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Text File | 1993-09-02 | 49.4 KB | 1,699 lines |
- Article 100 of comp.sources.misc:
- Relay-Version: version B 2.10.3 alpha 5/22/85; site osu-eddie.UUCP
- Path: osu-eddie!cbosgd!ihnp4!ptsfa!ames!necntc!ncoast!allbery
- From: rcb@rti.UUCP (Randy Buckland)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: VMS DVI preview (part 3 of 3)
- Message-ID: <2809@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 7 Jul 87 01:48:48 GMT
- Date-Received: 8 Jul 87 03:35:38 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Lines: 1682
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8707/9
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.src]dvi_translate_.ada"
- $ create [.src]dvi_translate_.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Dvi_translate |--
- --| Date: 12-JUN-1987 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Read and translate DVI commands into bitmap. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 12-JUN-1987 New file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. Research Triangle Institute supplies this software "as is", |--
- --| without any warranty. The author and the Institute do not |--
- --| accept any responsibility for any damage caused by use or |--
- --| mis-use of this program. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with dvi_def;
- use dvi_def;
- package dvi_translate is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Routine definitions. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure build_page (
- page : in page_ptr);
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.src]dvi_translate_.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "1813187772" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.src]dvi_translate_.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.src]font.ada"
- $ create [.src]font.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Font |--
- --| Date: 30-OCT-1986 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Display a font picture |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 30-OCT-1986 New file. |--
- --| rcb 23-JUN-1987 Modify to use version 2 I/O code. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. Research Triangle Institute supplies this software "as is", |--
- --| without any warranty. The author and the Institute do not |--
- --| accept any responsibility for any damage caused by use or |--
- --| mis-use of this program. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with font_def, font_io, uis, text_io, cli, str, condition_handling, sys;
- use font_def, font_io, uis, text_io, cli, str, condition_handling, sys;
- with starlet, system, tasking_services;
- use starlet, system, tasking_services;
- procedure font is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Static variables. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type terminator is (up, down, done);
- term : terminator;
- term_chan : channel_type;
- status : cond_value_type;
- chars : char_set;
- char : integer;
- display : display_type;
- window : window_type;
- x_mag : float;
- y_mag : float;
- font_file : d_string;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Get_command |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. Command code. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Get bytes from the terminal and see if they |--
- --| form a known command. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure get_command (
- term : in out terminator) is
- trash : integer;
- function get_char
- return integer is
- code : integer := 0;
- status : cond_value_type;
- begin
- task_qiow (
- status => status,
- chan => term_chan,
- func => io_readvblk or io_m_noecho,
- p1 => to_unsigned_longword (code'address),
- p2 => 1);
- return code;
- end;
- begin
- loop
- case get_char is
- when 26 => term := done; exit;
- when 27 =>
- case get_char is
- when 91 =>
- case get_char is
- when 65 => term := up; exit;
- when 66 => term := down; exit;
- when others => put_line ("Invalid command.");
- end case;
- when others => put_line ("Invalid command.");
- end case;
- when others => put_line ("Invalid command.");
- end case;
- end loop;
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Main program. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- begin
- --|
- --| Open channel to terminal
- --|
- assign (status, "tt:", term_chan);
- if not success(status) then
- sys_exit (status);
- end if;
- put_line ("Font display");
- --|
- --| Get parameters
- --|
- get_value (status, "font_file", font_file);
- chars := load_font (value (font_file));
- display := create_display (0.0, 0.0, 11.0, 22.0, 11.0, 22.0);
- window := create_window (display, "sys$workstation", "Font display");
- --|
- --| Find first character
- --|
- char := 0;
- while (chars(char) = null) and (char < 256) loop
- char := char + 1;
- end loop;
- --|
- --| Main program loop
- --|
- loop
- erase (display);
- x_mag := float(chars(char).width)/float(chars(char).height);
- if (x_mag > 1.0) then x_mag := 1.0; end if;
- y_mag := float(chars(char).height)/float(chars(char).width);
- if (y_mag > 1.0) then y_mag := 1.0; end if;
- image (display, 0, 1.0, 12.0, 9.0*x_mag+1.0, 9.0*y_mag+12.0,
- chars(char).width, chars(char).height, 1,
- chars(char).bits'address);
