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- From: mh@killer.UUCP (Mike Hobgood)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: Original fft listing
- Keywords: Oops...
- Message-ID: <4080@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 7 Aug 87 01:07:27 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Organization: The Unix(tm) Connection, Dallas, Texas
- Lines: 456
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8708/5
- ptsfa!dmt says:
- > I had a problem unshar'ing the fft program you posted to netnews.
- > complex.c has no } at the end, and I believe that there is another
- > problem in polar().
- > Could you check your source and repost it?
- > Thanks (and thanks for the original posting).
- Egad! I uploaded a "messed with" version. Here's the original:
- (and I don't know if it compiles, I didn't try). Have fun.
- ----------------------------- fft.c ------------------------------------
- /* Performs a Cooley-Tukey type fast fourier transform.
- original version Pascal written in "Simple Calculations with
- Complex Numbers by David Clark DDJ 10/84
- translated to C by R. Hellman
- 02/21/86
- released to public domain
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Differences from original version:
- as in fortran versions that I have worked with instead of specifying total
- array size in decimal instead specify number of array members as power of
- 2. Forward or reverse fft is specified by the sign of this argument.
- ****IMPORTANT****
- for convenience sake members of an array are taken to begin at [1] rather
- than [0] thus for an fft on a 64 member array of pointers to complex
- numbers there must be 65 members.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- f is a one dimensional array of pointers to complex numbers with length
- (2**abs(ln)). The sign of ln determines in which direction the transform
- will be performed. If ln is positive, then isinverse is set to -1 and
- a forward transform is carried out. If ln is negative then isinverse
- isinverse is set to 1 and a reverse transform is calculated.
- for numpoints=(2**abs(ln)),transform[j]=sum(f[i]*w^((i-1)*(j-1))), where i,
- j are 1 to numpoints and w=exp(isinverse*2*pi*sqrt(-1)/numpoints). The
- program also computes the inverse transform, for which the defining
- expression is: inverse DFT=(1/numpoints)*sum(f[i]*w^((i-1)*(j-1))).
- Run time is proportional to numpoints*log2(numpoints) rather than
- to numpoints**2 for the classical discrete Fourier transform. */
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "math.h"
- typedef struct
- {
- double re;
- double im;
- }
- fft(f,ln)
- COMPLEX *f[];
- int ln;
- {
- int i,isinverse,numpoints;
- if (ln>0) {
- printf("Calculating forward Fourier transform\n");
- isinverse = -1;
- numpoints = power(2,ln);
- }
- else {
- printf("Calculating reverse Fourier transform\n");
- isinverse = 1;
- numpoints = power(2,-ln);
- }
- scramble(numpoints,f);
- butterflies(numpoints,isinverse,f);
- }
- static scramble(numpoints,f)
- int numpoints;
- COMPLEX *f[];
- /* put the data in bit reversed order */
- {
- int i,j,m;
- COMPLEX *temp;
- j = 1;
- for (i=1;i<=numpoints;i++) {
- if (i<j) {
- temp = f[j];
- f[j] = f[i];
- f[i] = temp;
- }
- m = numpoints>>1;
- if (m<j)
- while (m<j) {
- j -= m;
- m = (m + 1)>>1;
- }
- j += m;
- }
- }
- static butterflies(numpoints,isinverse,f)
- int numpoints,isinverse;
- COMPLEX *f[];
- /* calculate the butterflies for the bit reversed data of an fft -
