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- From: dietz@zhmti.UUCP (Dieter H. Zebbedies)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: "Producer" translates Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 3 of 5)
- Message-ID: <4219@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 20 Aug 87 01:56:33 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Organization: Zebb-Hoff Machine Tool Inc's Automated Mfg. Project, Cleve., OH
- Lines: 3036
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8708/32
- "Producer", A package to translate Smalltalk-80 code to your favorite
- object oriented language, Objective-C.
- #!/bin/sh
- # to extract, remove the header and type "sh filename"
- if `test ! -d ./src`
- then
- mkdir ./src
- echo "mkdir ./src"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./src/Type.m`
- then
- echo "writting ./src/Type.m"
- cat > ./src/Type.m << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- #include "Producer.h"
- TYPE types = { 0 };
- LOCAL id knownTypes;
- USE Set;
- = Type : Constant CATEGORIES()
- + initialize { static BOOL beenHere;
- if (!beenHere) { beenHere = YES;
- self = Type; knownTypes = [Set new];
- // C base types
- types.ID = [self str:"id"];
- types.CHAR = [self str:"char"];
- types.SHORT = [self str:"short"];
- types.INT = [self str:"int"];
- types.LONG = [self str:"long"];
- types.FLOAT = [self str:"float"];
- types.DOUBLE = [self str:"double"];
- // Common derived types
- types.CSTRING = [self str:"STR"];
- types.POINT = [self str:"PT"];
- types.RECTANGLE = [self str:"RT"];
- // Language types
- types.BLOCK = [self str:"BLOCK"];
- types.STMT = [self str:"STMT"];
- types.SELECTOR = [self str:"SEL"];
- types.SHARED = [self str:"SHR"];
- // Misc
- types.UNKNOWN = [self str:"unknown"];
- types.ANY = [self str:"any"];
- }
- return self;
- }
- - type
- { return self; }
- =:
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./src/Type.m"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./src/gen.m`
- then
- echo "writting ./src/gen.m"
- cat > ./src/gen.m << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- #include "Producer.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "ctype.h"
- LOCAL unsigned indent = 0;
- LOCAL IOD genFD = stdout;
- LOCAL STR yyfilename = "<stdin>";
- // Debug option
- EXPORT void po(o) id o;
- { [o show]; }
- EXPORT void dbgo(o) id o;
- { IMPORT BOOL dbgFlag; if (dbgFlag) [o show]; }
- EXPORT int yywrap()
- { IMPORT unsigned yylineno; yylineno = 1; return 1; }
- // stockpile the last n tokens for printing in error messages
- #define SIZ 30
- LOCAL char minPt[SIZ+10] = ""; // slop
- LOCAL STR inPt = &minPt[SIZ-1], maxPt = &minPt[SIZ-1];
- EXPORT void stockToken(s) STR s; {
- if (!s) return;
- if (isalnum(*inPt) && isalnum(*s)) {
- if (inPt >= maxPt) inPt = minPt;
- *inPt++ = ' ';
- }
- while(*s) {
- if (inPt >= maxPt) inPt = minPt;
- *inPt++ = *s++;
- }
- }
- LOCAL printToken(iod) IOD iod; { STR outPt, stopPt;
- if (inPt >= maxPt) { outPt = minPt; stopPt = maxPt-1; }
- else { outPt = inPt; stopPt = inPt-1; }
- for(;;) {
- if (outPt >= maxPt) outPt = minPt;
- putc(*outPt ? *outPt : ' ', iod);
- if (outPt++ == stopPt) break;
- }
- }
- EXPORT IOD yyopen(file, mode, iod) STR file, mode; IOD iod; {
- IMPORT IOD yyin; IMPORT unsigned yylineno;
- yylineno = 1; return freopen(yyfilename = file, mode, yyin=stdin);
- }
- EXPORT int errorCount = 0;
- EXPORT void wer(fmt, arg) STR fmt, arg; { IMPORT unsigned yylineno;
- fflush(stdout); fflush(genFD); fflush(stderr);
- fprintf(stderr, "error: ");
- _doprnt(fmt, &arg, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- fflush(stdout); fflush(genFD); fflush(stderr);
- errorCount++;
- }
- EXPORT void yyerror(fmt, arg) STR fmt, arg; { IMPORT unsigned yylineno;
- fflush(stdout); fflush(genFD); fflush(stderr);
- fprintf(stderr, "error %3d:%s: ", yylineno, yyfilename);
- printToken(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " : ");
- _doprnt(fmt, &arg, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- fflush(stdout); fflush(genFD); fflush(stderr);
- errorCount++;
- }
- EXPORT BOOL infoFlag = NO;
- EXPORT void info(fmt, arg) STR fmt, arg; { IMPORT unsigned yylineno;
- if (!infoFlag) return;
- fflush(stdout); fflush(genFD); fflush(stderr);
- fprintf(stderr, "fyi %3d:%s: ", yylineno, yyfilename);
- _doprnt(fmt, &arg, stderr); fflush(stderr);
- }
- // String copy
- EXPORT STR strCopy(s) STR s; { return (STR)strcpy(malloc(strlen(s)+1), s); }
- // fopen(genFD)
- EXPORT void genOpen(className) STR className; {
- if (genFD != stdout) fclose(genFD);
- genFD = fopen(className, "w");
- indent = 0; bol = YES;
- if (!genFD) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s for writing ", className);
- perror("");
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- EXPORT void genReset() { indent = 0; bol = YES; }
- // Generate: formatted, string, newline, char
- EXPORT void gc(c) { BOOL eol = NO, discardSemi = NO;
- switch(c) {
- case '\n': case '\r': case '\f': newline(); return;
- case '{': eol = YES; discardSemi = NO; break;
- case '}': indent--; eol = YES; discardSemi = YES; newline(); break;
- case '(': indent++; discardSemi = NO; break;
- case ')': indent--; discardSemi = NO; break;
- case ';': if (discardSemi) return; eol = YES; discardSemi = YES; break;
- default: discardSemi = NO; break;
- }
- if (bol) idn();
- putc(c, genFD);
- if (eol) newline();
- if (c == '{'/*}*/) indent++;
- }
- EXPORT void gf(s, arg) STR s, arg; { _doprnt(s, &arg, genFD); }
- EXPORT void gs(s) STR s; { while(*s) gc(*s++); }
- EXPORT void gn() { bol = NO; newline(); }
- LOCAL idn() { unsigned i;
- for (i = indent; i-- != 0; ) putc('\t', genFD);
- bol = NO;
- }
- LOCAL newline() {
- if (!bol) putc('\n', genFD);
- bol = YES;
- }
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./src/gen.m"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./src/main.m`
- then
- echo "writting ./src/main.m"
- cat > ./src/main.m << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "Producer.h"
- LOCAL BOOL showMsgTranslationFlag, showIdTranslationFlag;
- STR *parseArguments(argc, argv) STR *argv; { unsigned i; USE Object;
- IMPORT BOOL dbgFlag, msgFlag, allocFlag, printFlag, lexFlag, infoFlag,
- autoFileFlag, stripCommentsFlag, infoFlag;
- // settrap(); // trap interrupts
- [Object self]; // trigger initializes now
- dbgIOD = stderr;
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { STR arg = argv[i];
- static char usage[]="usage: %s [-(dmaplgsci)] files ..";
- if (*arg == '-')
- switch (*++arg) {
- case 'd': dbgFlag = YES; break;
- case 'm': msgFlag = YES; break;
- case 'a': allocFlag = YES; break;
- case 'p': printFlag = YES; break;
- case 'l': lexFlag = YES; break;
- case 'g': autoFileFlag = YES; break;
- case 's': stripCommentsFlag = YES; break;
- case 'c': stripCommentsFlag = NO; break;
- case 'i': infoFlag = YES; break;
- case 'M': showMsgTranslationFlag = YES; break;
- case 'I': showIdTranslationFlag = YES; break;
- default: fprintf(stderr, usage, argv[0]); bye(-2);
- }
- else return &argv[i];
- }
- return 0;
- }
- main(argc, argv) STR *argv; { USE Comment;
- IMPORT unsigned errorCount;
- STR *file = parseArguments(argc, argv);
- if (file) for (; *file; file++) {
- if (yyopen(*file, "r", stdin)) yyparse();
- else wer("cannot open %s\n", *file);
- }
- else yyparse();
- bye(errorCount != 0);
- }
- // Exit here.