- image_dc(window, 0, 10, 10, chars(char).width+10,
- chars(char).height+10, chars(char).width,
- chars(char).height, 1, chars(char).bits'address);
- put_line ("Character" & integer'image(char));
- get_command(term);
- case term is
- when done => exit;
- when down =>
- for i in reverse 0..char-1 loop
- if (chars(i) /= null) then
- char := i;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- when up =>
- for i in char+1..255 loop
- if (chars(i) /= null) then
- char := i;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- when others =>
- put_line ("Unknown command");
- end case;
- end loop;
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.src]font.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "1782057255" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.src]font.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.src]font_def_.ada"
- $ create [.src]font_def_.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Font_def |--
- --| Date: 28-AUG-1986 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Define internal font structures. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 28-AUG-1986 New file. |--
- --| rcb 2-JUN-1987 Change storage for V2 previewer. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. Research Triangle Institute supplies this software "as is", |--
- --| without any warranty. The author and the Institute do not |--
- --| accept any responsibility for any damage caused by use or |--
- --| mis-use of this program. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with unchecked_deallocation;
- package font_def is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Font type definitions. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type pixel_array is array (integer range <>) of boolean;
- pragma pack (pixel_array);
- type char_array (size : integer) is record
- height : integer;
- width : integer;
- x_offset : integer;
- y_offset : integer;
- x_delta : float;
- bits : pixel_array (1..size);
- end record;
- type char_ptr is access char_array;
- type char_set is array (0..255) of char_ptr;
- procedure free is new unchecked_deallocation (char_array, char_ptr);
- type font_ptr is access char_set;
- procedure free is new unchecked_deallocation (char_set, font_ptr);
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.src]font_def_.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "1392846240" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.src]font_def_.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.src]font_io_.ada"
- $ create [.src]font_io_.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Font_io |--
- --| Date: 28-AUG-1986 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Handle all I/O to font files. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 28-AUG-1986 New file. |--
- --| rcb 2-JUN-1987 Modified for version 2 previewer. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. Research Triangle Institute supplies this software "as is", |--
- --| without any warranty. The author and the Institute do not |--
- --| accept any responsibility for any damage caused by use or |--
- --| mis-use of this program. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with font_def;
- use font_def;
- package font_io is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Routine defintions. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function load_font (
- name : in string)
- return char_set;
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.src]font_io_.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "2816" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.src]font_io_.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.src]font_io_pk.ada"
- $ create [.src]font_io_pk.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Font_io_pk |--
- --| Date: 28-AUG-1986 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Handle all I/O to PK format font files. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 28-AUG-1986 New file. |--
- --| rcb 7-MAY-1987 Modified GF font reader to be PK font reader. |--
- --| rcb 2-JUN-1987 Modified for version 2 of previewer |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. Research Triangle Institute supplies this software "as is", |--
- --| without any warranty. The author and the Institute do not |--
- --| accept any responsibility for any damage caused by use or |--
- --| mis-use of this program. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with system, condition_handling, sys, text_io, ots;
- use system, condition_handling, sys, text_io, ots;
- with sequential_io;
- package body font_io is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Constants |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --|
- --| PK commands
- --|
- preamble : constant := 247;
- postamble : constant := 245;
- pk_format : constant := 89;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Static variables. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type font_node is array(1..512) of unsigned_byte;
- package block_io is new sequential_io (font_node); use block_io;
- font_file : block_io.file_type;
- --font_rec : block_io.count;
- font_byte : integer;
- font_buff : font_node;
- low_nibble : boolean;
- high_nibble : integer;
- dyn_f : integer; -- Dynamic packing factor.
