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Text File | 1990-01-24 | 63.6 KB | 2,199 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- subject: v10i035: PC-MAIL release 2, 3/11
- from: wswietse@lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)
- Sender: allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
- Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 35
- Submitted-by: wswietse@lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)
- Archive-name: pcmail2/part03
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 3 (of 11)."
- # Contents: daemon/util.c main/PORTING main/alias.c main/cmail.c
- # main/comport.h main/edit.c main/getwork.c main/hsearch.3
- # main/kproto.ms main/lmail.c main/mail.c main/ms_parse.c
- # main/params.c main/path.c main/scanwork.c main/smail.c
- # main/snapshot.c
- # Wrapped by wswietse@tuewsa on Mon Jan 22 17:27:15 1990
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f daemon/util.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"daemon/util.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"daemon/util.c\" \(3152 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >daemon/util.c <<'END_OF_daemon/util.c'
- X/*++
- X/* NAME
- X/* util 3
- X/* wrappers around standard library functions
- X/* pc-mail
- X/* nfs
- X/* #include <stdio.h>
- X/* #include <pwd.h>
- X/* #include <directory_access_stuff.h>
- X/*
- X/* FILE *u_fopen(uinfo,path,mode)
- X/* struct passwd *uinfo;
- X/* char *path;
- X/* char *mode;
- X/*
- X/* int u_link(uinfo, old, new)
- X/* struct passwd *uinfo;
- X/* char *old;
- X/* char *new;
- X/*
- X/* int u_unlink(uinfo, path)
- X/* struct passwd *uinfo;
- X/* char *path;
- X/*
- X/* DIR *e_opendir(path)
- X/* char *path;
- X/*
- X/* int e_chdir(path)
- X/* char *path;
- X/*
- X/* int e_fork()
- X/* These functions are wrappers around some standard library functions.
- X/* In case of problems, they append an entry to the system log (with
- X/* priority LOG_WARNING). The \fIuinfo\fR argument specifies the owner
- X/* of the mail subdirectory in which the problem occurred.
- X/* syslog(3)
- X/* Diagnostics are logged via the syslog package; error return values
- X/* are identical to those of the underlying library functions.
- X/* Wietse Z. Venema
- X/* Eindhoven University of Technology
- X/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- X/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- X/* Sun Oct 29 16:21:02 MET 1989
- X/* 12/4/89 23:22:13
- X/* 1.2
- X/*--*/
- X
- X#ifndef lint
- Xstatic char sccsid[] = "@(#) util.c 1.2 12/4/89 23:22:13";
- X
- X#endif
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <pwd.h>
- X
- X#ifdef SYSV
- X#include <ndir.h>
- X#else
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <sys/dir.h>
- X#endif
- X
- X#ifdef SYSLOG
- X#include <syslog.h>
- X#else
- X#include "syslog.h"
- X#endif
- X
- X#include "util.h" /* consistency check */
- X
- X/* u_fopen - open file in user directory, log any errors */
- X
- XFILE *u_fopen(uinfo, file, mode)
- Xstruct passwd *uinfo;
- Xchar *file;
- Xchar *mode;
- X{
- X register FILE *fp;
- X
- X if ((fp = fopen(file, mode)) == 0)
- X syslog(LOG_WARNING, "cannot open %s/%s: %m", uinfo->pw_name, file);
- X return (fp);
- X}
- X
- X/* u_unlink - unlink file in user directory, log any errors */
- X
- Xint u_unlink(uinfo, file)
- Xstruct passwd *uinfo;
- Xchar *file;
- X{
- X register int stat;
- X
- X if (stat = unlink(file))
- X syslog(LOG_WARNING, "cannot unlink %s/%s: %m", uinfo->pw_name, file);
- X return (stat);
- X}
- X
- X/* u_link - link file in user directory, log any errors */
- X
- Xint u_link(uinfo, old, new)
- Xstruct passwd *uinfo;
- Xchar *old;
- Xchar *new;
- X{
- X register int stat;
- X
- X if (stat = link(old, new))
- X syslog(LOG_WARNING, "cannot link %s/%s: %m", uinfo->pw_name, new);
- X return (stat);
- X}
- X
- X/* e_opendir - open directory, log any errors */
- X
- XDIR *e_opendir(path)
- Xchar *path;
- X{
- X register DIR *dd;
- X
- X if ((dd = opendir(path)) == 0)
- X syslog(LOG_WARNING, "cannot open directory %s: %m", path);
- X return (dd);
- X}
- X
- X/* e_chdir - change directory, log any errors */
- X
- Xint e_chdir(path)
- Xchar *path;
- X{
- X register int ret;
- X
- X if (ret = chdir(path))
- X syslog(LOG_WARNING, "cannot chdir to directory %s: %m", path);
- X return (ret);
- X}
- X
- X/* e_fork - do a fork(), log any errors */
- X
- Xint e_fork()
- X{
- X register int stat;
- X
- X if ((stat = fork()) == -1)
- X syslog(LOG_WARNING, "fork() failed: %m");
- X return (stat);
- X}
- X
- END_OF_daemon/util.c
- if test 3152 -ne `wc -c <daemon/util.c`; then
- echo shar: \"daemon/util.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/PORTING -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/PORTING\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/PORTING\" \(2946 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/PORTING <<'END_OF_main/PORTING'
- X@(#) PORTING 2.1 90/01/22 13:01:09
- X
- XThis document gives some hints to people who might consider to port the
- Xprograms to an environment different from UNIX or MS-DOS. Fortunately,
- Xthe programs themselves are written in portable (old-style) C. The only
- Xexception is the MS-DOS serial port driver, which isn't portable at all.
- X
- XFirst of all, search the source files for #ifdef constructs. This
- Xshould give an idea where the system-dependencies lurk.
- X
- XThe main problem will be serial-port I/O. If possible, try to build on
- Xtop of what the GNUUCP people have already done in this field.
- X
- XA less severe problem should be console input/output. The programs do
- Xnot use any graphics at all, nor are special input devices such as mice
- Xrequired. If your machine provides some kind of vt52 or vt100
- Xemulation, adapt the console.c and tgoto.c files in the termcap
- Xsubdirectory. On machines without some form of text window on the
- Xconsole, porting will require too much work. Most keyboards generate
- Xcodes that can be easily encoded in the console.c file in the termcap
- Xsubdirectory. Most C compilers provide some form of "raw" keyboard i/o
- Xthat does not require the user to press ENTER, and that produces no
- Xecho. You may wish to consult a UNIX programmer's manual to find out
- Xwhat the two-letter codes in console.c are all about.
- X
- XProcess management may need some attention. The programs were written
- Xin the UNIX style, i.e. many small programs dedicated to a single task.
- XPrograms invoke other programs. Each program returns an exit status,
- Xsuch that the parent program can take appropriate action if things went
- Xwrong. If your operating system does not provide facilities to invoke,
- Xfrom with a program, other programs with command-line arguments, you
- Xlose. Sometimes, programs can only be invoked with the "aid" of a
- Xcommand-language interpreter. This often causes the exit status of
- Xprograms to be lost; the net result will be less reliable operation of
- Xthe pc-mail software. In the case of MS-DOS I compromised: batch
- Xcommand files must be given including their suffix, so that special
- Xarrangements can be made; other programs are invoked directly without
- Xintervention of a command interpreter.
- X
- XFile i/o should be taken care of by your C library; make sure that
- X"text" and "binary" modes are used at the appropriate places. Just look
- Xup where O_BINARY appears in the source. If your C library does not
- Xneed to distinguish between text and binary file i/o, you are lucky.
- X
- XYou will have to provide some form of the Berkeley-UNIX directory
- Xlibrary routines; they allow any program to scan directories for the
- Xnames of files. By now, these routines should be publicly available for
- Xmost reasonable operating systems. Make sure that the version you use
- Xproduces file names in lower case (or take appropriate measures), and
- Xthat it behaves well even in the root directory of a file system
- X(MS-DOS doesn't, so I had to compromise again).
