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- getch() - ***same as wgetch()*** see curses.h
- wgetch() flushinp() wungetch() mvgetch() mvwgetch() rawgetch()
- sysgetch() validchar() _cursespendch() - manipulate input characters
- #include <curses.h>
- #include <curspriv.h>
- int wgetch(win)
- WINDOW *win;
- void flushinp()
- int wungetch(ch)
- int ch;
- int mvgetch(y,x)
- int y;
- int x;
- int mvwgetch(win,y,x)
- WINDOW *win;
- int y;
- int x;
- static int rawgetch()
- static int sysgetch()
- static int validchar(c)
- int c;
- bool _cursespendch()
- wgetch(win) gets a character from the terminal, in normal,
- cbreak or raw mode, optionally echoing to window 'win'.
- flushinp() kills any pending input characters.
- wungetch() pushes back it's argument on the input stream. If
- OK, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
- mvgetch() first moves the stdscr cursor to a new location,
- then does a wgetch() on stdscr.
- mvwgetch() first moves the cursor of window 'win' to a new
- location, then does a wgetch() in 'win'.
- rawgetch() gets a character without any interpretation at
- all and returns it. If keypad mode is active for the desig-
- nated window, function key translation will be performed.
- Otherwise, function keys are ignored.If nodelay mode is
- active in the window, then rawgetch() returns -1 if no cha-
- racter is available.
- sysgetch() gets a character with normal ^S, ^Q, ^P and ^C
- interpretation and returns it. If keypad mode is active for
- the designated window, function key translation will be per-
- formed. Otherwise, function keys are ignored. If nodelay
- mode is active in the window, then sysgetch() returns -1 if
- no character is available.
- validchar(c) checks that 'c' is a valid character, and
- if so returns it, with function key translation applied if
- 'w' has keypad mode set. If char is invalid, returns -1.
- _cursespendch() returns 1 if there is any character avai-
- lable, and 0 if there is none. this is not for programmer
- usage, but for the updatew routines.
- rawgetch(); _cursesgcb(); _cursesscb(); sysgetch(); _cursesscb();
- waddch(); wrefresh(); _curseskey(); kbhit(); getch(); wmove();
- wgetch(); _curseskeytst(); validchar();