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- /*
- pstext
- by Dan Judd
- St. Olaf College
- 11/29/89
- This program takes plain ascii text and converts it to Postscript.
- It takes a few options.
- [-p ] prints portrait mode 1 page (default)
- [-l ] prints landscape mode 1 page
- [-ld ] dual landscape mode 2 pages per page
- [-d ] dual portrait mode, prints 2 pages per page
- [-n number] number of lines per page
- [-t tabstring ] use a different tabstring size (NNNNNNNN default)
- [-f fontname ] use a different font (Courier default)
- [-s pointsize ] use a different point size (12 default)
- [-i pointoffset ] offset pointoffset points from normal (0 default)
- It handles tabs and backspaces in an intelligent way in any font.
- Copyright Dan Judd 1989
- This program is freely redistributable, but may not be sold.
- send bug fixes to danjudd@thor.acc.stolaf.edu
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <strings.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define DFLT_PTSIZE 12
- #define DFLT_FONT "Courier"
- #define INDENT 0
- #define DFLT_STYLE 1
- #define DFLT_LINES 0
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- double ptsize=DFLT_PTSIZE;
- char *font;
- char *tabstring;
- int style=DFLT_STYLE;
- int numlines=DFLT_LINES;
- int indent=INDENT;
- FILE *fpout=stdout;
- FILE *fpin=stdin;
- short badflag=FALSE;
- char ch;
- char *progname;
- double atof();
- font=(char *) malloc(sizeof(DFLT_FONT));
- strcpy(font,DFLT_FONT);
- tabstring=(char *) malloc(sizeof(DFLT_TABSTRING));
- strcpy(tabstring,DFLT_TABSTRING);
- /* parse args */
- progname=*argv++;
- while ((--argc > 0)&&(*argv[0]=='-')) {
- switch(*++argv[0]) {
- case 'l': if(*++argv[0]=='d') {
- style=3;
- }
- else {
- style=4;
- };
- break;
- case 'p': style=1;
- break;
- case 'd': style=2;
- break;
- case 'f': if (*++argv[0] !='\0'){
- font=*argv;
- }
- else
- if (--argc) {
- font=*++argv;
- }
- else {
- badflag=TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case 't': if (*++argv[0] !='\0'){
- tabstring=*argv;
- }
- else
- if (--argc) {
- tabstring=*++argv;
- }
- else {
- badflag=TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case 'n': if (*++argv[0] !='\0'){
- if((numlines=atof(*argv)) <= 0){
- fprintf(stderr,"specify a line number 1 or more\n");
- badflag=TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- if (--argc) {
- if((numlines=atof(*++argv)) <= 0){
- fprintf(stderr,"specify a line number 1 or more\n");
- badflag=TRUE;
- }
- }
- else {
- badflag=TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case 'i': if (*++argv[0] !='\0'){
- if((indent=atof(*argv)) <= 0){
- fprintf(stderr,"specify a point offset of 1 or more\n");
- badflag=TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- if (--argc) {
- if((indent=atof(*++argv)) <= 0){
- fprintf(stderr,"specify a point offset of 1 or more\n");
- badflag=TRUE;
- }
- }
- else {
- badflag=TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case 's': if (*++argv[0] !='\0'){
- if((ptsize=atof(*argv)) <= 0){
- fprintf(stderr,"specify a point size greater than 0\n");
- badflag=TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- if (--argc) {
- if((ptsize=atof(*++argv)) <= 0){
- fprintf(stderr,"specify a point size greater than 0\n");
- badflag=TRUE;
- }
- }
- else {
- badflag=TRUE;
- }
- break;
- default: badflag=TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if(badflag) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-p] [-l] [-ld] [-d] [-n lines ] [-t ",progname);
- fprintf(stderr,"tabstring] [-f fontname] [-s pointsize] [-i point offset]");
- fprintf(stderr,"[file1 ... ]\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- *argv++;
- }
- /* set up postscript header */
- printhead(fpout,font,ptsize,style,numlines,tabstring,indent);
- /* read files */
- if (argc ==0) {
- getfile(stdin,fpout);
- }
- else {
- while(argc--!=0) {
- if((fpin=fopen(*argv,"r"))!=NULL) {
- getfile(fpin,fpout);
- fclose(fpin);
- *argv++;
- }
- else{
- fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open file %s\n",*argv);
- fprintf(fpout,"\nlp\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- /* makesure showpage is done so last page prints */
- fprintf(fpout,"\nlp\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- /*
- getfile(fpin,fpout)
- FILE *fpin,fpout;
- Read in text from a file and output appropriate postscript
- */
- getfile(fpin,fpout)
- FILE *fpin,*fpout;
- {
- char ch;
- fprintf(fpout,"(");
