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- From: Stuart.Lynne@van-bc.UUCP (Stuart Lynne)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: uupc.mac.8.4
- Message-ID: <4197@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 17 Aug 87 01:14:52 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Lines: 904
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8708/19
- >From uucp Wed Aug 12 02:43 PDT 1987
- >From slynne Wed Aug 12 02:42:15 1987 remote from slmac
- Received: by van-bc.uucp (smail2.3)
- id AA17598; 12 Aug 87 02:42:15 PDT (Wed)
- Received: by slmac.vnet.van-bc.uucp (pcmail) Wed Aug 12 02:37:52 1987
- Date: Wed Aug 12 02:37:52 1987
- From: Stuart Lynne - test a mac <slynne@slmac.vnet.van-bc.uucp>
- Message-ID: <149@slmac.vnet.van-bc.uucp>
- To: sl@van-bc
- Subject: shar/uupc.mac.8.4
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive, meaning:
- # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
- # 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
- # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
- # mac/README.MAC
- # mac/Makefile.mac
- # mac/host.c
- # mac/host.h
- # mac/mlib.c
- # mac/ulib.c
- # mac/profile
- # mac/ndir.h
- # This archive created: Wed Aug 12 02:02:50 1987
- # By: Stuart Lynne - test a mac ()
- export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
- if test -f 'mac/README.MAC'
- then
- echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'mac/README.MAC'"
- else
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mac/README.MAC'
- mac June 8, 1987 Stuart Lynne
- For Beta implementors only.
- uupc incorporates a streamlined version of dcp to implement a uucp mail
- and news delivery system.
- See README.DCP for dcp info.
- See README.UU for overview of this version.
- This directory implements the macintosh version of host support routines.
- It runs under the Aztec Shell environment.
- By moving the host dependant code into one file the other four dcp files can
- hopefully be maintained easily. It should be possible to maintain one version
- of them which compiles and runs on all machines without conditional compilation
- flags.
- To simplify things for other systems (Atari) use of -D in the cc command is
- not used. Instead various small files are used to set flags and then include
- a common file.
- host.h - include <host/host.h>
- mailhost.c - define MAIN mailmain; include <host/host.h>
- mlib.c - include <host/mlib.c>
- ulib.c - include <host/ulib.c>
- uuhost.c - define MAIN mailmain; include <host/host.h>
- mac/host.c - generic macintosh host, calls MAIN
- mac/host.h - macintosh host header file
- mac/mlib.c - mail library
- mac/ulib.c - uupc library
- mac/profile - a sample aztec profile file to set environment varialbes
- There is actually fairly little code here. I have a separate set of library
- routines for doing the standard things like directory support. See
- the shar file for the Macintosh library (maclib.shar).
- A separate uux command is included in uupc for the Macintosh (not finished yet).
- Called macbin it copies a MacBinary image from stdin to a Macintosh file.
- This allows macintosh files, including both forks and the finder info to be
- stored in a single file on the remote system. It can then be retrieved by:
- uux macfile > remotemac!macbin
- A standalone macbin will be available to convert a Macintosh file into a
- flat file with the MacBinary image.
- For more information, bug fixes, more commands etc:
- Stuart.Lynne@van-bc.uucp
- 604-937-7532
- PS. July 29/87
- See the Amiga version for a genv.c that gets environment var's from
- a profile file directly. I havn't had time to try on mac yet.
- I have made a VERY PRELIMINARY start at a standalone version, but have
- not completed it yet. I hope to get more time to work on this early
- in the fall. In the meantime anyone who could get this running as a Mac
- application.... please feel free. And send me the changes.
