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- From: root@hobbes.UUCP
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: "glob" in C for MS-DOS (sources)
- Message-ID: <2915@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 16 Jul 87 00:21:54 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Organization: U of Wisconsin - Madison Spanish Department
- Lines: 747
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8707/46
- [There were uuencodes with this. I have split them off; they are in
- comp.binaries.ibm.pc. ++bsa]
- Here is a routine which does wildcard expansion for MS-DOS.
- The shar which follows contains:
- glob.c glob.h - the actual wildcard expansion routines
- example.c - a very simple example of its usage
- chd.c - a more complex example - implements chdir
- Have fun, mail me if you have problems...
- John Plocher UUCP: <backbone>!uwvax!geowhiz!uwspan!plocher
- ============== Internet: plocher%uwspan.UUCP@uwvax.cs.Wisc.EDU
- FidoNet: 121/0 BITNET: uwvax!geowhiz!uwspan!plocher@psuvax1
- *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*
- #!/bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive created by yasa (1.72jmp).
- # Run the following text with /bin/sh to extract.
- #
- # Archive: /usr/src/new/dos/cd/wildcard.shar
- #
- # This archive is a complete distribution by itself.
- #
- # Packed under system5 by plocher@hobbes (John Plocher)
- # Packed on Tue Jul 14 20:13:11 1987
- #
- echo x - README
- if [ -s README ] # exists & size>0
- then
- echo "shar: will not overwrite 'README'"
- else
- sed "s/^X//" << \!SHAR-EOF! > README
- X Here is a routine which does wildcard expansion for MS-DOS.
- XIt could be spiffed up by using the regex routines by Henry Spencer, but
- Xfor now it expands DOS style wildcards (*,?): (This is also found in
- Xthe file example.c)
- X
- X #include "glob.h"
- X main() {
- X char **names;
- X names = glob("*.c");
- X if (names)
- X printf("The first file which matches the wildcard: %s\n",names[0]);
- X else
- X printf("glob() error number %d\n",globerror);
- X }
- X
- XIt also handles the case of "/usr/pl*/bin/*.exe" where "/usr/pl*/bin" is unique.
- XUnfortunately, the code does not handle "/*/*/*.c" type expansions. This is
- Xan arbitrary limitation which is left to the student to implement. :-)))))
- X
- XIt also does not handle "C:/bin/*.exe" - the drive spec fouls it up,
- XMS-DOS seems to have problems with the find first/next functions in the
- Xroot directory so "/*.c" may give you problems.
- X
- XThe shar which follows contains:
- X glob.c glob.h - the actual wildcard expansion routines
- X example.c - a very simple example of its usage
- X chd.c - a more complex example - implements chdir
- X chd.exe (uuencoded) - compiled version of chd.c
- X glob.obj (uuencoded) - linkable module containing glob()
- X
- XHave fun, mail me if you have problems...
- X
- X(PS I am not actively using MS-DOS for now, so this code has been sitting
- X"on the shelf" for a bit. I saw a few comments in comp.sys.ibm.pc concerning
- XTurbo C and its lack of wildcard support, so I figured I'd send this out.)
