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- /****************************************************************/
- /* Getstr() routines of the PCcurses package */
- /* */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* This version of curses is based on ncurses, a curses version */
- /* originally written by Pavel Curtis at Cornell University. */
- /* I have made substantial changes to make it run on IBM PC's, */
- /* and therefore consider myself free to make it public domain. */
- /* Bjorn Larsson (bl@infovox.se) */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* 1.4: Use of short wherever possible. Portability */
- /* improvements, echo bug, fix for signed character */
- /* (for 8-bit ASCII): 900114 */
- /* 1.3: MSC -W3, Turbo'C' -w -w-pro checkes: 881005 */
- /* 1.2: Max limits of by 1. Block nest error in function */
- /* backchar(). Fixed thanks to S. Creps: 881002 */
- /* 1.0: Release: 870515 */
- /****************************************************************/
- #include <curses.h>
- #include <curspriv.h>
- static char *backchar();
- char _curses_strget_rcsid[] = "@(#)strget.c v.1.4 - 900114";
- static bool oldecho;
- static bool oldcbreak;
- static bool oldnodelay;
- static char *strbeg;
- static WINDOW *w;
- static short xbeg;
- /****************************************************************/
- /* Wgetstr(win,str) reads in a string (terminated by \n or \r) */
- /* to the buffer pointed to by 'str', and displays the input */
- /* in window 'win'. The user's erase and kill characters are */
- /* active. */
- /****************************************************************/
- int wgetstr(win,str)
- WINDOW *win;
- char *str;
- {
- w = win;
- strbeg = str; /* keep start for backspacing */
- oldcbreak = _cursvar.cbreak; /* remember states */
- oldecho = _cursvar.echo;
- oldnodelay = w->_nodelay;
- _cursvar.echo = FALSE; /* we do echo ourselves */
- _cursvar.cbreak = TRUE; /* no wait for chars */
- w->_nodelay = FALSE; /* don't return 'NOCHARS' */
- xbeg = w->_curx; /* remember screen start x-position */
- wrefresh(w); /* sets cursor at right place */
- while ((*str = (char) getch()) != '\n')
- {
- if (*str == '\r')
- break;
- if (*str == _DCCHAR)
- {
- if (str > strbeg)
- str = backchar(str);
- } /* if */
- else
- if (*str == _DLCHAR)
- while (str > strbeg)
- str = backchar(str);
- else
- {
- if (oldecho) /* check if echo */
- {
- waddch(w,*str++);
- wrefresh(w);
- }
- else
- str++;
- } /* else */
- } /* while */
- *str = '\0';
- _cursvar.echo = oldecho;
- _cursvar.cbreak = oldcbreak;
- win->_nodelay = oldnodelay;
- return(OK);
- } /* wgetstr */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* Getstr(str) reads in a string (terminated by \n or \r) to */
- /* the buffer pointed to by 'str', and displays the input in */
- /* stdscr. The user's erase and kill characters are active. */
- /****************************************************************/
- int getstr(str)
- char *str;
- {
- return(wgetstr(stdscr,str));
- } /* getstr */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* Mvgetstr(y,x,str) moves the stdscr cursor to a new position, */
- /* then reads in a string (terminated by \n or \r) to the buf- */
- /* fer pointed to by 'str', and displays the input in stdscr. */
- /* The user's erase and kill characters are active. */
- /****************************************************************/
- int mvgetstr(y,x,str)
- int y;
- int x;
- char *str;
- {
- if (wmove(stdscr,y,x) == ERR)
- return(ERR);
- return(wgetstr(stdscr,str));
- } /* mvgetstr */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* Mvwgetstr(win,y,x,str) moves the 'win' cursor to a new */
- /* position, then reads in a string (terminated by \n or \r) */
- /* to the buffer pointed to by 'str', and displays the input in */
- /* stdscr. The user's erase and kill characters are active. */
- /****************************************************************/
- int mvwgetstr(win,y,x,str)
- WINDOW *win;
- int y;
- int x;
- char *str;
- {
- if (wmove(win,y,x) == ERR)
- return(ERR);
- return(wgetstr(win,str));
- } /* mvwgetstr */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* Backchar() does a character delete with screen erase, even */
- /* up to previous lines. It will not back-scroll if the begi- */
- /* ning of the string has scrolled off the window. Steps back */
- /* pointer 's', and returns the new value. */
- /****************************************************************/
- static char *backchar(s)
- char *s;
- {
- static short nbs;
- static short x;
- static char *p;
- static short ts;
- x = xbeg;
- ts = w->_tabsize;
- s--; /* step back string */
- nbs = 1; /* step at least one pos */
- if (((*s & 0xe0) == 0) || (*s == 0x7f)) /* ctrl-char has size 2 */
- nbs++;
- if (*s == '\t') /* tabs are very special */
- {
- for (p = strbeg; p < s ;p++) /* find x-pos of last char */
- {
- if (*p == '\t') /* go to next tab */
- x = ((x/ts)+1) * ts;
- else
- {
- if (((*p & 0xe0) == 0) || (*p == 0x7f)) /* control character */
- x += 2;
- else /* normal char */
- x++;
- } /* else */
- if (x >= w->_maxx) /* go to next line? */
- x = 0;
- } /* for */
- if (!(w->_curx)) /* if step-over newline */
- nbs = w->_maxx - x;
- else /* in-line tab */
- nbs = w->_curx - x; /* positions to erase */
- } /* if */
- if ((int) oldecho) /* check if echo */
- {
- while(nbs--) /* do so many */
- {
- if (w->_curx > 0) /* if not at line beginning */
- waddstr(w,"\b \b");
- else
- if (w->_cury) /* if not on top line */
- {
- mvwaddch(w,w->_cury-1,w->_maxx -1,' ');/* put space at line end */
- wmove(w,w->_cury-1,w->_maxx - 1); /* and go there again */
- } /* else */
- } /* while */
- wrefresh(w); /* redraw screen */
- }
- *(s+1) = '\0'; /* make string terminated */
- return(s);
- } /* backchar */