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- From: vandys@lindy.stanford.edu (Andy Valencia)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: Forth interpreter in 68000 assembler
- Message-ID: <2931@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 18 Jul 87 00:29:03 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Lines: 2148
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8707/52
- [68000 assembler, yes. Motorola format, not UN*X format; you'll have to change
- all "bar.l"-type opcodes to "barl" (i.e. "move.l" to "movl") to use it on a Sun
- or Plexus box. ++bsa]
- Since I'm on the warpath, here's a hand-coded 68000 forth interpreter
- which conforms to the Forth-83 standard. As I recollect, it actually deviates
- from it in two areas: first, words are 32 bits. Second, I didn't do Forth-
- standard I/O; I just use a pushdown stack of file descriptors, and read and
- write streams.
- I don't know what the policy is concerning machine-dependent code
- (especially a monstrosity like this :-)), but it sure isn't doing anyone any
- good sitting around here, and I'm sure you'll know what to do with it.
- Thanks,
- Andy Valencia
- vandys@lindy.stanford.edu
- #!/bin/sh-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
- # This is a shell archive.
- # Run the following text with /bin/sh to extract.
- cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > Makefile
- forth: forth.o
- ld -N -o forth -e init forth.o -l881 -lm
- @size forth
- @echo "Forth done"
- forth.o: forth.s
- as -o forth.o forth.s
- Funky!Stuff!
- cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > forth.s
- ;
- ; forth.s--a 68K forth interpreter
- ;
- ; Register allocation:
- ; A7--68K stack pointer
- ; A6--IP
- ; A5--SP
- ; A4--RSP
- ; A3..A0--General
- ; D7--Here
- ; D6--Input line pointer
- ; D5..D0--General
- ;
- ;
- ; Flag bits in status field
- ;
- Priority equ 1
- Smudged equ 2
- ;
- ; control structure checking flags
- ;
- FlgDef equ 1 ; : .. ;
- FlgBeg equ 2 ; begin .. again, while, repeat
- FlgWhi equ 5 ; the "while" part flag
- FlgIf equ 3 ; if .. endif
- FlgDo equ 4 ; do .. loop, +loop
- ;
- ; Other constants/offsets
- ;
- stacksize equ 100
- umem equ 96 ; K of dict. space for user
- rstack ds.l stacksize ; 100 Words for return stack
- stack ds.l stacksize ; and 100 for user's stack
- mstack ds.l stacksize ; and 100 for the 68K processor stack
- Inbufsize equ 1024+4*3 ; Input buffer record
- InUnit equ 1024+1 ; Unix file descriptor number
- InbufIdx equ 1024+4 ; Holds index into it for nesting of units
- InbufPrev equ 1024+8 ; Pointer to previous input unit (nesting)
- MaxIn equ 4 ; Max # open input units
- MaxOut equ MaxIn ; and output units
- inbufs
- ds.b 1024 ; Input buffer
- dc.b 0,0 ; <NULL>, <STDIN>
- ds.b 2 ; two bytes wasted
- ds.l 1 ; holds index
- dc.l 0 ; ptr to prev--is NULL for first
- ds.b Inbufsize*(MaxIn-1) ; The rest of the input units
- End_inbufs
- outfds dc.l 1 ; <STDOUT>
- ds.l MaxOut-1 ; The rest of the output units
- ounit dc.l outfds ; Current output unit
- iunit dc.l inbufs ; and current input unit
- ;
- ; init--start up forth. Set up our dictionary & use ABORT
- ;
- globl init
- init move.l #udict,d7 ; Set up HERE
- ;
- ; abort--clear I/O, reset stacks, clear state, enter INTERP
- ;
- abort
- move.l #rstack+stacksize,a4 ; Initialize return stack
- move.l #stack+stacksize,a5 ; and user stack
- move.l #mstack+stacksize,a7 ; and processor stack
- clr.l state1 ; Set state back to interpretive
- move.l #interp,a6 ; Set IP to top of INTERP
- move.l #inbufs,a0 ; Set up & clear input buffer
- clr.b (a0)
- clr.b 1024(a0)
- move.l a0,d6
- move.l d6,iunit
- clr.b InUnit(a0)
- move.l #outfds,a0 ; Set up & clear output buffer
- move.l #1,(a0)
- move.l a0,ounit
- move.l #3,-(a7) ; Close all open files
- clr.l -(a7) ; Dummy place holder
- move.l #20,d3 ; How many units to close
- abor1 moveq #6,d0 ; UNIX "close" system call
- trap #0
- addq.l #1,4(a7) ; Move to next file descriptor
- dbra d3,abor1
- add.l #8,a7 ; Remove arguments from stack
- ; Fall into...
- ; V
- ;
- ; Next--the "fetch/execute" code of FORTH
- ;
- next move.l (a6)+,a0 ; Get CFA's addr, advance IP
- next2 move.l (a0)+,a1 ; Get contents of CFA
- jmp (a1) ; Jump to that address
- ;
- ; interp--a high level definition
- ; : interp
- ; getword lookup if
- ; state @ 0= or if execute else [compile] (lit) , endif
- ; else
- ; number if
- ; state @ if , endif
- ; else notfound abort endif
- ; endif
- ; ;
- ;
- interp dc.l ckstack,getword,lookup,zbranch,inter1
- dc.l state,fetch,zeq,l_or,zbranch,inter2
- dc.l execute,branch,interp
- inter2 dc.l comma,branch,interp
- inter1 dc.l number,zbranch,inter3
- dc.l state,fetch,zbranch,interp
- dc.l plit,plit,comma,comma,branch,interp
- inter3 dc.l notfound
- ;
- ; or--bitwise "or"
- ;
- l_or2 dc.l 0
- l_or dc.l l_or1,l_or1,0
- dc.b 'or '
- l_or1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- or.l d0,(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; and--logical bit-wise AND
- ;
- l_and2 dc.l l_or2,l_and1,l_and1,0
- dc.b 'and '
- l_and1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- and.l d0,(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; 0<--push whether top is less than 0
- ;
- zlt2 dc.l l_and2,zlt1,zlt1,0
- dc.b '0< '
- zlt1 tst.l (a5)
- blt puttrue
- bra putfalse
- ;
- ; 0>--push whether top is greater than 0
- ;
- zgt2 dc.l zlt2,zgt1,zgt1,0
- dc.b '0> '
- zgt1 tst.l (a5)
- bgt puttrue
- bra putfalse
- ;
- ; u<--unsigned version of "less than"
- ;
- ult2 dc.l zgt2,ult1,ult1,0
- dc.b 'u< '
- ult1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- cmp.l (a5),d0
- beq putfalse
- bcc puttrue
- bra putfalse
- ;
- ; 0=--a logical "not"
- ;
- zeq2 dc.l ult2
- zeq dc.l zeq1,zeq1,0
- dc.b '0= '
- zeq1 tst.l (a5)
- bne putfalse
- puttrue
- move.l #-1,(a5)
- jmp next
- putfalse
- clr.l (a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; <--less than. Push whether second is less than top
- ;
- lt2 dc.l zeq2,lt1,lt1,0
- dc.b '< '
- lt1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- cmp.l (a5),d0
- bgt puttrue
- bra putfalse
- ;
- ; >--greater than. Push whether second is greater than top
- ;
- gt2 dc.l lt2,gt1,gt1,0
- dc.b '> '
- gt1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- cmp.l (a5),d0
- blt puttrue
- bra putfalse
- ;
- ; =--push whether top and second are equal
- ;
- equal2 dc.l gt2,equal1,equal1,0
- dc.b '= '
- equal1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- cmp.l (a5),d0
- beq puttrue
- bra putfalse
- ;
- ; ccomma--store a byte into the next location
- ;
- ccomma2 dc.l equal2,ccomma1,ccomma1,0
- dc.b 'c, '
- ccomma1 move.l d7,a0
- move.l (a5)+,d0 ; Get word off stack
- move.b d0,(a0) ; Store its low byte
- addq.l #1,d7 ; Advance HERE
- jmp next
- ;
- ; comma--store a word into the next free location, advancing the
- ; current location pointer
- ;
- comma2 dc.l ccomma2
- comma dc.l comma1,comma1,0
- dc.b ', '
- comma1 addq.l #3,d7 ; Word-align data
- and.l #0xFFFFFFFC,d7
- move.l d7,a0
- move.l (a5)+,(a0)+
- move.l a0,d7
- jmp next
- ;
- ; !--store second at address pointed to by top
- ;
- store2 dc.l comma2
- store dc.l store1,store1,0
- dc.b '! '
- store1 move.l (a5)+,a0
- move.l (a5)+,(a0)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; @--replace top of stack with what it pointed to
- ;
- fetch2 dc.l store2
- fetch dc.l fetch1,fetch1,0
- dc.b '@ '
- fetch1 move.l (a5),a0
- move.l (a0),(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; branch--replace IP with next sequential word in execution
- ;
- branch2 dc.l fetch2
- branch dc.l branch1,branch1,0
- dc.b 'branch '
- branch1 move.l (a6),a6
- jmp next
- ;
- ; zbranch--"branch" if top of stack is zero
- ;
- zbran2 dc.l branch2
- zbranch dc.l zbran1,zbran1,0
- dc.b 'zbranch '
- zbran1 move.l (a6)+,d0 ; Get the conditional destination
- tst.l (a5)+ ; Should we take it?
