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- From: dietz@zhmti.UUCP (Dieter H. Zebbedies)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: "Producer" translates Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 5 of 5)
- Message-ID: <4221@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 20 Aug 87 01:58:39 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Organization: Zebb-Hoff Machine Tool Inc's Automated Mfg. Project, Cleve., OH
- Lines: 816
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8708/34
- "Producer", A package to translate Smalltalk-80 code to your favorite
- object oriented language, Objective-C.
- #!/bin/sh
- # to extract, remove the header and type "sh filename"
- if `test ! -d ./rules`
- then
- mkdir ./rules
- echo "mkdir ./rules"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rules/generic.ru`
- then
- echo "writting ./rules/generic.ru"
- cat > ./rules/generic.ru << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- "ClassNames ==============================================================="
- { # ArrayedCollection (id) ArrayedCollection }
- { # Association (id) Assoc }
- { # Bag (id) Bag }
- { # Button (id) Button }
- { # ByteArray (id) ByteArray }
- { # Character (id) Character }
- { # Circle (id) Circle }
- { # Collection (id) Collection }
- { # Cursor (id) currentCursor }
- { # Dictionary (id) Dictionary }
- { # Display (id) currentDisplay }
- { # Drafting (id) Drafting }
- { # Form (id) Form }
- { # IdentityDictionary (id) IdentityDictionary }
- { # IdentitySet (id) IdentitySet }
- { # Interval (id) Interval }
- { # Line (id) Line }
- { # Link (id) Link }
- { # LinkedList (id) LinkedList }
- { # LookupKey (id) LookupKey }
- { # Magnitude (id) Magnitude }
- { # MappedCollection (id) MappedCollection }
- { # Object (id) Object }
- { # OrderedCollection (id) OrderedCollection }
- { # PositionableStream (id) PositionableStream }
- { # ReadStream (id) ReadStream }
- { # ReadWriteStream (id) ReadWriteStream }
- { # Rectangle (id) Rectangle }
- { # RunArray (id) RunArray }
- { # ScheduledControllers (id) ScheduledControllers }
- { # SequenceableCollection (id) SequenceableCollection }
- { # Set (id) Set }
- { # SortedCollection (id) SortedCollection }
- { # StandardSystemView (id) StdSysView }
- { # Stream (id) Stream }
- { # String (id) String }
- { # StringHolder (id) StringHolder }
- { # StringHolderView (id) StringHolderView }
- { # SwitchController (id) SwitchController }
- { # SwitchView (id) SwitchView }
- { # Symbol (id) Symbol }
- { # Text (id) Text }
- { # View (id) View }
- { # WriteStream (id) WriteStream }
- { # display (id) currentWindow }
- { # sensor (id) currentWindow }
- { # Sensor (id) currentWindow }
- "Globals.rules ==============================================================="
- { # super (id) super }
- { # false (BOOL)NO }
- { # nil (id)nil }
- { # true (BOOL)YES }
- { # aPoint (PT) aPoint }
- { # len (int) len }
- { species # (id)'%0->isa'}
- { next:(int) # (id)[next:(int)%1] }
- { next:(int) put:(id) # (id)[next:(int)%1 put:(id)%2] }
- { # (id)[copyFrom:(int)anInteger to:(int)readLimitInteger] }
- { # (id)[new:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id)[at:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id)[at:(int)anInteger put:anObject] }
- { # (int)[size] }
- "Numbers.rules ==============================================================="
- { & (BLOCK) # (int)'%0 && %1' }
- { & (BOOL) # (int)'%0 && %1' }
- { eqv:(BOOL) # (int)'%0 == %1' }
- { not # (BLOCK)'!%0' }
- { xor:(BOOL) # (int)'%0 ^ %1' }
- { | (BOOL) # (int)'%0 | %1' }
- { and:(BLOCK) # (int)'%0 && %1' }
- { (int) < (int) # (BOOL) '%0 < %1' }
- { (int) <= (int) # (BOOL) '%0 <= %1' }
- { (int) = (int) # (BOOL) '%0 == %1' }
- { (int) > (int) # (BOOL) '%0 > %1' }
- { (int) >= (int) # (BOOL) '%0 >= %1' }
- { (float) < (float) # (BOOL) '%0 < %1' }
- { (float) <= (float) # (BOOL) '%0 <= %1' }
- { (float) = (float) # (BOOL) '%0 == %1' }
- { (float) > (float) # (BOOL) '%0 > %1' }
- { (float) >= (float) # (BOOL) '%0 >= %1' }
- { (int) < (float) # (BOOL) '%0 < %1' }
- { (int) <= (float) # (BOOL) '%0 <= %1' }
- { (int) = (float) # (BOOL) '%0 == %1' }
- { (int) > (float) # (BOOL) '%0 > %1' }
- { (int) >= (float) # (BOOL) '%0 >= %1' }
- { (float) < (int) # (BOOL) '%0 < %1' }
- { (float) <= (int) # (BOOL) '%0 <= %1' }
- { (float) = (int) # (BOOL) '%0 == %1' }
- { (float) > (int) # (BOOL) '%0 > %1' }
- { (float) >= (int) # (BOOL) '%0 >= %1' }
- { ifFalse:(BLOCK) # (int)'if (!%0) %1' }
- { ifFalse:(BLOCK) ifTrue:(BLOCK) # (int)'(!%0) ? %1 : %2' }
- { ifFalse:(BLOCK) ifTrue:(BLOCK) # (STMT)'if (!%0) %1 else %2' }
- { ifTrue:(BLOCK) # (STMT)'if (%0) %1' }
- { ifTrue:(BLOCK) ifFalse:(BLOCK) # (int)'(%0) ? %1 : %2' }
- { ifTrue:(BLOCK) ifFalse:(BLOCK) # (STMT)'if (%0) %1 else %2' }
- { or:(BLOCK) # (BOOL) '%0 | %1' }
- { (int)+ (int) # (int) '%0 + %1' }
- { (int)- (int) # (int) '%0 - %1' }
- { (int)* (int) # (int) '(%0) * (%1)' }
- { (int)/ (int) # (int) '(%0) / (%1)' }
- { (int)// (int) # (int) '(%0) // (%1)' }
- { (int)abs # (int) abs((int)%0) }
- { (int)negated # (int) '-%0' }
- { (int)quo:(int) # (int) quo(%0) }
- { (int)reciprocal # (int) '1/(%0)' }
- { (int)rem:(int) # (int) '%0 \% %1' }
