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Text File | 1990-03-10 | 51.1 KB | 1,872 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- organization: Carnegie-Mellon University, CS/RI
- keywords: amateur radio, space, weather satellites
- subject: v11i020: orbit: track earth satellites
- from: rwb@vi.ri.cmu.edu (Bob Berger)
- Sender: allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
- Posting-number: Volume 11, Issue 20
- Submitted-by: rwb@vi.ri.cmu.edu (Bob Berger)
- Archive-name: n3emo-orbit/part01
- Here's a program to track earth satellites. It's been used by amateur radio
- operators for a few years. It's also useful for weather satellites, the space
- shuttle, etc.
- #
- # type sh orbit.shar to unpack this archive.
- #
- echo extracting orbit.doc...
- cat >orbit.doc <<'!E!O!F!'
- Robert W. Berger, N3EMO
- March 7, 1990
- 1 Introduction
- The N3EMO orbit program simulates the motions of earth satellites. The
- program was written for use by amateur radio operators, but is useful to
- others, such as astronomers interested in observing artificial satellites,
- space enthusiasts tracking shuttle missions, and meteorologists using weather
- satellites. The program is distributed in source form in the C language, and
- has been used on a wide variety of computers, from micros to mainframes.
- 2 Changes
- The following changes have been made since the last public release (version
- 2.3):
- - The internal calculation routines have been rewritten to increase
- performance, readability, and modularity. This facilitates use of
- orbit's routines from other programs.
- - A new sidereal time reference is generated for each run. This allows
- the program to maintain its accuracy without having to be updated
- every year.
- - Predicted doppler shifts are much more accurate. The instantaneous
- range-rate is now calculated directly instead of by differencing
- successive range samples. The doppler shift displayed is now the
- correct one for the sample time, instead of an average from the
- preceding sample interval.
- - Eclipses are optionally reported.
- - Data for 0-180 degree elevation rotators is optionally provided.
- - Satellite names may contain spaces.
- - Single character abbreviations are provided for up to 62 satellites
- (up from 26).
- - A program is provided to convert NASA two-line keplerians to the
- AMSAT format used by the program.
- 3 Compiling Orbit
- The details of how to compile the program vary with the host machine. The
- main program is in orbit.c, and the calculation subroutines are in orbitr.c.
- These two files should be compiled and linked together to form the orbit
- executable.
- 4 Data Files
- Two data files are required to run orbit; a third is optional. The first
- required data file, called "kepler.dat", contains the database of satellites.
- "kepler.dat" is distributed by the Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), a non
- profit organization that designs and operates amateur radio satellites. The
- following is a sample entry from "kepler.dat":
- Satellite: AO-13
- Catalog number: 19216
- Epoch time: 90054.30232176
- Element set: 77
- Inclination: 57.0658 deg
- RA of node: 167.4162 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.6899473
- Arg of perigee: 221.7453 deg
- Mean anomaly: 57.5228 deg
- Mean motion: 2.09701313 rev/day
- Decay rate: -9.10e-07 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 1301
- Satellite keplerians are also distributed by NASA in a format called the NASA
- two-line format. The program in nasa.c converts a file from NASA format to
- AMSAT format for use with orbit.
- Keplerian sets for various interesting satellites are regularly posted to the
- rec.ham-radio and sci.space usenet newsgroups. The Datalink RBBS at (214)
- 394-7438 has keplerians, as well as lots of other information of interest to
- satellite and space enthusiasts.
- The second required data file is a site file which describes the observers
- position and other station related data. Multiple site files are supported,
- with each one named after the corresponding observation site. The following
- file is "pgh.sit", a site file for station W3VC in Pittsburgh:
- W3VC Pittsburgh
- 40.45361 Latitude
- 79.94417 Longitude
- 300 Height (Meters)
- 0 Min Elevation (Degrees)
- Eclipse
- Flip
- The first five lines are required, and give the name of the site, its
- geographic location, and the minimum satellite elevation above the horizon
- which is to be considered visible.
- The last two lines contain optional keywords which enable features of the
- orbit program. "Eclipse" enables reporting of eclipse times for the satellites.
- "Flip" enables alternative bearing/elevations for 0-180 degree antenna
- rotators, such as the Kenpro rotators. By offering a choice of two settings for
- any sky position, such rotators allow a satellite to be tracked through a pass
- without requiring the bearing rotor to be reoriented after hitting a rotation
- stop.
- The optional data file, "mode.dat", allows orbit to provide scheduling and
- operation data for a satellite. The following is an example of a "mode.dat":
- Satellite: UO-11
- Beacon: 145.8260 MHz
- Satellite: AO-13
- Beacon: 145.8260 MHz
- Mode: B from 0 to 165
- Mode: JL from 165 to 195
- Mode: S from 195 to 200
- Mode: BS from 200 to 205
- Mode: B from 205 to 256
- Satellite: MIR
- Beacon: 143.6250 MHz
- Satellite: RS-10/11
- Beacon: 29.357 MHz
- Mode.dat may contain data for multiple satellites. The most common entry is
- "Beacon", which is the frequency orbit uses for calculating doppler shifts.
- 5 Running Orbit
- When run, orbit will ask which satellite in "kepler.dat" you wish to
- simulate. Type the full satellite name, or the single character next to the
- satellite name. Orbit will then ask for the name of the site. If your site file
- is "foo.sit", type "foo". Next enter the UTC date of the start of the
- simulation period. Years may be 2 or 4 digits. For example, 1990 may be entered
- as "1990" or simply "90". The UTC hour of the start of the simulation period is
- then entered. Next comes the duration in days, followed by the time between
- samples in minutes. The final input is the name of the file for the output;
- hitting the "Return" key places the output on the terminal. Here is the start
- of a sample run:
- N3EMO Orbit Simulator v3.7
- Available satellites:
- a) AO-10
- b) UO-11
- c) RS-10/11
- d) AO-13
- e) UO-14
- f) UO-15
- g) AO-16
- h) DO-17
- i) WO-18
- j) LO-19
- k) FO-20
- l) NOAA n) MET-2/16
- o) MET-2/17
- p) MET-3/2
- q) NOAA-11
- r) MET-2/18
- s) MET-3/3
- t) SALYUT 7
- u) MIR
- Letter or satellite name :d
- Site name :pgh
- Start date (UTC) (Month Day Year) :3 10 90
- Starting Hour (UTC) :0
- Duration (Days) :1
- Time Step (Minutes) :10
- Output file (RETURN for TTY) :
- AO-13 Element Set 77
- W3VC Pittsburgh
- Doppler calculated for freq = 145.826000 MHz
- Saturday 10 Mar 1990 ----Orbit # 1332-----
- U.T.C. Az El Az' El' Doppler Range Height Lat Long Phase(256)
- 0120:00 130 1 310 179 -1199 19383 14156 -15 32 24 B
- 0130:00 127 6 307 174 -1152 20834 16051 -10 31 28 B
- 0140:00 124 10 304 170 -1098 22222 17833 -6 31 32 B Eclipse
- The output contains a line for each sample time at which the satellite's
- elevation above the horizon is equal to or greater than the "Min Elevation"
- entry in the site file. The first two columns are the bearing and elevation of
- the satellite from the observer's site. If "Flip" is enabled, the next two
- columns are the alternate form of the bearing and elevation, with the elevation
- greater than 90 degrees. The next column is the doppler shift of the satellites
- beacon frequency, followed by the range from the satellite to the observer, in
- meters, and the satellites height above the earth. Next is the latitude and
- longitude of the point on earth directly underneath the satellite. The phase is
- then printed, followed by any applicable operating modes from the satellites
- "mode.dat" entry. If "Eclipse" is enabled in the site file, and the satellite
- is in the earth's shadow, the word "Eclipse" is printed.
