home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* $Header: misc.c,v 1.6 85/06/27 08:15:57 nicklin Exp $ */
- /*
- * Author: Peter J. Nicklin
- */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "Mkmf.h"
- #include "hash.h"
- #include "macro.h"
- #include "null.h"
- #include "path.h"
- #include "target.h"
- #include "spms.h"
- #include "suffix.h"
- #include "system.h"
- #include "yesno.h"
- /*
- * answer() installs a line from stdin in the macro definition table.
- * exit(1) is called if EOF, error, or out of memory.
- */
- void
- answer(mdefkey, mdefval)
- char *mdefkey; /* macro definition key */
- int mdefval; /* macro definition value */
- {
- extern HASH *MDEFTABLE; /* macro definition table */
- char answerbuf[ANSWERBUFSIZE]; /* answer from stdin */
- char *gets(); /* get a line from stdin */
- HASHBLK *htinstall(); /* install hash table entry */
- if (gets(answerbuf) == NULL)
- exit(1);
- if (*answerbuf != '\0')
- if (htinstall(mdefkey, answerbuf, mdefval, MDEFTABLE) == NULL)
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * fastcopy() copies file to stream fp. Returns integer YES if successful,
- * otherwise NO.
- */
- fastcopy(filename, ofp)
- char *filename; /* file to be copied */
- register FILE *ofp; /* output stream */
- {
- register int ifd; /* input file descriptor */
- register int n; /* byte count */
- char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* I/O buffer */
- if ((ifd = OPEN(filename, 0, 0644)) == -1)
- {
- pperror("");
- return(NO);
- }
- while ((n = read(ifd, buf, BUFSIZ)) > 0)
- write(fileno(ofp), buf, n);
- close(ifd);
- return(YES);
- }
- /*
- * findmf() locates the makefile to be edited. The type of makefile
- * is returned in target. The pathname to the makefile is returned
- * in mfpath. Returns YES if makefile or makefile template can be
- * opened, otherwise NO.
- */
- findmf(mfname, mfpath, target)
- char *mfname; /* name of target makefile */
- char *mfpath; /* path to target makefile */
- TARGET *target; /* type of makefile target */
- {
- extern int CFLAG; /* makefile creation message */
- char *strcpy(); /* string copy */
- int readmf(); /* read makefile */
- int targettype; /* type of makefile requested */
- void findmftemplate(); /* find makefile template */
- targettype = target->type;
- if (FILEXIST(mfname))
- {
- if (!FILEWRITE(mfname))
- {
- pperror(mfname);
- target->type = VERROR;
- return(NO);
- }
- if (readmf(mfname, target) == VERROR)
- return(NO);
- if (targettype == VUNKNOWN || targettype == target->type)
- {
- strcpy(mfpath, mfname);
- return(YES);
- }
- }
- target->type = (targettype == VLIBRARY) ? VLIBRARY : VPROGRAM;
- findmftemplate(mfpath, target);
- if (readmf(mfpath, target) == VERROR)
- return(NO);
- else if (CFLAG == YES)
- warn2("creating %s from template %s", mfname, mfpath);
- return(YES);
- }
- /*
- * findmftemplate() returns the pathname of a makefile template in mfpath.
- */
- void
- findmftemplate(mfpath, target)
- char *mfpath; /* path to target makefile */
- TARGET *target; /* type of makefile target */
- {
- extern char *L_MAKEFILE; /* library makefile template */
- extern char *P_MAKEFILE; /* program makefile template */
- char *cwp; /* current project pathname pointer */
- char *getcwp(); /* get current project pathname */
- char *pathcat(); /* pathname concatenation */
- char *strcpy(); /* string copy */
- cwp = getcwp();
- if (target->type == VPROGRAM)
- {
- if (*P_MAKEFILE == _RDIRC)
- strcpy(mfpath, P_MAKEFILE);
- else if (cwp == NULL ||
- !FILEXIST(pathcat(mfpath, pathcat(mfpath, cwp, "lib"), P_MAKEFILE)))
- pathcat(mfpath, SPMSLIB, P_MAKEFILE);
- }
- else if (target->type == VLIBRARY)
- {
- if (*L_MAKEFILE == _RDIRC)
- strcpy(mfpath, L_MAKEFILE);
- else if (cwp == NULL ||
- !FILEXIST(pathcat(mfpath, pathcat(mfpath, cwp, "lib"), L_MAKEFILE)))
- pathcat(mfpath, SPMSLIB, L_MAKEFILE);
- }
- else
- warn("unknown template request");
- }
- /*
- * gettoken() copies the next token from token buffer to token. Returns a
- * pointer to the first character after the token, or null upon reaching
- * the end of the token buffer.