- if test 2946 -ne `wc -c <main/PORTING`; then
- echo shar: \"main/PORTING\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/alias.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/alias.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/alias.c\" \(3434 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/alias.c <<'END_OF_main/alias.c'
- X/*++
- X/* NAME
- X/* alias
- X/* manipulate alias data base
- X/* pc-mail
- X/* mail
- X/* #include "mail.h"
- X/*
- X/* int alias()
- X/* The alias data base is a text file. Each line is of the form
- X/*
- X/* word one or more words
- X/*
- X/* The first word is the alias; words are separated by blanks
- X/* or commas. Upon alias expansion, the alias will be replaced
- X/* by the words on the remainder of the line of its definition.
- X/* An alias may be defined in terms of other aliases, but in terms
- X/* of itself. Aliases may defined in any order. If an alias is defined
- X/* more than once, only the last definition will be effective.
- X/*
- X/* alias() is invoked from the main menu and displays the contents
- X/* of the alias data base. An editor is invoked if the user wants
- X/* to make changes.
- X/* the program specified in the EDITOR environment variable,
- X/* or a system-dependent default.
- X/* temporary edit file in current directory
- X/* $MAILDIR/a00000, alias data base
- X/* pager(3), pager(5), kbdinp(3)
- X/* W.Z. Venema
- X/* Eindhoven University of Technology
- X/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- X/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- X/* Wed Apr 6 20:21:35 MET 1988
- X/* 90/01/22 13:01:13
- X/* 2.1
- X/*--*/
- X
- X#include <errno.h>
- X#include "defs.h"
- X#include "path.h"
- X#include "pager.h"
- X#include "mail.h"
- X#include "screen.h"
- X#include "status.h"
- X
- X/* forward declarations */
- X
- Xhidden int edit_alias();
- Xhidden void junk_alias();
- Xhidden int show_alias();
- X
- Xhidden File *afile = 0; /* pager file */
- X
- X/* alias - display alias data base */
- X
- Xpublic int alias()
- X{
- X static Screen screen[] = {
- X 'C', "Close", 0, prevscreen,
- X 'E', "Edit", edit_alias,"Edit alias data base",
- X 'P', "Print", print, "Print alias data base",
- X PGUP, PgUp, pu_pager,pageup,
- X PGDN, PgDn, pd_pager,pagedn,
- X UP, "Up", up_pager,csrup,
- X DOWN, "Down", dn_pager,csrdn,
- X 0, 0, show_alias,
- X "(Reading alias database)",
- X };
- X
- X kbdinp(screen); /* ask disposition */
- X junk_alias(); /* forget alias display */
- X return(S_REDRAW); /* say screen was changed */
- X}
- X
- X/* show_alias - show alias data base or default message in middle window */
- X
- Xhidden int show_alias()
- X{
- X static char *noalias[] = { /* Ha ha ha ho ho hum */
- X "",
- X "The alias data base is empty. Normally it holds lines of the form",
- X "",
- X " alias-name one-or-more-mail-addresses",
- X "",
- X "You can create or change the alias data base with the E command.",
- X 0,
- X };
- X if (afile) { /* check pager file exists */
- X set_pager(afile); /* select existing display */
- X } else if (rd_pager(afile = open_pager(),aliases())) {
- X mesg_pager(afile,noalias); /* no alias database */
- X }
- X ds_pager(); /* (re)draw display */
- X return(0); /* screen is up-to-date */
- X}
- X
- X/* junk_alias - destroy alias data base display */
- X
- Xhidden void junk_alias()
- X{
- X if (afile) { /* no-op if no display */
- X close_pager(afile); /* release memory */
- X afile = 0; /* say it is gone */
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* edit_alias - edit or create alias data base */
- X
- Xhidden int edit_alias()
- X{
- X register int stat;
- X
- X if (stat = edit(aliases(),TMPALIAS))
- X errdisp(stat); /* edit() had a problem */
- X junk_alias(); /* force new display */
- X return(S_REDRAW); /* say screen has changed */
- X}
- END_OF_main/alias.c
- if test 3434 -ne `wc -c <main/alias.c`; then
- echo shar: \"main/alias.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/cmail.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/cmail.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/cmail.c\" \(3814 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/cmail.c <<'END_OF_main/cmail.c'
- X/*++
- X/* NAME
- X/* cmail 1
- X/* report if there are unread messages
- X/* pc-mail
- X/* cmail
- X/* cmail [-p password]
- X/* cmail reports if there are unread mail messages in the
- X/* pc-mail spool directory.
- X/*
- X/* If the -p option is present, cmail first invokes the cico
- X/* program to contact the mail server host.
- X/*
- X/* Typically cmail is run immediately after system startup,
- X/* while you are getting your first cup of coffee.
- X/*
- X/* The program returns a nonzero exit status if it could not
- X/* find any mail.
- X/* cico file transfer program
- X/* nmail processes new mail
- X/* Various files in the spool directory
- X/*
- X/* LOGFILE system status messages
- X/* n<seqno> mail messages
- X/* h<seqno> header line of new mail
- X/* o<seqno> header line of old mail
- X/* Error messages in case the environment is not properly set up.
- X/* BUGS
- X/* Invites people to put their mail password into the autoexec file.
- X/* W.Z. Venema
- X/* Eindhoven University of Technology
- X/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- X/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- X/* Sun Apr 3 19:34:57 MET 1988
- X/* 90/01/22 13:01:19
- X/* 2.1
- X/*--*/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <signal.h>
- X#include <varargs.h>
- X
- X#include "defs.h"
- X#include "ndir.h"
- X#include "path.h"
- X#include "status.h"
- X
- Xhidden void parse_args(); /* forward declarations */
- Xhidden void usage();
- Xhidden void error();
- Xhidden int newmail();
- X
- Xhidden char *password = 0; /* set by the -p option */
- X
- Xpublic char *progname = "cmail"; /* for diagnostics */
- X
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar **argv;
- X{
- X signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* disable ctrl-c */
- X parse_args(argc, argv); /* parse command args */
- X if (pathinit()) /* check path info */
- X error("cmail: bad MAILDIR environment variable");
- X if (password && *password &&
- X invokelp(CICO, "-p", password, (char *) 0) == E_NOPROG)
- X error("cmail: cannot execute the CICO program");
- X if (invokelp(NMAIL, (char *) 0) == E_NOPROG)
- X error("cmail: cannot execute the NMAIL program");
- X exit(newmail() == 0); /* look for new mail */
- X}
- X
- X/* parse_args - process command-line arguments */
- X
- Xhidden void parse_args(argc, argv)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar **argv;
- X{
- X while (--argc && *++argv && **argv == '-') {/* process options */
- X switch (*++*argv) {
- X case 'p': /* call cico first */
- X if (--argc == 0)
- X usage("missing password");
- X password = *++argv;
- X break;
- X default: /* unknown option */
- X usage("invalid option: -%s", *argv);
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* check for extraneous arguments */
- X
- X if (argc > 0)
- X usage("unexpected argument: %s", *argv);
- X}
- X
- X/* scan for new unread mail */
- X
- Xhidden int newmail()
- X{
- X DIR *dp;
- X struct direct *de;
- X FILE *fp;
- X char from[MAXLINE];
- X int msgcount = 0;
- X unsigned msgno;
- X
- X /*
- X * Scan the spool directory for unread messages and extract the
- X * originator address from the corresponding meta file.
- X */
- X
- X if ((dp = opendir(maildir)) == 0) {
- X error("cmail: cannot access the mail directory");
- X } else {
- X while (de = readdir(dp)) {
- X if (de->d_name[0] == NEW_MESG
- X && (msgno = seqno(de->d_name))
- X && (fp = fopen(new_meta(msgno), "r")) != 0) {
- X if (fgets(from, sizeof(from), fp))
- X printf("You have new mail from %s", from);
- X msgcount++;
- X fclose(fp);
- X }
- X }
- X closedir(dp);
- X }
- X return (msgcount);
- X}
- X
- Xhidden void error(str)
- Xchar *str;
- X{
- X fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str);
- X exit(1);
- X}
- X
- X/* VARARGS */
- X
- Xhidden void usage(va_alist)
- Xva_dcl
- X{
- X va_list ap;
- X char *fmt;
- X
- X va_start(ap);
- X fmt = va_arg(ap, char *);
- X vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
- X va_end(ap);
- X fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: cmail [-p password]\n");
- X exit(1);
- X}
- END_OF_main/cmail.c
- if test 3814 -ne `wc -c <main/cmail.c`; then
- echo shar: \"main/cmail.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/comport.h -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/comport.h\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/comport.h\" \(3203 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/comport.h <<'END_OF_main/comport.h'
- X/*
- X * Comport.h
- X *
- X * defines the bit masking for the get_mcr()
- X *
- X * @(#) comport.h Version hoptoad-1.3 87/03/24
- X *
- X * Copyright (C) Tim M. Pozar 1987
- X * Anyone can use this code for anything, but it is copyright by Tim
- X * and you must leave his copyright in the code.