- If the satellite is in a highly elliptical orbit, a separate line is printed
- for the exact time of the apogee.
- !E!O!F!
- #
- # type sh /usrvi0/rwb/orbit/orbit.shar to unpack this archive.
- #
- echo extracting orbit.c...
- cat >orbit.c <<'!E!O!F!'
- /* Copyright (c) 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990 Robert W. Berger N3EMO
- May be freely distributed, provided this notice remains intact. */
- /* Change Log
- 3/7/1990 v3.7 Make Phase III style phase (0-255) the default.
- Ignore case in satellite names.
- 12/19/1989 v3.6 Use more direct calculations for dates.
- Calculate a new sidereal time reference for each run.
- 12/8/1988 v3.5 Allow multiple overlapping modes in "mode.dat".
- 6/28/1988 v3.4 Cleaned up Eclipse code. Fixed leap year handling
- for centesimal years. Added a heuristic to GetDay to
- allow 2 or 4 digit year specifications.
- 1/25/1988 v3.2 Rewrote orbitr.c to improve modularity,
- efficiency, and accuracy. Adopted geocentric
- cartesian coordinates as the standard representation
- for position and velocity. Added direct calculation
- of range-rate for better doppler predections.
- 12/1/1988 v3.1 Allow spaces in satellite names. Provide
- single character aliases for 62 satellites
- (up from 26).
- 4/7/87 v3.0 Added eclipses.
- 4/1/87 v2.4 Added "Flip" option in site file for
- 0-180 elevation support.
- 3/24/87 v2.3 Adapted for new kepler.dat format.
- Allow beacon frequencies in mode.dat.
- Use decay rate for drag compensation.
- 5/10/86 v2.2 Added single character aliases for satellite
- names.
- 4/30/86 v2.1 Print blank line if satellite dips below
- horizon and reappears during same orbit and day
- 4/29/86 v2.0 Changed GetSatelliteParams() to use AMSAT's
- "kepler.dat" file. Moved schedule to "mode.dat" file.
- 4/22/86 v1.3 Inserted N8FJB's suggestions for variable naming
- which maintain 8 character uniqueness.
- Also removed "include" file orbitr.h, which had two
- definitions of external functions defined in orbit.c
- -K3MC
- 4/1/86 v1.2 Corrected a scanf conversion to %d for an int
- type. -K3MC
- 3/19/86 v1.1 Changed GetSatelliteParams to not pass NULL
- to sscanf.
- */
- #define DRAG 1
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- extern double Kepler();
- extern long GetDayNum();
- #define LC(c) (isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : (c))
- #ifndef PI
- #define PI 3.14159265
- #endif
- #ifdef PI2
- #undef PI2
- #endif
- #define PI2 (PI*2)
- #define MinutesPerDay (24*60.0)
- #define SecondsPerDay (60*MinutesPerDay)
- #define HalfSecond (0.5/SecondsPerDay)
- #define EarthRadius 6378.16 /* Kilometers */
- #define C 2.997925e5 /* Kilometers/Second */
- #define TropicalYear 365.24199 /* Mean solar days */
- #define EarthEccentricity 0.016713
- #define DegreesPerRadian (180/PI)
- #define RadiansPerDegree (PI/180)
- #define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? (-(x)) : (x))
- #define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
- #define MaxModes 10
- typedef struct {
- int MinPhase,MaxPhase;
- char ModeStr[20];
- } ModeRec;
- char VersionStr[] = "N3EMO Orbit Simulator v3.7";
- /* Keplerian Elements and misc. data for the satellite */
- double EpochDay; /* time of epoch */
- double EpochMeanAnomaly; /* Mean Anomaly at epoch */
- long EpochOrbitNum; /* Integer orbit # of epoch */
- double EpochRAAN; /* RAAN at epoch */
- double epochMeanMotion; /* Revolutions/day */
- double OrbitalDecay; /* Revolutions/day^2 */
- double EpochArgPerigee; /* argument of perigee at epoch */
- double Eccentricity;
- double Inclination;
- char SatName[100];
- int ElementSet;
- double BeaconFreq; /* Mhz, used for doppler calc */
- double MaxPhase; /* Phase units in 1 orbit */
- double perigeePhase;
- int NumModes;
- ModeRec Modes[MaxModes];
- int PrintApogee;
- int PrintEclipses;
- int Flip;
- /* Simulation Parameters */
- double StartTime,EndTime, StepTime; /* In Days, 1 = New Year */
- /* of reference year */
- /* Site Parameters */
- char SiteName[100];
- double SiteLat,SiteLong,SiteAltitude,SiteMinElev;
- /* List the satellites in kepler.dat, and return the number found */
- ListSatellites()
- {
- char str[100];
- FILE *InFile;
- char satchar;
- int NumSatellites;
- printf("Available satellites:\n");
- if ((InFile = fopen("kepler.dat","r")) == 0)
- {
- printf("\"kepler.dat\" not found\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- satchar = 'a';
- NumSatellites = 0;
- while (fgets(str,100,InFile))
- if (strncmp(str,"Satellite: ",11) == 0)
- {
- printf(" %c) %s",satchar,&str[11]);
- if (satchar == 'z')
- satchar = 'A';
- else if (satchar == 'Z')
- satchar = '0';
- else satchar++;
- NumSatellites++;
- }
- fclose(InFile);
- return NumSatellites;
- }
- /* Match and skip over a string in the input file. Exits on failure. */
- MatchStr(InFile,FileName,Target)
- FILE *InFile;
- char *FileName,*Target;
- {
- char str[100];
- fgets(str,strlen(Target)+1,InFile);
- if (strcmp(Target,str))
- {
- printf("%s: found \"%s\" while expecting \"%s\n\"",FileName,str,Target);
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- LetterNum(c)
- char c;
- {
- if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
- return c - 'a' + 1;
- else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
- return c - 'A'+ 27;
- else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- return c - '0' + 53;
- }
- /* Case insensitive strncmp */
- cstrncmp(str1,str2,l)
- char *str1,*str2;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
- if (LC(str1[i]) != LC(str2[i]))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- cstrcmp(str1,str2)