- beq zbran3
- jmp next
- zbran3 move.l d0,a6 ; Take the branch
- jmp next
- ;
- ; run-time code to push the PFA to stack
- ;
- getpfa move.l (a0),-(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; state--variable which holds the state: 0 == interp, <>0 == compiling
- ;
- state2 dc.l zbran2
- state dc.l getpfa,state1,0
- dc.b 'state '
- state1 dc.l 0
- ;
- ; getword--get the next word from the input stream, put it in "pad".
- ;
- getw2 dc.l state2
- getword dc.l getwo1,getwo1,0
- dc.b 'getword '
- getwo1 jsr getw1
- jmp next
- getw1 move.l d6,a0 ; A0 will be our line pointer
- jsr skipwhite ; Skip leading white space
- move.l #pad1,a1 ; Build into "pad" via A1
- clr.b 8(a1) ; Put in Null-termination
- move.l #8,d1 ; Count # chars stored
- getw3 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ; Get next char
- bne.s getw10 ; Need to read in a new buffer?
- subq.l #1,a1 ; Back up destination ptr
- getw20 movem.l a1/d1,-(a7) ; Save registers
- jsr getline ; Get new line
- movem.l (a7)+,a1/d1 ; Restore registers
- move.l d6,a0 ; Update input line pointer
- bra.s getw4
- getw10 subq.l #1,d1 ; Decrement character count
- beq getw5 ; If run out, truncate rest of word
- getw4 jsr iswhite ; See if at end of word
- bne getw3
- tst.b (a0) ; At end of buffer?
- beq.s getw20
- tst.l d1 ; Blank-fill word
- beq getw6
- getw7 move.b #32,(a1)+
- subq.l #1,d1
- bne getw7
- getw6 move.l a0,d6 ; Save input pointer
- rts
- getw5 tst.b (a0) ; Get new buffer at end of current
- bne.s getw11
- jsr getline
- move.l d6,a0
- bra.s getw5
- getw11 jsr iswhite ; Quit when get white space
- beq.s getw6
- addq.l #1,a0 ; Skip over characters
- bra.s getw5
- ;
- ; skipwhite--skip over white space. For a number of bizarre reasons,
- ; this is also the best place to read in a new buffer if we run
- ; off the end of the current one. It is expected that all input lines
- ; will end in NEWLINE--if they don't, you're taking a chance.
- ;
- skipwhite
- jsr iswhite ; Check next char:
- bne skipw2 ; No white space, return
- tst.b (a0)+ ; At end of input buffer?
- bne skipwhite ; No--continue
- jsr getline ; Yes--get a fresh buffer
- move.l d6,a0 ; update our line buffer pointer
- bra skipwhite
- skipw2 rts
- ;
- ; iswhite--return via the Z flag whether the char pointed to by A0
- ; is a white space character. Uses D3 to hold the char.
- ;
- iswhite move.b (a0),d3 ; Get the char
- cmp.b #32,d3 ; Check space
- beq iswh2
- cmp.b #9,d3 ; ..Tab
- beq iswh2
- cmp.b #10,d3 ; ..Newline
- beq iswh2
- tst.b d3 ; ..NULL
- iswh2 rts
- ;
- ; getline--get another buffer-full from the current input unit. If no
- ; more input is available on it, pop back a level. If there are
- ; no more levels (i.e., the user typed ^D), exit. If the input is
- ; TTY, prompt.
- ;
- ok_msg dc.b 'Ok',10,'> ',0
- even
- getline move.l iunit,a0 ; Get ptr to head of current input record
- cmp.l #inbufs,a0 ; See if it's the TTY
- bne getl9
- move.l #ok_msg,a0 ; Print "Ok"
- jsr prstr
- move.l iunit,a0 ; restore A0
- getl9 move.l a0,d6 ; Set up our input line pointer
- getl4 move.b InUnit(a0),d0 ; Get file descriptor
- ext.w d0
- ext.l d0 ; Turn file descriptor into longword
- move.l #1024,-(a7) ; Third arg: # bytes
- move.l a0,-(a7) ; Second: store buffer
- move.l d0,-(a7) ; First arg is file descriptor
- clr.l -(a7) ; Dummy space holder
- moveq #3,d0 ; UNIX READ syscall
- trap #0
- bcc getl2 ; On carry set, abort on an I/O error
- jmp io_err
- getl2 add.l #16,a7 ; Pop off arguments
- tst.l d0 ; Zero bytes read means EOF--pop up a unit!
- beq.s getl3
- add.l d0,a0 ; Tack on the trailing NULL
- clr.b (a0)
- rts ; and return
- getl3 ; Hit EOF--pop back a unit, or exit
- move.l InbufPrev(a0),d0 ; Get previous record
- beq leave ; STDIN at EOF--exit
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l a0,iunit ; Update current unit
- move.l InbufIdx(a0),d6 ; Get the old line index
- rts
- ;
- ; leave--do an "exit" syscall
- ;
- leave move.l #1,d0 ; Request 1 means "exit"
- clr.l -(a7) ; We will give a return code of 0
- clr.l -(a7)
- trap #0
- trap #1 ; Shouldn't reach here!
- ;
- ; pad--an area of storage to use
- ;
- pad2 dc.l getw2
- pad dc.l getpfa,pad1,0
- dc.b 'pad '
- pad1 ds.b 84
- ;
- ; lookup--search for the word represented by the first 8 bytes of PAD
- ; in the dictionary. If it's not found, push FALSE. Otherwise,
- ; push the CFA, the priority, and TRUE.
- ;
- look2 dc.l pad2
- lookup dc.l look1,look1,0
- dc.b 'lookup '
- look1 jsr look99
- jmp next
- look99 move.l latest+4,a0 ; Get pointer to latest definition
- move.l pad1,d3 ; Get search string
- move.l pad1+4,d4
- look5 cmp.l 16(a0),d3 ; Compare first 4 bytes
- bne look3
- cmp.l 20(a0),d4 ; Compare second 4 bytes
- bne look3
- move.l 12(a0),d5 ; See if smudged
- and.l #Smudged,d5
- bne look3
- add.l #4,a0 ; turn A0 into CFA addr and push
- move.l a0,-(a5)
- move.l 8(a0),d0 ; Get status field
- and.l #Priority,d0 ; Push flag for priority
- move.l d0,-(a5)
- move.l #-1,-(a5) ; Push true flag--word found
- rts
- look3 move.l (a0),d0 ; Move to next entry
- tst.l d0 ; Check null ptr (end of chain)
- beq look4
- move.l d0,a0 ; Move back to A0
- bra look5
- look4 clr.l -(a5) ; Not found--push false
- rts
- ;
- ; execute--pop a CFA off the stack & invoke that word
- ;
- exec2 dc.l look2
- execute dc.l exec1,exec1,0
- dc.b 'execute '
- exec1 move.l (a5)+,a0
- jmp next2
- ;
- ; number--if the string in PAD is not a legal number, push FALSE.
- ; If it is, push the value and TRUE.
- ;
- num2 dc.l exec2
- number dc.l num1,num1,0
- dc.b 'number '
- num1 move.l #pad1,a0 ; This is where our number is
- jsr num99
- jmp next
- num99 clr.l d0 ; D0 accumulates the result
- move.l base,d5 ; D5 is the current base
- cmp.b #45,(a0) ; Flag negation if leading '-' there
- seq d3
- bne num3
- add.l #1,a0
- num3 move.b (a0)+,d1 ; Get next char
- tst.b d1 ; At end of string?
- beq num4
- cmp.b #32,d1 ; At the trailing blanks?
- beq num4
- jsr isdig ; Legal numeric digit?
