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- From: paul@cgh.UUCP (Paul Homchick)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: MicroEMACS 3.8i Documentation (Formatted) 2 of 2
- Message-ID: <2764@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 3 Jul 87 00:12:26 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Lines: 2122
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8707/4
- MicroEmacs 3.8i Documentation formatted from MicroSCRIBE original.
- +++ Part Two of Two +++
- (Differs from the original uEmacs distribution by fixing some spelling
- errors and formattating problems)
- -----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----
- Screen Formatting MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- 9.3 Changing Case
- There may be occasions when you find it necessary to change the
- case of the text you've entered. EMACS allows you to change the case of
- even large amounts of text with ease. Let's try and convert a few of
- the office traditionalists to the joy of word processing. Type in the
- following text:
- Throw away your typewriter and learn to use a word processor.
- Word processing is relatively easy to learn and will increase
- your productivity enormously. Enter the Computer Age and find
- out just how much fun it can be!!
- Let's give it a little more impact by capitalizing the first
- four words. The first step is to define the region of text just as you
- would if you were doing an extensive deletion. Set the mark at the
- beginning of the paragraph with M-<space> set-mark and move the cursor
- to the space beyond "typewriter." Now enter ^X-^U case-region-upper.
- Your text should now look like this:
- THROW AWAY YOUR TYPEWRITER and learn to use a word processor.
- Word processing is relatively easy to learn and will increase
- your productivity enormously. Enter the Computer Age and find
- out just how much fun it can be!!
- If you want to change the text back to lower case, type ^X-^L
- case-region-lower. You can also capitalize individual words. To
- capitalize the word "fun", position the cursor in front of the word and
- type M-U case-word-upper. The word is now capitalized. To change it
- back to lower case, move the cursor back to the beginning of the word
- and type M-L case-word-lower.
- You may also capitalize individual letters in EMACS. The
- command M-C case-word-capitalize capitalizes the first letter after the
- point. This command would normally be issued with the cursor positioned
- in front of the first letter of the word you wish to capitalize. If you
- issue it in the middle of a word, you can end up with some strAnge
- looking text.
- 9.4 Tabs
- Unless your formatter is instructed to take screen text
- literally (as MicroSCRIBE does in the 'verbatim' environment for
- example), tabs in EMACS generally affect screen formatting only.
- When EMACS is first started, it sets the default tab to every
- eighth column. As long as you stay with default, every time you press
- the tab key a tab character, ^I is inserted. This character, like other
- control characters, is invisible -- but it makes a subtle and
- significant difference to your file and editing.
- 32
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Screen Formatting
- For example, in default mode, press the tab key and then type
- the word Test. "Test" appears at the eighth column. Move your cursor
- to the beginning of the word and delete the backward character. The
- word doesn't move back just one character, but flushes to the left
- margin. The reason for this behavior is easily explained. In tab
- default, EMACS inserts a 'real' tab character when you press the tab
- key. This character is inserted at the default position, but NO SPACES
- are inserted between the tab character and the margin (or previous tab
- character). As you will recall, EMACS only recognizes characters (such
- as spaces or letters) and thus when the tab character is removed, the
- text beyond the tab is flushed back to the margin or previous tab mark.
- This situation changes if you alter the default configuration.
- The default value may be changed by entering a numeric argument before
- pressing the tab key. As we saw earlier, pressing the META key and
- entering a number allows you to specify how EMACS performs a given
- action. In this case, let's specify an argument of 10 and hit the tab
- key.
- Now hit the tab key again and type Test. Notice the word now
- appears at the tenth column. Now move to the beginning of the word and
- delete the backward character. "Test" moves back by one character.
- EMACS behaves differently in these circumstances because the ^I
- handle-tab function deals with tabbing in two distinct ways. In default
- conditions, or if the numeric argument of zero is used, handle-tab
- inserts a true tab character. If, however, a non-zero numeric argument
- is specified, handle-tab inserts the correct number of spaces needed to
- position the cursor at the next specified tab position. It does NOT
- insert the single tab character and hence any editing functions should
- take account of the number of spaces between tabbed columns.
- Many times you would like to take a line which has been created
- using the tab character and change it to use just spaces. The command
- ^X-^D detab-line changes any tabs from the point to the end of the
- current line into the right number of spaces so the line does not
- change. This is very useful for times when the file must be printed or
- transferred to a machine which does not understand tabs.
- Also, the inverse command, ^X-^E entab-lines changes multiple
- spaces to tabs where possible. This is a good way to shrink the size of
- large documents, especially with data tables. Both of these commands
- can take a numeric argument which will be interpreted as the number of
- lines to en/detab.
- 33
- Screen Formatting MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- Chapter 9 Summary
- In Chapter 9 introduced some of the formatting features of
- EMACS. Text-wrap, paragraph reformatting, and tabs were discussed in
- some detail. The commands in the following table were covered in the
- chapter.
- Key Binding Keystroke Effect
- Add-Mode/WRAP ^X-M[WRAP] Add wrap mode to current buffer
- Delete-Mode/WRAP ^X-^M[WRAP] Remove wrap mode from current buffer
- Set-Fill-Column ^X-F Set fill column to given numeric
- argument
- Fill-Paragraph M-Q Logically reformats the current
- paragraph
- Case-Word-Upper M-U Text from point to end of the
- current word is changed to uppercase
- Case-Word-Lower M-L Text from point to end of the
- current word is changed to lowercase
- Case-Word-Capitalize M-C First word (or letter) after the
- point is capitalized
- Case-Region-Upper ^X-^U The current region is uppercased
- Case-Region-Lower ^X-^L The current region is lowercased
- Handle-Tab ^I Tab interval is set to the given
- numeric argument
- Entab-Line ^X-^E Changes multiple spaces to tabs
- characters where possible
- Detab-Line ^X-^D Changes tab characters to the
- appropriate number of spaces
- 34
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Keyboard Macros
- Chapter 10
- Keyboard Macros
- In many applications, it may be necessary to repeat a series of
- characters or commands frequently. For example, a paper may require the
- frequent repetition of a complex formula or a long name. You may also
- have a series of EMACS commands that you invoke frequently. Keyboard
- macros offer a convenient method of recording and repeating these
- commands.