- bye(n) { static BOOL beenHere = 0;
- IMPORT id msgTranslator, identifierTranslator;
- if (beenHere++) exit(n);
- if (showMsgTranslationFlag) {
- printf("msgTranslator============================\n");
- [msgTranslator show];
- }
- if (showIdTranslationFlag) {
- printf("identifierTranslator============================\n");
- [identifierTranslator show];
- }
- exit(n);
- }
- @class(String, Block, ByteArray, Return, Selector, Comment, Stmt, AsciiFiler,
- Expr, Msg, StArray, Method, List, IdArray, Sequence, Cltn,
- Set, IntArray, Class, Identifier, MsgArgPattern, MsgNamePattern,
- MsgTranslator, AbstractTranslation, FunctionTranslation,
- MsgTranslation, StringTranslation, IdentifierTranslation,
- CharConstant, Constant, NumberConstant, SelectorConstant, StringConstant,
- Template, Type, ArgumentList, Scope)
- @phyla CATEGORIES()
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./src/main.m"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./src/Producer.h`
- then
- echo "writting ./src/Producer.h"
- cat > ./src/Producer.h << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- #ifndef PRODUCER_H
- # include "Substrate.h"
- # undef CATEGORIES
- #ifndef COXLIB
- # define CATEGORIES() (Producer, Collection, Primitive)
- #else
- # define CATEGORIES() (Producer, Substrate, Primitive)
- #endif
- # define ARYSIZ(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(*x))
- # define strEq(a, b) (strcmp(a, b) == 0)
- typedef struct _TYPES {
- } TYPE;
- IMPORT TYPE types;
- # define AbstractTranslation prAbstractTranslation
- # define ArgumentList prArgumentList
- # define Block prBlock
- # define CharConstant prCharConstant
- # define Class prClass
- # define Comment prComment
- # define Constant prConstant
- # define Expr prExpr
- # define FunctionTranslation prFunctionTranslation
- # define Identifier prIdentifier
- # define IdentifierTranslation prIdentifierTranslation
- # define List prList
- # define Method prMethod
- # define Msg prMsg
- # define MsgArgPattern prMsgArgPattern
- # define MsgNamePattern prMsgNamePattern
- # define MsgTranslation prMsgTranslation
- # define MsgTranslator prMsgTranslator
- # define Node prNode
- # define NumberConstant prNumberConstant
- # define Return prReturn
- # define Scope prScope
- # define Selector prSelector
- # define SelectorConstant prSelectorConstant
- # define StArray prStArray
- # define Stmt prStmt
- # define StringConstant prStringConstant
- # define StringTranslation prStringTranslation
- # define Template prTemplate
- # define Type prType
- #define PRODUCER_H
- #endif
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./src/Producer.h"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./src/st80.h`
- then
- echo "writting ./src/st80.h"
- cat > ./src/st80.h << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- # include "Layers.h"
- # define ARYSIZ(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(*x))
- # define strEq(a, b) (strcmp(a, b) == 0)
- # undef CATEGORIES()
- # define CATEGORIES() (ProducerTest, Collecting, Primitive)
- # define unknown id
- #endif
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./src/st80.h"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./src/y.tab.h`
- then
- echo "writting ./src/y.tab.h"
- cat > ./src/y.tab.h << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- typedef union TYP { id O; char B; char *S; } YYSTYPE;
- extern YYSTYPE yylval;
- # define IDENTIFIER 257
- # define DIGITS 258
- # define KEYWORD 259
- # define STRING 260
- # define CHARCON 261
- # define DOUBLESPECIAL 262
- # define _ 95
- # define VariableIdentifier 263
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./src/y.tab.h"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./src/gram.y`
- then
- echo "writting ./src/gram.y"
- cat > ./src/gram.y << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- %{
- /* Grammar for Smalltalk-80
- * 3 shift/reduce, 0 reduce/reduce conflicts
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "objc.h"
- #include "Producer.h"
- USE Block, Expr, List, Array, Type, StArray, Msg, Method, Return,
- Selector, Stmt, Identifier, IdentifierTranslation, StringTranslation,
- FunctionTranslation, NumberConstant, SelectorConstant, CharConstant,
- StringConstant, MsgTranslation, Template, ArgumentList, Class, Comment;
- EXPORT BOOL printFlag,
- isFactory = NO;
- IMPORT id findSymbol();
- LOCAL id thisClass = nil;
- IMPORT id msgTranslator;
- %}
- %union TYP { id O; char B; char *S; }
- %type <O> LocalVariables VarList PrimMarker Type Method MethodName Keyword
- %type <O> KwdMethodDecl StmtList Expr AssignmentList Primary
- %type <O> UnaryObjDesc BinaryObjDesc SimpleMsgExpr UnaryExpr BinaryExpr
- %type <O> KeywordExpr KeywordArgList CascadedMsgExpr CascadedMsg
- %type <O> Literal ArrayMemberList ArrayMember Block BinarySelector
- %type <O> VariableName UnarySelector Template BlockVarList KeywordList
- %type <O> InferenceRule ObjcFunctionArgList ObjcFunctionPattern BlockVariables
- %type <O> ObjcKeywordPattern ObjcMsgPattern OptionalType
- %type <O> ParameterDesignator KeywordPattern PatternType TemplateType
- %type <O> CharacterConstant NumberConstant StringConstant Keyword
- %type <B> SpecialCharacter
- %token <B> '%' '|' '&' '?' '#' '!' ',' '_'
- %token <B> '+' '-' '/' '\\' '*' '~' '<' '>' '=' '@'
- %left '_'
- %left IDENTIFIER STRING UnarySelector VariableIdentifier
- %right KEYWORD BinarySelector
- %start ChunkList
- %%
- ChunkList:
- | ChunkList Chunk { USE Comment; [Comment gen]; }
- ;
- Chunk: VariableName KEYWORD '#' VariableName
- KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant
- KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant '!' {
- [Comment gen];
- if (thisClass) { [thisClass gen]; [thisClass free]; }
- thisClass = [Class name:findSymbol($4)];
- [thisClass superclass:findSymbol($1)];
- [thisClass instanceVariableNames:$6];
- [thisClass classVariableNames:$8];
- [thisClass poolDictionaries:$10];
- [thisClass category:$12];
- [thisClass gen];
- }
- | VariableName KEYWORD STRING '!'
- {isFactory=NO;} Methods Sep
- | VariableName VariableName KEYWORD STRING '!'
- {isFactory=YES;} Methods Sep
- | '{' InferenceRule '}'
- { [Comment free]; }
- | '{' error '}'
- | error '!'
- ;
- Sep: '!'
- | Sep '!'
- ;
- Methods:
- | Methods Method '!'
- { [Comment gen]; [$2 gen]; [$2 free]; }
- | Methods error '!'
- { [Comment gen]; }
- ;
- /* Declare a new method */
- Method: MethodName LocalVariables
- { [$$=$1 variables:$2]; }
- PrimMarker StmtList
- { [$$ primitive:$4]; [$$ statements:$5]; }
- ;
- MethodName: UnarySelector
- { $$ = [Method selector:$1 asFactory:isFactory]; }
- | BinarySelector VariableName
- { $$ = [Method selector:[$1 argument:$2] asFactory:isFactory]; }
- | KwdMethodDecl
- { $$ = [Method selector:$1 asFactory:isFactory]; }
- ;
- PrimMarker: { $$ = nil; }
- | '<' KEYWORD NumberConstant '>'
- { $$ = [NumberConstant sprintf:"primitive(%s);", [$3 str]]; [$3 free]; }
- ;
- LocalVariables: { $$ = nil; }
- | '|' VarList '|'
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- VarList: { $$ = nil; }
- | VarList VariableName
- { $$ = $1 ? $1 : [List new]; [$$ add:$2]; }
- ;
- KwdMethodDecl: Keyword VariableName
- { [$$=$1 argument:$2]; }
- | KwdMethodDecl Keyword VariableName
- { [$$=$1 add:[$2 argument:$3]]; }
- ;
- /* Statements and expressions */
- StmtList: '^' Expr
- { $$ = [Return expr:$2]; }
- | Expr
- { $$ = [Stmt expr:$1]; }
- | Expr '.'
- { $$ = [Stmt expr:$1]; }
- | Expr '.' StmtList
- { [$$=[Stmt expr:$1] successor:$3]; }
- | error '.'
