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- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- subject: v10i043: PC-MAIL release 2, 11/11
- from: wswietse@lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)
- Sender: allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
- Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 43
- Submitted-by: wswietse@lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)
- Archive-name: pcmail2/part11
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 11 (of 11)."
- # Contents: main/tutorial.ms
- # Wrapped by wswietse@tuewsa on Mon Jan 22 17:27:22 1990
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f main/tutorial.ms -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not over-write existing file \"main/tutorial.ms\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"main/tutorial.ms\" \(25290 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >main/tutorial.ms <<'END_OF_main/tutorial.ms'
- X\" format with the ms macro library
- X.TL
- XPC-MAIL tutorial
- X.AU
- XWietse Z. Venema
- XMathematics and Computing Science,
- XEindhoven University of Technology
- XEindhoven, The Netherlands
- X.AE
- X.NH
- XWhat does this software do for you?
- X.LP
- XThis software allows you to send and receive electronic mail. Once the
- Xsoftware has been configured, it can be used without any knowledge about
- Xcomputer networking.
- X.LP
- XThe following summarizes a few features:
- X.IP o
- XMail messages can be edited, printed, replied to, sent, and received, from
- Xwithin the mail program.
- X.IP o
- XMessages can be created with almost every word-processing package.
- X.IP o
- XAlmost every command can be selected by pressing a single key. There is
- Xa "help" facility that gives brief explanations.
- X.IP o
- XYou can set up an "alias" data base to avoid the use of the usually
- Xcryptical electronic mail addresses. This facility can also be used to
- Ximplement small mailing lists.
- X.IP o
- XThere is a facility for personalized headers and signatures.
- X.LP
- XThe mail software does not attempt to solve every problem in this world.
- XIt is only fair to mention the most important limitations here:
- X.IP o
- XAny information other than pure text must be converted to text format
- Xbefore you can mail it to someone else (for example, programs, pictures
- Xand so on). Fortunately, there exists a lot of software to aid in this
- Xtask. The people that installed the mail software should be able to
- Xhelp you out.
- X.IP o
- XMost electronic mail systems impose an upper limit to the size of a mail
- Xmessage. This limit varies from about 60 kilobytes to about 100
- Xkilobytes per message. You will have to break up larger messages; the
- Xmail software does not do it for you. Normally, you should not run into
- Xthis limit.
- X.LP
- XInstallation of the mail software is described in various other documents.
- XThe remainder of this document gives an introduction to the use of the mail
- Xsoftware. The following gives a summary.
- X.LP
- XChapter 2, "Starting the program",
- Xdescribes how to invoke the program, and how to leave it. Also gives a
- Xgeneral introduction to the command structure of the program.
- X.LP
- XChapter 3, "Reading new mail",
- Xdescribes how to take care of new mail, and what happens once you have
- Xread a new message.
- X.LP
- XChapter 4, "Creating a message",
- Xdescribes how to compose a message from scratch, and how to specify its
- Xdestination.
- X.LP
- XChapter 5, "Sending and receiving electronic mail",
- Xdescribes how to exchange messages between your machine and the rest of
- Xthe world. It does not apply if your machine is connected to a "file
- Xserver".
- X.LP
- XChapter 6, "Alias data base",
- Xdescribes the use of the alias data base, and gives an example of a tiny
- Xmailing list.
- X.LP
- XChapter 7, "Replying to a message",
- Xdescribes how to compose a reply to message.
- X.LP
- XChapter 8, "Mailing other files",
- Xdescribes how to distribute files via electronic mail.
- X.LP
- XChapter 9, "Receiving encoded files",
- Xdescribes how to decode files that have been encoded with e.g. the
- X"\fCuuencode\fR" or "\fCbtoa\fR" programs.
- X.NH
- XStarting the program
- X.LP
- XStarting the mail program is easy; just type the command "\fCmail\fR".
- XYou should see a screen that looks like the one shown here:
- X.DS L
- X.ft C
- XClose File Setup Alias Print Up Down Enter Help ?
- X==========================================================
- XCreate Create a new message
- XWork 2 Messages in preparation
- XNew 0 Unread messages
- XIn 30 Messages already read
- XOut 7 Messages not-yet sent
- XSent 20 Messages already sent
- X
- X
- X==========================================================
- XSelect a message category with cursor keys and press ENTER
- Xor select one of the commands in the top line.