- X *
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * get_msr()
- X * Function to read (get) the byte located in the Modem Status
- X * Register (3FEh). The table below describes the byte returned.
- X * bit description
- X * 0 Delta Clear to Send (DCTS)
- X * Indicates that the !CTS input to the chip has changed state
- X * since the last time it was read by the processor.
- X * 1 Delta Data Set Ready (DDSR)
- X * Indicates that the !DRS input to the chip has changed since
- X * last time it was read by the processor.
- X * 2 Trailing Edge Ring Indicator (TERI)
- X * Indicates that the !RI input to the chip has changed from
- X * an on (logical 1) to an off (logical 0) condition.
- X * 3 Delta Rx Line Signal detect (DRLSD)
- X * Indicates that the !RLSD input to the chip has changed state.
- X * NOTE: Whenever bit 0, 1, 2, or 3 is set to a logical 1, a modem status
- X * interrupt is generated.
- X *
- X * 4 Clear to Send (CTS)
- X * This bit is the complement of the clear to send (!CTS) input.
- X * If bit 4 (LOOP) of the MCR is set to a logical 1, this is
- X * equivalent to RTS in the MCR.
- X * 5 Data Set Ready (DSR)
- X * This bit is the complement of the data set ready (!DSR) input.
- X * If bit 4 (LOOP) of the MCR is set to a logical 1, this is
- X * equivalent to DTR in the MCR.
- X * 6 Ring Indicator (RI)
- X * This bit is the complement of the ring indicator (!RI) input.
- X * If bit 4 (LOOP) of the MCR is set to a logical 1, this is
- X * equivalent to OUT 1 in the MCR.
- X * 7 Receive Line Signal Detect (RLSD) or Carrier Detect (CD).
- X * This bit is the complement of the received line signal detect
- X * (!RLSD) input. If bit 4 (LOOP) of the MCR is set to a logical 1,
- X * this is equivalent to OUT 2 in the MCR.
- X */
- X
- X#define DCTS 1
- X#define DDSR 2
- X#define TERI 4
- X#define DRLSD 8
- X#define CTS 16
- X#define DST 32
- X#define RI 64
- X#define RLSD 128 /* Also known as ... */
- X#define CD 128
- X#define set_tty SET_TTY /* find current settings, and initialize */
- X#define reset_tty RESET_TTY /* reset to settings that set_tty() found */
- X#define get_msr GET_MSR /* get MSR byte from port. */
- X#define init_comm INIT_COMM /* initialize the comm port interupts, */
- X#define uninit_comm UNINIT_COMM /* remove initialization, */
- X#define set_xoff SET_XOFF /* enable/disable XON/XOFF, */
- X#define get_xoff GET_XOFF /* read XON/XOFF state, */
- X#define rcvd_xoff RCVD_XOFF /* returns true if XOFF rcvd, */
- X#define sent_xoff SENT_XOFF /* true if XOFF sent, */
- X#define inp_cnt INP_CNT /* returns count of rcv chars, */
- X#define inp_char INP_CHAR /* get one char from buffer, */
- X#define inp_flush INP_FLUSH /* flush input buffer, */
- X#define outp_char OUTP_CHAR /* output a character, */
- END_OF_main/comport.h
- if test 3203 -ne `wc -c <main/comport.h`; then
- echo shar: \"main/comport.h\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/edit.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/edit.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/edit.c\" \(3336 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/edit.c <<'END_OF_main/edit.c'
- X/*++
- X/* NAME
- X/* edit 3
- X/* edit a file
- X/* pc-mail
- X/* mail
- X/* #include "mail.h"
- X/*
- X/* int edit(fname,tname)
- X/* char *fname,*tname;
- X/* edit() copies the file in fname to the file tname,
- X/* invokes the editor, and copies the result back.
- X/* the program specified in the EDITOR environment variable,
- X/* or a system-dependent default.
- X/* W.Z. Venema
- X/* Eindhoven University of Technology
- X/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- X/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- X/* Wed Apr 6 20:21:35 MET 1988
- X/* 90/01/22 13:01:34
- X/* 2.1
- X/*--*/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <errno.h>
- X
- X#include "defs.h"
- X#include "path.h"
- X#include "mail.h"
- X#include "status.h"
- X
- X#ifdef MSDOS
- X# include <fcntl.h>
- X#endif
- X
- X /*
- X * Some editors (wordstar) do not accept path names. grrrr. So we copy the
- X * edit file to a temp file in the current directory. After editing, the
- X * temp file is copied back. We do not move files, since current dir and the
- X * spool dir may be in different file systems, and people might turn off the
- X * machine and lose their work.
- X */
- X
- X/* edit - edit or create a file */
- X
- Xpublic int edit(fname, tname)
- Xchar *fname,
- X *tname;
- X{
- X register int stat = 0;
- X register FILE *fp;
- X
- X /*
- X * First make sure that we can get write permission on the permanent file
- X * and temporary file (if they exist). Create an empty temp file if we
- X * are not editing an existing file.
- X */
- X
- X if (chmod(fname, 0666) && errno != ENOENT) {
- X stat = E_WRITERR; /* original file is protected */
- X } else if (chmod(tname, 0666) && errno != ENOENT) {
- X stat = E_WRITERR; /* scratch file is protected */
- X } else if ((fp = fopen(fname, "a")) == 0) {
- X stat = E_WRITERR; /* file system is protected? */
- X } else if (fclose(fp), stat = cpfile(fname, tname)) {
- X /* void */ ; /* could not make edit copy */
- X } else {
- X patience(); /* this may take some time */
- X kbdrest(); /* reset tty modes */
- X if (stat = invokelp(editor, tname, (char *) 0)) /* call editor */
- X stat = (stat == E_NOPROG ? stat : E_UNKNOWN);
- X else
- X stat = cpfile(tname, fname); /* copy back */
- X kbdinit(); /* set tty modes */
- X unlink(tname); /* don't check status */
- X }
- X chmod(fname, 0444); /* protect destination file */
- X return (stat);
- X}
- X
- X/* cpfile - yet another file copy function */
- X
- Xhidden int cpfile(from, to)
- Xchar *from;
- Xchar *to;
- X{
- X register FILE *in,
- X *out; /* file pointers */
- X int stat = 0; /* error status */
- X register int c; /* character buffer */
- X
- X if ((in = fopen(from, "r")) == 0) { /* cannot read source */
- X return (E_READERR);
- X } else if ((out = fopen(to, "w")) == 0) { /* cannot write destination */
- X fclose(in);
- X return (E_WRITERR);
- X } else {
- X
- X#ifdef O_BINARY
- X setmode(fileno(in), O_BINARY); /* get rid of the */
- X setmode(fileno(out), O_BINARY); /* crlf translation */
- X#endif
- X while ((c = getc(in)) != EOF)
- X putc(c, out);
- X if (ferror(in)) /* check read error status */
- X stat = E_READERR;
- X else if (ferror(out)) /* check write error status */
- X stat = E_WRITERR;
- X fclose(in);
- X fclose(out);
- X return (stat); /* at most one type of error */
- X }
- X}
- END_OF_main/edit.c
- if test 3336 -ne `wc -c <main/edit.c`; then
- echo shar: \"main/edit.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/getwork.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/getwork.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/getwork.c\" \(2974 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/getwork.c <<'END_OF_main/getwork.c'
- X/*++
- X/* NAME
- X/* getwork 3
- X/* receive work from remote system
- X/* pc-mail
- X/* cico
- X/* #include "work.h"
- X/*
- X/* work *rmtwork(rqst)
- X/* char *rqst;
- X/*
- X/* void getwork(wrk)
- X/* work *wrk;
- X/* rmtwork() parses a remote Send request. A suitable destination
- X/* file is opened. The resulting work structure is for use by
- X/* getwork().