- X
- X John Plocher UUCP: <backbone>!uwvax!geowhiz!uwspan!plocher
- X============== Internet: plocher%uwspan.UUCP@uwvax.cs.Wisc.EDU
- XFidoNet: 121/0 BITNET: uwvax!geowhiz!uwspan!plocher@psuvax1
- if [ "`wc -c README`" != " 1638 README" ]
- then
- echo ' README may be bad'
- fi
- echo x - chd.c
- if [ -s chd.c ] # exists & size>0
- then
- echo "shar: will not overwrite 'chd.c'"
- else
- sed "s/^X//" << \!SHAR-EOF! > chd.c
- X
- X/*
- X * chd.c change directory
- X * John Plocher
- X *
- X * usage: chd [new directory]
- X *
- X * [new directory] may contain wildcards; it may not be ambiguous
- X * If no arguments, use $HOME variable in environment
- X *
- X * C:\BIN > set HOME=/usr/plocher
- X * C:\BIN > chd \u*\lo*
- X * C:\USR\LOCAL > chd
- X *
- X * uses glob() to expand wildcards in pathname
- X *
- X * returns (ERRORLEVEL)
- X *
- X * 0 No error
- X * 1 could not find directory
- X * 2 ambiguous pathname
- X * 3 directoryname expected, you gave a filename
- X * 4 internal error
- X *
- X * Change log
- X *
- X * Version Date Who Comments
- X * ------- ---- --- --------
- X * 1.00 16-Jan-86 jmp Initially coded
- X * 1.01 21-Jan-86 jmp Expanded help menu (-?), fixed glob()
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "glob.h"
- X
- X#define VERSION "1.01 21-Jan-86"
- X/* #define DEBUG */
- X
- Xchar *sccsid = "21-Jan-86 (Plocher) @(#)chd.c 1.01";
- X
- Xextern char *strchr();
- Xextern char *getenv();
- Xextern char *strdup();
- Xextern void usage();
- X
- Xextern char *filename();
- Xextern char *fixslash();
- Xextern void recover();
- X
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar *argv[];
- X{
- X char **names; /* array of pointers to names returned by glob() */
- X char *progname; /* name of program (either argv[0] or hardcoded) */
- X char *p; /* temp string pointer */
- X char errstring[150];/* for usage() errors */
- X char path[127]; /* workspace for getting starting (un-globbed) path */
- X
- X if (argv[0]) /* if there is something here, use it (DOS 3.xx+) */
- X progname = filename(argv[0]);
- X else /* hardcode the program name */
- X progname = "chd";
- X
- X if (argc > 2) { /* must have less than 2 arguments */
- X usage(progname,"Too many arguments");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X if (argc == 1) { /* need to get HOME */
- X p = getenv("HOME"); /* p == NULL if not found ... */
- X if (p != NULL)
- X strcpy(path,p);
- X else {
- X usage(progname,"Environment variable HOME not found\n");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X } else { /* we have a pathspec from command line */
- X if (argv[1][0] == '-') { /* if invoked chd -anything, just */
- X usage(progname,NULL); /* explain ourselves */
- X exit(0);
- X }
- X strcpy(path,argv[1]);
- X }
- X
- X fixslash(path); /* convert all '\'s into '/'s */
- X
- X names = glob(path); /* get files which match */
- X
- X if (names == NULL && globerror == GE_BADPATH) {
- X sprintf(errstring,"Path not found: \"%s\"",path);
- X usage(progname, errstring);
- X recover(names);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X if ((names == NULL && globerror == GE_AMBIGUOUS) || names[1] != NULL) {
- X sprintf(errstring,"Ambiguous pathname \"%s\"",path);
- X usage(progname, errstring);
- X recover(names);
- X exit(2);
- X }
- X if (chdir(names[0])) { /* do the actual chdir */
- X usage(progname,"You must specify a DIRECTORY path");
- X recover(names);
- X exit(3);
- X }
- X if (names == NULL && (globerror == GE_MAXFILES || globerror == GE_NOMEM)) {
- X sprintf(errstring,"Internal error: %s",
- X globerror == GE_MAXFILES ? "Too many files" : "Out of memory");
- X usage(progname, errstring);
- X recover(names);
- X exit(4);
- X }
- X recover(names); /* free memory used by *names[] */
- X
- X exit(0); /* no errors */
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * usage tell the workd about this program
- X */
- Xvoid usage(progname, error)
- Xchar *progname;
- X{
- Xfprintf(stderr,"%s version %s by John Plocher on FidoNet 121/90\n",
- X progname,VERSION);
- Xif (error)
- X fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR: %s\n",error);
- Xelse {
- X fprintf(stderr,"\n%s - a replacement for MS-DOS's chdir & cd commands\n",
- X progname);
- X fprintf(stderr,"%s is Copyright 1986 by John Plocher\n\n",progname);
- X fprintf(stderr,"%s is released to the NON PROFIT, NON COMMERCIAL public.\n",
- X progname);
- X fprintf(stderr,"Commercial rights to %s reserved by John Plocher\n", progname);
- X fprintf(stderr,"%s has some features which the DOS version lacks:\n",progname);
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t1) ALL wildcards (* and ?) are expanded, no matter where\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t they are in the path.\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t\tC:\\ >%s \\u*\\p*\\w*\\?\n",progname);
