home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * SPEW.C
- */
- #ifndef lint
- static char *cpr[]={
- " Copyright 1987 Greg Smith",
- " Permission is granted to freely use and distribute this software",
- "provided this notice is left attached and no monetary gain is made."
- };
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #ifdef unix
- #include <strings.h>
- #else
- extern char *strcpy ();
- #define index strchr
- #define rindex strrchr
- extern char *index ();
- extern char *rindex ();
- #endif
- extern char *malloc();
- char *my_alloc();
- extern int atoi();
- char *save();
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define MAGIC 4 /* distinguish compressed file from normal */
- /*--------------- system configuration ------------------*/
- /* define some parameters */
- #define MAXCLASS 300 /* max # of classes */
- #define MAXLINE 256 /* max size of input line */
- #define MAXDEF 1000 /* max # bytes in a definition */
- /* Define the default rulesfile */
- #ifndef DEFFILE
- # define DEFFILE "headline"
- #endif
- /* Define the environment variable which is to be interrogated for
- name of rules file before DEFFILE is used. Delete this to
- remove the code that calls getenv() */
- /* Define the random number generator */
- extern long getpid();
- extern int rand(), srand();
- /* SETRAND must be complete statement: note semicolon */
- #define SETRAND (void)srand((int) time((long *)0) );
- /* ROLL(n) returns integer 0..n-1 */
- #define ROLL(n) ((((long)rand()&0x7ffffff)>>5)%(n))
- /* Enable '-d' dump debug option by defining DUMP */
- #define DUMP
- /*---------------------------------------------------*/
- FILE *InFile;
- typedef struct def_struct{
- int cumul; /* cumulative weights */
- char *string; /* string which defines it */
- struct def_struct *next; /* link to next */
- } defn;
- defn *process();
- /*
- * within a definition, names of subdefinitions are bracketed in BSLASH
- * and SLASH chars. The whole definition ends with a '\0'.
- * The SLASH character is always follwed by a variant tag - default is ' '.
- */
- #define BSLASH '\\'
- #define SLASH '/'
- #define VBAR '|'
- typedef struct{
- int weight; /* total weight of definitions in class */
- defn *list; /* list of them */
- char *name; /* name of this class */
- char *tags; /* pointer to list of tags */
- } class;
- class * Class; /* pointer to array of class records */
- char *NullTags = " "; /* default tags ( shared ) */
- int Classes; /* number of them */
- int HowMany = 1;
- int CompIn = FALSE; /* is input file in compressed format? */
- int CompMain; /* class # of MAIN class when compressed */
- char InLine[MAXLINE];
- main(argc, argv )
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- char *fname;
- char main_class[20];
- int i, c_flag = FALSE;
- #ifdef DUMP
- int d_flag = FALSE;
- #endif DUMP
- #ifdef ENVIRON
- extern char *getenv();
- fname = getenv( ENVIRON );
- #else
- fname = NULL;
- #endif ENVIRON
- while( argc > 1 ){
- if( isdigit(*argv[1]) ){
- HowMany = atoi(*++argv);
- --argc;
- }else if( strcmp( argv[1], "-c") == 0 ){
- c_flag = TRUE; /* 'compress' option */
- --argc;
- ++argv;
- #ifdef DUMP
- }else if( strcmp( argv[1], "-d" )== 0 ){
- d_flag = TRUE; /* 'dump' option */
- --argc;
- ++argv;
- #endif DUMP
- }else break;
- }
- if( argc > 1 ) fname = argv[1];
- if (fname == NULL ) fname = DEFFILE;
- InFile = fopen( fname, "r" );
- if( InFile == NULL ){
- fprintf( stderr, "Can\'t open: %s\n", fname );
- exit(1);
- }
- init();
- #ifdef DUMP
- if( d_flag ){
- dump();
- exit(0);
- }
- #endif DUMP
- if( c_flag ){
- compress();
- }else{
- if( CompIn ) sprintf( main_class, "%d/ ", CompMain);
- else strcpy( main_class, "MAIN/ ");
- for(i=0; i<HowMany; ++i) display(main_class,' ');
- }
- exit(0);
- }
- init(){
- int c;
- SETRAND /* spin random number gen */
- c = getc( InFile ); /* is compressed? */
- CompIn = ( c== MAGIC ); /* set flag */
- if( CompIn ){
- readcomp(); /* read compressed version */
- }else{
- ungetc(c, InFile );
- readtext();
- }
- }
- readtext(){
- register class *cp;
- register defn *dp;
- defn **update;
- int clcomp();
- Class = (class *)my_alloc( (unsigned)(MAXCLASS * sizeof(class)) );
- Classes = 0;
- cp = Class;
- readline();
- if( InLine[0]!='%'){
