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- Path: uunet!husc6!necntc!ncoast!allbery
- From: neilc@dmscanb.oz.au.UUCP (Neil Crellin)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: PScal - PostScript Calendar generator: leap year bug fixed
- Message-ID: <6404@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 11 Dec 87 02:33:43 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Organization: CSIRO Division of Mathematics and Statistics
- Lines: 245
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8712/6
- Dear Brandon,
- Could this possibly be suitable for comp.sources.misc ? It was once
- a net.sources submission, which has been hacked about a little.
- Some time ago, this really useful shell script to print a PostScript
- calendar was sent to net.sources. Unfortunately, it had a bug in the
- PostScript which meant that the calendar was wrong for leap years,
- certainly for Feb. 1988 onwards. It's short enough that rather than
- just post the diffs, I've re-sent the whole script, which here at dmscanb
- we call PScal.
- Syntax is: PScal <month> <year>
- eg. PScal 2 1988
- You should change the default printer variable below. It is set at -Plaser
- currently.
- Regards,
- Neil Crellin (neilc@dmscanb.dms.oz.au)
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(cut here - this is not a shar)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- #!/bin/csh -f
- #
- # From: patwood@unirot.UUCP (Patrick Wood)
- # Newsgroups: net.sources
- # Subject: PostScript Calendar
- # Date: 7 Mar 87 18:43:51 GMT
- # Organization: Public Access Unix, Piscataway, NJ
- #
- # The following is a PostScript program to print calendars. It doesn't
- # work on or before 1752.
- #
- # Shell stuff added 3/9/87 by King Ables
- # Leap year bug fixed Dec. 4th, 1987 by Neil Crellin (neilc@dmscanb.dms.oz.au)
- #
- set printer="-Plaser"
- top:
- if ($#argv > 0) then
- switch ("$argv[1]")
- case -*:
- set printer="$argv[1]"
- shift argv
- goto top
- case *:
- if ($?month) then
- set year="$argv[1]"
- else if ($?year) then
- echo "usage: $0 [-Pprinter] month year"
- exit 1
- else
- set month="$argv[1]"
- endif
- shift argv
- goto top
- endsw
- endif
- if ($?year) then
- else
- echo "usage: $0 [-Pprinter] month year"
- exit 1
- endif
- lpr $printer <<END-OF-CALENDAR
- %!
- % PostScript program to draw calendar
- % Copyright (C) 1987 by Pipeline Associates, Inc.
- % Permission is granted to modify and distribute this free of charge.
- % /month should be set to a number from 1 to 12
- % /year should be set to the year you want
- % you can change the title and date fonts, if you want
- % we figure out the rest
- % won't produce valid calendars before 1800 (weird stuff happened
- % in September of 1752)
- /month $month def
- /year $year def
- /titlefont /Times-Bold def
- /dayfont /Helvetica-Bold def
- /month_names [ (January) (February) (March) (April) (May) (June) (July)
- (August) (September) (October) (November) (December) ] def
- /month_name month_names month 1 sub get def
- /prtnum { 3 string cvs show} def
- /drawgrid { % draw calendar boxes
- dayfont findfont 10 scalefont setfont
- 0 1 6 {
- dup dup 100 mul 40 moveto
- [ (Sun) (Mon) (Tue) (Wed) (Thu) (Fri) (Sat) ] exch get
- 90 center
- 100 mul 38 moveto
- .5 setlinewidth
- 60 {
- gsave
- 90 0 rlineto stroke
- grestore
- 0 -10 rmoveto
- } repeat
- } for
- } def
- /drawnums { % place day numbers on calendar
- dayfont findfont 40 scalefont setfont
- /start startday def
- /days ndays def
- start 100 mul 0 rmoveto
- 1 1 days {
- /day exch def
- gsave
- isdouble
- {
- day prtdouble
- }
- {
- day prtnum
- } ifelse
- grestore
- day start add 7 mod 0 eq
- {
- currentpoint exch pop 100 sub 0 exch moveto
- }
- {
- 100 0 rmoveto
- } ifelse
- } for
- } def
- /isdouble { % is today going to be overlaid on next week's?
- days start add 35 gt
- {
- day start add 35 gt
- {
- true true
- }
- {
- day start add 28 gt
- day 7 add days le and
- {
- false true
- }
- {
- false
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- }
- {
- false
- } ifelse
- } def
- /prtdouble {
- gsave
- dayfont findfont 20 scalefont setfont
- exch
- {
- 30 100 rmoveto
- prtnum
- }
- {
- 0 12 rmoveto
- prtnum
- 0 -12 rmoveto
- gsave
- dayfont findfont 40 scalefont setfont
- (/) show
- grestore
- } ifelse
- grestore
- } def
- /isleap { % is this a leap year?
- year 4 mod 0 eq % multiple of 4
- year 100 mod 0 ne % not century
- year 1000 mod 0 eq or and % unless it's a millenia
- } def
- /days_month [ 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 ] def
- /ndays { % number of days in this month
- days_month month 1 sub get
- month 2 eq % Feb
- isleap and
- {
- 1 add
- } if
- } def
- /startday { % starting day-of-week for this month
- /off year 2000 sub def % offset from start of "epoch"
- off
- off 4 idiv add % number of leap years
- off 100 idiv sub % number of centuries
- off 1000 idiv add % number of millenia
- 6 add 7 mod 7 add % offset from Jan 1 2000
- /off exch def
- 1 1 month 1 sub {
- 1 copy
- days_month exch 1 sub get
- exch 2 eq
- isleap and
- {
- 1 add
- } if
- /off exch off add def
- } for
- off 7 mod % 0--Sunday, 1--monday, etc.
- } def
- /center { % center string in given width
- /width exch def
- /str exch def width str
- stringwidth pop sub 2 div 0 rmoveto str show
- } def
- 90 rotate
- 50 -120 translate
- titlefont findfont 48 scalefont setfont
- 0 60 moveto
- month_name show
- /yearstring year 10 string cvs def
- 700 yearstring stringwidth pop sub 60 moveto
- yearstring show
- 0 0 moveto
- drawnums
- 0 0 moveto
- drawgrid
- showpage
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=(cut here too)=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- Neil Crellin, CSIRO Division of Mathematics and Statistics,
- GPO Box 1965, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia. PHONE: +61 62 818 529
- ACSNET: neilc@dmscanb.oz ARPA: neilc%dmscanb.oz@uunet.uu.net
- UUCP: ....{uunet,hplabs,mcvax,ukc,nttlab}!munnari!dmscanb.oz!neilc