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- /*
- * callback.h - Common include file for callback system.
- *
- * Copyright 1990 Howard Lee Gayle
- *
- * $Header: callback.h,v 1.6 89/12/28 16:43:44 howard Exp $
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 1,
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * Prerequisites: howard/port.h.
- */
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <sys/termios.h>
- #include <howard/malf.h>
- #include <howard/registers.i>
- #define ABORTSEC 120 /* Abort connection attempt after this many seconds.*/
- #define DROPSEC 10 /* Time to leave line hung up (seconds).*/
- typedef struct /* One entry in the modem reply code table mrctab[].*/
- {
- bStrT mrcStr; /* Prefix of string from modem.*/
- boolT mrcRetry; /* True iff retry on this string.*/
- } mrcT;
- typedef struct /* Contents of a state file. */
- {
- ulongT stCflag; /* c_cflag as set by getty(8).*/
- char stName[9]; /* Login name.*/
- } stateT;
- /* Full path names of tty-specific files. A suffix is added by initTty().*/
- PRIVATE char ctlfn [MFILE] = "/etc/local/callback/control/ttyd"; /* Control.*/
- PRIVATE char lfn [MFILE] = "/etc/local/callback/log/ttyd"; /* Log.*/
- PRIVATE char statefn[MFILE] = "/etc/local/callback/state/ttyd"; /* State.*/
- PRIVATE char cun [MFILE] = "/dev/cua"; /* Dial-out device.*/
- PRIVATE char tn [MFILE] = "/dev/ttyd"; /* TTY name.*/
- /* Executable of getty that execs callback0 instead of login: */
- PRIVATE char getty[] = "/usr/local/free/callback/0/bin/getty-cb";
- PRIVATE char login[] = "/bin/login"; /* Login executable.*/
- PRIVATE streamT ls; /* Log file stream.*/
- PRIVATE mrcT mrctab[] = /* Modem reply code table.*/
- {
- S("BUSY"), TRUE,
- };
- /* User messages: */
- PRIVATE char umBye[] = "BYE bye\n"; /* Correct symbolic phone #.*/
- PRIVATE char umNo [] = "NO no\n"; /* Unknown symbolic phone #.*/
- PRIVATE cStrT speeds[] = /* Line speed as string.*/
- {
- "0",
- "50",
- "75",
- "110",
- "134.5",
- "150",
- "200",
- "300",
- "600",
- "1200",
- "1800",
- "2400",
- "4800",
- "9600",
- "19200",
- "38400"
- };
- extern long time(); /* (3C).*/
- PRIVATE void gts();
- PRIVATE void initLog();
- PRIVATE void initTty();
- PRIVATE void logArgs();
- PRIVATE void logMMSS();
- PRIVATE void sts();
- /* gts - get tty status */
- PRIVATE void gts (tp)
- R1 struct termios *tp; /* Points to place to store result.*/
- /* Function:
- * Call the TCGETS ioctl. Log the results and return them.
- * Algorithm:
- *
- * Notes:
- *
- */
- {
- int i; /* Process group.*/
- int mcl; /* Modem control lines.*/
- logMMSS();
- if (-1 == ioctl (0, TCGETS, tp)) malf1 ("TCGETS failed");
- if (-1 == ioctl (0, TIOCMGET, &mcl)) malf1 ("TIOCMGET failed");
- if (-1 == ioctl (0, TIOCGPGRP, &i)) malf1 ("TIOCGPGRP failed");
- FPRINTF (ls, "i: %5lo o: %6lo c: %7lo l: %6lo line: %d m: %3o pgrp: %5d\n",
- tp->c_iflag, tp->c_oflag, tp->c_cflag, tp->c_lflag, tp->c_line,
- mcl, i);
- FFLUSH (ls);
- }
- /* initLog - start logging */
- PRIVATE void initLog (cn)
- bStrT cn; /* Command name.*/
- /* Function:
- * Open log file. Write initial message. Make standard error
- * go to log file.