- X/*
- X/* getwork() receives a file from the remote system, after the
- X/* necessary preparations have been done by rmtwork().
- X/* The file is deleted in case of transmission failure.
- X/* trap(), locname()
- X/* sendwork(), scanwork()
- X/* Exceptions are handled with longjmp(systrap,errorcode).
- X/*
- X/* rmtwork() traps in case of invalid requests or if the destination
- X/* file could not be opened.
- X/*
- X/* getwork() traps in case of read/write errors.
- X/* W.Z. Venema
- X/* Eindhoven University of Technology
- X/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- X/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- X/* Sat Mar 28 16:57:57 GMT+1:00 1987
- X/* 90/01/22 13:01:39
- X/* 2.1
- X/*--*/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X
- X#include "defs.h"
- X#include "logs.h"
- X#include "status.h"
- X#include "work.h"
- X#include "params.h"
- X#include "comm.h"
- X
- X/* rmtwork - parse remote S request and open destination file */
- X
- Xpublic work *rmtwork(rqst)
- Xchar *rqst;
- X{
- X static work wrk;
- X char path[BUFSIZ];
- X
- X if (sscanf(rqst, "S %*s %s", path) != 1) /* pick destination file name */
- X debug(5) ("rmtwork: path %s\n", path);
- X strcpy(wrk.path, locname(path)); /* convert to local name */
- X debug(5) ("rmtwork: file %s\n", wrk.path);
- X if ((wrk.fp = fopen(wrk.path, "w")) == 0) /* try to open that file */
- X trap(E_WRITERR, "CAN'T CREATE FILE (%s)", sys_errlist[errno]);
- X return (&wrk);
- X}
- X
- X/* getwork - receive file from remote host */
- X
- Xpublic void getwork(wrk)
- Xregister work *wrk;
- X{
- X char buf[BUFSIZ];
- X register int nread;
- X register int werror;
- X
- X while ((nread = CALL(Read) (ttfd, buf, BUFSIZ)) > 0 &&
- X fwrite(buf, sizeof(*buf), nread, wrk->fp) == nread)
- X /* void */ ;
- X werror = ferror(wrk->fp); /* record error status */
- X fclose(wrk->fp);
- X
- X /*
- X * In case of any errors we force a protocol shutdown. The oher side will
- X * send the same file again next time we make a connection.
- X */
- X
- X if (nread < 0) { /* did the protocol fail? */
- X chmod(wrk->path, 0666); /* make file deletable */
- X unlink(wrk->path); /* remove file */
- X trap(E_LOST, "FAILED (lost link)"); /* handle exception */
- X } else if (werror) { /* file write error? */
- X chmod(wrk->path, 0666); /* make file deletable */
- X unlink(wrk->path); /* remove file */
- X trap(E_WRITERR, "FILE WRITE ERROR (%s)", sys_errlist[errno]);
- X } else {
- X chmod(wrk->path, 0444); /* protect the file */
- X }
- X}
- END_OF_main/getwork.c
- if test 2974 -ne `wc -c <main/getwork.c`; then
- echo shar: \"main/getwork.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/hsearch.3 -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/hsearch.3\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/hsearch.3\" \(3042 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/hsearch.3 <<'END_OF_main/hsearch.3'
- X.TH HSEARCH 3c local
- Xhsearch, hcreate, hdestroy \- manage hash search tables
- X.nf
- X.ft B
- Xtypedef struct entry {
- X char *key;
- X char *data;
- X } ENTRY;
- X
- Xtypedef enum {
- X
- XENTRY *hsearch (item, action)
- XENTRY item;
- XACTION action;
- X
- Xint hcreate (nel)
- Xunsigned int nel;
- X
- Xvoid hdestroy ();
- X.br
- X.ft R
- X.fi
- X.I Hsearch
- Xis a simple, public domain, reimplementation of the routine of the same
- Xname in
- XSystem V.
- X.PP
- X.I Hsearch
- Xreturns a pointer into a hash table where a given element can be found.
- XAn
- X.I item
- Xto be stored in the table is of type ENTRY.
- X.I Item.key
- Xpoints to the key used for comparison, while
- X.I item.data
- Xpoints to the data to be associated with the key.
- XIf the data pointed to is not a character string, it should be cast
- Xto type pointer-to-character before being assigned.
- XNote that
- X.I item
- Xis a structure, and
- X.I not
- Xa pointer to a structure.
- XIf the value of
- X.I action
- Xis FIND,
- X.I hsearch
- Xwill return a pointer to the item in the table, if it is there, otherwise
- Xit will return NULL. If the action is ENTER, it will return a pointer
- Xto the new item, or NULL if it could not add the item to the table.
- XNote that if the action is ENTER, and the item was already in the table, the
- X.I data
- Xfield will be updated from the new
- X.IR item .
- X.PP
- X.I Hsearch
- Xdoes not provide all the (compile-time) options of the original routine;
- Xinstead it uses a
- X.I remainder modulo table size
- Xhashing algorithm,
- X.I chaining
- X(linked lists) to resolve collisions, with new entries being placed at
- Xthe end, and
- X.IR strcmp (3)
- Xfor the comparison function.
- XIt was felt that a simple reimplementation was called for,
- Xinstead of a brand new hash table package,
- Xsince the interface provided is a clean one,
- Xbut the original source code is not publicly available.
- X.PP
- X.I Hcreate
- Xcreates the hash table, allocating enough space for it. It must be
- Xcalled before
- X.IR hsearch .
- X.I Nel
- Xis an estimate of the number of hash buckets that will be needed;
- Xthe table size will be adjusted up to the next largest prime number. If
- X.I nel
- Xis larger than the largest prime known to
- X.IR hcreate , " nel"
- Xwill be used directly.
- X.PP
- X.I Hdestroy
- Xdestroys the hash table, freeing up all its storage. It may be followed
- Xby another call to
- X.IR hcreate .
- X.IR malloc (3),
- X.IR strcmp (3),
- Xthe various other searching routines available with System V.
- X.I Hsearch
- Xreturns NULL
- Xif either the action was FIND and the item is not in the table, or
- Xthe action was ENTER but the item could not be inserted.
- X.PP
- X.I Hcreate
- Xreturns zero if it could not create the initial table; it returns
- Xone if all went well.
- X.PP
- XOnly one hash table may be active at a given time.
- X.PP
- XNot as flexible as the original System V implementation.
- X.nf
- XArnold Robbins
- XSchool of Information and Computer Science
- XGeorgia Institute of Technology
- XAtlanta, Georgia 30332
- X
- XCSNET: arnold@gatech
- XARPA: arnold%gatech.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa
- XUUCP: { akgua, allegra, hplabs, ihnp4, seismo, ut-sally }!gatech!arnold
- END_OF_main/hsearch.3
- if test 3042 -ne `wc -c <main/hsearch.3`; then
- echo shar: \"main/hsearch.3\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/kproto.ms -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/kproto.ms\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/kproto.ms\" \(2984 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/kproto.ms <<'END_OF_main/kproto.ms'
- X.TL
- Xuucp k protocol description
- X.AU
- XW.Z. Venema
- XEindhoven University of Technology
- X.AE
- X.NH
- XIntroduction
- X.LP
- XThe k protocol has been developed for the Sytek Localnet local area
- Xnetwork at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE).
- XMain features of this network are:
- X.IP 1
- XNetwork partners may talk at different baudrates. This implies that the network
- Xdoes some buffering. This may cause timing
- Xproblems (e.g. a system sending at 9600 baud to a system reading at 1200 baud).
- X.IP 2
- XThe network needs a flow control mechanism. Usually this is
- Xbased on the XON/XOFF protocol. Other control character sequences are used
- Xfor commands to the network.
- X.IP 3
- XSome network stations are connected to telephone modems.
