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- From: allbery@ncoast.UUCP (Brandon S. Allbery)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: malloc package with debugging
- Message-ID: <3268@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 21 Jul 87 01:32:07 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Organization: Cleveland Public Access UN*X, Cleveland, Oh
- Lines: 501
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8707/59
- This is my malloc() debugging package. Response to my small note was rather
- startling, so I'm posting it.
- The basic idea is that malloc'ed and free'd blocks are kept in doubly-linked
- lists. Every time an allocation function (malloc, free, calloc, realloc,
- or _mallchk) is called, the lists are checked to make sure the pointers have
- not been overwritten and the sizes are valid. They catch the majority of
- malloc'ed array overflows, and print dumps on segmentation and bus errors
- in order to determine if a memory overwrite was involved. They aren't
- perfect (an interpreter or other form of full runtime checking of every
- assignment would be needed for that), but they're pretty good.
- One warning: you can't depend on a free()'d block still being available,
- it will sbrk() backwards if possible. It also doesn't coalesce adjacent free
- blocks or do other kinds of "optimum" memory management; I consider this
- unimportant, since this is a debugging package rather than a full replacement
- for malloc. It's also slower than the "real" malloc.
- The code is included below; it's probably heavily 68000 dependent, but I've
- done my best to reduce such dependencies to a miminum.
- (WARNING: THIS IS NOT A "shar" FILE! Cut below and save to the file malloc.c)
- ===============================================================================
- /*
- * malloc for debugging -- allocates via sbrk and tracks stuff, does diag dump
- * if things appear to be screwed up
- */
- #include <signal.h>
- extern char *sbrk();
- extern char *memcpy();
- extern char *memset();
- extern char etext[];
- extern char edata[];
- extern char end[];
- struct _Dmi {
- struct _Dmi *m_next;
- struct _Dmi *m_prev;
- long m_size;
- char m_blk[1];
- };
- static struct _Dmi *_fab = (struct _Dmi *) 0;
- static struct _Dmi *_ffb = (struct _Dmi *) 0;
- static char *_xbrk = 0;
- static int _in_malloc = 0;
- static int _st_malloc = 0;
- int _mall_opt = 1;
- /*
- * initialize stuff, we want to _malldmp() on a bus/seg error
- */
- static _mall_sig(sig) {
- if (sig == SIGSEGV)
- _malldstr("\nsegmentation violation\n\n");
- else if (sig == SIGBUS)
- _malldstr("\nbus error\n\n");
- else if (sig == SIGSYS)
- _malldstr("\ninvalid syscall arg\n\n");
- else {
- _malldstr("\nsignal ");
- _malldptr(sig);
- _malldstr("\n\n");
- }
- _malldmp();
- kill(getpid(), sig);
- }
- static _mall_init() {
- if (_st_malloc)
- return;
- signal(SIGSEGV, _mall_sig);
- signal(SIGBUS, _mall_sig);
- _st_malloc = 1;
- }
- /*
- * figure out which allocation block this pointer came from
- * return NULL if none
- */
- static struct _Dmi *_mallgb(s)
- char *s; {
- register struct _Dmi *blk;
- for (blk = _fab; blk != (struct _Dmi *) 0; blk = blk->m_next)
- if (blk->m_blk == s)
- break;
- return blk;
- }
- /*
- * internal: write a pointer in hex without using stdio
- */
- static _malldptr(x)
- register long x; {
- char buf[20];
- static char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
- register long dx;
- register char *p;
- if (x == 0)
- return _malldstr("0x0(0)");
- _malldstr("0x");
- p = buf;
- dx = x;
- while (x > 0)
- *p++ = hex[x % 16], x = x / 16;
- while (p != buf)
- write(2, --p, 1);
- _malldstr("(");
- p = buf;
- x = dx;
- while (x > 0)
- *p++ = hex[x % 10], x /= 10;
- while (p != buf)
- write(2, --p, 1);
- _malldstr(")");
- }
- /*
- * internal: dump a string
- */
- static _malldstr(s)
- register char *s; {
- register int len;
- for (len = 0; s[len] != '\0'; len++)
- ;
- write(2, s, len);
- }
- /*
- * dump arena; can be called externally, and is non-destructive
- */
- _malldmp() {
- register struct _Dmi *blk;
- int oldf;
- oldf = _in_malloc;
- _in_malloc = 0;
- _malldstr("brk = ");
- _malldptr(sbrk(0));
- _malldstr(" xbrk = ");
- _malldptr(_xbrk);
- _malldstr("\n_fab = ");
- _malldptr(_fab);
- _malldstr(" _ffb = ");
- _malldptr(_ffb);
- _malldstr(" blksiz = ");
- _malldptr(sizeof (struct _Dmi));
