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- From: paul@cgh.UUCP (Paul Homchick)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: MicroEmacs 3.8i Documentation (Formatted) 1 of 2
- Message-ID: <2763@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 3 Jul 87 00:10:53 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Lines: 2120
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8707/3
- MicroEmacs 3.8i Documentation formatted from MicroSCRIBE original.
- +++ Part One of Two +++
- (Differs from the original uEmacs distribution by fixing some spelling
- errors and formattating problems)
- -----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----
- MicroEMACS
- Full Screen Text Editor
- Reference Manual (preliminary draft)
- Version 3.8i
- April 27, 1987
- (C)opyright 1987 by Daniel M. Lawrence
- Reference Manual (C)opyright 1987
- by Brian Straight and Daniel M. Lawrence
- All Rights Reserved
- MicroEMACS 3.8i can be copied and distributed freely
- for any non-commercial purposes. MicroEMACS 3.8i can
- only be incorporated into commercial software with
- the permission of the current author.
- Introduction
- MicroEMACS is a tool for creating and changing documents,
- programs, and other text files. It is both relatively easy for the
- novice to use, but also very powerful in the hands of an expert.
- MicroEMACS can be extensively customized for the needs of the individual
- user.
- MicroEMACS allows several files to be edited at the same time.
- The screen can be split into different windows, and text may be moved
- freely from one window to the next. Depending on the type of file being
- edited, MicroEMACS can change how it behaves to make editing simple.
- Editing standard text files, program files and word processing documents
- are all possible at the same time.
- There are extensive capabilities to make word processing and
- editing easier. These include commands for string searching and
- replacing, paragraph reformatting and deleting, automatic word wrapping,
- word move and deletes, easy case controlling, and automatic word counts.
- For complex and repetitive editing tasks editing macros can be
- written. These macros allow the user a great degree of flexibility in
- determining how MicroEMACS behaves. Also any and all the commands can
- be used by any keystroke by changing, or rebinding, what commands
- various keys are connected, or bound, to.
- Special features are also available to perform a diverse set of
- operations such as file encryption, automatic backup file generation,
- entabbing and detabbing lines, executing of DOS commands and filtering
- of text through other programs (like SORT to allow sorting text).
- History
- EMACS was originally a text editor written by Richard Stahlman
- at MIT in the early 1970s for Digital Equipment computers. Various
- versions, rewrites and clones have made an appearance since.
- This version of MicroEMACS is derived from code written by Dave
- G. Conroy in 1985. Later modifications were performed by Steve Wilhite
- and George Jones. In December of 1985 Daniel Lawrence picked up the
- then current source (version 2.0) and has made extensive modifications
- and additions to it over the course of the next two years. Updates and
- support for the current version is still in progress. The current
- program author can be contacted by writing to:
- USMAIL: Daniel Lawrence
- 617 New York St
- Lafayette, IN 47901
- UUCP: ihnp4!pur-ee!pur-phy!duncan!lawrence
- ARPA: nwd@j.cc.purdue.edu
- FIDO: Fido 201/2 The Programmer's Room (317) 742-5533
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Basic Concepts
- Chapter 1
- Basic Concepts
- The current version of MicroEMACS is 3.8i (Third major re-write,
- eighth public release, Ith (or ninth) minor release), and for the rest
- of this document, we shall simply refer to this version as "EMACS". Any
- modifications for later versions will be listed in the appendixes at the
- end of this manual.
- 1.1 Keys and the Keyboard
- Many times throughout this manual we will be talking about
- commands and the keys on the keyboard needed use them. There are a
- number of "special" keys which can be used and are listed here:
- <NL> NewLine which is also called RETURN or ENTER, this key
- is used to end different commands.
- ^ The control key can be used before any alphabetic
- character and some symbols. For example, ^C means to
- hold down the <CONTROL> key and type the C key at the
- same time.
- ^X The CONTROL-X key is used at the beginning of many
- different commands.
- META or M- This is a special EMACS key used to begin many commands
- as well. This key is pressed, and then released before
- typing the next character. On most systems, this is
- the <ESC> key, but it can be changed. (consult
- appendix D to learn what key is used for META on your
- computer).
- Whenever a command is described, the manual will list the actual
- keystrokes needed to execute it in boldface using the above conventions,
- and also the name of the command in italics.
- 1.2 Getting Started
- In order to use EMACS, you must call it up from your system's or
- computer's command prompt. On UNIX and MSDOS machines, just type
- "emacs" from the main command prompt and follow it with the <RETURN> or
- 1
- Basic Concepts MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- <ENTER> key (we will refer to this key as <NL> for "new-line" for the
- remainder of this manual). On the Macintosh, the Amiga, the ATARI ST
- and other icon based operating systems, double click on the uEMACS icon.
- Shortly after this, a screen similar to the one below should appear.
- 1.3 Parts and Pieces
- The screen is divided into a number of areas or windows. On
- some systems the top window contains a function list of unshifted and
- shifted function keys. We will discuss these keys later. Below them is
- an EMACS mode line which, as we will see, informs you of the present
- mode of operation of the editor--for example "(WRAP)" if you set EMACS
- to wrap at the end of each line. Under the mode line is the text window
- where text appears and is manipulated. Since each window has its own
- mode line, below the text window is it's mode line. The last line of
- the screen is the command line where EMACS takes commands and reports on
- what it is doing.