- Imagine, for example, you are writing a scholarly paper on
- Asplenium platyneuron, the spleenwort fern. Even the dedicated botanist
- would probably find it a task bordering on the agonizing to type
- Asplenium platyneuron frequently throughout the paper. An alternative
- method is 'record' the name in a keyboard macro. Try it yourself.
- The command ^X-( begin-macro starts recording the all the
- keystrokes and commands you input. After you've typed it, enter
- Asplenium platyneuron. To stop recording, type ^X-) end-macro. EMACS
- has stored all the keystrokes between the two commands. To repeat the
- name you've stored, just enter ^X-E execute-macro, and the name
- "Asplenium platyneuron" appears. You can repeat this action as often as
- you want, and of course as with any EMACS command, you may precede it
- with a numerical argument.
- Because EMACS records keystrokes, you may freely intermix
- commands and text. Unfortunately, you can only store one macro at a
- time. Thus, if you begin to record another macro, the previously
- defined macro is lost. Be careful to ensure that you've finished with
- one macro before defining another. If you have a series of commands
- that you would like to 'record' for future use, use the macro or
- procedure facilities detailed in chapter <X>.
- 35
- Keyboard Macros MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- Chapter 10 Summary
- Chapter 10 covered keyboard macros. You learned how to record
- keystrokes and how to repeat the stored sequence.
- Key Binding Keystroke Effect
- Start-Macro ^X-( Starts recording all keyboard input
- End-Macro ^X-) Stops recording keystrokes for macro
- Execute-Macro ^X-E Entire sequence of recorded
- keystrokes is replayed
- 36
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual MicroEMACS Macros
- Chapter 11
- MicroEMACS Macros
- Macros are programs that are used to customize the editor and to
- perform complicated editing tasks. They may be stored in files or
- buffers and may be executed using an appropriate command, or bound to a
- particular keystroke. Portions of the standard start-up file are
- implement via macros, as well as the example menu system. The execute-
- macro-<n> commands cause the macro, numbered from 1 to 40, to be
- executed. The execute-file command allows you to execute a macro stored
- in a disk file, and the execute-buffer command allows you to execute a
- macro stored in a buffer. Macros are stored for easy execution by
- executing files that contain the store-macro command.
- There are many different aspects to the macro language within
- MicroEMACS. Editor commands are the various commands that manipulate
- text, buffers, windows, etc, within the editor. Directives are commands
- which control what lines get executed within a macro. Also there are
- various types of variables. Environmental variables both control and
- report on different aspects of the editor. User variables hold string
- values which may be changed and inspected. Buffer variables allow text
- to be placed into variables. Interactive variable allow the program to
- prompt the user for information. Functions can be used to manipulate
- all these variables.
- 11.1 Variables
- Variables in MicroEMACS can be used to return values within
- expressions, as repeat counts to editing commands, or as text to be
- inserted into buffers and messages. The value of these variables is set
- using the set (^X-A) command. For example, to set the current fill
- column to 64 characters, the following macro line would be used:
- set $fillcol 64
- or to have the contents of %name inserted at the point in the
- current buffer, the command to use would be:
- insert-string %name
- 37
- MicroEMACS Macros MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- 11.1.1 Environmental Variables
- "What good is a quote if you can't change it?"
- These variables are used to change different aspects of the way
- the editor works. Also they will return the current settings if used as
- part of an expression. All environmental variable names begin with a
- dollar sign ($) and are in lower case.
- $fillcol Current fill column
- $pagelen Number of screen lines used currently
- $curwidth Number of columns used currently
- $curcol Current column of point in current buffer
- $curline Current line of point in current buffer
- $flicker Flicker Flag set to TRUE if IBM CGA set to FALSE for
- most others
- $cbufname Name of the current buffer
- $cfname File name of the current buffer
- $sres Current screen resolution (CGA, MONO or EGA on the IBM-
- PC driver. LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH or DENSE on the Atari
- ST1040, NORMAL on all others)
- $debug Flag to trigger macro debugging (try it... you'll like
- it!)
- $status return status of the success of the last command (TRUE
- or FALSE) usually used with !force
- $palette string used to control the palette register settings on
- graphics versions. The usually form consists of groups
- of three octal digits setting the red, green, and blue
- levels.
- $asave The number of inserted characters between automatic
- file-saves in ASAVE mode.
- $acount The countdown of inserted characters until the next
- save-file.
- $lastkey Last keyboard character typed
- $curchar Character currently at the point
- 38
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual MicroEMACS Macros
- $discmd Flag to disable the echoing of messages on the command
- line
- $version Contains the current MicroEMACS version number
- $progname Always contains the string "MicroEMACS" for standard
- MicroEMACS. Could be something else if used as part of
- someone else's program
- $seed integer seed of the random number generator
- $disinp Flag to disable the echoing of characters during
- command line input
- Obviously, many more of these variables will be available in
- future releases of MicroEMACS. (Yes, send a vote for your favorite new
- environmental variables today).