- sl
- chmod +x 'mac/README.MAC'
- fi # end of overwriting check
- if test -f 'mac/Makefile.mac'
- then
- echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'mac/Makefile.mac'"
- else
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mac/Makefile.mac'
- # Makefile for uupc/dcp with Macintosh Aztec C
- #
- # Stuart Lynne
- # May/87
- #
- .c.o:
- cc $(CFLAGS) $*.c
- #LFLAGS= -M -lx /usr/lib/mixcroot.o -lc
- LFLAGS= -lx -lc
- CFLAGS= -E200 -Y200
- OFILES= dcp.o dcpsys.o dcpxfer.o dcpgpkt.o rmail.o \
- lib.o
- all: uupc mail
- echo uupc & mail done
- #
- # .o dependicies
- #
- dcp.o: dcp.c dcp.h local/host.h
- dcpsys.o: dcpsys.c dcp.h local/host.h
- dcpxfer.o: dcpxfer.c dcp.h local/host.h
- dcpgpkt.o: dcpgpkt.c dcp.h local/host.h
- lib.o: lib.c local/host.h
- lmail.o: pcmail.c lmail.c local/host.h
- mailhost.o: local/host.c local/host.h
- mail.o: local/host.h
- mlib.o: local/mlib.c local/host.h
- ulib.o: local/ulib.c local/host.h
- uuhost.o: local/host.c local/host.h
- #
- # mail
- #
- mail: lmail.o mailhost.o mail.o mlib.o lib.o Makefile
- ln mailhost.o mail.o lmail.o mlib.o lib.o $(LIBS) $(LFLAGS) -o mail
- #
- # uupc
- #
- uupc: uuhost.o $(OFILES) ulib.o lib.o Makefile
- ln uuhost.o ulib.o $(OFILES) $(LIBS) $(LFLAGS) -o uupc
- #
- # simple shar constructing
- #
- SDCP = dcp.c dcp.h dcpgpkt.c dcpsys.c dcpxfer.c
- SUU = host.h lib.c lmail.c mail.c mailhost.c mlib.c \
- ndir.h pcmail.c rmail.c ulib.c uuhost.c systems
- SMAC = mac/README.MAC mac/Makefile.mac\
- mac/host.c mac/host.h mac/mlib.c mac/ulib.c mac/profile \
- mac/ndir.h
- SST = st/README.ST \
- st/host.c st/host.h \
- st/c.mm st/cu.mm st/dirsubs.c st/dmymath.c st/env.mm \
- st/fgets.c st/genv.c st/getargs.c st/getenv.c \
- st/getone.c st/host.c st/host.h \
- st/inoutpth.c st/ldcp.mm \
- st/l.mm st/l1.mm st/ldcp.mm st/lmail.mm \
- st/ndir.c st/ndir.h st/printmsg.c st/readme.st st/shell.c \
- st/startup.mm st/time.c st/utar.mm st/uu.mm st/uuar.mm \
- st/uusup.c st/zdcp.h st/zgenv.h st/zzgenv.h \
- st/zhost.h st/zzhost.h st/zmailhos.c st/zzmailhost.c \
- st/zndir.h st/zzndir.h st/zztime.h st/zuuhost.c
- SAMI = amiga/README.Amiga amiga/Makefile.ami amiga/Makefile \
- amiga/chdir.c amiga/genv.c amiga/genv.dyna \
- amiga/genv.h amiga/getcwd.c amiga/host.c amiga/host.h \
- amiga/mkdir.c amiga/mlib.c \
- amiga/ndir.c amiga/ndir.h \
- amiga/SerialIO.c amiga/sio.c \
- amiga/sleep.c amiga/Timer.c amiga/ulib.c
- SDOS = dos/README.DOS dos/Makefile.dos \
- dos/comm.asm dos/comm.h \
- dos/host.c dos/host.h \
- dos/mlib.c dos/ndir.c dos/ndir.h \
- dos/setup.bat dos/ulib.c
- shar: shar/uupc.dcp.8.3 shar/uupc.uu.8.2 shar/uupc.read.8.1 \
- shar/uupc.mac.8.4 shar/uupc.st.8.5 shar/uupc.ami.8.6 \
- shar/uupc.dos.8.7
- shar/uupc.read.8.1: $(SUU)
- shar $(SREAD) > shar/uupc.read.8.1
- shar/uupc.uu.8.2: $(SUU)
- shar $(SUU) > shar/uupc.uu.8.2
- shar/uupc.dcp.8.3: $(SDCP)
- shar $(SDCP) > shar/uupc.dcp.8.3
- shar/uupc.mac.8.4: $(SMAC)
- cp Makefile mac/Makefile.mac
- shar $(SMAC) > shar/uupc.mac.8.4
- shar/uupc.st.8.5: $(SST)
- shar $(SST) > shar/uupc.st.8.5
- shar/uupc.ami.8.6: $(SAMI)
- shar $(SAMI) > shar/uupc.ami.8.6
- shar/uupc.dos.8.7: $(SDOS)
- shar $(SDOS) > shar/uupc.dos.8.7
- clean:
- rm *.o *.bak CC.TMP
