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- Path: uunet!husc6!think!ames!necntc!ncoast!allbery
- From: drw@culdev1.UUCP (Dale Worley)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: Prettyprint a du listing
- Message-ID: <6803@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 17 Dec 87 02:33:54 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Organization: Cullinet Software, Westwood, MA, USA
- Lines: 447
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- X-Archive: comp.sources.misc/8712/8
- I've always wanted to get a du listing that shows how the space is
- being used graphically. I finally wrote a program to digest a du
- listing and print out a tree, where each directory occupies lines
- proportionally to how much space the files in it consume.
- To run it, type "du | dugraph" or some such. The listing for each
- directory starts with a blank space showing space occupied by files
- directly in that directory, then the subtrees for each subdirectory
- (in descending order of size). If the subdirectories at the bottom
- get so small that they occupy less than 1 line each, they are all
- merged into an entry "(etc.)".
- The entire listing always occupies 60 lines (the value of 'length').
- This program has tab-width = 5.
- --------------------------dugraph.c---------------------------------
- /* program to make a pretty graph out of a du report */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- /* number of lines the listing should occupy */
- int length = 60;
- /* message for suppressed directories */
- #define SUPPRESSED "(etc.)"
- /* format of a tree node */
- struct node {
- struct node *lson; /* left son */
- struct node *rbrother;/* right brother */
- unsigned long size; /* size of directory in kbytes */
- int loc; /* location we will print it at */
- int print_col;/* column to print name in */
- int print_limit;
- /* location we can't print on or
- * after */
- int last; /* are we last son of our father? */
- char name[1]; /* name */
- };
- /* root of the tree */
- struct node *root = NULL;
- /* total size of things listed */
- unsigned long total_size;
- /* current line number we are on (0-origin) */
- int current_line = 0;
- /* list of where to put bars */
- int bar_list[50];
- /* number of bars in the list */
- int bar_count = 0;
- /* declare functions */
- void read_input();
- struct node *insert_in_tree();
- void dfs();
- void dfs1();
- void missing_sizes();
- void sort();
- void calc_loc();
- void blank();
- void mark_last();
- void calc_pc();
- void output();
- void position();
- main()
- {
- struct node *t; /* scratch */
- /* read the input and form a tree */
- read_input();
- root->size = 0;
- /* put sizes on entries that have none */
- dfs(NULL, missing_sizes);
- /* sort each directory */
- dfs(sort, NULL);
- /* calculate the total size */
- total_size = 0;
- for (t = root->lson; t != NULL; t = t->rbrother)
- total_size += t->size;
- /* calculate the location of each directory */
- /* blank out subdirectories that get scrunched together at the bottom */
- root->print_limit = length;
- dfs(calc_loc, blank);
- /* print out the tree */
- for (t = root->lson; t != NULL; t = t->rbrother)
- {
- /* mark the last son of each directory */
- /* figure out the print columns */
- t->print_col = 0;
- dfs1(calc_pc, mark_last, t);
- dfs1(output, NULL, t);
- }
- /* put blank space at end */
- position(length);
- }
- /* read input and form a tree */
- void read_input()
- {
- unsigned long size; /* size read from input */
- char name[100]; /* directory name read from input */
- /* make the dummy node at the top of the tree */
- root = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof (struct node));
- root->name[0] = '\0';
- root->lson = NULL;
- /* read the next line of input */
- while (fscanf(stdin, "%lu %s\n", &size, name) != EOF)