- 11.1.2 User variables
- User variables allow you, the user, to store strings and
- manipulate them. These strings can be pieces of text, numbers (in text
- form), or the logical values TRUE and FALSE. These variables can be
- combined, tested, inserted into buffers, and otherwise used to control
- the way your macros execute. At the moment, up to 100 user variables
- may be in use in one editing session. All users variable names must
- begin with a percent sign (%) and may contain any printing characters.
- Only the first 10 characters are significant (i.e differences beyond the
- tenth character are ignored). Most operators will truncate strings to a
- length of 128 characters.
- 11.1.3 Buffer Variables
- Buffer variables are special in that they can only be queried
- and cannot be set. What buffer variables are is a way to take text from
- a buffer and place it in a variable. For example, if I have a buffer by
- the name of RIGEL2, and it contains the text:
- Richmond
- Lafayette
- <*>Bloomington (where <*> is the current point)
- Indianapolis
- Gary
- =* MicroEMACS 3.8i (WRAP) == rigel2 == File: /data/rigel2.txt =====
- and within a command I reference #rigel2, like:
- insert-string #rigel2
- 39
- MicroEMACS Macros MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- MicroEMACS would start at the current point in the RIGEL2 buffer
- and grab all the text up to the end of that line and pass that back.
- Then it would advance the point to the beginning of the next line. Thus,
- after our last command executes, the string "Bloomington" gets inserted
- into the current buffer, and the buffer RIGEL2 now looks like this:
- Richmond
- Lafayette
- Bloomington
- <*>Indianapolis (where <*> is the current point)
- Gary
- =* MicroEMACS 3.8i (WRAP) == rigel2 == File: /data/rigel2.txt =====
- as you have probably noticed, a buffer variable consists of the
- buffer name, preceded by a pound sign (#).
- 11.1.4 Interactive variables
- Interactive variables are actually a method to prompt the user
- for a string. This is done by using an at sign (@) followed either with
- a quoted string, or a variable containing a string. The string is the
- placed on the bottom line, and the editor waits for the user to type in
- a string. Then the string typed in by the users is returned as the
- value of the interactive variable. For example:
- set %quest "What file? "
- find-file @%quest
- will ask the user for a file name, and then attempt to find it.
- 11.2 Functions
- Functions can be used to manipulate variables in various ways.
- Functions can have one, two, or three arguments. These arguments will
- always be placed after the function on the current command line. For
- example, if we wanted to increase the current fill column by two, using
- emacs's set (^X-A) command, we would write:
- set $fillcol &add $fillcol 2
- \ \ \ \ \____second operand
- \ \ \ \_________first operand
- \ \ \_______________function to execute
- \ \_____________________variable to set
- \___________________________set (^X-A) command
- Function names always begin with the ampersand (&) character,
- and are only significant to the first three characters after the
- ampersand. Functions will normal expect one of three types of
- arguments, and will automatically convert types when needed.
- 40
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual MicroEMACS Macros
- <num> an ascii string of digits which is interpreted as a
- numeric value. Any string which does not start with a
- digit or a minus sign (-) will be considered zero.
- <str> An arbitrary string of characters. At the moment,
- strings are limited to 128 characters in length.
- <log> A logical value consisting of the string "TRUE" or
- "FALSE". Numeric strings will also evaluate to "FALSE"
- if they are equal to zero, and "TRUE" if they are non-
- zero. Arbitrary text strings will have the value of
- "FALSE".
- A list of the currently available functions follows: (Once
- again, send in those votes on what kind of functions you would like to
- see added!) Functions are always used in lower case, the uppercase
- letters in the function table are the short form of the function (i.e
- &div for ÷).
- Numeric Functions: (returns <num>)
- &ADD <num> <num> Add two numbers
- &SUB <num> <num> Subtract the second number from the first
- &TIMes <num> <num> Multiply two numbers
- &DIVide <num> <num> Divide the first number by the second
- giving an integer result
- &MOD <num> <num> Return the reminder of dividing the
- first number by the second
- &NEGate <neg> Multiply the arg by -1
- &LENgth <str> Returns length of string
- &ASCii <str> Return the ascii code of the first
- character in <str>
- &RND <num> Returns a random integer between 1 and <num>
- &ABS <num> Returns the absolute value of <num>
- String manipulation functions: (returns <str>)
- &CAT <str> <str> Concatenate the two strings to form one
- &LEFt <str> <num> return the <num> leftmost characters
- from <str>
- &RIGht <str> <num> return the <num> rightmost characters
- from <str>
- &MID <str> <num1> <num2>
- Starting from <num1> position in <str>,
- return <num2> characters.
- &UPPer <str> Uppercase <str>
- &LOWer <str> lowercase <str>
- &CHR <num> return a string with the character
- represented by ascii code <num>
- >K return a string containing a single
- keystroke from the user
- Logical Testing functions: (returns <log>)
- 41
- MicroEMACS Macros MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- &NOT <log> Return the opposite logical value
- &AND <log1> <log2> Returns TRUE if BOTH logical arguments
- are TRUE
- &OR <log1> <log2> Returns TRUE if either argument
- is TRUE
- &EQUal <num> <num> If <num> and <num> are numerically
- equal, return TRUE
- &LESs <num1> <num2> If <num1> is less than <num2>, return
- &GREater <num1> <num2> If <num1> is greater than, or equal to
- <num2>, return TRUE.
- &SEQual <str1> <str2> If the two strings are the same, return
- &SLEss <str1> <str2> If <str1> is less alphabetically than
- <str2>, return TRUE.
- &SGReater <str1> <str2> If <str1> is alphabetically greater than
- or equal to <str2>, return TRUE.
- Special Functions:
- &INDirect <str> Evaluate <str> as a variable.
