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Text File | 1990-07-13 | 47.6 KB | 1,555 lines |
- Path: uunet!munnari!basser!richb
- From: richb@sunaus.sun.oz.AU
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: Calctool v2.1 - a Sun calculator. Part 1 of 2.
- Message-ID: <1192@basser.oz>
- Date: 22 Feb 88 11:55:57 GMT
- Sender: john@basser.oz
- Lines: 1544
- Approved: john@basser.cs.su.oz.AU
- This is V2.1 of a desktop calculator for the Sun workstation.
- Currently this version works under SunView, but NeWS and X.11 versions
- will be coming soon.
- This is a complete rehash from the v1.x series, and now includes
- many more mathematical and trigonometrical functions. Memory register
- manipulation has been extended, the user interface tidied up and color
- is now supported.
- See the online help or the manual pages for more details.
- Thankyou to everybody who has sent me mail suggesting enhancements.
- Thanks to Ed Falk at Sun Microsystems (Mountain View) for some of the
- basic algorithms used.
- Suggestions for furthur improvement would be most welcome plus bugs,
- comments and flames.
- Rich.
- Rich Burridge, JANET richb%sunaus.oz@uk.ac.ucl.cs
- ACSnet richb@sunaus.oz UUCP {uunet,hplabs,mcvax,ukc}!munnari!sunaus.oz!richb
- PHONE: +61 2 436 4699 ARPAnet rburridge@Sun.COM
- Sun Microsystems, Unit 2, 49-53 Hotham Pde, Artarmon, N.S.W. 2164, AUSTRALIA.
- ------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------
- #! /bin/sh
- # this is a shell archive, meaning:
- # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line
- # 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
- # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh to create the files:
- # calctool.c
- # functions.c
- # sunview.c
- # This archive created: Fri Feb 19 18:59:56 EST 1988
- #
- #
- export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
- #
- if [ -f calctool.c ]
- then
- echo shar: will not over-write existing file calctool.c
- else
- echo shar: extracting 'calctool.c', 16468 characters
- cat > calctool.c <<'Funky_Stuff'
- /* calctool.c
- *
- * This program looks and acts like a simple calculator.
- *
- * Copyright (c) Rich Burridge - February 1988.
- * Sun Microsystems, Australia - All rights reserved.
- *
- * Basic algorithms by Ed Falk, Sun Microsystems, Mountain View.
- *
- * Includes ideas and code from:
- * Rich Baughman, Consumer Financial Institute, Newton, MA
- *
- * Version 2.1.
- *
- * No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
- * either to the comments or the code of this program, but if
- * reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
- */
- #include "patchlevel.h"
- #include "color.h"
- #include "calctool.h"
- double powers[11][4] = {
- { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 },
- { 2.0, 8.0, 10.0, 16.0 },
- { 4.0, 64.0, 100.0, 256.0 },
- { 8.0, 512.0, 1000.0, 4096.0 },
- { 16.0, 4096.0, 10000.0, 65536.0 },
- { 32.0, 32768.0, 100000.0, 1048576.0 },
- { 64.0, 262144.0, 1000000.0, 16777216.0 },
- { 128.0, 2097152.0, 10000000.0, 268435456.0 },
- { 256.0, 16777216.0, 100000000.0, 4294967296.0 },
- { 512.0, 134217728.0, 1000000000.0, 68719476736.0 },
- { 1024.0, 1073741824.0, 10000000000.0, 1099511627776.0 }
- } ;
- char base_str[4][4] = { "BIN", "OCT", "DEC", "HEX" } ;
- char ttype_str[3][5] = { "DEG", "GRAD", "RAD" } ;
- char digits[] = "0123456789abcdef" ;
- int basevals[4] = {2, 8, 10, 16} ;
- /* Length of display in characters for each base. */
- int disp_length[4] = {32, 15, 12, 12} ;
- /* X offset in pixels for various length button strings. */
- int chxoff[4] = { 5, 9, 14, 16 } ;
- double disp_val ; /* Value of the current display. */
- double last_input ; /* Previous number input by user. */
- double mem_vals[MAXREGS] ; /* Memory register values. */
- double result ; /* Current calculator total value. */
- double tresults[3] ; /* Current trigonometric results. */
- FILE *hfd ; /* File descriptor for help information. */
- int accuracy ; /* Number of digits precision (Max 9). */
- int base ; /* Current base: BIN, OCT, DEC or HEX. */
- int color ; /* Color being used for current raster operation. */
- int column ; /* Column number of current key/mouse press. */
- int down ; /* Indicates is a mouse button is down. */
- int error ; /* Indicates some kind of display error. */
- int iscolor ; /* Set if this is a color screen. */
- int ishelp ; /* Set if there is a help file. */
- int new_input ; /* New number input since last op. */
- int pending ; /* Indicates command depending on multiple presses. */
- int pending_op ; /* Arithmetic operation for pending command. */
- int pointed ; /* Whether a decimal point has been given. */
- int portion ; /* Portion of button on current key/mouse press. */
- int row ; /* Row number of current key/mouse press. */
