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- static char *RCSid = "$Header: arcio.c,v 1.2 86/07/15 07:53:11 turner Exp $";
- /*
- * $Log: arcio.c,v $
- * Hack-attack 1.3 86/12/20 01:23:45 wilhite@usceast.uucp
- * Bludgeoned into submission for VAX 11/780 BSD4.2
- * (ugly code, but fewer core dumps)
- *
- * Revision 1.2 86/07/15 07:53:11 turner
- *
- * Revision 1.1 86/06/26 15:00:21 turner
- * initial version
- *
- */
- /* ARC - Archive utility - ARCIO
- $define(tag,$$segment(@1,$$index(@1,=)+1))#
- $define(version,Version $tag(
- TED_VERSION DB =2.30), created on $tag(
- TED_DATE DB =02/03/86) at $tag(
- TED_TIME DB =22:56:00))#
- $undefine(tag)#
- $version
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1985 by System Enhancement Associates; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
- By: Thom Henderson
- Description:
- This file contains the file I/O routines used to manipulate
- an archive.
- Language:
- Computer Innovations Optimizing C86
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "arc.h"
- INT readhdr(hdr,f) /* read a header from an archive */
- struct heads *hdr; /* storage for header */
- FILE *f; /* archive to read header from */
- {
- #if BSD | ST
- unsigned char dummy[28];
- INT i,j,k;
- #endif
- char name[FNLEN]; /* filename buffer */
- INT try = 0; /* retry counter */
- static INT first = 1; /* true only on first read */
- if(!f) /* if archive didn't open */
- return 0; /* then pretend it's the end */
- if(feof(f)) /* if no more data */
- return 0; /* then signal end of archive */
- if(fgetc(f)!=ARCMARK) /* check archive validity */
- { if(warn)
- { printf("An entry in %s has a bad header.\n",arcname);
- nerrs++;
- }
- while(!feof(f))
- { try++;
- if(fgetc(f)==ARCMARK)
- { ungetc(hdrver=fgetc(f),f);
- if(hdrver>=0 && hdrver<=ARCVER)
- break;
- }
- }
- if(feof(f) && first)
- abort("%s is not an archive",arcname);
- if(warn)
- printf(" %d bytes skipped.\n",try);
- if(feof(f))
- return 0;
- }
- hdrver = fgetc(f); /* get header version */
- if(hdrver<0)
- abort("Invalid header in archive %s",arcname);
- if(hdrver==0)
- return 0; /* note our end of archive marker */
- if(hdrver>ARCVER)
- { fread(name,sizeof(char),FNLEN,f);
- printf("I don't know how to handle file %s in archive %s\n",
- name,arcname);
- printf("I think you need a newer version of ARC.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* amount to read depends on header type */
- if(hdrver==1) /* old style is shorter */
- { fread(hdr,sizeof(struct heads)-sizeof(long),1,f);
- hdrver = 2; /* convert header to new format */
- hdr->length = hdr->size; /* size is same when not packed */
- }
- else {
- #if MSDOS
- fread(hdr,sizeof(struct heads),1,f);
- #endif
- #if BSD | ST
- fread(dummy,27,1,f);
- for(i=0;i<13;hdr->name[i]=dummy[i],i++);
- hdr->size = (long)((dummy[16]<<24) + (dummy[15]<<16) + (dummy[14]<<8)
- + dummy[13]);
- hdr->date = (short)((dummy[18]<<8) + dummy[17]);
- hdr->time = (short)((dummy[20]<<8) + dummy[19]);
- hdr->crc = (short)((dummy[22]<<8) + dummy[21]);
- hdr->length = (long)((dummy[26]<<24) + (dummy[25]<<16)
- + (dummy[24]<<8) + dummy[23]);
- #endif
- }
- first = 0; return 1; /* we read something */
- }
- INT writehdr(hdr,f) /* write a header to an archive */
- struct heads *hdr; /* header to write */
- FILE *f; /* archive to write to */
- {
- unsigned char dummy[28];
- fputc(ARCMARK,f); /* write out the mark of ARC */
- fputc(hdrver,f); /* write out the header version */
- if(!hdrver) /* if that's the end */
- return; /* then write no more */
- #if MSDOS
- fwrite(hdr,sizeof(struct heads),1,f);
- #endif
- #if BSD | ST
- /*
- * put out the hdr in the brain damaged unaligned half back *sswards
- * way HAL does it
- */
- fwrite(hdr->name,1,13,f);
- fwrite(&hdr->size,sizeof(long),1,f);
- fwrite(&hdr->date,sizeof(INT),1,f);
- fwrite(&hdr->time,sizeof(INT),1,f);
- fwrite(&hdr->crc ,sizeof(INT),1,f);
- fwrite(&hdr->length,sizeof(long),1,f);
- #endif
- /* note the newest file for updating the archive timestamp */
- if(hdr->date>arcdate
- ||(hdr->date==arcdate && hdr->time>arctime))
- { arcdate = hdr->date;
- arctime = hdr->time;
- }
- }
- INT filecopy(f,t,size) /* bulk file copier */
- FILE *f, *t; /* from, to */
- long size; /* number of bytes */
- {
- INT len; /* length of a given copy */
- INT putc_tst();
- while(size--) /* while more bytes to move */
- putc_tst(fgetc(f),t);
- }
- INT putc_tst(c,t) /* put a character, with tests */
- char c; /* character to output */
- FILE *t; /* file to write to */
- {
- if(t)
- #if MSODS | ST
- if(fputc(c,t)==EOF)
- abort("Write fail (disk full?)");
- #endif
- #if BSD
- /*
- * for reasons beyond me BSD unix returns EOF
- */
- fputc(c,t);
- #endif
- }