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- From: amos@nsta.UUCP (Amos Shapir)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: Simple Text Formatter
- Message-ID: <3291@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 23 Jul 87 23:55:31 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Organization: National Semiconductor (Israel) Ltd. Home of the 32532
- Lines: 317
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Summary: May the Source be with you, always...
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8707/61
- (I posted this just before the Great Renaming, and never so it coming
- back; if you saw this already please ignore).
- Have you ever
- wished you had something
- to replace nroff? Something
- small, fast and versatile, yet at
- the same time flexible and powerful?
- Well, your troubles are over. 'Adj' is
- not as powerful as nroff or TeX, but
- it's ok for small portions of text, (and
- much more useful than 4BSD's 'fmt').
- Combined with the trivial centering
- filter 'ctr', it can do fancy stuff
- like this text. This text was
- produced by the command:
- adj -w 19,26,31,35,37,39,40,40,40,39,37,35,31,26,19 | ctr -w 60
- o / o / o / o /
- -----------------X---------------X---------------X---------------X----
- o \ o \ o \ o \
- #!/bin/sh
- : "This is a shell archive, meaning: "
- : "1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line. "
- : "2. Save the rest in a file. "
- : "3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:"
- : " adj.6"
- : " adj.c"
- : " ctr.6"
- : " ctr.c"
- : "This archive created: Thu Mar 19 12:31:56 EET 1987 "
- if [ -f adj.6 ]
- then
- echo file adj.6 exists
- else
- echo extracting file: adj.6
- sed 's/^X//' >adj.6 << 'END-of-adj.6'
- X.TH ADJ 6 Local
- X.UC 4
- Xadj \- fill and adjust text lines
- X.B adj
- X[
- X.B \-h
- X] [
- X.B \-n
- X] [
- X.B \-p
- X] [
- X.B \-w
- X.I n1,...
- X] [ file ]
- X.I Adj
- Xcopies the given file (standard input if none is given) to the standard output,
- Xfilling lines and adjusting the right margin. Indentation and empty lines
- Xare preserved.
- X.PP
- XNormally, words (uninterrupted sequences of non-blank characters) are not
- Xbroken, unless the
- X.B \-h
- X(hyphen) flag is given.
- X.PP
- XThe
- X.B \-n
- X(no adjust) prevents
- X.I adj
- Xfrom adjusting the right margin.
- X.PP
- XIf the
- X.B \-p
- X(paragraph) option is specified, indentation is preserved only on
- Xthe first line of a paragraph, assuming paragraphs are separated by empty lines.
- X.PP
- XThe
- X.B \-w
- X.I n
- X(width) option sets the line width to
- X.I n
- X(default 65).
- XWhen given as
- X.B \-w
- X.I n1,n2,...
- X(a comma-separated sequence of numbers) the output lines will be
- X.I "n1, n2"
- Xetc. characters long, respectively.
- XWhen the sequence is exhausted, it is restarted.
- Xctr(6)
- X.B \-n
- Xdoes not break words intelligently.
- X.PP
- XChange of indentation is done ungracefully.
- X.PP
- XThere's probably a better way tp specify line lengths.
- END-of-adj.6
- fi
- if [ -f adj.c ]
- then
- echo file adj.c exists
- else
- echo extracting file: adj.c
- sed 's/^X//' >adj.c << 'END-of-adj.c'
- X/*
- X * Trivial line-fill filter
- X * white space at col 1 and empty lines
- X * are preserved.