- int rstate ; /* Indicates if memory register frame is displayed. */
- int spaces ; /* Number of spaces in current button string. */
- int toclear ; /* Indicates if display should be cleared. */
- int tstate ; /* Indicates current button set being displayed. */
- int ttype ; /* Trigonometric type (deg, grad or rad). */
- int x ; /* X offset for text for button. */
- int y ; /* Y offset for text for button. */
- /* Routines obeyed by mouse button or character presses. */
- int close_frame(), destroy_frame(), do_atrig(), do_base() ;
- int do_calculation(), do_clear(), do_constant(), do_delete() ;
- int do_immediate(), do_keys(), do_nothing(), do_number() ;
- int do_pending(), do_point(), do_portion(), do_registers() ;
- int do_pending(), do_trig(), do_trigtype(), toggle_reg_canvas() ;
- char cur_op ; /* Current arithmetic operation. */
- char current ; /* Current button or character pressed. */
- char old_cal_value ; /* Previous calculation operator. */
- char pstr[5] ; /* Current button text string. */
- struct button buttons[TITEMS] = { /* Calculator button values. */
- { "> ", '>', OP_SET, LGREY, do_pending }, /* Row 1. */
- { "< ", '<', OP_SET, LGREY, do_pending },
- { "BIN ", 'B', OP_CLEAR, YELLOW, do_base },
- { "MEM ", 'M', OP_CLEAR, BLUE, toggle_reg_canvas },
- { "OCT ", 'O', OP_CLEAR, YELLOW, do_base },
- { "D ", 'd', OP_NOP, PINK, do_number },
- { "DEC ", 'D', OP_CLEAR, YELLOW, do_base },
- { "E ", 'e', OP_NOP, PINK, do_number },
- { "HEX ", 'H', OP_CLEAR, YELLOW, do_base },
- { "F ", 'f', OP_NOP, PINK, do_number },
- { "KEYS", 'K', OP_CLEAR, BLUE, do_keys },
- { "? ", '?', OP_SET, BLUE, do_pending },
- { "&32 ", 'i', OP_CLEAR, LGREY, do_immediate }, /* Row 2. */
- { "STO ", 's', OP_SET, MAUVE, do_pending },
- { "&16 ", 'h', OP_CLEAR, LGREY, do_immediate },
- { "RCL ", 'r', OP_SET, MAUVE, do_pending },
- { "PI ", 'P', OP_CLEAR, ORANGE, do_constant },
- { "A ", 'a', OP_NOP, PINK, do_number },
- { "e ", 'E', OP_CLEAR, ORANGE, do_constant },
- { "B ", 'b', OP_NOP, PINK, do_number },
- { "% ", '%', OP_SET, LPURPLE, do_calculation },
- { "C ", 'c', OP_NOP, PINK, do_number },
- { "clr ", '\177', OP_CLEAR, BLUE, do_clear },
- { "bsp ", '\010', OP_NOP, BLUE, do_delete },
- { "OR ", '|', OP_SET, GREEN, do_calculation }, /* Row 3. */
- { "AND ", '&', OP_SET, GREEN, do_calculation },
- { "ASIN", '}', OP_CLEAR, LGREEN, do_atrig },
- { "SIN ", '{', OP_CLEAR, LGREEN, do_trig },
- { "e^x ", '#', OP_CLEAR, ORANGE, do_immediate },
- { "7 ", '7', OP_NOP, LBLUE, do_number },
- { "10^x", '$', OP_CLEAR, ORANGE, do_immediate },
- { "8 ", '8', OP_NOP, LBLUE, do_number },
- { "y^x ", 'Y', OP_SET, ORANGE, do_calculation },
- { "9 ", '9', OP_NOP, LBLUE, do_number },
- { "INT ", 'I', OP_CLEAR, LGREY, do_portion },
- { "X ", 'x', OP_SET, LPURPLE, do_calculation },
- { "XNOR", 'n', OP_SET, GREEN, do_calculation }, /* Row 4. */
- { "XOR ", '^', OP_SET, GREEN, do_calculation },
- { "ACOS", ')', OP_CLEAR, LGREEN, do_atrig },
- { "COS ", '(', OP_CLEAR, LGREEN, do_trig },
- { "ln ", 'N', OP_CLEAR, ORANGE, do_immediate },
- { "4 ", '4', OP_NOP, LBLUE, do_number },
- { "log ", 'G', OP_CLEAR, ORANGE, do_immediate },
- { "5 ", '5', OP_NOP, LBLUE, do_number },
- { "SQRT", 'S', OP_CLEAR, ORANGE, do_immediate },
- { "6 ", '6', OP_NOP, LBLUE, do_number },
- { "FRAC", 'F', OP_CLEAR, LGREY, do_portion },
- { "/ ", '/', OP_SET, LPURPLE, do_calculation },
- { "NOT ", '~', OP_CLEAR, GREEN, do_immediate }, /* Row 5. */
- { "ACC ", 'A', OP_SET, BLUE, do_pending },
- { "ATAN", 'T', OP_CLEAR, LGREEN, do_atrig },
- { "TAN ", 't', OP_CLEAR, LGREEN, do_trig },
- { "1/x ", 'R', OP_CLEAR, ORANGE, do_immediate },
- { "1 ", '1', OP_NOP, LBLUE, do_number },
- { "x! ", '!', OP_CLEAR, ORANGE, do_immediate },
- { "2 ", '2', OP_NOP, LBLUE, do_number },
- { "x^2 ", '@', OP_CLEAR, ORANGE, do_immediate },
- { "3 ", '3', OP_NOP, LBLUE, do_number },
- { "CHS ", 'C', OP_CLEAR, LGREY, do_immediate },
- { "- ", '-', OP_SET, LPURPLE, do_calculation },
- { "QUIT", 'q', OP_CLEAR, BLUE, destroy_frame }, /* Row 6. */
- { "OFF ", 'o', OP_CLEAR, BLUE, close_frame },
- { " ", ' ', OP_CLEAR, GREY, do_nothing },
- { " ", ' ', OP_CLEAR, GREY, do_nothing },
- { "DEG ", '\004', OP_CLEAR, RED, do_trigtype },
- { "0 ", '0', OP_NOP, LBLUE, do_number },
- { "RAD ", '\022', OP_CLEAR, RED, do_trigtype },
- { ". ", '.', OP_NOP, LPURPLE, do_point },
- { "GRAD", '\007', OP_CLEAR, RED, do_trigtype },
- { "= ", '=', OP_CLEAR, LPURPLE, do_calculation },
- { "ABS ", 'U', OP_CLEAR, LGREY, do_portion },
- { "+ ", '+', OP_SET, LPURPLE, do_calculation },
- { " ", 'X', OP_NOP, WHITE, do_calculation }, /* Extra definitions. */
- { " ", '*', OP_NOP, WHITE, do_calculation },
- { " ", '\015', OP_NOP, WHITE, do_calculation },
- { " ", 'Q', OP_NOP, WHITE, destroy_frame },