- { wer("erroneous statement ignored"); $$=nil; }
- ;
- Expr: AssignmentList Primary
- { $$ = [Expr assign:$1 value:$2]; }
- | AssignmentList SimpleMsgExpr
- { $$ = [Expr assign:$1 value:$2]; }
- | AssignmentList SimpleMsgExpr CascadedMsgExpr
- { [$$ = [Expr assign:$1 value:$2] cascade:$3]; }
- ;
- AssignmentList: { $$ = nil; }
- | AssignmentList VariableName '_'
- { $$ = $1 ? $1 : [List new]; [$$ add:findSymbol($2)]; }
- ;
- CascadedMsgExpr: CascadedMsg
- { $$=[Expr assign:nil value:$1]; }
- | CascadedMsgExpr CascadedMsg
- { [$$=$1 add:[Expr assign:nil value:$2]]; }
- ;
- CascadedMsg: ';' UnarySelector
- { $$ = [Msg selector:$2]; }
- | ';' BinarySelector UnaryObjDesc
- { $$ = [Msg selector:[$2 argument:$3]]; }
- | ';' KeywordArgList
- { $$ = [Msg selector:$2]; }
- ;
- Primary: VariableName
- { $$ = findSymbol($1); }
- | Literal | Block | '(' Expr ')'
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- SimpleMsgExpr: UnaryExpr | BinaryExpr | KeywordExpr ;
- UnaryObjDesc: Primary | UnaryExpr ;
- UnaryExpr: UnaryObjDesc UnarySelector
- { $$ = [Msg receiver:$1 selector:$2]; } ;
- BinaryObjDesc: UnaryObjDesc | BinaryExpr ;
- BinaryExpr: BinaryObjDesc BinarySelector UnaryObjDesc
- { $$ = [Msg receiver:$1 selector:[$2 argument:$3]]; } ;
- KeywordExpr: BinaryObjDesc KeywordArgList
- { $$ = [Msg receiver:$1 selector:$2]; }
- ;
- KeywordArgList: Keyword BinaryObjDesc
- { [$$=$1 argument:$2]; }
- | KeywordArgList Keyword BinaryObjDesc
- { [$$=$1 add:[$2 argument:$3]]; }
- ;
- Literal: CharacterConstant | StringConstant | NumberConstant
- | '#' '(' ArrayMemberList ')'
- { $$ = $3; }
- | '#' UnarySelector
- { $$=[SelectorConstant name:$2]; [$2 free]; }
- | '#' BinarySelector
- { $$=[SelectorConstant name:$2]; [$2 free]; }
- | '#' KeywordList
- { $$=[SelectorConstant name:$2]; [$2 free]; }
- ;
- ArrayMemberList: { $$ = nil; }
- | ArrayMemberList ArrayMember
- { [$$ = $1 ? $1 : [StArray new] add:$2]; }
- ;
- ArrayMember: CharacterConstant | StringConstant | NumberConstant
- | UnarySelector | BinarySelector | KeywordList
- | '(' ArrayMemberList ')'
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- Block: '[' BlockVariables StmtList ']'
- { $$ = [$2 statements:$3]; }
- | '[' BlockVariables ']'
- { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- BlockVariables:
- { $$ = [Block new]; }
- | BlockVarList '|'
- { $$ = [[Block new] variables:$1]; }
- ;
- BlockVarList: ':' VariableName
- { [$$ = [List new] add:$2]; }
- | BlockVarList ':' VariableName
- { [$$=$1 add:$3]; }
- ;
- /* Type inferencing rules */
- InferenceRule: '#' PatternType '[' ObjcMsgPattern ']'
- { [msgTranslator install:[Template receiverType:[$4 receiverType]
- selector:[$4 selector]] translation:[$4 type:$2]]; }
- | Template '#' PatternType '[' ObjcMsgPattern ']'
- { [msgTranslator install:$1 translation:[$5 type:$3]]; }
- | Template '#' PatternType ObjcFunctionPattern
- { [msgTranslator install:$1 translation:[$4 type:$3]]; }
- | Template '#' PatternType StringConstant
- { [msgTranslator install:$1
- translation:[StringTranslation type:$3 translation:$4]]; }
- | '#' VariableName PatternType VariableName
- { [IdentifierTranslation sourceName:$2 targetType:$3 targetName:$4]; }
- ;
- Template: TemplateType UnarySelector
- { $$ = [Template receiverType:$1 selector:$2]; }
- | TemplateType BinarySelector TemplateType
- { $$ = [Template receiverType:$1 selector:[$2 type:$3]]; }
- | TemplateType KeywordPattern
- { $$ = [Template receiverType:$1 selector:$2]; }
- ;
- KeywordPattern: Keyword PatternType
- { [$$=$1 type:$2]; }
- | KeywordPattern Keyword PatternType
- { [$$=$1 add:$2]; [$2 type:$3]; }
- ;
- ObjcFunctionPattern: VariableName '(' ObjcFunctionArgList ')'
- { $$ = [FunctionTranslation name:$1 args:$3]; }
- | VariableName '(' ')'
- { $$ = [FunctionTranslation name:$1 args:0]; }
- ;
- ObjcFunctionArgList: PatternType ParameterDesignator
- { $$ = [ArgumentList type:$1 name:$2]; }
- | ObjcFunctionArgList ',' PatternType ParameterDesignator
- { [$$=$1 add:[ArgumentList type:$3 name:$4]]; }
- ;
- ObjcMsgPattern: PatternType UnarySelector
- { $$ = [MsgTranslation receiverType:$1 selector:$2]; }
- | PatternType ObjcKeywordPattern
- { $$ = [MsgTranslation receiverType:$1 selector:$2]; }
- ;
- ObjcKeywordPattern: Keyword PatternType ParameterDesignator
- { [$1 type:$2]; [$$=$1 argument:$3]; }
- | ObjcKeywordPattern Keyword PatternType ParameterDesignator
- { [$$=$1 add:$2]; [$2 type:$3]; [$2 argument:$3]; }
- ;
- ParameterDesignator: VariableName
- | '%' DIGITS { $$=[NumberConstant sprintf:"%%%s", $2]; }
- ;
- /* Token Packaging */
- KeywordList: KEYWORD { $$ = [Selector str:$1]; }
- | KeywordList KEYWORD { $$ = [$1 concatenateSTRAndFreeReceiver:$2]; }
- ;
- BinarySelector: '-' { $$ = [Selector str:"-"]; }
- | SpecialCharacter
- { char b[2]; b[0]=$1; b[1]=0; $$ = [Selector str:b]; }
- | DOUBLESPECIAL { $$ = [Selector str:$1]; }
- ;
- SpecialCharacter: '+' | '/' | '\\' | '*' | '~' | '<'
- | '>' | '=' | '@' | '%' | '&' | '?' | ',' | '|'
- ;
- PatternType: OptionalType { $$ = $1 ? $1 : types.ID; };
- TemplateType: OptionalType { $$ = $1 ? $1 : types.ANY; };
- OptionalType: { $$ = 0; } | '(' Type ')' { $$ = $2; };
- Type: IDENTIFIER { $$=[Type str:$1]; };
- VariableName: IDENTIFIER { $$=[Identifier str:$1]; };
- UnarySelector: IDENTIFIER { $$ = [Selector str:$1]; };
- CharacterConstant: CHARCON { $$ = [CharConstant str:$1]; };
- NumberConstant: DIGITS { $$ = [NumberConstant str:$1]; }
- | '-' DIGITS %prec KEYWORD { $$ = [NumberConstant sprintf:"-%s", $2]; }
- ;
- StringConstant: STRING { $$ = [StringConstant str:$1]; };
- Keyword: KEYWORD { $$ = [Selector str:$1]; };
- %%
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./src/gram.y"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./src/lex.l`
- then
- echo "writting ./src/lex.l"
- cat > ./src/lex.l << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- %{
- #include "Producer.h"
- #include "y.tab.h"
- USE Comment;
- LOCAL STR collect();
- EXPORT BOOL lexFlag = NO;
- IMPORT BOOL stripCommentsFlag;
- #ifndef OBJC_COX
- #endif
- /* Intrudes between lexer and parser for token-level debugging */
- EXPORT int yylex() { STR typeStr, tokenValue; LOCAL char b[2]={0};
- int type = rawlexer();
- switch(type) {
- case DIGITS: typeStr="DIGITS"; tokenValue = yylval.S; break;
- case KEYWORD: typeStr="KEYWORD"; tokenValue = yylval.S; break;
- case IDENTIFIER: typeStr="IDENTIFIER"; tokenValue = yylval.S; break;
- case STRING: typeStr="STRING"; tokenValue = yylval.S; break;
- case CHARCON: typeStr="CHARCON"; tokenValue = yylval.S; break;
- default: b[0] = yylval.B; typeStr = tokenValue = b; break;
- }
- stockToken(tokenValue);
- if (lexFlag) printf("::%3d=%10s: %s\n", type, typeStr, tokenValue);
- return type;
- }
- LOCAL STR bitsToHex(s) STR s; { LOCAL char buf[80];
- LOCAL char charToHex[]="0123456789abcdef";
- unsigned short out = 0; STR p; int shiftBy;
- p = buf; *p++ = '0'; *p++ = 'x';
- for (shiftBy = 3; *s; shiftBy--,s++) {
- out |= (unsigned)(*s != '0') << shiftBy;
- if (shiftBy == 0) {
- *p++ = charToHex[out];
- out = 0;
- shiftBy = 3;
- }
- }
- *p = 0; return buf;
- }
- GETC(iod) IOD iod; { LOCAL char buf[BUFSIZ] = {0}; LOCAL STR p = buf;
- if (*p == 0) { p = buf; *p = 0;
- if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), iod) == NULL) {
- STR q = &buf[strlen(buf)];
- *q++ = EOF; *q = 0;
- }
- if (!stripCommentsFlag) [Comment str:buf];
- }
- return *p++;
- }
- # undef input
- # define input() (((yytchar=yysptr>yysbuf?U(*--yysptr):GETC(yyin))==10?\
- (yylineno++,yytchar):yytchar)==EOF?0:yytchar)
- # define yylex rawlexer
- %}
- %%
- [ \t\n\f\r]+ { ; }
- "\"" { yylval.S = collect(yyleng); }
- "'" { yylval.S = collect(yyleng); return STRING; }
- [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]* { yylval.S = yytext; return IDENTIFIER; }
- [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*: { yylval.S = yytext; return KEYWORD; }
- [+/\\*~<>=@%|&?][+/\\*~<>=@%|&?] { yylval.S = yytext; return DOUBLESPECIAL; }
- [0-9]+ |
- [0-9]*\.[0-9]+ { yylval.S = yytext; return DIGITS; }
- 2r[0-1]+ { yylval.S = bitsToHex(&yytext[2]); return DIGITS; }
- \$. { yylval.S = &yytext[1]; return CHARCON; }
- \$!! { yylval.S = "!"; return CHARCON; }
- . { return yylval.B = *yytext; }
- %%
- /* Collect a "String" 'CharacterConstant', #command or comment
- * The item to be collected is identified (in `what') from the
- * first character in yytext.
- *
- * To save copying time, we collect as much as will fit directly in yytext[].
- * An instance of String is then created to hold any overflows. The str
- * returned from here will locate the result, whether held
- * in yytext or aString.