- black_first : boolean; -- Start character with black pixels
- repeat_count : integer := 0; -- Number of repeats for current row.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Get_byte |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Description: Return a byte from the file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function get_byte
- return integer is
- begin
- font_byte := font_byte + 1;
- if (font_byte > 512) then
- font_byte := 1;
- -- font_rec := font_rec + 1;
- read (font_file, font_buff);
- end if;
- return integer (font_buff(font_byte));
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Get_2byte |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Description: Return a 2 byte value from the file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function get_2byte
- return integer is
- temp : integer;
- begin
- temp := get_byte;
- temp := temp*256 + get_byte;
- return temp;
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Get_3byte |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Description: Return a 3 byte value from the file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function get_3byte
- return integer is
- temp : integer;
- begin
- temp := get_byte;
- temp := temp*256 + get_byte;
- temp := temp*256 + get_byte;
- return temp;
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Get_4byte |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Description: Return a 4 byte value from the file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function get_4byte
- return integer is
- temp : bit_array_32;
- begin
- temp(24..31) := to_bit_array_8 (unsigned_byte (get_byte));
- temp(16..23) := to_bit_array_8 (unsigned_byte (get_byte));
- temp(8..15) := to_bit_array_8 (unsigned_byte (get_byte));
- temp(0..7) := to_bit_array_8 (unsigned_byte (get_byte));
- return integer (to_unsigned_longword (temp));
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Get_nibble |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Description: Return the next nibble from the file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function get_nibble
- return integer is
- temp : integer;
- begin
- if not low_nibble then
- low_nibble := true;
- return high_nibble;
- else
- low_nibble := false;
- temp := get_byte;
- high_nibble := temp mod 16;
- return (temp / 16);
- end if;
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Get_run |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Description: Get the next run count value from the file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function get_run
- return integer is
- temp : integer;
- count : integer := 0;
- begin
- temp := get_nibble;
- if (temp = 0) then
- loop
- temp := get_nibble;
- count := count + 1;
- exit when (temp /= 0);
- end loop;
- for i in 1..count loop
- temp := temp*16+get_nibble;
- end loop;
- return (temp - 15 + (13 - dyn_f)*16 + dyn_f);
- else
- if (temp <= dyn_f) then
- return temp;
- else
- if (temp < 14) then
- return ((temp - dyn_f - 1)*16 + get_nibble + dyn_f + 1);
- else
- if (repeat_count /= 0) then
- put_line ("Second repeat count for a row");
- sys_exit;
- end if;
- if (temp = 14) then
- repeat_count := get_run;
- else
- repeat_count := 1;
- end if;
- return get_run;
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Get_bits |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. Character array entry to get bits for. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Get the bit image of a character. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure get_bits (
- char : in out char_array) is
- line : pixel_array (1..char.width);
- pixel : boolean := not black_first;
- row : integer := 1;
- count : integer := 0;
- bit_row : bit_array_8;
- bit_count : integer := -1;
- begin
- --|
- --| Check for a straight bitmap
- --|
- if (dyn_f = 14) then
- for row in 1..char.height loop
- for column in 1..char.width loop
- if (bit_count = -1) then
- bit_row := to_bit_array_8 (unsigned_byte (get_byte));
- bit_count := 7;
- end if;
- char.bits((row-1)*char.width+column) := bit_row(bit_count);
- bit_count := bit_count - 1;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- --|
- --| Get run-encoded character
- --|
- else
- while (row <= char.height) loop
- repeat_count := 0;
- for column in 1..char.width loop
- if (count = 0) then
- count := get_run;
- pixel := not pixel;
- end if;
- line(column) := pixel;
- count := count - 1;
- end loop;
- for i in 0..repeat_count loop
- char.bits((row-1)*char.width+1..row*char.width) :=
- line(1..char.width);
- row := row + 1;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Load_font |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. Name of font file. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Read in font file and convert it to internal |--
- --| raster representation. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function load_font (
- name : in string)
- return char_set is
- new_chars : char_set := (others => null); -- Output character array
- design_size : integer; -- Design size of font in points * 2e16
- hppp : integer; -- Horizontal pixels per point * 2e16
- vppp : integer; -- Vertical pixels per point * 2e16
- pix_ratio : float; -- Design size in pixels
- size : integer; -- Size of a string/packet
- trash : integer; -- Any garbage value
- x_size : integer; -- Width of character
- y_size : integer; -- Height of character
- x_offset : integer; -- Horizontal offset from top-left to reference
- y_offset : integer; -- Vertical offset from top-left to reference
- char : integer; -- Character number.
