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Text File | 1993-09-02 | 68.7 KB | 2,281 lines |
- Article 98 of comp.sources.misc:
- Relay-Version: version B 2.10.3 alpha 5/22/85; site osu-eddie.UUCP
- Path: osu-eddie!cbosgd!ihnp4!ptsfa!ames!necntc!ncoast!allbery
- From: rcb@rti.UUCP (Randy Buckland)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: VMS DVI preview (part 1 of 3)
- Message-ID: <2807@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 7 Jul 87 01:46:15 GMT
- Date-Received: 8 Jul 87 03:33:28 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Lines: 2264
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8707/7
- [It came in two chunks, but part 2 was 96K so I split it in half. ++bsa]
- This is it folks!!! The VMS DVI previewer source. It is a DCL archive file,
- so cut at the obvious point and execute it as a ".COM" file (i.e. @foobar)
- This archive is in 2 parts, so you will have to get both parts and
- concatenate them together into a single command file and then execute it.
- There is a file "read.me" in the "[.doc]" subdirectory. It will tell you
- how to build this beast. Have fun.
- ---------------------------cut here--------------------------
- $ write sys$output "Creating ada.reb"
- $ create ada.reb
- $ deck
- $ADA := ""
- $ADA/LIBR=tex_base:[misc.preview.ada]/NOCHECK-
- tex_base:[misc.preview.src]FONT_DEF_.ADA-
- ,UIS_.ADA-
- ,tex_base:[misc.preview.rtl]OTS_.ADA-
- ,tex_base:[misc.preview.src]DVI_DEF_.ADA-
- ,tex_base:[misc.preview.rtl]STR_.ADA-
- ,SYS_.ADA-
- ,CLI_.ADA-
- $ADA/LIBR=tex_base:[misc.preview.ada]/NOCHECK-
- tex_base:[misc.preview.src]FONT_IO_.ADA-
- $ADA/LIBR=tex_base:[misc.preview.ada]/NOCHECK-
- tex_base:[misc.preview.src]DVI_TASKS.ADA-
- $EOD
- $ eod
- $ checksum ada.reb
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "158486304" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file ada.reb******"
- $ create/directory [.doc]
- $ write sys$output "Creating font.cld"
- $ create font.cld
- $ deck
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !! !!
- !! Title: Font !!
- !! Date: 23-JUN-1987 !!
- !! Name: Randy Buckland !!
- !! !!
- !! Purpose: Display a font file on a vaxstation. !!
- !! !!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !! !!
- !! Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. !!
- !! Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. !!
- !! !!
- !! Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any !!
- !! purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, !!
- !! subject to the following restrictions. !!
- !! !!
- !! 1. Research Triangle Institute supplies this software "as is", !!
- !! without any warranty. The author and the Institute do not !!
- !! accept any responsibility for any damage caused by use or !!
- !! mis-use of this program. !!
- !! 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. !!
- !! 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. !!
- !! !!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- define verb font
- image user:[rcb.preview]font
- parameter p1, prompt="Font file", label=font_file,value(required,type=$file)
- $ eod
- $ checksum font.cld
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "1567830183" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file font.cld******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating preview.cld"
- $ create preview.cld
- $ deck
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !! !!
- !! Title: Preview !!
- !! Date: 3-SEP-1986 !!
- !! Name: Randy Buckland !!
- !! !!
- !! Purpose: Preview a dvi file on a vaxstation. !!
- !! !!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !! !!
- !! Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. !!
- !! Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. !!
- !! !!
- !! Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any !!
- !! purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, !!
- !! subject to the following restrictions. !!
- !! !!
- !! 1. Research Triangle Institute supplies this software "as is", !!
- !! without any warranty. The author and the Institute do not !!
- !! accept any responsibility for any damage caused by use or !!
- !! mis-use of this program. !!
- !! 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. !!
- !! 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. !!
- !! !!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- define verb preview
- image user:[rcb.preview]preview
- parameter p1, prompt="Dvi file", label=dvi_file, value (required,type=$file)
- qualifier magstep, default, value (type=$number, default=0)
- $ eod
- $ checksum preview.cld
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "493566788" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file preview.cld******"
- $ create/directory [.rtl]
- $ create/directory [.src]
- $ write sys$output "Creating waits.mf_frag"
- $ create waits.mf_frag
- $ deck
- %
- % Definition for a VAXstation or VAXstation/GPX
- %
- mode_def gpx = % VaxStation GPX
- proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
- fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
- tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log
- pixels_per_inch:=78; % lowres
- blacker:=0; % don't make the pens any blacker
- fillin:=0; % and don't compensate for fillin
- o_correction:=0; % kill the overshoots
- enddef;
- $ eod
- $ checksum waits.mf_frag
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "275470781" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file waits.mf_frag******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.doc]preview.hlp"
- $ create [.doc]preview.hlp
- $ deck
- Previews a DVI file created by TeX or LaTeX. Will operate only
- on the graphics tube of a VAXstation.
- Format:
- $ PREVIEW dvi-file-spec
- 2 Parameters
- dvi-file-spec
- Specification of the DVI file to be previewed. No wildcards
- are allowed in this specification. The default extension is
- ".DVI".
- 2 /MAGSTEP=n
- Magnify the displayed page by the integer magstep specified.
- Applies an overall magnification of the page by 1.2**n
- 2 Keypad
- 3 Control/Z
- Exit program.
- 3 Find (E1)
- Overlay display with a grid for alignment purposes. Program
- will prompt terminal window for the spacing of the grid. (real
- number)
- 3 Select (E4)
- Goto aribtrary page in the file. Page numbers are simply
- physical page numbers as measured from the front of the file.
- 3 Prev Screen (E5)
- Goto previous page.
- 3 Next Screen (E6)
- Goto next page.