- X.LP
- XFor these reasons, the k protocol must (i) cope with on XON/XOFF flow
- Xcontrol, (ii) be suitable for 7-bit data paths, (iii) avoid
- Xcontrol characters and (iv) provide reliable operation
- Xover telephone lines as well as over the local area network.
- X.NH
- XPackets
- X.LP
- XData are sent as checksummed 256-byte packets, terminated by an
- XASCII CR. Except for the packet header (^P), the k protocol only uses
- XASCII codes 040 through 0137. Three data bytes are expanded to four
- Xbytes upon transmission. Theoretically, this reduces throughput by 25 percent.
- XAt 1200 baud, actual performances are:
- X.DS
- Xuucp, g protocol 110 cps
- Xuucp, k protocol 74 cps
- Xc-kermit 67 cps
- X.DE
- XNote that the values for c-kermit are for text files, with repeat-count
- Xcompression enabled.
- X.PP
- XThe packet types are a subset of those used in the kermit programs:
- X.DS
- XD packets contain data.
- XY packets are sent when a correct data packet was received.
- XN packets are sent when incorrect data was received.
- XA packets are sent to shut down the k protocol.
- X.DE
- XA packet always begins with a header:
- X.DS
- XSOH packet header, ASCII control-P
- Xlen (size of data, low 6 bits) + 32
- Xlen (size of data, high 6 bits) + 32
- Xnum (packet number mod 64) + 32
- Xtype packet type
- Xcheck one-byte type-1 kermit checksum
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XThe header is followed by checksummed data if len > 0:
- X.DS
- Xdata len data bytes
- Xcheck1 (upper 2 bits of type-3 kermit 16-bit checksum) + 32
- Xcheck2 (middle 6 bits of type-3 kermit 16-bit checksum) + 32
- Xcheck3 (lower 6 bits of type-3 kermit 16-bit checksum) + 32
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XEvery packet is followed by an ASCII carriage return, which is
- Xignored upon reception of a packet. It prevents timeout errors
- Xwhen one byte gets lost (the most common case).
- X.NH
- XHandshake
- X.LP
- XHandshake is on a per-packet basis; a transmitter will not send
- Xanother data packet before it knows that the receiver got the data
- Xin good condition. There are various ways to obtain that knowledge:
- Xthe receiver may send an ACK message (usual case), or a NAK for
- Xthe next data packet, or a data packet with the next sequence number.
- X.PP
- XThe protocol is aborted when an unexpected
- Xpacket type or when a packet out of sequence is received.
- XSince 'A' packets are never expected, they always cause a protocol
- Xfault.
- END_OF_main/kproto.ms
- if test 2984 -ne `wc -c <main/kproto.ms`; then
- echo shar: \"main/kproto.ms\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/lmail.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/lmail.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/lmail.c\" \(2815 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/lmail.c <<'END_OF_main/lmail.c'
- X/*++
- X/* NAME
- X/* lmail 1
- X/* local delivery of mail received via GNUUCP
- X/* pc-mail
- X/* gnu
- X/* lmail [arguments]
- X/* This program replaces the receiving function of the pc-mail "cico"
- X/* program, on systems that use GNUUCP for message transport.
- X/*
- X/* lmail reads one mail message from its standard input and installs
- X/* it as a message file in the pc-mail mail data base. Any command-line
- X/* arguments are ignored (since pc-mail is a single-user mail system).
- X/*
- X/* This command should be installed such that it can be found by the
- X/* GNUUCP "rmail" command. The actual program name may be different
- X/* from "lmail"; this depends on how the GNUUCP software was configured.
- X/* MAILDIR, path to pc-mail message data base
- X/* In the spool directory:
- X/* h<seqno> new mail message.
- X/* path(5) spool directory, file names
- X/* nmail(1) extracts sender and subject from new mail.
- X/* Problems are reported on the standard error output, and cause the
- X/* program to terminate with a nonzero exit status.
- X/* W.Z. Venema
- X/* Eindhoven University of Technology
- X/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- X/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- X/* Wed Jan 3 22:16:08 MET 1990
- X/* 90/01/22 13:02:00
- X/* 2.1
- X/*--*/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <varargs.h>
- X
- X#include "defs.h"
- X#include "path.h"
- X
- Xextern int errno;
- Xextern char *sys_errlist[];
- X
- Xextern char *fgets();
- X
- Xhidden void error();
- Xpublic char *progname = "lmail";
- X
- X/* pc-mail is a single-user mailer, so we ignore command-line arguments */
- X
- Xmain()
- X{
- X char buf[BUFSIZ];
- X char *fname;
- X FILE *fp;
- X
- X /* Find out where the mail data base lives */
- X
- X if (pathinit())
- X error("no mail directory or MAILDIR environment variable not set");
- X
- X /* Create a mail message file only - let nmail extract sender and subject */
- X
- X (void) umask(0222); /* make files read-only */
- X if ((fp = fopen(fname = new_mesg(newseqno()), "w")) == 0)
- X error("cannot open %s: %s", fname, sys_errlist[errno]);
- X
- X /* Copy standard input to message file */
- X
- X while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin))
- X (void) fputs(buf, fp);
- X
- X /* Error checking */
- X
- X if (fflush(fp) || ferror(fp) || fclose(fp))
- X error("%s: write error: %s", fname, sys_errlist[errno]);
- X
- X exit(0);
- X}
- X
- X/* error - complain */
- X
- X/* VARARGS */
- X
- Xhidden void error(va_alist)
- Xva_dcl
- X{
- X va_list ap;
- X char *fmt;
- X
- X (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname);
- X va_start(ap);
- X fmt = va_arg(ap, char *);
- X (void) vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
- X va_end(ap);
- X (void) putc('\n', stderr);
- X exit(2);
- X}
- END_OF_main/lmail.c
- if test 2815 -ne `wc -c <main/lmail.c`; then
- echo shar: \"main/lmail.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/mail.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/mail.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/mail.c\" \(4002 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/mail.c <<'END_OF_main/mail.c'
- X/*++
- X/* NAME
- X/* mail
- X/* visual mail-shell
- X/* pc-mail
- X/* mail
- X/* mail
- X/* mail is an interactive program for reading, receiving
- X/* and producing electronic mail. Actually, most of the work
- X/* is done by programs called by the mail program.
- X/*
- X/* By default, the program presents the user display of a list of
- X/* mail messages in the form of one-line summaries. Single-key
- X/* commands are available to select and manipulate mail messages.
- X/* Mail messages are created with an editor chosen by the user.
- X/*
- X/* The name of the spool directory, printer program and editor
- X/* are taken from the environment, or assume system-dependent defaults.
- X/* MAILDIR name of spool directory
- X/* EDITOR name of program to create mail
- X/* MAILPRN name of program/file to print with/to
- X/* MAILCMD command to execute upon termination
- X/* cico network communications program
- X/* nmail postprocessor for mail received by cico
- X/* The mail system maintains various files in a spool directory,
- X/* as well as a logfile of all network transactions.
- X/* path(3) system-dependent path names
- X/* Error messages should be self-explanatory.
- X/* BUGS
- X/* The user has to explicitly tell the system to contact a remote
- X/* mail host. This is a limitation of MS-DOS, not of the program.
- X/* W.Z. Venema
- X/* Eindhoven University of Technology
- X/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- X/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- X/* Thu Apr 2 21:54:08 GMT+1:00 1987
- X/* 90/01/22 13:02:04
- X/* 2.1
- X/*--*/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <signal.h>
- X#include "defs.h"
- X#include "path.h"
- X#include "status.h"
- X#include "mail.h"
- X#include "window.h"
- X
- Xpublic char *progname = "mail"; /* for diagnostics */
- X
- X/* forward declarations */
- X
- Xhidden int checkfiles();
- X
- X/* for now, don't even try to look at command args */
- X
- Xpublic main(argc, argv)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar **argv;
- X{
- X register int stat;
- X
- X /*
- X * Initializations: get screen control and function-key codes (wininit).
- X * check if the limit on the number of open files is ok (checkfiles), get
- X * the values from environment variables (pathinit), set the terminal
- X * driver to the desired mode (kbdinit), check for partally processed new
- X * mail with the nmail program. Also make sure that our file permissions
- X * are safe (umask).