- _malldstr("\netext = ");
- _malldptr(etext);
- _malldstr(" edata = ");
- _malldptr(edata);
- _malldstr(" end = ");
- _malldptr(end);
- _malldstr("\n\nallocated blocks\n\n");
- if (_fab == (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- _malldstr("(none)\n");
- else {
- for (blk = _fab; blk != (struct _Dmi *) 0 && (char *) blk >= _xbrk && (char *) blk < sbrk(0); blk = blk->m_next) {
- _malldstr("(");
- _malldptr(blk);
- _malldstr(") ");
- _malldptr(blk->m_prev);
- _malldstr("< ");
- _malldptr(blk->m_size);
- _malldstr(" >");
- _malldptr(blk->m_next);
- _malldstr("\n");
- }
- if (blk != (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- _malldstr("(subsequent block pointers corrupted)\n");
- }
- _malldstr("\nfree blocks\n\n");
- if (_ffb == (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- _malldstr("(none)\n");
- else {
- for (blk = _ffb; blk != (struct _Dmi *) 0 && (char *) blk >= _xbrk && (char *) blk < sbrk(0); blk = blk->m_next) {
- _malldstr("(");
- _malldptr(blk);
- _malldstr(") ");
- _malldptr(blk->m_prev);
- _malldstr("< ");
- _malldptr(blk->m_size);
- _malldstr(" >");
- _malldptr(blk->m_next);
- _malldstr("\n");
- }
- if (blk != (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- _malldstr("(subsequent block pointers corrupted)\n");
- }
- _in_malloc = oldf;
- }
- /*
- * internal error routine: print error message (without using stdio) and
- * drop core
- */
- static _mallerr(fn, s, ptr)
- char *fn, *s;
- long ptr; {
- _malldstr(fn);
- _malldstr(": ");
- _malldstr(s);
- _malldptr(ptr);
- _malldstr("\n");
- _malldmp();
- signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL);
- kill(getpid(), SIGQUIT);
- }
- char *malloc(n)
- register unsigned n; {
- register struct _Dmi *blk;
- _in_malloc = 1;
- _mall_init();
- if (_mall_opt)
- _malldstr("called malloc("), _malldptr(n), _malldstr(")\n");
- _mallchk("malloc");
- if (n == 0) {
- _malldstr("malloc(0) is illegal!\n");
- _mall_sig(SIGSYS);
- }
- for (blk = _ffb; blk != (struct _Dmi *) 0; blk = blk->m_next)
- if (blk->m_size >= n) {
- if (blk->m_next != (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- blk->m_next->m_prev = blk->m_prev;
- if (blk->m_prev != (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- blk->m_prev->m_next = blk->m_next;
- if (blk == _ffb)
- _ffb = blk->m_next;
- blk->m_next = _fab;
- blk->m_prev = (struct _Dmi *) 0;
- if (_fab != (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- _fab->m_prev = blk;
- _fab = blk;
- _in_malloc = 0;
- return blk->m_blk;
- }
- if ((blk = (struct _Dmi *) sbrk(sizeof (struct _Dmi) + n - 1)) == (struct _Dmi *) -1) {
- _in_malloc = 0;
- return (char *) 0; /* no space */
- }
- if (_xbrk == (char *) 0)
- _xbrk = (char *) blk;
- blk->m_next = _fab;
- blk->m_prev = (struct _Dmi *) 0;
- if (_fab != (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- _fab->m_prev = blk;
- _fab = blk;
- blk->m_size = n;
- _in_malloc = 0;
- return blk->m_blk;
- }
- /* The free-block list is sorted in size order */
- free(s)
- register char *s; {
- register struct _Dmi *blk, *fblk;
- int didit;
- _in_malloc = 1;
- _mall_init();
- if (_mall_opt)
- _malldstr("called free("), _malldptr(s), _malldstr(")\n");
- _mallchk("free");
- if (s == (char *) 0) {
- _malldstr("free((char *) 0) is illegal!\n");
- _mall_sig(SIGSYS);
- }
- if ((blk = _mallgb(s)) == (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- _mallerr("non-allocated pointer passed to free(): ", s);
- if (blk->m_prev != (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- blk->m_prev->m_next = blk->m_next;
- if (blk->m_next != (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- blk->m_next->m_prev = blk->m_prev;
- if (blk == _fab)
- _fab = blk->m_next;
- if (_ffb == (struct _Dmi *) 0) {
- _ffb = blk;
- blk->m_next = (struct _Dmi *) 0;
- blk->m_prev = (struct _Dmi *) 0;
- goto crunch;
- }
- for (fblk = _ffb; fblk->m_next != (struct _Dmi *) 0; fblk = fblk->m_next)
- if (fblk->m_next->m_size >= blk->m_size)
- break;
- blk->m_next = fblk->m_next;
- if (fblk->m_next != (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- fblk->m_next->m_prev = blk;
- blk->m_prev = fblk;
- fblk->m_next = blk;
- /*
- * crunch the free list by dropping consecutive end-of-brk until we hit xbrk
- * or a "hole" (i.e. allocated block). coalescing is possible but not supp-
- * orted in malloc, so we don't bother here.