- */
- LOCAL STR collect(len)
- register short len;
- {
- USE ByteArray; register short c;
- LOCAL id overflow = 0; char what = *yytext;
- if (overflow) overflow = [overflow free]; /* from last time around */
- for(;;) {
- if (len >= YYLMAX - 1) {
- yytext[len] = 0; len = 0;
- if (overflow) overflow = [overflow concatenateSTR:yytext];
- else overflow = [ByteArray str:yytext];
- }
- switch(yytext[len++] = c = input()) {
- case '\'': if (what == '\'') {
- if ((c = input()) == '\'') { yytext[len++] = c; continue; }
- else { unput(c); break; }
- } else continue;
- case '"': if (what == '"') break; else continue;
- case '*': if (what != '/') continue;
- if ((c = input()) == '/') { yytext[len++] = c; break; }
- unput(c); continue;
- case '\\': yytext[len++] = input(); continue;
- case '\n': continue;
- case 0: wer("Unterminated string or charconst"); break;
- default: continue;
- }
- yytext[len] = 0;
- return overflow
- ? [(overflow = [overflow concatenateSTR:yytext]) str]
- : yytext;
- }
- }
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./src/lex.l"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./src/Makefile`
- then
- echo "writting ./src/Makefile"
- cat > ./src/Makefile << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- # Producer: The Smalltalk to ObjectiveC Translator
- OCOBJ= Node.o List.o Block.o Comment.o \
- ByteArray.o \
- Symbol.o \
- Constant.o \
- Type.o \
- CharConstant.o \
- NumberConstant.o \
- SelectorConstant.o \
- StringConstant.o \
- Expr.o StArray.o Class.o \
- Msg.o Method.o Stmt.o Return.o \
- MsgArgPattern.o \
- MsgNamePattern.o \
- MsgTranslator.o \
- Template.o \
- Selector.o \
- ArgumentList.o \
- Identifier.o \
- IdentifierTranslation.o \
- AbstractTranslation.o \
- FunctionTranslation.o \
- MsgTranslation.o \
- StringTranslation.o \
- Scope.o
- YACCOBJ=gram.o
- LEXOBJ=lex.o
- CCOBJ=gen.o main.o
- LIBS=/u/ui/sb/Substrate.a
- OBJC=objcc -q -g
- MISC=main.m gram.y lex.l gen.m Producer.h
- SRC=README Makefile $(MISC) `_suffix .m $(OCOBJ) $(CCOBJ) | tr ' ' '\012' | sort`
- .SUFFIXES: .y .l .m .o .c .me .i .f
- all: METHODDECLS.o producer
- producer: $(OBJ); $(OBJC) $(OBJ) && mv a.out producer
- clean: ; rm -f *.o *.c [cpCP]_* log core gram.m lex.m
- .y.o: ; yacc -dv $< && mv y.tab.c $*.m && $(OBJC) -c $*.m
- .l.o: ; lex $< && mv lex.yy.c $*.m && $(OBJC) -c $*.m
- .m.o: ; $(OBJC) -c -nRetain $<
- .m.c: ; $(OBJC) -c $<
- .me.i: ; me -i -t /u/cox/src/mac.me $<
- .me.f: ; me -t /u/cox/src/mac.me $< >$$$$.f && mv $$$$.f $*.f
- v.m: v.st ; -producer RULES/* v.st >v.m
- v.o: v.m ; objc v.m -c -Retain -g -q -I../wg -I../ui $C
- test: ; rm -f v.m; make v.o
- wc: ; wc $(SRC)
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./src/Makefile"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./src/design.me`
- then
- echo "writting ./src/design.me"
- cat > ./src/design.me << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- Smalltalk Syntax consists of
- identifiers
- literal constants
- message expressions
- Return type
- Argument types
- Literal constant typing is explicit from context
- Integer
- Floating Point
- String
- Character
- Identifier type inferencing
- Identifier name transformation: How to specify scope of change?
- The type of each identifier is the type of the first assignment.
- Instance variables: generate declaration at tail of file after
- assignments have provided a type for each?
- Inherited variables: do these appear in methods of Smalltalk
- subclasses?
- Message expression type inferencing
- (int) do:(TYPE) this:(TYPE) to:(TYPE) that:(TYPE)
- Return type and argument types are taken from category files
- after performing any message name transforms
- Method type inferencing
- When Objective-C method exists by the same name, use types from
- that
- Otherwise the type is determined after inferencing variable types.
- Static polymorphism
- When translation of messages should depend on the (static) type of
- the receiver; e.g.
- (10@20) extent:(30@40) -> [Rectangle origin:pt(10,20) extent:(30@40)]
- aRectangle extent:(30@40) -> [Rectangle extent:pt(30@40)]
- or
- aPoint x -> X(aPoint)
- aRectangle origin -> aRectangle->origin
- aRectangle left -> L(aRectangle)
- or better yet
- 2 + 3 -> 2+3
- 2.3 + 4.8 -> 2.3 + 4.8
- aPoint + anotherPoint -> ptPlus(aPoint, anotherPoint)
- aPoint + 3 -> ptPlusInt(aPoint, 3)
- Notation:
- ReceiverType MessageExpression -> ReturnType FormatString
- \________Source_____________/ \______Target_________/
- Default:
- ReceiverType: matches id
- ReturnType: id
- FormatString: message expression
- Examples:
- (int)+(int) -> $1 + $2
- (float)+(float) -> $1 + $2
- (PT)+(PT) -> ptPlus($1, $2)
- (PT)+(int) -> ptPlusInt($1, $2)
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./src/design.me"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./src/Symbol.m`
- then
- echo "writting ./src/Symbol.m"
- cat > ./src/Symbol.m << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- /*{ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Symbol
- My instances in only a single copy, allowing them to be tested for
- equality via == instead of isEqual:
- bjc: A prototype; not tested under load. The hash and isEqual: methods
- have broken since I was here last (library incompatibilities?)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ }*/
- #include "Producer.h"
- USE Set;
- = Symbol:ByteArray CATEGORIES() { }
- LOCAL id symbolTable;
- + initialize
- { if (!symbolTable) symbolTable = [Set new]; }
- + symbolTable
- { return symbolTable; }
- + str:(STR)aStr
- { return [symbolTable filter:[super str:aStr]]; }
- + name:aByteArray
- { return [self str:[aByteArray str]]; }
- - free
- { return nil; }
- - str:(STR)aStr
- { return [self cannotModifyError]; }
- - (char)charAt:(unsigned)anOffset put:(char)aChar
- { return (char)[self cannotModifyError]; }
- - sort
- { return [self cannotModifyError]; }
- - concat:aStr
- { return [self cannotModifyError]; }
- - concatSTR:(STR)aCString
- { return [self cannotModifyError]; }
- - concatenateAndFreeReceiver:aByteArray
- { return [self cannotModifyError]; }
- - concatenateSTRAndFreeReceiver:(STR)aString
- { return [self cannotModifyError]; }
- - concatenateSTR:(STR)aString
- { return [self cannotModifyError]; }
- - concatenate:aByteArray
- { return [self cannotModifyError]; }
- - cannotModifyError
- { return [self error:"the bytes in a %s are invarient", [self name]]; }
- - (unsigned)hash
- { return (unsigned)self; }
- - (BOOL)isEqual:anObject
- { return self == anObject; }
- #endif
- =:
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./src/Symbol.m"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./src/ByteArray.m`
- then
- echo "writting ./src/ByteArray.m"
- cat > ./src/ByteArray.m << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- /*{ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ByteArray.m
- Do not be misled by the superficial resemblance between this class
- and the BytArray class in functionality, method names, implementation,
- and usage. They are totally different.
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ }*/
- #include <stdio.h> /* @retain */
- #include "Producer.h"
- #include "vectors.h" /* @retain */
- #define badIndex(offset) ((unsigned)(offset) >= (unsigned)capacity)
- #define goodIndex(offset) (!badIndex(offset))
- LOCAL char typeStr[]="\"";
- IMPORT int strlen(), atoi();
- IMPORT long atol();
- IMPORT double atof();
- IMPORT STR strcpy(), strcat();
- IMPORT unsigned _strhash();
- = ByteArray:Array CATEGORIES() { }
- // Indexed variable typing
- + (unsigned)ndxVarSize { return sizeof(char); }
- + (STR)ndxVarType { return typeStr; }
- - (STR)describe { return typeStr; }
- // Instance creation: Note that capacity records the capacity actually
- // available for characters. This is one more than the number requested
- // to guarantee that a null terminator will exist.
- + new { return [self new:0]; }
- + new:(unsigned)nExtra { self = (*_alloc)(self, nExtra+1);
- capacity = nExtra + 1; return self;
- }
- + str:(STR)aStr { unsigned n; if (aStr == 0) aStr = "";
- n = strlen(aStr); self = (*_alloc)(self, n+1);
- strcpy(IV(self), aStr); capacity = n+1; return self;
- }
- #define VA_TYPE int
- + sprintf:(STR)fmt; VA_TYPE va_alist; { char buf[BUFSIZ];
- #ifdef BOOTSTRAP /* @retain */
- typedef int FILE;
- #endif
- #include "varargs.h" /* @retain */
- #ifdef BOOTSTRAP /* @retain */
- typedef char *va_list;
- #endif
- #ifdef _IOSTRG /* @retain */
- {
- va_list ap;
- FILE iod;
- iod._cnt = sizeof(buf); iod._base = iod._ptr = buf;
- iod._flag = _IOWRT+_IOSTRG; va_start(ap);
- _prn(fmt, ap, &iod); va_end(ap);
- *iod._ptr = '\0';
- }
- #else
- # define INT int
- {
- va_list ap;
- int ilist[10]; register int *ip = ilist, i;
- va_start (ap);
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- *ip++ = va_arg(ap, INT);
- va_end (ap);
- ip = ilist;
- sprintf (buf, fmt, ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3], ip[4], ip[5],
- ip[6], ip[7], ip[8], ip[9]);
- }
- #endif
- return [self str:buf];
- }
- // Convert to indicated type
- - (int)asInt { return atoi(IV(self)); }
- - (long)asLong { return atol(IV(self)); }
- - (double)asFloat { return atof(IV(self)); }
- // Accessing
- - (STR)str { return IV(self); }
- - str:(STR)aStr { strncpy(IV(self), aStr, capacity-1);
- IV(self)[capacity-1] = '\0'; return self; }
- - (char)charAt:(unsigned)anOffset { return goodIndex(anOffset) ?
- IV(self)[anOffset] : (char)[self boundsViolation:anOffset];
- }
- - (char)charAt:(unsigned)anOffset put:(char)aChar { STR p = IV(self)+anOffset;
- if goodIndex(anOffset) { char tmp= *p; *p=aChar; return tmp; }
- else return (char)[self boundsViolation:anOffset];
- }
- LOCAL int cmp(a, b) char *a, *b; { return *a-*b; }
- - sort { qsort(IV(self), capacity-1, sizeof(char), cmp); return self; }
- #ifdef OBSOLETE
- // Concatenate aStr to self. Reply 0 if truncation occurred.