- } ;
- char display[MAXLINE] ; /* Current calculator display. */
- char helpname[MAXLINE] ; /* Filename for help file. */
- char progname[MAXLINE] ; /* Name of this program. */
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc ;
- char *argv[] ;
- {
- STRCPY(progname,argv[0]) ; /* Save this programs name. */
- get_options(argc,argv) ; /* Get command line arguments. */
- open_helpfile(helpname) ; /* Open helpfile if present. */
- make_icon() ; /* Set up the calctool window icon. */
- init_fonts() ; /* Open required fonts. */
- make_frames(argc,argv) ; /* Create calctool window frames. */
- make_subframes() ; /* Create panels and canvases. */
- make_items() ; /* Create panel items and cursors. */
- load_colors() ; /* Load the initial calctool colormap. */
- pending = 0 ; /* No initial pending command. */
- rstate = 0 ; /* No memory register frame display initially. */
- tstate = 0 ; /* Button values displayed first. */
- base = DEC ; /* Initial base. */
- ttype = DEG ; /* Initial trigonometric type. */
- down = 0 ; /* No mouse presses initially. */
- accuracy = 2 ; /* Initial accuracy. */
- do_clear() ; /* Initialise and clear display. */
- make_registers() ; /* Calculate memory register frame values. */
- make_canvas(0) ; /* Draw the calculators buttons. */
- display_base(base) ; /* Initial arithmetic base. */
- display_ttype(ttype) ; /* Initial trigonometric type. */
- start_tool() ; /* Display the calculator. */
- exit(0) ;
- }
- char_val(chr)
- char chr ;
- {
- if (chr >= '0' && chr <= '9') return(chr - '0') ;
- else if (chr >= 'a' && chr <= 'f') return(chr - 'a' + 10) ;
- else return(-1) ;
- }
- clear_display()
- {
- int i ;
- pointed = 0 ;
- toclear = 1 ;
- STRCPY(display,"0.") ;
- for (i = 0; i < accuracy; i++) STRNCAT(display,"0",1) ;
- display_result(display) ;
- disp_val = 0.0 ;
- }
- double
- convert_display() /* Convert input string into a double. */
- {
- int i,inum ;
- double val ;
- char *optr ;
- val = 0.0 ;
- optr = display ;
- while ((inum = char_val(*optr)) >= 0)
- {
- val = val * basevals[base] + inum ;
- *optr++ ;
- }
- if (*optr == '.')
- for (i = 1; (inum = char_val(*++optr)) >= 0; i++)
- val += inum / powers[i][base] ;
- return(val) ;
- }
- display_base(base)
- int base ;
- {
- display_base_item(base_str[base]) ;
- }
- display_ttype(ttype)
- int ttype ;
- {
- display_ttype_item(ttype_str[ttype]) ;
- }
- get_label(n)
- int n ;
- {
- if (tstate)
- switch (buttons[n].value)
- {
- case CTRL('d') : STRCPY(pstr,"^d ") ;
- break ;
- case CTRL('g') : STRCPY(pstr,"^g ") ;
- break ;
- case '\010' : STRCPY(pstr,"bsp ") ;
- break ;
- case CTRL('r') : STRCPY(pstr,"^r ") ;
- break ;
- case '\177' : STRCPY(pstr,"del ") ;
- break ;
- default : SPRINTF(pstr,"%c ",buttons[n].value) ;
- }
- else STRCPY(pstr,buttons[n].str) ;
- }
- get_options(argc,argv) /* Extract command line options. */
- int argc ;
- char *argv[] ;
- {
- STRCPY(helpname,HELPNAME) ; /* Default help filename. */
- argv++ ;
- argc-- ;
- while (argc > 0)
- {
- switch (argv[0][1])
- {
- case 'h' : argv++ ;
- argc-- ;
- STRCPY(helpname,*argv) ; /* Get new help filename. */
- break ;
- case 'v' : FPRINTF(stderr,"%s version 2.1.%1d\n",progname,PATCHLEVEL) ;
- break ;
- case '?' : FPRINTF(stderr,"Usage: %s [-h helpfile] [-v] [-?]\n",progname) ;
- exit(1) ;
- }
- argc-- ;
- argv++ ;
- }
- }
- grey_buttons(base) /* Grey out numeric buttons depending upon base. */
- int base ;
- {
- char val ;
- int i,n ;
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- {
- val = digits[i] ;
- for (n = 0; n < TITEMS; n++)
- if (val == buttons[n].value) break ;
- if (i < basevals[base])
- {
- if (i < 10) buttons[n].color = LBLUE ;
- else buttons[n].color = PINK ;
- }
- else buttons[n].color = GREY ;
- draw_button(n) ;
- }
- }
- initialise()
- {
- error = 0 ; /* Currently no display error. */
- cur_op = '?' ; /* No arithmetic operator defined yet. */
- old_cal_value = '?' ;
- result = 0.0 ; /* No previous result yet. */
- last_input = 0.0 ;
- }
- char *
- make_number(number) /* Convert display value to current base. */
- double number ; /* Value to convert. */
- {
- char *optr ;
- double val ;
- int cmax ; /* Maximum number of characters to display. */
- int ndig ; /* Total number of digits to generate. */
- int ddig ; /* Number of digits to left of . */
- int dval ;
- if (isinf(number) || isnan(number))
- {
- STRCPY(display,"Error") ;
- error = 1 ;
- return(display) ;
- }
- cmax = disp_length[base] ;
- optr = display ;
- val = fabs(number) ;
- if (number < 0.0) *optr++ = '-' ;
- val += .5 / powers[accuracy][base] ;
- if (val < 1.0)
- {
- ddig = 0 ;
- *optr++ = '0' ;
- cmax-- ;
- }
- else
- {
- for (ddig = 0; val >= 1.0; ddig++)
- val /= powers[1][base] ;
- }
- if ((ndig = ddig + accuracy) > cmax)
- {
- if (ddig > cmax)
- {