- X.ft R
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XThe screen is divided into three horizontal regions:
- X.IP o
- XThe \fItop\fR region shows the commands that can be selected by pressing
- Xa single key. Some of these commands are selected by pressing a
- Xfunction key with the same name as the command; for example, the
- X\fCUp\fR or \fCDown\fR commands are selected by pressing the
- Xcorresponding arrow key. Other commands are selected by typing the
- Xfirst letter of that command; for example, the \fCH\fR key selects the
- X"\fCHelp\fR" command; it gives a brief description of what the other
- Xcommands do.
- X.IP o
- XThe \fImiddle\fR region shows various categories of mail messages. You
- Xmight think of it as a collection of boxes with letters. For example,
- Xthe "\fCNew\fR" box is for messages that you haven\'t read yet, and the
- X"\fCOut\fR" box is for messages that you wrote, but that have not yet been
- Xsent away. The program also shows how many messages there are within a
- Xmessage category.
- X.sp
- XA special case is the "\fCCreate\fR" box; it is for messages you are
- Xgoing to write. Think of it as a box with blank sheets of paper.
- X.IP o
- XThe \fIbottom\fR region gives an explanation of what you are supposed to
- Xdo when you see this screen. In this particular case, it tells that you
- Xcan select one of the message categories by moving the cursor to the
- Xappropriate line, and by pressing the "\fCEnter\fR" key, or that you can
- Xgive commands by pressing the appropriate key.
- X.LP
- XYou can leave most screens by pressing the "\fCC\fR" key. In particular,
- Xpressing that key while the program displays the first screen is the
- Xpreferred way to leave the mail program.
- X.NH
- XReading new mail
- X.LP
- XDepending on how the mail software was installed on your system, you may
- Xhave seen a message that "\fCYou have new mail\fR" when you started
- Xup the machine. This section describes how to deal with new mail.
- X.LP
- XIn the display that was described above, move the cursor to the
- Xline with "\fCNew\fR" and press the "\fCEnter\fR" key. The program
- Xwill present an overview of unread messages that looks like the
- Xfollowing one:
- X.DS L
- X.ft C
- XClose File Setup Alias Print PgUp PgDn Up Down Enter Help ?
- X=====================================================================
- X 90 Dec 15 22:18 Wietse Venema "Re: how do I forward a message?"
- X 63 Dec 11 23:18 Jan Kalisvaart "File server cleanup"
- X .
- X .
- X .
- X-- end of display --
- X
- X
- X=====================================================================
- XSelect a message with the cursor keys and press ENTER
- Xor select one of the commands in the top line.
- X.ft R
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XThe top line of the screen shows a few more commands than the screen
- Xdescribed earlier. New commands, for example, are the the PgUp and PgDn
- Xcommands. They are useful when information does not fit in the middle
- Xscreen region.
- X.LP
- XThe middle screen region shows summaries of mail messages. Each message
- Xis summarized on a single line, and gives the following information:
- X.IP o
- XThe message sequence number (e.g. \fC90\fR). Normally, you do not have
- Xto remember message sequence numbers, but the mail program needs them in
- Xorder to keep things apart.
- X.IP o
- XThe date of arrival (e.g. \fCDec 15 22:18\fR). If a message is very
- Xold, the year will be displayed instead of the hours and minutes.
- X.IP o
- XThe sender of the message (e.g. \fCWietse Venema\fR). Usually, the mail
- Xprogram presents a "human" name. Every now and then, however, you may
- Xsee an ugly electronic mail address.
- X.IP o
- XThe subject of the message (e.g. "\fCRe: how do I forward a
- Xmessage?\fR"). This allows you to decide if a message is urgent and has
- Xto be dealt with right away, or if the message can wait till later.
- X.LP
- XAfter you have moved the cursor to the message you want to read, and have
- Xpressed the "\fCEnter\fR" key, the program displays the selected message.
- XThe following example shows what the screen might look like.
- X.DS L
- X.ft C
- XClose Delete Mail Print Reply Save Work | PgUp PgDn Up Down Help ?
- X==============================================================================
- XSubject: Re: how do I forward a message?
- XOrganization: Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- XFrom: wietse@wzv.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)
- XTo: you
- X
- XSelect the message that you wish to forward, and press the "M" (Mail)
- Xkey. The program will ask for a destination. As usual, you can enter
- Xan alias or a real address. This command mails a copy of the message;
- Xit does not change or remove the message itself.
