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- ***************************************************************************
- * *
- * texpp TeX preprocessor, Version 1.2. *
- * Laci Csirmaz, DIMACS - Rutgers *
- * Feb. 25, 1990 *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************
- * You are granted to use, modify, copy, redistribute this program any *
- * way you want. However no warranties are made for this program or the *
- * accopanying documentation. *
- * *
- * Please send your comments, suggestions, etc. to: *
- * csirmaz@cs.rutgers.edu *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************
- Tex Preprocessor M A N U A L
- 0. Introduction
- TeX, undoubtedly a very LOGICAL language, does not follow closely enough
- the illogical nature of human beings. Using backslashes everywhere to signify
- a special treatment of a word is logical, but, of course, tedious and a bit
- boring. Whenever the word "alpha" appears in a text, with higher probability
- than 0.9999 the author wishes the corresponding greek letter to appear, and
- not this word. In the latter unlikely case, s/he is more willing to do some
- extra word to make the (now) exception the rule, and save a lot of work.
- Another drawback is the (also very logical, but unnatural) handling of
- macros. If an operator is applied to a word (or a single letter), TeX
- requires the operator to precede its argument. While in some cases this
- is the natural approach, in some cases it is not. As in using a dot, tilde,
- or hat on a letter, the natural form is "x tilde", and not what is the
- obligatory form, "\tilde x".
- TeX forbids almost all key combinations to use as macro names, only
- sequences of letters are allowed. Why cannot I write "|==" instead of
- "\model", "/0" for "\empty", or, horribile dictu, "/\" instead of "\wedge"?
- Formulas written in this way are more readable, and easier to type.
- Finally, while TeX (and LaTeX) allows to redefine its macros, the user
- is usually not aware of its danger. Both plain TeX and LaTeX have a lot of
- built-in macros which are absolutely necessary to run them. Redefining any
- of them the program simply goes crazy. And, in most of the cases, the user
- does not even know why the construct is wrong. What happens, for example,
- if "\and" is redefined in LaTeX so that it would produce the sign /\ -- a
- quite reasonable assumption. To avoid all the problems arising this way, TeX
- should do these definitions locally, which it doesn't.
- All of the above problems lead to the development of the "texpp" TeX
- preprocessor. Since TeX is quite ambivalent about handling the input layout
- (often it says to be independent of whitespaces, but two consecutive newlines
- signify a new paragraph, and comments are closed by newlines), I decided to
- use layout a bit more significantly than TeX does. All macro definitions
- should start at the first column. The preprocessor is not intended to be as
- general as possible. It has a lot of wired in features (for example, the $
- and $$ to start and end math mode), but the C code is available, and (at
- least I hope) can be modified easily. Also, the preprocessor is absolutely
- NOT for TeX wizards. It can be fooled quite easily e.g. by redefining the
- escape character, but as far as it is used as a simple tool it works fine.
- 1. Shipped files
- Besides the C source code of the program and this manual, you can find
- a sample macro file which show some extra features of texpp. Also I wrote
- a tex-mode.el (gnu)emacs template which embeds the 'texpp' preprocessor, and
- a dvi viewer.
- The program was written for UNIX(TM) machines, but the code is highly
- portable (at least I hope so). Therefore it should be easy yo transport to
- other machines.
- 2. Macro names
- Macro name can be any sequence of characters which does not contain
- braces `{' and `}', dollar sign `$', percentage sign `%', and embedded
- whitespaces. `Character' here means a character with ASCII code >=32 and
- <= 126. Each line of the text is cut at braces and whitespaces, and what
- is left is compared against the list of macro names. If there is a hit, then
- the closing braces or white spaces are erased, and the macro text is replaced.
- 3. Parameters
- A macro may have up to nine parameters, which can be either before or
- after the macro name. Parameters are parsed starting from the macro name:
- each parameter is either enclosed into braces, or contains no braces and is
- enclosed by whitespaces. A parameter must have balanced braces, if any.
- In braces, it may have embedded white spaces. Parameters may contain further
- macro names, too, but parameter parsing is done BEFORE macro substitution.
- Two macros cannot share parameters. A parameter is always stripped off its
- enclosing characters, and then a macro substitution is executed on it. A
- parameter can be a macro name with further parameters (see the examples).
- If the macro name is enclosed into braces, all its parameters must also be
- inside.