- bne num6 ; No, this isn't a number
- muls d5,d0 ; Yes, shift and add
- add.l d1,d0 ; ("isdigit" converts it)
- bra num3
- num4 tst.b d3 ; See if it should be negated
- beq num5
- neg.l d0
- num5 move.l d0,-(a5) ; Push number
- move.l #-1,-(a5) ; and true flag
- rts
- num6 clr.l -(a5) ; Not number, push false
- rts
- ;
- ; isdig--check whether the character in D1 is a legal digit. If it is,
- ; return its value in D2, and Z set. Otherwise, return with
- ; Z cleared. We assume that BASE has already been put in D5,
- ;
- isdig sub.l #48,d1 ; Shift '0' down to 0
- blt isdi1 ; Was lower than '0'--can't be a digit
- cmp.b #10,d1 ; Was it 0..9?
- blt isdi2
- sub.b #7,d1 ; Map 'A'..'F' down to 10..15
- blt isdi1
- cmp.b #16,d1 ; Was it in range 10..15?
- blt isdi2
- sub.b #32,d1 ; Finally, map 'a'..'f' down to 10..15
- blt isdi1
- cmp.b #16,d1 ; Was it in range 10..15?
- bge isdi1
- isdi2 ext.w d1 ; Turn the number into a longword
- ext.l d1
- cmp.l d5,d1 ; See if it's within the base
- bge isdi1
- ori #4,ccr ; Set Z--we have a legal number
- rts
- isdi1 andi #0xFB,ccr ; Clear Z--not a digit!
- rts
- ;
- ; (lit)--run-time word to push a literal onto the stack
- ;
- plit2 dc.l num2
- plit dc.l plit1,plit1,0
- dc.b '(lit) '
- plit1 move.l (a6)+,-(a5)
- jmp next
- base2 dc.l plit2,getpfa ; Current base for numbers
- dc.l base,0
- dc.b 'base '
- base dc.l 10
- ;
- ; prstr--print a string to the current output unit. No management of the
- ; TTY is implied here--it just writes to the current output unit.
- ; The string to print is pointed to by A0.
- ;
- prstr clr.l d0 ; String length counter
- move.l a0,a1 ; Local copy of the pointer
- prst1 tst.b (a1)+ ; At end of string?
- beq prst2
- add.l #1,d0 ; No, increment count
- bra prst1 ; and loop
- prst2 move.l ounit,a1 ; Build syscall parameters
- move.l d0,-(a7) ; Number of bytes
- move.l a0,-(a7) ; Buffer
- move.l (a1),-(a7) ; File descriptor
- clr.l -(a7) ; Dummy place holder
- move.l #4,d0 ; A write syscall
- trap #0 ; Do the call
- add.l #16,a7 ; Remove the arguments
- bcc prst3
- jmp io_err ; Complain if the I/O failed
- prst3 rts
- ;
- ; io_err--complain about an I/O error
- ;
- io_err move.l #io_err_msg,a0 ; The error message
- jsr prstr
- jmp abort
- io_err_msg
- dc.b 10,'I/O error!',10,0
- even
- ;
- ; notfound--routine to call when the compiler gets a word it
- ; doesn't know.
- ;
- notf2 dc.l base2
- notfound
- dc.l notf1,notf1,0
- dc.b 'notfound'
- notf1 move.l #pad1,a0 ; Print the word
- jsr prstr
- move.l #notf_msg,a0 ; Print ": not found"
- jsr prstr
- jmp abort
- notf_msg
- dc.b ': not found',10,0
- even
- ;
- ; The match primitives--+, -, *, /
- ;
- plus2 dc.l notf2,plus1,plus1,0
- dc.b '+ '
- plus1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- add.l d0,(a5)
- jmp next
- sub2 dc.l plus2,sub1,sub1,0
- dc.b '- '
- sub1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- sub.l d0,(a5)
- jmp next
- globl _lrem
- mod2 dc.l sub2,mod1,mod1,0
- dc.b 'mod '
- mod1 move.l (a5)+,-(sp)
- move.l (a5),-(sp)
- jbsr _lrem
- addq.l #8,sp
- move.l d0,(a5)
- jmp next
- globl _ldiv
- div2 dc.l mod2,div1,div1,0
- dc.b '/ '
- div1 move.l (a5)+,-(sp) ; Divisor
- move.l (a5),-(sp) ; Dividend
- jbsr _ldiv
- addq #8,sp
- move.l d0,(a5)
- jmp next
- tdm2 dc.l div2,tdm1,tdm1,0
- dc.b '*/mod '
- tdm1 move.l (a5)+,d0 ; Hold divisor
- move.l (a5)+,d1 ; Get two multipliers
- move.l (a5),d2
- muls d1,d2
- divs d0,d2 ; Divide into the product
- move.l d2,d3 ; push remainder
- swap d3
- ext.l d3
- move.l d3,(a5)
- ext.l d2 ; now push quotient
- move.l d2,-(a5)
- jmp next
- td2 dc.l tdm2,td1,td1,0
- dc.b '*/ '
- td1 move.l (a5)+,d0 ; Divisor
- move.l (a5)+,d1 ; Two multipliers
- move.l (a5),d2
- muls d1,d2
- divs d0,d2 ; divide into product
- ext.l d2 ; Extend quotient to longword and push
- move.l d2,(a5)
- jmp next
- divmod2 dc.l td2,divmod1,divmod1,0
- dc.b '/mod '
- divmod1 move.l (a5)+,d0 ; Divisor
- move.l (a5),d1 ; Dividend
- divs d0,d1
- move.l d1,d0
- swap d0 ; Put remainder in low word
- ext.l d0 ; fill remainder to longword quantity
- move.l d0,(a5)
- ext.l d1 ; Now fill quotient to longword
- move.l d1,-(a5)
- jmp next
- mul2 dc.l divmod2,mul1,mul1,0
- dc.b '* '
- mul1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- move.w d0,d1
- move.w (a5)+,d0
- tst.l d0
- beq.s timesl1
- move.w d1,a0
- mulu d0,d1
- swap d0
- mulu (a5),d0
- add.w d1,d0
- swap d0
- clr.w d0
- move.w a0,d1
- mulu (a5)+,d1
- add.l d1,d0
- bra.s timesl2
- timesl1 move.w (a5)+,d0
- mulu d1,d0
- timesl2 move.l d0,-(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; u.--due to the stupidity of the 68K divide instructions, this has
- ; to be just an alias for ".".
- ;
- udot2 dc.l mul2,dot1,dot1,0
- dc.b 'u. '
- ;
- ; .--pop and print the top of stack in the current base
- ;
- dot2 dc.l udot2,dot1,dot1,0
- dc.b '. '
- dot1 move.l (a5)+,d0 ; The number to print
- move.l base,d2 ; In this base
- move.l #pad1+20,a0 ; Where to build the number
- clr.b (a0) ; A terminating NULL
- move.b #32,-(a0) ; Add a trailing blank
- tst.l d0 ; Handle negative numbers
- slt d1 ; Flag a negative
- move.l d1,-(sp)
- bge dot3
- neg.l d0 ; Negate a negative
- dot3 move.l d2,-(sp)
- move.l d0,-(sp)
- jbsr _lrem ; divide, getting the next digit
- addq.l #8,sp
- add.b #48,d0 ; Move 0..9 to '0'..'9'
- cmp.b #58,d0 ; Hex digit?
- blt dot4
- addq.b #7,d0
- dot4 move.b d0,-(a0) ; Store the digit
- move.l d1,d0 ; Get quotient
- tst.l d0 ; All of the number printed?
- bne dot3
- move.l (sp)+,d2
- tst.b d2 ; Tack on a leading '-' if it's needed
- beq dot7
- move.b #45,-(a0)
- dot7 jsr prstr
- dot9 jmp next
- ;
- ; ckstack--check the user's stack for underflow
- ;
- cks_msg dc.b '? Stack empty',10,0
- even
- cks2 dc.l dot2
- ckstack dc.l cks1,cks1,0
- dc.b '?stack '
- cks1 cmp.l #stack+stacksize,a5
- ble dot9
- move.l #cks_msg,a0 ; Underflowed--complain
- jsr prstr
- jmp abort
- ;
- ; words--list contents of dictionary
- ;
- wrdpad dc.b ' '
- word2 dc.l cks2,word1,word1,0
- dc.b 'words '
- word1 move.l late1,a2 ; For following the dictionary chain
- word3 move.l #pad1,a1 ; Set up for next line
- moveq #6,d0 ; Number of entries per line
- word4 cmp.l #0,a2 ; See if at end of chain
- beq word5
- move.l 16(a2),(a1)+ ; Copy string
- move.l 20(a2),(a1)+
- move.l wrdpad,(a1)+ ; Pad with 4 spaces
- move.l (a2),a2 ; Advance to next entry
- subq.l #1,d0
- bne word4
- word5 move.b #10,(a1)+ ; Trailing newline
- clr.b (a1) ; and NULL
- move.l #pad1,a0 ; Write it
- jsr prstr
- cmp.l #0,a2 ; All done?
