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- doupdate() clrupdate() - update screen
- transformline() - update physical line
- clearscreen() - clear physical screen
- gotoxy() - move physical cursor to desired address
- putchar() - write character with attributes to the physical screen
- #include <curses.h>
- #include <curspriv.h>
- void doupdate()
- static void clrupdate(scr)
- WINDOW *scr;
- static bool transformline(lineno)
- register int lineno;
- static void clearscreen()
- static void gotoxy(row,col)
- int row, col;
- static void Putchar(ch)
- int ch;
- doupdate() updates the physical screen to look like _curs-
- var.tmpwin if curscr is not 'Clear-marked'. Otherwise it
- updates the screen to look like curscr.
- clrupdate() updates the screen by clearing it and then
- redraw it in it's entirety. If _cursvar.refrbrk is TRUE, and
- there is pending input characters, the update will be pre-
- maturely terminated.
- transformline() updates the given physical line to look
- like the corresponding line in _cursvar.tmpwin. Transform-
- returns 1 if premature refresh end is allowed, and there is
- an input character pending.
- clearscreen() clears the physical screen and puts the cursor
- in the home position.
- gotoxy() moves the physical cursor to the desired address on
- the screen. We don't optimize here - on a PC, it takes more
- time to optimize than to do things directly.
- putchar() writes a character, with attributes, to the physi-
- cal screen, but avoids writing to the lower right screen
- position.
- _cursespendch(); _cursesscroll(); _cursescursor(); _cursescattr()