- char *str1,*str2;
- {
- int i,l;
- l = strlen(str1);
- if (strlen(str2) != l)
- return 1;
- for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
- if (LC(str1[i]) != LC(str2[i]))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- GetSatelliteParams()
- {
- FILE *InFile;
- char str[100];
- int EpochYear;
- double EpochHour,EpochMinute,EpochSecond;
- int found;
- int i,NumSatellites;
- char satchar;
- NumSatellites = ListSatellites();
- found = 0;
- while (!found)
- {
- printf("Letter or satellite name :");
- gets(SatName);
- if ((InFile = fopen("kepler.dat","r")) == 0)
- {
- printf("kepler.dat not found\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (strlen(SatName) == 1)
- { /* use single character label */
- satchar = SatName[0];
- if (LetterNum(satchar) > NumSatellites)
- {
- printf("'%c' is out of range\n",satchar);
- fclose(InFile);
- continue;
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= LetterNum(satchar); i++)
- {
- do /* find line beginning with "Satellite: " */
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- while (strncmp(str,"Satellite: ",11) != 0);
- }
- found = 1;
- strncpy(SatName,&str[11],strlen(str)-12);
- }
- else
- {
- while (!found) /* use satellite name */
- {
- if (! fgets(str,100,InFile))
- break; /* EOF */
- if (strncmp(str,"Satellite: ",11) == 0)
- if (cstrncmp(SatName,&str[11],strlen(SatName)) == 0)
- found = 1;
- }
- if (!found)
- {
- printf("Satellite %s not found\n",SatName);
- fclose(InFile);
- }
- }
- }
- BeaconFreq = 146.0; /* Default value */
- fgets(str,100,InFile); /* Skip line */
- MatchStr(InFile,"kepler.dat","Epoch time:");
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%lf",&EpochDay);
- EpochYear = EpochDay / 1000.0;
- EpochDay -= EpochYear*1000.0;
- EpochDay += GetDayNum(EpochYear,1,0);
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- if (sscanf(str,"Element set: %ld",&ElementSet) == 0)
- { /* Old style kepler.dat */
- MatchStr(InFile,"kepler.dat","Element set:");
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%d",&ElementSet);
- }
- MatchStr(InFile,"kepler.dat","Inclination:");
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%lf",&Inclination);
- Inclination *= RadiansPerDegree;
- MatchStr(InFile,"kepler.dat","RA of node:");
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%lf",&EpochRAAN);
- EpochRAAN *= RadiansPerDegree;
- MatchStr(InFile,"kepler.dat","Eccentricity:");
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%lf",&Eccentricity);
- MatchStr(InFile,"kepler.dat","Arg of perigee:");
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%lf",&EpochArgPerigee);
- EpochArgPerigee *= RadiansPerDegree;
- MatchStr(InFile,"kepler.dat","Mean anomaly:");
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%lf",&EpochMeanAnomaly);
- EpochMeanAnomaly *= RadiansPerDegree;
- MatchStr(InFile,"kepler.dat","Mean motion:");
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%lf",&epochMeanMotion);
- MatchStr(InFile,"kepler.dat","Decay rate:");
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%lf",&OrbitalDecay);
- MatchStr(InFile,"kepler.dat","Epoch rev:");
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%ld",&EpochOrbitNum);
- while (1)
- {
- if (! fgets(str,100,InFile))
- break; /* EOF */
- if (strlen(str) <= 2)
- break; /* Blank line */
- sscanf(str,"Beacon: %lf",&BeaconFreq);
- }
- PrintApogee = (Eccentricity >= 0.3);
- perigeePhase = 0; MaxPhase = 256; /* Default values */
- NumModes = 0;
- if ((InFile = fopen("mode.dat","r")) == 0)
- return;
- found = 0;
- while (!found)
- {
- if (! fgets(str,100,InFile))
- break; /* EOF */
- if (sscanf(str,"Satellite: %s",str) == 1
- && cstrcmp(SatName,str) == 0)
- found = 1;
- }
- if (found)
- {
- while (1)
- {
- if (! fgets(str,100,InFile))
- break; /* EOF */
- if (strlen(str) <= 2)
- break; /* Blank line */
- sscanf(str,"Beacon: %lf",&BeaconFreq);
- sscanf(str,"Perigee phase: %lf",&perigeePhase);
- sscanf(str,"Max phase: %lf",&MaxPhase);
- if (sscanf(str,"Mode: %20s from %d to %d",Modes[NumModes].ModeStr,
- &Modes[NumModes].MinPhase,&Modes[NumModes].MaxPhase) == 3
- && NumModes < MaxModes)
- NumModes++;
- }
- fclose(InFile);
- }
- }
- GetSiteParams()
- {
- FILE *InFile;
- char name[100],str[100];
- printf("Site name :");
- gets(name);
- strcat(name,".sit");
- if ((InFile = fopen(name,"r")) == 0)
- {
- printf("%s not found\n",name);
- exit(-1);
- }
- fgets(SiteName,100,InFile);
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%lf",&SiteLat);
- SiteLat *= RadiansPerDegree;
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%lf",&SiteLong);
- SiteLong *= RadiansPerDegree;
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%lf",&SiteAltitude);
- SiteAltitude /= 1000; /* convert to km */
- fgets(str,100,InFile);
- sscanf(str,"%lf",&SiteMinElev);
- SiteMinElev *= RadiansPerDegree;
- Flip = PrintEclipses = 0;
- while (fgets(str,100,InFile))
- {
- if (strncmp(str,"Flip",4) == 0)
- Flip = 1;
- else if (strncmp(str,"Eclipse",7) == 0)
- PrintEclipses = 1;
- else printf("\"%s\" unknown option: %s",name,str);
- }
- }
- GetSimulationParams()
- {
- double hour,duration;
- int Month,Day,Year;
- printf("Start date (UTC) (Month Day Year) :");
- scanf("%d%d%d",&Month,&Day,&Year);
- StartTime = GetDayNum(Year,Month,Day);
- printf("Starting Hour (UTC) :");
- scanf("%lf",&hour);
- StartTime += hour/24;
- printf("Duration (Days) :");
- scanf("%lf",&duration);
- EndTime = StartTime + duration;
- printf("Time Step (Minutes) :");
- scanf("%lf",&StepTime);
- StepTime /= MinutesPerDay;
- }
- PrintMode(OutFile,Phase)
