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- /*
- * Name: MicroEMACS
- * MSDOS terminal I/O (MSC 4.0)
- *
- * The functions in this file
- * negotiate with the operating system for
- * keyboard characters, and write characters to
- * the display
- *
- * This version goes along with tty/ibmbios/tty.c.
- * Terminal size is determined there, rather than here.
- */
- #include "def.h"
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- static int ttyactivep = FALSE; /* terminal in editor mode? */
- int nrow; /* Terminal size, rows. */
- int ncol; /* Terminal size, columns. */
- /*
- * This function gets called once, to set up
- * the terminal channel. This is essentially a no-op
- * on msdos, since I/O will all be done via bios calls.
- */
- ttopen()
- {
- if (ttyactivep)
- return;
- signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- nrow = 25; /* initial guess */
- ncol = 80;
- ttyactivep = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * This function gets called just
- * before we go back home to the shell. Another
- * MSDOS no_op.
- */
- ttclose()
- {
- if(!ttyactivep)
- return;
- ttyactivep = FALSE;
- }
- /********************************************************************/
- /* ttputc, ttgetc & typeahead have been deleted from this file, and */
- /* moved into the tty specific code. There is no operating-system */
- /* generic way to do these */
- /********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Flush output. This function is a no-op
- */
- ttflush()
- {
- }
- /*
- * panic: print error and die, leaving core file.
- */
- panic(s)
- char *s;
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\r\n", s);
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- ** This should check the size of the window, and reset if needed.
- */
- setttysize()
- {
- nrow = 25;
- ncol = 80;
- }