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- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; File: fread.cl
- ; Description: FREAD benchmark
- ; Author: Richard Gabriel
- ; Created: 11-Apr-85
- ; Modified: 11-Apr-85 20:39:09 (Bob Shaw)
- ; Language: Common Lisp
- ; Package: User
- ; Status: Public Domain
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;; FREAD -- Benchmark to read from a file.
- ;;; Pronounced "FRED". Requires the existance of FPRINT.TST which is created
- ;;; by FPRINT.
- (defun fread ()
- (let ((stream (open "fprint.tst" :direction :input)))
- (read stream)
- (close stream)))
- (eval-when (load eval)
- (if (not (probe-file "fprint.tst"))
- (format t "~%Define FPRINT.TST by running the FPRINT benchmark!")))
- ;;; call: (fread))
- (run-benchmark "Fread" '(fread))