- ===============================================================================
- f1 search f2 search back : F1 toggle function list F2 toggle help file
- f3 hunt f4 hunt back : F3 find command/apropos F4 describe key
- f5 next window f6 exec macro : F5 reformat paragraph F6 ref undented region
- f7 find file f8 exec file : F7 indent region F8 undent region
- f9 save file f10 exit emacs : F9 execute DOS command F10 shell up
- ===============================================================================
- -- MicroEMACS 3.8i () -- Function Keys ---------------------------------------
- ===============================================================================
- ===============================================================================
- -- MicroEMACS 3.8i () -- Main ------------------------------------------------
- ===============================================================================
- Fig 1: EMACS screen on an IBM-PC
- 1.4 Entering Text
- Entering text in EMACS is simple. Type the following sentence
- fragment:
- Fang Rock lighthouse, center of a series of mysterious and
- 2
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Basic Concepts
- The text is displayed at the top of the text window. Now type:
- terrifying events at the turn of the century
- Notice the text to the left of the cursor disappears and a '$'
- sign appears. Don't panic--your text is safe!!! You've just discovered
- that EMACS doesn't "wrap" text to the next line like most word
- processors unless you hit <NL>. But since EMACS is used for both word
- processing, and text editing, it has a bit of a dual personality. You
- can change the way it works by setting various modes. In this case, you
- need to set WRAP mode, using the add-mode command, by typing ^X-M. The
- command line at the base of the screen will prompt you for the mode you
- wish to add. Type wrap followed by the <NL> key and any text you now
- enter will be wrapped. However, the command doesn't wrap text already
- entered. To get rid of the truncated line, delete characters with the
- <BACKSPACE> key until the '$' goes away. Now type in the words you
- deleted, watch how EMACS goes down to the next line at the right time.
- (In some versions of EMACS, WRAP is a default mode in which case you
- don't have to worry about the instructions relating to adding this
- mode.)
- Now let's type a longer insert. Hit <NL> a couple of times to
- tab down from the text you just entered. Now type the following
- paragraphs. Press <NL> twice to indicate a paragraph break.
- Fang Rock lighthouse, center of a series of mysterious and
- terrifying events at the turn of the century, is built on a
- rocky island a few miles of the Channel coast. So small is
- the island that wherever you stand its rocks are wet with sea
- spray.
- The lighthouse tower is in the center of the island. A steep
- flight of steps leads to the heavy door in its base. Winding
- stairs lead up to the crew room.
- 1.5 Basic cursor movement
- Now let's practice moving around in this text. To move the
- cursor back to the word "Winding," enter M-B previous-word. This
- command moves the cursor backwards by one word at a time. Note you have
- to press the key combination every time the cursor steps back by one
- word. Continuously pressing META and toggling B produces an error
- message. To move forward to the word "stairs" enter M-F, which moves
- the cursor forward by one word at a time.
- Notice that EMACS commands are usually mnemonic--F for forward,
- B for backward, for example.
- To move the cursor up one line, enter ^P previous-line, down one
- line ^N next-line. Practice this movement by moving the cursor to the
- word "terrifying" in the second line.
- 3
- Basic Concepts MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- The cursor may also be moved forward or backward in smaller
- increments. To move forward by one character, enter ^F forward-
- character, to move backward, ^B backward-character. EMACS also allows
- you to specify a number which is normally used to tell a command to
- execute many times. To repeat most commands, press META and then the
- number before you enter the command. Thus, the command META 5 ^F
- (M-5^F) will move the cursor forward by five characters. Try moving
- around in the text by using these commands. For extra practice, see how
- close you can come to the word "small" in the first paragraph by giving
- an argument to the commands listed here.
- Two other simple cursor commands that are useful to help us move
- around in the text are M-N next-paragraph which moves the cursor to the
- second paragraph, and M-P previous-paragraph which moves it back to the
- previous paragraph. The cursor may also be moved rapidly from one end
- of the line to the other. Move the cursor to the word "few" in the
- second line. Press ^A beginning-of-line. Notice the cursor moves to
- the word "events" at the beginning of the line. Pressing ^E end-of-line
- moves the cursor to the end of the line.
- Finally, the cursor may be moved from any point in the file to
- the end or beginning of the file. Entering M-> end-of-file moves the
- cursor to the end of the buffer, M-< beginning-of-file to the first
- character of the file.
- On the IBM-PC, the ATARI ST and many other machines, the cursor
- keys can also be used to move the cursor about. Also, if there is one
- available, moving the mouse will move the cursor.
- Practice moving the cursor in the text until you are comfortable
- with the commands we've explored in this chapter.
- 1.6 Saving your text
- When you've finished practicing cursor movement, save your file.
- Your file currently resides in a BUFFER. The buffer is a temporary
- storage area for your text, and is lost when the computer is turned off.
- You can save the buffer to a file by entering ^X-^S save-file. Notice
- that EMACS informs you that your file has no name and will not let you
- save it.
- To save your buffer to a file with a different name than it's
- current one (which is empty), press ^X^W write-file. EMACS will prompt
- you for the filename you wish to write. Enter the name fang.txt and
- press return. On a micro, the drive light will come on, and EMACS will
- inform you it is writing the file. When it finishes, it will inform you
- of the number of lines it has written to the disk.
- Congratulations!! You've just saved your first EMACS file!
- 4
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Basic Concepts
- Chapter 1 Summary
- In chapter 1, you learned how to enter text, how to use wrap
- mode, how to move the cursor, and to save a buffer. The following is a
- table of the commands covered in this chapter and their corresponding
- key bindings:
- Key Binding Keystroke Effect
- abort-command ^G aborts current command
- add-mode ^XM allows addition of EMACS
- mode such as WRAP
- backward-character ^B moves cursor left one character
- beginning-of-file M-< moves cursor to beginning of file
- beginning-of-line ^A moves cursor to beginning of line
- end-of-file M-> moves cursor to end of file
- end-of-line ^E moves cursor to end of line
- forward-character ^F moves cursor right one character
- next-line ^N moves cursor to next line
- next-paragraph M-N moves cursor to next paragraph
- next-word M-F moves cursor forward one word
- previous-line ^P moves cursor backward by one line
- previous-paragraph M-P moves cursor to previous paragraph
- previous-word M-B moves cursor backward by one word
- save-file ^X-^S saves current buffer to a file
- write-file ^X-^W save current buffer under a new name
- 5
- Basic Editing--Simple Insertions and Deletions MicroEMACS Reference
- Manual
- Chapter 2
- Basic Editing--Simple Insertions and Deletions
- 2.1 A Word About Windows, Buffers, Screens, and Modes
- In the first chapter, you learned how to create and save a file
- in EMACS. Let's do some more editing on this file. Call up emacs by
- typing in the following command.
- emacs fang.txt
- On icon oriented systems, double click on the uEMACS icon,
- usually a file dialog box of some sort will appear. Choose FANG.TXT
- from the appropriate folder.