- - concat:aStr { return [self concatSTR:[aStr str]]; }
- - concatSTR:(STR)aCString { unsigned me, l; if (aCString == 0) return 0;
- me = strlen(IV(self)); l = capacity-1;
- if (l > me) strncpy(IV(self)+me, aCString, l-me);
- IV(self)[capacity-1] = '\0';
- return (l > me + strlen(aCString)) ? self : nil;
- }
- #endif
- - concatenateAndFreeReceiver:aByteArray
- { return [self concatenateSTRAndFreeReceiver:[aByteArray str]]; }
- - concatenateSTRAndFreeReceiver:(STR)aString
- { id tmp = [self concatenate:aString]; [self free]; return tmp; }
- - concatenateSTR:(STR)aString
- { return [isa sprintf:"%s%s", [self str], aString]; }
- - concatenate:aByteArray
- { return [self concatenateSTR:[aByteArray str]]; }
- // Comparing and hashing: hash must correlate with isEqual:
- LOCAL int arycmp(obj, str) id obj; register STR str; {
- register unsigned siz = obj->capacity; register STR p = IV(obj);
- for (; siz--; p++, str++) if (*p != *str) return *p - *str;
- return 0;
- }
- - (int)compare:aStr { return aStr ? arycmp(self, [aStr str]) : NO; }
- - (int)compareSTR:(STR)aStr { return aStr ? arycmp(self, aStr) : NO; }
- - (BOOL)isEqual:aStr { return aStr ? arycmp(self, [aStr str]) == 0 : NO; }
- - (BOOL)isEqualSTR:(STR)aStr { return aStr ? arycmp(self, aStr) == 0 : NO; }
- - (BOOL)isCopyOf:anObject {
- return [super isCopyOf:anObject]
- && (arycmp(self, IV(anObject)) == 0);
- }
- - (unsigned)hash
- { return _strhash(IV(self)); }
- =:
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./src/ByteArray.m"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./src/y.output`
- then
- echo "writting ./src/y.output"
- cat > ./src/y.output << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- state 0
- $accept : _ChunkList $end
- ChunkList : _ (1)
- . reduce 1
- ChunkList goto 1
- state 1
- $accept : ChunkList_$end
- ChunkList : ChunkList_Chunk
- $end accept
- error shift 5
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- { shift 4
- . error
- VariableName goto 3
- Chunk goto 2
- state 2
- ChunkList : ChunkList Chunk_ (2)
- . reduce 2
- state 3
- Chunk : VariableName_KEYWORD # VariableName KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant !
- Chunk : VariableName_KEYWORD STRING ! $$4 Methods Sep
- Chunk : VariableName_VariableName KEYWORD STRING ! $$6 Methods Sep
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- KEYWORD shift 7
- . error
- VariableName goto 8
- state 4
- Chunk : {_InferenceRule }
- Chunk : {_error }
- OptionalType : _ (123)
- error shift 10
- # shift 11
- ( shift 15
- . reduce 123
- Template goto 12
- InferenceRule goto 9
- OptionalType goto 14
- TemplateType goto 13
- state 5
- Chunk : error_!
- ! shift 16
- . error
- state 6
- VariableName : IDENTIFIER_ (126)
- . reduce 126
- state 7
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD_# VariableName KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant !
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD_STRING ! $$4 Methods Sep
- STRING shift 18
- # shift 17
- . error
- state 8
- Chunk : VariableName VariableName_KEYWORD STRING ! $$6 Methods Sep
- KEYWORD shift 19
- . error
- state 9
- Chunk : { InferenceRule_}
- } shift 20
- . error
- state 10
- Chunk : { error_}
- } shift 21
- . error
- state 11
- InferenceRule : #_PatternType [ ObjcMsgPattern ]
- InferenceRule : #_VariableName PatternType VariableName
- OptionalType : _ (123)
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- ( shift 15
- . reduce 123
- VariableName goto 23
- OptionalType goto 24
- PatternType goto 22
- state 12
- InferenceRule : Template_# PatternType [ ObjcMsgPattern ]
- InferenceRule : Template_# PatternType ObjcFunctionPattern
- InferenceRule : Template_# PatternType StringConstant
- # shift 25
- . error
- state 13
- Template : TemplateType_UnarySelector
- Template : TemplateType_BinarySelector TemplateType
- Template : TemplateType_KeywordPattern
- IDENTIFIER shift 29
- KEYWORD shift 48
- % shift 43
- | shift 47
- & shift 44
- ? shift 45
- , shift 46
- + shift 34
- - shift 30
- / shift 35
- \\ shift 36
- * shift 37
- ~ shift 38
- < shift 39
- > shift 40
- = shift 41
- @ shift 42
- . error
- Keyword goto 33
- BinarySelector goto 27
- UnarySelector goto 26
- KeywordPattern goto 28
- SpecialCharacter goto 31
- state 14
- TemplateType : OptionalType_ (122)
- . reduce 122
- state 15
- OptionalType : (_Type )
- IDENTIFIER shift 50
- . error
- Type goto 49
- state 16
- Chunk : error !_ (10)
- . reduce 10
- state 17
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD #_VariableName KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant !
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- . error
- VariableName goto 51
- state 18
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD STRING_! $$4 Methods Sep
- ! shift 52
- . error
- state 19
- Chunk : VariableName VariableName KEYWORD_STRING ! $$6 Methods Sep
- STRING shift 53
- . error
- state 20
- Chunk : { InferenceRule }_ (8)
- . reduce 8
- state 21
- Chunk : { error }_ (9)
- . reduce 9
- state 22
- InferenceRule : # PatternType_[ ObjcMsgPattern ]
- [ shift 54
- . error
- state 23
- InferenceRule : # VariableName_PatternType VariableName
- OptionalType : _ (123)
- ( shift 15
- . reduce 123
- OptionalType goto 24
- PatternType goto 55
- state 24
- PatternType : OptionalType_ (121)
- . reduce 121
- state 25
- InferenceRule : Template #_PatternType [ ObjcMsgPattern ]
- InferenceRule : Template #_PatternType ObjcFunctionPattern
- InferenceRule : Template #_PatternType StringConstant
- OptionalType : _ (123)
- ( shift 15
- . reduce 123
- OptionalType goto 24
- PatternType goto 56
- state 26
- Template : TemplateType UnarySelector_ (87)
- . reduce 87
- state 27
- Template : TemplateType BinarySelector_TemplateType
- OptionalType : _ (123)
- ( shift 15
- . reduce 123
- OptionalType goto 14
- TemplateType goto 57
- state 28
- Template : TemplateType KeywordPattern_ (89)
- KeywordPattern : KeywordPattern_Keyword PatternType
- KEYWORD shift 48
- . reduce 89
- Keyword goto 58
- state 29
- UnarySelector : IDENTIFIER_ (127)
- . reduce 127
- state 30
- BinarySelector : -_ (104)
- . reduce 104
- state 31
- BinarySelector : SpecialCharacter_ (105)
- . reduce 105
- state 32
- BinarySelector : DOUBLESPECIAL_ (106)
- . reduce 106
- state 33
- KeywordPattern : Keyword_PatternType
- OptionalType : _ (123)
- ( shift 15
- . reduce 123
- OptionalType goto 24
- PatternType goto 59
- state 34
- SpecialCharacter : +_ (107)
- . reduce 107
- state 35
- SpecialCharacter : /_ (108)
- . reduce 108
- state 36
- SpecialCharacter : \\_ (109)
- . reduce 109
- state 37
- SpecialCharacter : *_ (110)
- . reduce 110
- state 38
- SpecialCharacter : ~_ (111)
- . reduce 111
- state 39
- SpecialCharacter : <_ (112)
- . reduce 112
- state 40
- SpecialCharacter : >_ (113)
- . reduce 113
- state 41
- SpecialCharacter : =_ (114)
- . reduce 114
- state 42
- SpecialCharacter : @_ (115)
- . reduce 115
- state 43
- SpecialCharacter : %_ (116)
- . reduce 116
- state 44
- SpecialCharacter : &_ (117)
- . reduce 117
- state 45
- SpecialCharacter : ?_ (118)
- . reduce 118
- state 46
- SpecialCharacter : ,_ (119)
- . reduce 119
- state 47
- SpecialCharacter : |_ (120)
- . reduce 120
- state 48
- Keyword : KEYWORD_ (132)
- . reduce 132
- state 49
- OptionalType : ( Type_)
- ) shift 60
- . error
- state 50
- Type : IDENTIFIER_ (125)
- . reduce 125
- state 51
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD # VariableName_KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant !
- KEYWORD shift 61
- . error
- state 52
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD STRING !_$$4 Methods Sep
- $$4 : _ (4)
- . reduce 4
- $$4 goto 62
- state 53
- Chunk : VariableName VariableName KEYWORD STRING_! $$6 Methods Sep
- ! shift 63
- . error
- state 54
- InferenceRule : # PatternType [_ObjcMsgPattern ]
- OptionalType : _ (123)
- ( shift 15
- . reduce 123
- ObjcMsgPattern goto 64
- OptionalType goto 24
- PatternType goto 65
- state 55
- InferenceRule : # VariableName PatternType_VariableName
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- . error
- VariableName goto 66
- state 56
- InferenceRule : Template # PatternType_[ ObjcMsgPattern ]
- InferenceRule : Template # PatternType_ObjcFunctionPattern
- InferenceRule : Template # PatternType_StringConstant
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- STRING shift 71
- [ shift 67
- . error
- VariableName goto 70
- ObjcFunctionPattern goto 68
- StringConstant goto 69
- state 57
- Template : TemplateType BinarySelector TemplateType_ (88)
- . reduce 88
- state 58
- KeywordPattern : KeywordPattern Keyword_PatternType
- OptionalType : _ (123)
- ( shift 15
- . reduce 123
- OptionalType goto 24
- PatternType goto 72
- state 59
- KeywordPattern : Keyword PatternType_ (90)
- . reduce 90
- state 60
- OptionalType : ( Type )_ (124)
- . reduce 124
- state 61
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD # VariableName KEYWORD_StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant !
