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- /***********************************************************************
- * tourney - a curses-based program to keep track of the NCAA Basketball
- * tournament.
- *
- * Author: Jack Alexander
- * jack@jimi.cs.unlv.edu
- *
- * (c) 1989, by the author. Feel free to hack this code up as long as
- * you don't remove the author's name or the copyright notice.
- * I will attempt to maintain a current version based on valid
- * changes sent to me at the above email address.
- *
- * Please send me any WORTHWHILE changes.
- *
- *
- * WARNING: There is absolutely NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND associated with
- * this program, even for fitness of purpose. If you choose to run this
- * software, it is at your own risk.
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <curses.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include "get.h"
- #define STANDINGS_FILE "standings" /* file used to output standings */
- #define MASTER_FILE "#MASTER" /* file of results */
- #define ENTRY_FILE "players/#ENTRIES" /* list of people in contest */
- #define TEAM_FILE "teams" /* Name of the file for list of teams */
- #define PLAYER_DIR "players" /* Directory for people's picks */
- #define PLAYER_FILE "players/%s" /* Where to put people's picks */
- #define TEAMS 64 /* Number of teams in tournament */
- #define ROUNDS 7 /* results levels */
- #define NAMESZ 20 /* Length of team names */
- #define PATHSZ 14 /* max filename */
- /* Main menu option values: */
- #define MAIN_MENU_NAME " NCAA Basketball Tournament Tracker "
- #define SETUP 1
- #define UPDATE 2
- #define SHOW_STANDINGS 3
- #define EXIT 4
- /* Setup menu option values: */
- #define SETUP_MENU_NAME " Tournament Setup menu "
- #define ENTER_TEAMS 1
- #define ENTER_PERSON 2
- #define PRINT_PERSON 3
- #define REMOVE_PERSON 4
- #define RETURN 5
- int games[ROUNDS] = { 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 }; /* teams per round */
- int points[ROUNDS] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 }; /* points per round */
- static char *region_name[] = {
- "West", "East", "Midwest", "Southeast"
- };
- typedef struct menu_list {
- char entry[50];
- int value;
- };
- typedef struct entry {
- char name[NAMESZ+1];
- unsigned char round[ROUNDS][TEAMS];
- };
- struct menu_list mainmenu[EXIT] = {
- "Setup tournament database", SETUP,
- "Edit game results", UPDATE,
- "Show pool standings", SHOW_STANDINGS,
- };
- struct menu_list setupmenu[RETURN] = {
- "Edit list of teams in the tournament", ENTER_TEAMS,
- "Enter a person into the pool, or edit their entry", ENTER_PERSON,
- "Create a printable file of a person's entry", PRINT_PERSON,
- "Remove an entry from the tournament", REMOVE_PERSON,
- "RETURN to main menu", RETURN,
- };
- main()
- {
- int done=FALSE;
- tourney_init();
- while(!done)
- switch(main_menu()) {
- case SETUP:
- setup_menu();
- break;
- case UPDATE:
- enter_updates();
- break;
- show_standings();
- break;
- case EXIT:
- cleanup();
- done=TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- tourney_init()
- {
- initscr();
- }
- cleanup()
- {
- endwin();
- }
- enter_updates()
- {
- struct entry tr;
- int rnd;
- char title[80];
- if(read_entry(MASTER_FILE,&tr,0))
- return;
- init();
- while(1) {
- clear();
- printw("Enter the round that you want to edit. ESC to abort.");
- printw("\n\nRound: ");
- if(get_num(8,2,1,1,6,&rnd)==GET_ESCAPE) {
- de_init();
- return;
- }
- sprintf(title," Enter the results for round %d ",rnd);
- if(edit_round(title,"The winner was ",rnd,games[rnd],&tr,1)) {
- printw("\n Do you want to save this update (y/n)? ");
- refresh();
- if(getch()=='y')
- save_entry(&tr);
- }
- else
- save_entry(&tr);
- }
- }
- show_standings()
- {
- FILE *fpin, *fpout, *fopen();
- struct entry master, this_guy;
- char name[NAMESZ+1], errmsg[80], sort[80];
- int score, i, count=0;
- if((fpin=fopen(ENTRY_FILE,"r"))==NULL) {
- terror("ERROR opening entry master file");
- return;
- }
- if((fpout=fopen(STANDINGS_FILE,"w"))==NULL) {
- terror("ERROR opening standings output file");
- return;
- }
- if(read_entry(MASTER_FILE,&master,0)) {
- terror("ERROR opening results file");
- return;
- }