- X
- X Greetings,
- X Wietse Venema
- X-- end of display --
- X
- X==============================================================================
- X(Reading a mail message)
- X.ft R
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XAt this stage you may decide to do nothing with the message; just hit
- Xthe "\fCC\fR" key and the program returns to the last message-selection
- Xscreen. Now that the message has been read it will no longer show up in
- Xan overview of the "\fCNew\fR" category; once a "\fCNew\fR" message has
- Xbeen read it goes to the "\fCIn\fR" category, and remains there until
- Xyou explicitly delete it.
- X.LP
- XHitting the "\fCC\fR" key once more brings us back to the beginning of
- Xthe program.
- X.NH
- XCreating a message
- X.LP
- XIn order to compose a message, move the cursor to the "\fCCreate a new
- Xmessage\fR" line in the first screen of the mail program and press the
- X"\fCEnter\fR" key. After a few seconds you should see the first screens
- Xof the same word processor that you probably also use for other
- Xactivities. Please note that the mail program has not terminated; as
- Xsoon as you exit from the word processor you will return back to the
- Xmail program.
- X.LP
- XIf all is well, your message should begin with a "\fCSubject: \fR" line.
- XDepending on how the mail software was set up on your machine, an
- X"empty" message may already contain one or more customized header lines,
- Xas well as a customized "signature" at the end of the message. The
- Xfollowing is an "empty" message as produced on my personal system (the
- Xtext between square braces is not part of the "empty" message; I just
- Xadded it to clarify things).
- X.DS L
- X.ft C
- XSubject: [the subject of this message]
- XOrganization: Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- X
- X[this is where the actual message goes]
- X
- X Wietse Venema
- X.ft R
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XIf your "empty" message contains garbage you should contact the people
- Xthat installed the mail software on your system.
- X.LP
- XThe message text that you are about to enter will be only part of the
- Xmessage that other people will receive; the mail software automatically
- Xprefixes each message with your own electronic mail address, and the
- Xcurrent date\(dg.
- X.FS
- X\(dg Your message will probably be prefixed with several additional rude
- Xheader lines while it passes through other machines on the way to its
- Xdestination. This happens outside the control of the mail software on
- Xyour machine.
- X.FE
- X.LP
- XObviously, further details about the entry of message text depend on the
- Xword-processing package that you are using. Suffice to say that upon
- Xexit, the word processor should produce an "ASCII document" file; the
- Xpeople that installed the mail software on your machine should be able
- Xto provide more details on this topic.
- X.LP
- XUpon return from the word processor back to the mail program, you will
- Xsee the first few lines of your newly-composed message in the middle
- Xregion of the screen. There may be "funny cookies" in your text if you
- Xforgot to produce an "ASCII document"; if that is the case you had
- Xbetter re-enter the word processor (by pressing the "\fCE\fR" key) and
- Xcorrect this mistake. After this, your screen should be something like:
- X.LP
- X.DS L
- X.ft C
- XClose Delete Edit Mail Print PgUp PgDn Up Down Help ?
- X==============================================================
- XSubject: your subject
- Xoptional header lines
- X
- Xyour message
- X-- end of display --
- X
- X
- X==============================================================
- X(Reading a message in preparation)
- X.ft R
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XWhat you see on the screen is a close approximation of what other people
- Xwill receive. If this is the first time you use electronic mail you may
- Xwish to use the "\fCPgUp\fR" and "\fCPgDn\fR" keys to check things out.
- X.LP
- XNormally, the next step will be to mail the message to its destination,
- Xbut you may choose any of the other commands shown in the upper line of
- Xthe screen. For example, you could choose the \"fCClose\fR" command to
- Xput the message "on hold"; the mail program will ask you to give a
- Xone-line description so that you can easily find it back at a later
- Xtime (it will be stored in the category "\fCMessages in preparation\fR").
- X.LP
- XIf you choose the "\fCMail\fR" command, the program will respond with:
- X.DS
- X.ft C
- XPress ESC to cancel. Send message to:
- X?
- X.ft R
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XYou should enter one or more electronic mail addresses or aliases. If
- Xwhat you wrote was just a "test" message, you might want to mail it to
- Xyourself. There is nothing crazy about sending mail to yourself; many
- Xpeople do that instead of littering their rooms with notes on small
- Xpieces of paper. Aliases are described later on, and are more easily
- Xremembered than real electronic mail addresses. Your input should be
- Xterminated by pressing the "\fCEnter\fR" key.