- FILE *OutFile;
- {
- int CurMode;
- for (CurMode = 0; CurMode < NumModes; CurMode++)
- if ((Phase >= Modes[CurMode].MinPhase
- && Phase < Modes[CurMode].MaxPhase)
- || ((Modes[CurMode].MinPhase > Modes[CurMode].MaxPhase)
- && (Phase >= Modes[CurMode].MinPhase
- || Phase < Modes[CurMode].MaxPhase)))
- {
- fprintf(OutFile,"%s ",Modes[CurMode].ModeStr);
- }
- }
- main()
- {
- double ReferenceOrbit; /* Floating point orbit # at epoch */
- double CurrentTime; /* In Days */
- double CurrentOrbit;
- double AverageMotion, /* Corrected for drag */
- CurrentMotion;
- double MeanAnomaly,TrueAnomaly;
- double SemiMajorAxis;
- double Radius; /* From geocenter */
- double SatX,SatY,SatZ; /* In Right Ascension based system */
- double SatVX,SatVY,SatVZ; /* Kilometers/second */
- double SiteX,SiteY,SiteZ;
- double SiteVX,SiteVY;
- double SiteMatrix[3][3];
- double Height;
- double RAANPrecession,PerigeePrecession;
- double SSPLat,SSPLong;
- long OrbitNum,PrevOrbitNum;
- long Day,PrevDay;
- double Azimuth,Elevation,Range;
- double RangeRate,Doppler;
- int Phase;
- char FileName[100];
- FILE *OutFile;
- int DidApogee;
- double TmpTime,PrevTime;
- int PrevVisible;
- printf("%s\n",VersionStr);
- GetSatelliteParams();
- GetSiteParams();
- GetSimulationParams();
- InitOrbitRoutines((StartTime+EndTime)/2);
- printf("Output file (RETURN for TTY) :");
- gets(FileName); /* Skip previous RETURN */
- gets(FileName);
- if (strlen(FileName) > 0)
- {
- if ((OutFile = fopen(FileName,"w")) == 0)
- {
- printf("Can't write to %s\n",FileName);
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- else OutFile = stdout;
- fprintf(OutFile,"%s Element Set %d\n",SatName,ElementSet);
- fprintf(OutFile,"%s\n",SiteName);
- fprintf(OutFile,"Doppler calculated for freq = %lf MHz\n",BeaconFreq);
- SemiMajorAxis = 331.25 * exp(2*log(MinutesPerDay/epochMeanMotion)/3);
- GetPrecession(SemiMajorAxis,Eccentricity,Inclination,&RAANPrecession,
- &PerigeePrecession);
- ReferenceOrbit = EpochMeanAnomaly/PI2 + EpochOrbitNum;
- PrevDay = -10000; PrevOrbitNum = -10000;
- PrevTime = StartTime-2*StepTime;
- BeaconFreq *= 1E6; /* Convert to Hz */
- DidApogee = 0;
- for (CurrentTime = StartTime; CurrentTime <= EndTime;
- CurrentTime += StepTime)
- {
- AverageMotion = epochMeanMotion
- + (CurrentTime-EpochDay)*OrbitalDecay/2;
- CurrentMotion = epochMeanMotion
- + (CurrentTime-EpochDay)*OrbitalDecay;
- SemiMajorAxis = 331.25 * exp(2*log(MinutesPerDay/CurrentMotion)/3);
- CurrentOrbit = ReferenceOrbit +
- (CurrentTime-EpochDay)*AverageMotion;
- OrbitNum = CurrentOrbit;
- MeanAnomaly = (CurrentOrbit-OrbitNum)*PI2;
- TmpTime = CurrentTime;
- if (MeanAnomaly < PI)
- DidApogee = 0;
- if (PrintApogee && !DidApogee && MeanAnomaly > PI)
- { /* Calculate Apogee */
- TmpTime -= StepTime; /* So we pick up later where we left off */
- MeanAnomaly = PI;
- CurrentTime=EpochDay+(OrbitNum-ReferenceOrbit+0.5)/AverageMotion;
- }
- TrueAnomaly = Kepler(MeanAnomaly,Eccentricity);
- GetSatPosition(EpochDay,EpochRAAN,EpochArgPerigee,SemiMajorAxis,
- Inclination,Eccentricity,RAANPrecession,PerigeePrecession,
- CurrentTime,TrueAnomaly,&SatX,&SatY,&SatZ,&Radius,
- &SatVX,&SatVY,&SatVZ);
- GetSitPosition(SiteLat,SiteLong,SiteAltitude,CurrentTime,
- &SiteX,&SiteY,&SiteZ,&SiteVX,&SiteVY,SiteMatrix);
- GetBearings(SatX,SatY,SatZ,SiteX,SiteY,SiteZ,SiteMatrix,
- &Azimuth,&Elevation);
- if (Elevation >= SiteMinElev && CurrentTime >= StartTime)
- {
- Day = CurrentTime + HalfSecond;
- if (((double) Day) > CurrentTime+HalfSecond)
- Day -= 1; /* Correct for truncation of negative values */
- if (OrbitNum == PrevOrbitNum && Day == PrevDay && !PrevVisible)
- fprintf(OutFile,"\n"); /* Dipped out of sight; print blank */
- if (OrbitNum != PrevOrbitNum || Day != PrevDay)
- { /* Print Header */
- PrintDayOfWeek(OutFile,(long) Day);
- fprintf(OutFile," ");
- PrintDate(OutFile,(long) Day);
- fprintf(OutFile," ----Orbit # %ld-----\n",OrbitNum);
- fprintf(OutFile," U.T.C. Az El ");
- if (Flip)
- fprintf(OutFile," Az' El' ");
- fprintf(OutFile,"Doppler Range");
- fprintf(OutFile," Height Lat Long Phase(%3.0lf)\n",
- MaxPhase);
- }
- PrevOrbitNum = OrbitNum; PrevDay = Day;
- PrintTime(OutFile,CurrentTime + HalfSecond);
- fprintf(OutFile," %3.0lf %3.0lf",Azimuth*DegreesPerRadian,
- Elevation*DegreesPerRadian);
- if (Flip)
- {
- Azimuth += PI;
- if (Azimuth >= PI2)
- Azimuth -= PI2;
- Elevation = PI-Elevation;
- fprintf(OutFile," %3.0lf %3.0lf",Azimuth*DegreesPerRadian,
- Elevation*DegreesPerRadian);
- }
- GetRange(SiteX,SiteY,SiteZ,SiteVX,SiteVY,
- SatX,SatY,SatZ,SatVX,SatVY,SatVZ,&Range,&RangeRate);
- Doppler = -BeaconFreq*RangeRate/C;
- fprintf(OutFile," %6.0lf %6.0lf",Doppler,Range);
- GetSubSatPoint(SatX,SatY,SatZ,CurrentTime,
- &SSPLat,&SSPLong,&Height);
- fprintf(OutFile," %6.0lf %3.0lf %4.0lf",
- Height,SSPLat*DegreesPerRadian,
- SSPLong*DegreesPerRadian);
- Phase = (MeanAnomaly/PI2*MaxPhase + perigeePhase);
- while (Phase < 0)
- Phase += MaxPhase;
- while (Phase >= MaxPhase)
- Phase -= MaxPhase;
- fprintf(OutFile," %4d ", Phase);
- PrintMode(OutFile,Phase);
- if (PrintApogee && (MeanAnomaly == PI))
- fprintf(OutFile," Apogee");
- if (PrintEclipses)
- if (Eclipsed(SatX,SatY,SatZ,Radius,CurrentTime))
- fprintf(OutFile," Eclipse");
- fprintf(OutFile,"\n");
- PrevVisible = 1;
- }
- else
- PrevVisible = 0;
- if (PrintApogee && (MeanAnomaly == PI))
- DidApogee = 1;
- PrevTime = CurrentTime;
- CurrentTime = TmpTime;
- }
- fclose(OutFile);
- }
- !E!O!F!
- #
- # type sh /usrvi0/rwb/orbit/orbit.shar to unpack this archive.
- #
- echo extracting orbitr.c...
- cat >orbitr.c <<'!E!O!F!'