- clear();
- printw("Processing entries...");
- move(5,0);
- refresh();
- while(fgets(name,NAMESZ,fpin)!=NULL) {
- for(i=0;i<strlen(name);i++)
- if(name[i]=='\n')
- name[i]='\0';
- if(read_entry(name,&this_guy,1)) {
- move(5,0);
- continue;
- }
- if((score = calculate_score(&master,&this_guy))<0)
- fprintf(fpout,"*** %-20.20s ***** incomplete entry *****\n",name);
- else
- fprintf(fpout,"%3d %-20.20s\n",score,name);
- count++;
- }
- fclose(fpin);
- fclose(fpout);
- if(count>1) {
- sprintf(sort,"/bin/sort %s -o %s",STANDINGS_FILE,STANDINGS_FILE);
- system(sort);
- }
- sprintf(errmsg,"Output is in '%s'",STANDINGS_FILE);
- terror(errmsg);
- }
- calculate_score(master,cur)
- struct entry *master, *cur;
- {
- int i, j, score=0;
- for(i=1;i<ROUNDS;i++)
- for(j=0;j<games[i];j++)
- if(cur->round[i][j]==TEAMS+1)
- return(-1); /* incomplete entry */
- else if(master->round[i][j] == cur->round[i][j])
- score += points[i];
- return(score);
- }
- setup_menu()
- {
- int rcode;
- while(rcode!=RETURN)
- switch(rcode=menu(setupmenu,RETURN,SETUP_MENU_NAME)) {
- enter_teams();
- break;
- enter_picks();
- break;
- print_picks("");
- break;
- remove_pick();
- break;
- case RETURN:
- break;
- }
- }
- main_menu()
- {
- return(menu(mainmenu,EXIT,MAIN_MENU_NAME));
- }
- menu(sels,q,name)
- struct menu_list sels[];
- int q;
- char name[];
- {
- int i;
- clear();
- standout();
- printw(name);
- standend();
- printw("\n\n");
- for(i=0;i<q;i++)
- printw("%2d. %s\n",i+1,sels[i].entry);
- for(i=0;i<1 || i>q;) {
- move(q+4,0);
- printw("Which ?");
- refresh();
- i=getch()-'0';
- }
- return(sels[i-1].value);
- }
- remove_pick()
- {
- char entrant[PATHSZ+1], filename[80], tmp[80];
- FILE *fpin, *fpout, *fopen();
- int i;
- init();
- clear();
- printw("Enter the name of the entrant you want to REMOVE\n\n");
- printw("Name: ");
- entrant[0]='\0';
- de_init();
- return;
- }
- de_init(); /* input is over for this routine */
- for(i=0;i<NAMESZ;i++)
- tmp[i]= (entrant[i]==' ')? '_':entrant[i];
- sprintf(filename,PLAYER_FILE,tmp);
- if(unlink(filename)<0) {
- terror("ERROR unlinking entry file");
- return;
- }
- sprintf(filename,"%stourney.XXXXXX",PLAYER_FILE);
- mktemp(filename);
- if((fpout=fopen(filename,"w"))==NULL) {
- terror("ERROR opening temporary file");
- return;
- }
- if((fpin=fopen(ENTRY_FILE,"r"))==NULL) {
- terror("ERROR opening entry file (list of people)");
- return;
- }
- while(fgets(tmp,NAMESZ,fpin)!=NULL) {
- for(i=strlen(tmp);i>=0;i--)
- if(tmp[i]=='\n') {
- tmp[i]='\0';
- break;
- }
- if(strcmp(tmp,entrant))
- fprintf(fpout,"%s\n",tmp);
- }
- fclose(fpout);
- fclose(fpin);
- if(unlink(ENTRY_FILE)<0) { /* remove old entry file */
- terror("ERROR unlinking old entry file");
- return;
- }
- link(filename,ENTRY_FILE); /* link to new version */
- unlink(filename); /* remove temporary file */
- }
- print_picks(name)
- char name[];
- {
- char entrant[NAMESZ+1], errmsg[80], teams[TEAMS][NAMESZ+1],
- filename[PATHSZ+1];
- struct entry tr;
- int i, j;
- FILE *fp, *fopen();
- clear();
- if(read_teams(teams)) {
- terror("ERROR opening teams file");
- return;
- }
- init();
- if(name[0]=='\0') {
- printw("Enter the name of the entrant\n\n");
- printw("Name: ");
- entrant[0]='\0';
- de_init();
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- strcpy(entrant,name);
- if(read_entry(entrant,&tr,1)) {
- sprintf(errmsg,"There is no '%s' on file.",entrant);
- de_init();
- return;
- }
- for(i=0;i<ROUNDS;i++)
- for(j=0;j<games[i];j++)
- if(tr.round[i][j] >= TEAMS) {
- terror("ERROR this entry has not been completly entered");
- de_init();
- return;
- }
- clear();
- filename[0]='\0';
- printw("Enter the name of the output file.\n\n");
- printw("File Name: ");
- if(getst(PATHSZ,11,2,filename,PATHSZ+1,NULL,LETTER_ONLY,NULL)==GET_ESCAPE) {
- de_init();
- return;
- }
- de_init();
- for(i=0;i<strlen(filename);i++)
- if(filename[i]==' ')
- filename[i]='_';
- if((fp=fopen(filename,"w"))==NULL) {
- sprintf(errmsg,"ERROR opening file '%s', errno=%d",filename,errno);
- terror(errmsg);
- return;
- }
- for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
- fprintf(fp,"==============================================================================\n");