- { (int)raisedTo:(float) # (int) '(int)raiseToPower((float)(%0), (float)(%1))' }
- { (int)raisedToInteger:(int) # (int) '(int)raiseToPowerInt((float)(%0), %1)' }
- { (int)raisedToInteger:(float) # (int) '(int)raiseToPowerInt((float)(%0), %1)' }
- { (int)sin # (int) '(int)sin((float)(%0))' }
- { (int)sqrt # (int) '(int)sqrt((float)(%0))' }
- { (int)tan # (int) '(int)tan((float)(%0))' }
- { (int)\\ (int) # (int) '%0 \\ %1' }
- { (int)raisedTo:(int) # (int) 'raiseToPower(%0, %1)' }
- { (int)raisedToInteger:(int) # (int) 'raiseToPointInt(%0, %1)' }
- { (int)squared # (int) '%0*%0' }
- { (int)even # (int) '(%0 & 1) == 0' }
- { (int)negative # (int) '-%0' }
- { (int)odd # (int) '(%0 & 1) != 0' }
- { (int)positive # (int) '%0 >= 0' }
- { (int)sign # (int) '%0 < 0' }
- { (int)strictlyPositive # (int) '%0 > 0' }
- { (int)rounded # (int) '%0' }
- { (int)roundTo:(int) # (int) roundTo((int)%0, (int)%1) }
- { (int)truncated # (int) truncated((int)%0) }
- { (int)truncateTo:(int) # (int) truncateTo(%0, %1) }
- { (int)coerce:(int) # (int) coerce(%0, %1) }
- { (int)generality # (int) generality(%0) }
- { (int)retry:(BLOCK) coercing:(int) # (int) retryCoercing(%0, %1, %2) }
- { (int)@ (int) # (PT) pt(%0, %1) }
- { (int)asInteger # (int) '(int)%0' }
- { (int)asFloat # (float) '(float)%0' }
- { (float)asFloat # (float) '%0' }
- { (int)asPoint # (PT) pt(%0, %0) }
- { (float)asPoint # (PT) pt(%0, %0) }
- { (int)to:(int) # (int) to(%0, %1) }
- { (int)to:(int) by:(int) # (int) toBy(%0, %1, %2) }
- { (int)to:(int) by:(int) do:(BLOCK) # (STMT) 'for (i = %0; i < %1; i+= %2) %3' }
- { (int)to:(int) do:(BLOCK) # (STMT) 'for(i = %0; i < %1; i++) %2' }
- { (int)timesRepeat:(BLOCK) # (STMT) 'for(i = 0; i < %0; i++) %1' }
- { (float)timesRepeat:(BLOCK) # (STMT) 'for(i = 0; i < %0; i++) %1' }
- { do:(BLOCK) # (id) 'for(s = [%0 eachElement]; m = [s next];) %1; [s free];' }
- { whileTrue:(BLOCK) # 'while(%0) %1' }
- { whileFalse:(BLOCK) # 'while(!%0) %1' }
- { (int)storeOn:(IOD) # (int) storeOn(%0, %1) }
- { (int)readFrom:(IOD) # (int) readFrom(%0, %1) }
- { (float)+ (float) # (float) '%0 + %1' }
- { (float)- (float) # (float) '%0 - %1' }
- { (float)* (float) # (float) '(%0) * (%1)' }
- { (float)/ (float) # (float) '(%0) / (%1)' }
- { (float)// (float) # (float) '(%0) // (%1)' }
- { (float)abs # (float) abs((float)%0) }
- { (float)negated # (float) '-(%0)' }
- { (float)quo:(float) # (float) 'quo(%0)' }
- { (float)reciprocal # (float) '1./(%0)' }
- { (float)rem:(float) # (float) '(%0) \% (%1)' }
- { (float)\\ (float) # (float) '(%0) \\ (%1)' }
- { (float)arcCos # (float) arcCos(%0) }
- { (float)arcSin # (float) arcSin(%0) }
- { (float)arcTan # (float) arcTan(%0) }
- { (float)cos # (float) cos(%0) }
- { (int)cos # (float) 'cos((float)(%0))' }
- { (float)exp # (fint) exp(%0) }
- { (int)exp # (float) 'exp((float)(%0))' }
- { (float)floorLog:(float) # (float) floorLog(%0, %1) }
- { (float)ln # (float) ln(%0) }
- { (float)log:(float) # (float) log(%0) }
- { (float)raisedTo:(float) # (float) raiseToPower(%0, %1) }
- { (float)raisedToInteger:(float) # (float) raiseToPointInt(%0, %1)
- }
- { (float)sin # (float) sin(%0) }
- { (float)sqrt # (float) sqrt(%0) }
- { (float)squared # (float) '%0*%0' }
- { (float)tan # (float) tan(%0) }
- { (float)even # (float) '(%0 & 1) == 0' }
- { (float)negative # (float) '-%0' }
- { (float)odd # (float) '(%0 & 1) != 0' }
- { (float)positive # (float) '%0 >= 0' }
- { (float)sign # (float) '%0 < 0' }
- { (float)strictlyPositive # (float) '%x > 0' }
- { (float)ceiling # (float) ceil(%0) }
- { (float)floor # (float) floor(%0) }
- { (float)rounded # (int) '(int)(%0+.5)' }
- { (float)roundTo:(float) # (float) roundTo(%0, %1) }
- { (float)truncated # (int) '((int)%0)' }
- { (float)truncateTo:(float) # (float) truncateTo(%0, %1) }
- { (float)coerce:(float) # (float) coerce(%0, %1) }
- { (float)generality # (int) generality(%0) }
- { (float)retry:(BLOCK) coercing:(float) # (float) retryCoercing(%0, %1, %2) }
- { (float)@ (float) # (PT) 'pt((int)%0, (int)%1)' }
- { (float)asInteger # (int) '(int)(%0)' }
- { (float)asPoint # (float) 'pt((int)(%0), (int)(%0))' }
- { (float)degreesToRadians # (float) degreesToRadians(%0) }
- { (int)degreesToRadians # (float) 'degreesToRadians((float)(%0))' }
- { (float)radiansToDegrees # (float) radiansToDegrees(%0) }
- { (int)radiansToDegrees # (float) 'radiansToDegrees((float)(%0))' }
- { (float)to:(float) # (float) to(%0, %1) }
- { (float)to:(float) by:(float) # (float) toBy(%0, %1, %2) }
- { (float)to:(float) by:(float) do:(BLOCK) # (float) 'for (x = %0; x < %1; x += %2) %3'
- }
- { (float)to:(float) do:(BLOCK) # (float) 'for(x = %0; x < %1; x++) %2'
- }
- { (float)storeOn:(IOD) # (float) storeOn(%0, %1) }
- { (float)readFrom:(IOD) # (float) readFrom(%0, %1) }
- "Misc.rules=================================================================="
- { (id)= (id) # (BOOL) '[%0 isEqual:%1]' } "Which is == and which isEqual?"
- { (int)= (int) # (BOOL) '%0 == %1' }
- { (int)= (float) # (BOOL) '%0 == %1' }
- { (float)= (int) # (BOOL) '%0 == %1' }
- { (BOOL)= (BOOL) # (BOOL) '%0 == %1' }
- { (id)== (id) # (BOOL) '%0 == %1' } "Which is == and which isEqual?"
- { (int)== (int) # (BOOL) '%0 == %1' }