- fprintf( stderr,"Class definition expected at: %s\n", InLine);
- exit(1);
- }
- while( InLine[1] != '%' ){
- if( Classes == MAXCLASS ){
- fprintf(stderr,"Too many classes -- max = %d\n", MAXCLASS);
- exit(1);
- }
- setup( cp ); /* set up the class struct */
- readline();
- if( InLine[0] == '%' ){
- fprintf( stderr, "Expected class instance at: %s\n", InLine);
- exit(1);
- }
- update = &(cp->list); /* update pointer */
- do{
- dp = process();
- *update = dp;
- cp->weight += dp->cumul; /* add new stuff */
- dp->cumul = cp->weight; /* set breakpoint */
- update = &(dp->next);
- }while( readline(), InLine[0]!= '%' );
- ++Classes; /* count them */
- ++cp;
- *update = NULL;
- }
- qsort( (char*)Class, Classes, sizeof( class ), clcomp);
- }
- /*
- * display is given a class name ( delimited by SLASH, not '\0' ),
- * and will (1) find its class descriptor, by calling lookup
- * (2) pick a definition (3) output that definition, and
- * recursively display any definitions in it, and convert any escapes.
- * The variant tag after the SLASH is used to pick out the appropriate
- * variants. If that variant tag is '&', the tag 'deftag' is used, which
- * is the active variant of the containing activation.
- */
- display(s,deftag)
- char *s;
- int deftag;
- {
- register class *cp;
- register defn *dp;
- register char *p;
- class *lookup();
- int i,variant,incurly;
- register int c,writing;
- if( CompIn ){ /* input is compressed */
- cp = &Class[ atoi(s) ]; /* explicit class # */
- }else{
- cp = lookup(s);
- if( cp == NULL ) { /* none found */
- printf("???");
- while( *s != SLASH ) putchar( *s++ );
- printf("???");
- return;
- }
- }
- c = index(s,SLASH)[1]; /* get variant tag */
- if( c != '&' ) deftag=c; /* use given tag */
- p = index(cp->tags, deftag); /* look it up */
- if(p == NULL ){
- variant = 0;
- printf("??/%c??", deftag );
- deftag = ' '; /* for passing as deftag */
- }else variant = p - cp->tags;
- i = ROLL( cp->weight );
- dp = cp->list;
- while(dp->cumul <= i){ /* pick one based on cumul. weights */
- dp = dp->next;
- }
- incurly = 0; /* not in curlies */
- writing = 1; /* writing */
- p = dp->string; /* this is the string */
- for(;;)switch(c = *p++){
- case '\0': return;
- case BSLASH:
- if(( c = *p++) == '\0' ) return; /* ?? */
- else if( c == '!' ){
- if(writing)putchar('\n'); /* \! = newline */
- }else if( isalnum(c) ){ /* reference */
- if(writing)display(p-1,deftag); /* recurse */
- while( *p!=SLASH )++p;
- p += 2; /* skip variant tag */
- }else{
- if(writing) putchar(c);
- }
- break;
- case '{':
- if( !incurly ){
- incurly = 1;
- writing = (variant == 0 );
- }else{
- if( writing )putchar('{');
- }
- break;
- case VBAR:
- if( incurly ){
- writing = ( variant == incurly++ );
- }else{
- putchar(VBAR);
- }
- break;
- case '}':
- if( incurly ){
- writing = 1;
- incurly = 0;
- }else putchar('}');
- break;
- default:
- if( writing) putchar(c);
- }
- }
- class *
- lookup( str ) /* delimited by SLASH, not '\0' */
- char *str;
- {
- int first, last, try, comp;
- int namecomp();
- first = 0;
- last = Classes-1;
- while( first <= last ){
- try = (first+last)>>1;
- comp = namecomp( str, Class[try].name );
- if( comp == 0 ) return &Class[try];
- if( comp > 0 ) first = try+1;
- else last = try-1;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- int namecomp(a,b) /* 'a' is delim. by SLASH, 'b' by NULL */
- register char *a,*b;
- {
- register int ac;
- for(;;){
- ac = *a++;
- if(ac == SLASH ) ac = '\0';
- if( ac < *b ) return -1;
- if( ac > *b++ ) return 1;
- if( ac == '\0' ) return 0;
- }
- }
- readline(){
- register char *p;
- do{
- if( fgets( InLine, MAXLINE, InFile ) == NULL ){
- InLine[0] = InLine[1] = '%';
- InLine[2] = '\0'; /* create EOF */
- }else if( (p=rindex( InLine, '\n'))!= NULL ) *p = '\0';
- p = InLine;
- while( (p = index( p, BSLASH )) != NULL ){
- if(p[1] == '*' ){
- *p = 0; /* kill comment */
- break;
- }else ++p;
- }
- }while( InLine[0] == '\0' );
- }
- int clcomp(a,b)
- register class *a,*b;
- {
- if( a==b) return 0;
- return strcmp( a->name, b->name );
- }
- char *save(str)
- char *str;
- {
- register char *p;
- p = my_alloc( (unsigned)((strlen(str)+1)*sizeof(char)));
- return strcpy(p,str);
- }
- /*
- * setup a class record. The 'class' line is in InLine.