- This last function deserves more explanation. The &IND function
- evaluates its argument, takes the resulting string, and then uses it as
- a variable name. For example, given the following code sequence:
- ; set up reference table
- set %one "elephant"
- set %two "giraffe"
- set %thee "donkey"
- set %index "two"
- insert-string &ind %index
- the string "giraffe" would have been inserted at the point in
- the current buffer. This indirection can be safely nested up to about
- 10 levels.
- 11.3 Directives
- Directives are commands which only operate within an executing
- macro, i.e they do not make sense as a single command. As such, they
- cannot be called up singly or bound to keystroke. Used within macros,
- they control what lines are executed and in what order.
- Directives always start with the exclamation mark (!) character
- and must be the first thing placed on a line. Directives executed singly
- (via the execute-command-line command) interactively will be ignored.
- 42
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual MicroEMACS Macros
- 11.3.1 !ENDM Directive
- This directive is used to terminate a macro being stored. For
- example, if a file is being executed contains the text:
- ; Read in a file in view mode, and make the window red
- 26 store-macro
- find-file @"File to view: "
- add-mode "view"
- add-mode "red"
- !endm
- write-message "[Consult macro has been loaded]"
- only the lines between the store-macro command and the !ENDM
- directive are stored in macro 26.
- 11.3.2 !FORCE Directive
- When MicroEMACS executes a macro, if any command fails, the
- macro is terminated at that point. If a line is preceded by a !FORCE
- directive, execution continues weather the command succeeds or not. For
- example:
- ; Merge the top two windows
- save-window ;remember what window we are at
- 1 next-window ;go to the top window
- delete-window ;merge it with the second window
- !force restore-window ;This will continue regardless
- add-mode "red"
- 11.3.3 !IF, !ELSE, and !ENDIF Directives
- This directive allows statements only to be executed if a
- condition specified in the directive is met. Every line following the
- !IF directive, until the first !ELSE or !ENDIF directive, is only
- executed if the expression following the !IF directive evaluates to a
- TRUE value. For example, the following macro segment creates the
- portion of a text file automatically. (yes believe me, this will be
- easier to understand then that last explanation....)
- !if &sequal %curplace "timespace vortex"
- insert-string "First, rematerialize~n"
- !endif
- !if &sequal %planet "earth" ;If we have landed on earth...
- 43
- MicroEMACS Macros MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- !if &sequal %time "late 20th century" ;and we are then
- write-message "Contact U.N.I.T."
- !else
- insert-string "Investigate the situation....~n"
- insert-string "(SAY 'stay here Sara')~n"
- !endif
- !else
- set %conditions @"Atmosphere conditions outside? "
- !if &sequal %conditions "safe"
- insert-string &cat "Go outside......" "~n"
- insert-string "lock the door~n"
- !else
- insert-string "Dematerialize..try somewhere else"
- newline
- !endif
- !endif
- 11.3.4 !GOTO Directive
- Flow can be controlled within a MicroEMACS macro using the !GOTO
- directive. It takes as an argument a label. A label consists of a line
- starting with an asterisk (*) and then an alphanumeric label. Only
- labels in the currently executing macro can be jumped to, and trying to
- jump to a non-existing label terminates execution of a macro. For
- example..
- ;Create a block of DATA statements for a BASIC program
- insert-string "1000 DATA "
- set %linenum 1000
- *nxtin
- update-screen ;make sure we see the changes
- set %data @"Next number: "
- !if &equal %data 0
- !goto finish
- !endif
- !if &greater $curcol 60
- 2 delete-previous-character
- newline
- set %linenum &add %linenum 10
- insert-string &cat %linenum " DATA "
- !endif
- insert-string &cat %data ", "
- !goto nxtin
- *finish
- 2 delete-previous-character
- 44
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual MicroEMACS Macros
- newline
- 11.3.5 !RETURN Directive
- The !RETURN Directive causes the current macro to exit, either
- returning to the caller (if any) or to interactive mode. For example:
- ; Check the monitor type and set %mtyp
- !if &sres "CGA"
- set %mtyp 1
- !return
- !else
- set %mtyp 2
- !endif
- insert-string "You are on a MONOCHROME machine!~n"
- 45
- A MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- Appendix A
- MicroEMACS commands
- Below is a complete list of the commands in EMACS, the keys
- normally used to do the command, and what the command does. Remember,
- on some computers there may also be additional ways of using a command
- (cursor keys and special function keys for example).
