home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* $Header: rule.c,v 1.2 85/05/16 12:49:56 nicklin Exp $ */
- /*
- * Author: Peter J. Nicklin
- */
- #include "Mkmf.h"
- #include "null.h"
- #include "rule.h"
- #include "slist.h"
- #include "suffix.h"
- #include "system.h"
- #include "yesno.h"
- #define MAXNAMLEN 255
- static RULEBLK *Ruletab[RULETABSIZE]; /* rules table */
- static SLIST *Rulelist = NULL; /* transformation rule list */
- /*
- * buildruletable() converts a list of transformation rules into a hash table
- * for fast lookup. Returns YES if successful, otherwise NO.
- */
- buildruletable()
- {
- extern char *DEFRULE[]; /* default preprocessor rules */
- int i; /* default rule list counter */
- int instalrule(); /* instale rule in hash table */
- SLBLK *rblk; /* singly-linked rulename block */
- /* process default rules */
- for (i = 0; DEFRULE[i] != NULL; i++)
- {
- if (instalrule(DEFRULE[i]) == NO)
- {
- warn("out of memory");
- return(NO);
- }
- }
- /* process rules found in makefile */
- if (Rulelist != NULL)
- {
- for (rblk = Rulelist->head; rblk != NULL; rblk = rblk->next)
- {
- if (instalrule(rblk->key) == NO)
- {
- warn("out of memory");
- return(NO);
- }
- }
- }
- return(YES);
- }
- /*
- * findrule() searchs a line for a transformation rule. Returns the
- * name of the transformation rule, or NULL if not found.
- */
- char *
- findrule(rulename, bp)
- char *rulename; /* transformation rule buffer */
- register char *bp; /* I/O buffer pointer */
- {
- register char *rp; /* rule name pointer */
- int dotcount = 0; /* number of '.'s in rule */
- for (rp = rulename; *bp != ':' && *bp != ' ' && *bp != '\t'; rp++, bp++)
- {
- if ((*rp = *bp) == '.')
- dotcount++;
- }
- *rp = '\0';
- /* eat up white space between rule and ':' */
- if (*bp != ':')
- {
- while (*bp == ' ' || *bp == '\t')
- bp++;
- if (*bp != ':')
- return(NULL);
- }
- return((dotcount == 2) ? rulename : NULL);
- }
- /*
- * instalrule() installs a source transformation rule in the rule lookup
- * table. The rule table consists of a set of singly-linked lists, indexed
- * by the first character of the suffix of the target file. The index of
- * the target file is used by lookuprule() to find out the name of the file
- * from which it was derived. Returns YES if successful, otherwise NO.
- */
- instalrule(rule)
- char *rule; /* rule to be installed in Rule table */
- {
- char *malloc(); /* memory allocator */
- char *rindex(); /* find last occurrence of character */
- char *strsav(); /* save a string somewhere */
- char *target; /* target suffix */
- int lookupsfx(); /* get suffix type */
- int ruleindex; /* index into rule table */
- RULEBLK *rblk; /* rule list block */
- target = rindex(rule, '.') + 1;
- if (lookupsfx(target) == SFXSRC)
- {
- ruleindex = target[0];
- if ((rblk = (RULEBLK *) malloc(sizeof(RULEBLK))) == NULL)
- return(NO);
- if ((rblk->r_rule = strsav(rule)) == NULL)
- return(NO);
- rblk->r_next = Ruletab[ruleindex];
- Ruletab[ruleindex] = rblk;
- }
- return(YES);
- }
- /*
- * lookuprule() applies successive transformation rules to filename, and
- * checks to see if the file exists. Returns YES if filename exists,
- * otherwise NO.
- */
- lookuprule(target, source)
- char *target; /* name of (transformed) file */
- char *source; /* name of source file */
- {
- register char *r; /* rule pointer */
- register char *s; /* source buffer pointer */
- char *rindex(); /* find last occurrence of character */
- char *sourcesuffix; /* source file suffix */
- char *strcpy(); /* string copy */
- char *rulesuffix; /* target suffix in each rule */
- char *targetsuffix; /* transformed file suffix string */
- int ruleindex; /* index into rule table */
- int strcmp(); /* string comparison */
- RULEBLK *rblk; /* rule list block */
- if ((targetsuffix = rindex(target, '.')) == NULL)
- return(NO);
- ruleindex = targetsuffix[1];
- if (Ruletab[ruleindex] != NULL)
- {
- strcpy(source, target);
- sourcesuffix = rindex(source, '.');
- for (rblk=Ruletab[ruleindex]; rblk != NULL; rblk=rblk->r_next)
- {
- rulesuffix = rindex(rblk->r_rule, '.');
- if (strcmp(rulesuffix, targetsuffix) == 0)
- {
- r = rblk->r_rule;
- s = sourcesuffix;
- while (*++s = *++r)
- if (*s == '.')
- {
- *s = '\0';
- break;
- }
- if (FILEXIST(source))
- return(YES);
- }
- }
- }
- return(NO);
- }
- /*
- * storerule() appends a transformation rule to the end of a singly-linked
- * list. Returns integer NO if out of memory, otherwise YES.
- */
- storerule(rulename)
- char *rulename; /* transformation rule name */
- {
- char *slappend(); /* append rule to list */
- SLIST *slinit(); /* initialize transformation list */
- if (Rulelist == NULL)
- Rulelist = slinit();
- if (slappend(rulename, Rulelist) == NULL)
- return(NO);
- return(YES);
- }