- { (int)== (float) # (BOOL) '%0 == %1' }
- { (float)== (float) # (BOOL) '%0 == %1' }
- { (BOOL)== (BOOL) # (BOOL) '%0 == %1' }
- { associationsDo:(BLOCK) # 'for(seq = [[%0 associations] eachElement]; obj = [seq next]; ) %1' }
- "Point.rules=================================================================="
- { (PT)x # (int) 'ptX(%0)' }
- { (PT)y # (int) 'ptY(%0)' }
- { (PT)x: (int) # (PT) 'ptX(%0)=%1' }
- { (PT)y: (int) # (PT) 'ptY(%0)=%1' }
- { (PT)< (int) # (BOOL) 'ptIsLess(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT)<= (int) # (BOOL) 'ptIsLessOrEqual(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT)= (int) # (BOOL) 'ptIsEqual(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT)> (int) # (BOOL) 'ptIsGreater(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT)>= (int) # (BOOL) 'ptIsGreaterOrEqual(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) hash # (int) '%0' }
- { (PT) hashMappedBy:(int) # (PT) '%0' }
- { (int) max:(int) # (int) 'min(%0, %1)' }
- { (int) min:(int) # (int) 'max(%0, %1)' }
- { (float) max:(float) # (float) 'min(%0, %1)' }
- { (float) min:(float) # (float) 'max(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) max:(PT) # (PT) 'ptMax(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) min:(PT) # (PT) 'ptMin(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) * (PT) # (PT) 'ptTimes(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) + (PT) # (PT) 'ptPlus(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) - (PT) # (PT) 'ptMinus(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) /(PT) # (PT) 'ptSlash(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) // (PT) # (PT) 'ptSlashSlash(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) * (int) # (PT) 'ptTimesInt(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) + (int) # (PT) 'ptPlusInt(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) - (int) # (PT) 'ptMinusInt(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) / (int) # (PT) 'ptSlashInt(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) // (int) # (PT) 'ptSlashSlashInt(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) abs # (PT) 'ptAbs(%0)' }
- { (PT) rounded # (PT) '%0' }
- { (PT) truncateTo:(PT) # (PT) 'ptTrunc(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) r # (PT) 'r(%0)' }
- { (PT) theta # (int) 'ptTheta(%0)' }
- { (PT) dist:(PT) # (int) 'ptDist(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) dotProduct:(PT) # (PT) 'ptDotProduct(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) grid:(PT) # (PT) 'ptGrid(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) normal # (PT) 'ptNormal(%0)' }
- { (PT) pointNearestLine:(PT) to:(PT) # (PT) 'ptNearestLine(%0, %1, %2)' }
- { (PT) transpose # (PT) 'ptTranspose(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) truncatedGrid:(PT) # (PT) 'ptTruncatedGrid(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) unitVector # (PT) 'ptUnitVector(%0)' }
- { (PT) asPoint # (PT) '%0' }
- { (PT) corner:(PT) # (id) '[Rectangle origin:%0 corner:%1]' }
- { (PT) extent:(PT) # (id) '[Rectangle origin:%0 extent:%1]' }
- { (id) extent:(PT) # (id) '[%0 extent:%1]' }
- { (PT) coerce:(int) # (PT) 'ptCoerce(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) generality # (int) 'ptGenerality(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) scaleBy:(PT) # (PT) 'ptScaleBy(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) translateBy:(PT) # (PT) 'ptPlus(%0, %1)' }
- { (PT) deepCopy # (PT) '%0' }
- { (PT) shallowCopy # (PT) '%0' }
- { (PT) printOn:(PT) # (PT) 'ptPrn(%0)' }
- { (PT) storeOn:(PT) # (PT) 'ptPrn(%0)' }
- "DisplayObjects.rules========================================================"
- { # (float) [direction] }
- { # (BOOL) [contains:aRectangle] }
- { # (BOOL) [containsPoint:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (BOOL) [cursorEnterView] }
- { # (BOOL) [cursorExitView] }
- { # (BOOL) [cursorMove] }
- { # (BOOL) [cursorStill] }
- { # (BOOL) [doEvent] }
- { # (BOOL) [eventStillOcurring] }
- { # (BOOL) [intersects:aRectangle] }
- { # (BOOL) [isEqual:aRectangle] }
- { # (BOOL) [isLocked] }
- { # (BOOL) [isSelectionSelected] }
- { # (BOOL) [isTopView] }
- { # (BOOL) [isUnlocked] }
- { # (BOOL) [keyboardEvent] }
- { # (BOOL) [leftButtonDown] }
- { # (BOOL) [leftButtonUp] }
- { # (BOOL) [middleButtonDown] }
- { # (BOOL) [middleButtonUp] }
- { # (BOOL) [noscale] }
- { # (BOOL) [rightButtonDown] }
- { # (BOOL) [rightButtonUp] }
- { # (BOOL) [timeoutEvent] }
- { # (BOOL) [windowChangedEvent] }
- { # (BOOL) [anyButtonChanged] }
- { # (BOOL) [anyButtonDown] }
- { # (BOOL) [contains:aRectangle] }
- { # (BOOL) [containsPoint:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (BOOL) [intersects:r] }
- { # (BOOL) [isContainedBy:aRectangle] }
- { # (BOOL) [isEqual:aRectangle] }
- { # (BOOL) [leftButtonChanged] }
- { # (BOOL) [leftButtonDown] }
- { # (BOOL) [leftButtonUp] }
- { # (BOOL) [middleButtonChanged] }
- { # (BOOL) [middleButtonDown] }
- { # (BOOL) [middleButtonUp] }
- { # (BOOL) [noButtonChanged] }
- { # (BOOL) [noButtonDown] }
- { # (BOOL) [rightButtonChanged] }
- { # (BOOL) [rightButtonDown] }
- { # (BOOL) [rightButtonUp] }
- { # (BYTE) [readEvent] }
- { # (id) [asForm] }