- Command Binding Meaning
- abort-command ^G This allows the user to abort out of any
- command that is waiting for input
- add-mode ^X-M Add a mode to the current buffer
- add-global-mode M-M Add a global mode for all new buffers
- apropos M-A List out commands whose name contains
- the string specified
- backward-character ^B Move one character to the left
- begin-macro ^X-( Begin recording a keyboard macro
- beginning-of-file M-< Move to the beginning of the file in
- the current buffer
- beginning-of-line ^A Move to the beginning of the current line
- bind-to-key M-K Bind a key to a function
- buffer-position ^X-= List the position of the cursor in the
- current window on the command line
- case-region-lower ^X-^L Make a marked region all lower case
- case-region-upper ^X-^U Make a marked region all upper case
- case-word-capitalize M-C Capitalize the following word
- case-word-lower M-L Lower case the following word
- case-word-upper M-U Upper case the following word
- change-file-name ^X-N Change the name of the file in the
- current buffer
- 46
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual A
- change-screen-size M-^S Change the number of lines of the screen
- currently being used
- change-screen-width M-^T Change the number of columns of the
- screen currently being used
- clear-and-redraw ^L Clear the physical screen and redraw it
- clear-message-line (none) Clear the command line
- copy-region M-W Copy the currently marked region into
- the kill buffer
- count-words M-^C Count how many words, lines and
- characters are in the current marked region
- ctlx-prefix ^X Change the key used as the ^X prefix
- delete-blank-lines ^X-^O Delete all blank lines around the cursor
- delete-buffer ^X-K Delete a buffer which is not being
- currently displayed in a window
- delete-mode ^X-^M Turn off a mode in the current buffer
- delete-global-mode M-^M Turn off a global mode
- delete-next-character ^D Delete the character following the cursor
- delete-next-word M-D Delete the word following the cursor
- delete-other-windows ^X-1 Make the current window cover the entire
- screen
- delete-previous-character^H Delete the character to the left of the
- cursor
- delete-previous-word M-^H Delete the word to the left of the cursor
- delete-window ^X-0 Remove the current window from the screen
- describe-bindings (none) Make a list of all legal commands
- describe-key ^X-? Describe what command is bound to a
- keystroke sequence
- detab-line ^X-^D Change all tabs in a line to the
- equivalent spaces
- end-macro ^X-) stop recording a keyboard macro
- end-of-file M-> Move cursor to the end of the current buffer
- end-of-line ^E Move to the end of the current line
- 47
- A MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- entab-line ^X-^E Change multiple spaces to tabs where
- possible
- exchange-point-and-mark ^X-^X Move cursor to the last marked spot,
- make the original position be marked
- execute-buffer (none) Execute a buffer as a macro
- execute-command-line (none) Execute a line typed on the command
- line as a macro command
- execute-file FNB Execute a file as a macro
- execute-macro ^X-E Execute the keyboard macro (play back
- the recorded keystrokes)
- execute-macro-<n> (none) Execute numbered macro <N> where <N> is
- an integer from 1 to 40
- execute-named-command M-X Execute a command by name
- execute-procedure M-^E Execute a procedure by name
- exit-emacs ^X-^C Exit EMACS. If there are unwritten,
- changed buffers EMACS will ask to confirm
- fill-paragraph M-Q Fill the current paragraph
- filter-buffer ^X-# Filter the current buffer through an
- external filter
- find-file ^X-^F Find a file to edit in the current window
- forward-character ^F Move cursor one character to the right
- goto-line M-G Goto a numbered line
- goto-matching-fence M-^F Goto the matching fence
- grow-window ^X-^ Make the current window larger
- handle-tab ^I Insert a tab or set tab stops
- hunt-forward FN= Hunt for the next match of the last
- search string
- hunt-backward FN> Hunt for the last match of the last
- search string
- help M-? Read EMACS.HLP into a buffer and display it
- i-shell ^X-C Shell up to a new command processor
- incremental-search ^X-S Search for a string, incrementally
- 48
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual A
- insert-file ^X-^I insert a file at the cursor in the
- current file
- insert-space ^C Insert a space to the right of the cursor
- insert-string (none) Insert a string at the cursor
- kill-paragraph M-^W Delete the current paragraph
- kill-region ^W Delete the current marked region, moving
- it to the kill buffer
- kill-to-end-of-line ^K Delete the rest of the current line
- list-buffers ^X-^B List all existing buffers
- meta-prefix <ESC> Key used to precede all META commands
- move-window-down ^X-^N Move all the lines in the current window down
- move-window-up ^X-^P Move all the lines in the current window up
- name-buffer M-^N Change the name of the current buffer
- newline ^M Insert a <NL> at the cursor
- newline-and-indent ^J Insert a <NL> at the cursor and indent
- the new line the same as the preceding line
- next-buffer ^X-X Bring the next buffer in the list into
- the current window
- next-line ^N Move the cursor down one line
- next-page ^V Move the cursor down one page
- next-paragraph M-N Move cursor to the next paragraph
- next-window ^X-O Move cursor to the next window
- next-word M-F Move cursor to the beginning of the
- next word
- open-line ^O Open a line at the cursor
- pipe-command ^X-@ Execute an external command and place
- its output in a buffer
- previous-line ^P Move cursor up one line
- previous-page ^Z Move cursor up one page
- previous-paragraph M-P Move back one paragraph
- 49
- A MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- previous-window ^X-P Move the cursor to the last window
- previous-word M-B Move the cursor to the beginning of the
- word to the left of the cursor
- query-replace-string M-^R Replace all of one string with another
- string, interactively querying the user
- quick-exit M-Z Exit EMACS, writing out all changed buffers
- quote-character ^Q Insert the next character literally
- read-file ^X-^R Read a file into the current buffer
- redraw-display M-^L Redraw the display, centering the
- current line
- resize-window ^X-W Change the number of lines in the
- current window
- restore-window (none) Move cursor to the last saved window
- replace-string M-R Replace all occurrences of one string
- with another string from the cursor
- to the end of the buffer
- reverse-incremental-search^X-R Search backwards, incrementally
- run M-^E Execute a named procedure
- save-file ^X-^S Save the current buffer if it is changed
- save-window (none) Remember current window (to restore later)
- scroll-next-up M-^Z Scroll the next window up
- scroll-next-down M-^V Scroll the next window down
- search-forward ^S Search for a string
- search-reverse ^R Search backwards for a string
- select-buffer ^X-B Select a buffer to display in the
- current window
- set ^X-A Set a variable to a value
- set-encryption-key M-E Set the encryption key of the current buffer
- set-fill-column ^X-F Set the current fill column
- set-mark Set the mark
- shell-command ^X-! Execute an external command
- 50
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual A
- shrink-window ^X-^Z Make the current window smaller
- split-current-window ^X-2 Split the current window in two
- store-macro (none) Store the following macro lines to a
- numbered macro
- store-procedure (none) Store the following macro lines to a
- named procedure
- transpose-characters ^T Transpose the character at the cursor
- with the character to the left
- trim-line ^X-^T Trim any trailing whitespace from line
- unbind-key M-^K Unbind a key from a function
- universal-argument ^U Execute the following command 4 times
- unmark-buffer M-~ Unmark the current buffer (so it is
- no longer changed)
- update-screen (none) Force a screen update during macro execution
- view-file ^X-^V Find a file,and put it in view mode
- wrap-word M-FNW Wrap the current word, this is an
- internal function
- write-file ^X-^W Write the current buffer under a new
- file name
- write-message (none) Display a string on the command line
- yank ^Y yank the kill buffer into the current
- buffer at the cursor
- 51
- B MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- Appendix B
- MicroEMACS Bindings
- Below is a complete list of the key bindings used in MicroEMACS.