- {
- /* insert (or find) the directory in the tree and save its size */
- insert_in_tree(name)->size = size;
- }
- }
- /* insert (or find) a directory in the tree */
- struct node *insert_in_tree(name)
- char *name; /* name of the directory */
- {
- struct node *t; /* pointer for searching down through tree */
- char *np; /* points to next part of directory name to be
- * examined */
- struct node *t1; /* scratch pointer */
- char *np1;/* scratch pointer */
- /* read through the name, one directory-part at a time, and hunt
- * down the tree, constructing nodes as needed */
- for (t = root, np = name; np != NULL; np = np1)
- {
- /* extract the next directory-part */
- if ((np1 = strchr(np, '/')) != NULL)
- {
- /* we found a slash, replace it with a null, and position
- * np1 to point to the remainder of the name */
- *np1++ = '\0';
- }
- /* else */
- /* we found no shash, so we are at the end of the name
- * np1 has been set to NULL for us by strchr */
- /* search the sons of this node for a node with the proper name */
- for (t1 = t->lson; t1 != NULL && strcmp(t1->name, np) != 0;
- t1 = t1->rbrother)
- ;
- /* did we find one? */
- if (t1 != NULL)
- /* yes, go to it */
- t = t1;
- else
- {
- /* no, make one */
- t1 = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node) + strlen(np));
- strcpy(t1->name, np);
- t1->lson = NULL;
- t1->rbrother = NULL;
- t1->size = 0;
- /* insert it in tree */
- t1->rbrother = t->lson;
- t->lson = t1;
- t = t1;
- }
- }
- return t;
- }
- /* depth-first-search routine */
- void dfs(pre_routine, post_routine)
- void (*pre_routine)(); /* routine to execute before scanning
- * descendants */
- void (*post_routine)(); /* routine to execute after scanning
- * descendants */
- {
- dfs1(pre_routine, post_routine, root);
- }
- /* depth-first-search service routine */
- void dfs1(pre_routine, post_routine, t)
- void (*pre_routine)(); /* routine to execute before scanning
- * descendants */
- void (*post_routine)(); /* routine to execute after scanning
- * descendants */
- struct node *t; /* node to operate on */
- {
- struct node *t1; /* scratch pointer */
- /* if it exists, execute the pre-routine */
- if (pre_routine != NULL)
- pre_routine(t);
- /* call self on sons of this node */
- for (t1 = t->lson; t1 != NULL; t1 = t1->rbrother)
- dfs1(pre_routine, post_routine, t1);
- /* if it exists, execute the post-routine */
- if (post_routine != NULL)
- post_routine(t);
- }
- /* add missing sizes */
- void missing_sizes(t)
- struct node *t;
- {
- struct node *t1; /* scratch pointer */
- unsigned long s; /* scratch */
- if (t->size == 0)
- {
- /* size is missing, we have to calcuate it */
- s = 0;
- for (t1 = t->lson; t1 != NULL; t1 = t1->rbrother)
- s += t1->size;
- t->size = s;
- }
- }
- /* sort the directories under a directory */
- void sort(t)
- struct node *t;
- {
- struct node *p1, *p2, *p3, *pp; /* scratch pointers */
- int nodes, n; /* scratch */
- /* count the number of nodes */
- nodes = 0;
- for (p1 = t->lson; p1 != NULL; p1 = p1->rbrother)
- nodes++;
- /* just a simple and inefficient bubble sort */
- for (n = 1; n < nodes; n++)
- for (p1 = NULL, p2 = t->lson, p3 = p2->rbrother; p3 != NULL;
- p1 = p2, p2 = p3, p3 = p3->rbrother)
- {
- if (p2->size < p3->size)
- {
- /* exchange the nodes p2 and p3 */
- pp = p3->rbrother;
- p3->rbrother = p2;
- p2->rbrother = pp;
- if (p1 != NULL)
- p1->rbrother = p3;
- else
- t->lson = p3;
- /* exchange the values of p2 and p3 */
- pp = p2;
- p2 = p3;
- p3 = pp;
- }
- }
- }
- /* calculate the print location */
- void calc_loc(t)
- struct node *t;
- {
- unsigned long cs; /* scratch */
- struct node *t1, *t2; /* scratch pointers */
- int print_limit;
- /* location next directory after t will
- * be printed */
- if (t == root)
- cs = 0;
- else
- {
- /* figure out how much is in the directory itself */