- bne word3
- jmp next
- ;
- ; make_head--build a FORTH header, return its address in
- ; register A0.
- ;
- make_head
- move.l d7,a0 ; For returning it
- move.l d7,a1 ; For storing sequentially
- move.l late1,(a1)+ ; Build this def into the chain
- move.l d7,late1
- clr.l (a1)+ ; Empty CFA
- lea 24(a0),a2 ; Point PFA to the def body
- move.l a2,(a1)+
- clr.l (a1)+
- movem.l a0/a1,-(a5) ; Stash our work reg
- jsr getw1 ; Build the name in-line
- movem.l (a5)+,a0/a1 ; Stash our work reg
- move.l pad1,(a1)+
- move.l pad1+4,(a1)+
- move.l a1,d7 ; Reset D7
- rts
- ;
- ; variable--allocate a variable in the dictionary
- ;
- var2 dc.l word2,var1,var1,0
- dc.b 'variable'
- var1 addq.l #3,d7 ; Word-align HERE
- and.l #0xFFFFFFFC,d7
- jsr make_head ; Build a header
- move.l #getpfa,4(a0) ; Our run-time code will push the PFA
- addq.l #4,d7 ; Our body starts with one word
- jmp next
- ;
- ; constant--allocate a constant in the dictionary
- ;
- const2 dc.l var2,const1,const1,0
- dc.b 'constant'
- const1 addq.l #3,d7 ; Word-align HERE
- and.l #0xFFFFFFFC,d7
- jsr make_head ; Build header
- move.l #getpfa,4(a0) ; run-time code pushes PFA
- move.l (a5)+,8(a0) ; Our PFA is the number on-stack
- jmp next
- ;
- ; colon--go into compilation mode
- ;
- colon2 dc.l const2,colon1,colon1,0
- dc.b ': '
- colon1 addq.l #3,d7 ; Word-align definitions
- and.l #0xFFFFFFFC,d7
- move.l #1,state1 ; Go into compilation state
- jsr make_head ; Build our header
- move.l #hilev,4(a0) ; our CFA invokes a high-level def
- move.l #Smudged,12(a0) ; and we start Smudged
- move.l #FlgDef,-(a5) ; Push our flag for a definition
- jmp next
- ;
- ; semicolon--come out of compilation mode
- ;
- semi_msg
- dc.b 'control structure not matched',10,0
- even
- semi2 dc.l colon2,semi1,semi1,Priority
- dc.b 59,' '
- semi1 clr.l state1 ; Back to interpretive state
- move.l late1,a0 ; Turn off the smudge bit
- clr.l 12(a0)
- move.l d7,a0 ; Compile in a trailing ';s'
- move.l #popup,(a0)+
- move.l a0,d7
- cmp.l #FlgDef,(a5)+ ; See if control structures matched
- bne semi3
- jmp next
- semi3 move.l #semi_msg,a0 ; Complain
- jsr prstr
- jmp abort
- ;
- ; hilev--the machine code which sets off a high-level definition
- ;
- hilev move.l a6,-(a4) ; Save old IP
- move.l (a0),a6 ; Get new IP
- jmp next
- ;
- ; popup--aka ';s'. Pop the IP from the return stack. For exiting
- ; a high-level word.
- ;
- pop2 dc.l semi2
- popup dc.l pop1,pop1,0
- dc.b 59,'s '
- pop1 move.l (a4)+,a6
- jmp next
- ;
- ; do--build the opening part of a do..loop
- ;
- do2 dc.l pop2,do1,do1,Priority
- dc.b 'do '
- do1 move.l d7,a0
- move.l #pushr,(a0)+ ; Generate code to get the loop parameters
- move.l #pushr,(a0)+
- move.l a0,-(a4) ; Save this place for backbranching
- move.l #pdo,(a0)+ ; compile (do)
- clr.l (a0)+ ; Leave room for our forward branch
- move.l #FlgDo,-(a5) ; Flag our control structure
- move.l a0,d7
- do3 jmp next
- ;
- ; (do)--run-time word to set off a do..loop
- ;
- pdo2 dc.l do2
- pdo dc.l pdo1,pdo1,0
- dc.b '(do) '
- pdo1 move.l 4(a4),d0 ; Check for exit condition
- cmp.l (a4),d0 ; Check for exit condition
- blt pdo3
- addq.l #8,a4 ; Clear the loop parameters
- move.l (a6),a6 ; Jump out of loop
- jmp next
- pdo3 addq.l #4,a6 ; Loop's not done--advance IP
- jmp next ; and continue
- ;
- ; loop--compile in the closing part of a loop
- ;
- loop2 dc.l pdo2,loop1,loop1,Priority
- dc.b 'loop '
- loop1 cmp.l #FlgDo,(a5) ; See if they botched
- bne loop3
- addq.l #4,a5 ; Free the flag
- move.l d7,a0
- move.l #ploop,(a0)+ ; Compile (loop)
- move.l (a4)+,a1 ; Get address of "loop"
- move.l a1,(a0)+ ; This is our backbranch address
- move.l a0,4(a1) ; Give them the forward branch address
- move.l a0,d7 ; Restore HERE
- jmp next
- loop3 move.l #loop_msg,a0
- jsr prstr
- jmp abort
- loop_msg
- dc.b 10,'do not matched by loop',10,0
- even
- ;
- ; +loop--compile in the closing part of a loop
- ;
- aloop2 dc.l loop2,aloop1,aloop1,Priority
- dc.b '+loop '
- aloop1 cmp.l #FlgDo,(a5) ; See if they botched
- bne aloop3
- addq.l #4,a5 ; Free the flag
- move.l d7,a0
- move.l #paloop,(a0)+ ; Compile (loop)
- move.l (a4)+,a1 ; Get address of "loop"
- move.l a1,(a0)+ ; This is our backbranch address
- move.l a0,4(a1) ; Give them the forward branch address
- move.l a0,d7 ; Restore HERE
- jmp next
- aloop3 move.l #loop_msg,a0
- jsr prstr
- jmp abort
- aloop_msg
- dc.b 10,'do not matched by +loop',10,0
- even
- ;
- ; (+loop)--run-time loop execution
- ;
- paloop2 dc.l aloop2
- paloop dc.l paloop1,paloop1,0
- dc.b '(+loop) '
- paloop1 move.l (a5)+,d0 ; Add on number from user's stack
- add.l d0,4(a4)
- move.l (a6),a6 ; branch back
- jmp next
- ;
- ; (loop)--run-time loop execution
- ;
- ploop2 dc.l paloop2
- ploop dc.l ploop1,ploop1,0
- dc.b '(loop) '
- ploop1 addq.l #1,4(a4) ; Increment the run-time index
- move.l (a6),a6 ; branch back
- jmp next
- ;
- ; >r--pop top of operand stack & push on return stack
- ;
- pushr2 dc.l ploop2
- pushr dc.l pushr1,pushr1,0
- dc.b '>r '
- pushr1 move.l (a5)+,-(a4)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; r>--pop top of return stack & push on operand stack
- ;
- popr2 dc.l pushr2
- popr dc.l popr1,popr1,0
- dc.b 'r> '
- popr1 move.l (a4)+,-(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; r@--copy top of return stack to user stack
- ;
- rget2 dc.l popr2,rget1,rget1,0
- dc.b 'r@ '
- rget1 move.l (a4),-(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; depth--tell how many elements are on user stack
- ;
- depth2 dc.l rget2,depth1,depth1,0
- dc.b 'depth '
- depth1 move.l #stack+stacksize,d0
- sub.l a5,d0
- asr.l #2,d0
- move.l d0,-(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; i--push index of innermost do..loop context
- ;
- push_i2 dc.l depth2,push_i1,push_i1,0
- dc.b 'i '
- push_i1 move.l 4(a4),-(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; j--like i, but second most-innermost
- ;
- push_j2 dc.l push_i2,push_j1,push_j1,0
- dc.b 'j '
- push_j1 move.l 12(a4),-(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; leave--jump out of the innermost loop structure. Note that control
- ; structure matching isn't done here, since we will probably be
- ; inside of multiple if..endif contexts--meaningful error checking
- ; would be very difficult to provide.