- normalize if a reverse fft is performed */
- {
- int mmax,step,index,m,i,j;
- double theta;
- COMPLEX w,cn,temp;
- mmax = 1;
- while (numpoints>mmax) {
- step = mmax<<1;
- for (m=1;m<=mmax;m++) {
- theta = PI*((double)(isinverse)*(double)(m-1))/(double)(mmax);
- w.re = cos(theta);
- w.im = sin(theta);
- for (i=1;i<=((numpoints-m)/step)+1;i++) {
- index = m + ((i-1)*step);
- j = index + mmax;
- cmult(&temp,&w,f[j]);
- csub(f[j],f[index],&temp);
- cadd(f[index],f[index],&temp);
- }
- }
- mmax = step;
- }
- if (isinverse==1) {
- cn.re = numpoints;
- cn.im = 0.0;
- for (i=1;i<=numpoints;i++)
- cdiv(f[i],f[i],&cn);
- }
- }
- static power(x,y)
- int x,y;
- {
- int i,j;
- j = 1;
- for (i=0;i<y;i++)
- j *= x;
- return(j);
- }
- ------------------------------ complex.c ---------------------------------
- /* Simple Complex number functions V1.0
- Author: R. Hellman
- Date: 02/21/86
- Released for public domain use only */
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "math.h"
- /* defines done in math.h (Lattice C)
- #define PI 3.14159265358979323846
- #define PID2 1.57079632679489661923 /* PI divided by 2 */
- #define TINY 2.2e-308 /* tiny value */
- #define LOGHUGE 709.778 /* natural log of huge value */
- math.h also identifies appropriate functions as double
- */
- typedef struct
- {
- double re;
- double im;
- }
- initcmplx(f,arraysz)
- COMPLEX *f[];
- int arraysz;
- /* initializes storage for each address of an array of complex pointers *f[]
- with 'arraysz' number of elements */
- {
- int i;
- char *getmem();
- for (i=0;i<arraysz;i++)
- #ifdef LATTICEC
- if ((f[i]=(COMPLEX *)getmem(sizeof(COMPLEX)))==NULL) {
- write(stderr,"Error: *COMPLEX number allocation\n",35);
- exit(1);
- }
- #else
- if ((f[i]=(COMPLEX *)malloc(sizeof(COMPLEX)))==NULL) {
- write(stderr,"Error: *COMPLEX number allocation\n",35);
- exit(1);
- }
- #endif
- }
- /* COMPLEX number library translated from Pascal source listing in Dr. DOBBS
- October, 1984 "Simple Calculations with Complex Numbers" by David Clark */
- /* to insure that the same structure could be used as both an 'argument' and
- 'result' immediate tranfer of structure members is done to a local variable
- - in many of the functions this may not be necessary, but it was done in
- all of the following functions for consistency */
- cadd(result,arg1,arg2)
- COMPLEX *result,*arg1,*arg2;
- /* adds arg1 and arg2 and returns sum in result */
- {
- COMPLEX targ1,targ2;
- targ1.re = arg1->re;
- targ1.im = arg1->im;
- targ2.re = arg2->re;
- targ2.im = arg2->im;
- result->re = targ1.re + targ2.re;
- result->im = targ1.im + targ2.im;
- }
- csub(result,arg1,arg2)
- COMPLEX *result,*arg1,*arg2;
- /* subtracts arg1 and arg2 and returns sum in result */
- {
- COMPLEX targ1,targ2;
- targ1.re = arg1->re;
- targ1.im = arg1->im;
- targ2.re = arg2->re;
- targ2.im = arg2->im;
- result->re = targ1.re - targ2.re;
- result->im = targ1.im - targ2.im;
- }
- cmult(result,arg1,arg2)
- COMPLEX *result,*arg1,*arg2;
- /* multiplies arg1 and arg2 and returns product in result */
- {
- COMPLEX targ1,targ2;
- targ1.re = arg1->re;
- targ1.im = arg1->im;
- targ2.re = arg2->re;
- targ2.im = arg2->im;
- result->re = (targ1.re * targ2.re) - (targ1.im * targ2.im);
- result->im = (targ1.im * targ2.re) + (targ1.re * targ2.im);
- }
- cdiv(result,arg1,arg2)
- COMPLEX *result,*arg1,*arg2;
- /* divides arg1 and arg2 and returns quotient in result */
- {
- double denom;
- COMPLEX targ1,targ2;
- targ1.re = arg1->re;
- targ1.im = arg1->im;
- targ2.re = arg2->re;