- 3 Arrow keys
- When page does not fit on the display window, the arrow keys can
- be used to move the the window relative to the page (i.e. Down
- arrow will let you see something that is off the bottom of the
- window)
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.doc]preview.hlp
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "1516589356" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.doc]preview.hlp******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.doc]preview.rnh"
- $ create [.doc]preview.rnh
- $ deck
- .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- .!! !!
- .!! Title: Preview.rnh !!
- .!! Date: 25-JUN-1987 !!
- .!! Name: Randy Buckland !!
- .!! !!
- .!! Purpose: Preview help file. !!
- .!! !!
- .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- .!! !!
- .!! Revision History !!
- .!! !!
- .!! Who Date Description !!
- .!! --- ---- ----------- !!
- .!! rcb 25-JUN-1987 New file. !!
- .!! !!
- .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- .!! !!
- .!! Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. !!
- .!! Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. !!
- .!! !!
- .!! Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any !!
- .!! purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, !!
- .!! subject to the following restrictions. !!
- .!! !!
- .!! 1. Research Triangle Institute supplies this software "as is", !!
- .!! without any warranty. The author and the Institute do not !!
- .!! accept any responsibility for any damage caused by use or !!
- .!! mis-use of this program. !!
- .!! 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. !!
- .!! 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. !!
- .!! !!
- .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- .lm 1
- .rm 65
- .ap
- .i-1
- .b
- Previews a DVI file created by TeX or LaTeX. Will operate only on the
- graphics tube of a VAXstation.
- .b
- Format:
- .b.i+10
- $ PREVIEW dvi-file-spec
- .b.i-1
- 2 Parameters
- .b
- dvi-file-spec
- .b.lm 5
- Specification of the DVI file to be previewed. No wildcards are allowed
- in this specification. The default extension is ".DVI".
- .lm 1
- .b.i-1
- 2 /MAGSTEP=n
- .b
- Magnify the displayed page by the integer magstep specified. Applies an
- overall magnification of the page by 1.2**n
- .b.i-1
- 2 Keypad
- .b.i-1
- 3 Control/Z
- .b
- Exit program.
- .b.i-1
- 3 Find (E1)
- .b
- Overlay display with a grid for alignment purposes. Program will prompt
- terminal window for the spacing of the grid. (real number)
- .b.i-1
- 3 Select (E4)
- .b
- Goto aribtrary page in the file. Page numbers are simply physical page
- numbers as measured from the front of the file.
- .b.i-1
- 3 Prev Screen (E5)
- .b
- Goto previous page.
- .b.i-1
- 3 Next Screen (E6)
- .b
- Goto next page.
- .b.i-1
- 3 Arrow keys
- .b
- When page does not fit on the display window, the arrow keys can be used
- to move the the window relative to the page (i.e. Down arrow will let you
- see something that is off the bottom of the window)
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.doc]preview.rnh
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "1920434122" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.doc]preview.rnh******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.doc]read.me"
- $ create [.doc]read.me
- $ deck
- Hi,
- You are now the proud owner of a copy of the VMS previewer program.
- The file ADA.REB will allow you to rebuild the source by following these
- steps:
- - Create an ada library directory as in
- - Edit the file ADA.REB to show the location of the source files and the
- ada library directory. It is set up so that everything is in
- subdirectories off of TEX_BASE:[MISC.PREVIEW]
- - Execute the file ADA.REB
- - Link the two programs PREVIEW and FONT
- - PREVIEW is the main previewer programs
- - FONT is a utility program to view a font file one character at a time
- - Insert the command defintions into the DCLTABLES file. These files,
- FONT.CLD and PREVIEW.CLD, need to be edited first to reflect where
- you wish to place the executables. The command to create these commands
- is
- - Define a system wide logical name TEX_VS_FONTS to point to the
- directory that will contain the preview fonts.
- - Insert the files WAITS.MF_FRAG into your WAITS.MF file and rebuild
- the programs MF and CMMF.
- - Run METAFONT to build a set of fonts for the device GPX. You should
- build a wide set of magsteps to allow for magnifications of files.
- You may also need different "halfsteps" (i.e. magstep 1.5, 2.5, 3.5...)
- if you normally use magstephalf or LaTeX 11pt and wish to magnify
- the image. The commands to run CMMF for a set of magnifications
- should look something like:
- - You then have to convert the fonts to PK format as this is the only
- supported file format currently. This is done with the program
- GFTOPK that is part of the TeX distribution. Just enter the
- command
- GFPK font_file_name
- for each file file produced in the previous step.
- - Move the file PK fonts into the proper directory pointed to by
- TEX_VS_FONTS. They should be named something like
- CMR10.78PK, CMR10.85PK...
- - Start previewing! If you have any questions or bug report
- (or bug fixes) you can contact me by the E-mail or phone.
- Randy Buckland
- rcb@rti.rti.org []
- {decvax,seismo,ihnp4}!mcnc!rti!rcb
- (919)-541-7103
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.doc]read.me
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "1261261701" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.doc]read.me******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.rtl]cli.ada"
- $ create [.rtl]cli.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Cli |--
- --| Date: 21-APR-1986 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Useful cli routines. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 21-APR-1986 New file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of |--
- --| this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from |--
- --| defects in it. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with text_io, integer_text_io;
- use text_io, integer_text_io;
- with starlet;
- package body cli is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Global variables. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- command_file : file_type;
- current_line : d_string;
- get_value_temp : d_string;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Next_line |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. Status value. |--
- --| 2. Output string. |--
- --| 3. Prompt string. |--
- --| 4. Output length. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Get the next line from the command file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure next_line (
- status : out cond_value_type;
- out_str : in out d_string;
- prompt : in d_string;
- out_len : in out integer) is
- begin
- copy (current_line, "");
- get_line (command_file, current_line);
- copy (out_str, current_line);
- out_len := length (current_line);
- status := 1;
- exception
- when end_error =>
- out_len := 0;
- copy (out_str, "");
- status := import_value ("RMS$_EOF");
- when others =>
- out_len := 0;
- copy (out_str, "");
- status := 0;
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Execute_file |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. Command file name. |--
- --| 2. Command table address. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Execute the commands in a given file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function execute_file (
- command_file_name : in string;
- command_table : in address;
- default_name : in string := "")
- return cond_value_type is
- status : cond_value_type; -- System service status value.