- while ((ch=getc(fpin))!=EOF) {
- if(isprint(ch)) {
- switch (ch ) {
- case '(':
- case ')':
- case '\\':
- fprintf(fpout,"\\%c",ch);
- break;
- default: fprintf(fpout,"%c",ch);
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- switch (ch ) {
- case '\n': fprintf(fpout,")s\n(");
- break;
- case '\t': fprintf(fpout,")S\nht (");
- break;
- case '\b': fprintf(fpout,")S\nbs(");
- break;
- case '\r': fprintf(fpout,")S\ncr(");
- break;
- case '\f': fprintf(fpout,")S\nnp(");
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* send trailer */
- fprintf(fpout,")s\nnp\n");
- }
- printhead(fp,font,size,style,numlines,tabstring,indent)
- FILE *fp;
- char *font;
- double size;
- int style;
- int numlines;
- char *tabstring;
- int indent;
- {
- fprintf(fp,"%%! PS - Adobe\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%% Created by pstext by Dan Judd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/PAGE_STYLE %d def\n",style);
- fprintf(fp,"/NUM_LINES %d def\n",numlines);
- fprintf(fp,"/FONT (%s) cvn def\n",font);
- fprintf(fp,"/FONT_SIZE %lf def\n",size);
- fprintf(fp,"%%check if font exists\n");
- /* this is vaguely device depenent, FontDirectory is standard, but */
- /* the Next uses SharedFontDirectory instead. The program won't crash,*/
- /* but the only font you can use is Courier. Blech. */
- /* if this is a problem just comment out the next line */
- fprintf(fp,"FontDirectory FONT known not { /FONT (Courier) cvn def} if\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%misc hardware defs\n");
- if (style > 2) {
- fprintf(fp,"/XLMARGIN 18 def\n");
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(fp,"/XLMARGIN %d def\n",(indent+18));
- }
- fprintf(fp,"/XRMARGIN 14 def\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/XPAGE 612 def\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/YPAGE 792 def\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/YTMARGIN 8 def\n");
- if (style < 3) {
- fprintf(fp,"/YBMARGIN 13 def\n");
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(fp,"/YBMARGIN %d def\n",(indent+13));
- }
- fprintf(fp,"/PAGENUM 1 def\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%short defs to save space\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/bd {bind def} bind def\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/m {moveto} bd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/l {lineto}bd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/gs {gsave}bd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/gr {grestore}bd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/tr {translate} bd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/rt {rotate} bd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%Set up vars and np depending on PAGE_STYLE\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%% Style 1\n");
- fprintf(fp,"1 PAGE_STYLE eq {\n");
- fprintf(fp," /PAGES_PER_SHEET 1 def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /sp {/SAVEOBJ save def} def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /np { showpage SAVEOBJ restore sp bp } bd\n");
- fprintf(fp," } if\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%% Style 2\n");
- fprintf(fp,"2 PAGE_STYLE eq {\n");
- fprintf(fp," /PAGES_PER_SHEET 2 def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /sp {/SAVEOBJ save def gs XPAGE 2 div dup 0 m YPAGE l stroke\n");
- fprintf(fp," newpath 0 0 m 0 YPAGE l XPAGE 2 div XRMARGIN sub dup\n");
- fprintf(fp," YPAGE l 0 l 0 0 l clip\n");
- fprintf(fp," } bd\n");
- fprintf(fp," /np { /PAGENUM 1 PAGENUM add def\n");
- fprintf(fp," PAGENUM PAGES_PER_SHEET\n");
- fprintf(fp," gt {gr showpage SAVEOBJ restore sp /PAGENUM 1 def }\n");
- fprintf(fp," {gr gs XPAGE 2 div 0 tr} ifelse\n");
- fprintf(fp," bp\n");
- fprintf(fp," } bd\n");
- fprintf(fp," } if\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%% Style 3\n");
- fprintf(fp,"3 PAGE_STYLE eq {\n");
- /* define if you want double page landscape mode to have fonts */
- /* proportional to single page portrait */
- #ifdef LANDPROP
- fprintf(fp," /FONT_SIZE FONT_SIZE .642 mul def\n");
- #endif