- tfm : integer; -- TFM file width
- begin
- --|
- --| Open font file
- --|
- begin
- put_line ("Opening font file " & name & ".");
- open (font_file, in_file, "tex_vs_fonts:" & name);
- -- font_rec := 0;
- font_byte := 512;
- exception
- when others =>
- put_line ("Font file " & name & " not found.");
- sys_exit;
- end;
- --|
- --| Get and trash preamble
- --|
- if (get_byte /= preamble)
- or else (get_byte /= pk_format) then
- put_line ("File " & name & " is not PK file format.");
- sys_exit;
- end if;
- size := get_byte;
- for i in 1..size loop
- trash := get_byte;
- end loop;
- design_size := get_4byte;
- trash := get_4byte;
- hppp := get_4byte;
- vppp := get_4byte;
- pix_ratio := (float(design_size) / 1048576.0) *
- (float(hppp) / 1048576.0);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Main character get loop. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- loop
- trash := get_byte;
- if (trash >= 240) then
- loop
- case trash is
- when 240 => size := get_byte;
- when 241 => size := get_2byte;
- when 242 => size := get_3byte;
- when 243 => size := get_4byte;
- when 244 => size := 4;
- when postamble => size := -1;
- when others => size := 0;
- end case;
- for i in 1..size+1 loop
- trash := get_byte;
- end loop;
- exit when (trash < 240) or (trash = postamble);
- end loop;
- end if;
- exit when (trash = postamble);
- --|
- --| Get character header
- --|
- dyn_f := trash / 16; -- Get dynamic packing factor
- trash := trash mod 16;
- if (trash / 8 = 0) then -- Get black first value
- black_first := false;
- else
- black_first := true;
- end if;
- trash := trash mod 8;
- if (trash < 4) then -- One byte parameters
- size := get_byte + ((trash mod 4)*256) - 8;
- char := get_byte;
- tfm := get_3byte;
- trash := get_byte;
- x_size := get_byte;
- y_size := get_byte;
- x_offset := get_byte;
- y_offset := get_byte;
- if (x_offset > 127) then x_offset := x_offset - 256; end if;
- if (y_offset > 127) then y_offset := y_offset - 256; end if;
- elsif (trash = 7) then -- Four byte parameters
- size := get_4byte - 28;
- char := get_4byte;
- tfm := get_4byte;
- trash := get_4byte;
- trash := get_4byte;
- x_size := get_4byte;
- y_size := get_4byte;
- x_offset := get_4byte;
- y_offset := get_4byte;
- else -- Two byte parameters
- size := get_2byte + ((trash mod 4)*65536) - 13;
- char := get_byte;
- tfm := get_3byte;
- trash := get_2byte;
- x_size := get_2byte;
- y_size := get_2byte;
- x_offset := get_2byte;
- y_offset := get_2byte;
- if (x_offset > 32767) then x_offset := x_offset - 65536; end if;
- if (y_offset > 32767) then y_offset := y_offset - 65536; end if;
- end if;
- --|
- --| Create character
- --|
- new_chars(char) := new char_array (y_size*x_size);
- new_chars(char).height := y_size;
- new_chars(char).width := x_size;
- new_chars(char).x_offset := -x_offset;
- new_chars(char).y_offset := y_offset - new_chars(char).height + 1;
- new_chars(char).x_delta := (float(tfm) / 65536.0) * pix_ratio;
- move5 (0, new_chars(char).bits'address, 0, (new_chars(char).size+7)/8,
- new_chars(char).bits'address);
- low_nibble := true;
- get_bits (new_chars(char).all);
- end loop;
- --|
- --| Finish up
- --|
- close (font_file);
- return new_chars;
- end;
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.src]font_io_pk.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "155960583" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.src]font_io_pk.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.src]font_tasks.ada"
- $ create [.src]font_tasks.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Font_tasks |--
- --| Date: 2-JUN-1987 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Driving tasks for font manipulation. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 2-JUN-1987 New file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. Research Triangle Institute supplies this software "as is", |--
- --| without any warranty. The author and the Institute do not |--
- --| accept any responsibility for any damage caused by use or |--
- --| mis-use of this program. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with font_io, str, text_io, sys;
- use font_io, str, text_io, sys;
- package body font_tasks is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Static types and variables. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --|
- --| Font list types
- --|
- type font_node;
- type font_node_ptr is access font_node;
- type font_node is record
- font_number : integer := 0;
- font_name : d_string;
- font : font_ptr := null;
- next : font_node_ptr := null;
- end record;
- font_head : font_node_ptr := null;
- font_tail : font_node_ptr := null;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Font_load |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Description: Load a set of fonts in the background. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- task body font_load is