- STRCPY(display,"Overflow") ;
- error = 1 ;
- return(display) ;
- }
- else
- {
- STRCPY(display,"Reducing precision") ;
- display_result(display) ;
- sleep(1) ;
- bzero(display,MAXLINE) ;
- accuracy = cmax - ddig ;
- if (accuracy < 0) accuracy = 0 ;
- ndig = ddig + accuracy ;
- }
- }
- while (ndig-- > 0)
- {
- if (ddig-- == 0) *optr++ = '.' ;
- val *= powers[1][base] ;
- dval = val ;
- *optr++ = digits[dval] ;
- val -= (int) val ;
- }
- *optr++ = '\0' ;
- toclear = 1 ;
- pointed = 0 ;
- return(display) ;
- }
- matherr(x) /* Calctools' math library error-handling routine. */
- struct exception *x ;
- {
- SPRINTF(display,"Error in %s",x->name) ;
- display_result(display) ;
- error = 1 ;
- return(1) ;
- }
- open_helpfile(helpname) /* Open helpfile if present. */
- char *helpname ;
- {
- char *getenv(), name[MAXLINE], *paths, *ptr ;
- int i ;
- i = 0 ;
- ishelp = 1 ;
- if ((hfd = fopen(helpname,"r")) == NULL)
- {
- paths = getenv("PATH") ;
- if ((ptr = paths) && helpname[0] != '/')
- for (;;)
- if (*ptr == ':' || *ptr == 0)
- {
- if (*ptr == 0) break ;
- name[i++] = '/' ;
- name[i] = 0 ;
- STRCAT(name,helpname) ;
- if ((hfd = fopen(name,"r")) != NULL) return ;
- *ptr++ ;
- i = 0 ;
- }
- else name[i++] = *ptr++ ;
- FPRINTF(stderr,"%s: Help file: %s not found\r\n",progname,helpname) ;
- ishelp = 0 ;
- }
- }
- process_item(n)
- int n ;
- {
- if (n > TITEMS) return ;
- current = buttons[n].value ;
- if (current == 'X') current = 'x' ; /* Reassign "extra" values. */
- if (current == '*') current = 'x' ;
- if (current == '\015') current = '=' ;
- if (current == 'Q') current = 'q' ;
- if (error && current != '\177') return ; /* If error, must clear first. */
- if (pending)
- {
- for (n = 0; n < TITEMS; n++)
- if (pending == buttons[n].value) break ;
- }
- switch (buttons[n].opdisp)
- {
- case OP_SET : display_op_item(buttons[n].str) ;
- break ;
- case OP_CLEAR : display_op_item("") ;
- }
- (*buttons[n].func)() ;
- }
- show_display(val)
- double val ;
- {
- if (!error)
- {
- STRCPY(display,make_number(val)) ;
- display_result(display) ;
- }
- }
- Funky_Stuff
- len=`wc -c < calctool.c`
- if [ $len != 16468 ] ; then
- echo error: calctool.c was $len bytes long, should have been 16468
- fi
- fi # end of overwriting check
- if [ -f functions.c ]
- then
- echo shar: will not over-write existing file functions.c
- else
- echo shar: extracting 'functions.c', 15064 characters
- cat > functions.c <<'Funky_Stuff'
- /* functions.c
- *
- * This file contains the seperate functions used by calctool,
- * whenever a calculator button is pressed.
- *
- * Copyright (c) Rich Burridge - February 1988.
- * Sun Microsystems, Australia - All rights reserved.
- *
- * Basic algorithms by Ed Falk, Sun Microsystems, Mountain View.
- *
- * Includes ideas and code from:
- * Rich Baughman, Consumer Financial Institute, Newton, MA
- *
- * Version 2.1.
- *
- * No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
- * either to the comments or the code of this program, but if
- * reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
- */
- #include "calctool.h"
- #include "color.h"
- BOOLEAN ibool() ;
- double setbool() ;
- extern char *make_number() ;
- extern double convert_display() ;
- extern int signgam ;
- extern FILE *hfd ; /* File descriptor for help information. */
- extern struct button buttons[] ; /* Calculator button values. */
- /* Length of display in characters for each base. */
- extern int disp_length[] ;
- extern double disp_val ; /* Value of the current display. */
- extern double last_input ; /* Previous number input by user. */
- extern double mem_vals[] ; /* Memory register values. */
- extern double result ; /* Current calculator total value. */
- extern double tresults[] ; /* Current trigonometric results. */
- extern int accuracy ; /* Number of digits precision (Max 9). */
- extern int base ; /* Current base: BIN, OCT, DEC or HEX. */
- extern int color ; /* Color of current raster operation. */
- extern int iscolor ; /* Set if this is a color screen. */
- extern int ishelp ; /* Set if there is a help file. */
- extern int new_input ; /* New number input since last op. */
- extern int pending ; /* Indicates command depending on multiple presses. */
- extern int pending_op ; /* Arithmetic operation for pending command. */
- extern int pointed ; /* Whether a decimal point has been given. */
- extern int toclear ; /* Indicates if display should be cleared. */
- extern int ttype ; /* Current trigonometric type. */
- extern char cur_op ; /* Current arithmetic operation. */
- extern char current ; /* Current button or character pressed. */
- extern char old_cal_value ; /* Previous calculation operator. */
- extern char display[MAXLINE] ; /* Current calculator display. */
- do_atrig()
- {
- switch (current)
- {