- X.LP
- XAfter this, the program returns to the first screen. The message you
- Xjust "mailed" will temporarily live in the category "\fCNot-yet
- Xsent\fR". If your machine is connected to a "file server", it will
- Xautomatically be moved to the category "\fCAlready sent\fR" within a
- Xshort period of time. Otherwise, you should read the next section.
- X.NH
- XSending and receiving mail
- X.LP
- XThis section describes how to exchange mail messages between your
- Xmachine and the rest of the world. This is automatically taken
- Xcare of if your machine has a direct connection to a "file server".
- X.LP
- XIf you are not connected to a "file server", most of the mail-program
- Xscreens will provide a "\fCNetwork\fR" command (for example, the first
- Xscreen). All messages that you produce will stay on your machine, in
- Xthe message category "\fCNot-yet sent"\fR", until the mail software has
- Xsent them away through the network. Also, messages, having your machine
- Xas their destination, will not arrive on your machine until the mail
- Xsoftware has picked them up through the network.
- X.LP
- XThe mail software may have been installed such that it, as soon as the
- Xmachine is turned on, automatically makes contact with the network. In
- Xthat case, you do not need to invoke the "\fCNetwork\fR" command by
- Xhand. It can, however, be useful if you are expecting urgent mail, or
- Xif you wrote a letter that should be sent away right now.
- X.LP
- XThe "\fCNetwork\fR" command is activated by pressing the "\fCN\fR" key.
- XThe mail program will ask for a network password (the one given to you
- Xby the people that installed the mail software on your machine).
- XTransferring mail across the network may take a few minutes. If all
- Xgoes well, all messages in the message category "\fCOut\fR" will have
- Xmoved to the category "\fCSent\fR"; in addition, you may have received
- Xnew mail that will show up in the "\fCNew\fR" message category.
- X.NH
- XAlias data base
- X.LP
- XThe addresses used in electronic mail are often ugly, and hard to
- Xremember. To alleviate this problem, the mail program provides an alias
- Xdata base facility. This allows you to use easily-remembered names
- Xinstead of mail addresses; the mail program will automatically replace
- Xaliases by the actual mail addresses that you have specified in the
- Xalias data base.
- X.LP
- XThe following is an example of an alias data base:
- X.DS
- X.ft C
- Xwietse wswietse@lso.win.tue.nl
- Xjan wsbujank@win.tue.nl
- Xstaff wietse jan
- X.ft R
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XAn alias data base has a very simple format: each alias definition
- Xconsists of a single line of text with two or more words. Words may be
- Xseparated by blanks or commas. The first word is the alias; it will be
- Xreplaced (by the words in the remainder of the line) if the mail program
- Xfinds the alias in the destination of a mail message. With the alias
- Xdata base shown above, the message destination "\fCwietse\fR" will be
- Xautomatically replaced by the destination
- X"\fCwswietse@lso.win.tue.nl\fR".
- X.LP
- XAn interesting property is that an alias may be defined in terms of
- Xother aliases; an alias may, however, not be defined in terms of itself!
- XIn the above example, the third line illustrates the definition of an
- Xalias in terms of other aliases. The same line also is an example of
- Xhow to implement a small mailing list; all messages sent to
- X"\fCstaff\fR" will be sent to "\fCwswietse@lso.win.tue.nl\fR" and to
- X"\fCwsbujank@win.tue.nl\fR". Typing the word "\fCstaff\fR" certainly is
- Xeasier.
- X.LP
- XThe mail program is smart enough to eliminate, after alias replacement,
- Xmultiple occurrances of the same destination. Thus, you do not have to
- Xworry about duplicate destinations if you combine several mailing lists
- Xinto a bigger one.
- X.LP
- XMost mail-program screens provide the "\fCAlias\fR" command. This
- Xallows you to look at the contents of your alias data base, and to
- Xinvoke a word processor to make changes. The word processor should save
- Xthe alias data base in "ASCII document" format, just like ordinary mail
- Xmessages.
- X.LP
- XIt is worth noting that aliases can be defined in any order. The above
- Xexample would have worked just as well if the last entry had been the
- Xfirst one. Thus, you may wish to keep the alias data base in sorted
- Xorder.
- X.LP
- XFinally, a few caveats are in order. If an alias is defined more than
- Xonce, only the last definition will be used. Although the mail program
- Xdoes not care whether an alias is defined in upper case or in lower
- Xcase, it is wise to keep electronic mail addresses in lower case.
- X.NH
- XReplying to a message
- X.LP
- XReplying to a mail message is almost the same as creating a mail message
- Xfrom scratch; the main difference is that you must specify which message
- Xyou are replying to.