- temp : font_node_ptr;
- temp2 : font_ptr;
- begin
- loop
- select
- --|
- --| Add new font to list
- --|
- accept add_font (font_name : in string; font_number : in integer) do
- temp := new font_node;
- temp.font_number := font_number;
- copy (temp.font_name, font_name);
- if (font_head = null) then
- font_head := temp;
- else
- font_tail.next := temp;
- end if;
- font_tail := temp;
- end;
- or
- --|
- --| Go get fonts
- --|
- accept get_fonts;
- exit;
- or
- terminate;
- end select;
- end loop;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Main loop to get all fonts. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- temp := font_head;
- while (temp /= null) loop
- temp2 := new char_set;
- temp2.all := load_font (value (temp.font_name));
- temp.font := temp2;
- font_search.check_again;
- temp := temp.next;
- end loop;
- font_search.load_done;
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Font_search |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Description: Search for a font and see if it has been |--
- --| loaded yet. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- task body font_search is
- temp : font_node_ptr;
- done : boolean := false;
- begin
- loop
- --|
- --| Accept status calls outside of a search.
- --|
- select
- accept check_again;
- or
- accept load_done;
- done := true;
- or
- --|
- --| Search for a font by number
- --|
- accept find_font (font_number : in integer; font : out font_ptr) do
- temp := font_head;
- while (temp /= null) loop
- exit when (temp.font_number = font_number);
- temp := temp.next;
- end loop;
- if (temp = null) then
- put_line ("Font" & integer'image(font_number) &
- " not found.");
- sys_exit;
- end if;
- --|
- --| Either return font pointer or wait for it to be loaded.
- --|
- if (temp.font = null) then
- loop
- if (done) then
- put_line ("Font not being loaded");
- sys_exit;
- end if;
- select
- accept check_again;
- or
- accept load_done;
- done := true;
- or
- terminate;
- end select;
- exit when (temp.font /= null);
- end loop;
- end if;
- font := temp.font;
- end;
- or
- terminate;
- end select;
- end loop;
- end;
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.src]font_tasks.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "1429518831" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.src]font_tasks.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.src]font_tasks_.ada"
- $ create [.src]font_tasks_.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Font_tasks |--
- --| Date: 2-JUN-1987 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Driving tasks for font manipulation. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 2-JUN-1987 New file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. Research Triangle Institute supplies this software "as is", |--
- --| without any warranty. The author and the Institute do not |--
- --| accept any responsibility for any damage caused by use or |--
- --| mis-use of this program. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with font_def;
- use font_def;
- package font_tasks is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Task definitions. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- task font_load is
- pragma priority(5);
- entry add_font (font_name : in string; font_number : in integer);
- entry get_fonts;
- end;
- task font_search is
- pragma priority(6);
- entry find_font (font_number : in integer; font : out font_ptr);
- entry check_again;
- entry load_done;
- end;
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.src]font_tasks_.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "823410064" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.src]font_tasks_.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.src]preview.ada"
- $ create [.src]preview.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Preview |--
- --| Date: 3-SEP-1986 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Preview a dvi file on a vaxstation. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 3-SEP-1986 New file. |--
- --| rcb 20-NOV-1986 Changed shift size to half of visable area. |--
- --| rcb 2-JUN-1987 Modified to version 2 previewer. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. Research Triangle Institute supplies this software "as is", |--
- --| without any warranty. The author and the Institute do not |--
- --| accept any responsibility for any damage caused by use or |--
- --| mis-use of this program. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with cli, str, text_io, integer_text_io, condition_handling, float_text_io;
- use cli, str, text_io, integer_text_io, condition_handling, float_text_io;
- with dvi_tasks, dvi_def, uis, starlet, tasking_services, system, sys;
- use dvi_tasks, dvi_def, uis, starlet, tasking_services, system, sys;
- procedure preview is
- pragma priority (7);