- STRING shift 71
- . error
- StringConstant goto 73
- state 62
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD STRING ! $$4_Methods Sep
- Methods : _ (13)
- . reduce 13
- Methods goto 74
- state 63
- Chunk : VariableName VariableName KEYWORD STRING !_$$6 Methods Sep
- $$6 : _ (6)
- . reduce 6
- $$6 goto 75
- state 64
- InferenceRule : # PatternType [ ObjcMsgPattern_]
- ] shift 76
- . error
- state 65
- ObjcMsgPattern : PatternType_UnarySelector
- ObjcMsgPattern : PatternType_ObjcKeywordPattern
- IDENTIFIER shift 29
- KEYWORD shift 48
- . error
- Keyword goto 79
- UnarySelector goto 77
- ObjcKeywordPattern goto 78
- state 66
- InferenceRule : # VariableName PatternType VariableName_ (86)
- . reduce 86
- state 67
- InferenceRule : Template # PatternType [_ObjcMsgPattern ]
- OptionalType : _ (123)
- ( shift 15
- . reduce 123
- ObjcMsgPattern goto 80
- OptionalType goto 24
- PatternType goto 65
- state 68
- InferenceRule : Template # PatternType ObjcFunctionPattern_ (84)
- . reduce 84
- state 69
- InferenceRule : Template # PatternType StringConstant_ (85)
- . reduce 85
- state 70
- ObjcFunctionPattern : VariableName_( ObjcFunctionArgList )
- ObjcFunctionPattern : VariableName_( )
- ( shift 81
- . error
- state 71
- StringConstant : STRING_ (131)
- . reduce 131
- state 72
- KeywordPattern : KeywordPattern Keyword PatternType_ (91)
- . reduce 91
- state 73
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD # VariableName KEYWORD StringConstant_KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant !
- KEYWORD shift 82
- . error
- state 74
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD STRING ! $$4 Methods_Sep
- Methods : Methods_Method !
- Methods : Methods_error !
- error shift 85
- IDENTIFIER shift 29
- KEYWORD shift 48
- % shift 43
- | shift 47
- & shift 44
- ? shift 45
- ! shift 86
- , shift 46
- + shift 34
- - shift 30
- / shift 35
- \\ shift 36
- * shift 37
- ~ shift 38
- < shift 39
- > shift 40
- = shift 41
- @ shift 42
- . error
- Method goto 84
- MethodName goto 87
- Keyword goto 91
- KwdMethodDecl goto 90
- BinarySelector goto 89
- UnarySelector goto 88
- SpecialCharacter goto 31
- Sep goto 83
- state 75
- Chunk : VariableName VariableName KEYWORD STRING ! $$6_Methods Sep
- Methods : _ (13)
- . reduce 13
- Methods goto 92
- state 76
- InferenceRule : # PatternType [ ObjcMsgPattern ]_ (82)
- . reduce 82
- state 77
- ObjcMsgPattern : PatternType UnarySelector_ (96)
- . reduce 96
- state 78
- ObjcMsgPattern : PatternType ObjcKeywordPattern_ (97)
- ObjcKeywordPattern : ObjcKeywordPattern_Keyword PatternType ParameterDesignator
- KEYWORD shift 48
- . reduce 97
- Keyword goto 93
- state 79
- ObjcKeywordPattern : Keyword_PatternType ParameterDesignator
- OptionalType : _ (123)
- ( shift 15
- . reduce 123
- OptionalType goto 24
- PatternType goto 94
- state 80
- InferenceRule : Template # PatternType [ ObjcMsgPattern_]
- ] shift 95
- . error
- state 81
- ObjcFunctionPattern : VariableName (_ObjcFunctionArgList )
- ObjcFunctionPattern : VariableName (_)
- OptionalType : _ (123)
- ( shift 15
- ) shift 97
- . reduce 123
- ObjcFunctionArgList goto 96
- OptionalType goto 24
- PatternType goto 98
- state 82
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD # VariableName KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD_StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant !
- STRING shift 71
- . error
- StringConstant goto 99
- state 83
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD STRING ! $$4 Methods Sep_ (5)
- Sep : Sep_!
- ! shift 100
- . reduce 5
- state 84
- Methods : Methods Method_!
- ! shift 101
- . error
- state 85
- Methods : Methods error_!
- ! shift 102
- . error
- state 86
- Sep : !_ (11)
- . reduce 11
- state 87
- Method : MethodName_LocalVariables $$16 PrimMarker StmtList
- LocalVariables : _ (23)
- | shift 104
- . reduce 23
- LocalVariables goto 103
- state 88
- MethodName : UnarySelector_ (18)
- . reduce 18
- state 89
- MethodName : BinarySelector_VariableName
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- . error
- VariableName goto 105
- state 90
- MethodName : KwdMethodDecl_ (20)
- KwdMethodDecl : KwdMethodDecl_Keyword VariableName
- KEYWORD shift 48
- . reduce 20
- Keyword goto 106
- state 91
- KwdMethodDecl : Keyword_VariableName
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- . error
- VariableName goto 107
- state 92
- Chunk : VariableName VariableName KEYWORD STRING ! $$6 Methods_Sep
- Methods : Methods_Method !
- Methods : Methods_error !
- error shift 85
- IDENTIFIER shift 29
- KEYWORD shift 48
- % shift 43
- | shift 47
- & shift 44
- ? shift 45
- ! shift 86
- , shift 46
- + shift 34
- - shift 30
- / shift 35
- \\ shift 36
- * shift 37
- ~ shift 38
- < shift 39
- > shift 40
- = shift 41
- @ shift 42
- . error
- Method goto 84
- MethodName goto 87
- Keyword goto 91
- KwdMethodDecl goto 90
- BinarySelector goto 89
- UnarySelector goto 88
- SpecialCharacter goto 31
- Sep goto 108
- state 93
- ObjcKeywordPattern : ObjcKeywordPattern Keyword_PatternType ParameterDesignator
- OptionalType : _ (123)
- ( shift 15
- . reduce 123
- OptionalType goto 24
- PatternType goto 109
- state 94
- ObjcKeywordPattern : Keyword PatternType_ParameterDesignator
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- % shift 112
- . error
- VariableName goto 111
- ParameterDesignator goto 110
- state 95
- InferenceRule : Template # PatternType [ ObjcMsgPattern ]_ (83)
- . reduce 83
- state 96
- ObjcFunctionPattern : VariableName ( ObjcFunctionArgList_)
- ObjcFunctionArgList : ObjcFunctionArgList_, PatternType ParameterDesignator
- , shift 114
- ) shift 113
- . error
- state 97
- ObjcFunctionPattern : VariableName ( )_ (93)
- . reduce 93
- state 98
- ObjcFunctionArgList : PatternType_ParameterDesignator
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- % shift 112
- . error
- VariableName goto 111
- ParameterDesignator goto 115
- state 99
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD # VariableName KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant_KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant !
- KEYWORD shift 116
- . error
- state 100
- Sep : Sep !_ (12)
- . reduce 12
- state 101
- Methods : Methods Method !_ (14)
- . reduce 14
- state 102
- Methods : Methods error !_ (15)
- . reduce 15
- state 103
- Method : MethodName LocalVariables_$$16 PrimMarker StmtList
- $$16 : _ (16)
- . reduce 16
- $$16 goto 117
- state 104
- LocalVariables : |_VarList |
- VarList : _ (25)
- . reduce 25
- VarList goto 118
- state 105
- MethodName : BinarySelector VariableName_ (19)
- . reduce 19
- state 106
- KwdMethodDecl : KwdMethodDecl Keyword_VariableName
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- . error
- VariableName goto 119
- state 107
- KwdMethodDecl : Keyword VariableName_ (27)
- . reduce 27
- state 108
- Chunk : VariableName VariableName KEYWORD STRING ! $$6 Methods Sep_ (7)
- Sep : Sep_!
- ! shift 100
- . reduce 7
- state 109
- ObjcKeywordPattern : ObjcKeywordPattern Keyword PatternType_ParameterDesignator
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- % shift 112
- . error
- VariableName goto 111
- ParameterDesignator goto 120
- state 110
- ObjcKeywordPattern : Keyword PatternType ParameterDesignator_ (98)
- . reduce 98
- state 111
- ParameterDesignator : VariableName_ (100)
- . reduce 100
- state 112
- ParameterDesignator : %_DIGITS
- DIGITS shift 121
- . error
- state 113
- ObjcFunctionPattern : VariableName ( ObjcFunctionArgList )_ (92)
- . reduce 92
- state 114
- ObjcFunctionArgList : ObjcFunctionArgList ,_PatternType ParameterDesignator
- OptionalType : _ (123)
- ( shift 15
- . reduce 123
- OptionalType goto 24
- PatternType goto 122
- state 115
- ObjcFunctionArgList : PatternType ParameterDesignator_ (94)
- . reduce 94
- state 116
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD # VariableName KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD_StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant !
- STRING shift 71
- . error
- StringConstant goto 123
- state 117
- Method : MethodName LocalVariables $$16_PrimMarker StmtList
- PrimMarker : _ (21)
- < shift 125
- . reduce 21
- PrimMarker goto 124
- state 118
- LocalVariables : | VarList_|
- VarList : VarList_VariableName
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- | shift 126
- . error
- VariableName goto 127
- state 119
- KwdMethodDecl : KwdMethodDecl Keyword VariableName_ (28)
- . reduce 28
- state 120
- ObjcKeywordPattern : ObjcKeywordPattern Keyword PatternType ParameterDesignator_ (99)
- . reduce 99
- state 121
- ParameterDesignator : % DIGITS_ (101)
- . reduce 101
- state 122
- ObjcFunctionArgList : ObjcFunctionArgList , PatternType_ParameterDesignator
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- % shift 112
- . error
- VariableName goto 111
- ParameterDesignator goto 128
- state 123
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD # VariableName KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant_KEYWORD StringConstant !
- KEYWORD shift 129
- . error
- state 124
- Method : MethodName LocalVariables $$16 PrimMarker_StmtList
- AssignmentList : _ (37)
- error shift 133
- ^ shift 131
- . reduce 37
- StmtList goto 130
- Expr goto 132
- AssignmentList goto 134
- state 125
- PrimMarker : <_KEYWORD NumberConstant >
- KEYWORD shift 135
- . error
- state 126
- LocalVariables : | VarList |_ (24)
- . reduce 24
- state 127
- VarList : VarList VariableName_ (26)
- . reduce 26
- state 128
- ObjcFunctionArgList : ObjcFunctionArgList , PatternType ParameterDesignator_ (95)
- . reduce 95
- state 129
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD # VariableName KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD_StringConstant !
- STRING shift 71
- . error
- StringConstant goto 136
- state 130
- Method : MethodName LocalVariables $$16 PrimMarker StmtList_ (17)
- . reduce 17
- state 131
- StmtList : ^_Expr
- AssignmentList : _ (37)
- . reduce 37
- Expr goto 137
- AssignmentList goto 134
- state 132
- StmtList : Expr_ (30)
- StmtList : Expr_.
- StmtList : Expr_. StmtList
- . shift 138
- . reduce 30
- state 133
- StmtList : error_.
- . shift 139
- . error
- state 134
- Expr : AssignmentList_Primary
- Expr : AssignmentList_SimpleMsgExpr
- Expr : AssignmentList_SimpleMsgExpr CascadedMsgExpr
- AssignmentList : AssignmentList_VariableName _
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- DIGITS shift 157
- STRING shift 71
- CHARCON shift 156
- # shift 152
- - shift 158
- ( shift 145
- [ shift 153
- . error
- Primary goto 140
- UnaryObjDesc goto 154
- BinaryObjDesc goto 155
- SimpleMsgExpr goto 141
- UnaryExpr goto 146
- BinaryExpr goto 147
- KeywordExpr goto 148
- Literal goto 143
- Block goto 144
- VariableName goto 142
- CharacterConstant goto 149
- NumberConstant goto 151
- StringConstant goto 150
- state 135
- PrimMarker : < KEYWORD_NumberConstant >
- DIGITS shift 157
- - shift 158
- . error
- NumberConstant goto 159
- state 136
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD # VariableName KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant_!
- ! shift 160
- . error
- state 137
- StmtList : ^ Expr_ (29)
- . reduce 29
- state 138
- StmtList : Expr ._ (31)
- StmtList : Expr ._StmtList
- AssignmentList : _ (37)
- error shift 133
- ! reduce 31
- ^ shift 131
- ] reduce 31
- . reduce 37
- StmtList goto 161
- Expr goto 132
- AssignmentList goto 134
- state 139
- StmtList : error ._ (33)
- . reduce 33
- state 140
- Expr : AssignmentList Primary_ (34)
- UnaryObjDesc : Primary_ (51)
- ! reduce 34
- . reduce 34
- ) reduce 34
- ] reduce 34
- . reduce 51
- state 141
- Expr : AssignmentList SimpleMsgExpr_ (35)
- Expr : AssignmentList SimpleMsgExpr_CascadedMsgExpr
- ; shift 164
- . reduce 35
- CascadedMsgExpr goto 162
- CascadedMsg goto 163
- state 142
- AssignmentList : AssignmentList VariableName__
- Primary : VariableName_ (44)
- _ shift 165
- . reduce 44
- state 143
- Primary : Literal_ (45)
- . reduce 45
- state 144
- Primary : Block_ (46)
- . reduce 46
- state 145
- Primary : (_Expr )
- AssignmentList : _ (37)
- . reduce 37
- Expr goto 166
- AssignmentList goto 134
- state 146
- SimpleMsgExpr : UnaryExpr_ (48)
- UnaryObjDesc : UnaryExpr_ (52)
- ! reduce 48
- . reduce 48
- ; reduce 48
- ) reduce 48
- ] reduce 48
- . reduce 52
- state 147
- SimpleMsgExpr : BinaryExpr_ (49)
- BinaryObjDesc : BinaryExpr_ (55)
- ! reduce 49
- . reduce 49
- ; reduce 49
- ) reduce 49
- ] reduce 49
- . reduce 55
- state 148
- SimpleMsgExpr : KeywordExpr_ (50)
- . reduce 50
- state 149
- Literal : CharacterConstant_ (60)
- . reduce 60
- state 150
- Literal : StringConstant_ (61)
- . reduce 61
- state 151
- Literal : NumberConstant_ (62)
- . reduce 62
- state 152
- Literal : #_( ArrayMemberList )
- Literal : #_UnarySelector
- Literal : #_BinarySelector
- Literal : #_KeywordList
- IDENTIFIER shift 29
- KEYWORD shift 171
- % shift 43
- | shift 47
- & shift 44
- ? shift 45
- , shift 46
- + shift 34
- - shift 30
- / shift 35
- \\ shift 36
- * shift 37
- ~ shift 38
- < shift 39
- > shift 40
- = shift 41
- @ shift 42
- ( shift 167
- . error
- BinarySelector goto 169
- UnarySelector goto 168
- KeywordList goto 170
- SpecialCharacter goto 31
- state 153
- Block : [_BlockVariables StmtList ]
- Block : [_BlockVariables ]
- BlockVariables : _ (78)
- : shift 174
- . reduce 78
- BlockVarList goto 173
- BlockVariables goto 172
- state 154
- UnaryExpr : UnaryObjDesc_UnarySelector
- BinaryObjDesc : UnaryObjDesc_ (54)
- IDENTIFIER shift 29
- . reduce 54
- UnarySelector goto 175
- state 155
- BinaryExpr : BinaryObjDesc_BinarySelector UnaryObjDesc
- KeywordExpr : BinaryObjDesc_KeywordArgList
- KEYWORD shift 48
- % shift 43
- | shift 47
- & shift 44
- ? shift 45
- , shift 46
- + shift 34
- - shift 30
- / shift 35
- \\ shift 36
- * shift 37
- ~ shift 38
- < shift 39
- > shift 40
- = shift 41
- @ shift 42
- . error
- Keyword goto 178
- KeywordArgList goto 177
- BinarySelector goto 176
- SpecialCharacter goto 31
- state 156
- CharacterConstant : CHARCON_ (128)
- . reduce 128
- state 157
- NumberConstant : DIGITS_ (129)
- . reduce 129
- state 158
- NumberConstant : -_DIGITS
- DIGITS shift 179
- . error
- state 159
- PrimMarker : < KEYWORD NumberConstant_>
- > shift 180
- . error
- state 160
- Chunk : VariableName KEYWORD # VariableName KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant KEYWORD StringConstant !_ (3)
- . reduce 3
- state 161
- StmtList : Expr . StmtList_ (32)
- . reduce 32
- state 162
- Expr : AssignmentList SimpleMsgExpr CascadedMsgExpr_ (36)
- CascadedMsgExpr : CascadedMsgExpr_CascadedMsg
- ; shift 164
- . reduce 36
- CascadedMsg goto 181
- state 163
- CascadedMsgExpr : CascadedMsg_ (39)
- . reduce 39
- state 164
- CascadedMsg : ;_UnarySelector
- CascadedMsg : ;_BinarySelector UnaryObjDesc
- CascadedMsg : ;_KeywordArgList
- IDENTIFIER shift 29
- KEYWORD shift 48
- % shift 43
- | shift 47
- & shift 44
- ? shift 45
- , shift 46
- + shift 34
- - shift 30
- / shift 35
- \\ shift 36
- * shift 37
- ~ shift 38
- < shift 39
- > shift 40
- = shift 41
- @ shift 42
- . error
- Keyword goto 178
- KeywordArgList goto 184
- BinarySelector goto 183
- UnarySelector goto 182
- SpecialCharacter goto 31
- state 165
- AssignmentList : AssignmentList VariableName __ (38)
- . reduce 38
- state 166
- Primary : ( Expr_)
- ) shift 185
- . error
- state 167
- Literal : # (_ArrayMemberList )
- ArrayMemberList : _ (67)
- . reduce 67
- ArrayMemberList goto 186
- state 168
- Literal : # UnarySelector_ (64)
- . reduce 64
- state 169
- Literal : # BinarySelector_ (65)
- . reduce 65
- 170: shift/reduce conflict (shift 187, red'n 66) on KEYWORD
- state 170
- Literal : # KeywordList_ (66)
- KeywordList : KeywordList_KEYWORD
- KEYWORD shift 187
- . reduce 66
- state 171
- KeywordList : KEYWORD_ (102)
- . reduce 102
- state 172
- Block : [ BlockVariables_StmtList ]
- Block : [ BlockVariables_]
- AssignmentList : _ (37)
- error shift 133
- ^ shift 131
- ] shift 189
- . reduce 37
- StmtList goto 188