- { # (id) [destinationForm] }
- { # (id) [form] }
- { # (id) [mask] }
- { # (int) [outputMedium] }
- { # (PT) [amountToTranslateWithin:aRectangle] }
- { # (PT) [applyInverseTo:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (PT) [applyTo:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (PT) [bottomCenter] }
- { # (PT) [bottomLeft] }
- { # (PT) [bottomRight] }
- { # (PT) [center] }
- { # (PT) [centerLeft] }
- { # (PT) [centerRight] }
- { # (PT) [corner] }
- { # (PT) [extent] }
- { # (PT) [origin] }
- { # (PT) [scale] }
- { # (PT) [topCenter] }
- { # (PT) [topLeft] }
- { # (PT) [topRight] }
- { # (PT) [translation] }
- { # (PT) [amountToTranslateWithin:aRectangle] }
- { # (PT) [bottomCenter] }
- { # (PT) [bottomLeft] }
- { # (PT) [bottomRight] }
- { # (PT) [center] }
- { # (PT) [centerLeft] }
- { # (PT) [centerRight] }
- { # (PT) [corner] }
- { # (PT) [extent] }
- { # (PT) [location] }
- { # (PT) [origin] }
- { # (PT) [topCenter] }
- { # (PT) [topLeft] }
- { # (PT) [topRight] }
- { # (PT) [waitButton] }
- { # (id) [boundingBox] }
- { # (id) [clippingRectangle] }
- { # (id) [compositionRectangle] }
- { # (id) [computeBoundingBox] }
- { # (id) [frame] }
- { # (id) [visibleRectangle] }
- { # (int) [rule] }
- { # (STR) [string] }
- { # (STYLE) [alignment] }
- { # (id) [openAt:p] }
- { # (id) [takeControl:p] }
- { # (int) [area] }
- { # (int) [bottom] }
- { # (int) [fileDescriptor] }
- { # (int) [hash] }
- { # (int) [hashMappedBy:map] }
- { # (int) [height] }
- { # (int) [left] }
- { # (int) [lineGrid] }
- { # (int) [numberOfLines] }
- { # (int) [paddingWidth] }
- { # (int) [right] }
- { # (int) [top] }
- { # (int) [valueAt:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (int) [width] }
- { # (int) [baseline] }
- { # (int) [bottom] }
- { # (int) [composeAll] }
- { # (int) [compositionRectangleDelta] }
- { # (int) [count] }
- { # (int) [dyForPoint:(PT)pt] }
- { # (int) [fileDescriptor] }
- { # (int) [firstIndent] }
- { # (int) [firstIndex] }
- { # (int) [hash] }
- { # (int) [hashMappedBy:map] }
- { # (int) [height] }
- { # (int) [indexOf:aSomething] }
- { # (int) [lastIndex] }
- { # (int) [left] }
- { # (int) [leftMarginForCompositionForLine:(int)lineIndex] }
- { # (int) [leftMarginForDisplayForLine:(int)lineIndex] }
- { # (int) [leftMarginTabAt:(int)anInt] }
- { # (int) [lineGrid] }
- { # (int) [lineIndexOfCharacterIndex:(int)characterIndex] }
- { # (int) [lineIndexOfTop:(int)top] }
- { # (int) [lines:anArray] }
- { # (int) [marginTabsLevel] }
- { # (int) [numberOfLines] }
- { # (int) [restIndent] }
- { # (int) [right] }
- { # (int) [rightIndent] }
- { # (int) [rightMarginForComposition] }
- { # (int) [rightMarginForDisplay] }
- { # (int) [rightMarginTabAt:(int)huh] }
- { # (int) [rightX] }
- { # (int) [senseDelay:(int)msec] }
- { # (int) [senseDelay:time] }
- { # (int) [top] }
- { # (int) [topAtLineIndex:(int)lineIndex] }
- { # (int) [valueAt:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (int) [width] }
- { # (BITS) [bits] }
- { # (id) [align:(PT)aPoint1 with:(PT)aPoint2] }
- { # (id) [append:aLink] }
- { # (id) [area:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [areasDiffering:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [areasOutside:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [asParagraph] }
- { # (id) [asString] }
- { # (id) [asText] }
- { # (id) [backgroundAt:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [beCursor] }
- { # (id) [black] }
- { # (id) [black:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [border:aRectangle width:(int)borderWidth] }
- { # (id) [border:aRectangle width:(int)borderWidth mask:aHalfTone] }
- { # (id) [border:aRectangle widthRectangle:insets mask:aHalfTone] }
- { # (id) [border:aRectangle widthRectangle:insets mask:aHalfTone clipBy:aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [borderWidth:(int)aWidth] }
- { # (id) [borderWidth:(int)aWidth mask:aMask] }
- { # (id) [bottom:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [boundingBox] }
- { # (id) [centerX:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [centerY:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [centered] }
- { # (id) [characterBlockAtPoint:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [characterBlockForIndex:(int)targetIndex] }
- { # (id) [clearIndents] }
- { # (id) [clearVisibleRectangle] }
- { # (id) [clipHeight:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [clipList] }
- { # (id) [clipList:aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [clipWidth:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [clipX:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [clipY:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [clippingRectangle:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [color:ignored] }
- { # (id) [combinationRule:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [composeForm] }
- { # (id) [compositionRectangle:compRectangle] }
- { # (id) [compositionRectangle:compositionRect text:aText style:aTextStyle offset:(PT)aPoint outputMedium:(int)aSymbol fitWidth:(BOOL)aBoolean] }
- { # (id) [computeBoundingBox] }
- { # (id) [convexShapeFill:aMask] }
- { # (id) [copyBits] }
- { # (id) [copyBitsAgain] }