- begin
- open (command_file, in_file, command_file_name,
- "file; default_name " & default_name & ";");
- loop
- status := dcl_parse (
- table => command_table,
- param_r => address_zero,
- prompt_r => next_line'address);
- if (status /= import_value ("CLI$_NOCOMD")) then
- if success (status) then
- status := dispatch;
- if not success (status) then
- exit;
- end if;
- else
- if (status = import_value ("RMS$_EOF")) then
- status := 1;
- exit;
- else
- exit;
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- close (command_file);
- return status;
- exception
- when status_error | name_error | use_error =>
- put_line ("Error accessing file '" & command_file_name & "'.");
- return 0;
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Get_entity |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. String with name of entity. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Return either string or integer value. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function get_entity (
- entity : in string)
- return string is
- status : cond_value_type;
- begin
- get_value (status, entity, get_value_temp);
- if not success (status) then
- raise list_end_error;
- end if;
- return (value (get_value_temp));
- end;
- function get_entity (
- entity : in string)
- return integer is
- status : cond_value_type;
- temp : integer;
- last : natural;
- begin
- get_value (status, entity, get_value_temp);
- if not success (status) then
- raise list_end_error;
- end if;
- get (value (get_value_temp), temp, last);
- return temp;
- end;
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.rtl]cli.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "1831581613" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.rtl]cli.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.rtl]cli_.ada"
- $ create [.rtl]cli_.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Cli |--
- --| Date: 21-APR-1986 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Define access to the cli$ routines. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 21-APR-1986 New file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of |--
- --| this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from |--
- --| defects in it. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with str, condition_handling, system;
- use str, condition_handling, system;
- package cli is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Utility routines. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --|
- --| Get next line from file.
- --|
- procedure next_line (
- status : out cond_value_type;
- out_str : in out d_string;
- prompt : in d_string;
- out_len : in out integer);
- --|
- --| Execute a file as a command set.
- --|
- function execute_file (
- command_file_name : in string;
- command_table : in address;
- default_name : in string := "")
- return cond_value_type;
- --|
- --| Get values in a more reasonable fashion
- --|
- function get_entity (
- entity : in string)
- return string;
- function get_entity (
- entity : in string)
- return integer;
- list_end_error : exception;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Cli routines. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --|
- --| Parse a string.
- --|
- function dcl_parse (
- command : in string := string'null_parameter;
- table : in address;
- param_r : in address := address_zero;
- prompt_r : in address := address_zero;
- prompt : in string := string'null_parameter)
- return cond_value_type;
- --|
- --| Dispatch a function routine.
- --|
- function dispatch (
- userarg : in address := address_zero)
- return cond_value_type;
- --|
- --| Get a value for a parameter or switch
- --|
- procedure get_value (
- status : out cond_value_type;
- entity : in string;
- value : in out d_string);
- --|
- --| See if a value is present
- --|
- function present (
- entity : in string)
- return cond_value_type;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Import everything. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- private
- pragma export_valued_procedure (next_line, "cli_next_line");
- pragma interface (rtl, dcl_parse);
- pragma import_function (dcl_parse, "cli$dcl_parse",
- (string, address, address, address, string), cond_value_type,
- (descriptor(s), value, value, value, descriptor(s)));
- pragma interface (rtl, dispatch);
- pragma import_function (dispatch, "cli$dispatch",
- (address), cond_value_type, (value));
- pragma interface (rtl, get_value);
- pragma import_valued_procedure (get_value, "cli$get_value",
- (cond_value_type, string, d_string),
- (value, descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma interface (rtl, present);
- pragma import_function (present, "cli$present");
- end cli;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.rtl]cli_.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "69221235" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.rtl]cli_.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.rtl]ots_.ada"
- $ create [.rtl]ots_.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Ots |--
- --| Date: 21-APR-1986 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Define access to the OTS routines. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 21-APR-1986 New file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of |--
- --| this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from |--
- --| defects in it. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with system, condition_handling;
- use system, condition_handling;
- package ots is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Ots routines. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --|
- --| Convert text binary to longword
- --|
- function cvt_tb_l (
- in_str : in string;
- value : in address;
- val_size : in integer;
- flags : in integer := 1)
- return cond_value_type;
- --|
- --| Convert text integer to longword
- --|
- function cvt_ti_l (
- in_str : in string;
- value : in address;
- val_size : in integer;
- flags : in integer := 1)
- return cond_value_type;
- --|
- --| Convert text octal to longword
- --|
- function cvt_to_l (
- in_str : in string;
- value : in address;
- val_size : in integer;
- flags : in integer := 1)
- return cond_value_type;
- --|
- --| Convert unsigned decimal to longword
- --|
- function cvt_tu_l (
- in_str : in string;
- value : in address;
- val_size : in integer;
- flags : in integer := 1)
- return cond_value_type;
- --|
- --| Convert text hex to longword
- --|
- function cvt_tz_l (
- in_str : in string;
- value : in address;
- val_size : in integer;
- flags : in integer := 1)
- return cond_value_type;
- --|
- --| Convert longword to text binary
- --|
- procedure cvt_l_tb (
- status : out cond_value_type;
- value : in address;
- out_str : in out string;
- int_dig : in integer;
- val_size : in integer;
- flags : in integer := 1);
- --|
- --| Convert longword to text integer
- --|
- procedure cvt_l_ti (
- status : out cond_value_type;
- value : in address;
- out_str : in out string;
- int_dig : in integer;
- val_size : in integer;
- flags : in integer := 1);
- --|
- --| Convert longword to text octal
- --|
- procedure cvt_l_to (
- status : out cond_value_type;
- value : in address;
- out_str : in out string;
- int_dig : in integer;
- val_size : in integer;
- flags : in integer := 1);
- --|
- --| Convert longword to text unsigned decimal
- --|
- procedure cvt_l_tu (
- status : out cond_value_type;
- value : in address;
- out_str : in out string;
- int_dig : in integer;
- val_size : in integer;
- flags : in integer := 1);
- --|
- --| Convert longword to text hex.