- case ')' : disp_val = acos(disp_val) ; /* cos-1. */
- break ;
- case '}' : disp_val = asin(disp_val) ; /* sin-1. */
- break ;
- case 'T' : disp_val = atan(disp_val) ; /* tan-1. */
- }
- tresults[DEG] = disp_val *= 180.0 / M_PI ;
- tresults[GRAD] = disp_val *= 200.0 / M_PI ;
- tresults[RAD] = disp_val ;
- cur_op = current ;
- show_display(tresults[ttype]) ;
- }
- do_base() /* Change the current base setting. */
- {
- switch (current)
- {
- case 'B' : base = BIN ;
- break ;
- case 'O' : base = OCT ;
- break ;
- case 'D' : base = DEC ;
- break ;
- case 'H' : base = HEX ;
- }
- grey_buttons(base) ;
- display_base(base) ;
- show_display(disp_val) ;
- make_registers() ;
- }
- do_calculation() /* Perform arithmetic calculation and display result. */
- {
- if (current == '=' && old_cal_value == '=')
- if (new_input) result = last_input ;
- else disp_val = last_input ;
- if (current != '=' && old_cal_value == '=') cur_op = '?' ;
- switch (cur_op)
- {
- case '?' : result = disp_val ; /* Undefined. */
- break ;
- case '+' : result += disp_val ; /* Addition. */
- break ;
- case '-' : result -= disp_val ; /* Subtraction. */
- break ;
- case 'x' : result *= disp_val ; /* Multiplication. */
- break ;
- case '/' : result /= disp_val ; /* Division. */
- break ;
- case '%' : result *= disp_val * 0.01 ; /* % */
- break ;
- case 'Y' : result = pow(result,disp_val) ; /* y^x */
- break ;
- case '&' : result = setbool(ibool(result) & ibool(disp_val)) ; /* AND */
- break ;
- case '|' : result = setbool(ibool(result) | ibool(disp_val)) ; /* OR */
- break ;
- case '^' : result = setbool(ibool(result) ^ ibool(disp_val)) ; /* XOR */
- break ;
- case 'n' : result = setbool(~(ibool(result) ^ ibool(disp_val))) ; /* XNOR */
- break ;
- case '=' : break ; /* Equals. */
- }
- show_display(result) ;
- if (!(current == '=' && old_cal_value == '=')) last_input = disp_val ;
- disp_val = result ;
- if (current != '=') cur_op = current ;
- old_cal_value = current ;
- new_input = 0 ;
- }
- do_clear() /* Clear the calculator display and re-initialise. */
- {
- clear_display() ;
- initialise() ;
- }
- do_constant()
- {
- switch (current)
- {
- case 'E' : disp_val = M_E ; /* e. */
- break ;
- case 'P' : disp_val = M_PI ; /* PI. */
- }
- show_display(disp_val) ;
- }
- do_delete() /* Remove the last numeric character typed. */
- {
- if (strlen(display)) display[strlen(display)-1] = '\0' ;
- display_result(display) ;
- disp_val = convert_display() ; /* Convert input to a number. */
- }
- do_factorial(val) /* Calculate the factorial of val. */
- double val ;
- {
- double a ;
- int i ;
- if (val == (int) val)
- {
- i = val ;
- a = 1.0 ;
- while ((i > 0) && (a != HUGE)) a *= (float) i-- ;
- }
- else
- {
- a = gamma(val+1) ;
- a = exp(a) ;
- if (signgam) a = -a ;
- }
- return (a) ;
- }
- do_immediate()
- {
- switch (current)
- {
- case '#' : disp_val = exp(disp_val) ; /* e^x */
- break ;
- case '$' : disp_val = exp(M_LN10*disp_val) ; /* 10^x */
- break ;
- case 'N' : disp_val = log(disp_val) ; /* ln */
- break ;
- case 'G' : disp_val = log10(disp_val) ; /* log */
- break ;
- case 'S' : disp_val = sqrt(disp_val) ; /* SQRT */
- break ;
- case 'R' : disp_val = 1.0 / disp_val ; /* 1/x */
- break ;
- case '@' : disp_val *= disp_val ; /* x^2 */
- break ;
- case 'C' : disp_val = -disp_val ; /* CHS */
- break ;
- case 'i' : disp_val = setbool(ibool(disp_val)) ; /* &32 */
- break ;
- case 'h' : disp_val = setbool(ibool(disp_val) & 0xffff) ; /* &16 */
- break ;
- case '!' : disp_val = do_factorial(disp_val) ; /* x! */
- break ;
- case '~' : disp_val = setbool(~ibool(disp_val)) ; /* NOT */
- }
- show_display(disp_val) ;
- }
- do_keys()
- {
- make_canvas(1) ;
- }
- do_nothing() /* Dummy routine for the two blank keys. */
- {
- }
- do_number()
- {
- int n ;
- static int maxvals[4] = {1, 7, 9, 15} ;
- n = current - '0' ;
- if (base == HEX && current >= 'a' && current <= 'f')
- n = current - 'a' + 10 ;
- if (n > maxvals[base]) return ;
- if (toclear)
- {
- SPRINTF(display,"%c",current) ;
- toclear = 0 ;
- }
- else if (strlen(display) < disp_length[base])
- STRNCAT(display,¤t,1) ;
- display_result(display) ;
- disp_val = convert_display() ; /* Convert input to a number. */
- new_input = 1 ;
- }
- do_pending()
- {
- char help_str[MAXLINE],nextline[MAXLINE],*p ;
- int n,shift,y ;
- BOOLEAN temp ;
- switch (pending)
- {
- case 'A' : if (current >= '0' && current <= '9') /* ACC. */
- {
- accuracy = char_val(current) ;
- make_registers() ;
- }
- break ;
- case '?' : if (pending_op == '?') /* HELP. */
- {
- if (ishelp) ishelp++ ;
- pending_op = '=' ;
- make_canvas(0) ;
- set_cursor(MAINCURSOR) ;
- }
- else
- {
- clear_canvas(WHITE) ;
- if (!ishelp) make_text(20,20,"No help file found.") ;
- else
- {
- for (n = 0; n < TITEMS; n++)
- if (current == buttons[n].value) break ;