- X */
- X
- X if (!isatty(fileno(stdin))) {
- X perror("mail: standard input");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X umask(022); /* avoid problems */
- X wininit(); /* do termcap stuff */
- X clrscreen(); /* clear screen */
- X (stat = checkfiles()) /* get max nbr of open files */
- X ||(stat = pathinit()) /* get spool, printer, editor */
- X ||(stat = invokelp(NMAIL, (char *) 0)); /* just in case there's mail */
- X kbdinit(); /* set to tty RAW, NOECHO */
- X if (stat) {
- X errdisp(stat); /* we have a problem */
- X } else {
- X init(); /* start the machine */
- X }
- X
- X /* finalizations */
- X
- X kbdrest(); /* restore tty driver */
- X clrscreen(); /* clear screen */
- X fflush(stdout);
- X if (stat == 0)
- X onexit(mailcmd); /* do exit command */
- X exit(stat);
- X}
- X
- X/* checkfiles - make sure we can open as many files as we want */
- X
- Xhidden int checkfiles()
- X{
- X register int i;
- X int fds[MINFILES];
- X register int stat;
- X
- X for (i = 0; i < MINFILES; i++) /* try to open many files */
- X if ((fds[i] = open(NULLDEV, 0)) < 0)
- X break;
- X
- X stat = (i < MINFILES ? E_FILENO : 0); /* did we fail? */
- X
- X while (--i >= 0) /* release files */
- X close(fds[i]);
- X return (stat);
- X}
- X
- X/* onexit - exec another command */
- X
- Xint onexit(command)
- Xchar *command;
- X{
- X if (command && *command)
- X return (system(command));
- X}
- END_OF_main/mail.c
- if test 4002 -ne `wc -c <main/mail.c`; then
- echo shar: \"main/mail.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/ms_parse.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/ms_parse.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/ms_parse.c\" \(3953 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/ms_parse.c <<'END_OF_main/ms_parse.c'
- X/*++
- X/* NAME
- X/* ms_parse 3
- X/* message parser
- X/* pc-mail
- X/* mailsh
- X/* #include "ms_parse.h"
- X/*
- X/* int ms_parse(context, line)
- X/* int context;
- X/* char *line;
- X/*
- X/* int hscanf(line, prefix, format, result)
- X/* char *line;
- X/* char *prefix;
- X/* char *format;
- X/* char *result;
- X/* The routines in this module recognize
- X/* the context in which successive lines of text occur within an
- X/* e-mail message, or extract specific information from header
- X/* lines.
- X/*
- X/* The expected format of an e-mail message is: UUCP header lines,
- X/* RFC822-like header lines, message body. Each of these sections
- X/* may be missing from the message. A header line is a line that
- X/* has no blanks before the first colon appearing on that line.
- X/*
- X/* ms_parse() determines the context in which a line of text was found:
- X/*
- X/* .nf
- X MS_UUCP UUCP-style From_ line
- X MS_HEADER RFC822-like header line
- X MS_CONT Continued header line
- X MS_BODY Line within message body
- X/* .fi
- X/*
- X/* During the first call of ms_parse(), the context argument should have
- X/* the value MS_UUCP. Upon successive calls the value should be equal
- X/* to the last value returned by ms_parse(). The algorithm is transparent
- X/* to other context values (i.e. they cause no transitions).
- X/*
- X/* hscanf() compares the beginning of a line with the specified prefix
- X/* (ignoring case differences), and if the comparison succeeds, it
- X/* invokes sscanf() on the remainder of that line. A zero return value
- X/* means that no information was extracted with sscanf.
- X/* W.Z. Venema
- X/* Eindhoven University of Technology
- X/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- X/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- X/* Sat Dec 9 18:50:35 MET 1989
- X/* 90/01/22 13:02:12
- X/* 2.1
- X/*--*/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <ctype.h>
- X
- X#include "defs.h"
- X#include "ms_parse.h"
- X
- X/* forward declarations */
- X
- Xhidden int isheader();
- X
- X/* hscanf - match header and extract info from remainder of header line */
- X
- Xpublic int hscanf(line, pre, fmt, ptr)
- Xchar *line;
- Xchar *pre;
- Xchar *fmt;
- Xchar *ptr;
- X{
- X int len = strlen(pre);
- X
- X return (istrncmp(pre, line, len) == 0 && sscanf(line + len, fmt, ptr) == 1);
- X}
- X
- X/* ms_parse - parse one message line */
- X
- Xpublic int ms_parse(context, line)
- Xregister int context;
- Xregister char *line;
- X{
- X
- X /*
- X * A message may begin with UUCP header lines ("From blablabla",
- X * sometimes escaped with a ">" character), followed by RFC822-like
- X * header lines (lines that start with a word + colon, or continuation
- X * lines that start with whitespace), followed by the remainder of the
- X * message. Header and body are usually separated by an empty line (on
- X * systems that can handle that) but the we do not require this.
- X */
- X
- X switch (context) {
- X case MS_UUCP:
- X if (line[0] == '>' || strncmp(line, "From ", 5) == 0)
- X return (MS_UUCP);
- X if (isspace(line[0]))
- X return (MS_BODY);
- X case MS_HEADER:
- X case MS_CONT:
- X if (isspace(line[0]))
- X return (MS_CONT);
- X if (isheader(line))
- X return (MS_HEADER);
- X case MS_BODY:
- X return (MS_BODY);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* isheader - does this line look like a header? */
- X
- Xhidden int isheader(buf)
- Xchar *buf;
- X{
- X static char blanks[] = " \t\f";
- X char *cp;
- X char *blk;
- X char *colon;
- X
- X /*
- X * A header line has no blanks before the first colon. Which means that a
- X * line that starts with a colon character is treated as header line.
- X * This turns out to be what many sendmail implementations do, too.
- X */
- X
- X if ((colon = index(buf, ':')) == 0) { /* check for colon */
- X return (0);
- X } else { /* find preceding blanks */
- X for (cp = blanks; *cp; cp++)
- X if ((blk = index(buf, *cp)) != 0 && blk < colon)
- X return (0);
- X }
- X return (1);
- X}
- END_OF_main/ms_parse.c
- if test 3953 -ne `wc -c <main/ms_parse.c`; then
- echo shar: \"main/ms_parse.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/params.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/params.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/params.c\" \(3364 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/params.c <<'END_OF_main/params.c'
- X/*++
- X/* NAME
- X/* params 3
- X/* communication parameter access
- X/* pc-mail
- X/* library
- X/* #include "params.h"
- X/*
- X/* Info *getparams();
- X/* getparams() returns a pointer to a table with communications
- X/* parameters. Usually communications parameters are set with the
- X/* "setup" option in the main menu of the interactive mail program.
- X/*
- X/* First getparams() attempts to read from the setup file.
- X/* If that fails it creates an empty parameter table with
- X/* null string pointers as parameter values.
- X/* myalloc()
- X/* BUGS
- X/* getparams() silently ignores any information in the
- X/* parameter file that it does not recognize.
- X/* getparams() will read the parameter file upon each call, even
- X/* if nothing has changed since the last read. Let us say that
- X/* it anticipates on multi-user environments.
