home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Makefile | 1990-01-19 | 12.5 KB | 418 lines |
- #################################################################
- # #
- # Makefile to generate $(MODEL)curses.lib #
- # for Borland Turbo-'C' v.1.0 and 2.0. #
- # #
- # This makefile will generate subdirectories and call itself #
- # recursively. Some entries in this makefile are only for #
- # the author's personal use (I preferred to keep my own stuff #
- # in the same place). Those are at the end of the makefile. #
- #################################################################
- # 1.4: Release: 900114 #
- #################################################################
- # The following are the directories where your lib and include
- # files will be installed. These need to be edited for your
- # system. Here are also the default C compiler and the standard
- # compilation flags. Change those if you want to. These are the
- # only changes that should be made to the makefile, unless you
- # have something special in mind...
- LIBDIR=\trc\lib
- INCDIR=\trc\inc
- MANDIR=\man
- CC=tcc
- CFLAGS= -m$(MODEL) -c -O -Z -w -w-pro
- #################################################################
- # End of customizable stuff. #
- #################################################################
- OBJS= attrib.obj beep.obj border.obj boxes.obj \
- charadd.obj chardel.obj charget.obj charins.obj \
- charpick.obj clrtobot.obj clrtoeol.obj endwin.obj \
- initscr.obj linedel.obj lineins.obj longname.obj \
- move.obj mvcursor.obj newwin.obj options.obj \
- overlay.obj prntscan.obj refresh.obj scrreg.obj \
- setmode.obj setterm.obj stradd.obj strget.obj \
- tabsize.obj termmisc.obj unctrl.obj update.obj \
- winclear.obj windel.obj winerase.obj winmove.obj \
- winscrol.obj wintouch.obj cursesio.obj
- #################################################################
- # 'default' is all that can (and usually is) done #
- #################################################################
- default: small compact medium large
- #################################################################
- # Install the .lib files in $(LIBDIR) directory. Header files #
- # are already installed - have to be to make make work ;-) #
- #################################################################
- install: iheaders ismall icompact imedium ilarge iman
- #################################################################
- # The following copies the header files to their proper place #
- #################################################################
- iheaders: $(INCDIR)\curses.h $(INCDIR)\curspriv.h
- $(INCDIR)\curses.h: curses.h
- -attrib -r $(INCDIR)\curses.h
- copy curses.h $(INCDIR)\curses.h
- attrib +r $(INCDIR)\curses.h
- $(INCDIR)\curspriv.h: curspriv.h
- -attrib -r $(INCDIR)\curspriv.h
- copy curspriv.h $(INCDIR)\curspriv.h
- attrib +r $(INCDIR)\curspriv.h
- #################################################################
- # Install the manual pages in the man directory #
- #################################################################
- iman: $(MANDIR)\curses.3
- $(MANDIR)\curses.3: curses.3
- attrib -r $(MANDIR)\curses.3
- copy curses.3 $(MANDIR)\curses.3
- attrib +r $(MANDIR)\curses.3
- #################################################################
- # The following will create a subdirectory for each memory #
- # model, and initiate the make:ing in each one. #
- #################################################################
- # Create work directory if non-existent, go to it, and #
- # perform the job - small model #
- #################################################################
- ismall: small
- -attrib -r $(LIBDIR)\scurses.lib
- copy smodel.trc\scurses.lib $(LIBDIR)\scurses.lib
- -attrib +r $(LIBDIR)\scurses.lib
- small: iheaders \
- smodel.trc \
- smodel.trc\farnear.inc \
- smodel.trc\smalhuge.inc
- cd smodel.trc
- -make -f ..\makefile.trc $(MAKEFLAGS) "MODEL=s" scurses.lib
- cd ..
- smodel.trc:
- mkdir smodel.trc
- smodel.trc\farnear.inc: nearcall.inc
- copy nearcall.inc smodel.trc\farnear.inc
- smodel.trc\smalhuge.inc: smaldata.inc
- copy smaldata.inc smodel.trc\smalhuge.inc
- #################################################################
- # Create work directory if non-existent, go to it, and #
- # perform the job - compact model #
- #################################################################
- icompact: compact
- -attrib -r $(LIBDIR)\ccurses.lib
- copy cmodel.trc\ccurses.lib $(LIBDIR)\ccurses.lib
- -attrib +r $(LIBDIR)\ccurses.lib
- compact: iheaders \
- cmodel.trc \
- cmodel.trc\farnear.inc \
- cmodel.trc\smalhuge.inc
- cd cmodel.trc
- -make -f ..\makefile.trc $(MAKEFLAGS) "MODEL=c" ccurses.lib
- cd ..