- targ2.im = arg2->im;
- denom = (targ2.re*targ2.re) + (targ2.im*targ2.im);
- result->re = (targ1.re*targ2.re + targ1.im*targ2.im)/denom;
- result->im = (targ1.im*targ2.re - targ1.re*targ2.im)/denom;
- }
- polar(arg,modulus,amplitude)
- COMPLEX *arg;
- double *modulus,*amplitude;
- /* converts a complex number arg in rectangular form to polar form */
- {
- COMPLEX targ;
- targ.re = arg->re;
- targ.im = arg->im;
- if (fabs(targ.re) < TINY)
- targ.re = 0.0;
- if (fabs(targ.im) < TINY)
- targ.im = 0.0;
- *modulus = sqrt((targ.re*targ.re) + (targ.im*targ.im));
- if (targ.im == 0.0)
- *amplitude = 0.0;
- else {
- if (targ.re == 0.0) {
- if (targ.im > 0.0)
- *amplitude = PID2;
- else
- *amplitude = -PID2;
- }
- else {
- if ((log(fabs(targ.im)) - log(fabs(targ.re))) > LOGHUGE) {
- if (targ.re > 0.0) {
- if (targ.im > 0.0)
- *amplitude = PID2;
- else
- *amplitude = -PID2;
- }
- else {
- if (targ.im > 0.0)
- *amplitude = -PID2;
- else
- *amplitude = PID2;
- }
- }
- else
- *amplitude = atan(targ.im/targ.re);
- }
- }
- }
- ctopower(result,arg,power)
- COMPLEX *result,*arg;
- int power;
- /* raises arg to the positive integral power and returns answer in result */
- {
- int i;
- double modulus,amplitude,newmod,powamp;
- COMPLEX targ;
- targ.re = arg->re;
- targ.im = arg->im;
- if (power==0) {
- result->re = 1.0;
- result->im = 0.0;
- }
- else {
- polar(&targ,&modulus,&litude);
- newmod = 1.0;
- if (power > 0)
- for (i=0;i<power;i++)
- newmod = newmod*modulus;
- else
- for (i=0;i<abs(power);i++)
- newmod = newmod/modulus;
- powamp = power*amplitude;
- result->re = newmod*cos(powamp);
- result->im = newmod*sin(powamp);
- }
- }
- cexp(result,arg)
- COMPLEX *result,*arg;
- /* raises e to the arg and returns the answer in result */
- {
- double expo;
- COMPLEX targ;
- targ.re = arg->re;
- targ.im = arg->im;
- expo = exp(targ.re);
- result->re = expo*cos(targ.im);
- result->im = expo*sin(targ.im);
- }
- cln(result,arg)
- COMPLEX *result,*arg;
- /* takes the natural logarithm of arg and returns the answer in result */
- {
- double modulus,amplitude;
- COMPLEX targ;
- targ.re = arg->re;
- targ.im = arg->im;
- polar(&targ,&modulus,&litude);
- result->re = log(modulus);
- result->im = amplitude;
- }
- ctoc(result,arg1,arg2)
- COMPLEX *result,*arg1,*arg2;
- /* raise complex number arg1 to complex power arg2 and return answer in result */
- {
- COMPLEX logpart,expo;
- COMPLEX targ1,targ2;
- targ1.re = arg1->re;
- targ1.im = arg1->im;
- targ2.re = arg2->re;
- targ2.im = arg2->im;
- cln(&logpart,&targ1);
- cmult(&expo,&targ2,&logpart);
- cexp(result,&expo);
- }
- csin(result,arg)
- COMPLEX *result,*arg;
- /* takes the sine of arg and returns it in result */
- {
- COMPLEX targ,exp1,exp2,part1,part2,sum,divisor;
- targ.re = arg->re;
- targ.im = arg->im;
- exp1.re = -targ.im;
- exp1.im = targ.re;
- cexp(&part1,&exp1);
- exp2.re = targ.im;
- exp2.im = -targ.re;
- cexp(&part2,&exp2);
- csub(&sum,&part1,&part2);
- divisor.re=0.0;
- divisor.im=2.0;
- cdiv(result,&sum,&divisor);
- }
- ccos(result,arg)
- COMPLEX *result,*arg;
- /* takes the cosine of arg and returns it in result */
- {
- COMPLEX targ,exp1,exp2,part1,part2,sum,divisor;
- targ.re = arg->re;
- targ.im = arg->im;
- exp1.re = -targ.im;
- exp1.im = targ.re;
- cexp(&part1,&exp1);
- exp2.re = targ.im;
- exp2.im = -targ.re;
- cexp(&part2,&exp2);
- cadd(&sum,&part1,&part2);
- divisor.re = 2.0;
- divisor.im = 0.0;
- cdiv(result,&sum,&divisor);
- }
- ----------------------------------- EOF -------------------------------------