout/part[01-35] lout - Lout document formatting system, v2.05
- menushell/part0[1-3] menushell - A Unix Menuing Shell
- oraperl-v2/patch04 oraperl-v2 - Extensions to Perl to access Oracle database
- lude/part[00-12] lude - A Distributed Software Library
- par/part0[1-3] par - paragraph reformatter, v1.20
- patchlog38 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- phonewrd/part01 phonewrd - phone number phrase generator
- procmail/part[00-11] procmail - mail processing package v2.90
- procmail/patch01 procmail - mail processing package v2.90
- remind/patch07[a-c] remind - A replacement for calendar
- shadow/part[01-14] shadow - Shadow Password Suite, v3.3
- tessel/part0[1-2] tessel - Polygon shading and rendering using triangular tesselation.
- tovcr/part0[1-4] tovcr - Record/Display images into the Video Frame
- units/part01 units - clone of the unix program for unit conversion
- unproto/patch02 unproto - ANSI C with old-style C compiler
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume39 (Period: 16 Aug 93 - 09 Oct 93)
- agetty/part01 agetty - simple flexible login front end
- chrootuid/part01 chrootuid - run servers in a restricted environment
- cmdline/patch02 cmdline - C++ Library for parsing command-line arguments
- cwish/part0[1-4] cwish - Window Shell / Filemanager v1.00
- dist-3.0/part[01-28] dist-3.0 - Configure script generator and related tools
- dist-3.0/patch[01-11] dist-3.0 - Configure script generator and related tools
- elfshell/part0[1-2] elfshell - Example convoluted configuration for csh/tcsh/bash/es/(sh) shells
- enh-du2/part0[1-2] enh-du2 - enhanced du (disk usage) v2.0 + utilities
- enh-du2/patch01 enh-du2 - enhanced du (disk usage) + utilities
- fed/part0[1-2] fed - Font Editor for use with VT320 and VT220 terminals
- hebcal/part01 hebcal - A Jewish calendar generator, v2.1
- hpcdtoppm/part0[1-3] hpcdtoppm - convert Photo-CD file into portable pixmap v0.5pl1
- intro39 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx39v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume01 through Volume07
- indx39v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume08 through Volume14
- indx39v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx39v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- indx39v28-33 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume28 through Volume33
- indx39v34-38 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume34 through Volume38
- ioccc.1993/part0[1-4] ioccc.1993 - 1993 International Obfuscated C Code Contest winners
- iss/part01 iss - Internet Security Scanner, v1.00
- iss/patch01 iss - Internet Security Scanner, v1.02
- lc/patch02 lc - Categorize and List Files In Columns
- ldb/patch01 ldb - Play backgammon by e-mail, version 1.3
- makepatch/part01 makepatch - Generate patch kits, version 1.8
- ncftp/part0[1-5] ncftp - Alternative User Interface for FTP, v1.5.0
- ncftp/patch0[1-6] ncftp - Alternative User Interface for FTP, v1.5.0
- nhl/part01 nhl - NHL schedule program
- par/part0[1-3] par - paragraph reformatter, v1.30
- par131/part0[1-3] par131 - paragraph reformatter, v1.31
- patchlog39 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- phonewrd/patch0[1-2] phonewrd - phone number phrase generator
- planner/part01 planner - Named pipe for random .plan or .signature
- pscmenu/part0[1-2] pscmenu - tty based menu system v2.3
- psutils/part0[1-4] psutils - Postscript document manipulation tools, v1.12
- remind/patch08[a-c] remind - A replacement for calendar
- rperf/part0[1-3] rperf - performance monitoring of network hosts, v2.1
- shadow/patch01 shadow - Shadow Password Suite, v3.3
- slurp/part0[1-3] slurp - A passive NNTP transfer client, v1.08
- sybperl/part0[1-3] sybperl - Sybase DB-library extensions to Perl, v1.8
- syf/part01 syf - file encryption program
- tcp_wrappers/part0[1-4] tcp_wrappers - TCP/IP daemon wrappers, v6.0
- trm/part01 trm - rm replacement, does remove and recover
- trm105/part01 trm105 - rm replacement, does remove and recover
- remind/patch09[a-d] remind - A replacement for calendar
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume40 (Period: 09 Oct 93 - 26 Nov 93)
- apsfilter/part01 apsfilter - postscript filter with file type auto recognition, v1.3
- bin2ascii/part01 bin2ascii - convert binary to ascii and back again
- bwbasic/part[01-15] bwbasic - Bywater BASIC interpreter version 2.10
- chord/part0[1-5] chord - self-descriptive music sheet from text files
- cmdline/patch03 cmdline - C++ Library for parsing command-line arguments
- cwish/part0[1-5] cwish - Window Shell / Filemanager v2.00
- dbf/part01 dbf - xbase manipulation package
- ddb/part01 ddb - dynamic memory database library
- ddb/patch01 ddb - dynamic memory database library
- dist-3.0/patch1[2-4] dist-3.0 - Configure script generator and related tools
- dnswalk/patch01 dnswalk - A DNS Debugger
- dsplit/part01 dsplit - A portable binary file splitter
- fgmp/part01 fgmp - Public domain multiple precision integer routines
- intro40 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- gnuplot/part[01-33] gnuplot - interactive function plotting utility
- indx40v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume01 through Volume07