- cmodel.trc:
- mkdir cmodel.trc
- cmodel.trc\farnear.inc: nearcall.inc
- copy nearcall.inc cmodel.trc\farnear.inc
- cmodel.trc\smalhuge.inc: hugedata.inc
- copy hugedata.inc cmodel.trc\smalhuge.inc
- #################################################################
- # Create work directory if non-existent, go to it, and #
- # perform the job - medium model #
- #################################################################
- imedium: medium
- -attrib -r $(LIBDIR)\mcurses.lib
- copy mmodel.trc\mcurses.lib $(LIBDIR)\mcurses.lib
- -attrib +r $(LIBDIR)\mcurses.lib
- medium: iheaders \
- mmodel.trc \
- mmodel.trc\farnear.inc \
- mmodel.trc\smalhuge.inc
- cd mmodel.trc
- -make -f ..\makefile.trc $(MAKEFLAGS) "MODEL=m" mcurses.lib
- cd ..
- mmodel.trc:
- mkdir mmodel.trc
- mmodel.trc\farnear.inc: farcall.inc
- copy farcall.inc mmodel.trc\farnear.inc
- mmodel.trc\smalhuge.inc: smaldata.inc
- copy smaldata.inc mmodel.trc\smalhuge.inc
- #################################################################
- # Create work directory if non-existent, go to it, and #
- # perform the job - large model #
- #################################################################
- ilarge: large
- -attrib -r $(LIBDIR)\lcurses.lib
- copy lmodel.trc\lcurses.lib $(LIBDIR)\lcurses.lib
- -attrib +r $(LIBDIR)\lcurses.lib
- large: iheaders \
- lmodel.trc \
- lmodel.trc\farnear.inc \
- lmodel.trc\smalhuge.inc
- cd lmodel.trc
- -make -f ..\makefile.trc $(MAKEFLAGS) "MODEL=l" lcurses.lib
- cd ..
- lmodel.trc:
- mkdir lmodel.trc
- lmodel.trc\farnear.inc: farcall.inc
- copy farcall.inc lmodel.trc\farnear.inc
- lmodel.trc\smalhuge.inc: hugedata.inc
- copy hugedata.inc lmodel.trc\smalhuge.inc
- #################################################################
- # Put together the library in file tmp.lib, then rename it to #
- # $(MODEL)curses.lib (You cannot answer 'y' to LIB prompt from #
- # the .CMD file otherwise). #
- #################################################################
- $(MODEL)curses.lib: $(OBJS)
- del $(MODEL)curses.lib
- lib @..\curses.cmd
- ren tmp.lib $(MODEL)curses.lib
- #################################################################
- # Commands and dependencies for individual modules #
- #################################################################
- attrib.obj: ..\attrib.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -oattrib ..\attrib.c
- beep.obj: ..\beep.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -obeep ..\beep.c
- border.obj: ..\border.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -N -oborder ..\border.c
- boxes.obj: ..\boxes.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -oboxes ..\boxes.c
- charadd.obj: ..\charadd.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -ocharadd ..\charadd.c
- chardel.obj: ..\chardel.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -ochardel ..\chardel.c
- charget.obj: ..\charget.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -ocharget ..\charget.c
- charins.obj: ..\charins.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -ocharins ..\charins.c
- charpick.obj: ..\charpick.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -ocharpick ..\charpick.c
- clrtobot.obj: ..\clrtobot.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -oclrtobot ..\clrtobot.c
- clrtoeol.obj: ..\clrtoeol.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -oclrtoeol ..\clrtoeol.c
- endwin.obj: ..\endwin.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -oendwin ..\endwin.c
- initscr.obj: ..\initscr.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -oinitscr ..\initscr.c
- linedel.obj: ..\linedel.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -olinedel ..\linedel.c
- lineins.obj: ..\lineins.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -olineins ..\lineins.c
- longname.obj: ..\longname.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -olongname ..\longname.c
- move.obj: ..\move.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -omove ..\move.c
- mvcursor.obj: ..\mvcursor.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -w-par -omvcursor ..\mvcursor.c
- newwin.obj: ..\newwin.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -onewwin ..\newwin.c
- options.obj: ..\options.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -ooptions ..\options.c