- This can be used as a wall chart reference for MicroEMACS commands.
- Default Key Bindings for MicroEmacs 3.8i
- ^A Move to start of line ESC A Apropos (list some commands)
- ^B Move backward by characters ESC B Backup by words
- ^C Insert space ESC C Initial capitalize word
- ^D Forward delete ESC D Delete forward word
- ^E Goto end of line ESC E Reset Encryption Key
- ^F Move forward by characters ESC F Advance by words
- ^G Abort out of things ESC G Go to a line
- ^H Backward delete
- ^I Insert tab/Set tab stops
- ^J Insert CR-LF, then indent
- ^K Kill forward ESC K Bind Key to function
- ^L Refresh the screen ESC L Lower case word
- ^M Insert CR-LF ESC M Add global mode
- ^N Move forward by lines ESC N Goto End paragraph
- ^O Open up a blank line
- ^P Move backward by lines ESC P Goto Beginning of paragraph
- ^Q Insert literal ESC Q Fill current paragraph
- ^R Search backwards ESC R Search and replace
- ^S Search forward
- ^T Transpose characters
- ^U Repeat command four times ESC U Upper case word
- ^V Move forward by pages ESC V Move backward by pages
- ^W Kill region ESC W Copy region to kill buffer
- ^Y Yank back from killbuffer ESC X Execute named command
- ^Z Move backward by pages ESC Z Save all buffers and exit
- ESC ^C Count words in region ESC ~ Unmark current buffer
- ESC ^F Goto matching fence ESC ! Reposition window
- ESC ^H Delete backward word ESC < Move to start of buffer
- ESC ^K Unbind Key from function ESC > Move to end of buffer
- ESC ^L Reposition window ESC . Set mark
- ESC ^M Delete global mode ESC space Set mark
- ESC ^N Rename current buffer ESC rubout Delete backward word
- ESC ^R Search & replace w/query rubout Backward delete
- ESC ^S Change screen rows
- ESC ^T Change screen columns
- ESC ^V Scroll next window down
- ESC ^W Delete Paragraph
- 52
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual B
- ESC ^Z Scroll next window up
- ^X ? Describe a key ^X ! Run 1 command in a subjob
- ^X = Show the cursor position ^X @ Pipe DOS command to buffer
- ^X ^ Enlarge display window ^X # Filter buffer thru DOS filter
- ^X 0 Delete current window ^X ( Begin macro
- ^X 1 Delete other windows ^X ) End macro
- ^X 2 Split current window
- ^X A Set variable value
- ^X ^B Display buffer list ^X B Switch a window to a buffer
- ^X ^C Exit MicroEMACS ^X C Start a new command processor
- ^X D Suspend MicroEMACS (BSD4.2 only)
- ^X E Execute macro
- ^X ^F Find file ^X F Set fill column
- ^X ^I Insert file
- ^X K Delete buffer
- ^X ^L Lower case region
- ^X ^M Delete Mode ^X M Add a mode
- ^X ^N Move window down ^X N Rename current filename
- ^X ^O Delete blank lines ^X O Move to the next window
- ^X ^P Move window up ^X P Move to the previous window
- ^X ^R Get a file from disk ^X R Incremental reverse search
- ^X ^S Save current file ^X S Incremental forward search
- ^X ^U Upper case region
- ^X ^V View file
- ^X ^W Write a file to disk ^X W resize Window
- ^X ^X Swap "." and mark ^X X Use next buffer
- ^X ^Z Shrink window ^X Z Enlarge display window
- Only under PCDOS:
- <ALT>-S Hunt forward SHIFT <F1> - <F10>
- <ALT>-R Hunt backward Execute macros 1 - 10
- Usable Modes
- WRAP Lines going past right margin "wrap" to a new line
- VIEW Read-Only mode where no modifications are allowed
- CMODE Change behavior of some commands to work with C better
- EXACT Exact case matching on search strings
- OVER Overwrite typed characters instead of inserting them
- CRYPT Current buffer will be encrypted on write, decrypted on read
- MAGIC Use regular expression matching in searches
- ASAVE Save the file every 256 inserted characters
- white/cyan/magenta/yellow/blue/red/green/black Sets background color
- 53
- C MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- Appendix C
- Supported machines
- The following table lists all the hardware/compilers for which I
- currently support MicroEMACS. This is not exclusive of all machines
- which MicroEMACS will run on, but I have either run it myself, or had a
- first hand report of it running.