- { # (id) [copyFrom:(PT)sourcePoint to:(PT)destPoint extent:(PT)extentPoint form:sourceForm clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)rule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyFromArea:destRectangle toPoint:(PT)destPoint form:sourceForm clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyFromArea:sourceRect toPoint:(PT)destOrigin form:sourceForm clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyFromArea:sourceRect toPoint:(PT)destOrigin form:sourceForm clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)rule mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [copyFromArea:sourceRect toPoint:(PT)destOrigin form:sourceForm clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)rule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyLinesFrom:(int)firstIndex to:(int)lastIndex] }
- { # (id) [copyStr:(STR)sourceString font:aFont at:(PT)destOrigin clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyToArea:destRectangle fromPoint:(PT)destPoint form:sourceForm rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyToArea:destRectangle fromPoint:(PT)sourcePt form:sourceForm rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyToArea:destRectangle fromPoint:(PT)sourcePt form:sourceForm rule:(int)rule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [corner:(PT)c1 corner:(PT)c2] }
- { # (id) [corner:(PT)cornerPoint] }
- { # (id) [cursorLink:(BOOL)yesno] }
- { # (id) [darkGray] }
- { # (id) [darkGray:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [deepCopy] }
- { # (id) [defaultNib:(int)widthInteger] }
- { # (id) [deltaMarginTabsLevel:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [destForm:aForm] }
- { # (id) [destForm:df sourceForm:sf halftoneForm:hf combinationRule:(int)rule destOrigin:(PT)destOriginPoint sourceOrigin:(PT)sourceOriginPoint extent:(PT)anExtent clipList:aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [destOrigin:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [destRect:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [destX:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [destY:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [destinationForm:aFormOrRectangle] }
- { # (id) [display] }
- { # (id) [displayAt:(PT)aDisplayPoint] }
- { # (id) [displayAt:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [displayCaretAt:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [displayCaretAt:(PT)aPoint andClip:clipBox] }
- { # (id) [displayCaretForBlock:aCharacterBlock] }
- { # (id) [displayLinesFrom:(int)firstIndex to:(int)lastIndex] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplay transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:aClipRectList align:(PT)alignmentPoint with:(PT)relativePoint rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:(PT)aDisplayPoint] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:(PT)aDisplayPoint clipBy:aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:(PT)aDisplayPoint clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:(PT)aDisplayPoint clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule mask:maskForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:(PT)aDisplayPoint clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)ruleInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:(PT)aDisplayPoint clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)ruleInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:(PT)aDisplayPoint rule:(int)ruleInteger] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:aClipRectList align:(PT)alignmentPoint with:(PT)relativePoint] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:aClipRectList align:(PT)alignmentPoint with:(PT)relativePoint rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:aClipRectList align:(PT)alignmentPoint with:(PT)relativePoint rule:(int)ruleInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:aClipRectList align:(PT)alignmentPoint with:(PT)relativePoint rule:(int)ruleInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:aClipRectList fixedPoint:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)ruleInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [dotOfSize:(int)diameter] }
- { # (id) [down] }
- { # (id) [dragon:(int)order] }
- { # (id) [drawFrom:(PT)startPoint to:(PT)stopPoint] }
- { # (id) [drawLine:sourceForm from:(PT)beginPoint to:(PT)endPoint clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)anInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [drawLine:sourceForm from:(PT)beginPoint to:(PT)endPoint clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [drawLineAround:aRectangle clipBy:cr rule:(int)combinationRule] }
- { # (id) [drawLineFrom:(PT)bp to:(PT)ep clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule] }
- { # (id) [drawLineFrom:(PT)bp to:(PT)ep clipBy:aClipRectList rule:(int)rule] }
- { # (id) [drawLoopDeltaX:(int)xDelta deltaY:(int)yDelta] }
- { # (id) [example] }
- { # (id) [expandByInt:(int)delta] }
- { # (id) [expandByPoint:(PT)delta] }
- { # (id) [expandByRectangle:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [extent:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [extent:(PT)anExtent figureBits:(BITS)figureBits shapeBits:(BITS)shapeBits] }