- /* N3EMO Orbit Simulator routines v3.7 */
- /* Copyright (c) 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990 Robert W. Berger N3EMO
- May be freely distributed, provided this notice remains intact. */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #define SSPELLIPSE 0 /* If non zero, use ellipsoidal earth model
- when calculating longitude, latitude, and
- height */
- #ifndef PI
- #define PI 3.14159265
- #endif
- #ifdef PI2
- #undef PI2
- #endif
- #ifdef E
- #undef E
- #endif
- typedef double mat3x3[3][3];
- #define PI2 (PI*2)
- #define MinutesPerDay (24*60.0)
- #define SecondsPerDay (60*MinutesPerDay)
- #define HalfSecond (0.5/SecondsPerDay)
- #define EarthRadius 6378.16 /* Kilometers, at equator */
- #define EarthFlat (1/298.25) /* Earth Flattening Coeff. */
- #define SiderealSolar 1.0027379093
- #define SidRate (PI2*SiderealSolar/SecondsPerDay) /* radians/second */
- #define GM 398600 /* Kilometers^3/seconds^2 */
- #define DegreesPerRadian (180/PI)
- #define RadiansPerDegree (PI/180)
- #define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? (-(x)) : (x))
- #define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
- #define Epsilon (RadiansPerDegree/3600) /* 1 arc second */
- #define SunRadius 695000
- #define SunSemiMajorAxis 149598845.0 /* Kilometers */
- double SidDay,SidReference; /* Date and sidereal time */
- /* Keplerian elements for the sun */
- double SunEpochTime,SunInclination,SunRAAN,SunEccentricity,
- SunArgPerigee,SunMeanAnomaly,SunMeanMotion;
- /* values for shadow geometry */
- double SinPenumbra,CosPenumbra;
- /* Solve Kepler's equation */
- /* Inputs: */
- /* MeanAnomaly Time Since last perigee, in radians. */
- /* PI2 = one complete orbit. */
- /* Eccentricity Eccentricity of orbit's ellipse. */
- /* Output: */
- /* TrueAnomaly Angle between perigee, geocenter, and */
- /* current position. */
- long calls = 0;
- long iters = 0;
- dumpstats()
- {
- printf("Average iterations = %lf\n",((double) iters)/calls);
- }
- double Kepler(MeanAnomaly,Eccentricity)
- register double MeanAnomaly,Eccentricity;
- {
- register double E; /* Eccentric Anomaly */
- register double Error;
- register double TrueAnomaly;
- calls++;
- E = MeanAnomaly ;/*+ Eccentricity*sin(MeanAnomaly); /* Initial guess */
- do
- {
- Error = (E - Eccentricity*sin(E) - MeanAnomaly)
- / (1 - Eccentricity*cos(E));
- E -= Error;
- iters++;
- }
- while (ABS(Error) >= Epsilon);
- if (ABS(E-PI) < Epsilon)
- TrueAnomaly = PI;
- else
- TrueAnomaly = 2*atan(sqrt((1+Eccentricity)/(1-Eccentricity))
- *tan(E/2));
- if (TrueAnomaly < 0)
- TrueAnomaly += PI2;
- return TrueAnomaly;
- }
- GetSubSatPoint(SatX,SatY,SatZ,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Height)
- double SatX,SatY,SatZ,Time;
- double *Latitude,*Longitude,*Height;
- {
- double r;
- long i;
- r = sqrt(SQR(SatX) + SQR(SatY) + SQR(SatZ));
- *Longitude = PI2*((Time-SidDay)*SiderealSolar + SidReference)
- - atan2(SatY,SatX);
- /* i = floor(Longitude/2*pi) */
- i = *Longitude/PI2;
- if(i < 0)
- i--;
- *Longitude -= i*PI2;
- *Latitude = atan(SatZ/sqrt(SQR(SatX) + SQR(SatY)));
- #else
- *Height = r - EarthRadius;
- #endif
- }
- GetPrecession(SemiMajorAxis,Eccentricity,Inclination,
- RAANPrecession,PerigeePrecession)
- double SemiMajorAxis,Eccentricity,Inclination;
- double *RAANPrecession,*PerigeePrecession;
- {
- *RAANPrecession = 9.95*pow(EarthRadius/SemiMajorAxis,3.5) * cos(Inclination)
- / SQR(1-SQR(Eccentricity)) * RadiansPerDegree;
- *PerigeePrecession = 4.97*pow(EarthRadius/SemiMajorAxis,3.5)
- * (5*SQR(cos(Inclination))-1)
- / SQR(1-SQR(Eccentricity)) * RadiansPerDegree;
- }
- /* Compute the satellite postion and velocity in the RA based coordinate
- system */
- GetSatPosition(EpochTime,EpochRAAN,EpochArgPerigee,SemiMajorAxis,
- Inclination,Eccentricity,RAANPrecession,PerigeePrecession,
- Time,TrueAnomaly,X,Y,Z,Radius,VX,VY,VZ)
- double EpochTime,EpochRAAN,EpochArgPerigee;
- double SemiMajorAxis,Inclination,Eccentricity;
- double RAANPrecession,PerigeePrecession,Time, TrueAnomaly;
- double *X,*Y,*Z,*Radius,*VX,*VY,*VZ;
- {
- double RAAN,ArgPerigee;
- double Xw,Yw,VXw,VYw; /* In orbital plane */
- double Tmp;
- double Px,Qx,Py,Qy,Pz,Qz; /* Escobal transformation 31 */
- double CosArgPerigee,SinArgPerigee;
- double CosRAAN,SinRAAN,CoSinclination,SinInclination;
- *Radius = SemiMajorAxis*(1-SQR(Eccentricity))
- / (1+Eccentricity*cos(TrueAnomaly));
- Xw = *Radius * cos(TrueAnomaly);
- Yw = *Radius * sin(TrueAnomaly);
- Tmp = sqrt(GM/(SemiMajorAxis*(1-SQR(Eccentricity))));
- VXw = -Tmp*sin(TrueAnomaly);
- VYw = Tmp*(cos(TrueAnomaly) + Eccentricity);
- ArgPerigee = EpochArgPerigee + (Time-EpochTime)*PerigeePrecession;
- RAAN = EpochRAAN - (Time-EpochTime)*RAANPrecession;
- CosRAAN = cos(RAAN); SinRAAN = sin(RAAN);
- CosArgPerigee = cos(ArgPerigee); SinArgPerigee = sin(ArgPerigee);
- CoSinclination = cos(Inclination); SinInclination = sin(Inclination);
- Px = CosArgPerigee*CosRAAN - SinArgPerigee*SinRAAN*CoSinclination;
- Py = CosArgPerigee*SinRAAN + SinArgPerigee*CosRAAN*CoSinclination;
- Pz = SinArgPerigee*SinInclination;
- Qx = -SinArgPerigee*CosRAAN - CosArgPerigee*SinRAAN*CoSinclination;
- Qy = -SinArgPerigee*SinRAAN + CosArgPerigee*CosRAAN*CoSinclination;
- Qz = CosArgPerigee*SinInclination;
- *X = Px*Xw + Qx*Yw; /* Escobal, transformation #31 */
- *Y = Py*Xw + Qy*Yw;
- *Z = Pz*Xw + Qz*Yw;
- *VX = Px*VXw + Qx*VYw;
- *VY = Py*VXw + Qy*VYw;
- *VZ = Pz*VXw + Qz*VYw;
- }
- /* Compute the site postion and velocity in the RA based coordinate
- system. SiteMatrix is set to a matrix which is used by GetTopoCentric
- to convert geocentric coordinates to topocentric (observer-centered)
- coordinates. */
- GetSitPosition(SiteLat,SiteLong,SiteElevation,CurrentTime,
- SiteX,SiteY,SiteZ,SiteVX,SiteVY,SiteMatrix)
- double SiteLat,SiteLong,SiteElevation,CurrentTime;
- double *SiteX,*SiteY,*SiteZ,*SiteVX,*SiteVY;
- mat3x3 SiteMatrix;
- {
- static double G1,G2; /* Used to correct for flattening of the Earth */
- static double CosLat,SinLat;
- static double OldSiteLat = -100000; /* Used to avoid unneccesary recomputation */
- static double OldSiteElevation = -100000;
- double Lat;
- double SiteRA; /* Right Ascension of site */
- double CosRA,SinRA;
- if ((SiteLat != OldSiteLat) || (SiteElevation != OldSiteElevation))
- {
- OldSiteLat = SiteLat;
- OldSiteElevation = SiteElevation;
- Lat = atan(1/(1-SQR(EarthFlat))*tan(SiteLat));
- CosLat = cos(Lat);
- SinLat = sin(Lat);
- G1 = EarthRadius/(sqrt(1-(2*EarthFlat-SQR(EarthFlat))*SQR(SinLat)));
- G2 = G1*SQR(1-EarthFlat);
- G1 += SiteElevation;
- G2 += SiteElevation;
- }
- SiteRA = PI2*((CurrentTime-SidDay)*SiderealSolar + SidReference)
- - SiteLong;