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Static variables |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type terminator is (up, down, left, right, nxt_page, prv_page, goto_page,
- grid, done);
- term : terminator;
- term_chan : channel_type;
- status : cond_value_type;
- in_line : d_string;
- --|
- --| Cli variables
- --|
- dvi_file : d_string;
- temp : d_string;
- magstep : integer;
- magnify : float := 1.0;
- last : natural;
- --|
- --| Display variables
- --|
- display_page : page_ptr := null;
- curr_page_num : integer := 0;
- next_page_num : integer := 0;
- page_count : integer := 0;
- redisplay : boolean := true;
- display : uis.display_type;
- window : uis.window_type;
- grid_active : boolean := false;
- grid_size : float;
- grid_gap : integer;
- grid_temp : integer;
- max_height : constant float := 27.0;
- height : float := 28.05;
- visible_height : float := 28.05;
- llx : integer;
- urx : integer;
- delta_x : integer;
- min_x : integer;
- max_width : constant float := 33.0;
- width : float := 21.7;
- visible_width : float := 21.7;
- curr_offset : integer := 1;
- max_offset : integer;
- pixel_height : integer;
- cent_to_pix : constant float := 30.588;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Get_command |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Parameters: 1. Command code. |--
- --| |--
- --| Description: Get bytes from the terminal and see if they |--
- --| form a known command. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure get_command (
- term : in out terminator) is
- trash : integer;
- function get_char
- return integer is
- code : integer := 0;
- status : cond_value_type;
- begin
- task_qiow (
- status => status,
- chan => term_chan,
- func => io_readvblk or io_m_noecho,
- p1 => to_unsigned_longword (code'address),
- p2 => 1);
- return code;
- end;
- begin
- loop
- case get_char is
- when 26 => term := done; exit;
- when 27 =>
- case get_char is
- when 91 =>
- case get_char is
- when 65 => term := up; exit;
- when 66 => term := down; exit;
- when 67 => term := right; exit;
- when 68 => term := left; exit;
- when 49 => term := grid; exit;
- when 52 => term := goto_page; exit;
- when 53 => term := prv_page; exit;
- when 54 => term := nxt_page; exit;
- when others => put_line ("Invalid command.");
- end case;
- when others => put_line ("Invalid command.");
- end case;
- when others => put_line ("Invalid command.");
- end case;
- end loop;
- if (term in nxt_page..grid) then
- trash := get_char;
- end if;
- end;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Main program |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- begin
- put_line ("Dvi Previewer");
- --|
- --| Get parameters
- --|
- get_value (status, "dvi_file", dvi_file);
- get_value (status, "magstep", temp);
- get (value (temp), magstep, last);
- for i in 1..magstep loop
- magnify := magnify * 1.2;
- end loop;
- --|
- --| Activate dvi display code
- --|
- dvi_read.init (value (dvi_file), magnify, page_count);
- prev_page := new page_array (page_width*page_height);
- reset_page (prev_page);
- curr_page := new page_array (page_width*page_height);
- reset_page (curr_page);
- next_page := new page_array (page_width*page_height);
- reset_page (next_page);
- --|
- --| Open channel to terminal
- --|
- assign (status, "tt:", term_chan);
- if not success(status) then
- sys_exit (status);
- end if;
- --|
- --| Start UIS stuff
- --|
- height := height * magnify;
- if (height > max_height) then
- visible_height := max_height;
- else
- visible_height := height;
- end if;
- width := width * magnify;
- if (width > max_width) then
- visible_width := max_width;
- else
- visible_width := width;
- end if;
- display := create_display (0.0, 0.0, visible_width, visible_height,
- visible_width, visible_height);
- disable_display_list (display);
- window := create_window (display, "sys$workstation", "Dvi Previewer");
- delta_x := integer(visible_width/2.0*cent_to_pix);
- min_x := integer((visible_width-width)*cent_to_pix);
- llx := 0;
- urx := integer(visible_width * cent_to_pix);
- pixel_height := integer(visible_height*cent_to_pix);
- max_offset := (page_height-pixel_height)*page_width + 1;
- set_writing_mode (display, 0, 1, 3);
- set_line_style (display, 1, 1, 16#11111111#);
- --|
- --| Get first page
- --|
- dvi_read.get_page (1, display_page);
- curr_page_num := 1;
- put_line ("Page" & integer'image (curr_page_num) & " of" &
- integer'image (page_count));
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Main loop |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- loop
- if redisplay then
- image_dc (window, 0, llx, 0, urx, pixel_height,
- page_width, pixel_height, 1,
- display_page.bits(curr_offset)'address);
- redisplay := false;
- grid_active := false;
- end if;
- get_command (term);
- case term is
- --|
- --| Exit program
- --|
- when done => exit;
- --|
- --| Goto next page.