- overlay.obj: ..\overlay.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -ooverlay ..\overlay.c
- prntscan.obj: ..\prntscan.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -N -oprntscan ..\prntscan.c
- refresh.obj: ..\refresh.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -orefresh ..\refresh.c
- scrreg.obj: ..\scrreg.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -oscrreg ..\scrreg.c
- setmode.obj: ..\setmode.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -osetmode ..\setmode.c
- setterm.obj: ..\setterm.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -osetterm ..\setterm.c
- stradd.obj: ..\stradd.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -ostradd ..\stradd.c
- strget.obj: ..\strget.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -ostrget ..\strget.c
- tabsize.obj: ..\tabsize.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -otabsize ..\tabsize.c
- termmisc.obj: ..\termmisc.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -otermmisc ..\termmisc.c
- unctrl.obj: ..\unctrl.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -ounctrl ..\unctrl.c
- update.obj: ..\update.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -oupdate ..\update.c
- winclear.obj: ..\winclear.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -owinclear ..\winclear.c
- windel.obj: ..\windel.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -owindel ..\windel.c
- winerase.obj: ..\winerase.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -owinerase ..\winerase.c
- winmove.obj: ..\winmove.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -owinmove ..\winmove.c
- winscrol.obj: ..\winscrol.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -owinscrol ..\winscrol.c
- wintouch.obj: ..\wintouch.c ..\curses.h ..\curspriv.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -owintouch ..\wintouch.c
- cursesio.obj: ..\cursesio.asm
- masm ..\cursesio.asm/mx,cursesio.obj,nul,nul;
- #################################################################
- # Perform a backup of the files in the directory where the #
- # 'make backup' command was issued - copies all files to the #
- # floppy in drive A: or B: #
- #################################################################
- A_backup:
- @echo ***** Backup of PCcurses *****
- @echo Insert backup diskette in drive A: and hit any key!
- @pause
- @echo Y > yes.txt
- del a:\*.* < yes.txt >NUL
- @del yes.txt
- copy *.* a:
- B_backup:
- @echo ***** Backup of PCcurses *****
- @echo Insert backup diskette in drive B: and hit any key!
- @pause
- @echo Y > yes.txt
- del b:\*.* < yes.txt >NUL
- @del yes.txt
- copy *.* b:
- #################################################################
- # Remove all temporary files and work directories that were #
- # created #
- #################################################################
- clean:
- @echo Y > yes.txt
- del smodel.trc\*.* < yes.txt >NUL
- del cmodel.trc\*.* < yes.txt >NUL
- del mmodel.trc\*.* < yes.txt >NUL
- del lmodel.trc\*.* < yes.txt >NUL
- @del yes.txt
- rmdir smodel.trc
- rmdir cmodel.trc
- rmdir mmodel.trc
- rmdir lmodel.trc
- #################################################################
- # The following is only for the authors installation of his #
- # special libraries. #
- #################################################################
- iau: iheaders isau icau imau ilau iman
- isau: small
- cd smodel.trc
- copy scurses.lib bltmp.lib
- -attrib -r $(LIBDIR)\sbllibc.lib
- -attrib -r $(LIBDIR)\sbllibc.bak
- -lib $(LIBDIR)\sbllibc.lib @..\bllibc.cmd
- -attrib +r $(LIBDIR)\sbllibc.lib
- del bltmp.lib
- cd ..
- icau: compact
- cd cmodel.trc
- copy ccurses.lib bltmp.lib
- -attrib -r $(LIBDIR)\cbllibc.lib
- -attrib -r $(LIBDIR)\cbllibc.bak
- -lib $(LIBDIR)\cbllibc.lib @..\bllibc.cmd
- -attrib +r $(LIBDIR)\cbllibc.lib
- del bltmp.lib
- cd ..
- imau: medium
- cd mmodel.trc
- copy mcurses.lib bltmp.lib
- -attrib -r $(LIBDIR)\mbllibc.lib
- -attrib -r $(LIBDIR)\mbllibc.bak
- -lib $(LIBDIR)\mbllibc.lib @..\bllibc.cmd
- -attrib +r $(LIBDIR)\mbllibc.lib
- del bltmp.lib
- cd ..
- ilau: large
- cd lmodel.trc
- copy lcurses.lib bltmp.lib
- -attrib -r $(LIBDIR)\lbllibc.lib
- -attrib -r $(LIBDIR)\lbllibc.bak
- -lib $(LIBDIR)\lbllibc.lib @..\bllibc.cmd
- -attrib +r $(LIBDIR)\lbllibc.lib
- del bltmp.lib
- cd ..
- shar:
- command -c makekit -x *.* >manifest
- makekit -m *.*
- del manifest.*