- color = (iscolor) ? buttons[n].color : WHITE ;
- clear_canvas(color) ;
- SPRINTF(help_str,"_%s_\n",buttons[n].str) ;
- rewind(hfd) ;
- y = 15 ;
- p = fgets(nextline,BUFSIZ,hfd) ;
- if (EQUAL(p,"_calctool.help_\n"))
- {
- while (p = fgets(nextline,BUFSIZ,hfd))
- if (*p == '_' && EQUAL(p,help_str)) break ;
- if (!p) make_text(5,y,"No help for this item.") ;
- for (;;)
- {
- FGETS(nextline,BUFSIZ,hfd) ;
- if (nextline[0] == '_') break ;
- nextline[strlen(nextline)-1] = '\0' ;
- make_text(5,y,nextline) ;
- y += 15 ;
- }
- }
- else make_text(5,y,"Invalid help file given.") ;
- }
- make_text(5,y+25,"Hit any button or valid key.") ;
- pending_op = '?' ;
- return ;
- }
- break ;
- case 's' : /* STO. */
- case 'r' : if (current >= '0' && current <= '9') /* RCL. */
- {
- switch (pending)
- {
- case 'r' : disp_val = mem_vals[char_val(current)] ;
- break ;
- case 's' : switch (pending_op)
- {
- case '+' : mem_vals[char_val(current)] += disp_val ;
- break ;
- case '-' : mem_vals[char_val(current)] -= disp_val ;
- break ;
- case 'x' : mem_vals[char_val(current)] *= disp_val ;
- break ;
- case '/' : mem_vals[char_val(current)] /= disp_val ;
- break ;
- case '=' : mem_vals[char_val(current)] = disp_val ;
- }
- make_registers() ;
- }
- break ;
- }
- else if (current == '+' || current == '-' ||
- current == 'x' || current == '/')
- {
- pending_op = current ;
- return ;
- }
- break ;
- case '<' :
- case '>' : if (current >= '0' && current <= '9')
- {
- for (n = 0; n < TITEMS; n++)
- if (current == buttons[n].value) break ;
- shift = char_val(buttons[n].value) ;
- temp = ibool(convert_display()) ;
- switch (pending)
- {
- case '<' : temp = temp << shift ;
- break ;
- case '>' : temp = temp >> shift ;
- }
- STRCPY(display,make_number(setbool(temp))) ;
- disp_val = last_input = convert_display() ;
- }
- break ;
- default : if (!pending)
- {
- pending = current ;
- pending_op = '=' ;
- if (pending == '?') set_cursor(HELPCURSOR) ;
- if (pending == '?' && (ishelp == 1)) do_pending() ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- show_display(disp_val) ;
- display_op_item("") ;
- pending = 0 ;
- }
- do_point() /* Handle numeric point. */
- {
- if (!pointed)
- {
- if (toclear)
- {
- STRCPY(display,".") ;
- toclear = 0 ;
- }
- else if (strlen(display) < disp_length[base])
- STRNCAT(display,".",1) ;
- pointed = 1 ;
- }
- display_result(display) ;
- disp_val = convert_display() ; /* Convert input to a number. */
- }
- do_portion()
- {
- switch (current)
- {
- case 'U' : disp_val = fabs(disp_val) ; /* ABS. */
- break ;
- case 'F' : disp_val -= (int) disp_val ; /* FRAC. */
- break ;
- case 'I' : disp_val = (int) disp_val ; /* INT. */
- }
- show_display(disp_val) ;
- }
- do_trig()
- {
- int i ;
- double temp ;
- tresults[DEG] = disp_val *= M_PI / 180.0 ;
- tresults[GRAD] = disp_val *= M_PI / 200.0 ;
- tresults[RAD] = disp_val ;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- switch (current)
- {
- case '(' : tresults[i] = cos(tresults[i]) ; /* cos. */
- break ;
- case '{' : tresults[i] = sin(tresults[i]) ; /* sin. */
- break ;
- case 't' : temp = cos(tresults[i]) ; /* tan. */
- tresults[i] = sin(tresults[i]) / temp ;
- }
- cur_op = current ;
- show_display(tresults[ttype]) ;
- }
- do_trigtype() /* Change the current trigonometric type. */
- {
- switch (current)
- {
- case CTRL('d') : ttype = DEG ;
- break ;
- case CTRL('g') : ttype = GRAD ;
- break ;
- case CTRL('r') : ttype = RAD ;
- }
- if (cur_op == ')' || cur_op == '}' || cur_op == 'T' ||
- cur_op == '(' || cur_op == '{' || cur_op == 't') show_display(tresults[ttype]) ;
- display_ttype(ttype) ;
- }
- ibool(x)
- double x ;
- {
- if (x > 68719476736.00) return(0) ;
- else if (x < -68719476736.00) return(0) ;
- else
- {
- while(x < 0.0) x += 4294967296.00 ;
- while(x > 4294967296.00) x -= 4294967296.00 ;
- p = x ;
- return (p) ;
- }
- }
- double
- setbool(p)
- {
- double val ;
- q = p & 0x80000000 ;
- p &= 0x7fffffff ;
- val = p ;
- if (q) val += 2147483648.0 ;
- return(val) ;
- }
- Funky_Stuff
- len=`wc -c < functions.c`
- if [ $len != 15064 ] ; then
- echo error: functions.c was $len bytes long, should have been 15064
- fi
- fi # end of overwriting check
- if [ -f sunview.c ]
- then
- echo shar: will not over-write existing file sunview.c
- else
- echo shar: extracting 'sunview.c', 14588 characters
- cat > sunview.c <<'Funky_Stuff'
- /* sunview.c
- *
- * These are the SunView independent graphics routines used by the calctool
- * calculator program.
- *
- * Copyright (c) Rich Burridge - February 1988.
- * Sun Microsystems, Australia - All rights reserved.
- *
- * Basic algorithms by Ed Falk, Sun Microsystems, Mountain View.
- *
- * Includes ideas and code from:
- * Rich Baughman, Consumer Finance Institute, Newton, MA.
- *
- * Version 2.1.