- chmod +x 'mac/Makefile.mac'
- fi # end of overwriting check
- if test -f 'mac/host.c'
- then
- echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'mac/host.c'"
- else
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mac/host.c'
- /* mac.c
- macintosh host
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "host.h"
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- char *curdir;
- char * getcwd();
- int CHDIR();
- int debuglevel; /* debugging level */
- char *flds[10];
- char line[128];
- #define DMAILBOX "mailbox"
- #define DNAME ""
- #define DHOME "/usr/guest"
- #define DDOMAIN "pc.uucp"
- #define DMAILDIR "/usr/mail"
- #define DCONFDIR "/usr/lib/uucp"
- #define DSPOOLDIR "/usr/spool/uucp"
- #define DPUBDIR "/usr/spool/uucppublic"
- #define DMAILSERVICE "host"
- #define DNODENAME ""
- #define DDEVICE ".a"
- #define DSPEED "1200"
- #define DTEMPDIR "/tmp"
- FILE *fe;
- void sgenv(thename, envname, dflt)
- char **thename;
- char *envname;
- char *dflt;
- {
- char line[BUFSIZ];
- fprintf( stderr, "genv: %s %s\n", envname, dflt ); /**/
- if (fgets( line, BUFSIZ, fe ) == NULL) {
- fprintf( stderr, "genv: %s not found, using %s\n", envname, dflt ); /* */
- strcpy( *thename, dflt);
- }
- else {
- strcpy( *thename, line);
- fprintf( stderr, "genv: %s %s\n", envname, *thename ); /**/
- }
- }
- void sloadenv()
- {
- fprintf( stderr, "sloadenv\n" );
- if ( (fe = FOPEN( "/usr/lib/uucp/defaults", "r" )) == (FILE *) NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "can't open /usr/lib/uucp/defaults %d\n", errno );
- exit( -1 );
- }
- fprintf( stderr, "sloadenv - fopened\n" );
- /* get environment var's */
- sgenv( &name, NAME, DNAME );
- sgenv( &mailbox, MAILBOX, DMAILBOX );
- sgenv( &nodename, NODENAME, DNODENAME );
- sgenv( &home, HOME, DHOME );
- sgenv( &domain, DOMAIN, DDOMAIN );
- sgenv( &maildir, MAILDIR, DMAILDIR );
- sgenv( &confdir, CONFDIR, DCONFDIR );
- sgenv( &spooldir, SPOOLDIR, DSPOOLDIR );
- sgenv( &pubdir, PUBDIR, DPUBDIR );
- sgenv( &mailserv, MAILSERVICE, DMAILSERVICE );
- sgenv( &device, DEVICE, DDEVICE );
- sgenv( &speed, SPEED, DSPEED );
- sgenv( &tempdir, TEMPDIR, DTEMPDIR );
- }
- #endif
- jmp_buf dcpexit;
- char *gets();
- main( argc, argv )
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- macinit();
- fprintf( stderr, "Please enter parameters: " );
- if ( gets( line ) == (char *) NULL )
- exit( -1 );
- getargs( line, flds );
- argv = flds;
- /* mac specific prolog */
- sloadenv();
- #else
- /* mac specific prolog */
- loadenv();
- #endif
- curdir = getcwd( NULL, 0 );
- #ifdef CWDSPOOL
- CHDIR( spooldir );
- #endif
- /* setup longjmp for error exit's */
- if ( setjmp( dcpexit ) == 0 ) {
- MAIN( argc, argv );
- }
- /* mac specific epilog */
- chdir( curdir );
- }
- /* canonical name conversio routines
- importpath canonical -> host
- exportpath host -> canonical
- host your local pathname format
- canonical unix style
- */
- importpath( host, canon )
- char * host;
- char * canon;
- {
- sprintf( host, "%s", canon );
- }
- exportpath( canon, host )
- char * host;
- char * canon;
- {
- }
- chmod +x 'mac/host.c'
- fi # end of overwriting check
- if test -f 'mac/host.h'
- then
- echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'mac/host.h'"
- else
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mac/host.h'
- /* mac.h
- Macintosh version
- */
- /*#include <local/genv.h>*/
- #include <genv.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #define SAME 0
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TRUE 1
- #define TFILENAME "tmpfile.%.7d"
- #define SFILENAME "SEQF"
- #define SEPCHAR '/' /* path separater character */
- #define SIGFILE ".signature" /* file containing signature */
- #define COPYFILE "Mail/mail.sent" /* copy of sent mail */
- #define NEWSDIR "/usr/spool/rnews/%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.%03d"
- #define HOSTINIT macinit() /* name of function used to initialize */
- #define FILEMODE(f)
- #define CALLFILE "C."
- #define XQTFILE "X."
- #include <local/genv.h>
- extern char * fgets();
- extern char * index();
- extern int debuglevel; /* debuglevelging level */
- chmod +x 'mac/host.h'
- fi # end of overwriting check
- if test -f 'mac/mlib.c'
- then
- echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'mac/mlib.c'"
- else
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mac/mlib.c'
- /* lib.c
- macintosh library
- Things to do in uu host
- serial I/O
- directory stuff
- opendir, readdir, closedir
- prolog and epilog
- system call
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "host.h"
- #include <sgtty.h>
- int get_one()
- {
- char c;
- struct sgttyb stty, sttyo;
- ioctl( 0, TIOCGETP, &stty );
- sttyo = stty;
- stty.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
- stty.sg_flags &= ~ ECHO;
- ioctl( 0, TIOCSETP, &stty );
- c = fgetc( stdin );
- ioctl( 0, TIOCSETP, &sttyo );
- return( c );
- }
- chmod +x 'mac/mlib.c'
- fi # end of overwriting check
- if test -f 'mac/ulib.c'
- then
- echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'mac/ulib.c'"
- else
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mac/ulib.c'
- /* ulib.c
- macintosh library
- Things to do in uu host
- serial I/O
- directory stuff
- opendir, readdir, closedir
- prolog and epilog
- system call
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "host.h"
- #include <sgtty.h>
- /**/
- /*
- *
- * login (for slave in PC mode)
- * Real dumb login handshake
- */
- login()
- {
- char logmsg[132];
- #ifdef PC
- lretry:
- msgtime = 9999;
- rmsg(logmsg, 0); /* wait for a <CR> or <NL> */
- msgtime = 2 * MSGTIME;
- wmsg("Username:", 0);
- rmsg(logmsg, 0);
- printmsg( 0, "Username = %s", logmsg );
- wmsg("Password:", 0);
- rmsg(logmsg, 0);
- printmsg( 14, "Password = %s", logmsg );
- if (strcmp(logmsg, "uucp") != 0)
- goto lretry;
- #endif
- return('I');
- }
- char inbuf[BUFSIZ];
- char outbuf[BUFSIZ];
- swrite(data, num)
- int num;
- char *data;
- {
- int test;
- unsigned char * cp;
- if (debuglevel > 14)
- fputc( '{', stderr );
- if (debuglevel > 14) {
- test = num;
- cp = data;
- while (test--)
- fprintf( stderr, isprint(*cp)? "{%c}":"{%02x}", *cp++ );
- }
- test = SIOWrite( data, num );
- if (debuglevel > 14)
- fputc( '}', stderr );
- return( test );
- }
- /* non-blocking read essential to "g" protocol */
- /* see "dcpgpkt.c" for description */
- /* This all changes in a mtask systems. Requests for */