- { # (id) [extent:(PT)extentPoint] }
- { # (id) [extent:(PT)extentPoint bits:(BITS)theBits] }
- { # (id) [figure] }
- { # (id) [figure:figureForm shape:shapeForm] }
- { # (id) [filberts:(int)n side:(int)s] }
- { # (id) [fill:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [fill:aRectangle mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [fill:aRectangle rule:(int)anInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [fill:aRectangle rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [fill:aRectangle rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm clipBy:aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [fillIn:aBlock] }
- { # (id) [first] }
- { # (id) [firstIndent:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [fit] }
- { # (id) [flash] }
- { # (id) [flash:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [follow:locationBlock while:durationBlock] }
- { # (id) [form] }
- { # (id) [frame:aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [free] }
- { # (id) [freeAll] }
- { # (id) [fromDisplay:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [fromUser] }
- { # (id) [fromUser:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [fromUser:(PT)gridPoint] }
- { # (id) [fromUser:(PT)originPoint] }
- { # (id) [fromUserAspectRatio:(PT)aspectPoint] }
- { # (id) [go:distance] }
- { (id)go:(int) # (id) '[%0 go:(float)(distance)]' }
- { (id)go:(float) # (id) '[%0 go:distance]' }
- { # (id) [goto:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [gray] }
- { # (id) [gray:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [gridWithLead:(int)leadInteger] }
- { # (id) [height:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [height:(int)heightInteger] }
- { # (id) [hilbert:n side:s] }
- { # (id) [hilberts:(int)n] }
- { # (id) [home] }
- { # (id) [initialize] }
- { # (id) [insert:aLink] }
- { # (id) [insetByInt:(int)delta] }
- { # (id) [insetByPoint:(PT)delta] }
- { # (id) [insetByRectangle:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [insetDisplayBox] }
- { # (id) [insetOriginBy:(PT)originDeltaPoint cornerBy:(PT)cornerDeltaPoint] }
- { # (id) [intersect:r] }
- { # (id) [justified] }
- { # (id) [last] }
- { # (id) [left:(int)aLeft top:(int)aTop width:(int)aWidth height:(int)aHeight] }
- { # (id) [left:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [left:(int)left top:(int)top right:(int)right bottom:(int)bottom] }
- { # (id) [left:(int)leftNumber right:(int)rightNumber top:(int)topNumber bottom:(int)bottomNumber] }
- { # (id) [leftFlush] }
- { # (id) [lightGray] }
- { # (id) [lightGray:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [lineAt:(int)indexInteger put:aTextLineInterval] }
- { # (id) [lineAt:(int)lineIndex] }
- { # (id) [lines] }
- { # (id) [linkAt:(int)anInt] }
- { # (id) [lock] }
- { # (id) [lock:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [magnifyBy:(PT)scale] }
- { # (id) [mandala:(int)npoints diameter:(int)d] }
- { # (id) [marginTabsLevel:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [mask:maskForm] }
- { # (id) [merge:r] }
- { # (id) [mergeWith:r] }
- { # (id) [mouseSelect:previousStartBlock to:previousStopBlock] }
- { # (id) [moveBy:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [moveBy:(PT)aPoint with:aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [moveBy:(int)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [moveTo:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [moveTo:(PT)newLoc restoring:background] }
- { # (id) [new] }
- { # (id) [north] }
- { # (id) [offset:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [origin:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [origin:(PT)op corner:(PT)cp] }
- { # (id) [origin:(PT)originPoint] }
- { # (id) [origin:(PT)originPoint corner:(PT)cornerPoint] }
- { # (id) [origin:(PT)originPoint extent:(PT)extentPoint] }
- { # (id) [origin:(PT)originPoint extent:(PT)extentPoint bits:(BITS)theBits] }
- { # (id) [origin:(PT)originPoint extent:(PT)extentPoint window:(int)aFd] }
- { # (id) [originFromUser:(PT)extentPoint] }
- { # (id) [originFromUser:(PT)extentPoint grid:(int)scaleFactor] }
- { # (id) [outline] }
- { # (id) [outputMedium:(int)aSymbol] }
- { # (id) [paintBits] }
- { # (id) [place:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [predecessorOf:aLink] }
- { # (id) [print] }
- { # (id) [putEventBack] }
- { # (id) [receiver:anObject selector:(SEL)aSelector] }
- { # (id) [recomposeIn:compositionRect clipBy:clippingRect] }
- { # (id) [relativeRectangle] }
- { # (id) [remove:aLink] }
- { # (id) [removeFirstChars:numberOfChars] }
- { # (id) [replaceFrom:(int)start to:(int)stop with:aText displaying:(BOOL)displayBoolean] }
- { # (id) [repositionAt:(PT)aPoint clipBy:clippingBox] }
- { # (id) [resetLocks] }
- { # (id) [restIndent:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [reverse] }
- { # (id) [reverse:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [reverse:aRectangle mask:aMask] }
- { # (id) [reverseFrom:characterBlock1 to:characterBlock2] }
- { # (id) [reverseFrom:characterBlock1 to:characterBlock2 andClip:clipBox] }
- { # (id) [reverseRectangle:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [right:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [rightFlush] }