- fprintf(fp,"SELECTIONS FOR ENTRANT: %-12.12s %12.12s Region page %d\n",entrant,region_name[i],i+1);
- fprintf(fp,"==============================================================================\n");
- /* This code is a little ugly, but a fancy little
- loop would have been more time consuming that
- I felt it was worth... */
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[1][8*i]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 1]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[2][4*i]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 2]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[1][8*i + 1]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 3]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",
- teams[tr.round[3][2*i]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 4]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[1][8*i + 2]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 5]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[2][4*i+1]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 6]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[1][8*i + 3]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 7]]);
- fprintf(fp," Final Four: %-s\n",
- teams[tr.round[4][i]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 8]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[1][8*i + 4]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 9]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[2][4*i+2]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 10]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[1][8*i + 5]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 11]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",
- teams[tr.round[3][2*i+1]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 12]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[1][8*i + 6]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 13]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[2][4*i+3]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 14]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[1][8*i + 7]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",teams[tr.round[0][16*i + 15]]);
- if(i!=3)
- fprintf(fp,"%c",12); /* form feed at all but last */
- }
- fprintf(fp,"\n\n\n\nFinal four on down to champion:");
- fprintf(fp,"-------------------------------\n\n\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%-s\n",teams[tr.round[4][0]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[5][0]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%-s\n",teams[tr.round[4][1]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s **** NATIONAL CHAMPION ****\n",
- teams[tr.round[6][0]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%-s\n",teams[tr.round[4][2]]);
- fprintf(fp," %s\n",teams[tr.round[5][1]]);
- fprintf(fp,"%-s\n",teams[tr.round[4][3]]);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- enter_picks()
- {
- char teams[TEAMS][NAMESZ+1], entrant[NAMESZ+1], title[80],
- blurb[80];
- int round, game, p, i, save_flag=0, print_flag=1;
- struct entry tr;
- clear();
- init();
- printw("Enter the name of the entrant (must be a unique name)\n\n");
- printw("Name: ");
- return;
- if(!read_entry(entrant,&tr,1)) {
- printw("\n\n\nThis person is already on file. Do you wish to edit their entry (y/n)?");
- refresh();
- if(getch()!='y') {
- de_init();
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- save_flag = 1;
- clear_entry(&tr);
- sprintf(tr.name,entrant);
- }
- sprintf(blurb,"%s picks ",entrant);
- for(i=1;i<ROUNDS;i++) {
- sprintf(title," Enter round %d picks for entrant '%s' ",
- i,entrant);
- if(edit_round(title,blurb,i,games[i],&tr,0)) {
- printw("\n\n Do you want to save this entry (y/n)? ");
- refresh();
- if(getch()=='y')
- save_entry(&tr);
- else
- print_flag=save_flag=0;
- i=ROUNDS+1;
- }
- }
- if(i==ROUNDS)
- save_entry(&tr);
- if(save_flag)
- update_entry_list(entrant);
- if(print_flag) {
- printw("\nThe entry for '%s' has been saved.\n",entrant);
- printw("\nDo you want to create a printable file of this entry (y/n)?");
- refresh();
- if(getch()=='y')
- print_picks(entrant);
- }
- de_init();
- }
- save_teams(teams)
- char teams[TEAMS][NAMESZ+1];
- {
- int i;
- FILE *fp, *fopen();