- Shortly after you invoke EMACS, the text should appear on the
- screen ready for you to edit. The text you are looking at currently
- resides in a buffer. A buffer is a temporary area of computer memory
- which is the primary unit internal to EMACS -- this is the place where
- EMACS goes to work. The mode line at the bottom of the screen lists the
- buffer name, FANG.TXT and the name of the file with which this buffer is
- associated, FANG.TXT
- The computer talks to you through the use of its screen. This
- screen usually has an area of 24 lines each of 80 characters across.
- You can use EMACS to subdivide the screen into several separate work
- areas, or windows, each of which can be 'looking into' different files
- or sections of text. Using windows, you can work on several related
- texts at one time, copying and moving blocks of text between windows
- with ease. To keep track of what you are editing, each window is
- identified by a mode line on the last line of the window which lists the
- name of the buffer which it is looking into, the file from which the
- text was read, and how the text is being edited.
- An EMACS mode tells EMACS how to deal with user input. As we
- have already seen, the mode 'WRAP' controls how EMACS deals with long
- lines (lines with over 79 characters) while the user is typing them in.
- The 'VIEW' mode, allows you to read a file without modifying it. Modes
- are associated with buffers and not with files; hence, a mode needs to
- be explicitly set or removed every time you edit a file. A new file
- read into a buffer with a previously specified mode will be edited under
- this mode. If you use specific modes frequently, EMACS allows you to
- set the modes which are used by all new buffers, called global modes.
- 6
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Basic Editing--Simple Insertions and
- Deletions
- 2.2 Insertions
- Your previously-saved text should look like this:
- Fang Rock lighthouse, center of a series of mysterious and
- terrifying events at the turn of the century, is built on a
- rocky island a few miles of the Channel coast. So small is
- the island that wherever you stand its rocks are wet with sea
- spray.
- The lighthouse tower is in the center of the island. A steep
- flight of steps leads to the heavy door in its base. Winding
- stairs lead up to the crew room.
- Let's assume you want to add a sentence in the second paragraph
- after the word "base." Move the cursor until it is on the "W" of
- "Winding". Now type the following:
- This gives entry to the lower floor where the big steam
- generator throbs steadily away, providing power for the
- electric lantern.
- If the line fails to wrap and you end up with a '$' sign in the
- right margin, just enter M-Q fill-paragraph to reformat the paragraph.
- This new command attempts to fill out a paragraph. Long lines are
- divided up, and words are shuffled around to make the paragraph look
- nicer.
- Notice that all visible EMACS characters are self-inserting --
- all you had to do was type the characters to insert and the existing
- text made space for it. With a few exceptions discussed later, all non-
- printing characters (such as control or escape sequences) are commands.
- To insert spaces, simply use the space bar. Now move to the first line
- of the file and type ^O open-line (Oh, not zero). You've just learned
- how to insert a blank line in your text.
- 2.3 Deletions
- EMACS offers a number of deletion options. For example, move
- the cursor until it's under the period at the end of the insertion you
- just did. Press the backspace key. Notice the "n" on "lantern"
- disappeared. The backspace implemented on EMACS is called a destructive
- backspace--it removes text immediately before the current cursor
- position from the buffer. Now type ^H delete-previous-character.
- Notice that the cursor moves back and obliterates the "r"--either
- command will backspace the cursor.
- Type in the two letters you erased to restore your text and move
- the cursor to the beginning of the buffer M-> beginning-of-file. Move
- the cursor down one line to the beginning of the first paragraph.
- 7
- Basic Editing--Simple Insertions and Deletions MicroEMACS Reference
- Manual
- To delete the forward character, type ^D delete-next-character.
- The "F" of "Fang" disappears. Continue to type ^D until the whole word
- is erased EMACS also permits the deletion of larger elements of text.
- Move the cursor to the word "center" in the first line of text.
- Pressing M-<backspace> delete-previous-word kills the word immediately
- before the cursor. M-^H has the same effect.
- Notice that the commands are very similar to the control
- commands you used to delete individual letters. As a general rule in
- EMACS, control sequences affect small areas of text, META sequences
- larger areas. The word forward of the cursor position can therefore be
- deleted by typing M-D delete-next-word. Now let's take out the
- remainder of the first line by typing ^K kill-to-end-of-line. You now
- have a blank line at the top of your screen. Typing ^K again or ^X-^O
- delete-blank-lines deletes the blank line and flushes the second line to
- the top of the text. Now exit EMACS by typing ^X-^C exit-emacs. Notice
- EMACS reminds you that you have not saved your buffer. Ignore the
- warning and exit. This way you can exit EMACS without saving any of the
- changes you just made.
- Chapter 2 Summary
- In Chapter 2, you learned about the basic 'building blocks' of
- an EMACS text file--buffers, windows, and files.
- Key binding Keystroke Effect
- delete-previous-character
- ^H deletes character immediately before
- the current cursor position
- delete-next-character ^D deletes character immediately after
- current cursor position
- delete-previous-word M-^H deletes word immediately before
- current cursor position
- delete-next-word M-D deletes word immediately after
- current cursor position
- kill-to-end-of-line ^K deletes from current cursor
- position to end of line
- insert-space ^C inserts a space to right of cursor
- open-line ^O inserts blank line
- delete-blank-lines ^X-^O removes blank line
- exit-emacs ^X-^C exits emacs
- 8
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Using Regions
- Chapter 3
- Using Regions
- 3.1 Defining and Deleting a Region
- At this point its time to familiarize ourselves with two more
- EMACS terms--the point and the mark. The point is located directly
- behind the current cursor position. The mark (as we shall see shortly)
- is user defined. These two elements together are called the current
- region and limit the region of text on which EMACS performs many of its
- editing functions.
- Let's begin by entering some new text. Don't forget to add wrap
- mode if its not set on this buffer. Start EMACS and open a file called
- PUBLISH.TXT. Type in the following text:
- One of the largest growth areas in personal computing is
- electronic publishing. There are packages available for
- practically every machine from elegantly simple programs for
- the humble Commodore 64 to sophisticated professional packages
- for PC and Macintosh computers.
- Electronic publishing is as revolutionary in its way as the
- Gutenburg press. Whereas the printing press allowed the mass
- production and distribution of the written word, electronic
- publishing puts the means of production in the hands of nearly
- every individual. From the class magazine to the corporate
- report, electronic publishing is changing the way we produce
- and disseminate information.