- --|
- when nxt_page =>
- if (curr_page_num < page_count) then
- erase_dc (window);
- dvi_read.get_next (display_page);
- redisplay := true;
- curr_page_num := curr_page_num + 1;
- put_line ("Page" & integer'image (curr_page_num) &
- " of" & integer'image (page_count));
- else
- put_line ("No next page.");
- end if;
- --|
- --| Goto previous page
- --|
- when prv_page =>
- if (curr_page_num > 1) then
- erase_dc (window);
- dvi_read.get_prev (display_page);
- redisplay := true;
- curr_page_num := curr_page_num - 1;
- put_line ("Page" & integer'image (curr_page_num) &
- " of" & integer'image (page_count));
- else
- put_line ("No previous page.");
- end if;
- --|
- --| Goto arbitrary page
- --|
- when goto_page =>
- put ("Enter page number: ");
- begin
- get (next_page_num);
- exception
- when others => next_page_num := 0;
- end;
- if (next_page_num in 1..page_count) then
- erase_dc (window);
- curr_page_num := next_page_num;
- dvi_read.get_page (curr_page_num, display_page);
- redisplay := true;
- put_line ("Page" & integer'image (curr_page_num) &
- " of" & integer'image (page_count));
- else
- put_line ("Invalid page number" & integer'image(next_page_num));
- end if;
- --|
- --| Go up on page
- --|
- when up =>
- curr_offset := curr_offset -
- integer(visible_height/2.0*cent_to_pix)*page_width;
- if (curr_offset < 1) then
- curr_offset := 1;
- end if;
- erase_dc (window);
- redisplay := true;
- --|
- --| Go down on page
- --|
- when down =>
- curr_offset := curr_offset +
- integer(visible_height/2.0*cent_to_pix)*page_width;
- if (curr_offset > max_offset) then
- curr_offset := max_offset;
- end if;
- erase_dc (window);
- redisplay := true;
- --|
- --| Go right on page
- --|
- when right =>
- llx := llx - delta_x;
- if (llx < min_x) then
- llx := min_x;
- end if;
- erase_dc (window);
- redisplay := true;
- --|
- --| Go left on page
- --|
- when left =>
- llx := llx + delta_x;
- if (llx > 0) then
- llx := 0;
- end if;
- erase_dc (window);
- redisplay := true;
- --|
- --| Overlay display with grid
- --|
- when grid =>
- if not grid_active then
- put ("Grid size (in inches)? ");
- begin
- get_line (in_line);
- get (value(in_line), grid_size, last);
- exception
- when others => grid_size := 1.0;
- end;
- end if;
- grid_active := not grid_active;
- grid_gap := integer(grid_size*resolution*magnify);
- if (grid_gap < 1) then
- grid_gap := 1;
- end if;
- grid_temp := 0;
- while (grid_temp < display_page.width) loop
- plot_dc (window, 1, grid_temp+llx, 0, grid_temp+llx,
- integer(visible_height*cent_to_pix));
- grid_temp := grid_temp + grid_gap;
- end loop;
- grid_temp := pixel_height-page_height+(curr_offset/page_width);
- while (grid_temp < display_page.height) loop
- plot_dc (window, 1, 0, grid_temp,
- integer(visible_width*cent_to_pix), grid_temp);
- grid_temp := grid_temp + grid_gap;
- end loop;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.src]preview.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "320031064" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.src]preview.ada******"
- $ write sys$output "Creating [.src]uis_.ada"
- $ create [.src]uis_.ada
- $ deck
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Title: Uis |--
- --| Date: 28-AUG-1986 |--
- --| Name: Randy Buckland |--
- --| |--
- --| Purpose: Define UIS routines. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Revision History |--
- --| |--
- --| Who Date Description |--
- --| --- ---- ----------- |--
- --| rcb 28-AUG-1986 New file. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Copyright (c) 1987 by Research Triangle Institute. |--
- --| Written by Randy Buckland. Not derived from licensed software. |--
- --| |--
- --| Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any |--
- --| purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, |--
- --| subject to the following restrictions. |--
- --| |--
- --| 1. Research Triangle Institute supplies this software "as is", |--
- --| without any warranty. The author and the Institute do not |--
- --| accept any responsibility for any damage caused by use or |--
- --| mis-use of this program. |--