- */
- setup(cp)
- register class *cp;
- {
- char temp[100];
- register char *p,*p2;
- p = &InLine[1]; /* point after the % */
- while( *p == ' ' )++p;
- if( !isalnum(*p) ) goto baddec;
- p2 = temp;
- do *p2++ = *p++; while( isalnum(*p));
- *p2 = '\0';
- cp->weight = 0; /* save the name of it */
- cp->name = save( temp );
- cp->list = NULL;
- cp->tags = NullTags; /* by default */
- for(;;)switch(*p++){
- case '\0':
- return; /* all done; */
- case ' ':
- break; /* allowed those */
- case '{': /* tags list */
- if( cp->tags != NullTags ) goto baddec; /* already */
- p2 = temp;
- *p2++ = ' '; /* provide null tag */
- while(*p!='}'){
- if( !isalnum(*p)) goto baddec;
- *p2++ = *p++;
- }
- ++p; /* junk rh brace */
- *p2 = 0;
- cp->tags = save(temp);
- break;
- default: goto baddec;
- }
- baddec:
- fprintf(stderr,"Bad class header: %s\n", InLine );
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * create a 'processed' version of the InLine, and return a pointer to
- * the definition. The 'cumul' field is temporarily used to hold the
- * assigned weight of the line.
- */
- defn *process(){
- static char stuff[ MAXDEF ];
- register char *p,*pout;
- register defn *dp;
- register int c;
- dp = (defn *) my_alloc( (unsigned) sizeof( defn ));
- p = InLine;
- pout = stuff;
- if( *p == '(' ){ /* get a weight */
- while(*++p ==' '); /* scan */
- if(!isdigit(*p)) goto badweight;
- c = *p - '0';
- while(isdigit(*++p)) c = c*10 + (*p - '0' );
- while( *p == ' ')++p;
- if( *p != ')') goto badweight;
- ++p;
- dp->cumul = c;
- }else{
- dp->cumul = 1; /* default weight */
- }
- while((c = *p++)!='\0')switch(c){
- case BSLASH:
- *pout++ = BSLASH;
- if( isalnum(*p)){ /* is a ref */
- do{ *pout++ = *p++;
- }while( isalnum(*p));
- *pout++ = SLASH; /* delimit */
- if( *p == SLASH ){ /* get variant char */
- ++p;
- if( !isalnum(*p)&& *p!= ' ' && *p!= '&' ){
- *pout++ = ' ';
- }else *pout++ = *p++;
- }else *pout++ = ' ';
- }else{
- *pout++ = *p;
- if( *p!= '\0'){
- ++p;
- }else{
- --pout; /* delete spurious '\' */
- readline(); /* get new line */
- p = InLine; /* point to it */
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- *pout++ = c;
- }
- *pout = '\0';
- dp->string = save( stuff );
- return dp;
- badweight:
- fprintf(stderr, "Bad line weight: %s\n", InLine );
- exit(1);
- }
- #ifdef DUMP
- dump(){
- register class *cp;
- register defn *dp;
- register int i;
- for( i=0, cp=Class; i<Classes; ++cp,++i ){
- if( CompIn)
- printf("%d, {%s} %d:\n",i ,cp->tags, cp->weight );
- else
- printf("%s, {%s} %d:\n", cp->name,cp->tags, cp->weight );
- for( dp = cp->list; dp!=NULL; dp=dp->next ){
- printf("(%d)%s\n",dp->cumul, dp->string );
- }
- }
- }
- #endif DUMP
- char *my_alloc(n)
- unsigned n;
- {
- register char *p;
- p = malloc( n );
- if( p==NULL ){
- fprintf(stderr, "Out Of Memory\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- return p;
- }
- /*
- * write the file to the standard output in compressed form, prepending
- * the MAGIC byte for identification.