- Personal publishing greatly increases the utility of
- practically every computer. Thousands of people who joined
- the computer revolution of this decade only to hide their
- machines unused in closets have discovered a new use for them
- as dedicated publishing workstations.
- Now let's do some editing. The last paragraph seems a little
- out of place. To see what the document looks like without it we can cut
- it from the text by moving the cursor to the beginning of the paragraph.
- Enter M-<space> set-mark. EMACS will respond with "[Mark set]". Now
- move the cursor to the end of the paragraph. You have just defined a
- region of text. To remove this text from the screen, type ^W kill-
- region. The paragraph disappears from the screen.
- 9
- Using Regions MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- On further consideration, however, perhaps the paragraph we cut
- wasn't so bad after all. The problem may have been one of placement.
- If we could tack it on to the end of the first paragraph it might work
- quite well to support and strengthen the argument. Move the cursor to
- the end of the first paragraph and enter ^Y yank. Your text should now
- look like this:
- One of the largest growth areas in personal computing is
- electronic publishing. There are packages available for
- practically every machine from elegantly simple programs for
- the humble Commodore 64 to sophisticated professional packages
- for PC and Macintosh computers. Personal publishing greatly
- increases the utility of practically every computer.
- Thousands of people who joined the computer revolution of this
- decade only to hide their machines unused in closets have
- discovered a new use for them as dedicated publishing
- workstations.
- Electronic publishing is as revolutionary in its way as the
- Gutenburg press. Whereas the printing press allowed the mass
- production and distribution of the written word, electronic
- publishing puts the means of production in the hands of nearly
- every individual. From the class magazine to the corporate
- report, electronic publishing is changing the way we produce
- and disseminate information.
- 3.2 Yanking a Region
- The text you cut initially didn't simply just disappear, it was
- cut into a buffer that retains the 'killed' text appropriately called
- the kill buffer. ^Y "yanks" the text back from this buffer into the
- current buffer. If you have a long line (indicated, remember, by the "$"
- sign), simply hit M-Q to reformat the paragraph.
- There are other uses to which the kill buffer can be put. Using
- the method we've already learned, define the last paragraph as a region.
- Now type M-W copy-region. Nothing seems to have happened; the cursor
- stays blinking at the point. But things have changed, even though you
- may not be able to see any alteration.
- To see what has happened to the contents of the kill buffer,
- move the cursor down a couple of lines and "yank" the contents of the
- kill buffer back with ^Y. Notice the last paragraph is now repeated.
- The region you defined is "tacked on" to the end of your file because M-
- W copies a region to the kill buffer while leaving the original text in
- your working buffer. Some caution is needed however, because the
- contents of the kill buffer are updated when you delete any regions,
- lines or words. If you are moving large quantities of text, complete
- the operation before you do any more deletions or you could find that
- the text you want to move has been replaced by the most recent deletion.
- Remember--a buffer is a temporary area of computer memory that is lost
- when the machine is powered down or switched off. In order to make your
- 10
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Using Regions
- changes permanent, they must be saved to a file before you leave EMACS.
- Let's delete the section of text we just added and save the file to
- disk.
- Chapter 3 Summary
- In Chapter 3, you learned how to achieve longer insertions and
- deletions. The EMACS terms point and mark were introduced and you
- learned how to manipulate text with the kill buffer.
- Key Binding Keystroke Effect
- Delete-Region ^W Deletes region between point and mark and
- places it in KILL buffer
- Copy-Region M-W Copies text between point and mark into
- KILL buffer
- Yank-Text ^Y Inserts a copy of the KILL buffer into
- current buffer at point
- 11
- Search and Replace MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- Chapter 4
- Search and Replace
- 4.1 Forward Search
- Load EMACS and bring in the file you just saved. Your file
- should look like the one below.
- One of the largest growth areas in personal computing is
- electronic publishing. There are packages available for
- practically every machine from elegantly simple programs for
- the humble Commodore 64 to sophisticated professional packages
- for PC and Macintosh computers. Personal publishing greatly
- increases the utility of practically every computer.
- Thousands of people who joined the computer revolution of this
- decade only to hide their machines unused in closets have
- discovered a new use for them as dedicated publishing
- workstations.
- Electronic publishing is as revolutionary in its way as the
- Gutenburg press. Whereas the printing press allowed the mass
- production and distribution of the written word, electronic
- publishing puts the means of production in the hands of nearly
- every individual. From the class magazine to the corporate
- report, electronic publishing is changing the way we produce
- and disseminate information.
- Let's use EMACS to search for the word "revolutionary" in the
- second paragraph. Because EMACS searches from the current cursor
- position toward the end of buffers, and we intend to search forward,
- move the cursor to the beginning of the text. Enter ^S search-forward.
- Note that the command line now reads
- "Search [] <META>:"
- EMACS is prompting you to enter the search string -- the text
- you want to find. Enter the word revolutionary and hit the META key.
- The cursor moves to the end of the word "revolutionary."
- Notice that you must enter the <META> key to start the search.
- If you simply press <NL> the command line responds with "<NL>".
- Although this may seem infuriating to users who are used to pressing the
- return key to execute any command, EMACS' use of <META> to begin
- searches allows it to pinpoint text with great accuracy. After every
- line wrap or carriage return, EMACS 'sees' a new line character (<NL>).
- 12
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Search and Replace
- If you need to search for a word at the end of a line, you can specify
- this word uniquely in EMACS.
- In our sample text for example, the word "and" occurs a number
- of times, but only once at the end of a line. To search for this
- particular occurrence of the word, move the cursor to the beginning of
- the buffer and type ^S. Notice that EMACS stores the last specified
- search string as the default string. If you press <META> now, EMACS
- will search for the default string, in this case, "revolutionary."
- To change this string so we can search for our specified "and"
- simply enter the word and followed by <NL>. The command line now shows:
- "search [and<NL>]<META>:"
- Press <META> and the cursor moves to "and" at the end of the
- second last line.
- 4.2 Exact Searches
- If the mode EXACT is active in the current buffer, EMACS
- searches on a case sensitive basis. Thus, for example you could search
- for Publishing as distinct from publishing.