- --|
- procedure cvt_l_tz (
- status : out cond_value_type;
- value : in address;
- out_str : in out string;
- int_dig : in integer;
- val_size : in integer;
- flags : in integer := 1);
- --|
- --| Convert text to f_float
- --|
- procedure cvt_t_f (
- status : out cond_value_type;
- in_str : in string;
- value : in out f_float;
- fdigit : in integer := 0;
- scale : in integer := 0;
- flags : in integer := 39);
- --|
- --| Convert text to d_float
- --|
- procedure cvt_t_d (
- status : out cond_value_type;
- in_str : in string;
- value : in out d_float;
- fdigit : in integer := 0;
- scale : in integer := 0;
- flags : in integer := 39);
- --|
- --| Convert text to g_float
- --|
- procedure cvt_t_g (
- status : out cond_value_type;
- in_str : in string;
- value : in out g_float;
- fdigit : in integer := 0;
- scale : in integer := 0;
- flags : in integer := 39);
- --|
- --| Convert text to h_float
- --|
- procedure cvt_t_h (
- status : out cond_value_type;
- in_str : in string;
- value : in out h_float;
- fdigit : in integer := 0;
- scale : in integer := 0;
- flags : in integer := 39);
- --|
- --| Move bytes
- --|
- procedure move3 (
- length : in integer;
- source : in address;
- dest : in address);
- procedure move5 (
- srclen : in integer;
- source : in address;
- fill : in integer;
- dstlen : in integer;
- dest : in address);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Import everybody. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- private
- --
- -- Import all procedures
- --
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_tb_l);
- pragma import_function (cvt_tb_l, "ots$cvt_tb_l",
- (string, address, integer, integer), cond_value_type,
- (descriptor(s), value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_ti_l);
- pragma import_function (cvt_ti_l, "ots$cvt_ti_l",
- (string, address, integer, integer), cond_value_type,
- (descriptor(s), value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_to_l);
- pragma import_function (cvt_to_l, "ots$cvt_to_l",
- (string, address, integer, integer), cond_value_type,
- (descriptor(s), value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_tu_l);
- pragma import_function (cvt_tu_l, "ots$cvt_tu_l",
- (string, address, integer, integer), cond_value_type,
- (descriptor(s), value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_tz_l);
- pragma import_function (cvt_tz_l, "ots$cvt_tz_l",
- (string, address, integer, integer), cond_value_type,
- (descriptor(s), value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_l_tb);
- pragma import_valued_procedure (cvt_l_tb, "ots$cvt_l_tb",
- (cond_value_type, address, string, integer, integer, integer),
- (value, value, descriptor(s), value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_l_ti);
- pragma import_valued_procedure (cvt_l_ti, "ots$cvt_l_ti",
- (cond_value_type, address, string, integer, integer, integer),
- (value, value, descriptor(s), value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_l_to);
- pragma import_valued_procedure (cvt_l_to, "ots$cvt_l_to",
- (cond_value_type, address, string, integer, integer, integer),
- (value, value, descriptor(s), value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_l_tu);
- pragma import_valued_procedure (cvt_l_tu, "ots$cvt_l_tu",
- (cond_value_type, address, string, integer, integer, integer),
- (value, value, descriptor(s), value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_l_tz);
- pragma import_valued_procedure (cvt_l_tz, "ots$cvt_l_tz",
- (cond_value_type, address, string, integer, integer, integer),
- (value, value, descriptor(s), value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_t_f);
- pragma import_valued_procedure (cvt_t_f, "ots$cvt_t_f",
- (cond_value_type, string, f_float, integer, integer, integer),
- (value, descriptor(s), reference, value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_t_d);
- pragma import_valued_procedure (cvt_t_d, "ots$cvt_t_d",
- (cond_value_type, string, d_float, integer, integer, integer),
- (value, descriptor(s), reference, value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_t_g);
- pragma import_valued_procedure (cvt_t_g, "ots$cvt_t_g",
- (cond_value_type, string, g_float, integer, integer, integer),
- (value, descriptor(s), reference, value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, cvt_t_h);
- pragma import_valued_procedure (cvt_t_h, "ots$cvt_t_h",
- (cond_value_type, string, h_float, integer, integer, integer),
- (value, descriptor(s), reference, value, value, value));
- pragma interface (rtl, move3);
- pragma import_procedure (move3, "ots$move3",
- (integer, address, address),
- value);
- pragma interface (rtl, move5);
- pragma import_procedure (move5, "ots$move5",
- (integer, address, integer, integer, address),
- value);
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.rtl]ots_.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "574206714" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.rtl]ots_.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.rtl]str.ada"
- $ create [.rtl]str.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Str |--
- --| Date: 18-APR-1986 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Body for string utility procedures. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 18-APR-1986 New file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of |--
- --| this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from |--
- --| defects in it. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- package body str is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| De_tab |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. Output string. |--
- --| 2. Input string. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Remove all tabs from an string and replace |--
- --| them with spaces. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure de_tab (
- out_str : in out d_string;
- in_str : in string) is
- tmp_str : string (1..(in_str'last)*8); -- Temporary string
- tmp_ptr : integer := 1; -- Pointer to temp string
- in_ptr : integer := 1; -- Pointer to input string.