- 4. Macro definition
- Macros can be defined anywhere. A definition always starts at the first
- character of the line, and signified by the key words `%define' or `%mdefine'.
- (Starting with percentage sign, but NO BACKSLASH is here). The form of a
- definition is the following:
- %define <preceeding pars> name <follow up pars> %text% <any comment>
- Local parameters are of the form #1, #2, ..., #9. No parameters are required,
- they can appear in any order and in any place. The REPLACEMENT text is enclosed
- by `%' characters (thus it cannot contain `%', but of course it may contain
- the `\%' pair!), and is used as it is, with the following exeptions:
- a) local parameters #1, ... #9 are replaced by the stripped and
- expanded parameters of the invocation;
- b) the pair ## is replaced by a single # mark.
- c) macro calls are expanded.
- Rule b) also applies to the macro name. Thus `#' can also appear in a macro
- name, but should be written as `##'. (Of course, when looking for a macro name
- in the text, this corresponds to the single character!)
- Macro definitions starting by `%mdefine' are applied only when in math
- or displayed math mode; other definitions are always applicable. The program
- assumes that the macro body does not switch these modes.
- Besides defining macros, you can "undefine" them, too. This comes handy
- when a macro is used only as an auxiliary in a more complicated definition,
- but not needed later. A new definition "hides" the old one, undefining
- restores the old meaning. This can be done by
- %undefine name
- or
- %undefine name % <your comment here>
- It is an error to undefine a macro which was not defined (or mdefined)
- before.
- 5. Auxiliary tools
- In certain cases it is essential to suppress macro substitution. This
- can be done by applying the `\preserve' keyword to its single parameter:
- \preserve <anything_which_does_not_contain_whitespace_or_brace>
- or
- \preserve {<any text with balanced braces>}
- In the parameter to `\preserve' no macro substitution is made. However,
- `\preserve' cannot be applied to macro parameters in macro definitions,
- since parameter expansion is done BEFORE substitution.
- Different extensions of TeX use different macros to switch to and from
- math mode. To comply with them, the following definitions are recognized:
- %mathmode <string_to_enter_math_mode> <string_leave_math_mode>
- and
- %dispmode <string_to_enter_displayed_math> <string_leaving>
- The strings cannot contain white spaces, and if only one string is given in
- a definition, then that is used for both entering and leaving math mode.
- In LaTeX the following definitions may come handy:
- %mathmode \( \) %simple math mode
- %mathmode \math \endmath
- %dispmode \[ \] %displayed formulas
- %dispmode \equation \endequation %for numbered formulas
- 6. Examples
- o 6.1. The first example defines the `*16' macro, which repeats its argument
- sixteen times:
- %define #1 *2 %#1#1% %define `*2' as an auxiliary macro
- %define #1 *16 %#1 *2 *2 *2 *2%
- %undefine *2 %undefine `*2', no more needed
- Texts `x 1 *16 y' and `x{1}*16 y' expand to `x1111111111111111y'. (Observe
- that the trailing space after `*16' vanished). At the same time `x 1*16 y'
- and `x 1 *16y' remain unchanged since the macro name `*16' cannot be
- extracted. As another example, `x {a b} *16 y' saves the space between `a'
- and `b', and before the open brace but not after the macro name. So the
- result is
- `x a ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba by'
- o 6.2. The next example also shows that macro definitions are expanded when
- defined, and not when invoked. This means, for example, that subsequent
- macro definitions have no influence on an existing macro definition. This
- fact is used here:
- %define [[ %[% define [[ as a macro to be substituted by [
- %define ]] %]% define ]] as a macro to be substituted by ]
- %define [ %\{% now define [ to mean \{
- %define ] %\}% and define ] to mean \}
- The last two definitions make a text like
- a = [ 0, 1, 2, ..., n ] + [ 2n, ..., 4n ]
- to transform to
- a =\{0, 1, 2, ..., n\}+\{2n, ..., 4n\}
- while, e.g. a reference can be put into square brackets by using double
- brackets: ` [[ 1 ]] ' which becomes `[1]'. Changing the last two and first
- two definitions here, the definition of `[[' becomes identical to that of
- `[', i.e. with `\{'.