- 4.3 Backward Search
- Backward searching is very similar to forward searching except
- that it is implemented in the reverse direction. To implement a reverse
- search, type ^R search-reverse. Because EMACS makes no distinction
- between forward and backward stored search strings, the last search item
- you entered appears as the default string. Try searching back for any
- word that lies between the cursor and the beginning of the buffer.
- Notice that when the item is found, the point moves to the beginning of
- the found string (i.e., the cursor appears under the first letter of the
- search item).
- Practice searching for other words in your text.
- 4.4 Searching and Replacing
- Searching and replacing is a powerful and quick way of making
- changes to your text. Our sample text is about electronic publishing,
- but the correct term is 'desktop' publishing. To make the necessary
- changes we need to replace all occurrences of the word "electronic" with
- "desktop." First, move the cursor to the top of the current buffer with
- the M-< command. Then type M-R replace-string. The command line
- responds:
- 13
- Search and Replace MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- "Replace []<META>:"
- where the square brackets enclose the default string. Type the
- word electronic and hit <META>. The command line responds:
- "with []<META>"
- type desktop<META>. EMACS replaces all instances of the
- original word with your revision. Of course, you will have to
- capitalize the first letter of "desktop" where it occurs at the
- beginning of a sentence.
- You have just completed an unconditional replace. In this
- operation, EMACS replaces every instance of the found string with the
- replacement string.
- 4.5 Query-Replace
- You may also replace text on a case by case basis. The M-^R
- query-replace-string command causes EMACS to pause at each instance of
- the found string.
- For example, assume we want to replace some instances of the
- word "desktop" with the word "personal." Go back to the beginning of the
- current buffer and enter the M-^R query-replace command. The procedure
- is very similar to that which you followed in the unconditional
- search/replace option. When the search begins however, you will notice
- that EMACS pauses at each instance of "publishing" and asks whether you
- wish to replace it with the replacement string. You have a number of
- options available for response:
- Response Effect
- Y(es) Make the current replacement and skip to the next
- occurrence of the search string
- N(o) Do not make this replacement but continue
- ! Do the rest of the replacements with no more queries
- U(ndo) Undo just the last replacement and query for it
- again (This can only go back ONE time)
- ^G Abort the replacement command (This action does not
- undo previously-authorized replacements
- . Same effect as ^G, but cursor returns to the point at
- which the replacement command was given
- ? This lists help for the query replacement command
- Practice searching and searching and replacing until you feel
- comfortable with the commands and their effects.
- 14
- Windows MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- Chapter 4 Summary
- In this chapter, you learned how to search for specified strings
- of text in EMACS. The chapter also dealt with searching for and
- replacing elements within a buffer.
- Key Binding Keystroke Effect
- Search-Forward ^S Searches from point to end of buffer.
- Point is moved from current location to
- the end of the found string
- Search-Backward ^R Searches from point to beginning of buffer.
- Point is moved from current location to
- beginning of found string
- Replace M-R Replace ALL occurrences of search string with
- specified (null) string from point to the
- end of the current buffer
- Query-Replace M-^R As above, but pause at each found string
- and query for action
- 16
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Windows
- Chapter 5
- Windows
- 5.1 Creating Windows
- We have already met windows in an earlier chapter. In this
- chapter, we will explore one of EMACS' more powerful features -- text
- manipulation through multiple windowing.
- You will recall that windows are areas of buffer text that you
- can see on the screen. Because EMACS can support several screen windows
- simultaneously you can use them to look into different places in the
- same buffer. You can also use them to look at text in different
- buffers. In effect, you can edit several files at the same time.
- Let's invoke EMACS and pull back our file on desktop publishing
- by typing
- emacs publish.txt
- When the text appears, type the ^X-2 split-current-window
- command. The window splits into two windows. The window where the
- cursor resides is called the current window -- in this case the bottom
- window. Notice that each window has a text area and a mode line. The
- command line is however, common to all windows on the screen.
- The two windows on your screen are virtually mirror images of
- each other because the new window is opened into the same buffer as the
- one you are in when you issue the Open-Window command. All commands
- issued to EMACS are executed on the current buffer in the current
- window.
- To move the cursor to the upper window (i.e., to make that
- window the current window, type ^X-P previous-window. Notice the cursor
- moves to the upper or previous window. Entering ^X-O next-window moves
- to the next window. Practice moving between windows. You will notice
- that you can also move into the Function Key menu by entering these
- commands.
- Now move to the upper window. Let's open a new file. On the
- EMACS disk is a tutorial file. Let's call it into the upper window by
- typing:
- ^X-^F find-file
- 17
- Windows MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- and press return. Then enter the filename emacs.tut.
- In a short time, the tutorial file will appear in the window.
- We now have two windows on the screen, each looking into different
- buffers. We have just used the ^X- ^F find-file command to find a file
- and bring it into our current window.
- You can scroll any window up and down with the cursor keys, or
- with the commands we've learned so far. However, because the area of
- visible text in each window is relatively small, you can scroll the
- current window a line at a time.
- Type ^X-^N move-window-down
- The current window scrolls down by one line -- the top line of
- text scrolls out of view, and the bottom line moves towards the top of
- the screen. You can imagine, if you like, the whole window slowly
- moving down to the end of the buffer in increments of one line. The
- command ^X-^P move-window-up scrolls the window in the opposite
- direction.
- As we have seen, EMACS editing commands are executed in the
- current window, but the program does support a useful feature that
- allows you to scroll the next window. M-^Z scroll-next-up scrolls the
- next window up, M-^U scroll-next-down scrolls it downward. From the
- tutorial window, practice scrolling the window with the desktop
- publishing text in it up and down.
- When you're finished, exit EMACS without saving any changes in
- your files.
- Windows offer you a powerful and easy way to edit text. By
- manipulating a number of windows and buffers on the screen
- simultaneously, you can perform complete edits and revisions on the
- computer screen while having your draft text or original data available
- for reference in another window.
- Experiment with splitting the windows on your screen. Open
- windows into different buffers and experiment with any other files you
- may have. Try editing the text in each window, but don't forget to save
- any changes you want to keep -- you still have to save each buffer
- separately.