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t\tC:\\USR\\PLOCHER\\WORK\\C >\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t2) If %s is invoked without arguments, it will try to\n",progname);
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t change to the directory found in the environment\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t variable HOME.\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t\tC:\\ >SET HOME=\\usr\\plocher -or-\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t\tC:\\ >SET HOME=\\u*\\p*\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t3) If %s fails, it leaves an indication in ERRORLEVEL.\n",progname);
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t This exit code can be tested in batch files:\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t ERRORLEVEL Meaning\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t ---------- -------\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t\t0 No error\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t\t1 could not find directory\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t\t2 ambiguous pathname\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t\t3 directoryname expected, you gave a filename\n");
- X fprintf(stderr,"\t\t4 internal error (let me know about this!)\n\n");
- X}
- Xfprintf(stderr,"usage: %s <directory name> change to directory\n",progname);
- Xfprintf(stderr," %s change to HOME\n",progname);
- Xfprintf(stderr," %s -? help screen\n",progname);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * filename extract the filename from a pathname
- X * ie C:\usr\plocher\chd.exe results in chd
- X */
- Xchar *filename(path)
- Xchar *path;
- X
- X{
- X register char *p, *pd;
- X
- X p = strchr(path,'\0'); /* work from the back... */
- X while (--p != path && *p != ':' && *p != '\\' && *p != '/');
- X if (*p == '\\' || *p == '/' || *p == ':')
- X p++;
- X pd = strchr(p,'.'); /* we don't want the .EXE */
- X if (pd != NULL)
- X *pd = '\0';
- X strlwr(p);
- X return (p);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * fixslash convert all '\'s to '/'s
- X */
- Xchar *fixslash(s)
- Xchar *s;
- X{
- X register int x;
- X
- X if (s == NULL) return;
- X for (x=0; x < strlen(s); x++)
- X if (s[x] == '\\')
- X s[x] = '/';
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * recover free up the space malloc()'d in *names[] by glob()
- X */
- Xvoid recover(names)
- Xchar **names;
- X{
- X register int i;
- X
- X i = 0;
- X while (names[i] != (char *)0) {
- X free(names[i]);
- X i++;
- X }
- X free(names);
- X}
- X
- if [ "`wc -c chd.c`" != " 5981 chd.c" ]
- then
- echo ' chd.c may be bad'
- fi
- echo x - example.c
- if [ -s example.c ] # exists & size>0
- then
- echo "shar: will not overwrite 'example.c'"
- else
- sed "s/^X//" << \!SHAR-EOF! > example.c
- X/* Example program demonstrating the use of glob() */
- X
- X#include "glob.h"
- X
- X main() {
- X char **names;
- X names = glob("*.?");
- X if (names) {
- X printf("expansion of *.? is:\n");
- X print(names);
- X } else
- X printf("glob() error number %d (see glob.h)\n",globerror);
- X recover(names);
- X }
- X
- X recover(names) /* free() all the space used up by **names; */
- X char **names;
- X {
- X int i = 0;
- X while (names[i] != (char *)0) {
- X free(names[i]);
- X i++;
- X }
- X free(names);
- X }
- X
- X print(names) /* print out all the filenames returned by glob() */
- X char **names;
- X {
- X int i;
- X i = 0;
- X while (names[i] != (char *)0) {
- X printf("%s\n",names[i]);
- X i++;
- X }
- X }
- if [ "`wc -c example.c`" != " 681 example.c" ]
- then
- echo ' example.c may be bad'
- fi
- echo x - glob.c
- if [ -s glob.c ] # exists & size>0
- then
- echo "shar: will not overwrite 'glob.c'"
- else
- sed "s/^X//" << \!SHAR-EOF! > glob.c
- X
- X/*
- X * Copyright 1985, 1986 by John Plocher Non-commercial use approved
- X *
- X * glob expand a given pathname with wildcards into
- X * an argv[] type array of 'strings' which are
- X * the files (directories) which result from the
- X * expansion of the pathname. (All characters in
- X * the returned list of filenames are in lower case)
- X *
- X * usage: char **glob(pathname) char *pathname;
- X *
- X * pathname is an absolute or relative pathname which may
- X * contain DOS type wildcards wherever desired:
- X *
- X * names = glob("\\usr\\pl*\\*.c");
- X *
- X * It requires an externally declared int in the main function
- X * named globerror:
- X *
- X * extern int globerror;
- X *
- X * to be used to return an error indication if glob() fails.