- X/* W.Z. Venema
- X/* Eindhoven University of Technology
- X/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- X/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- X/* Wed Apr 8 15:39:23 GMT+1:00 1987
- X/* 90/01/22 13:02:24
- X/* 2.1
- X/*--*/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <ctype.h>
- X
- X#include "defs.h"
- X#include "path.h"
- X#include "params.h"
- X
- X/* Storage area for setup parameters */
- X
- Xhidden Info params[] = {
- X /* name */ /* name length */ /* value */ /* default */
- X S_IGNORE, sizeof(S_IGNORE) -1, 0, D_IGNORE,
- X#ifndef DAEMON
- X S_PORT, sizeof(S_PORT) - 1, 0, 0,
- X S_BAUD, sizeof(S_BAUD) - 1, 0, 0,
- X S_HOST, sizeof(S_HOST) - 1, 0, 0,
- X S_LOGIN, sizeof(S_LOGIN) - 1, 0, 0,
- X S_DIAL, sizeof(S_DIAL) - 1, 0, 0,
- X S_DISC, sizeof(S_DISC) - 1, 0, D_DISC,
- X#endif
- X 0, 0, 0, 0,
- X};
- X
- Xhidden char *hackstr(); /* forward declaration */
- X
- X/* getparams - try to get info from file, else make empty table */
- X
- Xpublic Info *getparams()
- X{
- X char line[BUFSIZ];
- X register Info *ip;
- X FILE *fp;
- X
- X /* for cleanliness, we first clear all table entries */
- X
- X for (ip = params; ip->ident; ip++) {
- X if (ip->strval)
- X free(ip->strval);
- X ip->strval = 0;
- X }
- X
- X /* then, try to copy parameter file info to the table */
- X
- X if (fp = fopen(parm_file(), "r")) {
- X while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) {
- X for (ip = params; ip->ident; ip++) {
- X if (strncmp(ip->ident, line, ip->length) == 0) {
- X ip->strval = hackstr(line + ip->length);
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X (void) fclose(fp);
- X }
- X
- X /* set defaults for undefined values */
- X
- X for (ip = params; ip->ident; ip++)
- X if (ip->strval == 0 && ip->defval != 0)
- X ip->strval = hackstr(ip->defval);
- X
- X return (params);
- X}
- X
- X/* hackstr - cut away blanks around string and make copy */
- X
- Xhidden char *hackstr(s)
- Xregister char *s;
- X{
- X register char *r;
- X int len;
- X
- X /* strip leading and trailing blanks */
- X
- X while (*s && isspace(*s))
- X s++;
- X for (r = s + strlen(s); r > s && isspace(r[-1]); r--)
- X /* void */ ;
- X
- X /*
- X * s is at the terminator or first non-blank char. r is at the terminator
- X * or first blank after the last non-blank char. Thus, the actual string
- X * length is r-s. We add one for the terminator. We don't allocate memory
- X * if the string is empty.
- X */
- X
- X if (len = r - s) {
- X char *cp = strncpy(myalloc(len + 1), s, len);
- X
- X cp[len] = '\0';
- X return (cp);
- X } else {
- X return (0);
- X }
- X}
- END_OF_main/params.c
- if test 3364 -ne `wc -c <main/params.c`; then
- echo shar: \"main/params.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/path.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/path.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/path.c\" \(3423 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/path.c <<'END_OF_main/path.c'
- X/*++
- X/* NAME
- X/* path 3
- X/* system-dependent file name stuff
- X/* pc-mail
- X/* general
- X/* #include "str.h"
- X/* #include "path.h"
- X/*
- X/* int pathinit()
- X/*
- X/* FILE *propen()
- X/*
- X/* char *fspool(file)
- X/* char *file;
- X/* The routines in this module know the system-dependent rules
- X/* for file names and printers.
- X/*
- X/* pathinit() extracts the values of the environment variables
- X/* MAILDIR, MAILPRN, MAILCMD and EDITOR, and assumes system-dependent
- X/* defaults for undefined environment variables. It checks for the
- X/* existence of the spool directory.
- X/*
- X/* Under Unix, the MAILPRN environment variable should be the name
- X/* of a command. Under MS-DOS, it should be the name of a device or file.
- X/*
- X/* propen() returns a stream to print to.
- X/*
- X/* fspool() constructs a path name from the spool directory and
- X/* the file name in its argument.
- X/* Real unix uses uucp spool file names of the form
- X/*
- X/* <letter> . <system> <grade> <sequence_nr>
- X/*
- X/* This is problematic for MS-DOS and similar systems that
- X/* only allow three characters after the dot. Instead of building
- X/* a tiny file system on top of MS-DOS, the pc-mail programs
- X/* use a different way of spool file naming:
- X/*
- X/* <letter> <sequence_nr>
- X/*
- X/* This scheme assumes that the pc has access to exactly one unix
- X/* host, since the host name is not part of spool file names.
- X/* lp(1) (under unix) printer spooler program
- X/* PRN under MS-DOS
- X/* pathinit() returns a nonzero value (see status(5)) if one of the
- X/* environment variables (or defaults) are incorrect.
- X/*
- X/* File open functions return a null pointer when a file could not
- X/* be opened.
- X/* BUGS
- X/* pathinit() only verifies the MAILDIR name.
- X/*
- X/* fspool() returns a pointer to static memory.
- X/* W.Z. Venema
- X/* Eindhoven University of Technology
- X/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- X/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- X/* Sun Apr 5 15:27:37 GMT+1:00 1987
- X/* 90/01/22 13:02:26
- X/* 2.1
- X/*--*/
- X
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <sys/stat.h>
- X#include "defs.h"
- X#include "path.h"
- X#include "status.h"
- X
- X /*
- X * Environment variables are loaded here. Most of them have a default; We
- X * only check the validity of the MAILDIR variable.
- X */
- X
- Xpublic char *maildir = DEFSPOOL; /* spool directory */
- Xpublic char *editor = DEFEDIT; /* editor program */
- Xpublic char *mailprn = DEFPRINT; /* where to print to */
- Xpublic char *mailcmd = 0; /* do this on exit */
- X
- Xtypedef struct {
- X char *vname;
- X char **ptr;
- X} Environ;
- X
- Xstatic Environ env[] = {
- X "SPOOL", &maildir, /* backwards compatibility... */
- X "MAILDIR", &maildir,
- X "EDITOR", &editor,
- X "MAILPRN", &mailprn,
- X "MAILCMD", &mailcmd,
- X 0, 0, /* terminator */
- X};
- X
- X/* pathinit - consult the environment; checks existence of spool directory */
- X
- Xpublic int pathinit()
- X{
- X register char *cp;
- X struct stat s;
- X register Environ *ep;
- X
- X /* load environment variables */
- X
- X for (ep = env; ep->vname; ep++)
- X if (cp = getenv(ep->vname))
- X *(ep->ptr) = cp;
- X
- X /* check existence of the spool directory */
- X
- X return (stat(maildir, &s) || (s.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR ? E_NOSPOOL : 0);
- X}
- END_OF_main/path.c
- if test 3423 -ne `wc -c <main/path.c`; then
- echo shar: \"main/path.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/scanwork.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/scanwork.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/scanwork.c\" \(2975 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/scanwork.c <<'END_OF_main/scanwork.c'
- X/*++
- X/* NAME
- X/* scanwork 3
- X/* search spool directory for outbound messages
- X/* pc-mail
- X/* cico
- X/* #include "work.h"
- X/*
- X/* work *scanwork()
- X/* scanwork() searches the spool directory for files to be sent to
- X/* the remote system. If a file is found, scanwork() attempts to
- X/* open that file. A null pointer is returned if no work was found.
- X/*
- X/* The result is normally used by sendwork().
- X/* scandir(), newseqno(), fspool()
- X/* sendwork() send spool file to remote host
- X/* getwork() receive remote spool file
- X/* rmtname() local spool-file to remote-file name mapping
- X/* W.Z. Venema
- X/* Eindhoven University of Technology
- X/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- X/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- X/* Sat Mar 28 17:28:09 GMT+1:00 1987
- X/* 90/01/22 13:02:31
- X/* 2.1
- X/*--*/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <ctype.h>
- X
- X#include "defs.h"
- X#include "params.h"
- X#include "comm.h"
- X#include "work.h"
- X#include "path.h"
- X#include "ndir.h"
- X#include "logs.h"
- X
- X /*
- X * The present implementation assumes that work for the remote system is in
- X * the form of pairs of spool files with names d<seqno> and x<seqno>.
- X *
- X * The d files contain an electronic mail message, and the x files contain the
- X * destination. Both have the same <seqno> suffix which is just a five-digit
- X * sequence number.
- X *
- X * The task of scanwork() thus is trivial: just locate a file of which the name
- X * begins with a d or x and do some file name parsing. The major work is
- X * done by rmtname() and sendwork(): depending on the type of file, generate
- X * an appropriate remote file name and send the appropriate messages to the
- X * remote system.
- X *
- X * After a file has been transmitted it is renamed to reflect the "Sent"
- X * status.