- X.LP
- XIn order to reply to a message, select it with the cursor keys and the
- X"\fCEnter\fR" key, so that the contents of the message become visible
- Xon the screen. Pressing the "\fCR\fR" key executes the reply command.
- X.LP
- XThe program will ask you if the reply should include a copy of the
- Xmessage being replied to. Including a copy of the original message is
- Xconvenient if the sender asked several questions; both you and the
- Xrecipient of the message can see what questions you are actually
- Xreplying to. In order to distinguish the text that you write from what
- Xthe other person wrote, the latter text will be prefixed with a ">"
- Xcharacter at the beginning of each line.
- X.LP
- XAfter you answered the question, the mail program will invoke a word
- Xprocessing program. Most of what follows is the same as when you create
- Xan electronic mail message: the mail program has not terminated, but is
- Xjust waiting for you to finish editing; upon exit, the word processing
- Xpackage should produce an "ASCII document" file; after leaving the word
- Xprocessing program you will return to the mail program.
- X.LP
- XAt this point, your screen should look like this:
- X.DS L
- X.ft C
- XClose Delete Edit Mail Print PgUp PgDn Up Down Help ?
- X==============================================================
- XSubject: Re: The subject of the original message
- XOther customized header lines may go here
- X
- X>Text taken from the original message is prefixed
- X>to distinguished it from the text that you wrote.
- X
- XYour text
- X-- end of display --
- X
- X
- X==============================================================
- X(Reading a message in preparation)
- X.ft R
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XIn order to send the message, press the "\fCM\fR" key. The program will
- Xrespond with:
- X.DS
- X.ft C
- XPress ESC to cancel. Send message to:
- X? some-mail-address
- X.ft R
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XThe mail address shown by the program was taken from the original
- Xmessage and should usually be correct. If you wish to use that address,
- Xjust press the "\fCEnter\fR" key. Otherwise, the address can be changed
- Xin the usual way; you can specify one or more aliases or electronic mail
- Xaddresses.
- X.LP
- XAfter this, the message that you wrote will temporarily live in the
- Xmessage category "\fCNot-yet sent\fR"; if your machine is connected to a
- X"file server" the message will automatically be moved to the message
- Xcategory "\fCAlready sent\fR". If your machine is not connected to a
- X"file server", read the section "Sending and receiving mail".
- X.NH
- XMailing other files
- X.LP
- XIn addition to sending files created with your word processor, the mail
- Xprogram provides a facility to distribute copies of other files as well.
- XThis feature is of limited use, however, since it only works well with
- Xpure text files; a file that contains non-textual data, such as a
- Xprogram or a picture, will have to be converted to textual form before
- Xthe mail program can handle it. The mail program can, however, help you
- Xto find out whether a file is suitable for mailing.
- X.LP
- XMost screens of the mail program provide a "\fCFile\fR" command that can
- Xbe executed by pressing the "\fCF\fR" key. After a few seconds the
- Xmiddle region of the screen should show a listing of the current
- Xdirectory. The top region of the screen lists the commands that you can
- Xexecute; the bottom region of the screen shows the name of the directory
- Xbeing listed.
- X.DS L
- X.ft C
- XClose Print Save PgUp PgDn Up Down Enter Help ?
- X===================================================================
- X\&. <dir> Dec 28 18:10
- X\&.. <dir> Dec 27 16:36
- Xalias.c 3295 Dec 12 22:41
- Xascf.c 5315 Dec 23 21:16
- Xcall.c 2282 Nov 30 22:08
- Xcmail.c 3748 Dec 17 21:22
- Xcreate.c 2176 Dec 27 18:28
- Xdesk.c 12435 Dec 27 14:04
- Xdeskutil.c 7180 Dec 27 15:29
- X .
- X .
- X .
- X===================================================================
- XTo display a file, select it with the cursor keys, then press ENTER
- X(showing directory: "/usr2/wietse/src/pc-mail/mail")
- X.ft R
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XYou can leave the "\fCFile\fR" command at any time by
- Xpressing the "\fCC\fR" key once or twice.
- X.LP
- XWith the cursor keys and the PgUP and PgDn keys you can "walk" through
- Xthe directory listing. Pressing the "\fCEnter\fR" key causes the
- Xprogram to "open" the thing being selected. If you select a directory,
- Xthe program will display the contents of that directory; if you select a
- Xfile, the program will display the contents of that file.