- { # (id) [rightIndent:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [rounded] }
- { # (id) [rule:(int)ruleInteger] }
- { # (id) [scaleBy:(int)scale] }
- { # (id) [scrollBy:(int)height grid:(int)grid] }
- { # (id) [scrollBy:(int)heightToMove] }
- { # (id) [selectWord:stringIndex] }
- { # (id) [senseAllButtons:(BOOL)onoff] }
- { # (id) [senseLeftButton:(BOOL)onoff] }
- { # (id) [senseMiddleButton:(BOOL)onoff] }
- { # (id) [senseMove:(BOOL)onoff] }
- { # (id) [senseMoveWhileButtonDown:(BOOL)onoff] }
- { # (id) [senseRightButton:(BOOL)onoff] }
- { # (id) [senseStill:(BOOL)onoff] }
- { # (id) [senseWindowEnter:(BOOL)onoff] }
- { # (id) [senseWindowExit:(BOOL)onoff] }
- { # (id) [setFigure:figureForm shape:shapeForm] }
- { # (id) [setInputMasks] }
- { # (id) [setMask:(int)anEventMask to:(BOOL)onoff] }
- { # (id) [shape] }
- { # (id) [shape:aSolidForm] }
- { # (id) [sourceForm:aForm] }
- { # (id) [sourceOrigin:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [sourceRect:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [sourceX:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [sourceY:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [spiral:(int)n angle:(float)a] }
- { # (id) [str:(STR)sourceString font:aFont at:(PT)destOrigin rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [successor] }
- { # (id) [successor:aLink] }
- { # (id) [text] }
- { # (id) [text:aText] }
- { # (id) [text:aText textStyle:aTextStyle] }
- { # (id) [text:aText textStyle:aTextStyle offset:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [textAt:(int)lineIndex] }
- { # (id) [textStyle] }
- { # (id) [textStyle:aTextStyle] }
- { # (id) [toReverse:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [toggleAlignment] }
- { # (id) [top:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [trackFunction:(IMP)aTrackingFunction] }
- { # (id) [translateBy:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [translateByInt:(int)factor] }
- { # (id) [trimLinesTo:(int)lastLineInteger] }
- { (id)turn:(int) # (id) '[%0 turn:((float)%1)]' }
- { (id)turn:(float) # (id) '[%0 turn:%1]' }
- { # (id) [unlock] }
- { # (id) [up] }
- { # (id) [updateCompositionHeight] }
- { # (id) [updateOrigin:(PT)anOrigin extent:(PT)anExtent] }
- { # (id) [value] }
- { # (id) [valueAt:(PT)aPoint put:(int)bitValue] }
- { # (id) [valueAt:(PT)aPoint put:(int)value] }
- { # (id) [veryLightGray] }
- { # (id) [veryLightGray:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [waitButton] }
- { # (id) [waitNoButton] }
- { # (id) [white] }
- { # (id) [white:aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [width:(int)anInteger] }
- { # (id) [width:(int)widthInteger] }
- { # (id) [windowChanged] }
- { # (id) [with:aForm] }
- { # (id) [withText:aText] }
- { # (id) [withText:aText style:aTextStyle] }
- { # (id) [withText:aText style:aTextStyle compositionRectangle:compRect clippingRectangle:aClipRectList] }
- { # (BOOL) [contains:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (BOOL) [intersects:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (BOOL) [contains:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (BOOL) [intersects:(id)r] }
- { # (BOOL) [isContainedBy:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (PT) [amountToTranslateWithin:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [boundingBox] }
- { # (id) [clippingRectangle] }
- { # (id) [compositionRectangle] }
- { # (id) [computeBoundingBox] }
- { # (id) [frame] }
- { # (id) [visibleRectangle] }
- { # (id) [area:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [areasDiffering:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [areasOutside:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [black:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [border:(id)aRectangle width:(int)borderWidth] }
- { # (id) [border:(id)aRectangle width:(int)borderWidth mask:aHalfTone] }
- { # (id) [border:(id)aRectangle widthRectangle:(id)insets mask:aHalfTone] }
- { # (id) [border:(id)aRectangle widthRectangle:(id)insets mask:aHalfTone clipBy:(id)aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [clipList:(id)aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [clippingRectangle:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [compositionRectangle:(id)compRectangle] }
- { # (id) [compositionRectangle:(id)compositionRect text:aText style:aTextStyle offset:(PT)aPoint outputMedium:(int)aSymbol fitWidth:(BOOL)aBoolean] }