- ;
- leave2 dc.l push_j2,leave1,leave1,Priority
- dc.b 'leave '
- leave1 move.l (a4),a1 ; This is the address of the (do) part
- move.l d7,a0 ; We will be compiling some stuff in:
- move.l #pleave,(a0)+ ; (leave)
- addq.l #4,a1 ; addr of the exit location--(do)+1
- move.l a1,(a0)+
- move.l a0,d7
- jmp next
- ;
- ; (leave)--fetch via the word which follows us, and make that the IP
- ;
- pleave2 dc.l leave2
- pleave dc.l pleave1,pleave1,0
- dc.b '(leave) '
- pleave1 move.l (a6),a0 ; Addr of exit address
- move.l (a0),a6 ; Set IP to it
- addq.l #8,a4 ; Clear the do..loop's parameters of rstack
- jmp next
- ;
- ; if--starting part of a conditional
- ;
- if2 dc.l pleave2,if1,if1,Priority
- dc.b 'if '
- if1 move.l d7,a0
- move.l #zbranch,(a0)+ ; If false, branch around
- move.l a0,-(a5) ; save this place for back-branch
- clr.l (a0)+ ; leave room for it
- move.l a0,d7
- move.l #FlgIf,-(a5) ; Flag the control structure
- jmp next
- ;
- ; else--optional middle part of a conditional
- ;
- else2 dc.l if2,else1,else1,Priority
- dc.b 'else '
- else1 cmp.l #FlgIf,(a5) ; Check control structure
- bne else3
- move.l d7,a0
- move.l 4(a5),a1 ; Save location to backpatch
- move.l #branch,(a0)+ ; Patch in a branch out of the conditional
- move.l a0,4(a5) ; the new back-patch location
- clr.l (a0)+
- move.l a0,(a1) ; Now patch in address of false part of cond.
- move.l a0,d7
- jmp next
- else3 move.l #else_msg,a0 ; Complain about bad control structure
- jsr prstr
- jmp abort
- else_msg
- dc.b 10,'else does not match an if',10,0
- even
- ;
- ; endif--ending part of a conditional
- ;
- endif2 dc.l else2,endif1,endif1,Priority
- dc.b 'endif '
- endif1 cmp.l #FlgIf,(a5) ; Check control strucure
- bne endif3
- addq.l #4,a5 ; Pop off flag
- move.l (a5)+,a0 ; Get address to back-patch
- move.l d7,(a0) ; backpatch it
- jmp next
- endif3 move.l #endif_msg,a0 ; complain
- jsr prstr
- jmp abort
- endif_msg
- dc.b 10,'endif does not match if/else',10,0
- even
- ;
- ; stack manipulation words--dup, swap, rot, -rot, drop, over
- ;
- over2 dc.l endif2,over1,over1,0
- dc.b 'over '
- over1 move.l 4(a5),-(a5)
- jmp next
- pick2 dc.l over2,pick1,pick1,0
- dc.b 'pick '
- pick1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- asl.l #2,d0 ; Scale D0 for a word offset
- move.l 0(a5,d0.l),-(a5)
- jmp next
- roll2 dc.l pick2,roll1,roll1,0
- dc.b 'roll '
- roll1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- asl.l #2,d0
- move.l 0(a5,d0.l),d1 ; Save word rolling into
- roll3 tst.l d0 ; While not to top of stack...
- beq roll4
- move.l -4(a5,d0.l),0(a5,d0.l) ; Copy down a word
- subq.l #4,d0 ; Advance a word
- bra roll3
- roll4 move.l d1,(a5) ; Replace top with word
- jmp next
- dup2 dc.l roll2,dup1,dup1,0
- dc.b 'dup '
- dup1 move.l (a5),-(a5)
- jmp next
- qdup2 dc.l dup2,qdup1,qdup1,0
- dc.b '?dup '
- qdup1 move.l (a5),d0
- beq qdup3
- move.l d0,-(a5)
- qdup3 jmp next
- swap2 dc.l qdup2,swap1,swap1,0
- dc.b 'swap '
- swap1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- move.l (a5),d1
- move.l d0,(a5)
- move.l d1,-(a5)
- jmp next
- rot2 dc.l swap2,rot1,rot1,0
- dc.b 'rot '
- rot1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- move.l (a5)+,d1
- move.l (a5),d2
- move.l d1,(a5)
- move.l d0,-(a5)
- move.l d2,-(a5)
- jmp next
- drot2 dc.l rot2,drot1,drot1,0
- dc.b '-rot '
- drot1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- move.l (a5)+,d1
- move.l (a5),d2
- move.l d0,(a5)
- move.l d2,-(a5)
- move.l d1,-(a5)
- jmp next
- drop2 dc.l drot2,drop1,drop1,0
- dc.b 'drop '
- drop1 addq.l #4,a5
- jmp next
- ;
- ; begin--start a structured loop
- ;
- beg2 dc.l drop2,beg1,beg1,Priority
- dc.b 'begin '
- beg1 move.l d7,-(a5)
- move.l #FlgBeg,-(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; again--unconditional branch back; an infinite loop
- ;
- again2 dc.l beg2,again1,again1,Priority
- dc.b 'again '
- again1 cmp.l #FlgBeg,(a5)
- bne again3
- addq.l #4,a5
- move.l d7,a0
- move.l #branch,(a0)+
- move.l (a5)+,(a0)+
- move.l a0,d7
- jmp next
- again3 move.l #again_msg,a0
- jsr prstr
- jmp abort
- again_msg
- dc.b 10,'again does not match a begin',10,0
- even
- ;
- ; until--branch back until condition becomes true
- ;
- until2 dc.l again2,until1,until1,Priority
- dc.b 'until '
- until1 cmp.l #FlgBeg,(a5)
- bne until3
- addq.l #4,a5
- move.l d7,a0
- move.l #zbranch,(a0)+
- move.l (a5)+,(a0)+
- move.l a0,d7
- jmp next
- until3 move.l #until_msg,a0
- jsr prstr
- jmp abort
- until_msg
- dc.b 10,'until does not match a begin',10,0
- even
- ;
- ; while..repeat: loop with exit check up front
- ;
- while2 dc.l until2,while1,while1,Priority
- dc.b 'while '
- while1 cmp.l #FlgBeg,(a5) ; Check control structure
- bne while3
- move.l d7,a0
- move.l #zbranch,(a0)+ ; Branch out on false
- move.l a0,(a5) ; save where to backpatch
- clr.l (a0)+
- move.l a0,d7
- move.l #FlgWhi,-(a5) ; And place our own flag
- jmp next
- while3 move.l #while_msg,a0 ; Complain
- jsr prstr
- jmp abort
- while_msg
- dc.b 10,'while does not match a begin',10,0
- even
- ;
- ; repeat--the closing part of a begin..while..repeat structure
- ;
- rep2 dc.l while2,rep1,rep1,Priority
- dc.b 'repeat '
- rep1 cmp.l #FlgWhi,(a5) ; Check control structure
- bne rep3
- addq.l #4,a5
- move.l (a5)+,a1 ; Save where to backpatch
- move.l d7,a0
- move.l #branch,(a0)+ ; Generate a backbranch
- move.l (a5)+,(a0)+ ; to top of loop
- move.l a0,d7
- move.l d7,(a1) ; Backpatch exit location, HERE
- jmp next
- rep3 move.l #rep_msg,a0 ; Complain
- jsr prstr
- jmp abort
- rep_msg dc.b 10,'repeat does not match a while',10,0
- even
- ;
- ; xor--exclusive OR
- ;
- xor2 dc.l rep2,xor1,xor1,0
- dc.b 'xor '
