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- subroutine line(xa,ya,n,k,ltype,inum)
- save
- c
- c draw line connecting data point coordinates array value
- c ** xa(n*k+1) must contain minimum x scale value (inch)
- c ** ya(n*k+1) y
- c ** xa(n*k+k+1) must contain delta x value (per inch)
- c ** ya(n*k+k+1) y
- c
- dimension xa(1),ya(1)
- c ns= count to plot symbol
- c il= flag to plot line
- c is= flag to plot symbol
- c lim= last (x,y) point to plot
- ns= iabs(ltype)
- il= 0
- if(ltype.ge.0) il=1
- is= 1
- if(ltype.eq.0) is=0
- lim= n*k
- xmin= xa(lim+1)
- ymin= ya(lim+1)
- xinc= xa(lim+k+1)
- yinc= ya(lim+k+1)
- c pen up to 1st point
- x = (xa(1)-xmin) / xinc
- y = (ya(1)-ymin) / yinc
- call plot (x,y, 3)
- c plot array of (x,y) coord. points
- if (il.eq.0) go to 20
- do 10 i = 1,lim,k
- x= (xa(i)-xmin)/ xinc
- y= (ya(i)-ymin)/ yinc
- c plot line
- call plot (x,y,2)
- 10 continue
- c
- 20 if (is.eq.0) go to 40
- j=1
- do 30 i = 1,lim,k
- j= j-1
- if (j.gt.0) go to 30
- j= ns
- x= (xa(i)-xmin)/ xinc
- y= (ya(i)-ymin)/ yinc
- c plot symbol
- call symbol (x,y,.08 ,inum,0.0, -1)
- 30 continue
- 40 return
- end