home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * scandir - a SysV library routine that simulates the
- * BSD 4.3 version.
- *
- * returns:
- * -1 for failures
- * # of files found if successful
- *
- * Produces a list of files which are contained in the
- * directory "dirname".
- *
- * The list is returned through "namelist" which is an
- * array of pointers to (struct direct). This list of
- * pointers are malloc'ed and should be freed when
- * done with.
- *
- * The passed function "select" is passed a (struct direct)
- * pointer for each directory entry. If "select" returns
- * non-zero the entry is included in "namelist", otherwise
- * it is not. If "select" is NULL, all entries are returned.
- *
- * The function "compar" is passed a pair of pointers to
- * (struct direct) and is used to sort "namelist" via qsort.
- * If "compar" is NULL, the names are unsorted.
- *
- * This source is public domain and the author claims no
- * rights to it. It may be copied, spindled, or mutilated.
- *
- * R.J. Esposito - Bell of Pennsylvania
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- /*#include <sys/types.h>*/
- #include <ndir.h>
- int
- scandir(dirname, namelist, select, compar)
- char *dirname;
- struct direct *(*namelist[]);
- int (*select)();
- int (*compar)();
- {
- DIR *dfp;
- struct direct *dp;
- register int ii, nf;
- char *malloc();
- if ((dfp = opendir(dirname)) == NULL) /* can't open directory */
- return(-1);
- nf = 0;
- while ((dp = readdir(dfp)) != NULL) /* read thru direcetory */
- if (select == NULL || (*select)(dp))
- nf++;
- if (!nf) /* nothing found */
- return(0);
- /* malloc memory for the namelist array */
- *namelist = (struct direct **)malloc((nf+1)*sizeof(struct direct *));
- if (*namelist == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "scandir: out of memory\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- for (ii = 0; ii < nf; ii++) {
- (*namelist)[ii] = (struct direct *)malloc(sizeof(struct direct));
- if ((*namelist)[ii] == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "scandir: out of memory\n");
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- /* now re-read the directory loading up the namelist array */
- closedir( dfp );
- if ((dfp = opendir(dirname)) == NULL) /* can't open directory */
- return(-1);
- (*namelist)[ii] = 0;
- /*seekdir(dfp, 0L);*/
- ii = 0;
- while ((dp = readdir(dfp)) != NULL) {
- if (select == NULL || (*select)(dp)) {
- (*namelist)[ii]->d_ino = dp->d_ino;
- (*namelist)[ii]->d_reclen = dp->d_reclen;
- (*namelist)[ii]->d_namlen = dp->d_namlen;
- strcpy((*namelist)[ii]->d_name, dp->d_name);
- ii++;
- }
- }
- closedir(dfp);
- #ifdef test
- if (compar != NULL) /* sort the list if required */
- qsort((char **)*namelist, nf, sizeof(struct direct *), compar);
- #endif
- return(nf);
- }