- */
- compress(){
- register class *cp;
- register int i;
- putchar( MAGIC );
- putw( Classes, stdout ); /* write the number of classes */
- putw( -Classes, stdout ); /* write this to make sure */
- if( !CompIn ){
- cp = lookup("MAIN/ "); /* get main */
- if( cp == NULL ){
- fprintf(stderr, "MAIN undefined\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- CompMain = cp - Class;
- }
- putw( CompMain, stdout );
- cp = Class;
- i = Classes;
- while(i--) comp1(cp++);
- }
- /*
- * write a 'class' record in compressed format
- */
- comp1(cp)
- register class *cp;
- {
- register char *p;
- register defn *dp;
- register int n;
- putw( cp->weight, stdout ); /* write total weight */
- p = cp->tags;
- if( strcmp(p,NullTags) != 0 ) /* special case " " -> "" */
- fputs( p, stdout ); /* write tags */
- putchar(0); /* delimiter */
- n = 0;
- dp = cp->list;
- while( dp!= NULL ){
- ++n; /* count the defs */
- dp = dp->next;
- }
- putw( n, stdout ); /* write the count of them */
- dp = cp->list;
- while( dp != NULL ){
- compdef(dp);
- dp = dp->next; /* compress them */
- }
- }
- compdef(dp)
- register defn *dp;
- {
- register char *p;
- register int c;
- putw( dp-> cumul , stdout ); /* write its cumul weight */
- p = dp->string;
- while( (c = *p++) != '\0' ){
- if( c==BSLASH){
- if(!CompIn && isalnum(*p) ){ /* a ref */
- class *cp;
- cp = lookup(p); /* find it */
- if( cp == NULL ){
- fprintf( stderr, "Undefined class: ");
- while( *p != SLASH ) fputc( *p++, stderr);
- fputc('\n', stderr );
- exit(1);
- }else{
- printf("%c%d", BSLASH, cp-Class );
- while( *p != SLASH ) ++p;
- }
- }else{ /* is escape seq */
- putchar( BSLASH );
- putchar( *p++ );
- }
- }else{
- putchar(c);
- }
- }
- putchar(0);
- }
- /*
- * readcomp reads the compressed format of the file into core.
- * the MAGIC char has been read already.
- */
- readcomp(){
- register class *cp;
- register int i;
- Classes = getw( InFile );
- if( Classes <= 0 || getw( InFile ) + Classes != 0 )
- badfile(); /* format check */
- CompMain = getw( InFile ); /* read that next */
- Class = (class*) my_alloc( (unsigned)(Classes*sizeof(class)) );
- for( i= Classes, cp = Class; i--; ++cp)readcclass(cp);
- }
- readcclass(cp)
- register class *cp;
- {
- register int n;
- register defn *dp;
- defn **dput;
- char store[MAXDEF]; /* for tags */
- cp->weight = getw( InFile );
- instring(store,MAXDEF);
- cp->tags = ( store[0] == '\0' )? NullTags: save( store );
- n = getw( InFile );
- if( n<=0 ) badfile();
- dput = &(cp->list); /* link on here */
- while(n--){
- dp = (defn *)my_alloc( (unsigned) sizeof( defn));
- *dput = dp;
- dp->cumul = getw( InFile );
- instring(store, MAXDEF );
- dp->string = save( store );
- dput = &(dp->next);
- }
- *dput = NULL; /* last one */
- }
- instring( where, how_many )
- register char *where;
- register int how_many;
- {
- register int c;
- do{
- c = getc( InFile );
- if( c == EOF ) badfile();
- *where++ = c;
- if( c== '\0' ) return;
- }while(--how_many);
- badfile();
- }
- badfile(){
- fprintf(stderr,"Bad file format\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- #ifndef unix
- putw (word, stream)
- int word;
- FILE *stream;
- {
- fwrite ((char *) &word, sizeof(int), 1, stream);
- return (0); /* we don't use it */
- }
- getw (stream)
- FILE *stream;
- {
- int word;
- fread ((char *) &word, sizeof(int), 1, stream);
- return (word);
- }
- #endif