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- QUADTREE IMAGES by Bob Glickstein
- A ``quadtree'' is a means of encoding an image as a tree structure.
- Each node of the tree has up to four children. The root node
- represents the entire image; its children represent the four quadrants
- of the entire image; their children represent the sixteen
- subquadrants; the children of those represent the sixty-four
- sub-subquadrants, and so on.
- A leaf node corresponds to a single pixel, and is marked with the
- color of that pixel (in this implementation, black or white only). If
- a non-leaf node has two or more children of the same color, then that
- color is stored in the parent and the children are deleted. Thus, if
- an entire quadrant (subquadrant, sub-subquadrant, etc.) of the image
- is white, that information can be stored in a single quadtree node,
- and all of the children of that node can be removed.
- For certain images, this encoding yields enormous savings in storage
- size. Such images are typically line drawings or other bitmaps with
- several areas of solid black or white. Images with a lot of dithering
- or stippling, such as scanned images, tend to yield little or no
- savings in space.
- An amusing aspect of quadtrees is that they can be displayed according
- to a depth-first or a breadth-first traversal of the tree. In a
- depth-first traversal, first the prodemonant color of the entire image
- is displayed; then the predominant color of the first quadrant is
- displayed; then the predominant color of the first subquadrant of the
- first quadrant, and so on. The user can watch the quadrants and
- subquadrants being drawn. A breadth-first traversal, however, is much
- more interesting. Since it displays first the predominant color of
- the entire image, followed by the predominant colors of the four major
- quadrants, followed by the predominant colors or the sixteen
- subquadrants, and so on, the effect is one of a gradually resolving
- image with finer and finer detail at each step.
- -----
- Included are two programs, ras2qt and xqtdisp.
- Ras2qt is a filter which reads a raster on the standard input and
- produces a quadtree on the standard output, as in:
- ras2qt < input.cmuwm > output.qt
- The input raster is in CMU WM format. Jeff Poskanzer's latest
- Portable Bitmap package (pbmplus, available on X11r4) includes filters
- for converting images to cmuwm format.
- (some sequence of filters) | pbmtocmuwm | ras2qt > output.qt
- Expect ras2qt to spend several silent and intent seconds calculating
- and writing the quadtree.
- Xqtdisp is a quadtree viewer for X11. It can be used as:
- xqtdisp quadtree-file
- in which case it will display the image depth-first; or as:
- xqtdisp -b quadtree-file
- in which case it will display the image breadth-first. In both cases,
- the program requires several seconds to parse the quadtree before
- creating a window for displaying the image. The user will be prompted
- to press ENTER to begin displaying, and, when the traversal is
- completed, will again be asked to press ENTER to exit the program.
- Xqtdisp requires a lot of memory, especially in the breadth-first
- case. For breadth-first traversals of large (> 70k) quadtrees, it may
- be necessary to do an ``unlimit'' first (csh users only), as in:
- (unlimit; xqtdisp -b large-quadtree)
- -----
- This software was written by Bob Glickstein (bobg@andrew.cmu.edu). It
- is in the public domain and may be freely copied, modified and
- distributed. I provide no warranty for, and assume no responsibility
- for this software. I'd like to hear from anyone with ideas or
- comments.
- -----
- Coming soon:
- - pbmtoqt
- - qttopbm
- - man pages
- - sample quadtrees
- - Faster execution
- -----
- Note that the routine QT_Bitmap_Read (in quadtree.c) makes an
- assumption about the byte order of your machine when reading the width
- and height of the raster. You may need to modify this section if your
- machine does not store 32-bit integers in most-significant-byte-first
- order.