- /* I/O should get qued and an event flag given. Then the */
- /* requesting process (e.g.gmachine()) waits for the event */
- /* flag to fire processing either a read or a write. */
- /* Could be implemented on VAX/VMS or DG but not MS-DOS */
- sread(buf, num, timeout)
- char *buf;
- int num, timeout;
- {
- /*
- return( SIORead( buf, num, num, timeout*10 ) );
- */
- int count;
- int test;
- unsigned char * cp;
- if (debuglevel > 13)
- fputc( '[', stderr );
- printmsg( 15, "sread: num: %d timeout: %d", num, timeout );
- count = SIORead( buf, num, num, timeout*10 );
- printmsg( 15, "sread: read: %d ", count );
- if (debuglevel > 13 && count > 0) {
- test = count;
- cp = buf;
- while (test--)
- fprintf( stderr, isprint(*cp)? "[%c]":"[%02x]", *cp++ );
- }
- if (debuglevel > 13)
- fputc( ']', stderr );
- return( count );
- }
- openline(name, baud)
- char *name, *baud;
- {
- printmsg( 3, "openline: name: \"%s\" baud: \"%s\"", name, baud );
- SIOInit( name, baud );
- SIOInBuffer( inbuf, BUFSIZ );
- SIOOutBuffer( outbuf, BUFSIZ );
- return( 0 );
- }
- closeline()
- {
- SIOClose( 1 );
- }
- nodot(string)
- {
- }
- notimp( argc, argv )
- char *argv[];
- {
- /*debuglevelMsg("\Pcheck argc (08) and argv (0a) ");*/
- fprintf( stderr, "shell: %s not implemented\n", *argv );
- }
- /* shell
- */
- char * getcwd();
- shell( command, inname, outname, errname )
- char * command;
- char * inname;
- char * outname;
- {
- char * argvec[50];
- int rmail();
- int rnews();
- int macbin();
- int argcp;
- char **argvp;
- char args;
- int (*proto)();
- argcp = 0;
- argcp = getargs( command, argvec );
- argvp = argvec;
- args = argcp;
- if ( debuglevel > 5 ) {
- while ( args )
- fprintf( stderr, "arg: %d %s\n", args--, *argvp++ );
- argvp = argvec;
- args = argcp;
- }
- /* */
- proto = notimp;
- if ( strcmp( *argvp, "rmail" ) == SAME )
- proto = rmail;
- else if ( strcmp( *argvp, "rnews" ) == SAME )
- proto = rnews;
- else if ( strcmp( *argvp, "macbin" ) == SAME )
- proto = macbin;
- if ( *inname != '\0' ) {
- /* fprintf( stderr, "reopening stdin as %s\n", inname );
- fprintf( stderr, "curdir: %s\n", getcwd(NULL, 0)); /* */
- if ( freopen( inname, "r", stdin ) == NULL )
- fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't open %s, %d\n", inname, errno );
- }
- (proto)( argcp, argvp );
- freopen( ".console", "r", stdin );
- }
- /*
- macbin
- copy a macbinary image from stdin into a macintosh file
- 128 bytes of header information
- (n+128)/128*128 bytes of data fork data
- (n+128)/128*128 bytes of resource fork data
- The name is derived from the header information
- The directory is given as an arguement
- on remote system use:
- uux macfile.mb > remotemac!macbin /usr/sl
- */
- #undef TRUE
- #include <types.h>
- #include <pb.h>
- /* #include <stdio.h> */
- typedef struct {
- /*
- char blknum;
- char mblknum;
- */
- char dummy;
- char version;
- char fName[64];
- FInfo finderInfo; /* check - starts on odd byte boundary */
- char protected;
- char ckZero1;
- long dfLength;
- long rfLength;
- long crDat;
- long mdDat;
- char fill1[27];
- char computer;
- char os;
- } MacBinHeader;
- int macbin( argc, argv )
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- #ifdef TESTETEST