- X * flags: -n - dont adjust right margin
- X * -w {n} line is {n} chars wide
- X * -w {n1,n2,...} line is cyclically n1, n2... chars wide
- X * -h - break words with a hyphen
- X * -p - indent only 1st line of a paragraph
- X */
- X#define MAXB 1024
- X#define MAXW 100 /* words in a line */
- X#define NLL 50 /* line lengths vector size */
- X#define EOF (-1)
- X/* flags */
- X#define NOADJ 01 /* no adjust */
- X#define HYPHN 02 /* hyphenate */
- X#define PARAG 04 /* indent 1 line */
- Xint ll[NLL] = { 65 }; /* line lengths */
- Xint nll; /* current line length index */
- Xint nw; /* current no. of words */
- Xint ind; /* current indentation */
- Xstatic char buf[MAXB];
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- X char **argv;
- X{
- X register char *pb, *pw, *pe;
- X register c, flags, nl;
- X
- X while(--argc > 0)
- X if(**++argv == '-')
- X switch(argv[0][1]) {
- X case 'n':
- X flags = NOADJ;
- X break;
- X case 'h':
- X flags = HYPHN;
- X break;
- X case 'p':
- X flags |= PARAG;
- X break;
- X case 'w':
- X --argc;
- X pb = *++argv;
- X nl=0;
- X do {
- X for(ll[nl]=0; *pb>='0' && *pb<='9'; pb++)
- X ll[nl] = ll[nl]*10+*pb-'0';
- X nl++;
- X }while(*pb++);
- X }
- X else {
- X close(0);
- X open(*argv, 0, 0);
- X }
- X nl = 2;
- X pb = pw = buf-1;
- X while((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
- X if(c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n') {
- X if(pb>=buf && *pb!=' ') {
- X *++pb = ' ';
- X nw++;
- X pw = pb; /* word marker in buf */
- X }
- X if(c == '\n') {
- X if(++nl > 1) {
- X if(nw > 0) {
- X putline(pb, NOADJ);
- X pb = pw = buf-1;
- X nw = 0;
- X }
- X putchar('\n');
- X ind = 0;
- X }
- X } else if(nl > 1) {
- X if(c == '\t')
- X ind = (ind/8+1)*8;
- X else
- X ind++;
- X }
- X } else if(c>' ' && c<0177) {
- X *++pb = c;
- X if(nl) {
- X nl = 0;
- X pe = &buf[ll[nll]-ind];
- X }
- X }
- X if(pb == pe) { /* line overflow */
- X if((flags&HYPHN) && pb-pw>2) { /* insert hyphen */
- X *++pb = pe[-1];
- X pe[-1] = '-';
- X *++pb = c;
- X pw = pe;
- X nw++;
- X } else if(nw == 0) { /* insert blank */
- X *++pb = c;
- X pw = pe;
- X nw++;
- X }
- X putline(pw, flags);
- X for(pe=buf, ++pw; pw<=pb; )
- X *pe++ = *pw++;
- X pb = pe-1;
- X pw = buf-1;
- X pe = &buf[ll[nll]-ind];
- X nw = 0;
- X }
- X }
- X if(nw > 0)
- X putline(pb, NOADJ);
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * adjust & print line
- X */
- Xputline(pw, flags)
- X register char *pw;
- X{
- X register char *pb;
- X register i, n, b, m;
- X
- X for(i=ind; i>=8; i-=8)
- X putchar('\t');
- X for(; i>0; i--)
- X putchar(' ');
- X n = nw-1;
- X b = buf+ll[nll]-ind-pw; /* no. of blanks to distribute */
- X m = n/2;
- X for(pb=buf; pb<pw; pb++) {
- X putchar(*pb);
- X if(!(flags&NOADJ) && *pb==' ') {
- X m += b;
- X for(i=m/n; i>0; i--)
- X putchar(' ');
- X m %= n;
- X }
- X }
- X putchar('\n');
- X /* cyclic increment line lengths vector */
- X if(ll[++nll] == 0)
- X nll = 0;
- X if(flags&PARAG)
- X ind = 0;
- X}
- END-of-adj.c
- fi
- if [ -f ctr.6 ]
- then
- echo file ctr.6 exists
- else
- echo extracting file: ctr.6
- sed 's/^X//' >ctr.6 << 'END-of-ctr.6'
- X.TH CTR 6 Local
- X.UC 4
- Xctr \- center text lines
- X.B ctr
- X[
- X.B \-w
- X.I n
- X]
- X.I Ctr
- Xcopies its standard input to its standard output,
- Xcentering text in the output lines.
- X.PP
- XThe
- X.B \-w
- X.I n
- X(width) option sets the output line width to
- X.I n
- X(default 65).
- Xadj(6)
- END-of-ctr.6
- fi
- if [ -f ctr.c ]
- then
- echo file ctr.c exists
- else
- echo extracting file: ctr.c
- sed 's/^X//' >ctr.c << 'END-of-ctr.c'
- X#define NULL ((char *)0)
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- X char **argv;
- X{
- X static int ll = 65; /* line length */
- X static buf[100];
- X
- X if(argc > 1 && **++argv == '-' && argv[0][1] == 'w')
- X ll = atoi(*++argv);
- X while(gets(buf) != NULL)
- X printf("%*s%s\n", (ll-strlen(buf))/2, "", buf);
- X}
- END-of-ctr.c
- fi
- exit 0
- o / o / o / o /
- -----------------X---------------X---------------X---------------X----
- o \ o \ o \ o \
- --
- Amos Shapir (My other cpu is a NS32532)
- National Semiconductor (Israel)
- 6 Maskit st. P.O.B. 3007, Herzlia 46104, Israel Tel. (972)52-522261
- amos%nsta@nsc.com @{hplabs,pyramid,sun,decwrl} 34 48 E / 32 10 N