- indx40v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume08 through Volume14
- indx40v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx40v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- indx40v28-33 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume28 through Volume33
- indx40v34-39 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume34 through Volume39
- iss/part01 iss - Internet Security Scanner, v1.21
- ipp/part0[1-6] ipp - IPP Routing Architecture Toolkit
- libdes/part0[1-5] libdes - DES encryption library
- lic/part0[1-9] lic - LLNL Line Integral Convolution, v1.3
- magicsquare/part01 magicsquare - NxN Magic Square Solver
- ncftp/part0[1-6] ncftp - Alternative User Interface for FTP, v1.6
- netramet/part[01-25] netramet - Network Traffic Accounting Meter
- nocol/part[01-26] nocol - Network Monitoring System
- options/patch02 options - C++ library for parsing Unix-style command-lines
- patchlog40 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- par/part0[1-3] par - paragraph reformatter, v1.41
- pbmto4425/part01 pbmto4425 - Display PBM images on an AT&T 4425 terminal
- pbmtoiw/part01 pbmtoiw - convert portable bitmap to Apple Imagewriter graphics
- pdksh/patch09[a-b] pdksh - Public Domain Korn Shell, v4
- plod/part01 plod - keep track of the work you do
- pst/part0[1-6] pst - extract text from a postscript file
- qltools/part01 qltools - read QL files on PC, Unix and Mac
- queens/part01 queens - N-Queens Chess Solver
- remind/patch10[a-c] remind - A replacement for calendar
- remind/patch11[a-e] remind - A replacement for calendar
- vname/part01 vname - build filename from metacharacters
- ypx/part01 ypx - transfer NIS maps beyond local network
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: volume41 (Period: 26 Nov 93 - Current)
- defunc/part01 defunc - C library package for runtime function constructing
- dist-3.0/patch15 dist-3.0 - Configure script generator and related tools
- intro41 Introduction to comp.sources.misc
- indx41v01-07 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume01 through Volume07
- indx41v08-14 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume08 through Volume14
- indx41v15-21 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume15 through Volume21
- indx41v22-27 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume22 through Volume27
- indx41v28-33 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume28 through Volume33
- indx41v34-39 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume34 through Volume39
- indx41v40 Index for comp.sources.misc, Volume40
- ldb/patch02 ldb - Play backgammon by e-mail, v1.3, Patch02
- libftp/part0[1-5] libftp - A C library interface for the FTP protocol,v1.2
- mailagent/part[01-26] mailagent - Flexible mail filtering and processing package, v3.0
- mailagent/patch0[1-4] mailagent - Flexible mail filtering and processing package, v3.0
- morse/part0[1-2] morse - morse-code practice utility
- parallel/part01 parallel - Parallelising routines, Part01/01
- patchlog41 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
- psutils/patch01 psutils - Postscript document manipulation tools
- rperf/part0[1-4] rperf - performance monitoring of network hosts, v3.1
- vim/part00 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part00/25
- vim/part01 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part01/25
- vim/part04 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part04/25
- vim/part03 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part03/25
- vim/part02 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part02/25
- vim/part05 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part05/25
- vim/part06 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part06/25
- vim/part07 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part07/25
- vim/part08 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part08/25
- vim/part09 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part09/25
- vim/part10 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part10/25
- vim/part11 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part11/25
- vim/part12 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part12/25
- vim/part13 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part13/25
- vim/part14 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part14/25
- vim/part15 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part15/25
- vim/part16 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part16/25
- vim/part17 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part17/25
- vim/part18 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part18/25
- vim/part19 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part19/25
- vim/part20 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part20/25
- vim/part21 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part21/25
- vim/part22 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part22/25
- vim/part23 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part23/25
- vim/part24 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part24/25
- vim/part25 vim - Vi IMitation editor, v2.0, Part25/25