- o 6.3. Our third example defines some model-theoretical stuff:
- %mdefine /\ % \wedge % and sign
- %mdefine \/ % \vee % or sign
- %mdefine |-- % \vdash % syntactically follows
- %mdefine |== % \models % semantically follows
- %mdefine --> % \rightarrow % implies
- %mdefine phi % \varphi %
- %mdefine ALL % \forall %
- %mdefine not % \neg %
- %mdefine ... % \ldots % ellipsis notation
- Since the preprocessor does not treat the backslash as a special symbol,
- `/\' and `\/' will be recognized without any trouble. The spaces at the
- end of each definition are necessary because before replacing the macro
- name, its surrounding white spaces (or braces) are deleted. So displayed
- formulas can be written as, e.g.
- $$ |== ALL x ( phi (x) \/ not phi (x) ) $$
- $$ |-- phi --> ( not phi --> phi ) $$
- o 6.4. Sometimes it is convenient to use `**' to denote exponentiation:
- %mdefine #1 ** #2 %#1^{#2}%
- Here ` e ** { x ** 2 / 2 } ' or ` e **{x ** 2 /2}' becomes `e^{x^{2}/ 2 } '
- (look out for the spaces!). The braces around #2 in the definition are
- necessary to ensure that all the second parameter shows up in the exponent.
- Without those braces the expanded form of the first form would be
- `e^x^2/ 2 ', evidently not what was intended.
- o 6.5. The next example shows how to use "before" parameters when they are
- handy:
- %mdefine #1 tilde %\wildetilde{#1}%
- %mdefine #1 hat %\wildehat{#1}%
- After these definition the following text
- ...
- a+b tilde = a tilde + b tilde
- ...
- expands to
- ...
- \wildetilde{a+b}=\wildetilde{a}+\wildetilde{b}
- ...
- Which one is easier to read?
- o 6.6. To overcome the problem corresponding to greek letters, one can define
- %define alpha %$\alpha$%
- (since greek letters are allowed in math mode only.) With this definition,
- however, there are certain problems. Using this macro in the text `Let alpha
- be the ...', the substitution mechanism erases ALL the spaces around the word
- `alpha', and the result is `Let$\alpha$be the ...'. Evidently no what was
- wanted. Changing the definition to
- %define alpha % $\alpha$ % now with spaces
- will put back the spaces both BEFORE and AFTER the word, thus giving
- Let $\alpha$ be the ...
- ^^^^^^^^^^-- substituted text
- Having this latter definition, however, you cannot write alpha's without
- intervening spaces. Another problem is that this definition cannot be used in
- math mode! A possible solution is that the macro `alpha' will be used in math
- mode only, now with the definition
- %mdefine alpha %\alpha %
- The above sentence can be written as `Let $alpha$ be the ...'. Also, two
- consecutive alpha's can be produced as
- `here are two $alpha$'s: $alpha alpha$'.
- The word alpha, if found not in math mode, won't change. And, if you want
- to use the word alpha in math (or displayed) mode, you can use the \preserve
- keyword:
- I can write $\preserve alpha$ in math mode.
- o 6.7. Strings used to switch to and from math mode are also subject to macro
- replacement. Thus using the definitions
- \def\mydisplayformula#1#2{ $$ #2 \leqno #1 $$}
- %dispmode .EQ .EN
- %define .EQ #1 % \mydisplayformula{#1}{ %
- %define .EN % } %
- an eqn-like construct for display formulas can be used so that the formula
- number (written after .EQ) appears on the left of the displayed formula.
- However, if you don't want this number to appear, you still have to submit
- a parameter, which can be the empty string, i.e. `{}'
- 7. How to use the preprocessor?
- To compile the program on a UNIX machine, simply invoke cc by typing
- cc texpp.c -o texpp
- On certain systems the 'strdup()' function is missing from the standard C
- library. In this case, recompile the program by
- cc -DSTRDUP texpp.c -o texpp
- The preprocessor works as a filter. It reads one ore more input files,
- processes them, and then produces a single output which can be the input
- for TeX. The program can be invoked by typing
- texpp file1 file2 ... filen -[wa] output_file
- `file1', ..., `filen' are processed in their given order; a file definition
- consisting of a single `-' sign means read from stdin. The output goes to
- `output_file', the file is overwritten if the name is preceded by `-w', and
- is appended if `-a' is present. Error messages are inserted into the output
- and are duplicated at stderr. If no input file is given, the program reads
- from stdin; if no output file is given, then the output goes to stdout. When
- the program halts, the exit value is 0 if `texpp' run successfully, if any
- error occurred (cannot open a file or processing error) then the exit value
- is 1.