- 5.2 Deleting Windows
- 5.3 Resizing Windows
- 5.4 Other Window commands
- 18
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Windows
- Chapter 5 Summary
- In Chapter 5 you learned how to manipulate windows and the
- editing flexibility they offer.
- Key Binding Keystroke Effect
- Open-Window ^X-2 Splits current window into two windows
- if space is available
- Close-Windows ^X-1 Closes all windows except current
- window
- Next-Window ^X-O Moves point into next (i.e. downward)
- window
- Previous-Window ^X-P Moves point to previous (i.e. upward)
- window
- Move-Window-Down ^X-^N Scrolls current window down one line
- Move-Window-Up ^X-^P Scrolls current window up one line
- Redraw-display M-! or Window is moved so line with point
- M-^L (with cursor) is at center of window
- Grow-Window ^X-^ Current window is enlarged by one
- line and nearest window is shrunk by
- one line
- Shrink-Window ^X-^Z Current window is shrunk by one line
- and nearest window is enlarged by one
- line
- Clear-and-Redraw ^L Screen is blanked and redrawn. Keeps
- screen updates in sync with your
- commands
- Scroll-Next-Up M-^Z Scrolls next window up by one line
- Scroll-Next-Down M-^U Scrolls next window down by one line
- 19
- Buffers MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- Chapter 6
- Buffers
- We have already learned a number of things about buffers. As
- you will recall, they are the major internal entities in EMACS -- the
- place where editing commands are executed. They are characterized by
- their names, their modes, and by the file with which they are
- associated. Each buffer also "remembers" its mark and point. This
- convenient feature allows you to go to other buffers and return to the
- original location in the "current" buffer.
- Advanced users of EMACS frequently have a number of buffers in
- the computer's memory simultaneously. In the last chapter, for example,
- you opened at least two buffers -- one into the text you were editing,
- and the other into the EMACS on-line tutorial. If you deal with complex
- text files -- say, sectioned chapters of a book, you may have five or
- six buffers in the computer's memory. You could select different
- buffers by simply calling up the file with ^X-^F find-file, and let
- EMACS open or reopen the buffer. However, EMACS offers fast and
- sophisticated buffering techniques that you will find easy to master and
- much more convenient to use.
- Let's begin by opening three buffers. You can open any three
- you choose, for example call the following files into memory: fang.txt,
- publish.txt, and emacs.tut in the order listed here. When you've
- finished this process, you'll be looking at a screen showing the EMACS
- tutorial. Let's assume that you want to move to the fang.txt buffer.
- Enter:
- ^X-X next-buffer
- This command moves you to the next buffer. Because EMACS cycles
- through the buffer list, which is alphabetized, you will now be in the
- fang.txt buffer. Using ^X-X again places you in the publish.txt buffer.
- If you are on a machine that supports function keys, using ^X-X again
- places you in the Function Keys buffer. Using ^X-X one last time cycles
- you back to the beginning of the list.
- If you have a large number of buffers to deal with, this cycling
- process may be slow and inconvenient. The command ^X-B select-buffer
- allows you to specify the buffer you wish to be switched to. When the
- command is entered, EMACS prompts, "Use buffer:". Simply enter the
- buffer name (NOT the file name), and that buffer will then become the
- current buffer.
- 20
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Buffers
- Multiple buffer manipulation and editing is a complex activity,
- and you will probably find it very inconvenient to re-save each buffer
- as you modify it. The command ^X-^B list-buffers creates a new window
- that gives details about all the buffers currently known to EMACS.
- Buffers that have been modified are identified by the "buffer changed"
- indicator (an asterisk in the second column). You can thus quickly and
- easily identify buffers that need to be saved to files before you exit
- EMACS. The buffer window also provides other information -- buffer
- specific modes, buffer size, and buffer name are also listed. To close
- this window, simply type the close-windows command, ^X-1.
- To delete any buffer, type ^X-K delete-buffer. EMACS prompts
- you "Kill buffer:". Enter the buffer name you want to delete. As this
- is destructive command, EMACS will ask for confirmation if the buffer
- was changed and not saved. Answer Y(es) or N(o). As usual ^G cancels
- the command.
- 21
- Buffers MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- Chapter 6 Summary
- In Chapter 6 you learned how to manipulate buffers.
- Key Binding Keystroke Effect
- Next-Buffer ^X-^X Switch to the next buffer in the
- buffer list
- Select-Buffer ^X-B Switch to a particular buffer
- List-Buffers ^X-^B List all buffers
- Delete-Buffer ^X-K delete a particular buffer if it
- is off-screen
- 22
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Modes
- Chapter 7
- Modes
- EMACS allows you to change the way it works in order to
- customized it to the style of editing you are using. It does this by
- providing a number of different modes. These modes can effect either a
- single buffer, or any new buffer that is created. To add a mode to the
- current buffer, type ^X-M add-mode. EMACS will then prompt you for the
- name of a mode to add. When you type in a legal mode name, and type a
- <NL>, EMACS will add the mode name to the list of current mode names in
- the mode line of the current buffer.
- To remove an existing mode, typing the ^X-^M delete-mode will
- cause EMACS to prompt you for the name of a mode to delete from the
- current buffer. This will remove that mode from the mode list on the
- current mode line.
- Global modes are the modes which are inherited by any new
- buffers which are created. For example, if you wish to always do string
- searching with character case being significant, you would want global
- mode EXACT to be set so that any new files read in inherent the EXACT
- mode. Global modes are set with the M-M add-global-mode command, and
- unset with the M-^M delete-global-mode command. Also, the current
- global modes are displayed in the first line of a ^X-^B list-buffers
- command.
- On machines which are capable of displaying colors, the mode
- commands can also set the background and foreground character colors.
- Using add-mode or delete-mode with a lowercase color will set the
- background color in the current window. An uppercase color will set the
- foreground color in the current window. Colors that EMACS knows about
- are: white, cyan, magenta, yellow, blue, red, green, and black. If the
- computer you are running on does not have eight colors, EMACS will
- attempt to make some intelligent guess at what color to use when you ask
- for one which is not there.