- --| 2. The copyright notice must remain a part of all sources files. |--
- --| 3. This software may not be sold in any fashion. |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- with system;
- use system;
- package uis is
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Type definitions |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- subtype display_type is integer;
- subtype window_type is integer;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --| |--
- --| Routine defintions |--
- --| |--
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function create_display (
- llx : in float;
- lly : in float;
- urx : in float;
- ury : in float;
- width : in float;
- height : in float)
- return display_type;
- pragma interface (rtl, create_display);
- pragma import_function (create_display, "uis$create_display");
- function create_window (
- display : in display_type;
- name : in string := "sys$workstation";
- label : in string := "";
- llx : in float := float'null_parameter;
- lly : in float := float'null_parameter;
- urx : in float := float'null_parameter;
- ury : in float := float'null_parameter;
- width : in float := float'null_parameter;
- height : in float := float'null_parameter)
- return window_type;
- pragma interface (rtl, create_window);
- pragma import_function (create_window, "uis$create_window");
- procedure disable_display_list (
- display : in display_type;
- flags : in integer := integer'null_parameter);
- pragma interface (rtl, disable_display_list);
- pragma import_procedure (disable_display_list, "uis$disable_display_list");
- procedure erase_dc (
- window : in window_type);
- pragma interface (rtl, erase_dc);
- pragma import_procedure (erase_dc, "uisdc$erase");
- procedure erase (
- display : in display_type);
- pragma interface (rtl, erase);
- pragma import_procedure (erase, "uis$erase");
- procedure image (
- display : in display_type;
- attribute : in integer := 0;
- llx : in float;
- lly : in float;
- urx : in float;
- ury : in float;
- width : in integer;
- height : in integer;
- pixel_bits : in integer := 1;
- buffer : in address);
- pragma interface (rtl, image);
- pragma import_procedure (image, "uis$image",
- (display_type, integer, float, float, float, float, integer,
- integer, integer, address),
- (reference, reference, reference, reference, reference, reference,
- reference, reference, reference, value));
- procedure image_dc (
- window : in window_type;
- attribute : in integer := 0;
- llx : in integer;
- lly : in integer;
- urx : in integer;
- ury : in integer;
- width : in integer;
- height : in integer;
- pixel_bits : in integer := 1;
- buffer : in address);
- pragma interface (rtl, image_dc);
- pragma import_procedure (image_dc, "uisdc$image",
- (window_type, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer,
- integer, integer, address),
- (reference, reference, reference, reference, reference, reference,
- reference, reference, reference, value));
- procedure plot (
- display : in display_type;
- attr : in integer;
- x1 : in float;
- y1 : in float;
- x2 : in float;
- y2 : in float);
- pragma interface (rtl, plot);
- pragma import_procedure (plot, "uis$plot");
- procedure plot_dc (
- window : in window_type;
- attr : in integer;
- x1 : in integer;
- y1 : in integer;
- x2 : in integer;
- y2 : in integer);
- pragma interface (rtl, plot_dc);
- pragma import_procedure (plot_dc, "uisdc$plot");
- procedure set_line_style (
- display : in display_type;
- in_attr : in integer;
- out_attr : in integer;
- pattern : in integer);
- pragma interface (rtl, set_line_style);
- pragma import_procedure (set_line_style, "uis$set_line_style");
- procedure set_writing_mode (
- display : in display_type;
- in_attr : in integer;
- out_attr : in integer;
- pattern : in integer);
- pragma interface (rtl, set_writing_mode);
- pragma import_procedure (set_writing_mode, "uis$set_writing_mode");
- end;
- $ eod
- $ checksum [.src]uis_.ada
- $ if checksum$checksum .nes. "1212495686" then write sys$output -
- " ******Checksum error for file [.src]uis_.ada******"
- $ exit