- *
- * No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
- * either to the comments or the code of this program, but if
- * reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
- */
- #include "calctool.h"
- #include "color.h"
- #include <suntool/sunview.h>
- #include <suntool/canvas.h>
- #include <suntool/panel.h>
- #define ICON_SET (void) icon_set
- #define PANEL_SET (void) panel_set
- #define PW_SETCMSNAME (void) pw_setcmsname
- #define PW_PUTCOLORMAP (void) pw_putcolormap
- #define WINDOW_DESTROY (void) window_destroy
- #define WINDOW_DONE (void) window_done
- #define WINDOW_READ_EVENT (void) window_read_event
- #define WINDOW_SET (void) window_set
- void canvas_proc() ;
- int draw_background() ;
- Panel_setting panel_proc() ;
- Canvas canvas, rcanvas ;
- Cursor main_cursor ;
- Frame frame, rframe ;
- Icon calctool_icon ;
- Panel panel ;
- Panel_item base_item, display_item, op_item, ttype_item ;
- Pixfont *sfont, *nfont, *bfont, *font ;
- Pixwin *cpw, *rcpw ;
- short help_cursor_array[16] = {
- #include "help.cursor"
- } ;
- mpr_static(help_cursor_pr,16,16,1,help_cursor_array) ;
- struct cursor help_cursor =
- { 0, 0, PIX_SRC | PIX_DST, &help_cursor_pr } ;
- short button_image[] = {
- #include "button.icon"
- } ;
- mpr_static(button_pr,64,64,1,button_image) ;
- short icon_image[] = {
- #include "calctool.icon"
- } ;
- mpr_static(icon_pixrect,64,64,1,icon_image) ;
- extern char *make_number() ;
- extern char pstr[] ; /* Current button text string. */
- extern double mem_vals[] ; /* Memory register values. */
- extern int chxoff[] ; /* X offset for various length button strings. */
- extern int color ; /* Color being used for current raster operation. */
- extern int column ; /* Column number of current key/mouse press. */
- extern int down ; /* Indicates if mouse button is down. */
- extern int iscolor ; /* Set if this is a color screen. */
- extern int pending ; /* Set for command with on multiple presses. */
- extern int pending_op ; /* Arithmetic operation for pending command. */
- extern int portion ; /* Portion of button on current key/mouse press. */
- extern int row ; /* Row number of current key/mouse press. */
- extern int rstate ; /* Is memory register frame displayed? */
- extern int spaces ; /* Number of spaces in current button string. */
- extern int tstate ; /* Current button set being displayed. */
- extern int x ; /* X offset for text for button. */
- extern int y ; /* Y offset for text for button. */
- extern struct button buttons[] ; /* Calculator button values. */
- static void
- canvas_proc(win,event,arg)
- Canvas win ;
- Event *event ;
- caddr_t arg ;
- {
- int i,n ;
- x = event_x(event) ;
- y = event_y(event) ;
- if (event_is_button(event))
- {
- if (event_is_down(event) && !down)
- {
- column = x / (BWIDTH + BGAP) ;
- row = y / (BHEIGHT + BGAP) ;
- portion = (y - BBORDER - (row * (BHEIGHT + BGAP))) / (BHEIGHT / 2) ;
- n = row*BCOLS*2 + column*2 + portion ;
- if (pending_op != '?')
- {
- if (!iscolor & portion)
- pw_writebackground(cpw,column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+7,
- 30,17,PIX_NOT(PIX_DST)) ;
- else
- {
- draw_background(column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+5,
- row*(BHEIGHT+BGAP)+BBORDER+5+(portion*22),
- 34,21,BLACK) ;
- n = row*BCOLS*2 + column*2 + portion ;
- get_label(n) ;
- for (spaces = 0, i = 0; i < strlen(pstr); i++)
- if (pstr[i] == ' ') spaces++ ;
- if (buttons[n].color != GREY)
- {
- x = chxoff[spaces] ;
- y = (n & 1) ? 40: 18 ;
- if (spaces == 3) y += 4 ;
- font = (spaces == 3) ? bfont : nfont ;
- color = (iscolor) ? buttons[n].color : WHITE ;
- pw_ttext(cpw,column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+x,
- PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(color),font,pstr) ;
- }
- }
- }
- down = event_id(event) ;
- return ;
- }
- else if (event_is_up(event) && (event_id(event) == down))
- {
- n = row*BCOLS*2 + column*2 + portion ;
- if (pending_op != '?') draw_button(n) ;
- down = 0 ;
- }
- }
- else if (event_is_ascii(event))
- {
- for (n = 0; n < TITEMS; n++)
- if (event_id(event) == buttons[n].value) break ;
- if (n == TITEMS) return ;
- }
- else if (event_id(event) == KBD_DONE && down)
- {
- n = row*BCOLS*2 + column*2 + portion ;
- if (pending_op != '?') draw_button(n) ;
- down = 0 ;
- return ;
- }
- else return ;
- process_item(n) ;
- }
- clear_canvas(color)
- int color ;
- {
- int height,width ;
- height = (int) window_get(canvas, WIN_HEIGHT) ;
- width = (int) window_get(canvas, WIN_WIDTH) ;
- pw_writebackground(cpw,0,0,width,height,PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(color)) ;
- }
- close_frame()
- {
- if ((int) window_get(rframe, WIN_SHOW) == TRUE)
- toggle_reg_canvas() ;
- }
- destroy_frame()
- {
- WINDOW_DONE(frame) ;
- }
- display_base_item(str)
- char *str ;
- {
- PANEL_SET(base_item,PANEL_LABEL_STRING,str,0) ;
- }
- display_op_item(str)
- char *str ;
- {
- }
- display_result(display) /* Output result to calculator display. */
- char display[MAXLINE] ;
- {
- PANEL_SET(display_item,PANEL_VALUE_X,5+(MAX_DIGITS - strlen(display))*9,
- PANEL_VALUE,display,
- 0) ;
- }
- display_ttype_item(str)
- char *str ;
- {
- PANEL_SET(ttype_item,PANEL_LABEL_STRING,str,0) ;
- }
- draw_button(n)
- int n ;
- {
- int i ;