- 7.1 ASAVE mode
- Automatic Save mode tells EMACS to automatically write out the
- current buffer to its associated file on a regular basis. Normally this
- will be every 256 characters typed into the file. The environment
- variable $ACOUNT counts down to the next auto-save, and $ASAVE is the
- value used to reset $ACOUNT after a save occurs.
- 23
- Modes MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- 7.2 CMODE mode
- CMODE is useful to C programmers. When CMODE is active, EMACS
- will try to assist the user in a number of ways. This mode is set
- automatically with files that have a .c or .h extension.
- The <NL> key will normally attempt to return the user to the
- next line at the same level of indentation as the current line, unless
- the current line ends with a open brace ({) in which case the new line
- will be further indented by one tab position.
- A close brace (}) will delete one tab position preceding itself
- as it is typed. This should line up the close brace with its matching
- IF, FOR or WHILE statement.
- A pound sign (#) with only leading whitespace will delete all
- the whitespace preceding itself. This will always bring preprocessor
- directives flush to the left margin.
- Whenever any close fence is typed, i.e )]>}, if the matching
- open fence is on screen in the current window, the cursor will briefly
- flash to it, and then back. This makes balancing expressions, and
- matching blocks much easier.
- 7.3 CRYPT mode
- When a buffer is in CRYPT mode, it is encrypted whenever it is
- written to a file, and decrypted when it is read from the file. The
- encryption key can be specified on the command line with the -k switch,
- or with the M-E set-encryption-key command. If you attempt to read or
- write a buffer in crypt mode and now key has not been set, EMACS will
- execute set-encryption-key automatically, prompting you for the needed
- key. Whenever EMACS prompts you for a key, it will not echo the key to
- your screen as you type it (i.e make SURE you get it right when you set
- it originally).
- The encryption algorithm used changes all characters into normal
- printing characters, thus the resulting file is suitable for sending via
- electronic mail. All version of MicroEMACS should be able decrypt the
- resulting file regardless of what machine encrypted it. Also available
- with EMACS is the stand alone program, MicroCRYPT, which can en/decrypt
- the files produced by CRYPT mode in EMACS.
- 7.4 EXACT mode
- All string searches and replacements will take upper/lower case
- into account. Normally the case of a string during a search or replace
- is not taken into account.
- 24
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Modes
- 7.5 MAGIC mode
- In the MAGIC mode certain characters gain special meanings when
- used in a search pattern. Collectively they are know as regular
- expressions, and a limited number of them are supported in MicroEmacs.
- They grant greater flexibility when using the search command. However,
- they do not affect the incremental search command.
- The symbols that have special meaning in MAGIC mode are ^, $, .,
- *, [ (and ], used with it), and \.
- The characters ^ and $ fix the search pattern to the beginning
- and end of line, respectively. The ^ character must appear at the
- beginning of the search string, and the $ must appear at the end,
- otherwise they loose their meaning and are treated just like any other
- character. For example, in MAGIC mode, searching for the pattern "t$"
- would put the cursor at the end of any line that ended with the letter
- 't'. Note that this is different than searching for "t<NL>", that is,
- 't' followed by a newline character. The character $ (and ^, for that
- matter) matches a position, not a character, so the cursor remains at
- the end of the line. But a newline is a character that must be matched,
- just like any other character, which means that the cursor is placed
- just after it - on the beginning of the next line.
- The character . has a very simple meaning -- it matches any
- single character, except the newline. Thus a search for "bad.er" could
- match "badger", "badder" (slang), or up to the 'r' of "bad error".
- The character * is known as closure, and means that zero or more
- of the preceding character will match. If there is no character
- preceding, * has no special meaning, and since it will not match with a
- newline, * will have no special meaning if preceded by the beginning of
- line symbol ^ or the literal newline character <NL>.
- The notion of zero or more characters is important. If, for
- example, your cursor was on the line
- This line is missing two vowels.
- and a search was made for "a*", the cursor would not move,
- because it is guaranteed to match no letter 'a' , which satisfies the
- search conditions. If you wanted to search for one or more of the
- letter 'a', you would search for "aa*", which would match the letter a,
- then zero or more of them.
- The character [ indicates the beginning of a character class.
- It is similar to the 'any' character ., but you get to choose which
- characters you want to match. The character class is ended with the
- character ]. So, while a search for "ba.e" will match "bane", "bade",
- "bale", "bate", et cetera, you can limit it to matching "babe" and
- "bake" by searching for "ba[bk]e". Only one of the characters inside
- the [ and ] will match a character. If in fact you want to match any
- character except those in the character class, you can put a ^ as the
- 25
- Modes MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- first character. It must be the first character of the class, or else
- it has no special meaning. So, a search for [^aeiou] will match any
- character except a vowel, but a search for [aeiou^] will match any vowel
- or a ^.
- If you have a lot of characters in order that you want to put in
- the character class, you may use a dash (-) as a range character. So,
- [a-z] will match any letter (or any lower case letter if EXACT mode is
- on), and [0-9a-f] will match any digit or any letter 'a' through 'f',
- which happen to be the characters for hexadecimal numbers. If the dash
- is at the beginning or end of a character class, it is taken to be just
- a dash.
- The escape character \ is for those times when you want to be in
- MAGIC mode, but also want to use a regular expression character to be
- just a character. It turns off the special meaning of the character.
- So a search for "it\." will search for a line with "it.", and not "it"
- followed by any other character. The escape character will also let you
- put ^, -, or ] inside a character class with no special side effects.
- 7.6 OVER mode
- OVER mode stands for overwrite mode. When in this mode, when
- characters are typed, instead of simply inserting them into the file,
- EMACS will attempt to overwrite an existing character past the point.
- This is very useful for adjusting tables and diagrams.
- 7.7 WRAP mode
- Wrap mode is used when typing in continuous text. Whenever the
- cursor is past the currently set fill column (72 by default) and the
- user types a space or a <NL>, the last word of the line is brought down
- to the beginning of the next line. Using this, one just types a
- continuous stream of words and EMACS automatically inserts <NL>s at
- appropriate places.
- NOTE to programmers:
- EMACS actually calls up the function bound to the illegal
- keystroke M-FNW. This is bound to the function wrap-word by
- default, but can be re-bound to activate different functions
- and macros at wrap time.