- begin
- while (in_str'last >= in_ptr) loop
- case in_str(in_ptr) is
- when ascii.ht =>
- loop
- tmp_str(tmp_ptr) := ' ';
- tmp_ptr := tmp_ptr + 1;
- exit when ((tmp_ptr mod 8) = 0);
- end loop;
- when others =>
- tmp_str(tmp_ptr) := in_str(in_ptr);
- tmp_ptr := tmp_ptr + 1;
- end case;
- in_ptr := in_ptr + 1;
- end loop;
- if (tmp_ptr = 1) then
- copy(out_str, "");
- else
- copy(out_str, tmp_str(1..tmp_ptr-1));
- end if;
- end;
- --|
- --| Conversion calls
- --|
- procedure de_tab (
- out_str : in out string;
- in_str : in d_string) is
- tmp_str : d_string;
- begin
- de_tab(tmp_str, value(in_str));
- copy(out_str, tmp_str);
- free(tmp_str);
- end;
- procedure de_tab (
- out_str : in out d_string;
- in_str : in d_string) is
- tmp_str : d_string;
- begin
- de_tab(out_str, value(tmp_str));
- end;
- procedure de_tab (
- out_str : in out string;
- in_str : in string) is
- tmp_str : d_string;
- begin
- de_tab(tmp_str, in_str);
- copy(out_str, tmp_str);
- free(tmp_str);
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Value |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. Dynamic string. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Return static string from dynamic. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function value (
- item : in d_string)
- return string is
- begin
- if (item.length /= 0) then
- return item.addr(1 .. integer(item.length));
- else
- return "";
- end if;
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Length |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. Dynamic string. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Return length of the string. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function length (
- item : in d_string)
- return integer is
- begin
- return integer(item.length);
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Put, Put_line |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. Optional file pointer. |--
- --| 2. Dynamic string. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Output a dynamic string to a file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure put (
- item : in d_string) is
- begin
- put(value(item));
- end;
- procedure put (
- file : in file_type;
- item : in d_string) is
- begin
- put(file, value(item));
- end;
- procedure put_line (
- item : in d_string) is
- begin
- put_line(value(item));
- end;
- procedure put_line (
- file : in file_type;
- item : in d_string) is
- begin
- put_line(file, value(item));
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Get_line |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. Optional file pointer. |--
- --| 2. Dynamic string. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Get a dynamic string from a file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure get_line (
- item : out d_string) is
- temp_str : string(1..1024);
- last : natural;
- begin
- get_line(temp_str, last);
- trim(item, temp_str(1..last));
- end;
- procedure get_line (
- file : in file_type;
- item : out d_string) is
- temp_str : string(1..1024);
- last : natural;
- begin
- get_line(file, temp_str, last);
- trim(item, temp_str(1..last));
- end;
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.rtl]str.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "290857973" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.rtl]str.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.rtl]str_.ada"
- $ create [.rtl]str_.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Str |--
- --| Date: 18-APR-1986 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Define a dynamic string data type and definitions |--
- --| for all the str$ functions. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 18-APR-1986 New file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of |--
- --| this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from |--
- --| defects in it. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with system, text_io, condition_handling;
- use system, text_io, condition_handling;
- package str is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Type definitions. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type d_string_pointer is access string(1..32767);
- type d_string is record
- length : unsigned_word := 0;
- d_type : unsigned_byte := 14;
- class : unsigned_byte := 2;
- addr : d_string_pointer := null;
- end record;
- type s_string is record
- length : unsigned_word := 0;
- d_type : unsigned_byte := 14;
- class : unsigned_byte := 1;
- addr : address := address_zero;
- end record;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Utility routines. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure de_tab (
- out_str : in out d_string;
- in_str : in d_string);
- procedure de_tab (
- out_str : in out string;
- in_str : in d_string);
- procedure de_tab (
- out_str : in out d_string;
- in_str : in string);
- procedure de_tab (
- out_str : in out string;
- in_str : in string);
- procedure put (
- item : in d_string);
- procedure put (
- file : in file_type;
- item : in d_string);
- procedure put_line (
- item : in d_string);
- procedure put_line (
- file : in file_type;
- item : in d_string);
- procedure get_line (
- item : out d_string);
- procedure get_line (
- file : in file_type;
- item : out d_string);
- function value (
- item : in d_string)
- return string;
- function length (
- item : in d_string)
- return integer;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Str$ calls. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --|
- --| Append one string to another.
- --|
- procedure append (
- destination : in out d_string;
- source : in d_string);
- procedure append (
- destination : in out d_string;
- source : in string);
- pragma interface (rtl, append);
- pragma import_procedure (append, "str$append", (d_string, d_string),
- (reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (append, "str$append", (d_string, string),
- (reference, descriptor(s)));
- --|
- --| Compare two strings without regard to case.
- --|
- function case_blind_compare (
- string1 : in d_string;
- string2 : in d_string)
- return integer;
- function case_blind_compare (
- string1 : in string;
- string2 : in d_string)
- return integer;
- function case_blind_compare (
- string1 : in d_string;
- string2 : in string)
- return integer;
- function case_blind_compare (
- string1 : in string;
- string2 : in string)
- return integer;
- pragma interface (rtl, case_blind_compare);
- pragma import_function (case_blind_compare, "str$case_blind_compare",
- (d_string, d_string), integer, (reference, reference));
- pragma import_function (case_blind_compare, "str$case_blind_compare",
- (string, d_string), integer, (descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_function (case_blind_compare, "str$case_blind_compare",
- (d_string, string), integer, (reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_function (case_blind_compare, "str$case_blind_compare",
- (string, string), integer, (descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- --|
- --| Compare two strings.