- * Algorithm:
- * Open the log file for appending to the end, and exit on error.
- * Print an initial message. Flush. Close file descriptor 2,
- * then dup the log file's descriptor to be file descriptor 2.
- * Test malf0(). Set the close-on-exec bit.
- * Notes:
- * 1) Once stderr corresponds to the log file, malf can be used.
- * 2) The close-on-exec bit is set on the file descriptor from
- * the original open on the log file, but not on file descriptor 2.
- */
- {
- long ut; /* Current system time.*/
- R1 struct tm *tmp; /* Returned by localtime().*/
- ls = fopen (lfn, "a+");
- if (NULSTRM == ls) exit (2);
- ut = time ((long *) NULL);
- tmp = localtime (&ut);
- FPRINTF (ls,
- "\n\f\n%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %s pid: %d pgrp: %d\n",
- 1900 + tmp->tm_year, 1 + tmp->tm_mon, tmp->tm_mday,
- tmp->tm_hour, tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec,
- cn, getpid(), getpgrp (0));
- FFLUSH (ls);
- if (close (2))
- {
- FPRINTF (ls, "Can not close 2");
- exit (1);
- }
- if (2 != dup (fileno (ls)))
- {
- FPRINTF (ls, "Can not dup %d", fileno (ls));
- exit (1);
- }
- errno = 0;
- malf0 ("stderr OK");
- if (-1 == fcntl (fileno (ls), F_SETFD, 1)) malf1 ("Can not SETFD");
- }
- /* initTty - initialize tty-dependent file names */
- PRIVATE void initTty (pfx, ftn)
- bStrT pfx; /* Expected prefix of tty name.*/
- bStrT ftn; /* Full tty name.*/
- /* Function:
- * Append argument to the tty-dependent file names.
- * Algorithm:
- *
- * Notes:
- * 1) There is no checking for overflow.
- */
- {
- R1 bStrT s = prefix (pfx, ftn); /* Suffix of tty name.*/
- if ((NULBSTR == s) || (EOS == B(*s))) exit (8);
- STRCAT (ctlfn, (cStrT) s);
- STRCAT (cun, (cStrT) s);
- STRCAT (lfn, (cStrT) s);
- STRCAT (statefn, (cStrT) s);
- STRCAT (tn, (cStrT) s);
- }
- /* logArgs - write vector of command arguments to log file */
- PRIVATE void logArgs (cn, v)
- bStrT cn; /* Command name.*/
- bStrT *v; /* Argument vector.*/
- /* Function:
- * Write command name followed by arguments to log file.
- * Algorithm:
- *
- * Notes:
- *
- */
- {
- FPUTS (cn, ls);
- for (; NULBSTR != *v; ++v)
- {
- PUTC (' ', ls);
- FPUTS (*v, ls);
- }
- PUTC ('\n', ls);
- FFLUSH (ls);
- }
- /* logMMSS - log minutes & seconds */
- PRIVATE void logMMSS()
- /* Function:
- * Write current minutes and seconds to log file.
- * Algorithm:
- *
- * Notes:
- * 1) This function is typically called to start each line written
- * to the log file. The initial log message gives the complete
- * date and time, so it's only necessary to log minutes & seconds.
- */
- {
- long ut; /* Current system time.*/
- R1 struct tm *tmp; /* Returned by localtime().*/
- ut = time ((long *) NULL);
- tmp = localtime (&ut);
- FPRINTF (ls, "%02d%02d ", tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec);
- }
- /* sts - set tty status */
- PRIVATE void sts (tp)
- struct termios *tp;
- /* Function:
- * Call TCSETS ioctl. Flush. Call gts().
- * Algorithm:
- *
- * Notes:
- * 1) Calling gts() at the end verifies and logs what was set.
- */
- {
- if (-1 == ioctl (0, TCSETS, tp)) malf1 ("TCSETS failed");
- if (-1 == ioctl (0, TCFLSH, 2)) malf1 ("TCFLSH failed");
- gts (tp);
- }