- if((fp=fopen(TEAM_FILE,"w"))==NULL) {
- clear();
- terror("ERROR opening teams file");
- return;
- }
- for(i=0;i<TEAMS;i++)
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",(teams[i][0]=='\0')? "#":teams[i]);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- read_teams(teams)
- char teams[TEAMS][NAMESZ+1];
- {
- FILE *fp, *fopen();
- int i, j;
- if((fp=fopen(TEAM_FILE,"r"))<0) {
- return(1);
- }
- for(i=0;i<TEAMS;i++) {
- if(fgets(teams[i],NAMESZ,fp)==NULL)
- break;
- else if(teams[i][0]=='#')
- teams[i][0]='\0';
- else
- for(j=0;j<NAMESZ;j++)
- if(teams[i][j]=='\n') {
- teams[i][j] = '\0';
- break;
- }
- }
- for(;i<TEAMS;i++)
- teams[i][0]='\0';
- fclose(fp);
- return(0);
- }
- terror(s)
- char s[];
- {
- char dummy[11];
- standout();
- printw("\n\n%s\n\n",s);
- standend();
- printw("Press RETURN to continue...");
- refresh();
- scanw("%10.10s",dummy);
- }
- enter_teams()
- {
- char teams[TEAMS][NAMESZ+1], the_header[80];
- static char *headers[] = {
- " ENTER TEAMS IN %s ",
- " ENTER TEAMS IN %s ",
- " ENTER TEAMS IN %s ",
- " ENTER TEAMS IN %s ",
- };
- int i=0, done=0, r;
- read_teams(teams); /* get currently saved team info */
- i=0;
- while(!done) {
- sprintf(the_header, headers[i], region_name[i]);
- switch(r=editlist(the_header,i*16,(i+1)*16,teams)) {
- case GET_DOWN:
- case GET_RIGHT:
- if(i!=3)
- i++;
- else {
- done=1;
- save_teams(teams);
- init_standings();
- }
- break;
- case GET_UP:
- case GET_LEFT:
- if(i)
- i--;
- break;
- case -1: /* ABORT! */
- move(21,0);
- printw("Are you sure you want to abort (y/n)?");
- refresh();
- if(getch()=='y')
- done = 1;
- break;
- default:
- move(21,0);
- printw("editlist returns %d\n",r);
- break;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- editlist(title,i1,i2,names)
- char title[], names[TEAMS][NAMESZ+1];
- int i1, i2;
- {
- int state = 0, i, j, game, rval, done=0, rcode=0, y;
- clear();
- standout();
- printw(title);
- standend();
- edit_msg();
- init();
- for(i=i1,j=2;i!=i2;i++,j++) {
- move(j,0);
- if((i%2) == 0) {
- game = i/2 + 1;
- printw("Game #%02d, team #1: ", game);
- }
- else
- printw(" team #2: ");
- getst(NAMESZ,21,j,names[i],NAMESZ+1,NULL,SHOW,NULL);
- }
- refresh();
- i=0;
- while(!done) {
- y = 2+i;
- switch(getst(NAMESZ,21,y,names[i+i1],NAMESZ+1,NULL,ALL_ALPHA,NULL))
- {
- case GET_ESCAPE:
- done=1;
- rcode= -1;
- break;
- case GET_RETURN:
- case GET_RIGHT:
- case GET_DOWN:
- i++;
- if(i+i1 == i2) {
- done=1;
- rcode = GET_DOWN;
- }
- break;
- case GET_UP:
- case GET_LEFT:
- i--;
- if(i<0) {
- i=0;
- done=1;
- rcode=GET_LEFT;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- de_init();
- return(rcode);
- }
- edit_msg()
- {
- standout();
- move(22,0);
- printw(" To change regions, scroll off the top and bottom ends of current region. ");
- move(23,0);
- printw(" Use arrow keys for cursor movement, ESC to abort, and control-x to delete ");
- standend();
- }
- init_standings()
- {
- struct entry tr;
- clear_entry(&tr);
- sprintf(tr.name,MASTER_FILE);
- save_entry(&tr);
- }
- clear_entry(e)
- struct entry *e;
- {
- int i, j;
- for(i=0;i<ROUNDS;i++)
- for(j=0;j<TEAMS;j++)
- e->round[i][j]= (i==0)? j: TEAMS+1;
- }
- read_entry(name,e,flag)
- char name[];
- struct entry *e;
- int flag; /* if set, no error messages */
- {
- char filename[80],tmp[NAMESZ+1], errmsg[80];
- int fd, i;
- for(i=0;i<NAMESZ;i++)
- tmp[i]= (name[i]==' ')? '_':name[i];
- sprintf(filename,PLAYER_FILE,tmp);
- if((fd=open(filename,O_RDONLY))<0) {
- if(!flag) {
- sprintf(errmsg,"ERROR reading entry '%s', errno=%d",
- filename,errno);
- terror(errmsg);
- }
- return(1);
- }
- read(fd,e,sizeof(struct entry));
- close(fd);
- return(0);
- }
- save_entry(e)
- struct entry *e;
- {
- char filename[80],tmp[NAMESZ+1], errmsg[80];
- int fd, i;
- for(i=0;i<NAMESZ;i++)
- tmp[i]= (e->name[i]==' ')? '_':e->name[i];
- sprintf(filename,PLAYER_FILE,tmp);
- if((fd=open(filename,O_CREAT|O_WRONLY,0600))<0) {
- sprintf(errmsg,"ERROR saving entry, errno=%d",errno);
- terror(errmsg);
- return(1);
- }
- if(write(fd,e,sizeof(struct entry))!=sizeof(struct entry)) {
- sprintf(errmsg,"ERROR in write of entry, errno=%d",errno);
- terror(errmsg);
- }
- close(fd);
- }
- /* title is the line on top of the screen.