- xor1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- eor d0,(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; not--one's complement
- ;
- not2 dc.l xor2,not1,not1,0
- dc.b 'not '
- not1 eor #0xFFFFFFFF,(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; 1+, 1-, 2+, 2-, 2*, 2/--common, quick math operations
- ;
- onep2 dc.l not2,onep1,onep1,0
- dc.b '1+ '
- onep1 addq.l #1,(a5)
- jmp next
- onem2 dc.l onep2,onem1,onem1,0
- dc.b '1- '
- onem1 subq.l #1,(a5)
- jmp next
- twop2 dc.l onem2,twop1,twop1,0
- dc.b '2+ '
- twop1 addq.l #2,(a5)
- jmp next
- twom2 dc.l twop2,twom1,twom1,0
- dc.b '2- '
- twom1 subq.l #2,(a5)
- jmp next
- twot2 dc.l twom2,twot1,twot1,0
- dc.b '2* '
- twot1 move.l (a5),d0
- asl.l #1,d0
- move.l d0,(a5)
- jmp next
- twod2 dc.l twot2,twod1,twod1,0
- dc.b '2/ '
- twod1 move.l (a5),d0
- asr.l #1,d0
- move.l d0,(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; c@, c!--character fetch/store
- ;
- cfetch2 dc.l twod2,cfetch1,cfetch1,0
- dc.b 'c@ '
- cfetch1 move.l (a5),a0
- move.b (a0),d0
- ext.w d0
- ext.l d0
- move.l d0,(a5)
- jmp next
- cstore2 dc.l cfetch2,cstore1,cstore1,0
- dc.b 'c! '
- cstore1 move.l (a5)+,a0
- move.l (a5)+,d0
- move.b d0,(a0)
- jmp next
- pstore2 dc.l cstore2,pstore1,pstore1,0
- dc.b '+! '
- pstore1 move.l (a5)+,a0
- move.l (a5)+,d0
- add.l d0,(a0)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; min and max--push greater or less of two numbers
- ;
- min2 dc.l pstore2,min1,min1,0
- dc.b 'min '
- min1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- cmp.l (a5),d0
- bge min3
- min4 move.l d0,(a5)
- min3 jmp next
- max2 dc.l min2,max1,max1,0
- dc.b 'max '
- max1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- cmp.l (a5),d0
- ble min3
- bra min4
- ;
- ; abs, negate--replace number with its absolute value or negation
- ;
- abs2 dc.l max2,abs1,abs1,0
- dc.b 'abs '
- abs1 move.l (a5),d0
- bge min3
- neg.l (a5)
- jmp next
- neg2 dc.l abs2,neg1,neg1,0
- dc.b 'negate '
- neg1 neg.l (a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; cmove--move a range of bytes
- ;
- cmov2 dc.l neg2,cmov1,cmov1,0
- dc.b 'cmove '
- cmov1 move.l (a5)+,d0 ; Count
- move.l (a5)+,a0 ; Destination
- move.l (a5)+,a1 ; Source
- tst.l d0 ; Catch case of zero-length
- beq cmov4
- cmov3 move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ ; Move bytes
- dbra d0,cmov3
- cmov4 jmp next
- ;
- ; cmove>--like cmove, but set up to guard against the "ripple" effect
- ;
- cmovu2 dc.l cmov2,cmovu1,cmovu1,0
- dc.b 'cmove> '
- cmovu1 move.l (a5)+,d0 ; Count
- move.l (a5)+,a0 ; Destination
- move.l (a5)+,a1 ; Source
- tst.l d0 ; Zero-length?
- beq cmov4
- add.l d0,a0 ; Point to end of destination
- add.l d0,a1 ; same for source
- cmovu3 move.b -(a1),-(a0) ; Move bytes
- dbra d0,cmovu3
- jmp next
- ;
- ; fill--fill a range of bytes with a constant
- ;
- fill2 dc.l cmovu2,fill1,fill1,0
- dc.b 'fill '
- fill1 move.l (a5)+,d0 ; Get byte constant to use
- move.l (a5)+,d1 ; # Bytes to fill
- move.l (a5)+,a0 ; Where to start
- tst.l d0 ; Avoid zero-length
- beq cmov4
- fill3 move.b d0,(a0)+ ; Fill bytes
- subq.l #1,d1
- bne fill3
- jmp next
- ;
- ; count--get byte at addr, advance addr
- ;
- count2 dc.l fill2,count1,count1,0
- dc.b 'count '
- count1 move.l (a5),a0 ; Get addr
- move.b (a0)+,d0 ; Get byte at addr, advance
- move.l a0,(a5) ; Store back addr
- ext.w d0 ; and extended byte
- ext.l d0
- move.l d0,-(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; -trailing--trim trailing spaces
- ;
- dtrail2 dc.l count2,dtrail1,dtrail1,0
- dc.b '-trailin'
- dtrail1 move.l (a5)+,d0 ; Current count
- beq dtrail4 ; handle zero-length
- move.l (a5),a0 ; Address of string
- add.l d0,a0 ; Get address of current end of string
- dtrail3 cmp.b #32,-(a0) ; Check next char
- beq dtrail4
- subq.l #1,d0
- bne dtrail3
- dtrail4 move.l d0,-(a5) ; Push back count
- jmp next
- ;
- ; decimal, hex, octal--set BASE
- ;
- deci2 dc.l dtrail2,deci1,deci1,0
- dc.b 'decimal '
- deci1 move.l #10,base
- jmp next
- hexa2 dc.l deci2,hexa1,hexa1,0
- dc.b 'hex '
- hexa1 move.l #16,base
- jmp next
- octa2 dc.l hexa2,octa1,octa1,0
- dc.b 'octal '
- octa1 move.l #8,base
- jmp next
- ;
- ; The number printing words--<# # #> #s hold sign
- ;
- lsh_pos ds.l 1 ; Position in output buffer
- lsh2 dc.l octa2,lsh1,lsh1,0
- dc.b '<# ' ; Prepare for conversion
- lsh1 move.l #pad1+70,lsh_pos
- jmp next
- sh2 dc.l lsh2,sh1,sh1,0
- dc.b '# ' ; Convert next digit
- sh1 jsr sh99
- jmp next
- sh99 move.l base,-(sp) ; get BASE--format is wrong in mem.
- move.l (a5),-(sp)
- jbsr _lrem
- move.l d1,(a5) ; put quotient back to stack
- add.l #48,d0 ; Remainder: map 0 to '0'
- cmp.l #58,d0 ; Check for HEX digits
- blt sh3
- addq.l #7,d0 ; Map 10 to 'A'
- sh3 move.l lsh_pos,a0 ; Store character into PAD, advance
- move.b d0,-(a0)
- move.l a0,lsh_pos
- rts
- shg2 dc.l sh2,shg1,shg1,0
- dc.b '#> ' ; End conversion
- shg1 move.l lsh_pos,d0
- move.l d0,(a5) ; Push address
- move.l #pad1+70,d1 ; Calculate count
- sub.l d0,d1
- move.l d1,-(a5) ; Push count
- jmp next
- shs2 dc.l shg2,shs1,shs1,0
- dc.b '#s ' ; Convert all remaining digits
- shs1 jsr sh99 ; Do a digit
- tst.l (a5) ; See if done
- bne shs1
- jmp next
- hold2 dc.l shs2,hold1,hold1,0
- dc.b 'hold ' ; Put a char into the string
- hold1 move.l lsh_pos,a0
- move.l (a5)+,d0
- move.b d0,-(a0)
- move.l a0,lsh_pos
- hold3 jmp next
- sign2 dc.l hold2,sign1,sign1,0
- dc.b 'sign ' ; Add a '-' if sign negative
- sign1 tst.l (a5)+
- bge hold3
- move.l #45,-(a5)
- bra hold1
- ;
- ; ."--generate code to print a string at run-time
- ;
- dotq2 dc.l sign2,dotq1,dotq1,Priority
- dc.b '." '
- dotq1 move.l d7,a0
- move.l #pdotq,(a0)+ ; Compile (.")