- row = n / (BCOLS*2) ;
- column = (n - (row*BCOLS*2)) / 2 ;
- get_label(n) ;
- for (spaces = 0, i = 0; i < strlen(pstr); i++)
- if (pstr[i] == ' ') spaces++ ;
- color = (iscolor) ? buttons[n].color : WHITE ;
- if (!(n & 1))
- pw_write(cpw,column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+2,
- 40,24,PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(color),(Pixrect *) NULL,0,0) ;
- else
- {
- color = (iscolor) ? buttons[n-1].color : WHITE ;
- pw_write(cpw,column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+2,
- 40,24,PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(color),(Pixrect *) NULL,0,0) ;
- pw_write(cpw,column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+5,
- 34,21,PIX_SRC,&button_pr,5,26) ;
- if (iscolor)
- pw_write(cpw,column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+7,
- 30,17,PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(buttons[n].color),(Pixrect *) NULL,0,0) ;
- }
- if (buttons[n].color != GREY)
- {
- x = chxoff[spaces] ;
- y = (n & 1) ? 40: 18 ;
- if (spaces == 3) y += 4 ;
- font = (spaces == 3) ? bfont : nfont ;
- color = (!iscolor & (n & 1)) ? WHITE : BLACK ;
- pw_ttext(cpw,column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+x,
- PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(color),font,pstr) ;
- }
- }
- draw_background(x,y,width,height,color)
- int x,y,width,height,color ;
- {
- pw_writebackground(cpw,x,y,width,height,PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(color)) ;
- }
- draw_calc()
- {
- make_canvas(0) ;
- }
- init_fonts()
- {
- sfont = pf_open(SMALLFONT) ;
- nfont = pf_open(NORMALFONT) ;
- bfont = pf_open(BIGFONT) ;
- }
- load_colors() /* Create and load calctool color map. */
- {
- char colorname[CMS_NAMESIZE] ;
- iscolor = (cpw->pw_pixrect->pr_depth == 8) ? 1 : 0 ;
- SPRINTF(colorname,"%s%D",CALC_COLOR,getpid()) ;
- PW_SETCMSNAME(cpw,colorname) ;
- calc_colorsetup(red,green,blue) ;
- PW_PUTCOLORMAP(cpw,0,CALC_COLORSIZE,red,green,blue) ;
- }
- make_canvas(toggle) /* Draw the calculators buttons. */
- int toggle ; /* Indicates if mouse or keyboard images should be shown. */
- {
- int n ;
- if (toggle) tstate = !tstate ;
- color = (iscolor) ? GREY : WHITE ;
- clear_canvas(color) ;
- for (row = 0; row < BROWS; row++)
- for (column = 0; column < BCOLS; column++)
- for (portion = 0; portion < 2; portion++)
- {
- n = row*BCOLS*2 + column*2 + portion ;
- if (!(n & 1))
- pw_write(cpw,column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER,
- BWIDTH,BHEIGHT,PIX_SRC,&button_pr,0,0) ;
- draw_button(n) ;
- }
- if (rstate) WINDOW_SET(rframe, WIN_SHOW, TRUE, 0) ;
- }
- make_frames(argc,argv)
- int argc ;
- char *argv[] ;
- {
- frame = window_create((Window) 0, FRAME,
- FRAME_ICON, calctool_icon,
- FRAME_ARGS, argc,argv,
- 0) ;
- rframe = window_create(frame, FRAME,
- WIN_FONT,nfont,
- 0) ;
- }
- make_icon()
- {
- calctool_icon = icon_create(ICON_WIDTH,42, ICON_IMAGE, &icon_pixrect, 0) ;
- }
- make_items()
- {
- display_item = panel_create_item(panel,PANEL_TEXT,
- PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, panel_proc,
- 0) ;
- base_item = panel_create_item(panel,PANEL_MESSAGE,
- 0) ;
- ttype_item = panel_create_item(panel,PANEL_MESSAGE,
- 0) ;
- op_item = panel_create_item(panel,PANEL_MESSAGE,
- 0) ;
- cpw = canvas_pixwin(canvas) ;
- rcpw = canvas_pixwin(rcanvas) ;
- main_cursor = window_get(canvas,WIN_CURSOR) ;
- }
- make_registers() /* Calculate memory register frame values. */
- {
- char line[MAXLINE] ; /* Current memory register line. */
- int n ;
- int height,width ; /* Dimensions of this frame. */
- height = (int) window_get(rframe,WIN_HEIGHT) ;
- width = (int) window_get(rframe,WIN_WIDTH) ;
- pw_writebackground(rcpw,0,0,width,height,PIX_CLR) ;
- pw_text(rcpw,15,20,PIX_SRC,nfont,"Memory Registers") ;
- for (n = 0; n < MAXREGS; n++)
- {
- SPRINTF(line,"%1d ",n) ;
- STRCAT(line,make_number(mem_vals[n])) ;
- pw_text(rcpw,15,40+15*n,PIX_SRC,nfont,line) ;
- }
- }
- make_subframes()
- {
- panel = window_create(frame, PANEL,
- 0) ;
- rcanvas = window_create(rframe,CANVAS,0) ;
- canvas = window_create(frame,CANVAS,
- WIN_BELOW,panel,
- WIN_FONT,nfont,
- WIN_EVENT_PROC,canvas_proc,
- 0) ;
- }
- make_text(x,y,line) /* Output a line of text. */
- int x,y ;
- char line[MAXLINE] ;
- {
- pw_ttext(cpw,x,y,PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(BLACK),nfont,line) ;
- }
- Panel_setting
- panel_proc(item,event)
- Panel_item item ;
- Event *event ;
- {
- int chr,n ;
- chr = event_id(event) ;
- for (n = 0; n < TITEMS; n++)
- {
- if (chr == buttons[n].value)
- {
- process_item(n) ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- }
- set_cursor(type)
- int type ;
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case HELPCURSOR : WINDOW_SET(canvas,WIN_CURSOR,&help_cursor,0) ;
- break ;
- case MAINCURSOR : WINDOW_SET(canvas,WIN_CURSOR,main_cursor,0) ;
- }
- }
- start_tool()
- {
- window_fit(frame) ;
- window_main_loop(frame) ;
- }
- toggle_reg_canvas()
- {
- rstate = !rstate ;
- if (rstate) WINDOW_SET(rframe, WIN_SHOW, TRUE, 0) ;
- else WINDOW_SET(rframe, WIN_SHOW, FALSE, 0) ;
- }
- Funky_Stuff
- len=`wc -c < sunview.c`
- if [ $len != 14588 ] ; then
- echo error: sunview.c was $len bytes long, should have been 14588
- fi
- fi # end of overwriting check