- X * If glob() fails, it returns NULL with
- X *
- X * globerror set to GE_BADPATH invalid path - directory not found
- X * globerror set to GE_AMBIGUOUS ambiguous directory spec
- X * globerror set to GE_MAXFILES too many files found (MAXFILES)
- X * globerror set to GE_NOMEM out of memory
- X *
- X * else it returns a pointer to a NULL terminated array of pointers
- X * to 'strings':
- X *
- X * +-[ MAIN.C ]----------------------------------------------------+
- X * | |
- X * | #include "glob.h" |
- X * | main() { |
- X * | char **glob(); |
- X * | char **names; |
- X * | names = glob("/u??/p*"); |
- X * | if (names) |
- X * | printf("the first name returned is %s\n",names[0]); |
- X * | else |
- X * | printf("glob() error number %d\n",globerror); |
- X * | recover(names); |
- X * | } |
- X * | |
- X * +---------------------------------------------------------------+
- X *
- X * ALL strings and the array *names[] are made with calls to
- X * malloc(). Thus, be sure to free() *names[x] AND names when done!
- X *
- X * +-[sample routines]---------------------------------------------+
- X * | |
- X * | (* free() all the space used up by **names; *) |
- X * | recover(names) |
- X * | char **names; |
- X * | { |
- X * | int i = 0; |
- X * | |
- X * | while (names[i] != (char *)0) { |
- X * | free(names[i]); |
- X * | i++; |
- X * | } |
- X * | free(names); |
- X * | } |
- X * | |
- X * | (* print out all the filenames returned by glob() *) |
- X * | print(names) |
- X * | char **names; |
- X * | { |
- X * | int i; |
- X * | i = 0; |
- X * | while (names[i] != (char *)0) { |
- X * | printf("%s\n",names[i]); |
- X * | i++; |
- X * | } |
- X * | } |
- X * +---------------------------------------------------------------+
- X *
- X * Compile as follows: (Structures MUST be packed in order for
- X * the program to interface correctly with DOS)
- X * cl -c -Zp glob.c ** Microsoft C v3 or 4 **
- X *
- X * Using the example given above, compile and link main program:
- X * cl main.c glob
- X *
- X * Written December, 1985 by John Plocher with MicroSoft C 3.0
- X * Change log:
- X *
- X * version date who comments
- X * ------- ---- --- --------
- X * 1.0 10-Dec-85 jmp Orig. coding
- X * 1.1 16-Jan-86 jmp added globerror
- X * 1.2 05-Feb-86 jmp added comments and doccumentation
- X *
- X */
- X
- Xstatic char *scssid = "5-Feb-86 (Plocher) @(#)glob.c 1.2";
- Xstatic char *copyright =
- X "Copyright 1985, 1986 John Plocher. Non-commercial use approved";
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <dos.h>
- X#include <memory.h>
- X#include <direct.h>
- X#include <string.h>
- X#include "glob.h"
- X
- X/* Change the following if you might have more than this many */
- X/* files returned by glob() */
- X
- X#define MAXFILES 256 /* max files returned by glob() */
- X
- Xstatic char *list[MAXFILES]; /* MAXFILES entries per sub-dir */
- X
- Xextern char *strlwr();
- Xextern int getdir();
- Xextern char *pos();
- X
- Xint globerror; /* PUBLIC - global error number */
- X
- X/*
- X * glob()
- X */
- Xchar **
- Xglob(proposed)
- Xchar *proposed;
- X{
- X int i,j,k,needdir,n;
- X char *end, filename[128], newpath[127], tmppath[127];
- X char *f, *p1, *p2;
- X char **names;
- X
- X strcpy(filename, proposed);
- X
- X /* add on current directory if first char is not '/' or '\' */
- X if (*filename != '/' && *filename != '\\') {
- X getcwd(tmppath,128);
- X p2 = strchr(tmppath,'\0');
- X p2--;
- X if (*p2 != '/' && *p2 != '\\')
- X strcat(tmppath,"/");
- X strcat(tmppath,filename);
- X strcpy(filename, tmppath);
- X }
- X for (i=strlen(filename); i; i--)
- X if (filename[i] == '\\')
- X filename[i] = '/';
- X i = 0; j = 0;
- X p2 = strchr(filename,'\0');
- X p2--;
- X if (*p2 == '.')
