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- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- organization: Tampere University of Technology, Finland
- subject: v11i001: unofficial patch to weekday
- from: ps@funic.funet.fi (Pertti Suomela)
- Sender: allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
- Posting-number: Volume 11, Issue 1
- Submitted-by: ps@funic.funet.fi (Pertti Suomela)
- Archive-name: weekday.u1
- [Administrivia: (1) old single-part submissions still must get the ".pN"
- treatment; (2) no sooner did I send out the queue list then the network threw
- me off the system again. sigh. At least I get more time before it blows up
- now. ++bsa]
- In article <79986@uunet.UU.NET> marcel@duteca.tudelft.nl (Marcel Mol) writes:
- > X int opt, haveopt;
- The variable haveopt should be initialized to zero here (on line 202
- in weekday.c). Thus the line should read:
- int opt, haveopt=0;
- --
- Pertti Suomela Tampere University of Technology
- Control Engineering Laboratory
- ps@tut.fi PO Box 527, SF-33101 Tampere, Finland
- ps@fintut.bitnet Work: +358-31-162650, Fax: +358-31-162340