- */
- crunch:
- didit = 1;
- while (_ffb != (struct _Dmi *) 0 && didit) {
- didit = 0;
- for (fblk = _ffb; fblk != (struct _Dmi *) 0; fblk = fblk->m_next)
- if ((char *) fblk + sizeof *fblk + fblk->m_size - 1 == sbrk(0)) {
- didit = 1;
- if (fblk->m_next != (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- fblk->m_next->m_prev = fblk->m_prev;
- if (fblk->m_prev != (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- fblk->m_prev->m_next = fblk->m_next;
- if (fblk == _ffb)
- _ffb = fblk->m_next;
- sbrk(- fblk->m_size);
- break;
- }
- }
- _in_malloc = 0;
- }
- char *realloc(s, n)
- register char *s;
- register unsigned n; {
- register char *s1, *d, *d1;
- register struct _Dmi *blk;
- if (_mall_opt)
- _malldstr("called realloc("), _malldptr(s), _malldstr(", "), _malldptr(n), _malldstr(")\n");
- _mallchk("realloc");
- if (s == (char *) 0) {
- _malldstr("realloc((char *) 0, size) is illegal!\n");
- _mall_sig(SIGSYS);
- }
- if (n == 0) {
- _malldstr("realloc(ptr, 0) is illegal!\n");
- _mall_sig(SIGSYS);
- }
- if ((blk = _mallgb(s)) == (struct _Dmi *) 0)
- _mallerr("non-allocated pointer passed to realloc(): ", s);
- if ((s1 = malloc(n)) == (char *) 0)
- return (char *) 0;
- if (blk->m_size < n)
- n = blk->m_size;
- d1 = s1;
- d = s;
- while (n-- != 0)
- *d1++ = *d++;
- free(s);
- return s1;
- }
- /*
- * _mallchk() is global, so external routines can do discreet checks on the
- * arena. If the arena is detectibly corrupted, it will abort().
- */
- _mallchk(fn)
- char *fn; {
- register struct _Dmi *blk, *cblk;
- register char *send;
- register int cnt;
- send = sbrk(0);
- cblk = (struct _Dmi *) 0;
- for (blk = _fab; blk != (struct _Dmi *) 0; cblk = blk, blk = blk->m_next) {
- if ((char *) blk < _xbrk || (char *) blk >= send)
- _mallerr(fn, "allocated block list corrupted: blkptr = ", blk);
- if (blk->m_prev != cblk)
- _mallerr(fn, "allocated block list corrupted: back pointer incorrect blk ", blk);
- if (blk->m_size < 0)
- _mallerr(fn, "allocated block list corrupted: blk->m_size = ", blk->m_size);
- }
- cblk = (struct _Dmi *) 0;
- for (blk = _ffb; blk != (struct _Dmi *) 0; cblk = blk, blk = blk->m_next) {
- if ((char *) blk < _xbrk || (char *) blk >= sbrk(0))
- _mallerr(fn, "free block list corrupted: blkptr = ", blk);
- if (blk->m_prev != cblk)
- _mallerr(fn, "free block list corrupted: back pointer incorrect blk ", blk);
- if (blk->m_size < 0)
- _mallerr(fn, "free block list corrupted: blk->m_size = ", blk->m_size);
- }
- for (blk = _fab; blk != (struct _Dmi *) 0; blk = blk->m_next) {
- if ((char *) blk + sizeof *blk + blk->m_size - 1 > send) {
- _malldstr("(brk = ");
- _malldptr(send);
- _malldstr(", eblk = ");
- _malldptr((char *) blk + sizeof *blk + blk->m_size - 1);
- _malldstr(")\n");
- _mallerr(fn, "allocated block extends past brk: ", blk);
- }
- cnt = 0;
- for (cblk = _fab; cblk != (struct _Dmi *) 0; cblk = cblk->m_next) {
- if (blk == cblk)
- if (cnt++ == 0)
- continue;
- else