- for (t1 = t->lson, cs = 0; t1 != NULL; t1 = t1->rbrother)
- {
- cs += t1->size;
- }
- /* cs is the size accounted for by subdirectories */
- cs = t->size - cs;
- }
- /* cs is the size of the files in the directory itself */
- /* convert cs to lines */
- cs = cs*length/total_size + t->loc;
- /* calculate where next directory after t will be */
- print_limit = t->print_limit;
- /* assign locations */
- for (t1 = t->lson, t2 = NULL; t1 != NULL; t2 = t1, t1 = t1->rbrother)
- {
- /* make sure we don't run into next directory */
- if (cs >= print_limit)
- {
- cs = print_limit-1;
- }
- t1->loc = cs;
- if (t2 != NULL)
- t2->print_limit = cs;
- cs += t1->size*length/total_size;
- }
- if (t2 != NULL)
- t2->print_limit = print_limit;
- }
- /* figure out which directories to blank out */
- void blank(t)
- struct node *t;
- {
- struct node *t1, *t2, *t3; /* loop pointers */
- /* return if there aren't at least two sons */
- if (t->lson == NULL || t->lson->rbrother == NULL)
- return;
- for (t1 = NULL, t2 = t->lson, t3 = t2->rbrother; t3 != NULL;
- t1 = t2, t2 = t3, t3 = t3->rbrother)
- if (t2->loc == t3->loc)
- {
- /* replace t1 and succeeding nodes with "(etc.)" */
- t3 = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof (struct node) +
- sizeof (SUPPRESSED) - 1);
- strcpy(t3->name, SUPPRESSED);
- t3->lson = t3->rbrother = NULL;
- t3->loc = t2->loc;
- if (t1 == NULL)
- t->lson = t3;
- else
- t1->rbrother = t3;
- }
- }
- /* mark the last son of each directory */
- void mark_last(t)
- struct node *t;
- {
- struct node *t1, *t2; /* scratch pointers */
- t->last = 0;
- for (t1 = t->lson, t2 = NULL; t1 != NULL; t2 = t1, t1 = t1->rbrother)
- ;
- if (t2 != NULL)
- t2->last = 1;
- }
- /* calculate the print columns */
- void calc_pc(t)
- struct node *t;
- {
- struct node *t1; /* scratch pointer */
- int c; /* column suns will be printed in */
- c = t->print_col + strlen(t->name) + 5;
- for (t1 = t->lson; t1 != NULL; t1 = t1->rbrother)
- t1->print_col = c;
- }
- /* write the output */
- void output(t)
- struct node *t;
- {
- position(t->loc);
- printf("--%s%s", t->name, (t->lson != NULL ? "--+" : ""));
- /* remove the bar for our father if we are the last son */
- if (t->last)
- bar_count--;
- /* add the location of the bar to the bar list if we have a son */
- if (t->lson != NULL)
- {
- bar_list[bar_count] = t->print_col + strlen(t->name) + 5 - 1;
- bar_count++;
- }
- }
- /* position to a specific line */
- void position(line)
- int line; /* line number */
- {
- int i; /* counts through the bar list */
- int j; /* current column number */
- /* for every line we need to go down */
- for (; current_line < line; current_line++)
- {
- putchar('\n');
- /* print the bars for this line */
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < bar_count; i++)
- {
- for (; j < bar_list[i]; j++)
- putchar(' ');
- if (current_line == line-1 && i == bar_count-1)
- putchar('+');
- else
- putchar('|');
- j++;
- }
- }
- }
- -----------------------------------example-----------------------------------
- --.--+
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- +--scpp--+--ftps--+
- | | +--scpp--+--temp
- | +--error
- | |
- | +--shar--+
- | |
- | +--temp
- +--uemacs--+--uemacs3.9
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- +--patch--+--dist
- | |
- | |
- | +--build
- |
- |
- |
- +--sccs--+--all
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | +--(etc.)
- +--yacctest
- |
- |
- |
- +--yacc
- |
- |
- |
- +--rnsend--+--dist1
- | +--dist3
- | +--dist2
- +--bin--+
- | +--source
- +--sources
- |
- +--kwfrob
- +--rsts.tape
- +--rnews
- +--ftp-server
- +--(etc.)
- ------------------------------end of example------------------------------
- --
- Dale Worley Cullinet Software ARPA: culdev1!drw@eddie.mit.edu
- UUCP: ...!seismo!harvard!mit-eddie!culdev1!drw
- Nothing shocks me -- I'm a scientist.