- */
- char *
- gettoken(token, tp)
- register char *token; /* receiving token */
- register char *tp; /* token buffer pointer */
- {
- while (isspace(*tp) && *tp != '\0')
- tp++;
- if (*tp == '\0')
- {
- *token = '\0';
- return(NULL);
- }
- while (!isspace(*tp) && *tp != '\0')
- *token++ = *tp++;
- *token = '\0';
- return(tp);
- }
- /*
- * putobj() converts a source file name to an object file name and then
- * writes the file name to stream.
- */
- void
- putobj(s, stream)
- register char *s; /* source file name */
- register FILE *stream; /* output stream */
- {
- extern char OBJSFX[]; /* object file name suffix */
- register char *dot; /* pointer to suffix */
- char *rindex(); /* last occurrence of character */
- dot = rindex(s, '.');
- while (s != dot)
- putc(*s++, stream);
- fprintf(stream, "%s", OBJSFX);
- }
- /*
- * readmf() reads a makefile and loads CFLAGS, FFLAGS, and SUFFIX definitions
- * into the macro definition table if they do not already exist. Returns
- * integer VLIBRARY, VPROGRAM, or VUNKNOWN according to the type of makefile,
- * or VERROR if cannot open makefile.
- */
- readmf(mfname, target)
- char *mfname; /* name of makefile */
- TARGET *target; /* type of makefile target */
- {
- register char *bp; /* buffer pointer */
- extern char IOBUF[]; /* I/O buffer line */
- extern HASH *MDEFTABLE; /* macro definition table */
- char *findmacro(); /* is the line a macro definition? */
- char *findrule(); /* is the line a rule definition? */
- char *getlin(); /* get a line from input stream */
- char *getmacro(); /* get macro def from input stream */
- char macrodef[MACRODEFSIZE]; /* macro definition buffer */
- char macroname[MACRONAMSIZE]; /* macro name buffer */
- char rulename[2*SUFFIXSIZE+3]; /* transformation rule name */
- FILE *fopen(); /* open file */
- FILE *fp; /* file pointer */
- HASHBLK *htinstall(); /* install hash table entry */
- HASHBLK *htlookup(); /* find hash table entry */
- int storerule(); /* store transformation rule */
- target->type = target->dest = VUNKNOWN;
- if ((fp = fopen(mfname, "r")) == NULL)
- {
- pperror(mfname);
- target->type = VERROR;
- return(target->type);
- }
- while (getlin(fp) != NULL)
- {
- break;
- for (bp = IOBUF; *bp == ' '; bp++)
- continue;
- if (isalnum(*bp) && findmacro(macroname, bp) != NULL)
- {
- if (EQUAL(macroname, MPROGRAM))
- {
- target->type = VPROGRAM;
- continue;
- }
- else if (EQUAL(macroname, MLIBRARY))
- {
- target->type = VLIBRARY;
- continue;
- }
- else if (EQUAL(macroname, MDESTDIR))
- {
- target->dest = VDESTDIR;
- continue;
- }
- /* does macro definition already exist? */
- if (htlookup(macroname, MDEFTABLE) != NULL)
- continue;
- if (EQUAL(macroname, MCFLAGS) ||
- EQUAL(macroname, MFFLAGS) ||
- EQUAL(macroname, MPFLAGS) ||
- EQUAL(macroname, MSUFFIX))
- {
- if (htinstall(macroname, getmacro(macrodef, fp),
- {
- fclose(fp);
- return(NO);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (*bp == '.' && findrule(rulename, bp) != NULL)
- {
- if (storerule(rulename) == NO)
- {
- fclose(fp);
- return(NO);
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- return(target->type);
- }