- _mallerr(fn, "block allocated twice: ", blk);
- if (blk > cblk && (char *) blk < (char *) cblk + sizeof *cblk + cblk->m_size - 1) {
- _malldstr("(blk = ");
- _malldptr(blk);
- _malldstr(", cblk = ");
- _malldptr((char *) cblk + sizeof *cblk + cblk->m_size - 1);
- _malldstr(")\n");
- _mallerr(fn, "nested block in allocated list: ", blk);
- }
- }
- for (cblk = _ffb; cblk != (struct _Dmi *) 0; cblk = cblk->m_next) {
- if (blk == cblk)
- _mallerr(fn, "block on allocated and free lists: ", blk);
- if (blk > cblk && (char *) blk < (char *) cblk + sizeof *cblk + cblk->m_size - 1) {
- _malldstr("(blk = ");
- _malldptr(blk);
- _malldstr(", cblk = ");
- _malldptr((char *) cblk + sizeof *cblk + cblk->m_size - 1);
- _malldstr(")\n");
- _mallerr(fn, "allocated block nested in free block: ", blk);
- }
- }
- }
- for (blk = _ffb; blk != (struct _Dmi *) 0; blk = blk->m_next) {
- if ((char *) blk + sizeof *blk + blk->m_size - 1 > send) {
- _malldstr("(brk = ");
- _malldptr(send);
- _malldstr(", eblk = ");
- _malldptr((char *) blk + sizeof *blk + blk->m_size - 1);
- _malldstr(")\n");
- _mallerr(fn, "free block extends past brk: ", blk);
- }
- cnt = 0;
- for (cblk = _ffb; cblk != (struct _Dmi *) 0; cblk = cblk->m_next) {
- if (blk == cblk)
- if (cnt++ == 0)
- continue;
- else
- _mallerr(fn, "block freed twice: ", blk);
- if (blk > cblk && (char *) blk < (char *) cblk + sizeof *cblk + cblk->m_size - 1) {
- _malldstr("(blk = ");
- _malldptr(blk);
- _malldstr(", cblk = ");
- _malldptr((char *) cblk + sizeof *cblk + cblk->m_size - 1);
- _malldstr(")\n");
- _mallerr(fn, "nested block in free list: ", blk);
- }
- }
- for (cblk = _fab; cblk != (struct _Dmi *) 0; cblk = cblk->m_next) {
- if (blk == cblk)
- _mallerr(fn, "block on allocated and free lists: ", blk);
- if (blk > cblk && (char *) blk < (char *) cblk + sizeof *cblk + cblk->m_size - 1) {
- _malldstr("(blk = ");
- _malldptr(blk);
- _malldstr(", cblk = ");
- _malldptr((char *) cblk + sizeof *cblk + cblk->m_size - 1);
- _malldstr(")\n");
- _mallerr(fn, "free block nested in allocated block: ", blk);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * malloc objects and zero storage
- */
- char *calloc(n, size)
- register unsigned n, size; {
- register char *s, *s1;
- if (_mall_opt)
- _malldstr("called calloc("), _malldptr(n), _malldstr(", "), _malldptr(size), _malldstr(")\n");
- n *= size;
- if ((s = malloc(n)) == (char *) 0)
- return (char *) 0;
- for (s1 = s; n != 0; n--)
- *s1++ = 0;
- return s;
- }
- /*
- * for some reason this is in /lib/libc.a(calloc.o)
- */
- cfree(s)
- char *s; {
- free(s);
- }
- --
- [Copyright 1987 Brandon S. Allbery, all rights reserved]
- [Redistribution permitted only if redistribution is subsequently permitted.]
- Brandon S. Allbery, moderator of comp.sources.misc and comp.binaries.ibm.pc
- {{harvard,mit-eddie}!necntc,well!hoptoad,sun!cwruecmp!hal,cbosgd}!ncoast!allbery
- <<ncoast Public Access UNIX: +1 216 781 6201 24hrs. 300/1200/2400 baud>>