- CosRA = cos(SiteRA);
- SinRA = sin(SiteRA);
- *SiteX = G1*CosLat*CosRA;
- *SiteY = G1*CosLat*SinRA;
- *SiteZ = G2*SinLat;
- *SiteVX = -SidRate * *SiteY;
- *SiteVY = SidRate * *SiteX;
- SiteMatrix[0][0] = SinLat*CosRA;
- SiteMatrix[0][1] = SinLat*SinRA;
- SiteMatrix[0][2] = -CosLat;
- SiteMatrix[1][0] = -SinRA;
- SiteMatrix[1][1] = CosRA;
- SiteMatrix[1][2] = 0.0;
- SiteMatrix[2][0] = CosRA*CosLat;
- SiteMatrix[2][1] = SinRA*CosLat;
- SiteMatrix[2][2] = SinLat;
- }
- GetRange(SiteX,SiteY,SiteZ,SiteVX,SiteVY,
- SatX,SatY,SatZ,SatVX,SatVY,SatVZ,Range,RangeRate)
- double SiteX,SiteY,SiteZ,SiteVX,SiteVY;
- double SatX,SatY,SatZ,SatVX,SatVY,SatVZ;
- double *Range,*RangeRate;
- {
- double DX,DY,DZ;
- DX = SatX - SiteX; DY = SatY - SiteY; DZ = SatZ - SiteZ;
- *Range = sqrt(SQR(DX)+SQR(DY)+SQR(DZ));
- *RangeRate = ((SatVX-SiteVX)*DX + (SatVY-SiteVY)*DY + SatVZ*DZ)
- / *Range;
- }
- /* Convert from geocentric RA based coordinates to topocentric
- (observer centered) coordinates */
- GetTopocentric(SatX,SatY,SatZ,SiteX,SiteY,SiteZ,SiteMatrix,X,Y,Z)
- double SatX,SatY,SatZ,SiteX,SiteY,SiteZ;
- double *X,*Y,*Z;
- mat3x3 SiteMatrix;
- {
- SatX -= SiteX;
- SatY -= SiteY;
- SatZ -= SiteZ;
- *X = SiteMatrix[0][0]*SatX + SiteMatrix[0][1]*SatY
- + SiteMatrix[0][2]*SatZ;
- *Y = SiteMatrix[1][0]*SatX + SiteMatrix[1][1]*SatY
- + SiteMatrix[1][2]*SatZ;
- *Z = SiteMatrix[2][0]*SatX + SiteMatrix[2][1]*SatY
- + SiteMatrix[2][2]*SatZ;
- }
- GetBearings(SatX,SatY,SatZ,SiteX,SiteY,SiteZ,SiteMatrix,Azimuth,Elevation)
- double SatX,SatY,SatZ,SiteX,SiteY,SiteZ;
- mat3x3 SiteMatrix;
- double *Azimuth,*Elevation;
- {
- double x,y,z;
- GetTopocentric(SatX,SatY,SatZ,SiteX,SiteY,SiteZ,SiteMatrix,&x,&y,&z);
- *Elevation = atan(z/sqrt(SQR(x) + SQR(y)));
- *Azimuth = PI - atan2(y,x);
- if (*Azimuth < 0)
- *Azimuth += PI;
- }
- Eclipsed(SatX,SatY,SatZ,SatRadius,CurrentTime)
- double SatX,SatY,SatZ,SatRadius,CurrentTime;
- {
- double MeanAnomaly,TrueAnomaly;
- double SunX,SunY,SunZ,SunRad;
- double vx,vy,vz;
- double CosTheta;
- MeanAnomaly = SunMeanAnomaly+ (CurrentTime-SunEpochTime)*SunMeanMotion*PI2;
- TrueAnomaly = Kepler(MeanAnomaly,SunEccentricity);
- GetSatPosition(SunEpochTime,SunRAAN,SunArgPerigee,SunSemiMajorAxis,
- SunInclination,SunEccentricity,0.0,0.0,CurrentTime,
- TrueAnomaly,&SunX,&SunY,&SunZ,&SunRad,&vx,&vy,&vz);
- CosTheta = (SunX*SatX + SunY*SatY + SunZ*SatZ)/(SunRad*SatRadius)
- *CosPenumbra + (SatRadius/EarthRadius)*SinPenumbra;
- if (CosTheta < 0)
- if (CosTheta < -sqrt(SQR(SatRadius)-SQR(EarthRadius))/SatRadius
- *CosPenumbra + (SatRadius/EarthRadius)*SinPenumbra)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Initialize the Sun's keplerian elements for a given epoch.
- Formulas are from "Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Ephemeris".
- Also init the sidereal reference */
- InitOrbitRoutines(EpochDay)
- double EpochDay;
- {
- double T,T2,T3,Omega;
- int n;
- double SunTrueAnomaly,SunDistance;
- T = (floor(EpochDay)-0.5)/36525;
- T2 = T*T;
- T3 = T2*T;
- SidDay = floor(EpochDay);
- SidReference = (6.6460656 + 2400.051262*T + 0.00002581*T2)/24;
- SidReference -= floor(SidReference);
- /* Omega is used to correct for the nutation and the abberation */
- Omega = (259.18 - 1934.142*T) * RadiansPerDegree;
- n = Omega / PI2;
- Omega -= n*PI2;
- SunEpochTime = EpochDay;
- SunRAAN = 0;
- SunInclination = (23.452294 - 0.0130125*T - 0.00000164*T2
- + 0.000000503*T3 +0.00256*cos(Omega)) * RadiansPerDegree;
- SunEccentricity = (0.01675104 - 0.00004180*T - 0.000000126*T2);
- SunArgPerigee = (281.220833 + 1.719175*T + 0.0004527*T2
- + 0.0000033*T3) * RadiansPerDegree;
- SunMeanAnomaly = (358.475845 + 35999.04975*T - 0.00015*T2
- - 0.00000333333*T3) * RadiansPerDegree;
- n = SunMeanAnomaly / PI2;
- SunMeanAnomaly -= n*PI2;
- SunMeanMotion = 1/(365.24219879 - 0.00000614*T);
- SunTrueAnomaly = Kepler(SunMeanAnomaly,SunEccentricity);
- SunDistance = SunSemiMajorAxis*(1-SQR(SunEccentricity))
- / (1+SunEccentricity*cos(SunTrueAnomaly));
- SinPenumbra = (SunRadius-EarthRadius)/SunDistance;
- CosPenumbra = sqrt(1-SQR(SinPenumbra));
- }
- SPrintTime(Str,Time)
- char *Str;
- double Time;
- {
- int day,hours,minutes,seconds;
- day = Time;
- Time -= day;
- if (Time < 0)
- Time += 1.0; /* Correct for truncation problems with negatives */
- hours = Time*24;
- Time -= hours/24.0;
- minutes = Time*MinutesPerDay;
- Time -= minutes/MinutesPerDay;
- seconds = Time*SecondsPerDay;
- seconds -= seconds/SecondsPerDay;
- sprintf(Str,"%02d%02d:%02d",hours,minutes,seconds);
- }
- PrintTime(OutFile,Time)
- FILE *OutFile;
- double Time;
- {
- char str[100];
- SPrintTime(str,Time);
- fprintf(OutFile,"%s",str);
- }
- /* Get the Day Number for a given date. January 1 of the reference year
- is day 0. Note that the Day Number may be negative, if the sidereal
- reference is in the future. */
- /* Date calculation routines
- Robert Berger @ Carnegie Mellon
- January 1, 1900 is day 0
- valid from 1900 through 2099 */
- /* #include <stdio.h> */
- char *MonthNames[] = { "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul",
- "Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec" };
- int MonthDays[] = {0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334};
- char *DayNames[] = { "Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday",
- "Friday","Saturday"};
- long GetDayNum(Year,Month,Day)
- {
- long Result;
- /* Heuristic to allow 4 or 2 digit year specifications */
- if (Year < 50)
- Year += 2000;
- else if (Year < 100)
- Year += 1900;
- Result = ((((long) Year-1901)*1461)>>2) + MonthDays[Month-1] + Day + 365;
- if (Year%4 == 0 && Month > 2)
- Result++;
- return Result;
- }
- GetDate(DayNum,Year,Month,Day)
- long DayNum;
- int *Year,*Month,*Day;
- {
- int M,L;
- long Y;
- Y = 4*DayNum;
- Y /= 1461;
- DayNum = DayNum -365 - (((Y-1)*1461)>>2);
- L = 0;
- if (Y%4 == 0 && DayNum > MonthDays[2])
- L = 1;
- M = 1;
- while (DayNum > MonthDays[M]+L)
- M++;
- DayNum -= (MonthDays[M-1]);
- if (M > 2)
- DayNum -= L;
- *Year = Y+1900;
- *Month = M;
- *Day = DayNum;
- }
- /* Sunday = 0 */
- GetDayOfWeek(DayNum)
- long DayNum;
- {
- return DayNum % 7;
- }
- SPrintDate(Str,DayNum)
- char *Str;
- long DayNum;
- {
- int Month,Day,Year;
- GetDate(DayNum,&Year,&Month,&Day);
- sprintf(Str,"%d %s %d",Day,
- MonthNames[Month-1],Year);
- }
- SPrintDayOfWeek(Str,DayNum)
- char *Str;
- long DayNum;
- {
- strcpy(Str,DayNames[DayNum%7]);
- }
- PrintDate(OutFile,DayNum)
- FILE *OutFile;
- long DayNum;
- {
- char str[100];
- SPrintDate(str,DayNum);
- fprintf(OutFile,"%s",str);
- }
- PrintDayOfWeek(OutFile,DayNum)
- FILE *OutFile;
- long DayNum;
- {
- fprintf(OutFile,"%s",DayNames[DayNum%7]);
- }
- !E!O!F!