- X */
- X
- X/* scanwork - search spool directory for work */
- X
- Xpublic work *scanwork()
- X{
- X register DIR *dp;
- X register struct direct *de;
- X static work wrk; /* overwritten each time */
- X static char unsent[] = "DdXx"; /* prefixes for unsent messages */
- X char *p_unsent; /* pointer into unsent array */
- X static char sent[] = "qqrr"; /* prefixes for sent messages */
- X
- X if ((dp = opendir(maildir)) == 0) {
- X return (0);
- X } else {
- X while (de = readdir(dp)) {
- X debug(5) ("scanwork: file %s\n", de->d_name);
- X if (((p_unsent = index(unsent, wrk.type = de->d_name[0])) != 0)
- X && (wrk.seqno = seqno(de->d_name))) {
- X strcpy(wrk.path, fspool(de->d_name));
- X strcpy(wrk.sent, fspool(strcons(SPOOLFMT,
- X sent[p_unsent - unsent], wrk.seqno)));
- X sprintf(wrk.rqst, "S %s %s %s - %s 0660", de->d_name,
- X rmtname(wrk.type, wrk.seqno), "uucp", de->d_name);
- X wrk.fp = fopen(wrk.path, "r");
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X closedir(dp);
- X return (de ? &wrk : NULL);
- X }
- X}
- END_OF_main/scanwork.c
- if test 2975 -ne `wc -c <main/scanwork.c`; then
- echo shar: \"main/scanwork.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/smail.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/smail.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/smail.c\" \(2780 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/smail.c <<'END_OF_main/smail.c'
- X/*++
- X/* NAME
- X/* smail 1
- X/* mail spooler
- X/* pc-mail
- X/* smail
- X/* smail file destinations
- X/* smail makes preparations to send a copy of a text file
- X/* to another person. If a "-" is specifie instead of a file
- X/* name, standard input is read.
- X/*
- X/* The contents of the original file are filtered in order to
- X/* get rid of control characters, high most-significant bits,
- X/* or non-standard carriage-control conventions. The filter
- X/* has no effect on ordinary flat text files, such as program
- X/* sources.
- X/*
- X/* Aliases in the list of destinations are expanded, and multiple
- X/* occurrances of the same recipient are eliminated. The algorithms
- X/* that manipulate the list of destinations are case-insensitive.
- X/* In the spool directory. Files that belong together have the
- X/* same sequence number in their name.
- X/* d<seqno> message body (data file)
- X/* x<seqno> destination and message subject (meta file)
- X/* ascf(3) ASCII filter
- X/* spoolfil(3) create data-file/meta-file pair
- X/* path(5) system-dependent path names
- X/* unalias(3) alias expansion and cleanup
- X/* Error messages if invoked with insufficient arguments.
- X/* The program terminates with a nonzero exit status if
- X/* problems were detected (out of memory, file access problems,
- X/* loops in the alias data base). The exit status indicates the
- X/* nature of the problem.
- X/* W.Z. Venema
- X/* Eindhoven University of Technology
- X/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- X/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- X/* Mon Apr 6 16:58:42 GMT+1:00 1987
- X/* 90/01/22 13:02:38
- X/* 2.1
- X/*--*/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X
- X#include "defs.h"
- X#include "path.h"
- X#include "status.h"
- X
- Xextern char **unalias();
- X
- Xpublic char *progname = "smail"; /* for diagnostics */
- X
- Xmain(argc,argv)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar **argv;
- X{
- X int stat = 0; /* pathinit() status code */
- X char **vec; /* final destinations vector */
- X char *str; /* final destinations string */
- X
- X if (argc <= 2) {
- X fprintf(stderr,"usage: smail filename destination(s)\n");
- X exit(1);
- X } else if (stat = pathinit()) { /* check environment vars */
- X exit(stat);
- X } else if ((vec = unalias(argv+2)) == 0) { /* expand aliases */
- X exit(E_SYSFAIL);
- X } else if (vec[BUFSIZ-1]) { /* alias overflow */
- X exit(E_OVALIAS);
- X } else if ((str = vecstr(vec," ")) == 0) { /* list -> string conversion */
- X exit(E_SYSFAIL);
- X } else if (strlen(str) >= MAXLINE) {
- X exit(E_TOOLONG); /* too many recipients */
- X } else {
- X exit(sendmail(argv[1],str)); /* make spool files */
- X }
- X}
- END_OF_main/smail.c
- if test 2780 -ne `wc -c <main/smail.c`; then
- echo shar: \"main/smail.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- if test -f main/snapshot.c -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/snapshot.c\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/snapshot.c\" \(2760 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/snapshot.c <<'END_OF_main/snapshot.c'
- X/*++
- X/* NAME
- X/* snapshot 3
- X/* keep overview of the mail directory
- X/* pc-mail
- X/* mail
- X/* #include "snapshot.h"
- X/*
- X/* SNAP_SHOT *snap_shot(list)
- X/* char *list;
- X/*
- X/* void snap_junk()
- X/* These functions maintain a "snapshot" of the mail directory;
- X/* this is a table of meta files.
- X/*
- X/* snap_shot() make sure that a "snapshot" exists. list is
- X/* a null-terminated string of metafile suffix characters.
- X/* This function returns a list with as terminator an entry
- X/* with all zeros.
- X/*
- X/* snap_junk() schedules a re-scan of the mail directory.
- X/* mail header files in the spool directory
- X/* BUGS
- X/* Since a message can be accessed only if its metafile exists,
- X/* a message is "lost" when for some reason the metafile is
- X/* not available.
- X/* W.Z. Venema
- X/* Eindhoven University of Technology
- X/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- X/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- X/* Sun Dec 17 19:52:12 MET 1989
- X/* 90/01/22 13:02:38
- X/* 2.1
- X/*--*/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X
- X#include "defs.h"
- X#include "path.h"
- X#include "ndir.h"
- X#include "snapshot.h"
- X
- X#define SNAP_ALLOC 200 /* growth increment of table */
- X
- Xhidden SNAP_SHOT *snap_table = 0; /* at most 16k messages on a PC */
- Xhidden int snap_used = 0; /* nr of elements actually used */
- Xhidden int snap_length = 0; /* actual length of table */
- X
- X/* snap_add - add message to snapshot table */
- X
- Xhidden void snap_add(msgno, prefix)
- Xunsigned msgno;
- Xchar prefix;
- X{
- X /* myrealloc() accepts a null pointer */
- X
- X if (snap_used >= snap_length) {
- X snap_length += SNAP_ALLOC;
- X if ((snap_table = (SNAP_SHOT *) myrealloc((char *) snap_table,
- X snap_length * sizeof(snap_table))) == 0)
- X fatal("insufficient free memory for operation");
- X }
- X snap_table[snap_used].msgno = msgno;
- X snap_table[snap_used].prefix = prefix;
- X snap_used++;
- X}
- X
- X/* snap_build - record meta files in the mail directory */
- X
- Xhidden void snap_build(list)
- Xchar *list;
- X{
- X DIR *dp; /* dir search id */
- X register struct direct *de; /* directory entry */
- X unsigned msgno; /* message sequence number */
- X
- X if (dp = opendir(maildir)) {
- X while (de = readdir(dp)) {
- X if ((msgno = seqno(de->d_name)) && strchr(list, de->d_name[0]) != 0)
- X snap_add(msgno, de->d_name[0]);
- X }
- X closedir(dp);
- X }
- X snap_add(0, 0); /* add terminator */
- X}
- X
- X/* snap_junk - schedule re-build of snapshot table */
- X
- Xpublic void snap_junk()
- X{
- X snap_used = 0;
- X}
- X
- X/* snap_shot - make sure snapshot table exists */
- X
- Xpublic SNAP_SHOT *snap_shot(list)
- Xchar *list;
- X{
- X if (snap_used == 0)
- X snap_build(list);
- X return(snap_table);
- X}
- END_OF_main/snapshot.c
- if test 2760 -ne `wc -c <main/snapshot.c`; then
- echo shar: \"main/snapshot.c\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 3 \(of 11\).
- cp /dev/null ark3isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 11 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0