- Hardware OS Compiler Comments
- VAX 780 UNIX V5 native
- UNIX V7 native
- BSD 4.2 native job control supported
- *VMS native only some terminals supported
- NCR Tower UNIX V5 native
- Fortune 32:16 UNIX V7 native
- IBM-PC MSDOS 2/3.2 Lattice 2.15 Large CODE/Large DATA
- AZTEC 3.4e Small CODE/Large DATA
- *MSC 4.0
- *MWC 86
- HP150 MSDOS Lattice 2.15 Function key labels
- for the touch screen
- HP110 MSDOS Lattice 2.15
- Aztec 3.4e
- *Data General 10
- MSDOS Lattice 2.15
- *Texas Instruments Professional
- MSDOS Lattice 2.15
- Amiga Intuition Lattice 3.03 no mouse or menus yet
- *Aztec 3
- ST520 TOS Lattice 3.10 no menus yet,
- no shell commands
- Systems to be supported (i.e some code is already written:)
- Macintosh Finder 5.0 Aztec
- *means that I do not own or have access to the listed compiler and/or
- machine and must rely upon others to help support it.
- 54
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual D
- Appendix D
- Machine Dependent Notes
- This appendix lists some notes specific to individual
- implementations of MicroEMACS. Every attempt has been made to allow
- EMACS to be identical on all machines, but we have also tried to take
- advantage of function keys, cursor keys, mice, and special screen modes
- where possible.
- D.1 IBM-PC/XT/AT and its clones
- The IBM-PC family of computers is supported with a variety of
- different display adapters. EMACS will attempt to discover what adapter
- is connected and use the proper driver for it. Below is a list of the
- currently supported video adapters:
- Adapter $sres Original mode used
- Monochrome Graphics Adapter MONO MONO
- Color Graphics Adapter CGA CGA
- Enhanced graphics Adapter EGA CGA
- EMACS also takes advantage of various function keys and the keys
- on the keypad on an IBM-PC. The function keys are initially not bound
- to any particular functions (except by the emacs.rc startup file), but
- the keypad keys do default to the following:
- Keypad key Function
- Home beginning-of-file
- CSRS UP previous-line
- Pg Up previous-page
- CSRS LEFT backward-character
- CSRS RIGHT forward-character
- End end-of-file
- CSRS DOWN next-line
- Pg Dn Next-page
- All these special keys are indicated in EMACS macros by use of
- the FN prefix. Below is a list of many of the keys and the codes used
- to specify them. Also the codes may be gotten by using the describe-key
- (^X ?) command on the suspect key.
- 55
- D MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- IBM PC function keys in MicroEmacs
- function Function ^function Alt-function
- f1) FN; FNT FN^ FNh
- f2) FN< FNU FN_ FNi
- f3) FN= FNV FN` FNj
- f4) FN> FNW FNa FNk
- f5) FN? FNX FNb FNl
- f6) FN@ FNY FNc FNm
- f7) FNA FNZ FNd FNn
- f8) FNB FN[ FNe FNo
- f9) FNC FN\ FNf FNp
- f10) FND FN] FNg FNq
- home) FNG FNw
- CuUp) FNH
- PgUp) FNI FN {Alt 132}
- CuLf) FNK FNs
- 5 )
- CuRt) FNM FNt
- End) FNO FNu
- CuDn) FNP
- PgDn) FNQ FNv
- Ins) FNR
- Del) FNS
- 56
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual D
- D.2 Atari 520/1040ST
- The ATARI ST family of computers have a dual personality. They
- may use either a monochrome or a color screen. EMACS supports two screen
- resolutions on each monitor.
- Monitor $sres size #color $palette format
- Color LOW 40x25 16 000111222333444555666777
- MEDIUM 80x25 4 000111222333
- Mono HIGH 80x25 2 000
- DENSE 80x40 2 000
- The $palette environment variable can be used to change what
- color is associated with each color name. With a color monitor, each
- group of three digits indicates an octal number specifying the RED,
- GREEN and BLUE levels of that color. Each color digit can vary from 0
- to 7. For example, the initial setting of $palette in LOW resolution
- is:
- 000700070770007707077777
- which broken up is:
- 000 700 070 770 007 707 077 777
- which means:
- 000 Black
- 700 Red
- 070 Green
- 770 Yellow
- 007 Blue
- 707 Magenta
- 077 Cyan
- 777 White
- Note: DENSE mode is not yet supported in 3.8i. It will be
- soon
- Also the mouse generates FN prefix codes when moved, or when one
- of the two buttons is pressed. Initially the movement of the mouse is
- bound to movement of the cursor, and the left mouse button generates a
- set-mark (M-space) command. The cursor keys and the function keys are
- bound similarly to IBM-PC.
- 57
- D MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- D.3 Amiga 1000
- The Commodore AMIGA 1000 version of MicroEMACS does not have
- extensive support of the mouse or of pull down menus as of yet. It does
- however come up in a window, and it is possible to re-size it to run in
- different sized windows. The M-^S change-screen-size takes its numeric
- argument as the new number of lines for EMACS to use. The M-^T change-
- screen-width command allows you to change the number of columns EMACS
- will use. The defaults for these are 23 lines and 77 characters across
- for a full screen window.
- Note about Compiling MicroEMACS
- If you are compiling the sources on the AMIGA to
- produce an executable image, and you are using the Lattice
- compiler, be sure to give the CLI command 'STACK 40000' before
- compiling to make sure the compiler has sufficient stack space
- to successfully complete compilation.
- 58
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual D
- D.4 UNIX V5, V7, and BSD4.[23]
- MicroEMACS under UNIX utilizes the TERMCAP library to provide
- machine independent screen functions. Make sure that termcap is
- available and properly set on your account before attempting to use
- MicroEMACS.
- Under systems which support job control, you can use the ^X-D
- suspend-emacs command to place EMACS into the background. This carries
- a much smaller overhead than bringing up a new shell under EMACS. EMACS
- will properly redraw the screen when you bring it back to the
- foreground.