- move.l d6,a1 ; Get line pointer
- addq.l #1,a1 ; advance past current word delimiter
- dotq3
- move.b (a1)+,d0 ; Get next char
- beq dotq5 ; read a new buffer if we run out
- cmp.b #34,d0 ; End when we find the closing "
- beq dotq4
- move.b d0,(a0)+ ; Add the character
- bra dotq3
- dotq5 move.l a0,-(sp)
- jsr getline ; Get new buffer
- move.l (sp)+,a0
- move.l d6,a1
- bra dotq3
- dotq4 clr.b (a0)+ ; Terminating NULL
- move.l a1,d6 ; Update line pointer
- move.l a0,d7
- addq.l #3,d7 ; Longword-align DP
- and.l #0xFFFFFFFC,d7
- jmp next
- ;
- ; (.")--run-time word to print a string
- ;
- pdotq2 dc.l dotq2
- pdotq dc.l pdotq1,pdotq1,0
- dc.b '(.") '
- pdotq1 move.l a6,a0
- jsr prstr
- pdotq3 tst.b (a6)+ ; Skip past text
- bne pdotq3
- move.l a6,d0
- addq.l #3,d0 ; Align IP
- and.l #0xFFFFFFFC,d0
- move.l d0,a6
- jmp next
- ;
- ; .(--print a message to the terminal from the input stream
- ;
- dotp2 dc.l pdotq2,dotp1,dotp1,Priority
- dc.b '.( '
- dotp1 move.l d6,a1 ; Get line pointer
- addq.l #1,a1 ; advance past current word delimiter
- move.l #pad1,a0 ; Build message into PAD
- dotp3 move.b (a1)+,d0 ; Get next char
- beq dotp5 ; read a new buffer if we run out
- cmp.b #41,d0 ; End when we find the closing "
- beq dotp4
- move.b d0,(a0)+ ; Add the character
- bra dotp3
- dotp5 jsr getline ; Get new buffer
- move.l d6,a1
- bra dotp3
- dotp4 clr.b (a0)+ ; Terminating NULL
- move.l a1,d6 ; Update line pointer
- move.l #pad1,a0 ; Print the message
- jsr prstr
- jmp next
- ;
- ; cr--print newline
- ;
- cr_msg dc.b 10,0
- cr2 dc.l dotp2,cr1,cr1,0
- dc.b 'cr '
- cr1 move.l #cr_msg,a0
- jsr prstr
- jmp next
- ;
- ; emit--print out a character
- ;
- emit_buf
- ds.b 1
- dc.b 0,0,0 ; Terminating NULL, 2 wasted
- emit2 dc.l cr2,emit1,emit1,0
- dc.b 'emit '
- emit1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- move.b d0,emit_buf
- move.l #emit_buf,a0
- jsr prstr
- jmp next
- ;
- ; type--print out a string given a count & a pointer
- ;
- type2 dc.l emit2,type1,type1,0
- dc.b 'type '
- type1 move.l (a5)+,d0 ; Count
- move.l (a5)+,a0 ; Addr
- move.l #pad1,a1 ; Where to buffer to
- type3 tst.l d0 ; Out of chars?
- beq type4
- move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ; Store a char
- subq.l #1,d0 ; Decrement count
- bra type3
- type4 clr.b (a1) ; Terminating NULL
- move.l #pad1,a0
- jsr prstr
- jmp next
- ;
- ; space--emit a space
- ;
- space2 dc.l type2,space1,space1,0
- dc.b 'space '
- space1 move.l #32,-(a5)
- bra emit1
- ;
- ; spaces--emit N spaces
- ;
- spac_buf ; A printable space
- dc.b 32,0,0,0
- spaces2 dc.l space2,spaces1,spaces1,0
- dc.b 'spaces '
- spaces1 tst.l (a5) ; Enough spaces?
- beq spaces3
- move.l #spac_buf,a0
- jsr prstr
- sub.l #1,(a5) ; Decrement count
- bra spaces1
- spaces3 addq.l #4,a5 ; Pop count
- jmp next
- ;
- ; key--get a key from STDIN. Normally, this will block until a whole
- ; line is entered. However, if the TTY is put into RAW mode,
- ; this will respond on a key-by-key basis.
- ;
- keybuf ds.l 1 ; Holds the keystroke
- key2 dc.l spaces2,key1,key1,0
- dc.b 'key '
- key1 move.l #1,-(a7) ; Build READ syscall parameters--1 byte
- move.l #keybuf,-(a7) ; buffer address
- clr.l -(a7) ; 0--STDIN
- clr.l -(a7) ; dummy
- moveq #3,d0 ; UNIX READ syscall
- trap #0
- add.l #16,a7 ; Remove the parameters from stack
- move.b keybuf,d0 ; Push byte
- ext.w d0
- ext.l d0
- move.l d0,-(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; expect--read a number of chars from the terminal
- ;
- expect2 dc.l key2,expect1,expect1,0
- dc.b 'expect '
- expect1 move.l (a5)+,-(a7) ; UNIX syscall: N bytes
- move.l (a5)+,-(a7) ; to buffer
- clr.l -(a7) ; STDIN
- clr.l -(a7) ; dummy
- moveq #3,d0 ; UNIX READ syscall
- trap #0
- move.l d0,span ; Store # bytes read
- add.l #16,a7 ; Remove the parameters from stack
- jmp next
- span2 dc.l expect2,getpfa,span,0
- dc.b 'span '
- span ds.l 1
- ;
- ; abort--jump to abort
- ;
- abort2 dc.l span2
- do_abort dc.l abort,abort,0
- dc.b 'abort '
- ;
- ; abort"--if top is true, print a message and abort
- ;
- qabort2 dc.l abort2,qabort1,qabort1,Priority
- dc.b 'abort" '
- qabort1 move.l d7,a0
- move.l #zbranch,(a0)+ ; Skip the whole shebang on false
- move.l a0,a2 ; Mark where to backpatch
- clr.l (a0)+ ; Leave room for the branch address
- move.l #pdotq,(a0)+ ; Compile (.")
- move.l d6,a1 ; Get line pointer
- addq.l #1,a1 ; advance past current word delimiter
- qabort3
- move.b (a1)+,d0 ; Get next char
- beq qabort5 ; read a new buffer if we run out
- cmp.b #34,d0 ; End when we find the closing "
- beq qabort4
- move.b d0,(a0)+ ; Add the character
- bra qabort3
- qabort5 jsr getline ; Get new buffer
- move.l d6,a1
- bra qabort3
- qabort4 clr.b (a0)+ ; Terminating NULL
- move.l a1,d6 ; Update line pointer
- move.l a0,d7
- addq.l #3,d7 ; Longword-align DP
- and.l #0xFFFFFFFC,d7
- move.l d7,a0
- move.l #do_abort,(a0)+ ; Put in ABORT
- move.l a0,d7
- move.l d7,(a2) ; Backpatch false case
- jmp next
- ;
- ; quit--leave parameter stack alone, but return to INTERP
- ;
- quit2 dc.l qabort2,quit1,quit1,0
- dc.b 'quit '
- quit1 move.l #rstack+stacksize,a4 ; Clear return stack
- move.l #interp,a6
- jmp next
- ;
- ; here--push address of next free location
- ;
- here2 dc.l quit2,here1,here1,0
- dc.b 'here '
- here1 move.l d7,-(a5);
- jmp next
- ;
- ; tib--address of text input buffer
- ;
- tib2 dc.l here2,tib1,tib1,0
- dc.b 'tib '
- tib1 move.l iunit,-(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; >body--turn pointer to CFA field into pointer to parameter field
- ;
- gbod2 dc.l tib2,gbod1,gbod1,0
- dc.b '>body '
- gbod1 move.l (a5),a0
- move.l 4(a0),(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; (--start a forth comment )
- ;
- paren2 dc.l gbod2,paren1,paren1,Priority
- dc.b '( ' ; )
- paren1 move.l d6,a0
- paren4 move.b (a0)+,d0 ; Get next char
- cmp.b #41,d0 ; End on closing paren
- beq paren3
- tst.b d0 ; Get new buffer on end of current
- bne paren4
- jsr getline
- bra paren1
- paren3 move.l a0,d6 ; Restore line pointer
- jmp next
- ;
- ; allot--allocate N bytes off end of dictionary
- ;
- allot2 dc.l paren2,allot1,allot1,0
- dc.b 'allot '
- allot1 move.l (a5)+,d0
- add.l d0,d7
- jmp next
- ;
- ; does>--terminate execution of word which calls this, but also set it up
- ; so that the LATEST word has its PFA directed to after this word.
- ; : definer create ...1... does> ...2... ;
- ; Will be used as: definer <word>
- ; <word> will be added to the dictionary, and ...1... may do any
- ; actions it wishes. When <word> is later executed, it will run
- ; the code ...2...