- fprintf(fp," /TMP XPAGE def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /XPAGE YPAGE def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /YPAGE TMP def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /TMP XRMARGIN def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /XRMARGIN YTMARGIN def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /YTMARGIN TMP def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /TMP XLMARGIN def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /XLMARGIN YBMARGIN def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /YBMARGIN TMP def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /PAGES_PER_SHEET 2 def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /sp {/SAVEOBJ save def gs 0 XPAGE tr -90 rt\n");
- fprintf(fp," XPAGE 2 div dup 0 moveto YPAGE l stroke\n");
- fprintf(fp," newpath 0 0 m 0 YPAGE l XPAGE 2 div XRMARGIN sub dup\n");
- fprintf(fp," YPAGE l 0 l 0 0 l clip\n");
- fprintf(fp," } bd\n");
- fprintf(fp," /np { /PAGENUM 1 PAGENUM add def\n");
- fprintf(fp," PAGENUM PAGES_PER_SHEET\n");
- fprintf(fp," gt {gr showpage SAVEOBJ restore sp /PAGENUM 1 def }\n");
- fprintf(fp," {gr gs 0 XPAGE 2 div tr -90 rt } ifelse\n");
- fprintf(fp," bp\n");
- fprintf(fp," } bd\n");
- fprintf(fp," } if\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%% Style 4\n");
- fprintf(fp,"4 PAGE_STYLE eq {\n");
- fprintf(fp," /TMP XPAGE def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /XPAGE YPAGE def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /YPAGE TMP def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /TMP XRMARGIN def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /XRMARGIN YTMARGIN def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /YTMARGIN TMP def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /TMP XLMARGIN def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /XLMARGIN YBMARGIN def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /YBMARGIN TMP def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /PAGES_PER_SHEET 1 def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /sp {/SAVEOBJ save def gs 0 XPAGE tr -90 rt\n");
- fprintf(fp," } bd\n");
- fprintf(fp," /np { gr showpage SAVEOBJ restore sp bp} bd\n");
- fprintf(fp," } if\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%set up fonts\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%\n");
- fprintf(fp,"NUM_LINES 1 ge {FONT findfont 1 scalefont setfont\n");
- fprintf(fp," /FONT_HT currentfont /FontBBox get 3 get 0 exch\n");
- fprintf(fp," currentfont /FontMatrix get transform exch pop\n");
- fprintf(fp," currentfont /FontBBox get 0 get 0 exch\n");
- fprintf(fp," currentfont /FontMatrix get transform exch pop\n");
- fprintf(fp," sub def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /TMP FONT_HT 1 sub def\n");
- fprintf(fp," /FONT_SIZE YPAGE YBMARGIN sub YTMARGIN sub 1 sub dup\n");
- fprintf(fp," NUM_LINES div TMP mul sub NUM_LINES div def\n");
- fprintf(fp," } if\n");
- fprintf(fp,"FONT findfont FONT_SIZE scalefont setfont\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%get height of font set tolerances\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/FONT_HT currentfont /FontBBox get 3 get 0 exch\n");
- fprintf(fp," currentfont /FontMatrix get transform exch pop\n");
- fprintf(fp," currentfont /FontBBox get 0 get 0 exch\n");
- fprintf(fp," currentfont /FontMatrix get transform exch pop\n");
- fprintf(fp," sub def\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/FONT_TOL FONT_HT YBMARGIN add def\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%Routines common to all page styles\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/bp { XLMARGIN YPAGE YTMARGIN sub FONT_SIZE sub m\n");
- fprintf(fp," } bd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/s { show currentpoint exch pop dup FONT_TOL\n");
- fprintf(fp," gt {FONT_SIZE sub XLMARGIN exch m} {np} ifelse} bd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/S {show} bd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/OFFSET (_) stringwidth pop neg def\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/bs { OFFSET 0 rmoveto } bd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/bs {XLMARGIN currentpoint pop OFFSET add lt {OFFSET 0 rmoveto}");
- fprintf(fp,"{XLMARGIN currentpoint exch pop m}ifelse} bd");
- fprintf(fp,"/TABLEN (%s) stringwidth pop def\n",tabstring);
- fprintf(fp,"/ht {currentpoint exch XLMARGIN sub TABLEN div cvi 1 add TABLEN\n");
- fprintf(fp," mul XLMARGIN add exch m}bd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/cr {currentpoint XLMARGIN exch m pop} bd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"/lp {gr 1 PAGENUM ne {showpage}if} bd\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%begin data et al\n");
- fprintf(fp,"%%\n");
- fprintf(fp,"sp\n");
- fprintf(fp,"bp\n");
- }