- char filename[132];
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- MacBinHeader mbh;
- long count, size;
- int i;
- HPrmBlkRec pbr;
- /* get the header */
- fread( &mbh.version, 1, 128, stdin );
- /* create and open the file */
- strncpy( pbr.ioNamePtr, mbh.fName, 64 );
- pbr.ioVRefNum = 0;
- pbr.u.hfp.ioFVersNum = 0;
- PBCreate( &pbr, FALSE );
- /* get finder info */
- pbr.u.hfp.ioFDirIndex = 0;
- pbr.u.hfp.ioDirID = 0L;
- PBGetInfo( &pbr, FALSE );
- /* set finder info */
- pbr.u.hfp.ioFlFndrInfo.fdFldr = 0;
- pbr.u.hfp.ioFlCrDat = mbh.crDat;
- pbr.u.hfp.ioFlMdDat = mbh.mdDat;
- pbr.u.hfp.ioFlFndrInfo = mbh.finderInfo;
- PBSetInfo( &pbr, FALSE );
- /* get and write out the fork */
- pbr.u.iop.ioPermssn = 0;
- pbr.u.iop.ioMisc = 0L;
- for ( i = 1; i > 0 ; i-- ) {
- if (i == 1 ) {
- PBOpen( &pbr, FALSE );
- size = (mbh.dfLength + 127) & 0xffffff80;
- }
- else {
- PBROpen( &pbr, FALSE );
- size = (mbh.rfLength + 127) & 0xffffff80;
- }
- while ( size > 0 )
- if ( (count = fread( buf, 1, BUFSIZ, stdin )) != 0 ) {
- size -= count;
- pbr.u.iop.ioBuffer = buf;
- pbr.u.iop.ioReqCount = count;
- PBWrite ( &pbr, FALSE);
- }
- PBClose( &pbr, FALSE );
- }
- #endif
- }
- chmod +x 'mac/ulib.c'
- fi # end of overwriting check
- if test -f 'mac/profile'
- then
- echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'mac/profile'"
- else
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mac/profile'
- set NAME="Stuart Lynne - test a mac"
- set MAILBOX=slynne
- set HOME=/usr/sl
- set DOMAIN="slmac.vcr.bc.can"
- set MAILSERVICE="van-bc"
- set NODENAME=slmac
- chmod +x 'mac/profile'
- fi # end of overwriting check
- if test -f 'mac/ndir.h'
- then
- echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'mac/ndir.h'"
- else
- cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mac/ndir.h'
- /* @(#)ndir.h 1.4 4/16/85 */
- #ifndef DEV_BSIZE
- #define DEV_BSIZE 512
- #endif
- #define MAXNAMLEN 255
- struct direct {
- long d_ino; /* inode number of entry */
- short d_reclen; /* length of this record */
- short d_namlen; /* length of string in d_name */
- char d_name[MAXNAMLEN + 1]; /* name must be no longer than this */
- };
- /*
- * The DIRSIZ macro gives the minimum record length which will hold
- * the directory entry. This requires the amount of space in struct direct
- * without the d_name field, plus enough space for the name with a terminating
- * null byte (dp->d_namlen+1), rounded up to a 4 byte boundary.
- */
- #ifdef DIRSIZ
- #undef DIRSIZ
- #endif /* DIRSIZ */
- #define DIRSIZ(dp) \
- ((sizeof (struct direct) - (MAXNAMLEN+1)) + (((dp)->d_namlen+1 + 3) &~ 3))
- /*
- * Definitions for library routines operating on directories.
- */
- /*
- typedef struct _dirdesc {
- int dd_fd;
- long dd_loc;
- long dd_size;
- char dd_buf[DIRBLKSIZ];
- } DIR;
- */
- typedef struct _dirdesc {
- int ioVRefNum;
- long ioDrDirID;
- int ioFDirIndex;
- } DIR;
- #ifndef NULL
- #define NULL 0L
- #endif
- extern DIR *opendir();
- extern struct direct *readdir();
- extern void closedir();
- extern char * getcwd();
- chmod +x 'mac/ndir.h'
- fi # end of overwriting check
- # End of shell archive
- exit 0
- --
- {ubc-vision,uunet}!van-bc!sl Stuart.Lynne@van-bc.uucp