- 7.8 VIEW mode
- VIEW mode disables all commands which can change the current
- buffer. EMACS will display an error message and ring the bell every
- time you attempt to change a buffer in VIEW mode.
- 26
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Modes
- Chapter 7 Summary
- In Chapter 7 you learned about modes and their effects.
- Key Binding Keystroke Effect
- Add-Mode ^X-M Add a mode to the current buffer
- Delete-Mode ^X-^M Delete a mode from the current buffer
- Add-Global-Mode M-M Add a global mode to the
- current buffer
- Delete-Global-Mode M-^M Delete a global mode from the
- current buffer
- 27
- Files MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- Chapter 8
- Files
- A file is simply a collection of related data. In EMACS we are
- dealing with text files -- named collections of text residing on a disk
- (or some other storage medium). You will recall that the major entities
- EMACS deals with are buffers. Disk-based versions of files are only
- active in EMACS when you are reading into or writing out of buffers. As
- we have already seen, buffers and physical files are linked by
- associated filenames. For example, the buffer "ch7.txt" which is
- associated with the physical disk file "ch7.txt." You will notice that
- the file is usually specified by the drive name or (in the case of a
- hard drive) a path. Thus you can specify full filenames in EMACS,
- e.g. disk:\directories\filename.extension
- If you do not specify a disk and directories, the default disk
- is used.
- IMPORTANT -- If you do not explicitly save your buffer to a
- file, all your edits will be lost when you leave EMACS (although EMACS
- will prompt you when you are about to lose edits by exiting). In
- addition, EMACS does not protect your disk-based files from overwriting
- when it saves files. Thus when you instruct EMACS to save a file to
- disk, it will create a file if the specified file doesn't exist, or it
- will overwrite the previously saved version of the file thus replacing
- it. Your old version is gone forever.
- If you are at all unsure about your edits, or if (for any
- reason) you wish to keep previous versions of a file, you can change the
- name of the associated file with the command ^X-N. When this file is
- saved to disk, EMACS will create a new physical file under the new name.
- The earlier disk file will be preserved.
- For example, let's load the file fang.txt into EMACS. Now, type
- ^X-N. The EMACS command line prompts "name:". Enter a new name for the
- file -- say new.txt and press <NL>. The file will be saved under the
- new filename, and your disk directory will show both fang.txt and
- new.txt.
- An alternative method is to write the file directly to disk
- under a new filename. Let's pull our "publish.txt" file into EMACS. To
- write this file under another filename, type ^X-^W. EMACS will prompt
- you "write file:". Enter an alternate filename -- desktop.txt. Your
- file will be saved as the physical file "desktop.txt".
- 28
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Files
- Note that in the examples above, although you have changed the
- names of the related files, the buffer names remain the same. However,
- when you pull the physical file back into EMACS, you will find that the
- buffer name now relates to the filename.
- For example -- You are working with a buffer "fang.txt" with the
- related file "fang.txt". You change the name of the file to "new.txt".
- EMACS now shows you working with the buffer "fang.txt" and the related
- file "new.txt". Now pull the file "new.txt" into EMACS. Notice that
- the buffer name has now changed to "new.txt".
- If for any reason a conflict of buffer names occurs,(if you have
- files of the same name on different drives for example) EMACS will
- prompt you "use buffer:". Enter an alternative buffer name if you need
- to.
- For a list of file related commands (including some we`ve
- already seen), see the summary page.
- 29
- Files MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- Chapter 8 Summary
- In Chapter 8 you learned some of the more advanced concepts of
- file naming and manipulation. The relationship between files and
- buffers was discussed in some detail.
- Key Binding Keystroke Effect
- Save-file ^X-^S Saves contents of current buffer with
- associated filename on default disk/
- directory (if not specified)
- Write-File ^X-^W Current buffer contents will be
- saved under specified name
- Change-File-name
- ^X-N The associated filename is changed
- (or associated if not previously
- specified) as specified
- Find-File ^X-^F Reads specified file into buffer and
- switches you to that buffer, or switches
- to buffer in which the file has previously
- been read
- Read-File ^X-^R Reads file into buffer thus overwriting
- buffer contents. If file has already
- been read into another buffer, you will
- be switched to it
- View-File ^X-^V The same as read-file except the buffer
- is automatically put into VIEW mode thus
- preventing any changes from being made
- 30
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Screen Formatting
- Chapter 9
- Screen Formatting
- 9.1 Wrapping Text
- As we learned in the introduction, EMACS is not a word
- processor, but an editor. Some simple formatting options are available
- however, although in most cases they will not affect the appearance of
- the finished text when it is run through the formatter. We have already
- encountered WRAP mode which wraps lines longer than a certain length
- (default is 75 characters). You will recall that WRAP is enabled by
- entering ^X-M and responding to the command line prompt with wrap.
- You can also set your own wrap margin with the command ^X-F set-
- fill-column. Notice EMACS responds "[Fill column is 1]." Now try typing
- some text. You'll notice some very strange things happening -- your
- text wraps at every word!! This effect occurs because the set wrap
- margin command must be preceded by a numeric argument or EMACS sets it
- to the first column. Thus any text you type that extends past the first
- column will wrap at the most convenient line break.
- To reset the wrap column to 72 characters, press the <META> key
- and enter 72. EMACS will respond "Arg: 72". Now press ^X-F. EMACS
- will respond "[Fill column is 72]". Your text will again wrap at the
- margin you've been using up to this point.
- 9.2 Reformatting Paragraphs
- After an intensive editing session, you may find that you have
- paragraphs containing lines of differing lengths. Although this
- disparity will not affect the formatted text, aesthetic and technical
- concerns may make it desirable to have consistent paragraph blocks on
- the screen. If you are in WRAP mode, you can reformat a paragraph with
- the command M-Q fill-paragraph. This command 'fills' the current
- paragraph reformatting it so all the lines are filled and wrap
- logically. The process is complex, and (especially with longer
- paragraphs) may take a little time.
- 31
- -----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----
- --
- Paul Homchick
- Chimitt Gilman Homchick, Inc.; One Radnor Station, Suite 300; Radnor, PA 19087
- {seismo!bpa | ihnp4!cbmvax} !vu-vlsi!cgh!paul