- #
- # type sh /usrvi0/rwb/orbit/orbit.shar to unpack this archive.
- #
- echo extracting nasa.c...
- cat >nasa.c <<'!E!O!F!'
- /* nasa.c convert file of NASA keplerians to AMSAT format
- 7/12/87 Robert W. Berger N3EMO */
- /* 11/30/88 v3.5 Incorporate Greg Troxel's fix for reading epoch
- times with imbedded spaces */
- #include <stdio.h>
- main()
- { char SatName[100],line1[100],line2[100];
- FILE *InFile,*OutFile;
- int LineNum,SatNum,ElementSet,EpochRev;
- double EpochDay,DecayRate,Inclination,RAAN,Eccentricity;
- double ArgPerigee,MeanAnomaly,MeanMotion;
- double EpochYear;
- if ((InFile = fopen("nasa.dat","r")) == 0)
- {
- printf("\"nasa.dat\" not found\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((OutFile = fopen("kepler.dat","w")) == 0)
- {
- printf("Can't write \"kepler.dat\"\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- while (fgets(SatName,100,InFile))
- {
- printf("%s",SatName);
- fgets(line1,100,InFile);
- fgets(line2,100,InFile);
- sscanf(line1,"%1d",&LineNum);
- if (LineNum != 1)
- {
- printf("Line 1 not present for satellite %s",SatName);
- exit(-1);
- }
- sscanf(line2,"%1d",&LineNum);
- if (LineNum != 2)
- {
- printf("Line 2 not present for satellite %s",SatName);
- exit(-1);
- }
- sscanf(line1,"%*2c%5d%*10c%2lf%12lf%10lf%*21c%5d",
- &SatNum,&EpochYear,&EpochDay,&DecayRate,&ElementSet);
- EpochDay += EpochYear *1000;
- ElementSet /= 10; /* strip off checksum */
- sscanf(line2,"%*8c%8lf%8lf%7lf%8lf%8lf%11lf%5d",
- &Inclination,&RAAN,&Eccentricity,&ArgPerigee,&MeanAnomaly,
- &MeanMotion,&EpochRev);
- EpochRev /= 10; /* strip off checksum */
- Eccentricity *= 1E-7;
- fprintf(OutFile,"Satellite: %s",SatName);
- fprintf(OutFile,"Catalog number: %d\n",SatNum);
- fprintf(OutFile,"Epoch time: %lf\n",EpochDay);
- fprintf(OutFile,"Element set: %d\n",ElementSet);
- fprintf(OutFile,"Inclination: %lf deg\n",Inclination);
- fprintf(OutFile,"RA of node: %lf deg\n",RAAN);
- fprintf(OutFile,"Eccentricity: %lf\n",Eccentricity);
- fprintf(OutFile,"Arg of perigee: %lf deg\n",ArgPerigee);
- fprintf(OutFile,"Mean anomaly: %lf deg\n",MeanAnomaly);
- fprintf(OutFile,"Mean motion: %lf rev/day\n",MeanMotion);
- fprintf(OutFile,"Decay rate: %le rev/day^2\n",DecayRate);
- fprintf(OutFile,"Epoch rev: %d\n",EpochRev);
- fprintf(OutFile,"\n");
- }
- fclose(InFile);
- fclose(OutFile);
- }
- !E!O!F!
- #
- # type sh /usrvi0/rwb/orbit/orbit.shar to unpack this archive.
- #
- echo extracting kepler.dat...
- cat >kepler.dat <<'!E!O!F!'