- ;
- does2 dc.l allot2,does1,does1,Priority
- dc.b 'does> '
- does1 move.l d7,a0
- move.l #pdoes,(a0)+ ; Compile in (does)
- move.l a0,d7
- jmp next
- pdoes2 dc.l does2
- pdoes dc.l pdoes1,pdoes1,0
- dc.b '(does) '
- pdoes1 move.l late1,a0 ; Get LFA of latest definition
- move.l #hilev,4(a0) ; Make this execute as a high-level def
- move.l a6,8(a0) ; Fill in PFA with rest of this word's body
- move.l (a4)+,a6 ; Return from this word
- jmp next
- ;
- ; immediate--set the Priority bit of the latest definition
- ;
- immed2 dc.l pdoes2,immed1,immed1,0
- dc.b 'immediat'
- immed1 move.l late1,a0
- or.l #Priority,12(a0) ; Set Priority in SFA word
- jmp next
- ;
- ; [compile], compile--immediate & non-immediate versions of compile
- ;
- bcomp2 dc.l immed2,bcomp1,bcomp1,Priority
- dc.b '[compile'
- bcomp1 jsr getw1 ; Fetch next word from stream
- jsr look99 ; See if it can be found
- tst.l (a5)+ ; Error if it couldn't
- beq bcomp3
- addq.l #4,a5 ; Drop the priority field
- move.l d7,a0 ; Compile in CFA
- move.l (a5)+,(a0)+
- move.l a0,d7
- jmp next
- bcomp3 jmp notf1 ; Not found: complain
- comp2 dc.l bcomp2,bcomp1,bcomp1,0
- dc.b 'compile '
- ;
- ; literal--compile a literal
- ;
- lit2 dc.l comp2,lit1,lit1,Priority
- dc.b 'literal '
- lit1 move.l d7,a0
- move.l #plit,(a0)+
- move.l (a5)+,(a0)+
- move.l a0,d7
- jmp next
- ;
- ; [, ]--turn compilation off & on, respectively
- ;
- compon2 dc.l lit2,compon1,compon1,0
- dc.b '] '
- compon1 move.l #-1,state1
- jmp next
- compof2 dc.l compon2,compof1,compof1,Priority
- dc.b '[ '
- compof1 clr.l state1
- jmp next
- ;
- ; word--get a word from the input stream, put in string
- ;
- word_buf ds.b 84
- gword2 dc.l compof2,gword1,gword1,0
- dc.b 'word '
- gword1 move.l (a5)+,d0 ; Delimiter char
- move.l #word_buf+1,a0 ; Where to put the chars
- move.l d6,a1 ; Input line buffer
- clr.l d2 ; Count # chars received
- gword3 move.b (a1)+,d1 ; Get next char
- beq gword4 ; get new bufferfull if current empty
- cmp.b d0,d1 ; Found delimiter?
- beq gword5
- move.b d1,(a0)+ ; Store char
- addq.l #1,d2 ; Increment count
- bra gword3
- gword4
- movem.l d0/a0,-(a7) ; Save d0 and a0
- jsr getline ; Get next line
- movem.l (a7)+,d0/a0
- move.l d6,a1
- bra gword3
- gword5
- clr.b (a0) ; Add NULL termination
- move.b d2,word_buf ; Store count in first byte
- move.l a1,d6 ; Update line pointer
- move.l #word_buf,-(a5) ; Return pointer to it
- jmp next
- ;
- ; >in--give a byte offset into current buffer
- ;
- to_in2 dc.l gword2,to_in1,to_in1,0
- dc.b '>in '
- to_in1 move.l d6,d0
- sub.l iunit,d0
- move.l d0,-(a5)
- jmp next
- ;
- ; #tib--length of current input buffer
- ;
- ntib2 dc.l to_in2,ntib1,ntib1,0
- dc.b '#tib '
- ntib1 move.l iunit,a0 ; Ptr into buf
- clr.l d1 ; Counter of # chars
- ntib3 tst.b (a0)+ ; Check next byte
- beq ntib4
- addq.l #1,d1
- bra ntib3
- ntib4 move.l d1,-(a5) ; Push count
- jmp next
- ;
- ; create--create a dictionary entry
- ;
- creat2 dc.l ntib2,creat1,creat1,0
- dc.b 'create '
- creat1 jsr make_head ; Build the header
- move.l #getpfa,4(a0) ; Set it up to be variable/constant
- jmp next
- ;
- ; '--push address of CFA
- ;
- tick2 dc.l creat2,tick1,tick1,0
- dc.b 39,' '
- tick1 jsr getw1 ; Get word
- jsr look99 ; Look up word
- tst.l (a5)+ ; Abort on error
- beq tick3
- addq.l #4,a5 ; Drop priority flag
- jmp next
- tick3
- jmp notf1
- ;
- ; [']--for compiling in a compilation address as a literal
- ;
- btick2 dc.l tick2,btick1,btick1,Priority
- dc.b '[',39,'] '
- btick1 jsr getw1 ; Get word
- jsr look99 ; Look up word
- tst.l (a5)+ ; Abort on error
- beq tick3
- addq.l #4,a5 ; Drop priority flag
- move.l d7,a0 ; Compile in (lit)
- move.l #plit,(a0)+
- move.l (a5)+,(a0)+ ; <compilation addr>
- move.l a0,d7
- jmp next
- ;
- ; find--find a string in the dictionary
- ;
- find2 dc.l btick2,find1,find1,0
- dc.b 'find '
- find1 move.l latest+4,a0 ; Get pointer to latest definition
- move.l (a5),a1 ; Get search string
- move.l (a1),d3
- move.l 4(a1),d4
- jsr look5 ; Go find the string
- tst.l (a5) ; See if it was found
- beq find3 ; wasn't, can just return
- addq.l #4,a5 ; Was, pop boolean flag
- tst.l (a5)+ ; Change priority flag
- bne find4
- move.l (a5),4(a5) ; Move comp addr over string addr
- move.l #-1,(a5) ; not priority, flag -1
- bra find3
- find4 move.l (a5),4(a5) ; Move comp addr over string addr
- move.l #1,(a5) ; was priority, flag 1
- find3 jmp next
- ;
- ; forget--find a word in the dictionary, and remove it
- ;
- forg2 dc.l find2,forg1,forg1,0
- dc.b 'forget '
- forg1 jsr getw1 ; Get the name to forget
- jsr look99 ; Find it in the dictionary
- tst.l (a5)+ ; Found it?
- beq forg3 ; nope...
- addq.l #4,a5 ; Drop priority flag
- move.l (a5)+,a0 ; Put CFA into A0
- subq.l #4,a0 ; Put A0 back to LFA
- move.l (a0),late1 ; Point LATEST to previous word
- move.l a0,d7 ; Free memory back to here
- jmp next
- forg3 jmp notf1 ; Forget WHO?
- ;
- ; input <file>--redirect input from a file
- ;
- input2 dc.l forg2,input1,input1,0
- dc.b 'input '
- input1 move.l iunit,a0 ; Room for more nesting?
- add.l #Inbufsize,a0
- cmp.l #End_inbufs,a0
- beq input4
- move.l a0,-(a7) ; Save address of new buffer
- move.l d6,a0 ; Read in until end of word
- jsr skipwhite
- lea pad1,a1 ; Where to build into
- input10 jsr iswhite ; While not at end of word
- bne.s input11
- tst.b (a0) ; At end of input buffer?
- bne.s input12
- move.l a1,-(a7) ; Get new buffer-full
- jsr getline
- move.l (a7)+,a1
- move.l d6,a0
- bra.s input10
- input11 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ; Store next char
- bra.s input10
- input12 clr.b (a1) ; Trailing NULL
- move.l a0,d6 ; update input pointer
- clr.l -(a7) ; Mode 0=read
- pea pad1 ; Pointer to file name
- clr.l -(a7) ; dummy space
- moveq #5,d0 ; Open request
- trap #0
- bcs input3
- add.l #12,a7 ; Get rid of parameters
- move.l (a7)+,a0 ; Get new buffer addr again
- move.l iunit,a1 ; Get previous
- move.l a1,InbufPrev(a0) ; Save
- move.l d6,InbufIdx(a1) ; Save index into old buffer
- move.l a0,InbufIdx(a0) ; Clear the buffer
- move.b d0,InUnit(a0) ; Save UNIX FD to use
- clr.b (a0)
- move.l a0,d6
- move.l a0,iunit ; Update current input unit
- jmp next
- input3 lea input_msg,a0
- input5 jsr prstr
- jmp abort
- input4 lea input_msg2,a0
- bra.s input5
- input_msg asciz 'Could not open file for input'
- input_msg2 asciz 'Too many files nested'
- even
- ;
- ; exit--return from the current high-level word
- ;
- exit2 dc.l input2,pop1,pop1,0
- dc.b 'exit '
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; Insert new definitions above here ;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;
- ; latest--pointer to most current LFA defined
- ;
- late2 dc.l exit2
- latest dc.l getpfa,late1,0
- dc.b 'latest '
- late1 dc.l late2
- ;
- ; The user dictionary space
- ;
- comm udict,umem*1024 ; User dictionary space
- ;
- ; The End!
- ;
- Funky!Stuff!
- cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > primes.fth
- : isprime ( n -- b | Return whether 'n' is prime )
- ( dup 2 mod 0= if drop 0 exit endif )
- -1 swap dup 2/ 1+ 3 do
- dup i mod 0= if swap drop 0 swap leave endif
- 2 +loop
- drop
- ;
- : primes
- 2001 5 do
- i isprime if i . cr endif
- 2 +loop
- ;
- Funky!Stuff!