- --|
- function compare (
- string1 : in d_string;
- string2 : in d_string)
- return integer;
- function compare (
- string1 : in string;
- string2 : in d_string)
- return integer;
- function compare (
- string1 : in d_string;
- string2 : in string)
- return integer;
- function compare (
- string1 : in string;
- string2 : in string)
- return integer;
- pragma interface (rtl, compare);
- pragma import_function (compare, "str$compare",
- (d_string, d_string), integer, (reference, reference));
- pragma import_function (compare, "str$compare",
- (string, d_string), integer, (descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_function (compare, "str$compare",
- (d_string, string), integer, (reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_function (compare, "str$compare",
- (string, string), integer, (descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- --|
- --| Concatenate two strings.
- --|
- procedure concat (
- output : out d_string;
- input1 : in d_string;
- input2 : in d_string);
- procedure concat (
- output : out d_string;
- input1 : in string;
- input2 : in d_string);
- procedure concat (
- output : out d_string;
- input1 : in d_string;
- input2 : in string);
- procedure concat (
- output : out d_string;
- input1 : in string;
- input2 : in string);
- procedure concat (
- output : out string;
- input1 : in d_string;
- input2 : in d_string);
- procedure concat (
- output : out string;
- input1 : in string;
- input2 : in d_string);
- procedure concat (
- output : out string;
- input1 : in d_string;
- input2 : in string);
- procedure concat (
- output : out string;
- input1 : in string;
- input2 : in string);
- pragma interface (rtl, concat);
- pragma import_procedure (concat, "str$concat",
- (d_string, d_string, d_string), (reference, reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (concat, "str$concat",
- (d_string, string, d_string), (reference, descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (concat, "str$concat",
- (d_string, d_string, string), (reference, reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (concat, "str$concat",
- (d_string, string, string), (reference, descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (concat, "str$concat",
- (string, d_string, d_string), (descriptor(s), reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (concat, "str$concat",
- (string, string, d_string), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (concat, "str$concat",
- (string, d_string, string), (descriptor(s), reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (concat, "str$concat",
- (string, string, string), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- --|
- --| Copy one string to another
- --|
- procedure copy (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in d_string);
- procedure copy (
- destination : out s_string;
- source : in d_string);
- procedure copy (
- destination : out string;
- source : in d_string);
- procedure copy (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in s_string);
- procedure copy (
- destination : out s_string;
- source : in s_string);
- procedure copy (
- destination : out string;
- source : in s_string);
- procedure copy (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in string);
- procedure copy (
- destination : out s_string;
- source : in string);
- procedure copy (
- destination : out string;
- source : in string);
- pragma interface (rtl, copy);
- pragma import_procedure (copy, "str$copy_dx",
- (d_string, d_string), (reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (copy, "str$copy_dx",
- (s_string, d_string), (reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (copy, "str$copy_dx",
- (string, d_string), (descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (copy, "str$copy_dx",
- (d_string, s_string), (reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (copy, "str$copy_dx",
- (s_string, s_string), (reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (copy, "str$copy_dx",
- (string, s_string), (descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (copy, "str$copy_dx",
- (d_string, string), (reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (copy, "str$copy_dx",
- (s_string, string), (reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (copy, "str$copy_dx",
- (string, string), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- --|
- --| Duplicate a character into a string
- --|
- procedure duplicate (
- destination : out d_string;
- length : in integer := 1;
- char : in character := ' ');
- procedure duplicate (
- destination : out string;
- length : in integer := 1;
- char : in character := ' ');
- pragma interface (rtl, duplicate);
- pragma import_procedure (duplicate, "str$dupl_char",
- (d_string, integer, character), (reference, reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (duplicate, "str$dupl_char",
- (string, integer, character), (descriptor(s), reference, reference));
- --|
- --| Find first match in a string
- --|
- function find_first (
- instring : in d_string;
- char_set : in d_string)
- return integer;
- function find_first (
- instring : in string;
- char_set : in d_string)
- return integer;
- function find_first (
- instring : in d_string;
- char_set : in string)
- return integer;
- function find_first (
- instring : in string;
- char_set : in string)
- return integer;
- pragma interface (rtl, find_first);
- pragma import_function (find_first, "str$find_first_in_set",
- (d_string, d_string), integer, (reference, reference));
- pragma import_function (find_first, "str$find_first_in_set",
- (string, d_string), integer, (descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_function (find_first, "str$find_first_in_set",
- (d_string, string), integer, (reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_function (find_first, "str$find_first_in_set",
- (string, string), integer, (descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- --|
- --| Find first non match in a string
- --|
- function find_first_not (
- instring : in d_string;
- char_set : in d_string)
- return integer;
- function find_first_not (
- instring : in string;
- char_set : in d_string)
- return integer;
- function find_first_not (
- instring : in d_string;
- char_set : in string)
- return integer;
- function find_first_not (
- instring : in string;
- char_set : in string)
- return integer;
- pragma interface (rtl, find_first_not);
- pragma import_function (find_first_not, "str$find_first_not_in_set",
- (d_string, d_string), integer, (reference, reference));