- X.LP
- XIn order to mail a copy of a file, select that file with the cursor and
- X"\fCEnter\fR" keys so that its contents are shown on the screen. Only
- Xif you see a clean text, without "funny cookies", the file is suitable
- Xfor mailing. Pressing the "\fCM\fR" key executes the "\fCMail\fR"
- Xcommand. It will ask for a destination, which may be one or more
- Xaliases or an electronic mail addresses. Pressing "\fCEnter\fR" finishes
- Xthe "\fCMail\fR" command. As usual, the message will temporarily live
- Xin the message category "\fCNot-yet sent\fR"; if your machine is
- Xconnected to a "file server" the message will automatically be moved to
- Xthe message category "\fCAlready sent\fR". If your machine is not
- Xconnected to a "file server", read the section "Sending and receiving
- Xmail".
- X.LP
- XIn order to leave the "\fCFile\fR" command you may have to press the
- X"\fCC\fR" key once or twice.
- X.NH
- XReceiving encoded files
- X.LP
- XSometimes people send "encoded" files if they contain data that cannot
- Xbe sent directly as an electronic mail message. Encoded files must be
- Xprocessed by a "decoding" program in order to restore the original data.
- X.LP
- XThere exist various encoding methods. Usually, the sender will provide
- Xsome information about the encoding method used. In case of doubt, you
- Xwill have to consult a technical person.
- X.LP
- XIf a message was encoded with the "\fCuuencode\fR" program it usually
- Xlooks like
- X.DS L
- X.ft C
- Xbegin 644 tutorial.ms
- XM7"(@9F]R;6%T('=I=&@@=&AE(&US(&UA8W)O(&QI8G)A<GD*+E1,"E!#+4U!;
- XM24P@='5T;W)I86P*+D%5"E=I971S92!:+B!696YE;6$*36%T:&5M871I8W,@P
- XM86YD($-O;7!U=&EN9R!38VEE;F-E+`I%:6YD:&]V96X@56YI=F5R<VET>2!OJ
- X .
- X .
- X .
- X.ft
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XIn order to restore the original file, select the message such that
- Xits contents appear on the screen, and press the "\fC|\fR" key.
- XThe program will ask for the name of a command:
- X.DS L
- X.ft C
- X Press ESC to cancel. Filter through command:
- X ?
- X.ft
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XAt this point, specify the "\fCuudecode\fR" command and press the
- X"\fCENTER\fR" key.
- X.DS L
- X.ft C
- X Press ESC to cancel. Filter through command:
- X ? uudecode
- X.ft
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XThis produces, in the current working directory, a decoded file with
- Xthe same name as shown in the "\fCbegin\fR" line in the message (in
- Xthis particular example, the name would be "\fCtutorial.ms\fR").
- X.LP
- XAnother popular encoding program is "\fCbtoa\fR". If that program
- Xhas been used, the message looks somewhat like:
- X.DS L
- X.ft C
- Xxbtoa Begin
- X>Tt;&DfT]'F<GdAFD)e=BOr<'F!,=.@rcK1Ch[@!@<-W#/lYLO:dZg/5tO`m
- XqQFE;"9=tUpuASu'r@1#_;FD,6&@<?3nF!+n/A0=6XD/aW>Bl7Q+;e'NQDI[
- XJ=9*EcYr:Gp%$;+B2o^BPqa)DeF>&7;6XMBQ&'*DCco0BOr;]ATVTsEbo0%A
- X .
- X .
- X .
- X.ft
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XIn order to restore the original file, select the message such that
- Xits contents appear on the screen, and press the "\fC|\fR" key.
- XThe program will ask for the name of a command:
- X.DS L
- X.ft C
- X Press ESC to cancel. Filter through command:
- X ?
- X.ft
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XAt this point, specify the "\fCatob\fR" command and a file name, and
- Xpress the "\fCENTER\fR" key. For example,
- X.DE L
- X.ft C
- X Press ESC to cancel. Filter through command:
- X ? atob >abc.def
- X.ft
- X.DE
- X.LP
- XThe "\fC>\fR" is needed or you will get the decoded data on your screen.
- XIf all goes well, you should now have a decoded file in your current
- Xworking directory (in this example, the name of the file would be
- X"\fCabc.def\fR").
- END_OF_main/tutorial.ms
- if test 25290 -ne `wc -c <main/tutorial.ms`; then
- echo shar: \"main/tutorial.ms\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of overwriting check
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 11 \(of 11\).
- cp /dev/null ark11isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 11 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0