- Expr goto 132
- AssignmentList goto 134
- state 173
- BlockVariables : BlockVarList_|
- BlockVarList : BlockVarList_: VariableName
- | shift 190
- : shift 191
- . error
- state 174
- BlockVarList : :_VariableName
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- . error
- VariableName goto 192
- state 175
- UnaryExpr : UnaryObjDesc UnarySelector_ (53)
- . reduce 53
- state 176
- BinaryExpr : BinaryObjDesc BinarySelector_UnaryObjDesc
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- DIGITS shift 157
- STRING shift 71
- CHARCON shift 156
- # shift 152
- - shift 158
- ( shift 145
- [ shift 153
- . error
- Primary goto 194
- UnaryObjDesc goto 193
- UnaryExpr goto 195
- Literal goto 143
- Block goto 144
- VariableName goto 196
- CharacterConstant goto 149
- NumberConstant goto 151
- StringConstant goto 150
- state 177
- KeywordExpr : BinaryObjDesc KeywordArgList_ (57)
- KeywordArgList : KeywordArgList_Keyword BinaryObjDesc
- KEYWORD shift 48
- . reduce 57
- Keyword goto 197
- state 178
- KeywordArgList : Keyword_BinaryObjDesc
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- DIGITS shift 157
- STRING shift 71
- CHARCON shift 156
- # shift 152
- - shift 158
- ( shift 145
- [ shift 153
- . error
- Primary goto 194
- UnaryObjDesc goto 154
- BinaryObjDesc goto 198
- UnaryExpr goto 195
- BinaryExpr goto 199
- Literal goto 143
- Block goto 144
- VariableName goto 196
- CharacterConstant goto 149
- NumberConstant goto 151
- StringConstant goto 150
- state 179
- NumberConstant : - DIGITS_ (130)
- . reduce 130
- state 180
- PrimMarker : < KEYWORD NumberConstant >_ (22)
- . reduce 22
- state 181
- CascadedMsgExpr : CascadedMsgExpr CascadedMsg_ (40)
- . reduce 40
- state 182
- CascadedMsg : ; UnarySelector_ (41)
- . reduce 41
- state 183
- CascadedMsg : ; BinarySelector_UnaryObjDesc
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- DIGITS shift 157
- STRING shift 71
- CHARCON shift 156
- # shift 152
- - shift 158
- ( shift 145
- [ shift 153
- . error
- Primary goto 194
- UnaryObjDesc goto 200
- UnaryExpr goto 195
- Literal goto 143
- Block goto 144
- VariableName goto 196
- CharacterConstant goto 149
- NumberConstant goto 151
- StringConstant goto 150
- state 184
- CascadedMsg : ; KeywordArgList_ (43)
- KeywordArgList : KeywordArgList_Keyword BinaryObjDesc
- KEYWORD shift 48
- . reduce 43
- Keyword goto 197
- state 185
- Primary : ( Expr )_ (47)
- . reduce 47
- state 186
- Literal : # ( ArrayMemberList_)
- ArrayMemberList : ArrayMemberList_ArrayMember
- IDENTIFIER shift 29
- DIGITS shift 157
- KEYWORD shift 171
- STRING shift 71
- CHARCON shift 156
- % shift 43
- | shift 47
- & shift 44
- ? shift 45
- , shift 46
- + shift 34
- - shift 210
- / shift 35
- \\ shift 36
- * shift 37
- ~ shift 38
- < shift 39
- > shift 40
- = shift 41
- @ shift 42
- ( shift 209
- ) shift 201
- . error
- ArrayMember goto 202
- BinarySelector goto 207
- UnarySelector goto 206
- KeywordList goto 208
- CharacterConstant goto 203
- NumberConstant goto 205
- StringConstant goto 204
- SpecialCharacter goto 31
- state 187
- KeywordList : KeywordList KEYWORD_ (103)
- . reduce 103
- state 188
- Block : [ BlockVariables StmtList_]
- ] shift 211
- . error
- state 189
- Block : [ BlockVariables ]_ (77)
- . reduce 77
- state 190
- BlockVariables : BlockVarList |_ (79)
- . reduce 79
- state 191
- BlockVarList : BlockVarList :_VariableName
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- . error
- VariableName goto 212
- state 192
- BlockVarList : : VariableName_ (80)
- . reduce 80
- state 193
- UnaryExpr : UnaryObjDesc_UnarySelector
- BinaryExpr : BinaryObjDesc BinarySelector UnaryObjDesc_ (56)
- IDENTIFIER shift 29
- . reduce 56
- UnarySelector goto 175
- state 194
- UnaryObjDesc : Primary_ (51)
- . reduce 51
- state 195
- UnaryObjDesc : UnaryExpr_ (52)
- . reduce 52
- state 196
- Primary : VariableName_ (44)
- . reduce 44
- state 197
- KeywordArgList : KeywordArgList Keyword_BinaryObjDesc
- IDENTIFIER shift 6
- DIGITS shift 157
- STRING shift 71
- CHARCON shift 156
- # shift 152
- - shift 158
- ( shift 145
- [ shift 153
- . error
- Primary goto 194
- UnaryObjDesc goto 154
- BinaryObjDesc goto 213
- UnaryExpr goto 195
- BinaryExpr goto 199
- Literal goto 143
- Block goto 144
- VariableName goto 196
- CharacterConstant goto 149
- NumberConstant goto 151
- StringConstant goto 150
- state 198
- BinaryExpr : BinaryObjDesc_BinarySelector UnaryObjDesc
- KeywordArgList : Keyword BinaryObjDesc_ (58)
- % shift 43
- | shift 47
- & shift 44
- ? shift 45
- , shift 46
- + shift 34
- - shift 30
- / shift 35
- \\ shift 36
- * shift 37
- ~ shift 38
- < shift 39
- > shift 40
- = shift 41
- @ shift 42
- . reduce 58
- BinarySelector goto 176
- SpecialCharacter goto 31
- state 199
- BinaryObjDesc : BinaryExpr_ (55)
- . reduce 55
- state 200
- CascadedMsg : ; BinarySelector UnaryObjDesc_ (42)
- UnaryExpr : UnaryObjDesc_UnarySelector
- IDENTIFIER shift 29
- . reduce 42
- UnarySelector goto 175
- state 201
- Literal : # ( ArrayMemberList )_ (63)
- . reduce 63
- state 202
- ArrayMemberList : ArrayMemberList ArrayMember_ (68)
- . reduce 68
- state 203
- ArrayMember : CharacterConstant_ (69)
- . reduce 69
- state 204
- ArrayMember : StringConstant_ (70)
- . reduce 70
- state 205
- ArrayMember : NumberConstant_ (71)
- . reduce 71
- state 206
- ArrayMember : UnarySelector_ (72)
- . reduce 72
- state 207
- ArrayMember : BinarySelector_ (73)
- . reduce 73
- 208: shift/reduce conflict (shift 187, red'n 74) on KEYWORD
- state 208
- ArrayMember : KeywordList_ (74)
- KeywordList : KeywordList_KEYWORD
- KEYWORD shift 187
- . reduce 74
- state 209
- ArrayMember : (_ArrayMemberList )
- ArrayMemberList : _ (67)
- . reduce 67
- ArrayMemberList goto 214
- 210: shift/reduce conflict (shift 179, red'n 104) on DIGITS
- state 210
- BinarySelector : -_ (104)
- NumberConstant : -_DIGITS
- DIGITS shift 179
- . reduce 104
- state 211
- Block : [ BlockVariables StmtList ]_ (76)
- . reduce 76
- state 212
- BlockVarList : BlockVarList : VariableName_ (81)
- . reduce 81
- state 213
- BinaryExpr : BinaryObjDesc_BinarySelector UnaryObjDesc
- KeywordArgList : KeywordArgList Keyword BinaryObjDesc_ (59)
- % shift 43
- | shift 47
- & shift 44
- ? shift 45
- , shift 46
- + shift 34
- - shift 30
- / shift 35
- \\ shift 36
- * shift 37
- ~ shift 38
- < shift 39
- > shift 40
- = shift 41
- @ shift 42
- . reduce 59
- BinarySelector goto 176
- SpecialCharacter goto 31
- state 214
- ArrayMemberList : ArrayMemberList_ArrayMember
- ArrayMember : ( ArrayMemberList_)
- IDENTIFIER shift 29
- DIGITS shift 157
- KEYWORD shift 171
- STRING shift 71
- CHARCON shift 156
- % shift 43
- | shift 47
- & shift 44
- ? shift 45
- , shift 46
- + shift 34
- - shift 210
- / shift 35
- \\ shift 36
- * shift 37
- ~ shift 38
- < shift 39
- > shift 40
- = shift 41
- @ shift 42
- ( shift 209
- ) shift 215
- . error
- ArrayMember goto 202
- BinarySelector goto 207
- UnarySelector goto 206
- KeywordList goto 208
- CharacterConstant goto 203
- NumberConstant goto 205
- StringConstant goto 204
- SpecialCharacter goto 31
- state 215
- ArrayMember : ( ArrayMemberList )_ (75)
- . reduce 75
- 37/300 terminals, 53/300 nonterminals
- 133/600 grammar rules, 216/750 states
- 3 shift/reduce, 0 reduce/reduce conflicts reported
- 53/350 working sets used
- memory: states,etc. 1089/24000, parser 269/12000
- 109/600 distinct lookahead sets
- 179 extra closures
- 341 shift entries, 17 exceptions
- 139 goto entries
- 68 entries saved by goto default
- Optimizer space used: input 909/24000, output 501/12000
- 501 table entries, 143 zero
- maximum spread: 262, maximum offset: 260
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./src/y.output"
- fi
- echo "Finished archive 3 of 5"
- exit
- ----
- Dieter H. Zebbedies ('dee-ter ayech 'zeb-ed-eez)
- Zebb-Hoff Mach. Tool's Automated Manufacturing Project Cleveland, OH
- (USnail): 9535 Clinton Rd, Cleveland, OH 44144 (+216 631 6100) (+216 741-5994)
- (UUCP): ...{decvax,sun,cbosgd}!cwruecmp!zhmti!dieter