- With the addition of some very machine/operating system specific
- code, EMACS can prevent two or more people from modifying the same file
- at the same time. The upper level of a set of functions to provide file
- locking exist in the source file LOCK.C. It requires two machine
- specific functions written and linked into EMACS for it to operate
- properly.
- char *dolock(fname)
- char *fname;
- dolock() locks a file, preventing others from modifying it. If
- it succeeds, it returns NULL, otherwise it returns a pointer to
- a string in the form "LOCK ERROR: explanation".
- char *undolock(fname)
- char *fname;
- undolock() unlocks a file, allowing others to modifying it. If
- it succeeds, it returns NULL, otherwise it returns a pointer to
- a string in the form "LOCK ERROR: explanation".
- 59
- Index MicroEMACS Reference Manual
- Index
- <NL> 12 entab-lines 33
- execute-buffer 37
- A execute-file 37
- add-global-mode 23 execute-macro 35
- add-mode 3, 23 execute-macro-<n> 37
- exit-emacs 8
- B
- backward-character 4 F
- begin-macro 35 file locking 59
- beginning-of-file 4, 7 fill-paragraph 7, 31
- beginning-of-line 4 fill column 26
- buffer 4, 6 find-file 17, 18, 20
- buffers 20 forward-character 4
- C H
- case-region-lower 32 handle-tab 33
- case-word-capitalize 32
- case-word-lower 32 K
- case-word-upper 32 kill-region 9
- change-screen-size 58 kill-to-end-of-line 8
- change-screen-width 58 kill buffer 10
- color 23
- control-x 1 L
- control key 1 list-buffers 21, 23
- copy-region 10
- cursor keys 4 M
- mark 9
- D meta key 1
- default string 13 mode line 2, 6
- delete-blank-lines 8 modes 3, 23
- delete-buffer 21 move-window-down 18
- delete-global-mode 23 move-window-up 18
- delete-mode 23
- delete-next-character 8 N
- delete-next-word 8 newline 1
- delete-previous- next-buffer 20
- character 7 next-line 3
- delete-previous-word 8 next-paragraph 4
- detab-line 33
- O
- E open-line 7
- encryption 24
- end-macro 35 P
- end-of-file 4 point 9
- end-of-line 4 previous-line 3
- 60
- MicroEMACS Reference Manual Index
- previous-paragraph 4 set-fill-column 31
- previous-window 17 set-mark 9
- previous-word 3 special keys 1
- split-current-window 17
- Q suspend-emacs 59
- query-replace 14
- query-replace-string 14 T
- tab handling 33
- R termcap 59
- replace-string 13 text window 2
- S W
- save-file 4 window 6
- screen 6 windows 2, 17
- scroll-next-down 18 wrap-word 26
- scroll-next-up 18 wrapping text 31
- search-forward 12 write-file 4
- search-reverse 13
- select-buffer 20 Y
- set-encryption-key 24 yank 10
- 61
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 Basic Concepts 1
- 1.1 Keys and the Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
- 1.2 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
- 1.3 Parts and Pieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
- 1.4 Entering Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
- 1.5 Basic cursor movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- 1.6 Saving your text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- Chapter 2 Basic Editing--Simple Insertions and Deletions 6
- 2.1 A Word About Windows, Buffers, Screens, and Modes . 6
- 2.2 Insertions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- 2.3 Deletions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- Chapter 3 Using Regions 9
- 3.1 Defining and Deleting a Region . . . . . . . . . . 9
- 3.2 Yanking a Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- Chapter 4 Search and Replace 12
- 4.1 Forward Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- 4.2 Exact Searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
- 4.3 Backward Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
- 4.4 Searching and Replacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
- 4.5 Query-Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- Chapter 5 Windows 17
- 5.1 Creating Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
- 5.2 Deleting Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
- 5.3 Resizing Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
- 5.4 Other Window commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
- Chapter 6 Buffers 20
- Chapter 7 Modes 23
- 7.1 ASAVE mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
- 7.2 CMODE mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- 7.3 CRYPT mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- 7.4 EXACT mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- 7.5 MAGIC mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
- 7.6 OVER mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
- 7.7 WRAP mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
- 7.8 VIEW mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
- i
- Chapter 8 Files 28
- Chapter 9 Screen Formatting 31
- 9.1 Wrapping Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
- 9.2 Reformatting Paragraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
- 9.3 Changing Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
- 9.4 Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
- Chapter 10 Keyboard Macros 35
- Chapter 11 MicroEMACS Macros 37
- 11.1 Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
- 11.1.1 Environmental Variables . . . . . . . . . . . 38
- 11.1.2 User variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
- 11.1.3 Buffer Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
- 11.1.4 Interactive variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
- 11.2 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
- 11.3 Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
- 11.3.1 !ENDM Directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
- 11.3.2 !FORCE Directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
- 11.3.3 !IF, !ELSE, and !ENDIF Directives . . . . . . 43
- 11.3.4 !GOTO Directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
- 11.3.5 !RETURN Directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
- Appendix A MicroEMACS commands 46
- Appendix B MicroEMACS Bindings 52
- Appendix C Supported machines 54
- Appendix D Machine Dependent Notes 55
- D.1 IBM-PC/XT/AT and its clones . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
- D.2 Atari 520/1040ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
- D.3 Amiga 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
- D.4 UNIX V5, V7, and BSD4.[23] . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
- ii
- -----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----
- --
- Paul Homchick
- Chimitt Gilman Homchick, Inc.; One Radnor Station, Suite 300; Radnor, PA 19087
- {seismo!bpa | ihnp4!cbmvax} !vu-vlsi!cgh!paul