- X strcat(filename,"/");
- X while ((p1 = pos("/./",filename)) != NULL) {
- X memccpy(p1+1, p1+3, '\0',strlen(p1));
- X }
- X while ((p1 = pos("../",filename)) != NULL) {
- X char tmp;
- X tmp = *(p1 - 1);
- X *(p1 - 1) = '\0';
- X p2 = strrchr(filename,'/');
- X if (p2 == NULL) {
- X globerror = GE_BADFILE;
- X return(NULL);
- X }
- X *(p1 - 1) = tmp;
- X memccpy(p2+1, p1+3, '\0',strlen(p1));
- X }
- X p2 = strchr(filename,'\0');
- X p2--;
- X if (*p2 == '/')
- X *p2 = '\0';
- Xloop:
- X while (filename[i] != 0 && /* copy till hit a wildcard */
- X filename[i] != '*' &&
- X filename[i] != '?') {
- X tmppath[j++] = filename[i++];
- X }
- X if (filename[i] != 0) /* wildcard found */
- X while (filename[i] != 0 &&
- X filename[i] != '/')
- X tmppath[j++] = filename[i++];
- X if (filename[i] != 0) /* need directory here */
- X needdir = 1;
- X else /* any file will do */
- X needdir = 0;
- X tmppath[j] = 0;
- X strcpy(newpath,tmppath);
- X end = strrchr(newpath,'/');
- X if (end != NULL)
- X *end = '\0';
- X
- X n = getdir(tmppath,needdir);
- X
- X if (n == -2) { /* out of dynamic memory */
- X globerror = GE_NOMEM;
- X return(NULL);
- X }
- X if (n == -1) { /* exceeded filecount */
- X globerror = GE_MAXFILES;
- X return(NULL);
- X }
- X if (n == 0) { /* file not found */
- X globerror = GE_BADFILE;
- X return(NULL);
- X }
- X if (needdir && n != 1) { /* ambiguous directory reference */
- X for (i = 0; i < n; i++) /* This is an arbitrary limit */
- X free(list[i]); /* one could follow all paths */
- X globerror = GE_AMBIGUOUS; /* and not just the first... */
- X return(NULL);
- X }
- X if (needdir) {
- X strcpy(tmppath,newpath);
- X strcat(tmppath,"/");
- X strcat(tmppath,list[0]);
- X free(list[0]);
- X j = strlen(tmppath);
- X goto loop;
- X }
- X
- X names = (char **)malloc((n+1) * sizeof(char *));
- X for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- X sprintf(tmppath,"%s/%s", newpath, list[i]);
- X names[i] = strdup(tmppath);
- X free(list[i]);
- X }
- X names[n] = (char *)0;
- X
- X return(names);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * pos(target, src)
- X * find target string within src
- X */
- Xstatic char *pos(s1,s2)
- Xchar *s1, *s2;
- X{
- X int temploc, dist;
- X char *tp;
- X
- X if (*s1) {
- X for (;;) {
- X tp = strchr(s2, *s1);
- X if (tp == NULL) { /* couldn't even find first char */
- X return(NULL);
- X }
- X if (!strncmp(s1,tp,strlen(s1))) /* match */ {
- X return(tp);
- X }
- X s2 = tp + 1;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * File attributes
- X */
- X
- X#define AT_RO 0x01 /* Read Only */
- X#define AT_HIDDEN 0x02 /* hidden file */
- X#define AT_SYSTEM 0x04 /* System file */
- X#define AT_LABEL 0x08 /* volume label */
- X#define AT_DIR 0x10 /* sub directory */
- X#define AT_ARCH 0x20 /* archive bit */