- pragma import_function (find_first_not, "str$find_first_not_in_set",
- (string, d_string), integer, (descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_function (find_first_not, "str$find_first_not_in_set",
- (d_string, string), integer, (reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_function (find_first_not, "str$find_first_not_in_set",
- (string, string), integer, (descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- --|
- --| Free a string
- --|
- procedure free (
- in_str : in out d_string);
- pragma interface (rtl, free);
- pragma import_procedure (free, "str$free1_dx", (d_string), reference);
- --|
- --| Get left part of string
- --|
- procedure left (
- destination : in d_string;
- source : in d_string;
- position : in integer);
- procedure left (
- destination : in string;
- source : in d_string;
- position : in integer);
- procedure left (
- destination : in d_string;
- source : in string;
- position : in integer);
- procedure left (
- destination : in string;
- source : in string;
- position : in integer);
- pragma interface (rtl, left);
- pragma import_procedure (left, "str$left",
- (d_string, d_string, integer), (reference, reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (left, "str$left",
- (string, d_string, integer), (descriptor(s), reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (left, "str$left",
- (d_string, string, integer), (reference, descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (left, "str$left",
- (string, string, integer), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s), reference));
- --|
- --| Get a substring by length
- --|
- procedure len_extr (
- destination : in d_string;
- source : in d_string;
- start : in integer;
- length : in integer);
- procedure len_extr (
- destination : in string;
- source : in d_string;
- start : in integer;
- length : in integer);
- procedure len_extr (
- destination : in d_string;
- source : in string;
- start : in integer;
- length : in integer);
- procedure len_extr (
- destination : in string;
- source : in string;
- start : in integer;
- length : in integer);
- pragma interface (rtl, len_extr);
- pragma import_procedure (len_extr, "str$len_extr",
- (d_string, d_string, integer, integer), (reference, reference, reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (len_extr, "str$len_extr",
- (string, d_string, integer, integer), (descriptor(s), reference, reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (len_extr, "str$len_extr",
- (d_string, string, integer, integer), (reference, descriptor(s), reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (len_extr, "str$len_extr",
- (string, string, integer, integer), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s), reference, reference));
- --|
- --| Match a string with a wildcard specification
- --|
- function match_wild (
- candidate : in d_string;
- pattern : in d_string)
- return cond_value_type;
- function match_wild (
- candidate : in string;
- pattern : in d_string)
- return cond_value_type;
- function match_wild (
- candidate : in d_string;
- pattern : in string)
- return cond_value_type;
- function match_wild (
- candidate : in string;
- pattern : in string)
- return cond_value_type;
- pragma interface (rtl, match_wild);
- pragma import_function (match_wild, "str$match_wild",
- (d_string, d_string), cond_value_type, (reference, reference));
- pragma import_function (match_wild, "str$match_wild",
- (string, d_string), cond_value_type, (descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_function (match_wild, "str$match_wild",
- (d_string, string), cond_value_type, (reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_function (match_wild, "str$match_wild",
- (string, string), cond_value_type, (descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- --|
- --| Find substring in string
- --|
- function position (
- source : in d_string;
- sub_string : in d_string;
- start : in integer := 1)
- return integer;
- function position (
- source : in string;
- sub_string : in d_string;
- start : in integer := 1)
- return integer;
- function position (
- source : in d_string;
- sub_string : in string;
- start : in integer := 1)
- return integer;
- function position (
- source : in string;
- sub_string : in string;
- start : in integer := 1)
- return integer;
- pragma interface (rtl, position);
- pragma import_function (position, "str$position",
- (d_string, d_string, integer), integer,( reference, reference, reference));
- pragma import_function (position, "str$position",
- (string, d_string, integer), integer, (descriptor(s), reference, reference));
- pragma import_function (position, "str$position",
- (d_string, string, integer), integer, (reference, descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_function (position, "str$position",
- (string, string, integer), integer, (descriptor(s), descriptor(s), reference));
- --|
- --| Extract a substring by position
- --|
- procedure pos_extr (
- destination : in d_string;
- source : in d_string;
- start : in integer;
- stop : in integer);
- procedure pos_extr (
- destination : in string;
- source : in d_string;
- start : in integer;
- stop : in integer);
- procedure pos_extr (
- destination : in d_string;
- source : in string;
- start : in integer;
- stop : in integer);
- procedure pos_extr (
- destination : in string;
- source : in string;
- start : in integer;
- stop : in integer);
- pragma interface (rtl, pos_extr);
- pragma import_procedure (pos_extr, "str$pos_extr",
- (d_string, d_string, integer, integer), (reference, reference, reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (pos_extr, "str$pos_extr",
- (string, d_string, integer, integer), (descriptor(s), reference, reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (pos_extr, "str$pos_extr",
- (d_string, string, integer, integer), (reference, descriptor(s), reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (pos_extr, "str$pos_extr",
- (string, string, integer, integer), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s), reference, reference));
- --|
- --| Prefix a string with another
- --|
- procedure prefix (
- destination : in out d_string;
- source : in d_string);
- procedure prefix (
- destination : in out d_string;
- source : in string);
- pragma interface (rtl, prefix);
- pragma import_procedure (prefix, "str$prefix",
- (d_string, d_string), (reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (prefix, "str$prefix",
- (d_string, string), (reference, descriptor(s)));
- --|
- --| Get right part of a string.