- Satellite: AO-10
- Catalog number: 14129
- Epoch time: 90049.80793411
- Element set: 456
- Inclination: 25.9253 deg
- RA of node: 218.0969 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.5995939
- Arg of perigee: 119.7301 deg
- Mean anomaly: 312.5438 deg
- Mean motion: 2.05881409 rev/day
- Decay rate: 0.00e+00 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 5029
- Satellite: UO-11
- Catalog number: 14781
- Epoch time: 90060.18781917
- Element set: 621
- Inclination: 97.9647 deg
- RA of node: 116.2327 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0012630
- Arg of perigee: 224.1641 deg
- Mean anomaly: 135.8969 deg
- Mean motion: 14.64947016 rev/day
- Decay rate: 2.418e-05 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 32015
- Satellite: RS-10/11
- Catalog number: 18129
- Epoch time: 90059.94953892
- Element set: 51
- Inclination: 82.9235 deg
- RA of node: 48.4869 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0013322
- Arg of perigee: 62.4188 deg
- Mean anomaly: 297.8336 deg
- Mean motion: 13.72063512 rev/day
- Decay rate: 1.65e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 13460
- Satellite: AO-13
- Catalog number: 19216
- Epoch time: 90054.30232176
- Element set: 77
- Inclination: 57.0658 deg
- RA of node: 167.4162 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.6899473
- Arg of perigee: 221.7453 deg
- Mean anomaly: 57.5228 deg
- Mean motion: 2.09701313 rev/day
- Decay rate: -9.10e-07 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 1301
- Satellite: UO-14
- Catalog number: 20437
- Epoch time: 90051.20925581
- Element set: 19
- Inclination: 98.7074 deg
- RA of node: 127.6262 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0011863
- Arg of perigee: 133.4472 deg
- Mean anomaly: 226.7691 deg
- Mean motion: 14.28489200 rev/day
- Decay rate: 1.36e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 416
- Satellite: UO-15
- Catalog number: 20438
- Epoch time: 90052.26456850
- Element set: 18
- Inclination: 98.7128 deg
- RA of node: 128.6765 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0010460
- Arg of perigee: 127.9180 deg
- Mean anomaly: 232.2949 deg
- Mean motion: 14.28268284 rev/day
- Decay rate: 2.23e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 431
- Satellite: AO-16
- Catalog number: 20439
- Epoch time: 90051.27752383
- Element set: 20
- Inclination: 98.7160 deg
- RA of node: 127.7169 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0011872
- Arg of perigee: 133.0620 deg
- Mean anomaly: 227.1560 deg
- Mean motion: 14.28579197 rev/day
- Decay rate: 3.36e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 417
- Satellite: DO-17
- Catalog number: 20440
- Epoch time: 90052.25739911
- Element set: 11
- Inclination: 98.7153 deg
- RA of node: 128.6947 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0011993
- Arg of perigee: 130.0555 deg
- Mean anomaly: 230.1712 deg
- Mean motion: 14.28613842 rev/day
- Decay rate: 4.17e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 431
- Satellite: WO-18
- Catalog number: 20441
- Epoch time: 90053.23543324
- Element set: 12
- Inclination: 98.7114 deg
- RA of node: 129.6772 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0012817
- Arg of perigee: 128.9972 deg
- Mean anomaly: 231.2353 deg
- Mean motion: 14.28729505 rev/day
- Decay rate: 5.43e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 445
- Satellite: LO-19
- Catalog number: 20442
- Epoch time: 90051.20312279
- Element set: 16
- Inclination: 98.7143 deg
- RA of node: 127.6484 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0012798
- Arg of perigee: 133.6862 deg
- Mean anomaly: 226.5403 deg
- Mean motion: 14.28793437 rev/day
- Decay rate: 3.49e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 416
- Satellite: FO-20
- Catalog number: 20480
- Epoch time: 90056.04185854
- Element set: 14
- Inclination: 99.0553 deg
- RA of node: 123.6579 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0540918
- Arg of perigee: 302.5752 deg
- Mean anomaly: 52.4250 deg
- Mean motion: 12.83114314 rev/day
- Decay rate: 4.30e-07 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 236
- /EX
- Orbital Elements 062.WEATHER
- Satellite: NOAA-9
- Catalog number: 15427
- Epoch time: 90060.45603462
- Element set: 486
- Inclination: 99.1648 deg
- RA of node: 57.8071 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0014466
- Arg of perigee: 314.1835 deg
- Mean anomaly: 45.8150 deg
- Mean motion: 14.12457910 rev/day
- Decay rate: 9.40e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 26877
- Satellite: NOAA-10
- Catalog number: 16969
- Epoch time: 90060.52697286
- Element set: 346
- Inclination: 98.6135 deg
- RA of node: 90.8378 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0012702
- Arg of perigee: 221.3159 deg
- Mean anomaly: 138.7082 deg
- Mean motion: 14.23474323 rev/day
- Decay rate: 6.46e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 17929
- Satellite: MET-2/16
- Catalog number: 18312
- Epoch time: 90058.91549732
- Element set: 374
- Inclination: 82.5506 deg
- RA of node: 16.8901 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0010421
- Arg of perigee: 196.7088 deg
- Mean anomaly: 163.3733 deg
- Mean motion: 13.83602617 rev/day
- Decay rate: 2.18e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 12787
- Satellite: MET-2/17
- Catalog number: 18820
- Epoch time: 90058.98423229
- Element set: 202
- Inclination: 82.5413 deg
- RA of node: 77.2737 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0015284
- Arg of perigee: 274.0695 deg
- Mean anomaly: 85.8720 deg
- Mean motion: 13.84296367 rev/day
- Decay rate: 1.48e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 10507
- Satellite: MET-3/2
- Catalog number: 19336
- Epoch time: 90057.87193849
- Element set: 379
- Inclination: 82.5488 deg
- RA of node: 355.4769 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0015984
- Arg of perigee: 226.0902 deg
- Mean anomaly: 133.8903 deg
- Mean motion: 13.16876329 rev/day
- Decay rate: 3.91e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 7643
- Satellite: NOAA-11
- Catalog number: 19531
- Epoch time: 90060.35370320
- Element set: 203
- Inclination: 98.9706 deg
- RA of node: 8.6194 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0011513
- Arg of perigee: 225.0782 deg
- Mean anomaly: 134.9451 deg
- Mean motion: 14.11467817 rev/day
- Decay rate: 8.90e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 7375
- Satellite: MET-2/18
- Catalog number: 19851
- Epoch time: 90058.20440967
- Element set: 153
- Inclination: 82.5234 deg
- RA of node: 316.0960 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0013491
- Arg of perigee: 319.0705 deg
- Mean anomaly: 40.9448 deg
- Mean motion: 13.83938725 rev/day
- Decay rate: 1.88e-06 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 5035
- Satellite: MET-3/3
- Catalog number: 20305
- Epoch time: 90060.01873175
- Element set: 54
- Inclination: 82.5545 deg
- RA of node: 294.3024 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0015118
- Arg of perigee: 240.3269 deg
- Mean anomaly: 119.6305 deg
- Mean motion: 13.15851639 rev/day
- Decay rate: 4.60e-07 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 1672
- /EX
- Orbital Elements 062.MISC
- Satellite: SALYUT 7
- Catalog number: 13138
- Epoch time: 90060.28992269
- Element set: 76
- Inclination: 51.6040 deg
- RA of node: 127.0926 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0000717
- Arg of perigee: 43.7023 deg
- Mean anomaly: 316.3899 deg
- Mean motion: 15.55378681 rev/day
- Decay rate: 8.612e-05 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 44801
- Satellite: MIR
- Catalog number: 16609
- Epoch time: 90060.29778265
- Element set: 434
- Inclination: 51.6177 deg
- RA of node: 153.8856 deg
- Eccentricity: 0.0016747
- Arg of perigee: 220.9865 deg
- Mean anomaly: 138.9686 deg
- Mean motion: 15.58930728 rev/day
- Decay rate: -7.013e-05 rev/day^2
- Epoch rev: 23125
- !E!O!F!
- #
- # type sh /usrvi0/rwb/orbit/orbit.shar to unpack this archive.
- #
- echo extracting mode.dat...
- cat >mode.dat <<'!E!O!F!'
- Satellite: UO-11
- Beacon: 145.8260 MHz
- Satellite: AO-13
- Beacon: 145.8260 MHz
- Mode: B from 0 to 165
- Mode: JL from 165 to 195
- Mode: S from 195 to 200
- Mode: BS from 200 to 205
- Mode: B from 205 to 256
- Satellite: NOAA-9
- Beacon: 137.6200 MHz
- Satellite: NOAA-10
- Beacon: 137.5000 MHz
- Satellite: MIR
- Beacon: 143.6250 MHz
- Satellite: RS-10/11
- Beacon: 29.357 MHz
- !E!O!F!
- #
- # type sh /usrvi0/rwb/orbit/orbit.shar to unpack this archive.
- #
- echo extracting pgh.sit...
- cat >pgh.sit <<'!E!O!F!'
- W3VC Pittsburgh
- 40.45361 Latitude
- 79.94417 Longitude
- 300 Height (Meters)
- 0 Min Elevation (Degrees)
- Eclipse
- Flip
- !E!O!F!
- #
- # type sh /usrvi0/rwb/orbit/orbit.shar to unpack this archive.
- #
- echo extracting Makefile...
- cat >Makefile <<'!E!O!F!'
- orbit:: orbit.o orbitr.o
- cc orbit.o orbitr.o -lm -o orbit
- !E!O!F!