- X
- Xstatic struct REGS rregs;
- Xstatic struct SREGS sregs;
- X
- Xstatic struct DMA { /* For reading directory entry */
- X char res[21];
- X char attr;
- X unsigned sec : 5, min : 6, hour : 5;
- X unsigned day : 5, mon : 4, year : 7;
- X long size;
- X char name[13];
- X} dma;
- X
- X/*
- X * getdir gather all the files found in this directory
- X */
- Xstatic int
- Xgetdir(path, needdir) /* return number of 'files' found in this path */
- Xchar *path; /* this is where to look */
- Xint needdir; /* 1 = we want ONLY AT_DIR type entries */
- X /* 0 = we will take EVERYTHING */
- X{
- X int i, j, n;
- X char *entry;
- X
- X bdos(0x1a, &dma,0);
- X
- X n = 0;
- X rregs.h.ah = 0x4e;
- X rregs.x.cx = AT_RO | AT_HIDDEN | AT_SYSTEM | AT_DIR;
- X rregs.x.dx = (unsigned int) path;
- X j = intdos(&rregs, &rregs); /* Search for first */
- X while(j == 0) {
- X strlwr(dma.name);
- X if (needdir && (dma.attr & AT_DIR != AT_DIR)){ /* skip this entry */
- X rregs.h.ah = 0x4f; /* wes needs dirs, and this ain't one */
- X j = intdos(&rregs, &rregs);/* Search for next */
- X continue;
- X }
- X entry = strdup(dma.name);
- X if (entry == NULL) { /* out of memory */
- X for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- X free(list[i]);
- X return (-2);
- X }
- X if (n >= MAXFILES) /* too many files found */
- X return(-1);
- X for (i = n++; i > 0; --i) { /* alphabetize */
- X if (strcmp(entry, list[i - 1]) >= 0)
- X break;
- X list[i] = list[i - 1];
- X }
- X list[i] = entry;
- X rregs.h.ah = 0x4f;
- X j = intdos(&rregs, &rregs); /* Search for next */
- X }
- X return(n);
- X}
- X
- if [ "`wc -c glob.c`" != " 8494 glob.c" ]
- then
- echo ' glob.c may be bad'
- fi
- echo x - glob.h
- if [ -s glob.h ] # exists & size>0
- then
- echo "shar: will not overwrite 'glob.h'"
- else
- sed "s/^X//" << \!SHAR-EOF! > glob.h
- X/*
- X * Header file for wildcard routines
- X */
- X
- X#define GE_BADPATH -1 /* invalid path - directory not found */
- X#define GE_AMBIGUOUS -2 /* ambiguous directory spec */
- X#define GE_MAXFILES -3 /* too many files found (MAXFILES) */
- X#define GE_NOMEM -4 /* out of memory */
- X
- Xextern int globerror; /* PUBLIC - global error number */
- Xextern char **glob( char * );
- X
- if [ "`wc -c glob.h`" != " 362 glob.h" ]
- then
- echo ' glob.h may be bad'
- fi
- echo x - make.bat
- if [ -s make.bat ] # exists & size>0
- then
- echo "shar: will not overwrite 'make.bat'"
- else
- sed "s/^X//" << \!SHAR-EOF! > make.bat
- XREM makefile for glob routines by John Plocher
- XREM glob is a routine which expands DOS style wildcards into an argv array
- X
- XREM Microsoft C 3.0 and 4.0 -Must pack structures in glob.c-
- X
- Xcl -O -c -Zp glob.c
- Xcl -O chd.c glob -o chd
- X
- if [ "`wc -c make.bat`" != " 231 make.bat" ]
- then
- echo ' make.bat may be bad'
- fi
- exit