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- /****************************************************************/
- /* Low-level I/O functions of the PCcurses package, 'C' version */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* This version is for a 68000 stand-alone VT100 version */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* This version of curses is based on ncurses, a curses version */
- /* originally written by Pavel Curtis at Cornell University. */
- /* I have made substantial changes to make it run on IBM PC's, */
- /* and therefore consider myself free make it public domain. */
- /* Bjorn Larsson (bl@infovox.se) */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* 1.4: Functional: 900114 */
- /****************************************************************/
- #include <curses.h>
- #include <curspriv.h>
- typedef struct
- {
- char *name; /* Device/file name */
- int (* inch) (); /* Address of input routine */
- int (* outch) (); /* Address of output routine */
- int (* intst) (); /* Address of input test routine */
- int id;
- } _chan_desc;
- static char _curses_curse68_rcsid[] = "@(#)curses68.c v.1.4 - 900114";
- extern _chan_desc _chan_tab[]; /* This one may be accessed */
- static char clearseq[] = "\033[2J\033[H";
- static char seqbuf[20];
- static char isrev = 0;
- static int myrow = 1000;
- static int mycol = 1000;
- /****************************************************************/
- /* _Cursescattr() writes char 'chr' with attributes 'attr' to */
- /* the current cursor location. */
- /****************************************************************/
- void _cursescattr(chr, attr)
- char chr;
- char attr;
- {
- if ((attr & 0x70) == 0x70)
- {
- if(!isrev)
- {
- (*_chan_tab[1].outch)(0x1b);
- (*_chan_tab[1].outch)('[');
- (*_chan_tab[1].outch)('7');
- (*_chan_tab[1].outch)('m');
- isrev = 1;
- } /* if */
- }
- else
- {
- if (isrev)
- {
- (*_chan_tab[1].outch)(0x1b);
- (*_chan_tab[1].outch)('[');
- (*_chan_tab[1].outch)('0');
- (*_chan_tab[1].outch)('m');
- isrev = 0;
- } /* if */
- } /* else */
- if ((_cursvar.cursrow < LINES-1) || (_cursvar.curscol < COLS-1))
- {
- (*_chan_tab[1].outch)(chr);
- if (mycol++ >= 80)
- {
- mycol = 0;
- myrow++;
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- } /* _cursescattr */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* _Cursescursor() sets the cursor position in video page 0. */
- /* 'row' and 'column' are the cursor address. If 'row' is set */
- /* to 25, no cursor at all is displayed. */
- /****************************************************************/
- void _cursescursor(row, column)
- int row;
- int column;
- {
- char *p;
- char buf[15];
- if ((row == myrow) && (column == mycol))
- return;
- (*_chan_tab[1].outch)(0x1b);
- sprintf(seqbuf,"\033[%d;%dH",row+1, column+1);
- for (p = seqbuf; *p; p++)
- (*_chan_tab[1].outch)(*p);
- myrow = row;
- mycol = column;
- }/* _cursescursor */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* _Cursesgcols() returns the current number of columns on the */
- /* screen. */
- /****************************************************************/
- int _cursesgcols()
- {
- return(80);
- } /* _cursesgcols */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* _Cursesputc() outputs character 'chr' to screen in tty */
- /* fashion. If a colour mode is active, the character is writ- */
- /* ten with colour 'colour'. */
- /****************************************************************/
- void _cursesputc(chr, color)
- char chr;
- char color;
- {
- if (_cursvar.cursrow >= LINES-1)
- return;
- if (_cursvar.curscol >= COLS-1)
- return;
- (*_chan_tab[1].outch)(chr);
- if (mycol++ >= 80)
- {
- mycol = 0;
- myrow++;
- } /* if */
- } /* _cursesputc */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* _Cursesscroll() scrolls a window in the current page up or */
- /* down. Urow, lcol, lrow,rcol are the window coordinates. */
- /* Lines is the number of lines to scroll. If 0, clears the */
- /* window, if < 0 scrolls down, > 0 scrolls up. Blanks areas */
- /* that are left, and sets character attributes to attr. If in */
- /* a colour graphics mode, fills them with the colour 'attr' */
- /* instead. */
- /****************************************************************/
- void _cursesscroll(urow, lcol, lrow, rcol, lines, attr)
- int urow;
- int lcol;
- int lrow;
- int rcol;
- int lines;
- char attr;
- {
- char *p;
- for (p = clearseq; *p; p++)
- (*_chan_tab[1].outch)(*p);
- } /* _cursesscroll */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* _Cursesgcmode() returns the current cursor type. Bits 8-15 */
- /* of the return value is the start scan row, and bits 0-7 is */
- /* the end scan row. */
- /****************************************************************/
- int _cursesgcmode()
- {
- return(0x0f00);
- } /* _cursesgcmode */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* _Cursescmode() sets the cursor type to begin in scan line */
- /* startrow and end in scan line endrow. Both values should be */
- /* 0-31. */
- /****************************************************************/
- void _cursescmode(startrow, endrow)
- int startrow;
- int endrow;
- {
- } /* _cursescmode */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* _Curseskey() returns the next key code struck at the key- */
- /* board. If the low 8 bits are 0, the upper bits contain the */
- /* extended character code. If bit 0-7 are non-zero, the upper */
- /* bits = 0. */
- /****************************************************************/
- int _curseskey()
- {
- return ((*_chan_tab[1].inch)());
- } /* _curseskey */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* _Curseskeytst() returns 1 if a keyboard character is avail- */
- /* able, 0 otherwise. */
- /****************************************************************/
- char _curseskeytst()
- {
- return((*_chan_tab[1].intst)());
- } /*_curseskeytst */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* _Cursesgcb() returns 1 if MSDOS BREAK CHECK is on, else 0. */
- /****************************************************************/
- int _cursesgcb()
- {
- return(1);
- } /* _cursesgcb */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* _Cursesscb() sets MSDOS BREAK CHECK according to 'setting'. */
- /****************************************************************/
- void _cursesscb(setting)
- int setting;
- {
- } /* _cursesscb */
- #undef getch
- /****************************************************************/
- /* Getch() read one character from the keyboard without any */
- /* interpretation whatever. */
- /****************************************************************/
- int getch()
- {
- return ((*_chan_tab[1].inch)());
- } /* getch */