- * prompt is the message to display prior to showing current selection
- * rnd in the round number (1-6)
- * entires is the number of games this round
- * e is this person's entry structure (pointer to)
- * non is flag, if set then person can select neither team (results not in)
- */
- edit_round(title,prompt,rnd,entries,e,non)
- char title[], prompt[];
- int entries, rnd,non;
- struct entry *e;
- {
- int i, winner1, winner2, c, done, toggle, x, x2;
- char teams[TEAMS][NAMESZ+1], *p;
- static char neither[] = "neither -- Game not played yet";
- if(read_teams(teams)) {
- terror("ERROR: have to enter tournament teams before results");
- return(1);
- }
- clear();
- standout();
- printw(title);
- standend();
- if(rnd!=1) /* check to see if previous round is complete */
- for(i=0;i<games[rnd-1];i++)
- if(e->round[rnd-1][i]== TEAMS+1) {
- clear();
- terror("ERROR: previous round incomplete");
- return(1);
- }
- move(22,0);
- standout();
- printw(" Use the space bar to select advancing team, RETURN once the correct team is \n");
- printw(" displayed. Use left arrow to go to a previously entered game. ESC to abort ");
- standend();
- for(i=0;i<games[rnd];i++) {
- move(3,0);
- printw("Game %d:\n------------\n\n",i+1);
- printw("%s\n vs %s\n%s\n",
- teams[e->round[rnd-1][i*2]], prompt,
- teams[e->round[rnd-1][i*2+1]]);
- winner1 = e->round[rnd-1][i*2];
- winner2 = e->round[rnd-1][i*2+1];
- done = toggle = 0;
- if(e->round[rnd][i] == winner1)
- toggle = 0;
- else if(non) {
- if(e->round[rnd][i] == winner2)
- toggle = 1;
- else
- toggle = 2;
- }
- else
- toggle = 1;
- x = strlen(prompt) + 19;
- while(!done) {
- move(7,x);
- standout();
- switch(toggle) {
- case 0:
- p = teams[winner1];
- break;
- case 1:
- p = teams[winner2];
- break;
- case 2:
- p = neither;
- break;
- }
- printw("%s\n",p);
- standend();
- x2 = x + strlen(p) +1;
- move(7,x2);
- clrtoeol(); /* get rid of "standend" char on some terminals */
- refresh();
- switch(c = getch()) {
- case ' ':
- if(non)
- toggle = ++toggle % 3;
- else
- toggle = ++toggle % 2;
- break;
- case GET_RETURN:
- case GET_DOWN:
- done=1;
- break;
- case GET_LEFT:
- if(i==0)
- break;
- done = 2;
- break;
- case GET_ESCAPE:
- return(1);
- }
- if(done==2)
- i-=2;
- else
- switch(toggle) {
- case 0:
- e->round[rnd][i] = winner1;
- break;
- case 1:
- e->round[rnd][i] = winner2;
- break;
- case 2:
- e->round[rnd][i] = TEAMS+1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- update_entry_list(name)
- char name[];
- {
- FILE *fp, *fopen();
- if((fp=fopen(ENTRY_FILE,"a"))==NULL) {
- terror("ERROR opening entry file (list of people)");
- return;
- }
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",name);
- fclose(fp);
- }