- { # (id) [copyFrom:(PT)sourcePoint to:(PT)destPoint extent:(PT)extentPoint form:sourceForm clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)rule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyFromArea:(id)destRectangle toPoint:(PT)destPoint form:sourceForm clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyFromArea:(id)sourceRect toPoint:(PT)destOrigin form:sourceForm clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyFromArea:(id)sourceRect toPoint:(PT)destOrigin form:sourceForm clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)rule mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [copyFromArea:(id)sourceRect toPoint:(PT)destOrigin form:sourceForm clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)rule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyStr:(STR)sourceString font:aFont at:(PT)destOrigin clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyToArea:(id)destRectangle fromPoint:(PT)destPoint form:sourceForm rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyToArea:(id)destRectangle fromPoint:(PT)sourcePt form:sourceForm rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [copyToArea:(id)destRectangle fromPoint:(PT)sourcePt form:sourceForm rule:(int)rule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [darkGray:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [destForm:df sourceForm:sf halftoneForm:hf combinationRule:(int)rule destOrigin:(PT)destOriginPoint sourceOrigin:(PT)sourceOriginPoint extent:(PT)anExtent clipList:(id)aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [destRect:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [displayCaretAt:(PT)aPoint andClip:(id)clipBox] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplay transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:(id)aClipRectList align:(PT)alignmentPoint with:(PT)relativePoint rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:(PT)aDisplayPoint clipBy:(id)aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:(PT)aDisplayPoint clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:(PT)aDisplayPoint clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule mask:maskForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:(PT)aDisplayPoint clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)ruleInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:(PT)aDisplayPoint clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)ruleInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:(id)aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:(id)aClipRectList align:(PT)alignmentPoint with:(PT)relativePoint] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:(id)aClipRectList align:(PT)alignmentPoint with:(PT)relativePoint rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:(id)aClipRectList align:(PT)alignmentPoint with:(PT)relativePoint rule:(int)ruleInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:(id)aClipRectList align:(PT)alignmentPoint with:(PT)relativePoint rule:(int)ruleInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:(id)aClipRectList fixedPoint:(PT)aPoint] }
- { # (id) [displayOn:aDisplayMedium transformation:displayTransformation clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)ruleInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [drawLine:sourceForm from:(PT)beginPoint to:(PT)endPoint clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)anInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [drawLine:sourceForm from:(PT)beginPoint to:(PT)endPoint clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [drawLineAround:(id)aRectangle clipBy:(id)cr rule:(int)combinationRule] }
- { # (id) [drawLineFrom:(PT)bp to:(PT)ep clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)combinationRule] }
- { # (id) [drawLineFrom:(PT)bp to:(PT)ep clipBy:(id)aClipRectList rule:(int)rule] }
- { # (id) [expandByRectangle:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [fill:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [fill:(id)aRectangle mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [fill:(id)aRectangle rule:(int)anInteger mask:aForm] }
- { # (id) [fill:(id)aRectangle rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm] }
- { # (id) [fill:(id)aRectangle rule:(int)combinationRule mask:halftoneForm clipBy:(id)aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [flash:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [frame:(id)aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [fromDisplay:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [gray:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [insetByRectangle:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [intersect:(id)r] }
- { # (id) [lightGray:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [lock:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [merge:(id)r] }
- { # (id) [mergeWith:(id)r] }
- { # (id) [moveBy:(PT)aPoint with:(id)aClipRectList] }
- { # (id) [recomposeIn:(id)compositionRect clipBy:(id)clippingRect] }
- { # (id) [repositionAt:(PT)aPoint clipBy:(id)clippingBox] }
- { # (id) [reverse:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [reverse:(id)aRectangle mask:aMask] }
- { # (id) [reverseRectangle:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [sourceRect:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [toReverse:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [veryLightGray:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [white:(id)aRectangle] }
- { # (id) [withText:aText style:aTextStyle compositionRectangle:(id)compRect clippingRectangle:(id)aClipRectList] }
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./rules/generic.ru"
- fi
- echo "Finished archive 5 of 5"
- exit
- ----
- Dieter H. Zebbedies ('dee-ter ayech 'zeb-ed-eez)
- Zebb-Hoff Mach. Tool's Automated Manufacturing Project Cleveland, OH
- (USnail): 9535 Clinton Rd, Cleveland, OH 44144 (+216 631 6100) (+216 741-5994)
- (UUCP): ...{decvax,sun,cbosgd}!cwruecmp!zhmti!dieter