- --|
- procedure right (
- destination : in d_string;
- source : in d_string;
- position : in integer);
- procedure right (
- destination : in string;
- source : in d_string;
- position : in integer);
- procedure right (
- destination : in d_string;
- source : in string;
- position : in integer);
- procedure right (
- destination : in string;
- source : in string;
- position : in integer);
- pragma interface (rtl, right);
- pragma import_procedure (right, "str$right",
- (d_string, d_string, integer), (reference, reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (right, "str$right",
- (string, d_string, integer), (descriptor(s), reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (right, "str$right",
- (d_string, string, integer), (reference, descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (right, "str$right",
- (string, string, integer), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s), reference));
- --|
- --| Translate a string
- --|
- procedure translate (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in d_string;
- translate : in d_string;
- match : in d_string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out string;
- source : in d_string;
- translate : in d_string;
- match : in d_string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in string;
- translate : in d_string;
- match : in d_string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in d_string;
- translate : in string;
- match : in d_string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in d_string;
- translate : in d_string;
- match : in string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out string;
- source : in string;
- translate : in d_string;
- match : in d_string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out string;
- source : in d_string;
- translate : in string;
- match : in d_string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out string;
- source : in d_string;
- translate : in d_string;
- match : in string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in string;
- translate : in string;
- match : in d_string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in string;
- translate : in d_string;
- match : in string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in d_string;
- translate : in string;
- match : in string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out string;
- source : in string;
- translate : in string;
- match : in d_string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out string;
- source : in string;
- translate : in d_string;
- match : in string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out string;
- source : in d_string;
- translate : in string;
- match : in string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in string;
- translate : in string;
- match : in string);
- procedure translate (
- destination : out string;
- source : in string;
- translate : in string;
- match : in string);
- pragma interface (rtl, translate);
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (d_string, d_string, d_string, d_string), (reference, reference, reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (string, d_string, d_string, d_string), (descriptor(s), reference, reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (d_string, string, d_string, d_string), (reference, descriptor(s), reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (d_string, d_string, string, d_string), (reference, reference, descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (d_string, d_string, d_string, string), (reference, reference, reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (string, string, d_string, d_string), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s), reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (string, d_string, string, d_string), (descriptor(s), reference, descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (string, d_string, d_string, string), (descriptor(s), reference, reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (d_string, string, string, d_string), (reference, descriptor(s), descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (d_string, string, d_string, string), (reference, descriptor(s), reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (d_string, d_string, string, string), (reference, reference, descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (string, string, string, d_string), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s), descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (string, string, d_string, string), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s), reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (string, d_string, string, string), (descriptor(s), reference, descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (d_string, string, string, string), (reference, descriptor(s), descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (translate, "str$translate",
- (string, string, string, string), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s), descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- --|
- --| Trim trailing blanks from a string
- --|
- procedure trim (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in d_string;
- length : in out integer);
- procedure trim (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in d_string);
- procedure trim (
- destination : out string;
- source : in d_string;
- length : in out integer);
- procedure trim (
- destination : out string;
- source : in d_string);
- procedure trim (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in string;
- length : in out integer);
- procedure trim (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in string);
- procedure trim (
- destination : out string;
- source : in string;
- length : in out integer);
- procedure trim (
- destination : out string;
- source : in string);
- pragma interface (rtl, trim);
- pragma import_procedure (trim, "str$trim",
- (d_string, d_string, integer), (reference, reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (trim, "str$trim",
- (string, d_string, integer), (descriptor(s), reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (trim, "str$trim",
- (d_string, string, integer), (reference, descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (trim, "str$trim",
- (string, string, integer), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (trim, "str$trim",
- (d_string, d_string), (reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (trim, "str$trim",
- (string, d_string), (descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (trim, "str$trim",
- (d_string, string), (reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (trim, "str$trim",
- (string, string), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- --|
- --| Convert a string to upper case
- --|
- procedure upcase (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in d_string);
- procedure upcase (
- destination : out string;
- source : in d_string);
- procedure upcase (
- destination : out d_string;
- source : in string);
- procedure upcase (
- destination : out string;
- source : in string);
- pragma interface (rtl, upcase);
- pragma import_procedure (upcase, "str$upcase",
- (d_string, d_string), (reference, reference));
- pragma import_procedure (upcase, "str$upcase",
- (string, d_string), (descriptor(s), reference));
- pragma import_procedure (upcase, "str$upcase",
- (d_string, string), (reference, descriptor(s)));
- pragma import_procedure (upcase, "str$upcase",
- (string, string), (descriptor(s), descriptor(s)));
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.rtl]str_.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "478034284" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.rtl]str_.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.rtl]sys.ada"
- $ create [.rtl]sys.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Sys |--
- --| Date: 20-MAR-1987 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: System service easy routines. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 20-MAR-1987 New file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of |--
- --| this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from |--
- --| defects in it. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with str, system;
- use str, system;
- with starlet;
- package body sys is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Exi |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. Exit status value. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Exit with a given status value. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure sys_exit (
- status : in cond_value_type := 1) is
- ret_stat : cond_value_type;
- begin
- starlet.exi (ret_stat, status);
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Trnlnm |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. String to translate. |--
- --| 2. Index of value to return. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Translate a logical name to it's value. |--
- --| Return a null string if no translation. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function trnlnm (
- lognam : in string;
- index : in integer := 0)
- return string is
- status : cond_value_type;
- items : starlet.item_list_type(1..3);
- val : string(1..256);
- len : integer := 0;
- begin
- items(1).item_code := starlet.lnm_index;
- items(1).buf_len := 4;
- items(1).buf_address := index'address;
- items(1).ret_address := address_zero;
- items(2).item_code := starlet.lnm_string;
- items(2).buf_len := 256;
- items(2).buf_address := val'address;
- items(2).ret_address := len'address;
- items(3).buf_len := 0;
- items(3).item_code := 0;
- starlet.trnlnm (status, starlet.lnm_m_case_blind, "LNM$DCL_LOGICAL",
- lognam, 3, items);
- if success (status) then
- return val(1..len);
- else
- return "";
- end if;
- end;
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.rtl]sys.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "319727695" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.rtl]sys.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.rtl]sys_.ada"
- $ create [.rtl]sys_.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Sys |--
- --| Date: 20-MAR-1987 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: System service easy routines. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 20-MAR-1987 New file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of |--
- --| this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from |--
- --| defects in it. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with condition_handling;
- use condition_handling;
- package sys is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Routine defintions. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure sys_exit (
- status : in cond_value_type := 1);
- function trnlnm (
- lognam : in string;
- index : in integer := 0)
- return string;
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.rtl]sys_.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "24748231" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.rtl]sys_.ada******"